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Mental Health Services Research (MHSR) pp1093-mhsr-479624 January 6, 2004 18:24 Style file version June 22, 2002

Mental Health Services Research, Vol. 6, No. 1, March 2004 (

C 2004)

Association Between Demographic and Diagnostic Factors

and Employment Outcomes for People With Psychiatric
Disabilities: A Synthesis of Recent Research

Nancy J. Wewiorski1,3 and Ellen S. Fabian2

Employment outcome for individuals with psychiatric disabilities has been a focus of empirical
research over the past decade or so. The purpose of this paper is to review recent literature
on the association between demographic and diagnostic factors and employment outcome,
and to conduct meta analyses of the results of studies that report the association between
these variables. Seventeen studies were included in these meta analyses. Results of the meta
analyses tended to corroborate most of the significant findings found in the literature review.
The authors review some of the issues for the meta-analyst interested in synthesizing research
findings on employment outcome, including the challenges and limitations encountered in the
published research currently available.
KEY WORDS: employment; outcome; factors; psychiatric; disability; meta-analysis.

INTRODUCTION of more useful and sophisticated tools for conducting

meta-analytic research (Cooper & Hedges, 1994).
Research synthesis is an important method A major concern in the field of vocational reha-
that can extend our knowledge base by combining bilitation that lends itself to meta-analysis is the issue
and comparing studies related to a common theme of employment among adults with severe and persis-
(Cooper & Hedges, 1994). It is particularly a useful tent mental illness. This group of about 45 million
tool when there is a significant body of empirical data adults, or 2.6% of the total population of persons with
with commonalities regarding populations and vari- mental health disorders, has had persistently low rates
ables. When there are numerous studies around a fun- of labor force participation, with most estimates rang-
damental problem or research question, this method ing from about 10 to 30% (NIDRR, 1992; LaPlante &
can be used in the development of theory or the iden- Carlson, 1996). Individuals with psychiatric disorders
tification of most effective practices (Smith & Glass, comprise the largest single diagnostic group of
1977). In the past decade or so, reports of quantitative Supplemental Security Income (SSI) beneficiaries,
research syntheses, or meta-analyses, have increased accounting for almost 30% of the total (Kochlar &
in the social science literature, in part because of the Scott, 1995). In addition, they are the least likely to
need to integrate findings from growing bodies of re- leave the disability rolls (Muller, 1992). Although in-
search evidence, but also because of the availability dividuals with schizophrenia constitute only about 1%
of the total mental health population, they are over
1Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation, Boston University, Boston, represented on the SSI rolls, making up about 33% of
Massachusetts. SSI beneficiaries with mental illness. Proposed expla-
2Department of Counseling and Personnel Services, University of
nations for these persistently low rates of labor force
Maryland, College Park, Maryland. participation include the characteristics of the illness
3Correspondence should be directed to Nancy J. Wewiorski, Cen-

ter for Psychiatric Rehabilitation, Boston University, 940 Com-

itself, the lack of success of vocational rehabilitation
monwealth Avenue, West Boston, Massachusetts 02215; e-mail: programs, the work disincentives imbedded in public disability policy, and the labor market liabilities of

C 2004 Plenum Publishing Corporation
Mental Health Services Research (MHSR) pp1093-mhsr-479624 January 6, 2004 18:24 Style file version June 22, 2002

10 Wewiorski and Fabian

persons with psychiatric disabilities (Baron & Salzer, databases and sources that are reflective of psychi-
2002). atric, medical, and rehabilitative research. We found
Predicting employment outcome is difficult in the a sizeable body of literature on individuals with psy-
vocational rehabilitation field and empirical evidence chiatric disorders that focuses on vocational issues,
offers limited guidance about factors related to em- including competitive employment, supported em-
ployment outcome. When compared to other disabil- ployment, or vocational performance. The following
ity groups, individuals with mental illness historically overview primarily focuses on publications within the
have achieved less successful rehabilitation closure last decade, although some important earlier studies
rates in the statefederal vocational rehabilitation sys- are cited, as well.
tem (NIDDR, 1992, 1997) and less success in sup-
ported employment programs, particularly in terms of
job retention (Bond et al., 2001; Lehman et al., 2002). Sociodemographic Variables
Predicting employment outcome is further compli-
cated because of the unique factors associated with Several studies have examined the extent to
psychiatric disability, such as the heterogeneity of which demographic variables, notably race, gender,
its characteristics, the variations in its prognosis and and age, relate to vocational outcomes. Such informa-
course, and the relationship between medication and tion is useful in a number of ways. First, it can help sort
behavior in their effects on work (Bond et al., 2001; out whether illness factors alone, or whether other fac-
Harding, Brooks, Takamaru, Strauss, & Breier, 1987). tors in combination with illness factors, are related to
Efforts to understand the entrenched unemploy- employment outcome, although it sometimes is diffi-
ment of individuals with psychiatric disabilities have cult to separate the discrete contribution these vari-
resulted in a large number of studies examining fac- ables make to the outcome. Second, these data may
tors associated with successful vocational experiences, suggest the type and intensity of intervention most
including several literature reviews (Anthony, 1994; appropriate and/or effective for various subgroups of
Anthony & Jansen, 1984; Cook & Razzano, 2000; the population of individuals with psychiatric disabil-
Tsang, Lam, Ng, & Leung, 2000). However, there is a ities. For example, it has long been demonstrated by
dearth of meta-analytic studies that combine results research in the career psychology literature that de-
across studies. Such studies would be valuable in the mographic factors play a role in shaping individual
identification of variables that may be associated with perceptions of career and work (e.g., see Brown, 1995;
work success for people with psychiatric disabilities. Hackett & Byars, 1996 on vocational behavior related
The purpose of this paper is to review the existing to gender and race). Demographic factors also define
literature on employment outcome, to identify stud- subgroups that historically have experienced employ-
ies that include demographic and diagnostic variables, ment discrimination, another factor that may relate
and then to conduct meta-analyses of those studies to employment outcomes for some individuals with a
that report the degree of association between these psychiatric disability. There also are a number of stud-
variables and employment outcome. For the purposes ies that examine the effect of social background vari-
of this paper, we focus on demographic variables that ables, such as prior work history and educational level,
in and of themselves can be factors in employment dis- on employment outcomes. These data are briefly re-
crimination (e.g., age, race, and gender) and also con- viewed in the following section, but not included in
sider psychiatric diagnoses. Other important factors, the meta analysis, as insufficient statistical data lim-
such as education, socioeconomic status, disability in- ited their usefulness for meta-analysis.
come status, work history, and social competence, are Studies that have examined the relationship be-
not included in our analyses because they are too var- tween age and employment outcome have had fairly
iously measured (Rucker, Wehman, & Kregel, 1996) consistent findings. Generally, younger age is asso-
and/or too infrequently reported with sufficient detail ciated with better employment outcomes, in terms
for meta-analysis. of both getting and keeping a job. For example,
Mueser, K. T., Salyers, M. P., and Mueser, P. R. (2001)
found younger age predictive of longer job dura-
LITERATURE REVIEW tion, Mowbray, Bybee, Harris, and McCrohan (1995)
found younger age predictive of more positive work
Although not exhaustive, we attempted to be expectations, Bybee and colleagues (1995) found
comprehensive by searching a number of different younger age to be positively related to enrollment
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Demographic and Diagnostic Factors and Employment Outcomes for Psychiatric Disables 11

in a vocational placement program, and Cook and Hennessey (1997) found that Caucasian males tended
colleagues (2001) found younger age predictive of to have longer job tenure, but his study did not inves-
employment success for homeless persons with men- tigate disability category. Certainly, race is a factor
tal illness. However, it is important to note that, for in the labor force participation rates of men in the
individuals with psychiatric disabilities, age may be general population (U.S. Department of Labor, 2001),
confounded by other factors. For example, recent ad- and there is little reason to believe that it would be
vances in neuroleptic treatment and the trend toward different for the population of individuals with psy-
reducing hospitalization have had an impact on psy- chiatric impairments. Research that has examined the
chosocial functioning for people with psychiatric dis- work-related behavior of minority groups has gener-
orders (Coursey, Safajan, & Alford, 1997) and also ally concluded it is not race or ethnicity per se that
may affect their capacity to work. In order words, predicts outcome, but the reactions and attitudes from
work capacity may be improved by more effective others that it evokes, as well as the relationship of
medications that target positive and negative deficits these factors to limiting career and employment op-
associated with psychiatric disorders, thus benefiting portunities (Lent & Brown, 1996). The interaction of
younger persons who may be entering the labor mar- race and the sociocultural environment may constrict
ket. In terms of labor market attachment, younger the individuals vocational expectations and efficacy,
persons, in general, are more likely to be in the labor eventually decreasing performance.
market and probably would have higher expectations Research has tended to find prior employment
regarding work than persons who are older. to be among the strongest predictors of employ-
Findings about the effect of gender on employ- ment outcome for persons with psychiatric disabilities
ment tend to be more equivocal. For example, in a (Anthony, Cohen, & Farkas, 1990; Anthony & Jansen,
work intervention program for homeless persons with 1984; Arns & Linney, 1995; Carpenter & Strauss,
mental illness, Cook et al. (2001) found males more 1991; Mueser et al., 2001; Strauss & Carpenter, 1974).
likely to be employed at 12 month follow-up. How- History of prior employment has been found to be
ever, in a study of participants in three psychoso- a robust predictor of successful outcome, over and
cial programs, Rogers, Anthony, Cohen, & Davies above treatment effects, such as supported employ-
(1997) found that women evidenced high work skills, ment (Drake et al., 1996; Jacobs, Wissusik, Collier,
although gender was not a significant predictor of sub- Stackman, & Burkeman, 1992). However, Rogers
sequent employment. Males with schizophrenia have et al. (1997) did not find prior employment history to
been reported to have poorer functional outcome be significant. Similarly, Tsang and colleagues (2000)
(Moriarty et al., 2001), a factor that may be attributed found no significant association between posthospi-
to males having an earlier onset of the disorder. Gen- tal employment status and either history of gainful
erally, studies have found a small, insignificant, effect employment for 3+ months or history of gainful em-
for gender (Rogers et al., 1997; Tsang et al., 2000), al- ployment for 2+ years in a Hong Kong sample.
though reports of earnings of disabled SSI beneficia- Moreover, recent studies also have noted that it
ries indicate that women have smaller reported wages may not be simply prior employment that is impor-
than men (Scott, 1992), a finding consistent with gen- tant, but the pattern of prior employment that deter-
eral population wage data. mines outcome (Baron, 2000). For example, there is
Findings regarding the importance of race, both evidence that stability of prior work (Goldberg et al.,
in terms of predicting work status and in examining 2001), and duration of prior employment (Goldberg
patterns of employment, are equivocal. For example, et al, 2001; Mowbray et al., 1995) predict future work
Goldberg and colleagues (2001) studied employment outcome. Unfortunately, studies that would help us
patterns of inner-city residents with psychiatric dis- to explain how previous competitive employment
abilities and found that race was not associated with relates to future job expectations are not available
employment history. However, Fabian (1992) studied (Fabian, 2000). It may be, for example, that previous
job tenure among individuals with psychiatric disor- positive experiences improve vocational efficacy and
ders and found that African American males had the outcome expectancies, two of the most potent pre-
poorest employment tenure. Rogers and colleagues dictors of vocational performance (Lent, Brown, &
(1997) found race modestly associated with 1 year Hackett, 1994). Baron (2000) investigated the career
vocational outcome for psychosocial rehabilitation patterns of 38 individuals with psychiatric disorders
clients. In a study reporting the factors contribut- and speculated that it was not work experience per
ing to work persistence among SSDI beneficiaries, se that made a difference in work retention, but the
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12 Wewiorski and Fabian

individuals perception of the value and meaning of and skills deficits are the most significant determi-
these experiences. nants of outcome. Studies of persons with schizophre-
Educational background is another factor that nia have found negative symptoms to correlate highly
has been studied, with some inconsistent results. with poor work functioning (Bell & Lysaker, 1995),
Goldberg et al. (2001) studied long-term unemploy- to predict occupational functioning 2 years after first
ment of inner-city residents with psychiatric disorders episode (Beng-Choon, Nopoulos, Flaum, Arndt, &
and concluded that educational level was not related Andreasen, 1998), and to predict occupational func-
to patterns of unemployment, but the range of edu- tioning 6 years after an index hospitalization (Brier,
cational levels of the sample was not given. Mueser Schreiber, Dyer, & Pickard, 1991). In a review of stud-
et al. (2001) found that educational level was related ies on the functional consequences of neurocognitive
to job retention in their sample of 313 patients with deficits in schizophrenia, Green (1996) concluded that
schizophrenia. In a Hong Kong sample, Tsang et al. psychotic symptoms were not associated with occu-
(2000) found a positive association between unem- pational functioning, but negative symptoms were.
ployment and higher educational level. In a report Although the evidence supporting the relationship
on work persistence factors for SSDI beneficiaries, between symptoms and vocational functioning in
Hennessey (1997) did not find educational level to schizophrenia seems clear, findings from research on
be predictive, but did note that almost 70% of those people with affective disorders are less consistent. For
who started work after receiving benefits had at least example, Mintz, J., Mintz, L., Arruda, M., & Hwang,
a high school diploma. S. (1992) found that symptoms were strongly corre-
The demographic and social factors reviewed lated with occupational functioning for clients with
above probably are not unique to individuals with psy- affective disorders, whereas Hammen, Gitlin, & Alt-
chiatric disabilities, but are issues associated in gen- shuler (2000) found that symptoms correlated only
eral with work-related decisions of people with dis- modestly with occupational functioning among clients
abilities. What distinguish individuals with psychiatric with bipolar disorders. Given the cognitive and so-
disabilities are the specific issues arising from their ill- cial deficits that are characteristic of schizophrenia-
nesses, and these factors are considered below. spectrum disorders (Blanchard, Meuser, & Bellack,
1998; Lenzenweger & Loranger, 1989), it would
be expected that these individuals would encounter
Illness Factors more difficulty in initiating and, particularly, retaining
In the work-related studies on psychiatric disabil-
ity, illness factors that have been examined include di-
agnosis, symptoms, and skill deficits. Although, for the META-ANALYSIS
methodological reasons discussed below, our meta-
analyses focus only on the association between di- Meta-analysis is a systematic approach for com-
agnosis and vocational outcome, this brief review of bining information across related but independent
studies that have examined symptoms provides a con- studies when results from the primary studies can be
text for our analyses. Psychiatric diagnosis as a pre- represented using a common statistic. The general ap-
dictor of work attainment and employment tenure proach is to compute an effect size for each study us-
has resulted in fairly consistent findings. Many stud- ing extracted data relevant to the variables of interest,
ies that compare vocational outcomes for groups of and then to convert to a common statistic that can be
individuals with different psychiatric diagnoses con- averaged across studies, taking into account sample
clude that people with schizophrenia do demonstrate size and variability in each individual study.
poorer vocational outcomes (Ciardiello, 1981; Coryell The second part of this review combines results
& Tsuang, 1985; Massel et al., 1990; Tsuang & Coryell, across studies and analyzes the extent to which the
1993) and poorer patterns of job retention (Anthony, factors discussed above, namely age, gender, race, and
Rogers, Cohen, & Davies, 1995; Fabian, 1992; Jacobs diagnosis, are associated with specific vocational out-
et al., 1992). comes among persons with severe and persistent men-
Recent research on diagnosis suggests that it is tal illness. For each of these variables, meta-analyses
the symptoms of the illness, rather than the diagnostic were conducted using available data from reports in
label, that is the most important predictor of outcome, the published literature from 1989 to 2001. On the
with many studies reporting that negative symptoms basis of the literature reviewed above, we posited
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Demographic and Diagnostic Factors and Employment Outcomes for Psychiatric Disables 13

directional hypotheses about persons with severe and that had a matching demographic variable-outcome
persistent mental illness, extracted appropriate data variable combination. Thus, 17 studies reported in
from published reports, and then applied meta- 20 papers (noted with an asterisk in the reference
analytic techniques to synthesize the available em- list) constituted the sample considered for meta-
pirical evidence. analysis. In eight of these studies, subjects received a
Our initial plan was to examine education and vocational intervention.
prior employment, as well. However, these variables Studies were coded on methodological, client,
were so inconsistently defined across studies and and outcome variables. Methodological variables
so rarely reported with sufficient detail that meta- included document source, year of publication,
analyses were not possible. We also limited our meta- research design, type of intervention (if present),
analyses to U.S. studies to avoid introducing increased study sample, data collection method, and clarity of
complexity to the measure of the dependent variable, operational definition of demographic and outcome
employment. variables. Client variables included age, gender (M
= 1; F = 0), race (Caucasian = 1; other = 0), and
diagnosis. Diagnosis was coded according to the
Meta-Analytic Methodology diagnostic groups defined in the study and then, to
maximize the number of studies available for the
We anticipated that the demographic and diag- meta-analyses, three dichotomized diagnosis vari-
nostic variables of interest here would not be the ables were created and coded: (a) schizophrenia vs.
major variables examined in most of the published affective disorder; (b) schizophrenia vs. other diagno-
studies and, thus, to include such studies in our sis; and (c) affective disorder vs. other disorder. After
meta-analyses, we would have to aggregate the data coding, we sorted studies into sets for meta-analysis.
reported separately for groups in these studies. Con- Among the 17 studies, 10 reported a vocational
sequently, we expected most of the extracted data to outcome by age, 13 reported a vocational outcome
be correlational, and, thus, included studies regardless by gender, nine reported a vocational outcome by
of research design if they reported data appropriate race, and nine reported a vocational outcome by
for meta-analysis. We identified potential studies us- psychiatric diagnosis. As expected, the vocational
ing an extensive computer-based search of Medline, outcome variable was not consistent across studies:
PsychINFO, and WebofScience, and also reviewed nine reported employment status, seven reported at-
reference lists and conducted an exhaustive manual tainment of employment; two reported attainment of
search of 15 journals in the mental health and vo- competitive employment, two reported employment
cational area. The following inclusion criteria were status 3 months after job placement; two reported
used for selecting studies: (1) results were published employment status 6 months after job placement;
between 1989 and 2001; (2) the study reported data and two reported the amount/extent of supported
on a sample of persons with severe and persistent employment in the past year. When possible, data
mental illness in the United States; (3) reported data was regrouped within studies to create variables that
included age, race, gender, and/or diagnosis; (4) the were consistent across studies, thus maximizing the
study included a measure of vocational outcome; and number of studies available for meta-analysis.
(5) demographic and vocational outcome data were Sets of studies having comparable variables were
presented in a form that allowed for the use of meta- identified and a meta-analysis was conducted when-
analytic techniques. Studies were excluded if (1) the ever there were two or more studies with combin-
reported vocational variables were not clearly de- able data. A separate meta-analysis was conducted
fined, (2) the value assignments for age, gender, race, for each set of studies as follows: (a) for each indi-
and/or diagnosis were not clear, or (3) in studies of vidual study, an effect size estimate (r , rho, or phi)
broader populations, the results for individuals with was computed for the relationship between the de-
severe and persistent mental illness were not reported mographic or diagnostic variable and the vocational
separately. outcome variable, independent of how those variables
Our search yielded 21 papers published in 10 were treated in the original study; (b) this statistic was
refereed journals that reported on the findings of 18 converted to a common statistic, r , for each study in
separate studies. Among these 18 studies, one study the analysis; (c) a weighted average effect size was
(Mueser, 2001) could not be included in any of the computed with each effect size weighted by the in-
meta-analyses because there were no other studies verse of its estimated variance; and (d) a confidence
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14 Wewiorski and Fabian

Table 1. Meta-Analytic Results of Age on Vocational Outcome

Overall effect Homogeneity of
Outcome variable Sample (n) Effect (r ) Significance ( p) (95% CI) effect size?
.201 Q = 82.869
Employment statusa (.275, .127) No
Fabian (1989) 81 0 .500
Arns & Linney (1995) 138 .02 .592
Braitman et al. (1995) 179 .659 >.999
Dewees, Pulice, & McCormick (1996) 46 0 .500
Mowbray et al. (1995) 277 0 .500
.018 Q = 0.516
Attain employment (.037, .073) Yes
Rogers, Anthony, Toole, & Brown (1991) 275 0 .500
Cook & Razzano (1995) 602 .040 .164
Shafer & Hsaio-Wen (1995) 107 0 .500
Drake, McHugo, Becker, Anthony, & Clark (1996) 140 .001 .497
Okpaku, Anderson, Sibulkin, & Butler (1997) 152 .010 .547
a Overall effect significant at the level of p < .05.

interval around the weighted mean effect was calcu- cational outcome. These analyses found no significant
lated and the homogeneity of the overall effect size overall effect of gender on employment status, at-
was evaluated using the Q statistic. Formulas used and tainment of employment, employment 3 months after
details for these procedures can be found in Cooper placement, or employment 6 months after placement.
and Hedges (1994, pp. 233, 237, 238, 265268). Be- Note that for employment status the heterogeneity of
cause all variables except age were dichotomized, the effect was largely due to one study (Andia et al., 1995)
overall effect sizes were based on a phi coefficient for that showed males as less likely to be employed than
all variables except age, which used the Pearson cor- females (n = 85). However, the remaining six of seven
relation coefficient. This procedure yielded 18 meta- studies showed no significant gender difference, in-
analyses: two on age, four on gender; three on race; cluding studies with a much larger n than Andia et al.
and nine on diagnosis. It should be noted that two (1995). Thus, there was an overall nonsignificant re-
meta-analyses on gender, one on race, and six on di- sult. For all remaining vocational outcomes, there was
agnosis were computed on only two studies each. All homogeneity of effect across the studies.
analyses were based on a fixed effects model using the Table 3 presents the results of three meta-
specific meta-analytic techniques detailed by Cooper analyses that consider the relationship between race
and Hedges (1994, see chap. 1619). and vocational outcome. Although race was not found
to have a significant overall effect on employment sta-
Meta-Analytic Results tus, it was found to have a significant overall effect on
attainment of employment and on employment sta-
Table 1 presents the results of two meta-analyses tus 6 months after placement. Caucasians were signif-
that consider the relationship between age and vo- icantly more likely to attain employment, but persons
cational outcome. In the five studies that reported of color were more likely to be employed 6 months
the relationship between age and employment sta- after placement. Note that the heterogeneity of effect
tus, there was a significant overall effect size of .20. for attainment of employment was due to one study
This suggests that being employed is associated with (Shafer & Hsaio-Wen, 1995) that showed an effect of
being younger. As can be seen, although the overall race in the opposite direction. Also, it should be noted
relationship was negative, there was heterogeneity of that even though there was a significant overall effect
effect size because three of the five studies reported for employment status 6 months after placement, this
no effect. For the five studies reporting attainment of finding was based on only two studies and these two
employment as an outcome, age was not found to have studies reported effects in opposite directions.
a significant overall effect and generally no effect was Table 4 presents the results of three meta-
seen in any of these studies. analyses that consider the relationship between vo-
Table 2 presents the results of four meta-analyses cational outcome and a diagnosis of schizophrenia
that consider the relationship between gender and vo- compared to a diagnosis of affective disorder. Results
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Demographic and Diagnostic Factors and Employment Outcomes for Psychiatric Disables 15

Table 2. Meta-Analytic Results of Gender (Male = 1, Female = 0) on Vocational Outcome

Overall effect Homogeneity of
Outcome variable Sample (n) Effect (r ) Significance ( p) (95% CI) effect size?
.042 Q = 20.953
Employment status (.094, .011) No
Fabian (1989) 81 .035 .622
Andia et al. (1995) 85 .464 .000
Arns & Linney (1995) 138 0 .500
Braitman et al. (1995) 179 .059 .784
Cook & Razzano (1995) 602 .050 .110
Drake et al. (1996) 47 0 .500
Mowbray et al. (1995) 277 0 .500
.043 Q = 2.665
Attain employment (.013, .099) Yes
Fabian (1992) 90 .075 .758
Cook & Razzano (1995) 602 .050 .890
Shafer & Hsaio-Wen (1995) 107 0 .500
Rogers et al. (1991, 1997) 275 0 .500
Okpaku et al. (1997) 152 .105 .902
.024 Q = 0.193
Employed @ 3 months (.144, .192) Yes
Fabian (1992) 90 .007 .474
Shafer & Hsaio-Wen (1995) 52 .078 .709
.044 Q = 0.2584
Employed @ 6 months (.041, .129) Yes
Fabian, 1992 90 .039 .642
Cook & Rosenberg, 1993 448 .045 .829

suggest that persons diagnosed with an affective heterogeneity of effect for amount of employment in
disorder are significantly more likely than persons di- the past year is due to one of the two studies reporting
agnosed with schizophrenia to be employed 3 months a non-significant finding.
after placement. However, neither diagnosis is associ- Table 5 presents the results of three meta-
ated with significantly better outcome overall in terms analyses that consider the relationship between vo-
of employment status or amount of competitive em- cational outcome and diagnosis with a schizophrenia
ployment in the past year. It should be noted that the spectrum disorder compared to diagnosis with

Table 3. Meta-Analytic Results of Race (Caucasian = 1, Other = 0) on Vocational Outcome

Overall effect Homogeneity of
Outcome variable Sample (n) Effect (r ) Significance ( p) (95% CI) effect size?
.002 Q = 0.009
Employment status (.087, .091) Yes
Fabian (1989) 81 .012 .458
Arns & Linney (1995) 138 0 .500
Mowbray et al. (1995) 277 0 .500
.080 Q = 12.787
Attain employmenta (.023, .136) No
Fabian (1992) 86 .099 .181
Cook & Razzano (1995) 602 .150 <.001
Shafer & Hsaio-Wen (1995) 86 .222 .980
Rogers et al. (1997) 275 0 .500
Okpaku et al. (1997) 152 .100 .110
.256 Q = 11.246
Employed @ 6 monthsa (.342, .171) No
Fabian (1992) 86 .205 .029
Cook & Rosenberg (1993) 448 .330 >.999
a Overall effect significant at the level of p < .05.
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16 Wewiorski and Fabian

Table 4. Meta-Analytic Results of Diagnosis (Schizophrenia = 1, Affective Disorder = 0) on Vocational Outcome

Overall effect Homogeneity of
Outcome variable Sample (n) Effect (r ) Significance ( p) (95% CI) effect size?
.048 Q = 1.169
Employment status (.106, .009) Yes
Mowbray et al. (1995) 227 .035 .300
Russo et al. (1997) 797 .061 .043
Drake et al. (1999) 152 0 .500
.214 Q = 2.665
Employed @ 3 monthsa (.415, .013) Yes
Fabian (1992) 64 .335 .003
Shafer & Hsaio-Wen, 1995 37 .026 .561
.129 Q = 9.697
Amt comp empl past yr (.267, .010) No
Tsuang & Coryell (1993) 54 .466 <.001
Drake et al. (1999) 152 0 .500
a Overall effect significant at the level of p < .05.

another disorder. Although a diagnosis of schizophre- tion of effect between the two studies included in this
nia was not found to have an overall significant effect analysis.
on employment status, two of the three studies did Table 6 presents the results of three meta-
show a less favorable outcome for those with a di- analyses that consider the relationship between vo-
agnosis of schizophrenia, albeit not necessarily sig- cational outcome and diagnosis with an affective
nificantly less favorable. The third study showed a disorder. Compared to those with other diagnoses,
zero effect because a non-significant finding was re- individuals diagnosed with an affective disorder were
ported. Thus, the overall non-significant finding may significantly more likely to be employed. The hetero-
be due to this one study. Results of the other two geneity of effect for employment status can be ex-
meta-analyses showed that persons with a schizophre- plained by two of the four studies: one study had a
nia diagnosis were significantly less likely than others nearly zero effect and the second had a zero effect
to attain competitive employment or to be employed because it reported a non-significant finding. Meta-
3 months after placement. It should be noted that analytic results showed that diagnosis with an affec-
the heterogeneity of effect for attainment of com- tive disorder did not have a significant overall effect
petitive employment is due to a difference in the on the vocational outcomes of attaining employment
magnitude of the effect, not a difference in direc- or being employed 3 months after placement.

Table 5. Meta-Analytic Results of Diagnosis (Schizophrenia = 1, Other Disorder = 0) on Vocational Outcome

Overall effect Homogeneity of
Outcome variable Sample (n) Effect (r ) Significance ( p) (95% CI) effect size?
.050 Q = 2.979
Employment status (.100, .005) Yes
Mowbray et al. (1995) 256 .111 .038
Russo et al. (1997) 981 .038 .117
Drake et al. (1999) 152 0 .500
.165 Q = 6.056
Attain comp empla (.280, .051) No
Jacobs et al. (1992) 84 .292 .004
Anthony et al. (1995) 215 .113 .049
.212 Q = 2.734
Employed @ 3 monthsa (.387, .036) Yes
Fabian (1992) 87 .305 .002
Shafer & Hsaio-Wen (1995) 44 .001 .502
a Overall effect significant at the level of p < .05.
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Demographic and Diagnostic Factors and Employment Outcomes for Psychiatric Disables 17

Table 6. Meta-Analytic Results of Diagnosis (Affective Disorder = 1, Other = 0) on Vocational Outcome

Overall effect Homogeneity of
Outcome variable Sample (n) Effect (r ) Significance ( p) (95% CI) effect size?
.077 Q = 8.844
Employment statusa (.027, .128) No
Arns & Linney (1995) 138 .220 .005
Mowbray et al. (1995) 256 .002 .487
Russo et al. (1997) 981 .088 .006
Drake et al. (1999) 152 0 .500
.075 Q = 2.136
Attain comp empl (.055, .204) Yes
Jacobs et al. (1992) 84 .199 .035
Okpaku et al. (1997) 152 .005 .474
.148 Q = 1.606
Employed @ 3 months (.028, .323) Yes
Fabian (1992) 87 .234 .015
Shafer & Hsaio-Wen (1995) 44 .038 .597
a Overall effect significant at the level of p < .05.

DISCUSSION icantly less likely to attain employment or to be em-

ployed 3 months after placement. When compared
These meta-analyses synthesize currently avail- only to persons with affective disorders, those with
able evidence and provide greater precision and more schizophrenia disorders also were significantly less
detail about our accumulated knowledge concerning likely to be employed 3 months after placement. In
demographics and diagnosis as predictors of voca- addition, individuals with affective disorders were sig-
tional outcome for persons with psychiatric disabil- nificantly more likely to be employed than those with
ities. In general, these meta-analytic findings showed other diagnoses. It would have been very informative
very small effect sizes for age, gender, race, and diag- to be able to go beyond diagnosis and examine func-
nosis as predictors of vocational outcome. However, tioning or impairment, as well. However, there were
these analyses did produce results that tend to cor- insufficient studies with comparable independent and
roborate some of the findings summarized in our gen- dependant variables as well as appropriate data to
eral overview of the literature. Meta-analytic results conduct such analyses.
showed that younger people are significantly more As already noted, many of these analyses were
likely to be employed, that Caucasians are signifi- computed on the basis of a very small number of
cantly more likely than persons of color to attain em- studies. Thus, the inclusion of just a few more stud-
ployment, that persons diagnosed with schizophrenia ies, or even the availability of exact p values from
generally have poorer vocational outcomes than per- some of the included studies, could alter these find-
sons with other diagnoses, and that persons diagnosed ings relatively easily. In addition, our analyses in-
with affective disorders generally have better voca- cluded several studies with a zero effect size because
tional outcomes than others. An unexpected finding results were reported as non-significant. Although
was that persons of color are significantly more likely this approach allowed for the inclusion of more stud-
than Caucasians to be employed 6 months after place- ies in the analyses, it also omitted small effect sizes
ment. Without further investigation, it is difficult to that may have made a difference in some analy-
interpret this result. ses. Where we found heterogeneity of effect across
Although the number of studies was very small, studies, the availability of more studies also would
these findings do suggest that diagnosis may be a allow for moderator analyses that might help expli-
predictor of vocational outcome for individuals with cate the findings. For example, there may be case-
psychiatric disabilities. Meta-analytic results showed mix factors, intervention factors, differences in the
differences between various diagnostic subgroups in racial/ethnic composition of the non-Caucasian sub-
employment status, attainment of employment, and samples, differences in the age ranges of study par-
employment 3 months after placement. Compared ticipants, and so forth, that could be explored with
to persons with other psychiatric diagnoses, those more extensive analysis if the number of studies were
with a schizophrenia spectrum diagnosis were signif- larger.
Mental Health Services Research (MHSR) pp1093-mhsr-479624 January 6, 2004 18:24 Style file version June 22, 2002

18 Wewiorski and Fabian

Because of the limited number of studies suit- a need for specific policies and services that address
able for meta-analysis, we needed to define outcome the unique needs of persons who are older, that pro-
variables that were quite coarse. For example, we in- mote employment opportunities for persons of color,
cluded all studies that reported employment status and that recognize and address possible differences
regardless of when that status was measured, and re- between individuals with schizophrenia and individu-
gardless of the specific characteristics of employment, als with affective disorders in terms of their employ-
such as hours worked, wages earned, or type of job. ment needs, their opportunities for employment, and
Some studies reported employment status at hospital their ability to sustain employment. Some of the dif-
admission, others reported it as a baseline measure for ferences we found between subgroups reflect well-
a community-based intervention, and yet others re- known inequities in the larger society. This suggests
ported prevalence in the psychiatric population more that change may be needed in social policies, service
broadly. Attainment of employment was reported as systems, program practices, and public attitudes that
a follow-up measure to an index hospitalization as differentially affect the vocational outcomes of vari-
well as an outcome measure of a vocational reha- ous demographic and diagnostic subgroups. Thus, in-
bilitation program or other community-based inter- terventions may need to occur on many levels.
vention. The intensity or duration of an intervention Although this meta-analytic study did find de-
was not considered in any of these analyses. The stud- mographic and diagnostic factors that may be impor-
ies that measured employment status at 3-month and tant in determining the vocational outcome of persons
6-month follow-up time points also varied in the types with psychiatric disabilities, it also revealed a number
of intervention programs and the types of placements of problems and limitations in using this methodology
that were provided. If there were a larger number to synthesize findings from the large body of evidence
of studies appropriate for meta-analysis, it might be accumulated to date. In addition to the problems dis-
possible to perform additional analyses that would ex- cussed above, our effort to synthesize the accumu-
plore some of these variations. With the availability of lated literature on vocational outcome also revealed
more studies, the meta-analyst also might be able to six general problems and concerns that preclude more
consider vocational outcome variables that are more extensive use of this powerful research methodology
narrowly defined and specific. in the field of psychiatric vocational rehabilitation
Beyond these limitations, we encountered a currently.
problem because of our focus on demographic vari- First, the research literature contains studies that
ables. Virtually all studies involving human partici- measure a large number of different employment out-
pants measure age and gender, and many measure comes, including placement ratios, job-related factors
race, as well. The validity and reliability of these mea- (wages earned, hours worked), and job duration. A
sures tends to be assumed. Common purposes for in- consensus around reporting outcomes would be help-
cluding these variables are to describe the sample, to ful in strengthening research studies. As Cook and
evaluate its representativeness of the relevant popu- Razzano (2000, p. 92) note, the failure to gather
lation, and to determine whether there is covariance and report data on standard labor force indicators
that needs to be controlled. Despite the almost uni- such as employment status, hourly salary, job tenure
versal inclusion of these variables in research stud- and hours worked per week, has created unevenness
ies, they generally are not the major variables in a in our knowledge about actual labor force partici-
study. Often, their relationship to other variables are pation. When the dependent variable varies across
not reported in detail unless a statistically significant studies, those studies cannot be combined in one
relationship is found. Access to original datasets or meta-analysis and many separate analyses must be
agreement in the field about standardized reporting performed. Thus, a major constraint confronting the
would increase the number of available studies and meta-analyst in the psychiatric rehabilitation field is
would give meta-analysts more precise and more com- the inability to synthesize findings across a large num-
plete data on demographic variables. Having such ber of existing studies because of differing outcome
data to include in meta-analyses might yield results variables.
that could be reported with greater confidence than Second, variability in the measurement of the de-
those provided here. pendent variable also can present challenges to the
Despite the limitations we encountered, our meta-analyst. Researchers often measure the same
analyses do provide some useful findings for the field. employment outcome differently. For example, stud-
Our meta-analytic findings suggest that there may be ies measure employment outcome as a variable that
Mental Health Services Research (MHSR) pp1093-mhsr-479624 January 6, 2004 18:24 Style file version June 22, 2002

Demographic and Diagnostic Factors and Employment Outcomes for Psychiatric Disables 19

is continuous, dichotomous, or categorical, different tigations. Although this issue may not seem of major
studies use different categories or break points for the concern, it has hindered the development of a uni-
same outcome variable, and so forth. Sometimes the fied research agenda in this area. As one of the major
meta-analyst can overcome this problem by redefin- purposes of meta-analysis is to advance theory, the
ing outcome variables into a common variable, such as fact that researchers are not also focusing on theory
a dichotomous variable. But, often the problem can- development, or the application of existing theories,
not be resolved and studies must be excluded from to help explain vocational behavior and vocational
analysis. outcomes of the psychiatrically disabled population
Third, studies also vary in the amount of detail ultimately limits our capacity to devise effective poli-
given about the data and about the results of statistical cies and practices (Fabian, 2000). There is a need to
analyses. Published reports often do not provide ef- understand which factors are relevant and how they
fect sizes. For example, numerous studies report find- operate in determining vocational outcome.
ings as significant or not significant without giv- As a final point, we emphasize the importance of
ing exact values. To include such studies, the meta- considering these findings in the context of employ-
analyst typically uses the conservative approach of ment outcomes for individuals with psychiatric dis-
entering zero effect sizes into an analysis. This limits abilities. As reviewed earlier, people with significant
the precision of the data entered into a meta-analysis psychiatric disabilities are marginally represented in
and yields meta-analyses with limited power to detect the labor market, and overrepresented in Social Se-
effects that actually may exist. curity Disability Income Support programs. Nonethe-
Fourth, even when studies have clearly defined less, research that focuses on the relationship between
independent and dependant variables and report de- specific factors and employment outcome eventually
tailed statistical results, there can be a problem be- will enable us to build theoretical models that will
cause relationships between the independant and contribute to a body of knowledge concerning what
dependant variables of interest are not reported in works and for whom.
a form appropriate for combining findings across
studies. The outcome variable may be analyzed
and reported using comparative parametric statistics, CONCLUSION
repeated measures or time series analysis, survival
analysis, regression procedures, or many other statis- Meta-analysis and research synthesis techniques
tical techniques and procedures. A particular problem are powerful research tools that are underutilized in
is that many well-designed studies in the psychiatric the psychiatric rehabilitation field. To make better use
rehabilitation field report the results of multivariate of these methodologies, investigators must become
analyses without also reporting the results of uni- more conscientious and consistent in defining and se-
variate analyses. This very common reporting prac- lecting variables for study, consider the implications
tice precludes the use of these data for future meta- for further analysis when analyzing their data and re-
analyses. porting the results, and conduct methodologically rig-
Fifth, much of the intervention research con- orous studies that are designed not only to inform
ducted in the psychiatric rehabilitation field tends to various stakeholders, but also to advance theory.
be quasi-experimental at best. Sample sizes are fre- The field of psychiatric vocational rehabilitation
quently small and often drawn from a single program. needs to increase its understanding of the complex
In addition, the intervention often is not clearly de- process of obtaining and sustaining employment with
fined and, even when it is, fidelity of implementation the acknowledgment that this process may not be
is not measured. When intervention studies do not in- uniform across various demographic and diagnostic
clude statistical controls, it is difficult to determine if subgroups within the population of persons with psy-
the psychiatric illness accounts for the outcomes, or chiatric disabilities. This requires studies that do not
whether the outcomes are determined by other fac- assume homogeneity, but that explore subgroup dif-
tors, such as socioeconomic status, race, or age. Thus, ferences, that identify interventions that are effective
many intervention studies are of questionable quality with subgroups, and that identify factors outside the
for inclusion in meta-analyses concerned with assess- MH/VR service system that may be relevant in de-
ing overall treatment effects. termining the employment success of various demo-
Sixth, much of the body of psychiatric rehabilita- graphic subgroups. In general, researchers in this area
tion research consists of atheoretical empirical inves- need to focus their studies on the development of
Mental Health Services Research (MHSR) pp1093-mhsr-479624 January 6, 2004 18:24 Style file version June 22, 2002

20 Wewiorski and Fabian

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