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Traditional Chinese Medicine Energetics of Food

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) focuses on healing the root causes of disease in The study of TCM energetics of food includes how specific foods relate to the
addition to treating symptoms. Chinese medicine emcompasses nutrition, acupunc- seasons, the five elements, and health. This chart shows the energetic profiles
ture, herbal medicine, mind-body exercise, and Asian bodywork. and nature of certain foods.

Energy Nature Foods

tomato, watermelon, banana, grapefruit, seaweed, kelp, crab, clams, sprouts,

Yin Cold watercress, lettuce, asparagus, salt

millet, wheat, eggplant, cucumber, celery, peppermint, broccoli, cauliflower,

Yin Cool spinach, peas, mung bean, pears, apple, pineapple, coconut, strawberry, orange,
mango, papaya, mushrooms, egg white, cream, yogurt, cheese

rice, corn, sweet potato, potato, turnips, carrot, cabbage, radish leaf, beetroot,
Balanced Yin & Yang Neutral soybeans, adzuki beans, peanut, cashew, pistachio, plums, figs, grapes, lemon,
olives, pork, beef, quail, egg yolk, milk, sugar

black bean, onion, leeks, asparagus, sweet peppers, spearmint, peach, cherry,
Yang Warm raspberry, walnut, pine nut, chicken, ham, goat milk, cumin, clove, fennel, garlic,
ginger (fresh), nutmeg, kale, rosemary, sweet basil, coffee, vinegar, wine

Yang Hot black pepper, cinnamon, ginger (dried), chili pepper, mustard seed, lamb
Traditional Chinese Medicine Energetics of Food

Within Chinese medicine, each organ is not just the actual, individual organ, The practice of Chinese dietary therapy comprises of choosing specific foods
but rather a whole system unto itself that regulates many aspects and to cause a desired change in health. For example, pungent or spicy foods
functions of the body. There is a close relationship between these organ tend to increase circulation and sweet foods nourish the body.
systems, the five flavors of food, and the elements.

Flavors Organs Element Effects Foods

increase circulation, fresh ginger, onion, leeks, garlic, chili

Lung &
Pungent Metal stimulate appetite pepper, sweet peppers, turnips, cinnamon,
Large Intestine mustard seed, wine

honey, dates, shiitake mushroom, sweet

neutralize toxins,
Stomach & potato, potato, pumpkin, carrot, rice,
Sweet Earth lubricate & nourish the body
wheat, corn, peanut, milk, apple, pears,

lemon, tomato, pineapple, apple, straw-

Liver & astringent, bind diarrhea & heavy
Sour Wood sweating, generate fluid
berry, papaya, orange, peach, olives, plums,
Gall Bladder grapefruit, mango, grapes, vinegar

clear heat, dry dampness,

Heart & promote urination and bowel celery, turnips, bergamot, asparagus, wild
Bitter Fire movements cucumber, coffee, tea leaf
Small Intestine

soften hardness, lubricate

Kidney & intestines to induce bowel millet, barley, seaweed, kelp, shrimp,
Salty Water movements oyster, crabs, ham
Eating w ith the Seasons

Spring Summer Au t u m n Winter

Dominant Organ: Liver Dominant Organ: Heart Dominant Organ: Lung Dominant Organ: Kidney
In spring, energy starts to awaken. Summer is the season of exuberant In the autumn, dryness can occur In winter, energy begins to move
New leaves and sprouts emerge. Its growth and heat. Energy is strong easily (dry cough, dry nose) and one inward. it is a time of quietude and
a season to eat fresh vegetables and and rises easily. It is best to eat foods must nourish bodily fluids by eating the best season to tonify and store
green sprouts. that are cooling in nature. food that are moistening. essence internally.

Ja d e G r een S o u p M i n t e d L e m on - L i m e Con g ee w i t h Pe a r s L a m b S t ew
Wat e r m elon Ag ua F r es c a
Traditionally known as rice water, 1 leg of lamb, cut into 2-inch pieces
4 dried shiitake mushrooms
1/4 cup water congee is eaten throughout China as 1 cup red wine
1 cup boiling water
1/2 cup sugar a breakfast food. It is a thin porridge, 3 tablespoons butter
6 cups vegetable stock
1/3 cup coarsely chopped fresh mint usually made from rice, although 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 1/2 tbsp grated ginger root
1 tablespoon grated lime rind other grains may be used. 3-4 cups beef or lamb stock
1 1/2 cups thinly sliced carrots
1 tablespoon grated lemon rind several sprigs fresh thyme, tied
1 1/2 cups thnly sliced leeks or onions
12 cup cubed seeded watermelon 1 cup rice, millet, or quinoa together
2 cups chopped chinese cabbage, bok
1/4 cup fresh lime juice 6 cups water teaspoon green peppercorns,
choy, or kale
3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice 1-2 pears, cut in half crushed
4 cups firmly packed, rinsed, chopped
1/4 cup goji berries (optional) teaspoon whole cloves
fresh spinach
Combine 1 1/4 cups water and sugar several small pieces orange peel
1 cake tofu cut into 1/2 inch cubes
in a small saucepan; bring to a boil Cook in a covered pot four to six 4 cloves garlic, peeled and crushed
(3/4 pound)
over medium-high heat. Cook for hours on warm, or use the lowest 2 tablespoons tomato paste
salt to taste
30 seconds or until sugar dissolves, flame possible; a crockpot works 2 tablespoons arrowroot mixed
several drops dark sesame oil
stirring frequently. well for congees and can run on low with 2 tablespoons filtered water
overnight. It is better to use too much sea salt and pepper
Place the shiitake mushrooms in
Remove from heat; stir in mint, lime water than too little, and it is said 1 pound turnips, quartered
a heatproof bowl, cover with the
rind, and lemon rind. Let stand 20 that the longer congee cooks, the 1 pound carrots, peeled and cut
boiling water, set aside for 10
minutes. Strain mixture through a fine more powerful it becomes.
minutes. Meanwhile, heat the stock
mesh sieve over a bowl; discard solids. Marinate lamb in wine for several
in a large soup pot. When it boils,
Place one-third each of sugar syrup Source: Healing with Whole Foods hours or overnight. Remove from
add the ginger, carrot, onion and
and watermelon in blender; process wine and dry with paper towels. In
greens. Lower the heat and simmer
until smooth. Pour puree into a large a heavy casserole, brown the meat
for around 10 minutes. Drain the
pitcher. Repeat the procedure twice in batches in butter and olive oil,
mushrooms, adding their liquid to the
with remaining sugar syrup and removing to a plate. Pour out oil and
pot. Slice the mushrooms and add
watermelon. Stir in lime and lemon add stock, wine used in marinade
them to the soup along with the tofu
juice. Serve over ice, or refrigerate and tomato paste. Bring to a boil
and spinach. Cook for 5 minutes, add
until ready to serve. Stir before and skim. Add peppercorns, cloves,
some salt and sesame oil.
serving. orange peel and garlic. Return meat
to dish with thyme, cover and bake at
Recipe Source:
Recipe Source: Cooking Light 300 degrees for several hours or until
Moosewood Cookbook
meat is tender. One-half hour before
serving, add turnips and carrots.
Just before serving, add arrowroot
mixture, until desired thickness of
sauce is obtained. Season to taste.

Recipe Source: Nourishing Traditions

Nutr ition & dietary Ther apy

Nutrition & Dietary Therapy is one course taught in the

Master of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine program
at AOMA. It is an introduction to theoretical principles and
practical application of traditional Chinese dietetics. Top-
ics include the history of nutrition, the five elements, the
flavors of foods, the directional movements of foods, the
energetic profiles of foods, and treatment of TCM disease
patterns with dietary therapy.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or
prevent any disease.


Healing With Whole Foods: The Tao of Food,

Asian Traditions and Richard Craze and Ronifjay,
Modern Nutrition 1999 Godsfield Press
3rd Edition, Paul Pitchford,
2002 North Atlantic Books

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