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Q.1 Answer the following questions.

(any 10)
(Each question carry 1 mark. ) [10]

1. How many types of conditional Statements ? List out

all Statements.

2. What is the use of cin & cout functions.

3. What is the Full Name of (i) CPU (ii) iostream

4. Why we use #include<math.h> in CPP?

5. Which function is used to finding length of the String ?

6. Find output :


7. Give the use of break statement.

8. Define use of pow().

9. How we use function in CPP?

10. Declare 5 size integer array with your name.

11. What is Flow chart ? Which symbol is used to define

condition in flowchart?

Q.2 Answer the following questions. (Any 5)

(Each question carry 2 marks.) [10]

1. Mention the steps you would follow while writing a program.

2. What is the difference between m and M in C++? Why we

use int keywords?

3. What will be the output of the following program?

void main()
int x = 9, y = 5 ;
clrscr( ) ;
z = ++x + y-- ;
cout << z ;

4. Explain Object Oriented Programming.

5. What is Abstraction and Encapsulation?

6. What is if..else statement ? Give Syntax & Example.

Q.3 Answer the following questions.

(Each question carry 3 marks.) [15]

1.What is Error ? Define all types of Error.

2.What is the Algorithm? How we use algorithm in

Programming ? Give appropriate Example.

3. Differentiate between Entry Control Loop & Exit Control Loop

4. How the Computer is useful in our Life?

5.Define the #include<iomanip.h> header file and also Define

all the functions of <iomanip.h>.

Q.4 Answer the following questions. (Any 7)

(Each question carry 5 marks.) [35]
1. Define all Operators in CPP.

2. Write CPP Program for the find factorial Number.

3. Write CPP Program for the use of Structure. Define Structure

with Student Name and Parameters are SNo, SName, Address,

4. Write a C++ program to find the sum of digits of a number

entered by the user.

5. Write a program to input three integers and print the largest

of the three.

6. Define all Mathematical Functions.

7. Create CPP Program for Day Selection (1-Monday, 2-

Tuesday) using Switch.. Case Statement.

8. What is Looping ? How many types of Looping ? List

out all the Looping statements and Explain for Loop with
proper example.

9. Answer the Following -

(a) What is the difference between RAM and ROM? [2]
(b) What is Array? What is the Need of the Array? [3]

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