Catalog of Book Publish in Burma 1940-1941

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( 6 .)
1n Udl
., Sayadaw -ef (Oltama ID. 'l'lllllHt-srtv, Qcw--.t Hljlla Scbool
pcttha-cllpant Kya n]. Espotltlon af ID Sl!Cel1-t Ila. ........ ,_..., .. 19J9.4Q. Pp. 60. Piabllabe!I "'
Pp. 118. l'ubl11bed by M,Umi.yalDC ...... ._. Ille 19'0 [Uni llscb 1940]. FOllhap qaartu,
1940 [19tb Januuy ICO). DemJ lwo, lit..... Pne. Wedlllon.
llyaalayaun1 Pr-. Proaae. !00 c:oPa .... tJDloa ...... ....... 300\cosilea.

124. Sara Nun and Sap Kyaw. -4!CD'!ICXl8Glalfc6Dlf lS6. ..,. 0 Ba h-Kelly Annal I Pp, II.
l'llllllied by the 8apalatcndellt of IEclly HIP 8cbool,
V:qi [llahalbaai8" Tboll Pat llaDdalay, 1940 [2111a llan:h 19401 Crown quarto,
Ndtthaya and AhtDadlya Tbok Pal lflllltbaya). l rapce.
Relll[loua Vena for RcdtaUOD. Pp. 19. lall8 lldllwe Ila llya a lion PrlDtlnc WodlP. lludalaJ. 500 coplS.
Pltab ..,..,, Ranl['lOD. 1940 [24tb Aprtl 1940). DemJ
''' li t edition. IDllU.
Zabu lldbwe Pllall.1 Pnu, Raneoon. l'capi&

125. U Ba ltwe.-9t117a 'dl

Sadan], A Booklet which 1hcnn tbe -Iler af
liven by Lord Buddha. Pp, I. Pablsbed bJ II,_.
Prill tm1 Worb, Labutta. 1940 [20th Aprtl 19401
Pool.cap lvo,' llt edition. 2 annu. ken 11..-i- Pral, BluetD. 1,d/ C011iee.
llyoma Printing Worb, Labutta. !OOc:oplel.

Ha. Tin Po'l'llll.-Kara llquille, May 1940. Pp. 40.
l'llblllbed by Kann llaplln e Prnl, Bameln. 1940
126. Saya ,.,..
Ra Gyl .-8,_,--i:. ...... UMU
cn... a.. [lllla Aprtl IMG] Royal ho, l edltiOD 4 -
me&icalhabawa Kyan, Volum e I]. TheQaallt)'OftheFour - 11ap11De Pr-. a-.ta. l,o75 ll0plca.
Gran<! Eloment1. Pp. 78. Publlahed ig:::-
llonywa. 1940 [18th Ilardi 1940). ho. :ne B_. Force and lllUtary Police
cdtlion. 8 annal. .. Oaett ol. V, Nn. 4. Pp. 10. Published by the Oflicen
Zawana Preu' Monywa . l,OO!>coplea. afthe ltillll, llayayo. 1940 (26111 April 1940).
hollcap folla. I -
127. Weluwadl Medawl (Ko41at]. OM'
D ut y. J>r. 39. P11 bl i1hed by Mya Than Pr-. Saplaa,
1940 (2nd April 1940]' Crown 8wo lllt edition.
* 0
......_Pr-. "raa.e- 5$0 coPea.
.-'lbe Barma .,._,
uaence porce ud III Ht.ry PoUc:e
Vol. V, No, 5. Pp. 10. Publllhed by the Ofticers
llya Than Pren, SagW>1. 500 cnpi11. of tbe. Ri8el, llaymyo. 1940 [20lh llay 1940).
- Poollap toHo. 1 an:ia.

178. u 'l'un Aung. [DhUQJU Dcthana). Banbr Pr-. 'l'oallloo 550 copla
Relil[lout Smnon. Pp. ll
Put>ll1hed by Pyt Gyl llanclyae
Prtu, Atyab. 1940 l2nd April 1940]. Foobcap llwo, 141. Thra Po Tun.-Karen Jlapdne, Apri l 1940.

lit edition l'rtt. Pr. J6. Publllbed by Kara Mapdne Prna, Baaseln.
Pyt Gyt Mundyne Pr-, AtJab. 500 copies. 1940 [19th March 19'0). Royal iYo, I edlUnn .i annaa.
11 I
YapdDo Pr-. Banrin. l#IS coplca.
.29. U Thumana.-

). - .
tnana Tbanweazh i )'2 Sadan). A Buddhllt Yedita!loo. 42.-Tbe B urma Defence Force and YIUtary Police
lr'ol. V, No. S. l'p.10. Pablllhed by the Ollii:en a-- \"
Pp. IS. Publihed by Coro nation Prell, Tletbl Stred,
cl tbe a R llla, llaymyu. 1940 L2Jrd M arc h 1940].
Hennda. 1 940 [6th March 19401
I amaa.
Royal ho, lit edtiClll

Coronation PreU, Hemada. !00. c:opl-. Buker..._, 'l'oallloo. 5$0 CGpia.

uo. u llfaialinbra,-
., ol
80>5 bc6 p + SoAwKARBN-RaLlGJON.
[Abbldhama Palidaw WutyuhJn] racta from the
lbhidhama for recilatlon In Baddhilt Prayen Pp. 94 . 143 .Rev. at. N. Hani1.-studlea ID tbe Boot of Acta.
Pp. 241. Publllhed by A.B.M. Prat, nioon. 1943

Publ i1hed by U Po Tbei and Daw Daw l'in, lllU-ownera,

tlylnkagon Village. Boiiale rownlhlp. 1940 [7th April [14tb March 1940]. Demy llvo, lit edition. ,
1940). Demy 8vo, lit edltlon . Free.

. AmetJc:aa Baptilt llllllon Pr-, Ranioon. l,DOO eoplea.

Maung Than Electlc Preu, Rangoon. I.OOO copl..
144.-Toplca for Yoaaa Peoplea' Society ol ChrilllaD
131. Saya Lu (BaMbwimanta EsideaTour lle111n&1 To&cther witb RefercDc:e of Dally
Sadan]. Buddhist Praver. Pp. 110. Publlahed by U Po lleditatlcn& Pp. 40. l>ubliabed by ttuuker Prela,
Thrin and Daw Daw Tln, Mill-ownera, Mylnbp VlllaCe, TOU11p. 1939 [ISth December 1939). Su1>er Royal
&gale Township. 1940 [7th April 1940). Crown 8vo, 16mo, Id edition. 2 unaa.
bi edition. Free.
Maung Electric Presa, Rangoon.

' ____ o_
copla.1,.000 Banlier Pr-. Tomii&oo.
1 45. Saya PauJ.-S. s. Quarterlies-The Captivity
1,500 coplea.

g_.,......_c:_ Rntorallon of Israel. Pp. 63. Publilhed by S. D. A.

lS2. Mani Sayadaw fi'"""'1JT - llllalon, lleiktlla. 1940 [2Sth March 1940). CroWll 8Yo,
[Thatapadika Poksa Witblszana B:yan). A CollectiOD of lit edltloa. S amw. '
Queati o na a n d An1w era on Rellgloua Matten. Pp. 217.
Klmalllll Pr9I, llelWta. 200 -
Publiahed by Zabu Meitewe Pltab Prell, Ran1oon. 1940. , ___.

(9th Ilardi 19401 Demy 8vo, tat edltiOD. I rapte 146. Tiara JOMPb Pawmlaw.- The Moutmen ICareD
I annai. ChrillliaD AaaOciatfOD Jubllee Boot. Pp. 162. Published
Zab11 Meltswe Pitaka bJ Thra Joeepb wmlaw. l!MO [l!lh February 1940).
US. U"Nyanawuntha,-:- DemJ. lw. lit edltioa. I nlpee.
Jtaac- S... Ptt9. Rans-i- 1,000 coplel.

q&oc&I '{Gunadlpata Sadan and Lndotylntnit

Saunjlpolt Unka.] AttrlbuteaolLord BandRe!Jaioua 147. faya Paal.-S. 8.
()aarterlJo-stndy ID CraatlOD
Teachln& In V eree. Pp.6%. Plibliahed by Pu- Pre9," ...S Rftelatl.ln. Pp, 56. Pablla bed by S. b. A. lllallc!a.
Crown 8vo, lit edition. FTee.
39, lleKhant Street, Basseln. 1940 [19tla 'llan:h 1940), , lleildlla. 19"9 (19Ua December 1 939l crown ho, lat
, ldWoD. s--.
Duwun Prell, Bauein. 1,ooo'cop111. .._.. Pr-. lldllllla. 200coplel.
.. ..

EN0Lru-Bua1111s-KrllC1Ll.AlfaOU&. :; .1 T111a.-Ana.

1'4. Tbe Headmaater.-Governmellt Blab lcbool. 141. 8olayappa Tblrappatlil.-T!lamllar 811thanth ..

lnMln, Annual 1940. Pp."92. Publllbed b)' the Qoy- 11..W:- Pp. IOI. PUbllabed by Na- Katha Boot
-t High School, Jnaciln. 1940 [2lrd llarcb 19t0). Depet. ......,.. 1939 [llh n-mtier l9J9J. OVWD ho;
Crown rto, lit edltlqa. i ruJee.
Bormaajoa Prtaa, Ranioon. 500
I Ill.... -
. .\ .,_ _.. """." t (

I ( ')
I i.s.duaD --Ga4ll
II, Na... a Siiha 8ooll
1c 19401. Dmty'"' sat . .....
XaTeeJI& IEllU Pr-. Raaao& 1,000 eopiel.

' -_/
151.. Pandit ....... Pr...r l'lnde.-aiaaa1a Ka.
Cbadla N11.t\ itar-A -8ootlet ol SooaL Pp. 16.
Pulllllllld by P:lliilf llal!alll lli.tirl.Rlllpca. 1940 [2Snl
TaLaou-SoaoLOOY. Jaury l940J. CroWD llYo. lit cdltlcm.
151. Siila Ralllla Raddy lfalala Oela. , Pp. ... PrUll}l PrlDtlniWorb, Rua-. 500 c:opla
r.blllbecl tiy Andhn Mitra Pr-. 200. Left 8lt'eet,
lllnloe& 1940 [Srd May 1940). Daly 16mo, Ill ldllka
1-. ffJNDt-RJILJOIO!f.
AIMlllra llltn Pr-. Ran&-. 45o ...
159. lllumml Sbiabr Bbarma.-Sandya Bidbl-Prayw
Boe*. Pp. 5o. l'llbllllled b:r mwat Prinllnc Prcu.
Can1-R11uo1ox. Mandalay. lC>(JOlla April 19401 oolacsp quarto. lit
edltloa. ......
lSI.' U stnll.-'l'lle Knr Tatmmnt In Cllln. Blla11t Prlnlliig Preti, 11anciai1y. 1.000 coplca.
Pp. 169. hbllelled "' .us.11. Preu. Ruiaooo. 1940
[lt&hJ... t940l Crown ho, Ill edition. 1 rupee lannaa.
A-ail Baptlll Kl'lll Pren, Ran1-. 2,016 c:opia W111l"aKuax (Geau)-R!!uo1oir. -

PAU-l.ANOUAOB. Ito. Re.. Stlfano.-MUbo Adelhl, llay 1940. Pp. 20.

,Pablabed by R.C II. Pr-. Touncoo. 1940 [30tb April
153. Wdmlnbra sa;abw.-emfo 1940). Royal ho, llay edition.
[lbalpada Z....). ... A Ccillecflcln of Jllaba. R.C.11. Pr-, T_,_ l40 copi.
Pp. 2J4 Plablllbed by Yadmlboa Plablillllni Society,
. Datnan Qalrter, Mandalay. 1940 [20lb. April 1940]. Ri>yal
ho, lit... I npee - 161. Rev. Stefil.-MUbo Adelhl. J1111e 1940. Pp. 10.
Publlahed by R.C.11. Preu, 1'0Q11100. 1940 (30th Kay
Hla Kbla -a Boa ..,_, ad Yadualbeitdl Pnea, 1940 l Royal ho, June edition. '
llludalay. 1,000 cqiles.
' . ' lt.C.11. Pre9, TO!IDIOO. 775 c:oplca.
154. Baya N:ru -4 'l1INe Otllen.->efillljjD>CX>'li
(zat-alabta Piil. Val- I) ACollec.tiGaolJ..... 162. Rew. Stduo-oMUhoAdeUll. Pp. 20. Publlaiied
Pp. ! . l'llbtllbed bf Tha Dhmla Wadl, Preu, Rai11-.
by J4n. Stefano. 1940 [17111 Aprfl 1940). Royal IYO. Al'ril
1940 J1111-e lMOl Royal llYo, 11t ed1lion. 6 raa-a.
R.C.M. Praa, Toanccia. 840 cupia.
Tba Wiidt l'rea, RaalCJOD. 1,000 c:opla.

ISS. i.u,..n, kyadaw.- CAJillb 16J. Tint Swe.-Stacleat "falent. P.p. 120. Pablillled
Ndkti. c: t]. A PaU Pnleody. Pp. 553. Pabllabed by by Tint S we, A.H.J.f. Hlah School, Toun&t>O. 1940 [llch
Thu D Wadl Preu, Ral!1oon. .1940 [26th April May 1940). Crown qa1trb. .
1940). Royal Bvo. 2*l edltioo. 4 rapcea. American Baptbt Milon Preu, Rant:ooia. SOOcopi-.
Tha Di.a. adl Pniis, RanlOOD. l ,oOo copi... ,, .
N.B.-worn, 1116 titla ol which are In ilalk-. ..
PAU-RBUOION. intended for edonal purpoeea .
156. U Npe and Poor Othera. ls
[Hnmn,,...uiln&Jo Pat). .Abrlqaafllt of Ab clbama or By order,.
lladdblat Phlbopby. Pp. 116. Pab111hed by Zabu
lldlawe PltUa Pr... l&Dcoon. 1940 [61h March . 1940). F. S. V. DolftfJION,
Poollcap ho, 2nct edlllaa. 5 llll.lU Srda'JlO lluGorl.o/ Blin..,
Zabll Meljfte PltUa Pr-. J,000 coplea. ,.,,., Dql.




LIBRRY l.>npltcate Deapaoh8'1

HOME DEeARTME, IT. 12.'/.--

- l// J
Booka BeaelYecl

. RIJflfOOJI, IA. ,,, J.U, 1941.
tiio. 588Under eeclion 19 ol the: Prea and 10. J UBa Yin l,i/10/
(Registration) Act, the following catalogue ol ,,,...,,.,.,. Pp. 104. Pllbllahed .by Thu Dhllma Wadl Preis,
- lfaaa Khlne Street , Rangoon. 1940 [2Jl'll ...,._.
boob l'eltiitered in Burma darjng the quarters Iler 10401. Crowa'llYo Ill edllini.i 10 an-.
endinc the 30th Seetembsr and 311t December Thu Dhama W.. Ph, Rpn.. ,ooocap1a.

1940, is .,ubliabed for 1teneraJ information;- 11. Haatbawad4y U Ba YID.-D4 U,. of A-IA&.
. . Pf, 156. l'l<bltebed .,.. SlnftpylllJUll ....... 9-11, Obo
Stred, Kemmendine. Ranauin. J'40 [20lla April 1940};
Oltal'fa17 C:.talolu o1 Boob ..r tile Tblnl Crown IYo, lit edltlm. 1 ruPee.
ud Foartb Quarter eadlas rnpectlvel)r 8hweriylnJUD Prete, Rangoon. 1,009 copi
tile 30tb s.ptealber an4 31at December r
12. 'P. lf(]IJln. An Auto-Blograpbyol P. lfom
lt40. Pp. 208. i"lbli1hrd by Jourll&ll(Yaw, 81, Sule P.a&oda
R oad. .Ranioon. l [6th July 194C). Crbwn aWo, lit
Bua11as-A1m1. edllio& 12 anna1. .

Joanaalgyaw Presa, Ran1oon. 2,500 cqplca.

l. lfauuc Kpw Sem.-Barmae Tvpe-Writin11 ITouch
Method). Pp. 72. Publllhed br New tJ,tht ol Burma
Rmaoon. 1940 [lltll Seplcmber l940J. Crown
quarto, lit edltloa. l l'llPf!.12 UUI.
New Ll&ht of Burma Preas, Ran&ooo. SOO cople.. 13. Lawlcadan U Tua Hla.-9Jau Gulde to
Proaperit:r. Pp 160. Publllhj"by Patall'm Book DGp6t.
lC-168. 37th Street, Rangoon. 1940 '[loth August 1940).
BURMU&-ASTRO LooY; Foolicap 8Yo, Ill edition. l rupee.

P1ne Art Preas, Rangoon. 1,000coplra.

2.SayaMqa. How
lo.ID.terpret Dreama. Pp. 21. Publlahed by Kawiyadaoa 14. U Po Wnn.-o
Prn1, lit Street, Ldpadao. 19'0 [Slh July 1940J. Fix>Ja. Co-operative ,Banking In Burma. Pp. 23.
e:titim. 2 annaa
cap 8vo, hi PublJabed by the Srdary, Urban Co-operative l'ederalioa,
Kawtyadaoa Prcaa, Letpadan. I ,OOO copies. New LaYi, Courta BullClln11a, Ran(OOO. 1940 [29th July
1940]. Crown lvo. hi edition.
3. U Than lfann& A Bonk on Fortune Myanma Zejva Preaa, Ranl{OCJll. 1,000 copi
telliiic, Pp. 91. Publbbed by Ila No Yin, 26-61, Sbwe
. 1 dagon Pagoda Bazaar, Rangoon. 1940 [26tb Jui) 1940].
Crown 8wo, lit edition; J rupee. BURMl!SF.-:-FtCTION.
Toe Presa, 'Ran1toori. 1,000 copl.
' . 15. I>agon Khln Kbln Lar.--caita [SbweSOon Nyo.)
. 4. Bcda Welba yagyt, Qtj A Book A . 'Novel. Pp. 214. Published by Dagon Lnn, 270-272,
. on Fortuoe-tclllng. Pp. 376. Publlthed i.y 8eda Wdba 4 7lb Street, Rangoon. 1940 [9th Auguat 19401. C1owD
Sa}qyi. 371h Street, Ran&OOll. 1940 [13th September 8vo, Ill edllJon. 8 annaa .
1940]. Crown llvo, 4tb edition. l rupee 12 annaa. My Zcyya Pte11, RanCoo!I. 3,000 copiea.
Toe Pr-, Raagoon. 2,000 copiee.
16. Mya Daung Nto.- [Sit 11>'.in]. A NOYel.
Pp, 109. Poblltllt.'Cl by Burma Publishing Honie, 25:7,
lhayre Street. RaD&oon. 1940' [20tb July 19'10] Crown
BURMESE-BIOGRAPHY . 8.-o, bl edil_lon. 6 annaa. . ,
Burma Publlshina; House, Ran&oon. .OOO copies.

ya Daunl{ Yin. Queen Shin Saw Bu.

Pp. 7 . blished 'by Author's .Club, Rangoon. l'):cO .17. My a
[14th Nov tr 1940]. Crown 8vo, ht t'dltion. l2 annas. [Thon saung byalng Sayama-naing, Kaway-setyaun&l
Student Pr angoon. 2.000 copie.. Two Novel. Pp. 16'.lt Publi&ht-d by Pyldaw-kveltha-ye
Press, 91. Maung Khine Stred, Rangoon. 1940 [1Slh
Ju1,Y l9'10]. Crown 8vo, lit edition. 8 aonaa.
6. Tel.Toe. Napoleon. Pp . %22. Publlahed
yid,awk7etlha-yc Press, Rangoon l ,SOO copies.
by Burma Pullahing House, 257-261. Phayre Street,
Ran. 19-iO f 3rd October 1940]. Crown 8vo , tet 18. Zawana.I [1- upa). A Novel. .Pp. 267.
edition.. 8 anna.
Published by Daw Olm Thin & Sona, 7. Theillf:lyi Street,

Burmese Cinema Pree, Rangoon. 2,000 eoplea. ICemmendine, Rangoon. 1940 [12th June 1940). Crown
8vo, lst edition. 12 annaa.
7. U Po Thin..:iwSs GRloS:I(' An AcHI ot, s:1e Student Presa, Rangoon. 2,000 co(>iei1.
"Midwe. Pp. 183. Publish'!d hy Daw Kha; Kwettblt
Quarter, Saj!alng. 1940 [tat Sqitember 19 0]. Crown 8vo, 19. Shwu-daung.- 'IOOf [Yadana-thaik).
ht edition. 12 anQaS. Translation of the Coun1 or. Monte Cdato. Fp. 213.
Thlrlaandarn Press, Mandalay. 1,500 toplea. Published by Dagon Lu n, 686, Dalhouaie Street, Rangoon.
1940 [lst June 1910). Crown 8vo, 181 &lition. 1 2 annu.
8. L. T._ Ah Son.- Translation of ;i Han Myanma Zeyya Preta, R:inj!OOD. 2,000 coplea.
$hrinkNot-Llfe of Dr. Judson". Pp. 47. Published 'by
. United 'Society for Christian Literature, Burma. 1940 . Shwe ICle.-+5<: [Oh-Ta-nga]. A, Novel.
[2Sth eptember 1940). Crown 8vo, hi edition. 2 annaa Pp. 4. Published by .'New l.ight of Burma' Presa,
6 plea. Rang 1940 [30tb Jur.e 1940:!. Crowi:i 8v0i 2nd edition.
12 anqaa. :.
'A. B. M. Ptesa, Rangoon. 1,000 copiea. .
Ne Ligli f Burma Presa, Rangoon. 2,000copies
. 9. Yegyi U
ThR .Tln.-- Life of Kint T_ha
[Tanamal A Novel. Pp.112
L11 . Pp.160. Published by Thu Dhama Wadl Prees, 21. ThdothUa.-o'J<l)?lll
55-56. tllaung Khioe $1reel, Rangoon. tt;40 f23rd Published by Zabu Thein Co, 157, 38th Stre:I. Rangoon. .
Sept-her 1940]. Cro>wn 8vo, hl editim. 12 aonas. . 1940 [Sth July _1940]. Cr!)WD 8vo, 11 1 ediUon. 6 anna.<1.
. .. Thu Dhama Wacll Prall, Ranaoon. 1.000 coplot. Myaoma Myouung Presa, Rangoon. 1,000 copies.

1.r ' -

( 2 )
. II. Mai. 8--apoAJ [la,._n!IJO). A N"' :=-:::: IM )'lb New_.,. IMO!. Crvwn fto,
Pp M2. Palllllllecl by .,.... Ud.. 65-61. ,_
.... . ...._. 1940 (2*11 Aaaut 1940J. Crown ho, .
'l'lillllrPJlnu ...... Jlmtooa. 2,000 coplle.
....... 12-.. . "' 1D11a 11a11111 nwi. u.c.s.J ,._ lb-ea .
... "-.Ltd., ....-. l.OOOcnplel. pP. HO Pablllbed by N yua Story H-, JJ, 109tla
llfnet. RmllllOGll l940[leth Now...... 1940).
' ero- ho,
2J, Wutya. [llCllD K,.11111 Niia.) lit cdltloll. a .....
A NOftl. Pp. 142:'."" bJ 11-1 Saw Nya. TlllrileJ'Clll Pr-. aan.-.
J'!.!! llpfember 1940).
. ho, Ill dlloD.
17. llln Swe -ecM (ll'-T4ol A - NoweJ.
Pp. 161. Plabltlbed bJ Nile-Zi n-Yaw Story H-, 152
11,a- Tebaw Pr-. Ran,-. 1.,500 c:oplcli. llontaotnefJ Sired, Rana-, lMO CUtla Nmember
1940); Ctowit lvo, lit edition. a anDM.
2t lbwe S.,....M [81 Bl). A N"'- Pp. 201

PublMaed by ltylpwa1C Pr-. Lft.le.pll Quarter

uaa ..._, Raneoca 2.00J coflm.
1940 [let Nciwember 19U). Crown ho, lit
31. Y... tt.L Aclut]. A .llovel.
II an-. Pp. 96. Pnbliahed by Cheln Gwin, 3', ziaa- Street,
Kyl':'a> Pr-, llmdalay. 2,0'0 copla. Y11ya Qoarter, Raneooa. 1940 [14th Nov-ber 1940).
Crown ho. llt edition. 6,DDU. .
29. P. lloa1a. . IThkJ. A . Notti. Aun& l'reae, Ran&6oa. 1,500
Pp. 1 4. Publbbed by P )l daw kyetlhaye Pr-.
lltr9et. C:- 1940 [2661 81pfember 1940).
9 39, Theikparl Kyaw Htlll. [Tamay-Pyo]. A
Novel. Pp. 120 Publlahtd by Slawe ZIDYaw Story Houae,
. - 152, llont&Cl!Def'J Street, Rqeo0o, 1940
(4th October
Pi lchcllbaJe Prela, Raacoon. I ,500 copies. 1940). Crown 8vo, lst edilf()n, 6 annu.
Anna Prca, Rangbon. 1,500 copies.
26. Shweu-daa'!IC--!O'f Tran1ltiOJ1
40. Kh in Myo Cbit
:e& ( i'hooe-M1bakin.)
af lbe Count of llomte Crtato. Pp. 23% . PabUahed by
Dagon Khln Khlll Lar Hook Dcp6t, l'.O. &oz. 561, . A Nowel Pp. 144. Pubti1hed by P)"WluAlt-Nah J>ubllca
Crown lwo, lit tloo. 151; Scliltt Market, Rangoou. I [Slh October
1940J, Crown lvo, Ill edition. 8 11D11aa.
Rangoon 1940 [2nd September 1940).
edition, ll anaas,
!ilyanma Zeyya P.--, Rang-. 2,fX coplea. Burmae Cinema Presa, Ran&oon. l cop1;..
' .
21. Dqon Khia Khln Lay. . -omai [Tb* Shwe 41. Ye-Htut. [\:h u Me-Thu). A Noel. Pp. 94,
--.yo). A Novel. Pp. llM. Ptlbliahed by Dacon llliin P ubllahed by Tet Klllt, 102, 8ift'll pore Qaarter,
Khln Lay liook Depat, t 7Z, 471h Stred, Rancocm. 1940 Paaunclaunc. Rangoon. 1 940
[5th "prlJ 1940). Crow n
C?tfi oher l?OJ. <.:r JWD 8vo. Ill cditiQD. II . 8vo, lit edition. 6 aon.
: Talnpylpyu Pr, RJnaoon. J,000 copla. Alllll Pr-, Ranl(ooa. 1,500 copies.

"42. DaP Khln Khin L.o'k,-[Chit An n awa.}
21, Khln IChl. -6 (Pyahlg--wun-l!\u). A Novel

A :Sovel. Pp. 225. Publia\ed by Dagon Kh in Khin Y
Pp, 174. Publi1lted lty Laam aclaw hool Press, RRncoon Publl1hlag House, P.O. Box 561, Ranaooa-. 1940 (5th July
1940 [25th July 19'10J: Clown .vo. lit cdlUoo. 5 annaa.. 1"4()], . Crown 8vo, lst edition. 8 aooaa. .
Lllnmada w School 'Prns, J?ncoon. 2,000 copies.
Myahma Zeyya Preas, Rangoon. 3,000 copies.
N. . Mya Salw [Palan?an
liay;.,'Xi'kycnl Parabitt']. A Nn vel . f>p. 122. PubU1hcd
43. Min Swe.- [Gan-Ma]. A Novel.
Pp. 117. Publiabed by Kye-NI Story Houae, Rangooo.
b)' Burm Cinema Prna, 244, Barr Street. R angoon. 1940 [:ztltJUDe lOJ, Crown 8vo, ltt edition. 6 annaa..
J.940 [lZth September 1940 J. Crown 8vo,. tat edition. Aung Press, Rangoon, 3,000 copies.
lana-., ...

Burmese Ciaem;o Pre.9, Rangoon. 1,500 c.lples. 44, Sb we Pein 1baunl(. {LwanllaPye
Nalng]. A Novel. Pp. 156. Publl.sht!d by N ew Light of
Jq. Min Swe.__... [Sanem11]. . A N ovel . Pp. 184. Burma Prete, Rangoon. 190 [ 2nd September 1910).
Publlal.ed by .Aun& story Houae, 24", 36th Str Crown 8vo, lit edition. 10 aonas.
:RqOl'G 1940,[20th Septmiber I). Crown 8vo, lit New Light of Burma Presa, Rangoon. 1,000 copiea.
editlQ.11. 8. a DJUll. .. .
Ma Ahma.')Q:Y.ll Translation of Samala by
-.\} Aulll( Preiia. tan11oon. '1.500 coplr Collia. Pr
218. Publilht'd by Kyipwa;e Presa .
,31. My.a Salw JC [Ya,wkadaw Ki n
Qurter, Mand.llay. 1140 [SUi Augu1t
8vo, lit edition. aonaa. 12
N1-o'. A Novel. Pp. 176. Publbbed by Patiman Boot
Dep6t, 166-168, 37th Street, Ra n coon l' 1940 [2ht October Kyl pwaye Mandalay. 3,soO oopifl.
, "1940). Foollcap 8vo, lit edition. 8 1annaa. . Ka. Ahma.- TranaUtion r:I
_Fine Art l'tesa, Ran&oon. 2,000 copiea. . \. S by
Ma 11ice Collla, 5ecx>Qd Part Publi1 hed by
Kylpw 1r, Len Quarter, 84th Street, Mandalay.
32. lllawana. [Kawleik-;:y.ipo]. A Novel. 1940 [ ptember I 940). Crown &vo, l1t edition,
Pp. 2611: Publlahed by Da w Olin thin a 8001, 7, 12 innaa,
Theln&y l Strtet, Kemmtndh:ie, .Rangr>!' 1940 [29th Kylpwaye Prea. Rangoon. 3,500 oorle1.
October 1940}.. Crown lvo, Ill edltion.1 12 annaa. . .
Stnt Preta, Ran&oon. 2,500 copiel.
47, Wapya [YaQthcdawJ. A NoveL
Pp, 79. Publlabed by Nyun Story House, 33, 109lh Street,
33. New Saada.-41Q111' [Ngwe Sanda]. A Novel RanJlOOD. . 1940 1940).
[30lh June Crown 8vo, lit edition.

4 annaa 6 pies.
Pp. 154. Pabliahcd by A111111 Presa, in. Montgom-ery
street, Ran1000. 1940.. f311t October 1940]. ,Crown 8vo, Student Printin& .pr'esa, Rao'goon. 800 copies,"
1tt edition. a anna,.
Anne: Prem, Rangooo, 2,fX c:opiea. . , 8. Shwe Lin Yon.'""'l' [Thu] . A Novel. Pp. 192.
Pliblilhed by Daw Tin Hlaing,Journal g yaw PR.a, 81, Sule
S4. Maang Olin Maun& (Nunbaun& P.igod Road. Rangoon. 1910 [2"1af Sept8Ult!er 1940}.
Crown :Svo. . .,... '

llagaab1e). ,Pp. 131. Poblishec by_Nyunbaung MaPzjiie lit edition.. .

Houae, 237-239,37\h Street. Ra111oon. 1940 [6th Novber Joumalgyaw Preas, kanJ:oon\ 1,SOOcoplea.
1940]. Crown lvo, tat edition. 9 anna1.
. Ran&oon Priolln& Prea, Rang>D- 2,000 c:oplea. 49. Mya Satwe [Kyaetkya}. A Novel.
Pp. 78. Puhlilhed by Nyun Story-Hot ae, 33, l09jh street,
JS. Shwo-U-DaunJ!. nslatlon. Rnaoon. 1940.[30lh June 1940). Crown 8vo, k edition.
cl the Count of Monte Crl1to-Vol. Ill. Pp. 4 anna-<>plea.
Pllbliahed by Dagon Kbln Khln Lay, 172. 47th Street. i y a un c Naym n-
Rang oon. 8QO copfel. Presa,
11 t j.

. ' ( l )


50.,11,a llJO - ..:. [lbl ..Taw-Taw'

'- .
Si). A Nowel. Pp. 491.
Pr-. jaa OlwW. "-lalar. 1940
Pablflllcd .,, ..,.,..,.... Ellnlct from tile
(ISQI .Aicust
Prlllden t al ihe Mqwe IPC1I d911 ftl'ld by U Ha
. iMO). ho, Ill- ....... 6. II& .
-.'l'OWlllWP f'atlobal Weite Allodation., 19401i,tb
..,._,_,....,_ Pr-. llandllly. 2,000 ..._ " October MO]. Dem y 16mo, ltt eiltioo.
s1 .i,.11Yo L-.Thrte oE
Y frown v, na. 1.000 cop1-.
F NoHla la Oae 61 Tbcln Maung,

lloak. Pp, H9. PW&hcd br l'ylayaa,.._. Preie.. fOali a lon on the New Tenancy BlllJ. Pp.
Ko!Jajaa Qauter, ICandalaJ. liJ40 [I lq)temb.- 1940). Pub11'1i bv
AkI Co.. 2113-W, Barr . street
Crow& IYo, lit edltioD. I annu..
Ran&-. 1Y4o (llth 111-bcr . t94o). Cto'wn \,:lvo.
,...... Pr-. Kandalay 2.000 copitl. .

.... - 6 Pee.
. .

Bu1t1nia--H1ST01tY. ' "-wiYlldana Pr-. .Lctpadan. z,ooo .COJ'ln.

. 52. U PJinnha.-cx8;Qa; 64:;.\l Tbi. CJiay ':I.

Lc&llld ol Footprint at hln 'l'bi wali. t'aloila. a1Hteua [Raia nd
Residatlom ol
. Burmne Mualia1 , No ll:y;& ye Auocjalioa, YCDa
Pp. 40. Publbhcd by. Na&a11I Pablloldnt
ayauktyi. RIYllUlll
1940[17thJaDe1940J. Foollcap tlYo, ht tloo, Not for .
"HOl!M. 241.1.cwla &tnlef, Ranaoon. 1940(20th }al)' 19'4)J,
Dtmy IYo,'lll edltioo. Free. "' ' . . . .

- L . .
Naaani Preaa, Raaaoon. 2,000 copi . Y."*sJil c Preet, Yenaagyaua. 100 copies

. ffteitTla Myat. qc8c.u -65.>trlus .

Rulea aad Reeulati!>n of k.E.T. Union. Pp. 32. l'ublllhcd .

.... ..,...., .. UCo nun11 Dyputy and Kin. by the Secretary. 1940 [titfl Jul y t940J. Crown Ito
wbo R anna llacc th e Early Das, J>a'tt I a11d II.
lat edition. Free.
Pp. 109 ilbcd by Tain1t-yin Myanma P rae. . sunnc11: Cinema PrCSI, RaaRoon. 1,000 copies.
. Mandalay. l [lrd Sedember 194'>.I. Demy ho, l
ediuon. I nipce; ......_ '
Tala&Jin lfyaama Presa, Mandalay. 750 copies. . 0
. . , t
54. ua& 'lbnt aad 1'bakin Phant:- s8 . 60. U Tuh SCln.- [A Treatise . on Moral
;.QC. mS::
""" ,,.-'t!f'. . .. -l:eau,t
ln1 tructlon1]. Pp. ,153. Publiahe(I by the thu Dh:ima Wadl, "
Prna, angoon. 194Q [l9th August 1'40J. Crow11 8vo,
Lega1,t of Mya Thein Dan _Pa&, lit edition. 1 2 au

Thida and Brother and Sisler Nats of Thlda. Pp. 44. Thu Dhama Wadi Pr, RaJi&oon. 1,000 QpiCI.
Published by Myanm1goayi Pr, Culvert Road, Rllngooa. .Rtw..:....R-... .
.10 12nd 'September 190]. Crown llvo , Ill edition; 67. Ylllhe P !>einda- ""T-""'.'nr."':"....;
An Essay on
S an11. . Womm. f 1o9. Publbhcd by Myanina 1'aguh Boot

DcpOt, lt, Sule Pagooa ttauar, Jlaaoon: 19,4Q t9th llla y .
. Myaam1&oari Proa, Rangoon 500 cop1... 1940]. Crown . 8vo, 2nd " 12 annai. .
1 .
BURMESE-:LANGUAGB. llyatuna-Theikpan Pre11 ,-Rangoon. 3,500 cop ie.
SS. U Ohn"'llauug.--Essay
Publ11hcd hy' .. Myoloqkyetth,ye
Writi. Pp. 180. 68. Ylhe Sc:in<j;l.- 1oS
Pautanaw: 1940 Women. [ Pp. 2-t7: Publiihed by New Li&hl Qt Burma
All t:ssaY. on
[9th August 194<').. Foolacap qu!lrto. 61h. edit lbn: . u
I r pee. P rnm, Ran11,oon. 1937 (26th Octr 1 937]. Crow11 8vo, 111.
509 oopia.
11.yolonkJCbaye res1, Pantanaw. edition 1 rupee 8 i;ullias. .
56. U Po New Lihl of Bur_nia Prn., goon . copl. I,
B Spelli"'is and Grammar - tn.Hanthawaddy UBaYm.
Pp. 120 . l'ubll1hed by Da Kyaw, 253, C eek Seet, r Pp. 70, Publ shd by Thu Dhaota Wadi Prell, angoon
Rangoon. 1940 [ l l lh Jul y 1940]. Dem,.8Yo, 2nded1tioa. 19W[l9th Au gua t 1940]. Crown SvQ, lst.edit Qn,' 6 annaa.
l riq>ee 4 anna1 ,,. .

Thu Dhama Wadi Pr-. R an g oon l,OOOcopies.
Pr. en. R,_ angoon. 500 ...,
w. .. . .


\J 'J'oe Auilg. .

., L..
- __, -,...,, '.et.
.. f: a '
J WVJC-c urn1tu ....
.... A . Rtlgiou . Stqry In .

" r""'"'1. Verse. by 8uftllll RCsei&rh Society,

_.r ,g.
"'-ar "'(t!;f ___ . 137. Publilhed
.J'p. 2f!. P11blilhed by Sun 'Light Sti.tlo nery Mart. 'Unlvenity egc, Rangoo.1, 1940 [Hlh J<;Uy 1940].pemy
8vo, hi lion. . 4 .annaa.
VandAla)' . 1940 [3rd Octqber 1940]. -Y 8vo. 6 plt9'. ,
. .
Samu Aawe Presa..,llandalay. 8,000 copies..,
. Zabu elllwe' Pitab Prs. Ri:OOll. . 1,000 copla.

" BURMBS E-LAW. 1. KoSeln.ia Bootld . of Burmac

PrO bi. pP. 112 P,11hli1hed by Ma Khll) Saw, 98, Dufferln
:, u . IC- yaw Wln...;...
""' g
.. .
;.4t. -cb
'tr----.!"V""''"",.,. ... );Ired; IOOll. 1940 [181h Augu1t 1940). Flscap &vo,
GliKljll [Tranl3lion of Burmese' lltediU. 6aonaa. . -.

Yogt tl'ag Wotb,' Rangoon ;oqo ies.

Buddhlll W: Sretjal Mariiag,e and suon Act], .

Pp, 24. Publbbed by th Sun l!refls, Ltd ., RangQOn. 72, U Thudathna.-Bum1ese a(ld How to Proverbs
104o{l0tb June 1940}. l<oyal l!vo, lit edilloo. 2 a11 n as . lllC Thcri>-Vol. J , ,Pp. tn. Publ11 ed by Mahil'Dhamapala
s Preaa, Ltcl..'Rgoea. 1,500 copln. ,
he11: Tbak1itpin VUtaac. Koni:yangon Town ship, Hi&Rlha..,
waddy Dlatrict. 1940 [23td OCtober 19-IO) . CrnW!l 8vo,
.... ..
59. -.... .,$;.,
:'a,;,,. .
. ...--t""l"l"" . lit edilioa. . S annas. ' ,. .
...L- of Maha Obamapala Press, rbaltutpill Village, KungyA11 g6n
..,,_,_ [Bye-!aws 'Youamen'a ety, Kyliuagsu
Town11Jjp, Ha11Uiawaddy Di1trtct.. 2SO. co1>ie11. I
Quarter, Thl\rawaddf]. Pp. 34. fublilh the Society. ,
1940 [18tb]une 1940). F001lcap.8vo, lit edition .. Free. ,,, .
. J
. . .
. '-l /. 'j
Ka;.!yadana.PreU, Letpidan. 1 00 copies. ' , '
60.Thanawaddy U Aune 'lban.'lf"' I
(Teoancy Problem]. {'p. 41: Publllhcd by Zeyawaddy 73. oShela.-- '
: rB6uc
Pr.-. LetpadaD. ,19'!0 [23nl Aug!lll 1940Ji Crown.vo, J3sli Fortt\n-lellia g, Twitr.bi11g d": J, and.'
lI edllioli 8 :.nna.a Interpreta t ion of Dreams. Pp." 2. P11bllihed by_ .
Zeya-ddy Pr LetpadaD. SOO CO!li.. . ; '.
. . .

Kawlyaciana Prell, Letpadau, 1940 . [18tb June 1940

Fooltcap tlvo, 3rd edition. 2 an11aa. . .
61. fdi6':,.,111S. ICawiVlldana Preia, Letpadall. 2-,000 e<>pitl. .
o:iS. Alms and Obj,ed of M a&we Townlhip Natl.oaal

74.-The Sua Annual um\>Cr. Pp. 116. Pnbllsh ed by ,.
Welfare AaOciation. Pp. 8. Publltlled by the the Suri l!fes. Ltd, !lS-67,. Yraaer R..l"goon, 1940, reel, ,
Mlociatfpa. 1940 [171b N9vember' 1940]. Demy, l!'? ttSth luly 19"0] <:;rvwu foho, 111 12 :w11 ..,;. edition.
lit edition. . . '
. .

: Yenangyau11& Town Ycaaneyauag. - 1,000 coP4n Sua Ltd, _Rangoon. S,000 COP,ies.
... . .
I ,' '
( 4 )
[Allp Bo

75. ........ Naftl.- mmcD'.lel .. u .. Tblt.... 4 aw1 .,

Bo A.... ]
1boat Ro
Alml Pp. 4'1
Pr-. IAt. o-t-
.,,,.,,.,... Pp. 2s1. l'llb lilhed
215, Barr Mr9ll, . 1940 tlept.lber

llmidalay. 194o [ I Stb Nowember 1940). Crown hoo Crown .... lat edition. rapee 4 amiaa.I
lit edllloa. s - .. ,_ Cinema "-e RIDIOOD- 1,000 coplce.
ltJipwaye P.-, Mudalay . 2,000
her- Dami lad SWutlb. Pp. 56. . a.,. ..... - as .., CDfl ew.d .p -+
76. llaba .... ,.,.'"7
., .UI
N<'tn. Pp. 326. Fublllbed by
Publllbed by B. K. 11oot0e.,6t. 1 49, 19tJa Street, RIDtrocm. Zlba lleltlwe Pltab .., llanlf:l'>D. 1940 [1511 July
1940 [20di July 1840). Crown ho, lit edition. 4 lllllll. 1940). Crowa lwo. lat edition , I roa-.
..,..,... Zeyp Pr-. Raaaoon . 4.000 copiet.. Zabu lldtawe PitU.a Preu. Raac- 1.000 coplee.
77. Win Wla.- - All N-
lbout Setkyamlll or a aipp. lr.d IUraculoua Blln1. Pp. 144.
Pablllbed by Nyua
Story Houte, Ranaoon. 1940 [Ind BuR1110-Pounca.
Dec.Imber 19":1J. Crown llv., Ill edition. 4annu.
90. U Tlwa Tun Bro.idcaat from 0.-n . -
Thlrtleyoo Presa, Ran1oon. t.SOOCllPea.
_ 711. Daw Na, m6 daw Preedom Radio Statloa. Pp. 164, Publilhed by Auncla
e.JOt Dep6t. 196, .llontcomery Btrect, Raa11-. 19401
Pathl Ill Rurma'1 .. reedom. Pp. 7. Publl1hed by [ltth August ICMO]. Crown lwo. I "tlua. I aaaae.
Rn. U Maun& Gale. 1940. [2let November 1940]. Thlrl ioa Pre1a, Rangoon. I CllPn..
Demy llvo, lit edlU... .
Lamad- SchCl'li Press, Raa"ooa, S,000 c:oPa. 91 .!hfrl H BriU1h of War.
79. U ltawtbaala.- (Wa hnln Paya.] Pp. 196 Publl1hcd b Auaglandaw Book .Dep6t.
196. Moaaomery Street, R n110011. 1940 (4th July ICNO].
A Prophetic Sayia1. Pp. 8. ['blilbcd Thirlaeyoa Crown lvo II anna1.
by Pr
125, llont1omery Stred. Ran11oon. 1940 [ 1 8t h July l.J
CrOwn Iv, ht edllloa. 2 pice. M anma Ycbaw
Praa, Rangoon. 1,500 copiu.
Praa. tuaa-. coplee.
84. Pobllahed
92. 1ba Don.- 11111 War. Pp.
80. U SeiD J[hant. H- to by To Tel Ye Praa, 1 80-114, :lloatgornery Street.
Wor1hlp Bo Bo Aua1. Pp. 48. Publbhcd by Ak}Olallnl Rallgooa . 1940 I June 1940]. Crown quarto' l
Co., 28.J.2&5,
Ban Street. Raa1&oon. 1940 ( 6tb September edltiou. 6 aanaa.'"
1]. Crowu 8o. rd edlion. 2 annaa J pica. To Tet Ye Preas. Ranaooa. 3.000 copies.
' Bcirmcee Cinema Pree-. Rangoon. 2.000 copln.
93. Mo Nyun. Rurma T<>-day. Pp. 60
BURMESE-MEDJCINB. Publlahed by Nai:anl Poblilhing Hou1e. 248, Lewia Strttt
Raaeoon. 1940 [ I . tit Sq 1tember 1940]. Crown 8vo' lit
di. U Nard.i'JQ- A Book edition . 5 annaa.
of Preteriptiouafor Burmese. l\l edidnea, Vol U. Pp. 1 37. N:aa111l Presa, Rang00n . 3,000 copies:
PubUehcd An&lo-Bu rmae
bf Preu, llinhla. 1940
(9111 July 19] . Dan) 8vo, 2nd ecltlon. I rupee 8 annaa. 94. Azaai U 1bukhfla.-a>? +" '6
Al?g lo-Burmeae Preee , M,inhla. SOO copks. A Booklet on the Political Hi1tory of Jl11rma. l'p. 49.
Pubhhed by Plnnya Thcltp1an Pttsa, S:aia&dan,
Mandalay. 1940 [ 1 2th September 1940]. Crvwn 8vo,
BURllBSE- PALM ISTRY. lat edition. 4 anna1.
82. u Kawthanhla. S11 Palmlatry. Pyinnya Theikpalt Preas, llanctalay. I ,COO copi..a.
i'P. 135. Published by Gonawadi Pr-, Mandalay. 1940
.[24th September 1940]. Crown 8vo, tat edition. 1 !Ui>ff" S. U KhaiD1. JQl\ll Inside Asia .
4 aanu.

Pp. Publishtd by Naiiani Publillblng Houff, 248,
Lewil t. Ran11ovn. 1940 ( lit July 1 940]. Crown
Gunawad1 Prell, Mandalay. 1 ,250 oopiee. Svo, lat . IC?,.on11u.
fu. 4,000 copin.
83. P. ltlonin,-New Peycholoj!y. Pp. 80. Published 96. Myoma Saia ln.h Hrin. ,.5 m Gltl GC7JS
by Bunneae Cinema Prcaa, 244, Rarr Street, Ran&oon. Rcvololfon. Pp. 20k Published h v Naganl PnbHahlng
1940 [ 2,;rd June 1940). Crown Svo, lsl edition. 6 annat. \ Hooee, 2-48, Lewis street, Rangoon. 1940 28th September
Borm1e Ci11ema Presa, Rangoon. 2,000 coples.
JCXO). Crown Hvo, lit edition. 10 annas.
l"agaui Press, Hangooa. 3,500 opies.

84, Sa)a Ngwe Hmya.--o:>CJ}ooSro Nudism.

97. Thakin Nu and 'lbakin Hla Pe. -4a.>'"'l-Ci
Pp. 1 35. Published by Akyosaunl( Publication, 283, m::&i'It A Politkal Dictionary. Pp. 1 82. Published
Ban Strct:l, Rangoo11 . 190 . [ 25th Octobt;r 1940]. Crown by Burma l'Ubli1hing House, Ltd., 257-261, Phayre Street,
8vo, lst etion JO -anllaa. ' Rangoon. 1940 [Sth August 1940]. Cr wn 8vo' tat

1;dition. 8 annaa.
Burmese Cinema Presa, lfangoon. l ,SOO copiea.
Burmese Cinema Preas, angoon. 2,000 corles.

BuRi.t E'IE- PoETnv.

-oofu1 Red Eagle. Pp. 214.
98. 1'hakin Tin Mamg.
S . . U. Sau Hta. rh?01S:11 A BurmAe .Publiahcd by Nagani Publishing Hous e 248, Lewie Street,
1940 [ 3oth A ugul

Rangoon. 190). Crown 8vo, l s t

Pro! Pp. 173. Published hy Pyl Gyi Munclyne Pitaka
Prc;s, , th Street, R&ligoo11. 1940 [5th Aui:usl 1940.J edition. 10 annas.
Dern)' 8vo, st editioh .. I rupee 8 annas. ' Nagani Preas. Rangoon. 4,000 copio.
Pyi Gyi Milndyne Pitaka Press. Rangoon. 2,000 copies. .
99. Tha Dun.-C)?IK& Grma 1:y. Pp. 1 58. Published
86. U Po Seit. Let IV Thonaara Yodu-Nolcs and
by Bumia l'ubliihinjl House, 257-261, Phayre Street,
Plmscs. l'p. 183. Published by Toe Press, 253, Creek

Street, Rangoon. l<J.40 [ f llh June 194-0]. Crow n 8vo,.
edition. 1 rupee.
Toe Presa, Rangoon. l ,000 copit11 .
Rangoon . 1940 I 1 2th September 01940). Crown 8vo,
tat e4ition. annas.
Burmese Cinema Press, J{angoon .
2,000 copies.

87. U Po Sein -rofts"lb_lll Burme "100: Y Tht!hJ.-!!Olcit\zB:ll:lf>?I The Ester Problem .

. COMoiitio11, Pp. 448. Published by Daw Kyaw, 253, Creek Pp. 159. Published by Au11glandaw Book p0t, 196,
Street. Ranitoo11. 1940 [1 lth S:ptember 1940]. Crown Montgomery Street, Rangoon . lO [ 18th September
8vo, 4th editloq. l rupee 12 annas. .,. 1940]. 8vo, tsl edition. 8 annas.
Toe P=s. Rangoon: . copie1. Myama Zeyyl Pr... Rang00J1. 1 ,500 copies. .

( 5 )
IOI. n.tln Ba Bhwe. 111cfui&1.. Sba&1 llllllt cbCI 114. .... J. r.nta -The Soww. Pp. 47. l'abUlbed by
ol ._ Famous Plllrlala. Pp. 151. Pablllbed b1 lla KID ... N,.n Prea, 8-ela. 1940 (7tb October 1940).
.Aan&lancla Book Derai, - 1'16. lfnntaomery Stre-. Royal lwo. lit edltloa. 1 anu 6 plee
Ran.-. 1940 [ l lth Seplcfber 1940J. C- ho, Ma KID Ila Nyaa Pr-. 8-eiD. 2,200 c:opla.
Jll .edlllon. B ann.
115. Rw. U Po Twi. Shoalcl
i ...,... Zen' Pre.a, Ran.-. 1,500 copi-. J - participate ID .A Lottery , Pp. 4. Publlthecl by Ille
Lltera&ure Coaalttee ol the llethoditt lli,alon. Rugooa .
102. Daw Nu 8arlll8'1 Preedom 1940 [20lb Sept-ber 1940], Demy *vo. lit edition.
Picture. 1 1heet. Publllhed by Lanmadaw School "'-.
Ranpn. 1940 [2111 Nowanber 1940]. Dcmy quarto, lit Burma Union Preu, Raago0n. I.OOO
ecltlon . ......
Sc P....., Ranpa. 500 oopMa. 1 16. Bllbop Jl'allere. ....
C.techilm o1
the Catholic Religion. Pp. 103. Pabllehecl by R.C.11. Q
103. Dacoa Lun uSs mi OXO'ltl-Deatb and Preu, Toanp. 1940 [9tb November 1940]. Foo!Kap
Hitler. Pp. 140. Publi1hecl by Pyilhu-nah P ubllcall on,
151, hcoU M.vket, Rangoon. 1940 [29th .Au g ual 19401. R c M. Pr-. Tougoo. 4,000 CQl!ie1.
Crown IYo, lit edlliua. I annaa. 117. U Ra Tbia. Kl&ht
.Aug PI-, pan. I.SOO c:opln . Elmienta of Baddh l1m. Pp. 14. Publbhed by Toe rn.,
Creek Street, Rangoon. 1940 [ 1 7th July 191J. l'oollCap
104. y Mang. CD m L Real lvo, %n4 edilloa.
Leader. Pp. 2JI. Publl1hed by Burma Pablilblq 'ff-. Toe Preti, Ranitoon. l,OOO coples.
257, Pbayre Street, Rangoon. 1940 [Sth July 1940].
Crown lwo. Iii edition. I annu. I UI. Rev. J. Perrin.-Tbe Sower, NovC111ber 1940.
Pp. 42. Publl1hed by Ma Kbin ,.. Nyun "'-. J9.
e._ Cinema Presa, Rangoon . 2,000 copies, llYCJ!a Road. 8-in. 1940 [6th November 1940j. Royal
Bvo, tat edllloa. 1 anna 6 pta.
Boa11m-RaL1010N. Ma r.hln Ma N:run Preas, BUHin. 2,m copies.
11\'5. Rev. J Perrtn.-The Sower-Au11uat 1940. Pp. 54. 1 19. . U Tha f'lin.-The Centen:uy of the Tramlaticm
Publi1hed by Saw Aye Oyaw, Ma Kbin ... Nyan Efectric of lbc Barine Bible, 1840-1940. Pp. 7. Publhbed by
Pr-,. Baueln . 19-IO [lOth Aupt 1'>40]. Royal 8Yo, I l l Rev. U Maua1 Gale. 1940 [281h October 1940).
edition. 1 anna 6 pea. Demy Bvo, lit editi<>n, Free.
Ma Ebln Ma Nyun Electric Pr-. .Baueln. 2,200 capea. Lanmadaw School SOO copia.

106. U S.w U. 120. U Tua Pe.-Bannae Bible ud Burman1. Pp. 24'

Publi1hed by Barma Union Pr-. Rang0on. 1940 Tl2th
- Sabbath School 1-July, November 1). Cro- lvo, Ill edition. Free.
ui.;. ad ber 19.0. Pp, 41. Publilhed by
A' Burma u i>reu, RangOClll . 600 coplet.

8.D.A. Yillion, MllitUIL 1940 [6tb June 1940)

;:; !=
Crown l vo, tit edition. ,4 aanu.
Presa, Melttila. 00 cople1. .
107.-m t ..S Go9eromait and Peace.
<qS.,&p. B. B. W .A. Prayer GUide.
Pp. 13. Pabllbedl
by Bunna Union Prea, Rln&ooa. 1940 [%6th Noftlllber
Pp. 42. P11blished by W Tower Bible and Tract 1940] .Crown lvo, llt,edilion. Free.
Society, P.O. Boll 521, Rangoon. 19.-IO [23rd Jane 1940].
Crown 8vo, 2nd editlClll. 2 anna1. Dunua Uni.on Pra1. Rans00a. IOO cop;ea.
Bannae Cinema Preu, Rangoon. 2,000 copla.
122. U Saw'U; I
l8&.:l, ::>!CJOI 8cboCJ
108. Sabbath


Tiact Society, P.O. eo. 521, Rangoon. 1940 [23rd Jiine
1940]. Crown 8vo, ht ,oditioa. 2 annaa.
Le11<>111-0ctobe,r November and Decembef 1940. Pp. 60
l tloa of A Lecture Entitled .ace Published by S.D.A. Minion. Mcildila. 1940 [24th
tbe Fact1." Pp. 62. Publl lbed by Watch Tower Bible ' September 1940l\_ Crown 8vo, lst editloa. 4 amw.
Klnsaang Pre9 tlla. 300 coplra. . .
Bur- Cinema Pr-. Rangooo. 2;000 copies. 123. Rew. J. Perrin-The Sower, July 1. Pp. .
Pllblllbed by Ma Kin Ma Nyun Presa, Basseln. l'HO
109. Thathanallan. ou'IS . [3rd.July 1940). Royal 8vo, lit edllloo. 1 ann3 6 plet
.A Col ledton ol Religl0111 Poems. Pp. 24. . Ma Kin .Ma Nyun Prell, Balin, 2,20<> c:orfes.
Pubiilhed by u San Hla Ba, .Anelo-Buim- Praa, BuRMBt!E-SclBNca CNATORAL)
. lffnbla, 1940 [16tb July 1940J. Fooltcap 8Yo, 2nd edition.

t una. 124. U Myat Soe j,,':ll O ur World. Pp.104.

Anglo-Burmese Preli, llinhJa. 1,000 cople1. Publiahed by Naeani Pu J:>lls hin g House, 248. !4wls Street,
Rangoon. 1940 [20th Novembe r 1940]. Dd&iy 8vo, lit
110.-Wben- Was A Boy. Pp. 64. Publi1hed by edition. 8 annas.
am.tlaa IJterature Society, Burma. P.O. . 'Boa 100,

Nai:anl Pre,s,' Ranto6n, 3.000 copies:

Raneoon. 1940 [7th .Aaguat 1940], Demy 16mo,
1.i edition. 4 anna

Raneooa. 500 copte1. .BuR11JisE- Socrot.oGv.
.A.B.11. . : i.,
111. Rev. J. Perrin. -Tbe Sower, September 1940. 125. Chit Weik&a.-Lover's Galde. Pp. 6(). Publi1bed
Pp, 40. Publllhed by Ma' K1n Ma 'Nyun Press, 39, Myena by CbirMyitta Tailt, 35. Oliphant -Street, Rangoon. 1940'
[24tfi June 19.4()]. Demy 8v1>, lit edition. U an nu.
Road, [8-eln. 1940 [2n d Septembe.r 1910]. Royal Svo, .
tat edition. I anna 6 pies. Myanma Myozaung Preas, Rangoon. l,000 copies.
Ila Kin Ma Nyun Prea, Bauein. 2,200 copia.
11 Myint Swe. aoo
126. Major.-Raeing in A NutSbell. Pp. 32. Publi.lhed
How to go to yatlktaea-gautama Pi11oda . Pp. 20. , by New Light of Bunna, Ranj!oon. f9_.!I [loth June 19] .
Publilhed by Ma ung Mya Thein, Zegyo Road, Mlnbla. Crown 8vo, hi edition. l rupee 8 annat.
1940 [Sib October 19401: Fooltcap 8vo, ht edition.
1 anna. New Llht of Burma Preis; Ran&oon . 1,000 copies.
Anitlo-Burmese Preas, Vlnhia. 1 ,000 copies, - ENGUSR-BIOGRAPRY.
113. Dr. A. Judlon-The Psalms. Pp. 2LI. Publllhed J. Harwood.-" Burma Mission " Jones .
by A.B.M. Press, R.arreoo:i. 19!0 [7th October 1940J. Pp. 135. ubliabed by A.B . Ptesi, Rani1oon. 1'140
Fooilcap 8vo, l lhdllion. 1 4 na

[llth July t qro,1m.8v.o, lit edition. U naa

.A.B.M. PreQ, Rangoon. 1,000 copie1. ; A.B.11. Preas,. ngooo. l,OOl>,coples.


.... .... .. c. WD&--- .....

Story ol Adolllnm Jadlon, Pioneer llllllooary cl BllJlllL
-- 6 -L....,.... . ...
On-. Pp. 612. Publilhtc! bv Ralanatbeikdf Pit.a
Pp.41 . Publhbtd !.y A.JUI. Pre11, ..,_, 1940 (12tb Pr-, SaillJdan, Mandalay. 1944> [nth July 1940).
Jal1 1940). Crown O. lit edltlcla. 2 - 6 ..... Ro,al two, Ill cdlUon. 5 rupca .
A.15.M. Pr-, 8ancoan . 1,000 copks. Ratatbdkdl l'llab Prrs1, Mandalay. 1,!00 coplee.
141. u Khln. Tree ol Dbealcl
129. .... F. c. o-,.e.-HIHMl-f',,, {1tldliftl by B mae lleth-.1- Pp ,... b Y
80 Publlah_.. z-1...
9'1/t A-11.
16. PublilhCAI bJ C. X. de Soula "'-, Ii ieillnre Presa, Rangoon. 1940 (24th September 1940).
--- .... l ...
- . 1.u0 ""' ... Jaly lftft].
ern ..,
.. h" Crown ho, hit edition . I n1pee 8 arulu.
C. X. de Souza Prell, RanlOCJli. 60 CIDPeL Zaba lleitswe Prca, Rangoon . 250 corlel
. e. R. Peun.-Hl1tory "r RaneOGD. Pp. 350. PALl BURYBSB-MJSCBLLANEoVB.
d by A.B.11. P,rna, Ra oon. 1939 U2th July
;'., 1 42. U Sein Khant.-11 Propbetlc
1939). Ro)-al quarto, lit cdl n. IO rvpeee.
Sayings o1 Old. Pp, 6. by Akyoaunic Co
A.B.Y. RaftlOOD. 1,000 c:o,iel. 28S215, Barr Strfft, Raniioon. 1940 [22nd July 1940).
Crown ho, 3rd edltkln. 9 annaa.
Barmeae ClnC111 a Prns, Rangoon. 1,500 copies.
143 and 144. Xonywe Sayadaw.qQ8ofa:IS.
Bookaon General Knowledge, Voll. I
1U1C1 II. Pp. 47 and 399. Publlsh:t I>)' Thu Dhama
Wlldl Preea, Ran1?oon. 1940 f61h November 1940).
EJfoLIBH-LARGUAOB. Royal 8vo, 2nd edition. 3 rupec1 8 ann as each.
Thu Dhama Wadi Preas, RanJloon . 1,000 copies each.
132. Mill. F. C.
C.llilllw1 . Pp. 27. Pu
0-,,,.,. lld &q for
by C. ll de Souaa ..._, 145. Twlnle f'ondaw11Ji.-11 Oaial
llangoon. 1940 [12th Auauat 19401 Crown ho, lit edltioa. lllltruction1 for Chlldn-n. Pp. 39. Publial: ed by
For pri"ate Lee 1n ldm. T. G. Brolben' Printing. Works, Prume. 19"1-0 [29th June
1940L Imperial 10010, lst edition. 2 ano.ia.
.. x. de 'Soc la Prna, Ranaooq. 64 COf'lel.
T. G. Brothen' Printing Worb, Proml'. SOO coplea.
133. Dr. M. Sit11l. -Conetitnll1he PflU Medical 146. NyaUDl!l!ll n Sayadaw.- c
AllOdaticn, E1tablilhed 1939. Pp. 2. Pa&Uabed by
the A lllOclatlon.' 1940 [lith July 1940L Foolacap folio, 11t
'loSt Som e of the Extracts from the SSO Storiea
edition, ol Lord Buddha. Pp. 232. Published bv HanthawaddJ
llaham&) al Pre11, Pp JOO coplee. Pltakat Prne, Rani:oon. lO f2SIU July 1940]. Dcmy
8ro, lit edition. 1 rupee 4 annaa.
ENGLIBRPOBTRY. ff,nthawaddy Pltakat Pres, Rangoon. S0o copies.
134. 1oe Ma1J11 g.-Nclt1 "
Drll> Boot of Vnu 147. Nyaunggan Sayadaw.- c:"l7<?1a:.Du5o!Rl-
Pp. 16(). Publ11hcd by J\ai:ani l'llblilhill& Ho111e, 248,
Lewis Strttt, Fargoon. 1940 [ISth J11ne 1940]. Crown
e<OOX'lc& Some Of the Extracts from the SSO Stories of
Lord Buddha. Pp. 105. p, bliahed by Hanthawaddy
quarto. ht edition. 1 rupee.
Nagani Pre11, RanlfOOn. t,000 copiea. Bvo, h,
Pltaht Preas, RanjlOon. 1940 flSth Jiily 1940]. Demy
itlon. -10 annaa.
Hant wad
dy Pitakat Press, Rangoon SOO copies.
148. andawun U Zawana - :msiift
5. Ganga Sinl(h.-Burma Parliamentary Companion. A Praye Book, Pp. 24. Publitihed
Buddhist by
Pp. . Publllhed by Brillah Burma Pres (Ranl(oon U Zawana, Nandaw-bon-kyaung, Shwedaunjt. 1940
Gaze Ltdl, Rangoon. 1940 [211t Auguat 1940]. (18th September 1940]. Crown 8vo, J st edition. 1 anna.
Royal 8 Ill edition. 10 nipeea.

Pyinnyadipa Press, Prome, 5()1} copie1.

Brit11h B Preas, Raniioon. 1,000 copies,
149. u Thathanadaza - f1pimcoen Exposition of
-.SCIBNCE (NA.TiJRAL). Nlnana. Pp. 8. Published 1by l\tnJ:myan ll)a Prea'1;
Zelan, Sagaing. 1940 [llth July 1940]. Deroy 16mo,
136. M ary Babara.-An Aid ro irathy. Pp. 27.
lst edition. Free.
Published by R.C.M., Pru1, Tounp. 19'10 [3rd July Angmyana Prees, Sagaing. SOO wpies.
1940]. Foolscap folio, lst edition.
R.C.ltf. Prete, Toi ngoo. 1 ,500 copies. ISO. U Thathanadaza.mroC:I A Booklet o
.liforal lnatructfone. pp. 44.
Published by Aungmyanm
' .

Gcorg -<.eoiralhY

137. lliaa F. C. J94o.41l<-f'est Prcl5. Sagalng. 194C. [I llh September 1940). Dcmy
Qtluliot1s 1tith Am1"rs. -+'p. 24. l'ublithed by C. X. 16mo, let edition. 2 n:is.

d4! Souza Preas, Rangoon. 1940 [10lb July 1940). erown

For private use_ In the !{ranch Conve.11t School,

Aungrnyanma Press, Sagatng. SOO copies.

Jtangooa. . .;. lSl. U Thalha nadaza . ..:... 8o:n:>f'.lmroCll Buddhist
C. X. de Souza Pre, Rang0011 . ro"to.plct1. Meditaliiin Pp. 38. Puhlished by Aungmyanma Pr!!">
SagalnJt. 194o [ 3rd1 Octob<:r 19-10). Demy 16mo
. PA LlBt?-MESE._AsTRO WoY., lat edition. .annaa.
AW1gmyanma Prees, Sagainll. SOO copies.
138. Saya u Bo G}i.- t>;>oJfl&rarma.,
1.5 2. Second Maungdaung Snyadaw.aqmBu"'1Sn
0>5111 Prediction for the ;year 1302 8.E. Pp. 14. Publi1hcd
[Buddhha-i:una Dlrani Kyan). Exposition of the Attribntee
by aya U Bo G>i and Brother U Bo Dwe. 1940 [24th of Lord Buddha. Pp. 92. Publihed by Kawi meikawe
Presa, 84th Streel,. Y;1l1l11eze Quarter, Mandalay. 1940 '
June 1940]: l!rown 8vo, ht editlon. 1 anna.

f'.Yinyunyatan Prea1, Mzndalay. l,COO q>pics, (ICth April 19'10]. Demy 8vo, lst editlon.
Kawioieikswe Preas, Mandalay. 1.,000 copie.- .,
. 1S3. Nyaunggan Snyadaw. - O-:'lS? f.
139. ' U TilaWkan)ua.UaxE rn A Pre. [Naikh!iharatta Dipani]. How to Attain Nirvana and .
1Cribe4 Book on Tranalatioo for the Patamalat Er.npinlltion. also How fo DilPel Mil_i:lvings in Onc'a Religion. Pp
Pp. . 107. Puhliahed. by Hanlhawaddy Pitata Preas, 102. ' Published by H3ntbawaddy Pitaka Pres.1, 1 12;
Raneoon. 194.0 [Jrd August 1940]. Crown 8vo, lst edition. 33rd Street, Rangoon. 1940 [2nd September 1940). Denty
12 annas. 8vo, lst cditlon . 12 annas.

Har:tJ.a"'addy Pitakat Pr-, l_?lngOOD. 1,000 coplet. Hanthawaddy Pitaka Pi eaa, Rangoon. . 1,000 copies,
l 7 )
154. U ......,...._ A Boot 167. U 'Jbalh.... - A Bootlet cm
oa llcdltMlon. Pp. m. PalllilMd "' Kawlmallela Abbldb-. Pp. 36. Pabltrhcd by Aanp!Y'DID Prell,
l'ftw. v-oan 1940 [Wl Jalr 1t10J. erow.. flliealna. 1940 (,22nd NoYember 1940). Foolleal! 8Yo.
"' .. edltlaL ht eclllon. s -
Sa.taialMID Pr-. Yn.. SOD coplte. AlllllCDIJmma Pr-. Saptn1. 500 coJliel.

1ss. u P>tanyaw11at11a.- A"i:L 16'.-8f'lC'ID\m Baddblat PbllOIOJl.lly Pp. I.

Buddblat Prayen. Pp. 1 52. Publllhcd by PDblllhed by Kaw LteJil of Burma Pr-, Ran11-. 1940
U..ya Preti, Ye.a. 1940 [17th (uJy 1940). Crowa ho, [9th Nocmber 1940]. Crowa ho; Ill edition. Free. -
lit clltloa. Far free dltlributloa. - Ll&ht of Burma Praa, Rana .scioc:qi1ea.
1111-ntbaaya "'-- YML SOO cqilcl.
169. U Y...._ -
156. Thayettaw SaJadaw.- - Tabla A cco rding to A1'bldh1ma cblng1. pP. '12.
A Rcllll01!8 Dedslo n. Pp. 10. Published by Ma Aye Tin Publi1hed by Thh ile:ron Preu, 125 lloat11omery Street,
llclllliJa. 1940 ( ISth Jane 1940] Dcmy 890, Rancoon. 1940 (4lh Aa1oat 1940J . Crown folio, lat
tbL. Par frM dLltributian. edillaa. 1 rupee.
Ila Aye Tia Pr-. llelkttla. 300 C'Opl. Tllirbeyon Pnsl. Ranaoon. 2,000 cople1

157. Saya w- .... Boddhl1t
llelf&lona lnllructlon 1. Pp. l Pubhed bf Ila Sein
170. U Per.:8:mccmo'loa:JS11 ReHgloua lnltructlona
for Pupils. Pp iu. Publilhrd by Thlrlzeyon Preu, 125.
llaf, 50. Zkawa Sired, Yeo- Qauter, Rlnpin. llontpiery i :UrC!et; RangOOR. 1940 [Sth AuPll 1940).
1940 [17th October 19-40). Crowa lo, 141Ja cdftlon.

Faolec.p'lvo, lit IUoa. 10 annu. .

Tllirtze,.aa Pre19, Ranaoon. 2,000 cop1e1.
Toe Pr-. JlalOOR . 1,000 eoplce,
171. U EID. - Ba ddbiat
158. U Thlrlkl naanabtwuntha.-
lledi tation. l'p. 14. Publlahed by Saya Pyo, pYlnnya.alla

me6i Qoeationa and Answen on the c:ommentaiyon tbe Preas, Natlalln. 1940 [11t July 1940]. Royal 16mo,
Abhidbamma. Pp. 231: "Publiilbed by Tho Dhama lit edition. 1 anna.
Wad! Prcaa, 55-56, Mauaa Khlnc Street. RanlOOD. 1940 J:>ylnnya..Un Prell, Naltalln. 6,000 copies.
(25th November 1940]. Crown lvo, ht edition. I rcpee
4 annaa. 172. lJ Aan1 Tim Pru.-o.8.o,I
Thu oi.n. Wadl Prell. Ranaooa . 1,000 cop1et. hpoallion cl Nirvana. Pp. t4. Publi1hed by Pyl Gyl
ll ondyne Preas, Akyatl. 1 940 [3td August 1940]. Demy
159. U Kalayana.- 8vo, fnd edi&n. Frie.
[Wtnyana Dipani llyat-Yaw&hl Kyanthltl A Boddhlat
. Pp. 59, Published by llya 1ban
Pyi G>i llandyne Prell, Akyab. 700 copies.

ketlgioa1 Scnnon
Preas, Saaalng. 1940 [ l l th October t9lO]. Foot.cap
tw, tat edition. 173. U_ Elndata.-Q>QDGO:Dt?I A Buddblat
llya Than Pr- g. l.OOO copiea. Sermon. Pp. 59. Published by Thauui:lonsetJr.ya-do
myanma Presa; 31. ,13th Street: Rangoon. 1940 [22nd
160. U Sein Pe .-Tbe First Sbge of tho Jiuddhiat September 1940]. Crown'Svo, tst edlUon. 8 annas.
Pbllosophy. Pp. 45. l'ublishe!) by l'hiJoeorbical Society, ThaUDJ:iollletkya-do-myanma Praa, Banj!CAJn. 1,000
Promr. 1940. [ 281h October 1?40] . Dc:my 8vo, lit copiea.
edition 2 annas.
T. :G. Brothen Printing Works, Prome. 500 copiea. 174. U Nyanottara.-'x>.> Bolldhlst
Pracllcee. Pp. 60. Published by Mahuddana ZaUla Praa,
n. 19-40 [7th ovember 1940].. Crown 8vo, tat
161 u Kethl.- 'S. A Tttalile on "' d
edition. Free.
B uddhi.t Phllolorhy. Pp. US. Publl!lbed by U SetAuni:,
11111 owner, Nanma, Mlna Dilhlct. 1940 [13th Mahocidana Zatila Preas, Bass eln. 3cO copie1.
November 1940]. Crow1i'Svo, lateditioa.'


Zabu Mells.we Pre-. OOO. t,000 175. piathan adan - - . ffiit*!l

' - Buddhist Prayers; Vol. JJ. Pp. 32. Published by Anglo-
. 16i. Ledatgyl Sayadaw.-mt;l= Etpoei- Bunnne J>rae, Ml nhla. 1940 [20th September 1?40].
FoollCap 8vo, lit edition. 1 anna.

lion of Anoandaa according to Budd blani. Pp. 108.

Pub!hed by Tbiwunthanya l'Rfl, Ye-u. 1940 [23 Octo- An11lo-B11rmesc Preas, Mlnhla. 1 ,000 coples
ber 1940]. Crown 8v 2nd edition.
o, 8 annal
. ThlWunthanya Preta, YC.u. 1,000 cople1. 176. U Ariya.-mc:8:lnl A . Manual of Annual
163. UThiriklnaanabiwuntha.-R?m6 .Do6atk n uf Robes . Ceremony. Pp. 80. Publiahed by
. i! Hanthaw.addy Prea1, 1 1 2, 3Jrd S, Rangoon. 1940
Ou . d Alilwers on the Rules ot Vinaya. [ lOth Sepber 1940]; Royal l!vo, lit Cdition. a annaa.
Pp. 227. Published by Thu Dhama Wadi Preu, Rangoon. .

1940. [ 28th September 1940]. CrOWJl Svo, l st eclitiQD. Hanihawa<ldy Preas, Rango on. SOO copls.1
1 rupee 4 aruw.

177. Chit Paw.-sr:>iaa ?

'Ibu Dhama .Wadl Preu, Ra ng l , OOO
Way to Nirvana, Vol. II. Pp. 98. Publlah ed by Daw
164.-S . Buddhist iptret. Pp. 26. 1:ti!'1 n
M ywa. 1940 [24th June 1940]. Crown 8vo, 2nd
'00 annaa.
Publiahed by Sun Light StationCry Mart, Mandalay. 1940 e
(3rd October 1940]. Demy 8vo: 4 naa. . Coronation Prea8, Mandalay. 2,000 copiea.
Samu Aawe Preu, Mandalay. S,000 copie1.
178. U Nandiy:l.-011 [A Section of Buddhlat
165. 'Chit Paw::r:>"lO to5coSfl00<8 Phlloaophy]. Pp. . 40. Published. by Yuwadl Kauksalk
Albin, Henzad;a. 1940. [11th July 1940). Super Royal
.....>.. Way to Nin
- -. Vol. Ill. .. 77.
16mo, ht dition. 2 annas.
- 41 M """ Published bY

Daw Thin. Paukfauktan, My ln mu 'Road, Jofooywa. 1 940 .
(27th Octpber 1940]. Crown 8vo, llt. . edillon, 8 annas ., . - Coronation Presa, Henzada.. SOO copies.
' ,
.. ,
Coronation Presa, Mandalay. 2,000 .copi.esl. . 1 179. u Wimata.- m=sMm oueation . and

166. U Wilatha. A Tr on the An 1wera on the Rules of Vinaya. Pp. 277. Ptibliahed
Attributes of Lord Buddha. Pp. 104. Pub sbe9 by' b y H antbawaddy Preas, 1 1 2, 33rd
Street, Ragoon . 1940.
Seternber 1940). Crown 8vo, lst edition. I rupee
Tbiriaan dara Presa, Yahaineze. Mandalay. 1940 [ Sth [281b
November .1940]. Foolacap 8vo, 2od edition. 4 an.
Thirlsandara Preti, M.. 2,500 copies. Hanthawaddy Pren, Rangoo11. 3,000 copies. _

' ..

( 8 ) .

PJlp/A So CD ipf O'.)


.lllO. U 193.. Mya Salw6. -om8C:Bfeo A Tl'tlltll

a Buddhlat Mcdion ad Prayera. Pp. 75. CID Alcbcmy. Pp. 195. J:lubliabed bJ Pal- Book
b7 Maq Tin a 8oaa Preu, Mi'lolmcln. 1940 Depc)t, 166-1611, J7th Btreet. a.naoon. 1940 C 27th 11117
ber 19401 llo>llcap Bvo, lit edition 2 annu.
[lltb lclplem 94CI]. Foolac:ap 16mo, lit edition. J rupeca.
Tin. a Soni Pr-, Moubiici n 600 coplea. "- Pine Aft Pr-. Rang- I JOO cople8.

111. u 'nlawta.- Baddhlst

E11aus8. BuR11 111B-PoL1Tu:a.
Mtlapbytica. Pp. ZJ. Publllbed by Aqmyanma l'ral
:_a. 1940. [16tb September 1940]. Demy 16mn, let 194. Khan Kyl. The Mtatab lfa
by tM Shan llatea. Pp: 28. Publlabed by Hew LI& al
lCJD mma Pr-. Sacatng.
Allly 1,000 c:Opia, Burma Prea1, Rangoon. 1940 [2lncl Janry 1940]. ao,.t
ho, I It edition. Free.
ta. u Kmdala. - 'P't' New Llgbt ol Burm'\ Prea, Raa&oon. 1,000 cop! .
A Baddbllt Sermon ClCllllalnln& varlOlll Prayen. Pp. St.
Pabllebld b7 YacbDabon.O Koadala. 1 [tOth Octolwr
1940]. crown lvo, lit edltioa. Free. SoAWKARBN-BIOGRAPHY.
8altbm Pr-. Raugoon. 900 copies.
195. Thra Mauaa YID,-Rev. c. A. Nlchoi., D.D. Pp. 91
l'ublillMd 'fly the Supcrlntcndebt ol Nicholl Sgaw-Kar91
113. Paya&yl Bayadaw.- o Hl\Ch School. n. 1940 [30th September 1940).
Attrtbales ol Lord 811ddltll. l'p. 10. Pllbllabed by Dcmy lvo, Ill cdltiou. .S annaa.
Jban&Than Electric: Press, 50, Oliphant Street, Rangoon.
lMO [JCIUI October 1940]. Crown 8vo, 111 edil,lOn. Free. . Nichols . S &aw-Karcn High School, tiandn. 1,llOG
coplca. . ..:
-1 Electric Prc:u,'Ranl(oon. 1,000 e<>pl-. .
. _,_-E -
114. Ledl-Sayadaw.'lao'tot':> SoAW-KAR_p-ij18TORY.
Lord Buha and Bawanu 196. Auni Hla.-The . K&rcn Pp. . 269
_90Dll'D'.&.,dla Attrlbatci'ol
Publiahccl by the
Nichole S1tlwKareD
ud their mcaaings. 10. Puplllbed byStar of . , Superiltlendcrrt,
8arma Pre-. B Roact; Mlllldalay. 1940 [ 2Stb September Hi&h School, ta"ICin. 1940 [Znd September 1940}.
I.MO]. Crown 8vo, Jat edition. Royal 8vo, lat edition. 1 rupee IS annu.
St ol Burma Praa, Mandalay; 300 coplcs. Karen Maiuine Prcaa,.Buscin. l.000 coplcjl.


lnterprclaUon of the Rules of Vina)... Vol. Ill. t>p. SCH.
Publilbcd by Thathanamand.&lnit P1Llka Prea, Mandalay . 197. Tbra l'o Tun.-,Karen Magazine,"' Auiust '1940.
1940 [2itb JllllC 1940]. Royal 8vo, 2nd edit ion . S rupees Pp. 40. Pllbla
i hcd by Karca Magazine .Prca, 8aUda
. .I annaa. 1940. [2Jrd July lj. Hoyal 8vo, l st edition. 4 annas.
Tballw111mandain g Pllak! Pr-. Mandalay. 1,oo0 coplca. Karen Ma&a&i ne Pr, Ba-in. 1,00!) coplee.

186. U Mall.- Q Rulca o the 198. Thra Po Tun.-Karcn Maeulne. Pp. 31.
Dnn Sect ol Bu ddhi nk: Pp."0
at s'Z."\>ubliahed .by Publlahcd by Sgaw-Karen High School, Baslcin . 1940
(23rd Aoguat 1940.J. . Royal o, 111 editloil. 4 annas.

Nagarathlreill Presa. Kan&Yi Road, Lctpadan. 1939 [ 9th .

Kay t9J9J. Crown Bvo, 3rd edition. 2 annaa 3 ph:a.

Karen Magazine Pras'., Baaseh1. 1,075 copica.

BurmelC CinelJla rrt.. Ra!Jgoon. 2,000 coplea. 199. The Burma Defence Force and tbc Military rotic:e
Guettr, Vol. V; .No. 7. Pp. 6, P11blilhcd by Ofticcira ol lbe
187. U Ablara.- liurma Rift.... 19:40 IJ8th July 1940j. Foolscap folio,
aoia A Tratlse oo Thekkaya and the differcDct 1 anna.
bet- Paramal and Pylnnyal Pp. 81. Publilbcd by Bunter Prcaa, Tngoo. c:opica.
Y-11,aUDI Town . Prcu, Yenanun g. 1939 (10th
Aalril 1919]. Crown 8vo, 2nd edition. Not for aale. 200. The Burma Defence Force and the Mill bry Police
Gazette, Vol. IV._ No. 11. Pp. 13. Published by the
YcOaiaiYaunl( Town Yeunoa11ng. l,OOJ c:o1ilca . .Ofticers of Burma Rlftcs, Maymyo. 19'. 126tb
188. U Jtbcmeinda. - ID'lt':>O NC>Vemr 1940]. Fooltcap folio. 1- anna.
Bunker -. Toungoo. SOO.copies:

Abridganncnt ol Buddbill Meditation).. PJI. 16. Publi shed

by U Tun Khaing. 1940 [2th June 1940], Crown 8vo, 201. The &nna Defence force and th,e lliUtarY Police
lit edition. Free. Ga&ctt . Pp. 12. Published by ,the Olli::era of the Burma
l'YffY11D PrCIS, lladalay, 1,000 copies.
l anna.
Riftca, Ranaoon. 1940. ['llh October 1Y40J
. Foolscap folio,

189. U Ba Thwin. -.Protcat against' Bunker Praa, Toangoo . 530 copies.

tlle dcllructlob ol the foundallon of a Pagoda. Pp. 4 . " 202. Tbra Po Tun.-Tbe Karen Ma11adne, November
Published by U Ba Tbwiu ;ind Daw lthin. 1939 [I Uh May 1940. Pp. 38. PllbU.hcd by the Supcrtntc.idcnt of ., :
1939]. Crown-,.,' let edition. Free.
Nichole Sgaw-Karcn High School, Baucin. 1940 [26th
Nagaralblr.elll Prcu, Kangyi ROact, . LctpadaD. 1,000 October 19.fO). Royal 8vo, ltt edilion. 4 annas.
cqiiea. Nic:hol1 Sgaw-Kanm High School. BUscln. 1,075 copies
t90. U Tbumana. Reli&foua 203. Tbra Po Tun.-Karcn Mal(a&iac, June 19t0. Pp. SO.
Sermcm. t>p. 105. Publiabed by PyiJlyunyatana Preas, Published by the .Superintendent of Nichols SgawKarcn
Koonjan Quai:tcr,. Mandalay. 1940 [12th Scptc:mbcr 1940]. High School, Haasein. 19tO [21st May 1940). Royal 8vo,
crown llvo, 1st ediUon. 12 annaa.

lit edition. annas.
Py1Dyun7atana Prcu, Mandalay. SOO copica. Nichols SgawICaren High School, Butcln. 1,075 c:opia.

PALl-BURllBSE-SclBNCE (NATURAL). 204. Tbra Po T;m.-Karen Mal(a&lne. July 1910. Pp.: 40.
P11bU1bed by tbe Supet lntcndent of Nichols SgawKareo
191. Gandari Sayagyl.- <>t'Jl\coS@t A 'Treatlae oo High SclJool, Ba"5ebi. 1940 [22nd June 1940]. Royal 8vo,
Alchemy. _ Pp. 98. PuNlshcd by Kawiy adana Pren, lit edition. 4 a1111a.

Lctpadan. 1940 {16th August 19'40]. .::rown Iva, lsl . Nichole Sga Karen High School,'.Balleln. l,eSo copica.

' edition. 2 rupees 8 ;um.
Kawlyadana P?e11, Letp.'14an, . SOO copies.

l Albin Kond;ala.C:t S;a A 205. Tl\ra Paul. - Sabbath School Lc3Sont-July, AugU91
TrQtilC on AIChcmy. Pp. ' 73. Publithed by Hanthalhlri and September 1940 P[I. 42 Publibcd by S.D.A.
Prea, 29, Yegvaw Road, Rangoon 19 10. . [29th June Mwlon, Mo:iktila. ' 19<0 l6th June l'OJ. Crown 8vo, lit
1940]. Crown 8vo, la edition. 1 rupee 4 annas. edition. 4 antlil1.
Hantbathiri Pr-, Rang'oon. 1,000 copi! Kln1aung Preas, Mciktila. 200 copica.


( 9 )
I06-Wbln 1 Wu a
a.t111111 Li tioclety,
'64. Publllhed bJ
P.O. Bos 100.
200, Lewll 8tnet. Ruilooa. 1940 {lClth. AllgUll 1940].
Crowa ho, let edition. J aanaa.
"80&000 1940 [7th Aapet 1940). , 16mo, ... Mdbla llltra ...... Ran.-, S.000 oople1.

ecltlim. 4 -.
A.B.11. Pl'lllt Raaaooo 500 cop. HhlDl-ECOJIOlllCL
2'fl. Tbra Paat. - Sabt..ab 8cbool i--Odober,
Nonmbcr ad Dec.lblr 1940. Pp. 5'. l'labllsbed by m. Sadaaand .-1-nl a.ur-oi.c-.. on the
S.D.A. Mlllioil, llelldlla. 1940. [atth Sfoptember 1940]. Vlqoue. Circle of MODCJ Pp. 17. Publlahed by Bharat
Crowa ho, lit edlllaa. 4 ......
Prtalfaa Prem, Mandalay. 1940 [16th Slsitember 1940].
PoollcaP ' 4 annaa. ;
Kl-a "'- llelllllla. 200 cop1-.
Bbara( PrlDllnl Presa, Mandala:v. I, lea.
\ 20I. Tbra J'o Taa.-Karen llapzlae. October 1940.
pP. 42. Palililbed by the Superlatendent, 8pwKalea .

lfl&b Sdlool, B...aa. 1940 [2Sth September 1940]. H JNIU-M18CBLLAl'BOU8

JloJal ho, lit ecHtloa. 4 - 213. Pandit Kelhav anand &llama Jadall .-Vi vake Maia.
Kana llapllae .._, Raaaooa. 1.075 cople1. Pp. 21. l'Ubllahed by Bharat Printing Preas, Jlandalay.
209. Tbra Saa Ba.-&ennona No. IV. Pp. 6J. Pllbllabed 1940 [16th Septembtt 1940]. Foolacap lvo. '4 aruw.
by Nlchola Spw-Kmm Hlab Sc:boo1. BIMeln. 1940. Bharat Prilltlng Preis, Mandalay, 1,000 copicl.
[ :IJ rd July 1940]. nem, 8vo, fat edltlun. 6 pies.
Nlcllola Spw-ltven Hl&h 8cbool, Balleln. 1.000 MON-HISTORY.
JCnthala&Do.noJJ. 1'alaJng HlatCJ17.
, We1TK.laa11 (GBBllA)-Rauo10N. bllahe.i by Raman,a Thlri Wuttana Preu,
e, Cba11ng10n: 1940 [23rd June 1940].
210. Rev. 8tefao.-llaklro Adelhl-Li.cht ctl the Hilla. ltlon. Free.
J'p. 20. Publiabed b_)' R.C.11. Presa, Toun&oo. nllana Preas, Chaungz6n. 1.000
l ]. lCO)'al lwo, JalJ edition, R.C.M.
[3rd JulJ 19 40
Prea, TOIJll&OO. 775 copl
211. Rn. stefano.-lfaldto'delhi - Llght of the HIU1 :t.loN-Rl!LIGION. ' .
Pp. 20. Pablilhed bJ R.C.!11. Prell, Touagoo. 1940
[llth Au&111t 1940]. Roya1 Bwo, Augaat edition. 225. llaaaa Tln Yin Ahpannalca Zat.
R.C.11. Pral, Toanp. 775 copies. Pp. 11. P11blilhed by Zaba Meibwe Pltata Preu,
212. Rew. Stefano.-llatko Adelhl-Ll1Zhl ol the Hill. Ranioon. 1940 ll 6th November 1940]. Foollcap Bvo,
Pp. 20. Publilbed by R.C M. Pres1, Toangoo. 1940 I d edition.
[ 30th AUiUll 190]. Royal ho, September edition. Zabu llelbwe l'ilab Prca, Rangoon. 1,000 copies.
R.C.11. Pnu, Toiangoo. 775 copies. 226. lloa Tan Y n. Lwik Ga Cmi Daill Mit.-Buddbllt
213. Mev. Stefano.-lluto Adelhi-Llght of the Hilla . oa1 Poems. l'p. 24. l'ublid by Mon Tun Yin,
Pp. 24. Published bJ R.C.M. Press, Toungoo. 1940 Free Library, R:angoon 1940 [24tb Jane 1940].
[2nd October 194 0]. Royal lvo, October editl1111. Fool1eap lsl edition.
R.C.11. Pnu, Touagoo. 775 copie1. Zabu Melll e Pitaka PrCU, Rangoon. 3.000 copies.
214. 8ahop Lanlraaconi.-Ddhabo Karen Hymn Boot '11. U Sbwe "'yo Q':>I [Parakau Dhama
Pp. 397. Published by R.C.M. Preu, l'out,V(00 1940 Dethana]. Baddhlal DiSC<>Uran. Pp. 224. Published by
[lht October 1940]. \.'rown 16mo. Thiri Wuttana Preas, Tawkana Vllla&e,
R.C.11. Prell, Tuungoo. . 6,000 copi es.
' Cbaungz6n. 1940 f25th June 1940]. Demy 8\o, %nd
edition.12 annas. .

Ramanya Thiri WuUana Prete, . ChaungzOn. 1,000
215. P. M. A. CbelUab Piltar.,-nevtai Sivahhagba .
gyatbln Gnanapabrtha Matar. Pp. 16. Pubiiahcd by
Jyothl Preu, 47, 31at Street, Rangoon. 1940 t 16th July PALl-RELl.GION.

1940]. CllOwn 8vo, tat edition Free.
Jyotbl Press, Rangoon. SO copies. 228. U Linand Otheri O fDCD'X> 'JI
[Hlerl-gata atakata pat]. Bucldhl1t Sn-moos. . Pp. 356.
Pubiiabed by 'Zabu Meitsw e Pit.aka Presa, Rani:flOn. 1940
[6th July 1940]. Royal 8vo, lit edition. 8 nipeea 8 annaa.
216. Father Anatriello.-Veettu Gnanobartheaam-Llfe. Zabu Kalawe Pitata Presa, Haniioon. SOO copies.
Pp. 6. Publlabed by Navem.i Katba Boot D epOt,
Rangoon. 1940 [17th October 1940]. Cro\\'11 8vo, \
tst edition. Free .
Naveena Katha Preae, Rangoon. 300 C<Jpies. 2211. Haji Lu. tu'lc6 '2' Translation
217 P. S. ltadambavanaDL- Revival Song1. Pp. 10. of Chapter Vil of the Hol y Quran. Pp. 132, Published
Publi;hed by Naveena Katha Boot DepOI, Ran &Ollll 1940 by M. Sultan a Brothers, Near Sbanzu P.O., Mandalay.
[ISth November 1940]. Foolscap quarto, Ill edition. 1940 [23rd June 1940). Crown qrarto, lsl edition . I rupce
Free. Pylnyunyatana Presa, Mandlay. 1,SOO coplct1.
. Naveena Katba Pr-, Rana:oon. SOO copies.
230. Hajee Lu. a:+fo1oS Cll . Tranllatlon
218. Veettu Gnanopatheum. Pp. I. Published by
Naveena Katha BOot . Depl>t, Ranpn. 19-'0 [llth of Chapter VUI of the Holy Quran. Pp. 11 6. Published
by M. Sultan a Brotra, Near Shansu PA>., Mandalay.
November 1940]. Crown Bvo, lit edition. Free.
1940 [27th Auguat 19]. Crown quarto, Ill _edition.
Navcena Katha Pral, Ranaoon. 300 coplea. 1 rupee.

219. v.
Swamlnatha Sarma.-Ubftty of Manktnd. Pylnyunyatana Presa, Mandalay. t .SOO C<Jpiea.
Pp. 95. Publl-hed by . Jyotbi Press, 47, 3ht street,
Rangoon. 1940 [16th July. 1<>.40J. Crown lwo, lit . 231. Hajee Lu -OJ08 fo'lc6 (!I TraJ191atkia
eiditloa. 8 annaa. of chaptei IX of the Hoh Quran. Pp. 14. Publllbcd by
Jyothl Prat, RangOllll. 1 ,000 coplea. M. Sultan a Brothen, Near Shanzu P.O , MandalaJ. 1940
' ' [15tb October 1940]. Crown lvo. lit edltlcio. 1. rupee.

TBwou-LANGUAGL PJ!nyunyatana Preu, Mandalay. 1,250 coplea. .

220.-B0naa-Hlndlllitanl Tehagu '. Vocabalary . Pp. 10.
Publiabed by NllYeena ltatba Dep6t. Rangoon. 1940 N.B.-Worb, the Utica of whicb are abow1l in itolic are
ll9th No"'1!ber 1940]. Crown lwo, lat edlUoD. 1 ar1aaa. Intended for educational purpo1e1.
Naveena Ran&CIOl!o i, pi.
BJ order,
< Tnvou-ELIGION.
H. c. BAKER,
' 221. Diil a Samadhantlam-namia OI\
oi . a Lect1lre Jad& d of Vailed Stata of
e lh!lllcrfor
America. Pp. b, Andbra ' Mitra Pr-.

' . . .

- . Destinat ion.

, l8th June. 6rdinary ( ngn-secret)
sea 1119.1 1.

. .
Informat ion has been received. from the General Post Office
t letters, printed papers and parce ls posted 1rt Burma during the
: jriod from the 12th De cember 1941 to the 29th January 1942 , and

:tpp&tohed by surface rno.11 have been lost by enell\Y action.






, """"'"' IN llll NOPe""- 1941

. ...
No. llSB.-Vnder section 19 of the Presa and . 10 a 1 1 . Natha t.-
(Registration) Act, tbe following catalogue ol t . [Alaunldaw Yawhana, Puta l a II).
l'laJL Pp. 2.f each . Pabllrbed by S. P K. Kader
boob registered in Burma daring the quarter Mobldcm Hl'OI., 1 31 a 140, s. B. Bazaar, Ranaoon. 1941
ending the Jlst Ma:ch 'l94 J , is published for 122nd Jo'cbnaJ' 1941]. Oemy ho, Ill tdlUon. 2 uinu
l(eneral idlormation :-
llfuama Yebaw Prea, Raqoon. 6J100 copiea each.

Quarterl)' C.ta191ue oC Books for tlle Pint eadlas t... H at Man: 1 941. BuR11ua-F1cr1ow.

. 12. Nirwe Hm,.a.-Mxoc:6. [Supayalat). A.

BURllESl!-Alml. Tramla
Lady "'. Pp. 1
a Historical Novel enliU<d " The Lacquer
Publilhed by AkyOlaUni; Co., 283.285..
l . U Toh Shwc.-ii Burro tc Shart-t.aad. Barr Stftct Rllng . 1940 [7lb Dccmbcr l]. Crowa
Pfo, 21. f ubllsbed by C1 Tolb Shwe, Tohshwc' Comlllm:IN lvo, lit edition 10 amw.
School. lbayetin:ro. 191 [l6th Janua , 19'11]. N&yal he.. 8 U-a Preu, RaJ!goon. 2,000 copica.
lit edition. I rapee 8 aima1.
Ccnlral Pre-. Tbayetmyo. 750 cor1e... 13. Ila&on Khin Khin Lay. -tli
oS. [ Mya Mya Win).

2. Maana Olm Cbein KNovel. Pp. 1811. PublishtJ by Dagnn Khin Khln Lay

Boot Dep6t, 1 72, 47th Street, Raitl(oon. 1940 (7th
A PractlcaJ Coiane In Dber 1940}. Crown 8vo, !at edition. 8 arum.
Banncte 1' T;r;wntlDc- Pf.. 60. PubUabcd by Ma Talngpyipyu Preu, Rangoon. 3,000 cq>lea.
'Iba YI, Pya Mandaine Pltallat Boat Dep61. 11,
M-.bln Street, Kemmendlne, Ran&oon. 1941
Jaiawu y 1941]. Demy quarto, Ill edition. 2 l'llf-cea.
[ l6th
14. 'l'hu Kha.- lte.i fShet-lun-lo]. A Novel.
Pp. 104. Published by KyC-nl Taik, 224, 36th Street,
Student Printfna "'- Rangoon. I ,0111J ooplea.
Rangoon. 19-41 J.ui"ary l'J41). Crown
[7th 8vo,
lit edltioo. 6 ann:is.
Shwe-la-min Press, Rangooa. l,000 copiea;
3. Sa a P )o.- How to Read the Future. Pp. 188, 15. Dagon Lun.- [Ahla-goii]. A Novel. Pp. 93,
Published by 8a)'S 1941 [IOth February 1941]. f'ubllahed by Cheln.gwin Story Houae, 3. Ziza\W Street,
Crown Svo, 4th edilioo. 1 rupee 8 anna1. Ranaooo. 1940 [211t December 1940). Crown Svo.
ICJlowlllfiic Printing Wor ks, Nattalln. 1,000 ople1. l ll editio n. 6 an!'&
.Aune l'reaa, Rangoon. 1,000 coJli .
BURMESB-BIOGRAPBY. 16. Ye-Htoot and Ye Thameln.- 'i Su ,
4. HtayMyine IO An Account
[Chit Mondalng, Du&ayaik Thinb:iw). Two Novels in
one Book. Pp. 160. Publi1hed by B. K. Book De(>Ot,
of Ko Aung Gyaw. Pp. 24. Publilhod by All-Burma
Student.' Union Unlvenity Etate, R:uigo<in. 1940 [27th
149, l9th Street, Rangoon. 19-IO (6th December 190].
Cr<>Wn Svc.. lit edilion. 6 annas. '-..


December 1940J. Crown Svo. ht edition. 3 annu.
Myaruna Zcyya Preis, Rangoon 2,000 coplea. ;
NagI Prca, eoon. 4.000.copiea.
17: Wa&iya.-o. [Will Saya]. A Novel. Pp. 1 84
5. u l'onn.. .-st A Biography Of Publilhed by Aun)( Co., 122, Montgomery Stre et, Raug00o .
U Kl!caicinda. Pp. 2Q. P
ublilhed by Sunbeam PrelS, 11 ' fl6th January 1941]. Crwn vo, lit edition.
1M6nywa. 1 [16tb . DecCl!lber lOJ. Cro'oifb 8to, IO annu.
hi ediUoa. f'.rec. . AullJI PreaRanoon. 2,SOC copiet1.
Sunbcaml Presa. M0nywa . 1,000 c:opin.
Da&on Kbin Khin Lay. [Tbamuda}'a].

6. Siya U el. Pp. 1-83. u

J> bl11hed 'by Dagon IOli
Bloraphy of Shin Thlwall and Jn_ quest ook Dep0t, 172, 47th Street, Rangoon. 1941
and Dacrlptiolll of 9 Devil. Pp. 72. f'ublbhed by Mic tU>th Mar 1941 J. Crown l!vo, lst edition . 8 annaa.
Sein Win. 1941 [hi January 1941}. Crown 8vo, Talu&PYfpyu Prea, Rangooo . 5,000 co.,tes.
lit edition. 8 ann.
Sunbeand Prell, M6nywa. 1,000 copies.
19. C1 Ohn llyfnt. [Saw Mun Hla). A.
Historical Novel. Pp. 166. 11bli 1hed by Nagaai Publllhlng
H-, 248, Lewla Street. R;uigooo. 1940 [6th November
1940]. Crown Svo, let edition. 10 anna.a

Bu1111DRA1U .
l(a&anl Pr-. Ranl{ooa, 3,000 coplea:
7. 1'8 Lay swe.:1?&\JJogs(qm
(41auqdaw Tboaaba-meltla Wutt111an]. IA Drama. z. Min Swe. (1bwe]. A Novel. Pp. _. 166.
fr, JI. Pabliabed. by U ljama a Son, Ko Su, M-35, Publilbed by Aan& Co., 1n, Mootgomery Stre!!t ,
Tailllu. MandaJa-. 1941 [12th Pebruary 1941]. Dem)' Rugooa. 1940 [3rd Dec.mber 1940], CIVWll 8vo. lit
h.o. lit edlticln. 1 u-. edltloa. 8 aanaa.
8lllla A1we Pr". lay . l,OCIO copies. Aung Praa, Rangoca. 2,50:> copiee.
8. '11n Lay s'we-C!mo<JJC>Sl(qmb('lbllawadi _21. Shw--daanJl-- rrir'.
Wultulanl. A Drama. Pp. 28. PabU1 bed y C1 Samu Htalt ]. .' A Jlon:l. .Pp. 166. Publiahed by Nal(an L
a llCID, Ko Su. 24-25, Talttan, Mandalay. 1 941 ' Publll HOUie; 241, Lewn Street, Raal(oon. 1940 [29tb.
la 1941) .o.ny 8Yo, lit edition. 1 uma.
U211l Fclll'li:y October 1940]. :. Cro- 81(0, lit edition. 12 -
Prello'.Raaaocin. 3.000 <X11>iea. '
, ..II Pftu, ....,.. . 2 copi-. , Hacanl

9. 1'111 1.-, tww. ,;. . Hlllk Tln.-4 [PuobU.pwlat).

' tAlamaada 1bulllllli 'and Tbaata W11ttman): A A NOftl PJI. 184. PlabJilhtd by - Aaaa eo.. 1:n.
: Pp, 34 P11b111W by Ko S-11 6 8cie, Mandala)'.; Streit, Ranacx.n. 19-1.1 [7UI 11,rdl 1"41).
., CIOltD hot lit edlftln. 10 unaJ.
_ .

_ (lltb 1940). J>lm7 ..o, 1 - .

Aul ....., Rane_ 1 ,000 oopi
..... .... ,,.., ......,..
.. ... ..,....,.
( I ,
IJ. Y6 Btlf. fH l:Aplioo.....J. A lloftl. Pp. 160. S6. P. lfml ). A lllolel.

1'llllllbed bf Sllwaia)"aw, 151, lfCJlll- lo r ...... Pp. 157. Nllilbed ti, ol S.- Pr-. Ud.,
J1u10ca 1 9U (Ulb hbnary 1941). C-. "'' ....._. 1941 (2Stb F ellruarj 1941 ] . Crowa lvo, lit
Jiit edltlo& IOan-. lllllia.d -.
Toe Pr ......... 1.000 Clll-.
ll . N- LIPt of Burma Prwa, Rancoon. 1.000 copi
..... 'lbeia Haa. t6 wx [Gerud lllld S7. Wllliya.- (B. A. .ICoclaw]. A Novel.
et). Trllllllati GD ol tile Clublu Del tbe Heartla. Pp. 176. Publt.hed by Ye ve Taut Pu Hoate,
Publfahed by Burma Bducatlon s.t..loa Kandawplay P 0 , Rangoon. 1941 [7th March 1941).
llAl""-. Uainnit) P.O , Raia-. lMl (ISrd Cruwll 8Yo, lit eclitloa. 10 aauu.
Dlmy lwo,' lat edilloa. 1 npee 4 -. Aune Prna, Ran&oon, 1,000 copla,
OOO. 2#lO CIJllia,,
38. llaymyo Manni 1 [Kyu gyi Maya].
IS. 8lp&yl Htelk 11n.-cj()lfD3 { Pyo <Jllraml A A Nowel. Pp. 164. Publlahcd by Lun Maung, 237, 37th
1'ovel. Pp. 166. Publilbecl by Auag Prem, 1 22, lloat&ocncry ltred , Ralt&ui 1941 (20th January 194 1). Crown Bvo,
11treet, Raaoon. 1940 (SOtb Dcc:eiDbcr 1940). Crown ho, lal edition. 10 aDllal.
lit oclitlon: a uau. . Raagooo Printi ng Pre.ia, Ra111oon. 1,500 co"'".
Aung Pn, Ranl[OOll . 1,000 cqii_ca
J9. Sbw- Mia Htwe . {Chil-Sctkya].
26. 1blri Htut.1 [Yin Thwe. A Novel. J>p. 160. A Novel . Pp. 112. Publlahcd by Jlauag Saw Ny1111, 33
Publilbed by Aun&laadaw Boot Dep6t. 196, lloataomJ
11191,h Street, oon. 1941 [aith January 19U ] , .
Svo, lit edition. 6 annu.
'Str.ct, Haai.:uou. 19'!0 (3rd Dccmhcr 1940). Crown 8Yo,
lat edition. a anaa Tlllrlu,on Pr-. Rangoon. 1 .000 oope..
,llyaam& Zeyya Prwl, Ranaoon. 1,000 copla.I 40. llJn Swe.--<"01 [Lia]. A !'Jovel. Pp. 1 76. Thuu r
27. Yan Aun [Tawthuple). A Book Depcit, WA, Barr streo!t, Raiiaooo . 1 941 {2llt
Novel. Pp. 128. Publlahed by llyltta llag:uhle Tait, February 1941]. Crown 8vo, lst edition. 8 aaau.
78, Dulferia Sueet, Rugooa. 1940 [l5tb December 19'1CJ). A Prwa, Ran&-. 1,500 copiea,
Crown lvo, lit editlClll. 6 U111Mo
11alriaeyoa Prcu, Ran&ooa. 1.-ic>O a Maung.- >

41. Tbakia B [TalafpJl-

Yaathu). A Novel. Pp. 256. 1941 [22ad F
28. Sllpayi Htclk Tin. (II}. A ebruary 1941].
Crown Bvo, lit edlll.111 . 8
Novel Pp. l. Published by M,yitta llapzlnc Tait,
JI, Dulferin Street, Ranpn. 1941 [tat J n uary 19U].
Burma Publishing Prcn, Raagoou. 2,000 copes.
Crown 8Yo. Ult eftloo. 6 aanu. 4%. Myoma Oa.-g fzoot-yiu]. A Novel.
., Thiri&eyoo Preis, Raaaooa. 1,000 COP.ica- Pp, 108. .Publiabcd by Ngwe.thawda, 152A, 110011_,
Street, Rangoon. 1941 [tilth January 1941J. CroWa Bvo,
29. Van Aun& . [Thu-pie). A Novel. 111 edition, 6 annaa. .
Pp. 100. Publilbcd by Tbuu Story H, 283A, Barr
'Str.ct, Ran&OOR. 19.U . [13tb January 1941]. Crown 8vo, Toe Presa, Rangoon. 1,000 copie1.
bi editioo. 6 annu. 43. Thalda Ba Thaung. [Oil]. Pp. 191. Published
Aune Prem. Rangoon. 1,000 copln. by Burma Publiahlng House, %57-261, Phayre Street,
Rangoon. 1941 l2Dd January 194 1]. Crown 8Yo, lat
30. Dagon Kbla Khia Lay. [Gon-ndnt-th u). edition . 8 annaa.
A Novel. Pp. 156. Published by Dagon Khin Khia Lay Burma Publiahing Presa, Rangoon. 2,000 copiea, I
B<dt Dcp&c, 172, 471h I, Rangoon. 1941 [61b January
.1941). Crown 8vo._ht edltion. 8 3Dnal. 44. Da gon Kbin Kbin Lay.-<tI [Ka-chal.thlJ. t
r1 .
'l'alagpyjpyu Pra1, Rangoon. %,SOO copla. A. Novel. Pp. 156. Published by Dagon Khln Khfn Lay
BOot Dep6t, 172, 47th Street, Uangooa. 1941 (7th
Thinkha.-' -iui>ro
Sl Shwe-u-daung and Femuary 1941]. Crown 8vo, tat etlltion. 8 aa'na.
cv and Thadaw TaJagpyfpya Presa, Rangooa. 5,000 copiea.

fallDUYIJ. Two Novels in one Book. Pp. 23 7. Published 45. Mya Salwc.-41w&n5i [ Y,YinICadaw].1
by Joumall)law Pr-. 81, Sule Pagoda, Rangoon. 1941 A Novel. Pp. 191 . Publilbcd by Kral . Story Houae,

,(18th January 1941). Crown Svo, Ill.edition. U annu. 122, Montgomery Street, Rangoon. 1941 [ %tat February
JoamalC,aw l'raa, Raa&oon. 1,000 coplea. 11). Crown 8vo, l1t edition. 10 aiuaaa, .
Auag Pre., Rangoon. 1,000 coplea.
2. Wuiya.- o)a'l+ [Tagaul]. A Novel. Pp. 192.
Pa d by Ye Ye Taut Publlahiag Houa Kanda:wgalay 46.. Mya Salw.&Gf'.l&. (MinAung Min;
P.O., ooo. 1941 [30th January 1941). Crown 8Yo, Naun g] . A NOYcl. Pp. 173. Publiahcd by Nyun Story
Jat ediliOll. O aanaa. Houae, 33, 109th street, Raagooa. 1941 [12th February
Aun& Pr-, Rangooa. copia. 1941]. Crown 8vu, 1st edition. to annul
Thlrizeyon Presa, Rangoon. 1,()()0copiea. ,

If .
33. Wuiya. gr:>e [e-ywc!lhlywa]. A Novel !
Pp. 181 . Publlahed by Shwe-Myllta Magazine, 78, Dufferia
47. 1.'bClllpaa i:vaw fftfa.I [Zut-dtit-mC]. A
Street. Raapn. 1941 [31at January 1941). Crown 8vo,
Novel Pp. 216. Publiahed by' Nyunbaung Story Hoiae.
lst ecll Uoa. 9 annaa . 7. 37tb Strcet_
, Rangooq,, 1941 [13th February 1941].
. Crown 8vo, lit edition. 10 anna.
Thlrlzeyoa Presa, Rangoon. '1,000 coplea.
Rangoon Printing Preas, Rangoon, 1,000 copies. ' i
Zeyya and others.- I [ShudawJDu}. I
34.- 48; Mya Daung Nyo.- 100.,11 c'bna [My sciii,
J. Collcdlon cA Short Storiea. Pp. 216 . Publithcd
lly Son]. A Novel. Pp. 192. Pub}Jlhed b v Py ithnoQbna
Presa, Rangooo . 1940 [Ill. September 1940 . .
Book Stall, 151, Scott Market, Rangoon. 1941 [5t
. h January
Crown Bvo. hl edition . 12 anaaa , 1941). Crown 8Yo, lit edition. 8 aanH,
Jou1aalgyaw Pre91, Rangooo. 2,000 copies.
. . ' Burmese t'lna Fr.ea. Rangooo . 1,500 cop
5. kaha Swe and othen.- .e.jGo'l&..tom"lilH>., Maymyo Kaua g: m J 01 [Chlt-yet-na4e], A
J Nyunl>auag Story Magazine-Special No. 2. Novel, Pp. lc,11. Published by 237,

J'ubUahcd by Nyuabaun g Houae. 237, 371h Street, Rangoon, 37th Street; Rangoon. 1941 [%4th F
ebruary L941]. Crown
1941 [lit January 1941]. Crown Svo, lat edition. 9 aan:u.
8TO, l at edition. 12 ann
.Raaaooa Presa, Rangoon .
1.SOO copica. Ranaoon Prtla& Pr-, .Ranaooa. t,500 cop1ea. 11
( S.)
4. 146tb Street.
Ran&oon . 1941 [Ind
Bua11 11u- HtaTOn.
r:,,. Cr<owa lvo, let edition. nnu. 4
'11n M,a 0 a tl'7 Hanlbanddy Prat, Ran&00n. MOO coptea.
al the DynMty. Pp. 125.
n ., In lll )'UllUI Praa. Maad81ay. 1940
(2llt Decembs ) . DaDJ llVo, 2ad Ni!lc& 1 npee. BuRu1!8B-PoETRY.

Taln1-yln MJ811111a PreM, Ru&oon. 500 eopi. 61, lllnlhu.wun.[ Thc byenyo ]. A 'Colleclit>fl
1 lrawadi U R8 Thwin:-Bnl1'11 Hido'1 Pp. 237. of Venu. Pr. SJ. Publilbcd by Burma Book Shop, 56,
Publllhed by Th u Dhama Wadl Prea. SSS6. Maw1g Khlde IOtb St eet. llanip>n. 194 1 ( tilth Pebruary 1941 1 .
Street. Ran1oon 1941 [l9th Dember 1941). ero er- 8YO, lit C<ltlJOD. 12 annM.
lvo, lat ecltlon.
rupee. l . H811tbawa4dy Rang oon. J,OOlh:o('iea.
Thu Dhama Wadl Preis, Rngoon. 1 ,000 coplee.
Buma as-LAw.
n Lay New Burma. Pp. 241 ,
52. nattn Mya.-oeqcBc . Barna Ta-wun Book Oep61., 84th st eet
.Land Tn1.1ricy Ordinance, 1Y40. l'p. 164; J>ablilbed by Mandalay, 1940 f20th October 1940j .
Crown 8vo, lat e ion. JO annu.

Aan&landaw Boot Dep61, 196, Montitomery Stre<t,

1940 (I 2lh Da cmb<:r 1940J. Crown llvo, lit Pylayunyatana Pres., Man dalay.
edition. 8 annaL
TlinaP> lpyu Prell, Rangoon, I.SOO copin. , 64. 8-i n l:Sa <iyan . - My vft:,.'5 on Burma Politics .
Pp. 214. Pu blished by Daw Ahma Khln, 23,
53. -iS. Rules and Recalatloi.. of Ma&ylbtndu, Buoein. 1940 [Sth December 19401 .
llycdlil Party, M>inl)'&ll . Pp. 14. Published by thr .Crown Svo, Jat edition. 1 r.
Secretary of the ParlJ. 1940 (31st December 1940J. Hanthawaddy Proia, Rangoon. 3,000 copies.
Foolacap ho, 1at cditloo.
Deparnyun Pren, Myiu&Jii>. SOO copies. 65. Thakln Hla R8w.- d8im Sinn Fdn. Pp. 207.
Publbhnl by Burma l'ubllahing Houae, 257261. Phayre
BURMESB-Ll'l'ERATURE. str<:et. Rangoon. 1940 [ 1 5th !Jecember 1940]. Crown
avo. ... edition. 8 annaa.
54. Da\Y 1Mya Seln. -Si
M [ Meln ma]. Esaay on Burma P ublishi ng Prell, Rangoon. 2,000 copies.
' .
Women. Pp. 136. Pubtlahed' by Burma Publlahing
House, 257-261, PhaHe Street, Rangoon. 1941. [2ht 66. Tha.kin Bo. o 1!11 Karl Mara and bi
January 1941]. Crown 8vo, ht edlUon. 8 anna s. Creed. Pr. 181. Publiahed by Nagani Publishing Ho..e
Burma Publishing Press, kangoon. 1,500 copies. Ltd., 248, Lewi Street, Ranl(oon. 194t (3rd February

1941]. Crown 8\'o, lit edition. 10 annas.
agani Rangoon. 3t.OO copiea.
SS.-0S QtScp a:in1 Prea,
ta Presi de.,tial Addreu at the Al! 6?. Ratanabon U Tllawka.-'la'P<Y.l&n

Hurma S1udent1' Flitll Annual Confereni'e. Pp. 8- l:luddha'a Defence of the World. Pp. t 54. PubU1hed by
Publiahed by the Secretary, Studenta Union, Aided. Thathanabyu Ohan1akalika 'Auociatlon, Thaydtaw
National High School, Pegu 191 [ l l th JanLary 1941). Kyaunr.dalk, Raneoon. J9U (.I Oth February 19411.
<:rown 8vo, lit edition. Free. Crown 8 vo, Ill edition. Free.
Myanma Yebaw en, Rangoon. 5,000 copies.
"Premier Ccliege Presa, Rantcoon. 3,000 copies.
56. U l>o SeinICl\:R[O ;Vtffti Ja1aka
'Valthu. Pp. 216. Pu bl ished by Toe Preas . . 253, Creek
68. U Le Gyi . A criliciam of the book
Stree Rangoon. 1940 [ 18th November 1940] . Demy entitled " Dama.Setkya' . Pr. 127 Published jby
8To, lst edition. l rupee. Chitsllya Press, 2t4,
Canal \ reef, Rangoon . 1 94 1 .
(lI February 1941]. Crown 8vu, lit edition. 12 annaa.
Toe Preas, Rangoon, 500 copies.:
Chitfaya Presa, Rangoon. 2,000 copies.

69. Daw Ma Ma Khin,-The Tench;,,fl of Cirucs. Pp. 94.

l>ulilished byS\udcnt Prss. 220, MC1olgomery Street,

S7. U Ko K'-.Gyl.- in Cai: Rangoon. 1940 (24th Octoher 1940], Dcniy

lit edition. 10 :inoas.

l'.DC)tsma} Student Press, Rangoon. 3,000 copies.

Ag.enda for the l Sth All Hurma Diatricl Council
70. Myo Nyu n.--o Th Fifth Column. Pp. 76.
Con! nee. P,p. 12. Published by tile .Secretary of the
Confere e, Myaungmya. lO [23rd t>mber 1940]. Published by Nyunbaung Maj!azine, 237-39, 37th Street,
Foolacap lio, hi edition. Not for sale. Rangoon. 1940 ( 19th November 1940]. "C;rown Svo,
. Myoma.P.rl line Worka, Labutta. 100 lst edillon. 6 annaa 6 pie.;
Rangoon Presa, Rangoon. I.SOO copies,
58. P. Monln,...,..('f.)?oarot Ughl
of the World.
Pp. 1 89. Publiahy K'irwayc Book Oepl>t, 84th Street, 71. :Myoma Maung.-m711 The Wurld War.
tsatgan, l\fandala), 1940 ( t Sth '!llovember t940]. Pp. 32. Published by The Burmegg Trade Journal,
<:(own 8vo, ht edition. 12 annas. Ran goon, 1941 [2oth February 1941]. Foolscap folio,
Kyipwaye Press, Man alay. 1,500 copin. tat edition. 6 pica.
M,anma Zeyy;o. Preaa, Rangoon. 2,0)() c6piea.
59. Daw Ma Ma Khln -Synopd1 of Lectures. . i'p. 72.
l'libliahed by the Student Pres, 2 _ Mont gomer
20. y treet, S
Rangoon. 1940 (241h tober t940]. - Grown quarto, 7 ..
. Tun Au n a
"' ,
r c. Suez.
Pp. 104,
12 annaa.
Publiahed by Nag.ini l:'ubtiahing House, 248, Lewis Street,

,. Rangoon. 1940 l' t Ot h December 1940]. Crow n Bvo,

Student Preas, Raiui
tat dltirn s annaa.

N Presa, Rangonn. 2,000 copies. ,

60. U Sein Khant .
l'ropbetlc Sayln1t 'of Bo Aung' Vol. JI. Pp. 128. I \
l'lllilWied by U Sein K t, Talkki 1941 (4tb Janaary 73 . U Kyaw intI Translation m a
94 }. rown
1 1 8v tat e on. 17 annaa. . book entitled 's 'Commune ". Pp . 124. Publiabed I
2.000 by N ag anl Publishin -House, 28; Lewis Street, Rangoon.
. copiea.
Blll'mete Cln. ema Preas, ngoon.

Pam 1940 [lOth December 1940]. Crown 8vo, lst e dition.

6i .
" Wu '1 Pp.
32. 1 Published
bY Daw
Eaaay on
10 anuu .
Napni Preti, Rangoon. 3,000 copiea. \
\ . ' Sein


.. ,, ......., l

... \ \

> ....
( f )
'. s... - *6aal11-n!t . llodln > &-a. 17. . J. Perrta.-Tbe Bower, ,_, 1941 . Pp. 41..
l'llllliabed bf Saw A,. 0,.. Pr-. BuNin, 1940 L26th
Pp. I to. Pllblllbed bJ 11, YM!aw Pna 0.-1111' 1940J. Rapl lye, l edllton. 1 anna 6 Pea.
l'J6, Monf&ome ry Btreel, Raqom. 1940 [lllh <>aabcr
1940}. Crown 8Yo, 2 arwas C> pleti. A,e O,.w Pr-. 8-eia. 2,200 eopks.
Myanma Yebaw Pren, Ranaoon. 2.000 cop6a,
. Buauua--sc:raNca (11.\TRBMAnCAL).

7). Tekkalho i.u 1 '.\lyalnll
Freedom. Pr 195. Published by Na11anl Pllbllddnl(

A Ready
Koyln Thazana..-.
Pp. 18.
Hou.., "Ltd., 248, Lewis. Street. RanlOO'J. 1941 (11111 Rectoaer.
Juuary 11]. Crown 8vo, lat edition. 10 annu. Pahlllhed bJ Sbeama p,_, Pagoda ROlld, M6oywa.
Napnl ll11111oon. 3,000 coplQ, 1941 [7th Juary 1941}. Foolacap 8vo, hi edition. 4
' BuRMBSB-Rl!L1o oN. Sanblama Praa, 116oywa. . SOO oopiea.
76.-I :> 19. U Aun& Hia. - {)li
"8 An Accou nt o f'u.
e Zdiytn,iana PariyalU Allod allon. NmS.,.U.U Glo111, Port I. ...,. t71. 1 l'ubliahtd by
Ran&oon. Pp. 1 1 1 . Pllbliahed by the A-'atlon. 1941 MacllllllaD a Co IM., London. 1941 [27th February
[25th 'ebruary 1941). Royal . 8vo, 111 editlca Free. 1941). Crown 8vo, 11t edition. 1 rupee.
M8Wll( Than Priutiu& Prta11, RangOOll . 600 cOflcL A.B.11. Ranaoon. ,J,ooo coplea,

77. Rn. On Kln.-T.he Membcnhlp Manual. Pp. 135. 8URMB8B-Sc1acB (MBCHANICAL).

P.ubllahed by Lanmaclaw School Preu. l'anicoon. 1941
[8th January 1941J. Crown 8vo. lal edition. 4 annu. 90. U Owan Hel-l(lementary Electrical Calculation.
. Lanmaclaw School Press, Ranaoon. 2,000 copies. Pp. 48. PIJhllahed by the Sino-Hurma Electrical Works,
205, Lcwl1 Street Ran&oon. 1941 [9th January 1941}.
78. Tun Kl'- and Rahmalullah. Crown 8vo, lit edition. 1 rupee 4 annas.
Maung H.
A Co1ectioo ol llyanma Zeyya Preas, Rangoon. 2,000 copica.
lalamic Literature. Pp. 515. Publiahed by ajee U Ha
Oh, 77, Wlnd10r Moad, Rau&oon. 19-W [Sth
December 1940}. Deroy quarto, lit edition. Free,
P<.- Han Preas, Ran&0011. 5,000 copleL 91. U San Shcln.-Tht Prittciles of World Gcotrohy .
Pp. 376. Pubbah ed by Daw Yin nnd Sona, Paungbyin ,
79. Rev. J. Perrin.-The Sower: Pp. 49. Published by Upper Chlr.dwln District, lQ<fO [27th December 1940) .
Ma Kin Ma Nyn Presa, 39, Myenu Road, BaMein. 19.ic> \;rowu 8vo, 2nd edition. 1 rupee 8 anna1.
[13th December 1940]. Ro 8vo, hi edlliba . I anna Miya Than Pr-. Safaing. 1,000 coplca.
6 ptea. I
l'resl, Banein. 2,000 coprs.
Ua Kin Ma Nyan 92. S.ya Tin.-f'Jf
u A Treatise

Bo. u Saw ' u.-fu::oSocil T'Jl"t?o11

oo Alchemy. Pp. 1 21. Publiahcd by Ma Ngwe Shein,
U Sein MauDg Street, Tha y t kon Quarter, Myaungmya,
4i!IKIOTo Sabbath School Lessons
January 1941 [3rd February Crown 8vo,
1941]. edition. lst
1 rupee II annat.

February ' and March Pp. 74. 1941. P4bU.hed by

S.D. A. Mlsaion, Meiktila. 1940 [27th 1940}, Student.Preas, Rangjn 1,000 copier.
Crown 8vo, lat dition. 4 anllall.
93. S.ya llfethod
Hla Htu.--Of:Ba'JroO:a of
Kinlaung Preas, Melktlla. 300 copies.
Prei;aring Alchemical Ash. Pp. 30. Published by Toe
81. U Taawund.lbi.wnntba. - I Preaa, 253, Creek
Street, Rangoon, 1941 [l2nd January
1941]. Foolscap 8vo, lit edition. 2 rupees 8 annas.
cilfu S.
l<l?!llall, A Collection of Oue lion anil
Toe .Preas, Rangoon, 1 OOO coriea.
Answers of the l'atamabyan Examinations. Pp. 232.
Pu11UIZ>td by M yanmagonyi Press, 1 ?8, Cul ert Road.
Rangoon. 194 1 [ 2lst Febrnary 1941.} Deon Hvo, lit BURMESE- SOCIOLOGY.
edition. Z rupeea.
Mya111a 11 gooyi Preas, l\ang'lOll. 1,000 copie"
94. Ma Khin
for Houae-Whts, Vol. II. Pp. 128. Published bv the
82. u .San Hla.-oaJ3E1 Ahimsa 1rii1c1 Madam &ook Dep6t, IS ,
Scott Market, Rangoon. 1940-
No. ?. Pp, 32. Publiahcd by Bnrma Hum nitarian [5th December 1901. -.::.own 8vo, hi edition. l lllJlCe.
ague, 102, 49th Street, Rangoon,
Le ebruary 1941 [lat Burmeae Cinema Prell, Ranaoon. 1,000 copiea.
l\Nl]. C rown ll\'O, 3rd edition.
Hanthalhirl Preas, Rangoon. 5,000 copies .
. 95. U Pannawunth1 and Othen. I ""')
13iB11SreCchea Deliwered on the Karen New Year Day,
83. C. C'. Hock & Sya N-.
o::oS:1oec;o- : Pp. 9. Published by Lanmadaw School Press, Rangoon.
194 1 [8th January 1941]. Deroy 8vo, lat edition. Free.
"'l .Subjcct1 for lleditatl Lanmada- School Pr-. Rangoon. SOO copies.
the uae ol All Uunna Cbrlatlan Endeavour
Pp. 62. Published by A.B.M. Pr-, angoon.
96. Shwcyain& Pandita-:>S
A Treatise.
t27lh January 1941). Dcmy 8vo, lit edition . S oo Social Etiquette. Pp. 157. Puhlilhed by Student
Printing Presa, Rangoon. 194 1 [ 1 2th March 1941).
A.B.M. Presa, Rangoon. 500 copies. Crowil 8vo, lit edition, 12 annas.

84. A

Collection of Hymn1, Pp. Studen Prinlin& Presa, Rangoon. .2.00!> coplea. .:- .. .

24. Publlshed by AWlinle Religlou1 Auociatlou. I

{27th December 1940). F09!1eap Rvo. lat edition. ENGLISR-LlTBRATURB.
Mya Than Pr-. 8.lgalng. 275 copl. :97. llya Sein.-Filina and Follies. Pp. 116. Published'
85. Rev. J. Perrin. -The Sower-February 1941. p by. Py! Gyl Mundyrte Pitaka Press, Rantoon . 194l [14th.

52.. PIJblllhed bJ' Saw Aye Gyaw Presa, 19, Myenu Roa February Crown 8vo, lit edition.
1941). 2 annat. 1
8-ln. 1941 [25th Jnoary 1941). Royal 8vo, J t Pyl Gyl llundJne Pitab Presa, naoon. 600- lcs. .
edition. I una 6 plea. . ' . " ,

8aw Aye Gyaw l're9a, BMldn. 2,500 copies. ENGLISR-PoiJTJCS.

'6. Swami Vlvedit. M y Ttacher. 911. Ori -Kin ,,...<;Jilna'a Fftedom and N- World Order.
Pp. 46. Publi1hed -by Rama Krithna Million Society. 230. Pp. 79. Publilhed by AmDrican Bapdat Mialioo Preat,.
. 11-tpeon Street. Ran aoon, 1941 [4tlJ Fcbr;uary 1941}. Ranaoon. 1940 [13th NOYember l*J Cro- Svo, lit:
J'oalll:ep ho, ht cditlcin. . 4 - . .. . edltioa. 8 annu. l'

H- U&bt of 1k1r1nf Priu, itoon, 1,000 eople1,, A.&11. PrelS, RmiRoon. 1,000 copiea, I
\ . ..
( & \
ENOLllH-ZooLO,OT 110 U Nudl'*' CVI' WdMta.
B. S IDJdlia .-Blrda Pp. 519.
ol Baram. ._,.11Ualhanl Kyan, Vol. I]. Geiealogy of Loni BllllMla
Pp. 402. Publlabed by Zabu Mdtswe Pitab ,._
b y Amerlcua QapCbt Uillloa Pr-. Rall
Jumry 1941). Royal 8t0,
Rangoon . [ 12th January 1941}. Royal IWOt lit
HU [J lit ecltion.
edltloa. 3 rai- 8 annaa.
15 f11!'1.1H
%aba lldllwe PllW Pr-, Ran1oon. 1,000 c:opicl.

111. Ma a Wltbocldayama Sayadaw-

PALIBURYBSB-BIOGRAPBY. Interpretation of Drea111.1 Pp. " Patio.bed
100. U Teaawuntabiwuntha.- o& by Pyl Gyl .llundync Pltalla Praa, Raa&GOD. 1940 [26tb
An Account of B11ddl1a-lhathl&Da-nogaha AlloclatiOD and Deeanber 1940). Crown 8wo. ht edition Free.
Auto-biography ol U T..wuntablwunlba. Pp. SS. Pyi Gyl Jlandyne Pilab Presa, RaD&ooa. SOO CIOfi-.
Publiabed by Buddha-thal.IMn.1-nogaha llOCiatlon: l94t A
[29th J uary 1941]. Demy :tvo, lit editloa. Free.
an 1 1 2.-on: A Treallee Meant. for u.
Mya runagmyi Pral, Hanicoon . SOO o6plee. PurilkaHon of the Bucktbl1t Rell11ipn. l'p. 65. PublllW
by Sunbeama Preu, MiinywL t940(30th N-ber 1941).
PALI 8URMBSB-Hl&TORY. Crown 8vo, tat edition. Free.

IOI. Dh.unayanthl Sayadaw -

Sunbeam Prc:aa, M6uywa. 1 ,200 coplCI.

Legend1 ol Eindawya Pa&odal of

1 1 3. U Tbalhana.s Trea
Rangoon and Mandalay PJ>. 39. PubU.hed by . tltc oa the Mi:rill Pcoale Will Gain By ErecUn& Pqodaa .
..,Myanma11onyi l'ress, 1 711, Culvert Road. Rana-. 1941 Pp. 17. Publi&hod 'by Sunbeams Prc1, M6nywa. 1940
[12th Mh 1 9-41 ] Ctown 8vo, bi edition. [bh :llovember 1940]. Crwu lvo. lit edition. Fr-.
M) anDlllgonyi Pre11, Rangoon. SOO covies. Sunbtam1 Presa, Monywa.
3,000 co(lia.

PALl"BURMBBE-LANGUAOB. 1 1 4. San1yaung Sayadaw.-

8-fit ol .
holdlnic A Kahtcin or A Robe Offerlnic Ceremony. Pp. 1 . 1
U Tezawthara.
A Pali Gram1oar. Publlsh.- d bv Sun beam Presa, llanvwa. 1940. [JOth
November 1940]. Crown 8vo. edition Free. Ill
Pp. 396. Publillit:d by HanthaYladdy Preas, Ranl<>Cill .
19U [7lh Marcb 19U] . RuyaJ 8vo, lat edition. 2 n1peea.
. Sunbea1D1 Prns, M6nY., a. 600 corlea.
Hanlhawaddy Preu, Rangoon . I.SOO copies.
103. U Tt.athana.-o:>gfWO<T.>11 [ Thaddanay.a '
1 15. J. P. Ros and Daw Ma Ma Gyl.-The 11.u.odbt
Pakalhant Kyan]. A Work on P.ili Grammar. Pp. 79. Annual Mal(azine 1941. Pp. 105. Publi1hed by lbe
Published by Mya Than Press, Sagaing. 1940 [27th M agazi ne Committee of the \fethodi1t Boys' Hlicb School,
December 194G). Demy 8vu, Ill edition. Rani:om. 191 [ 1 7th March 19U]. . Crown quarto

Mya Than Pre11, Sagain.i. 200 copies. Ill edi 1 ion .
A.B.u: PreU. Rang-. 900 ropies.

1 i 6. Ko Kyi.:...Th e Judlonian Annual 1940-41. Pp. 181.

'104. U Thlrelnda. - fl<JSTop1*>a>'l Published Magazine Committee of Juon Colle&

. Hisll)ry ol Buddha:, th
Rel ic. Pp. 128.
Published by Tliu Dham Wadl Preea, M..une .Khlne
$tret, Rangoon, 1941 [9th January 19U]. Crown Svo.
Rangoon. 1941. [2Sth February 1941 J: Crown quarto,
lit editioa.
A.B.M. Preas.. Rangoon. 800 copies.
lit edition. ree. I
. 1i1. o;ljsx. I
Thu Dhama Wadl Preas, Ran::oon. 1,000 coplea

Central Natio al Hii:h S.:hool :\Sagazine, Xatloua) Day I
. lOS. U Winayas:a a. -SQ?<(G>qa.,gsW'lSlt Numher. Pp. 124 . . Pnbli<hed by U Tin, B3aseln.. 1940
t2Jrd Xovlmber 1 9 '0J. Dcmy quarto, ht and 2Dci cdllloaa .
OSll'::w Budhist Sermons in Two Parll. Pp.152. l annas.
Street. Ra goo . n n
Published by Tbaunglbn Selkya Vomyanma Pre!s, 31, Ulh
[ 1 2th January 941]. l'oollcap 1 Di:wun J>resa, Buaein. 50 co(ll .
s..o, lit edition.

Thaunglon Setkya I>Omyall!U Preu Railaooo. SoAWKAREN-MISCRLLANEOUS.

1,ooo_copies, r
1 18. Tbra Po Tun.-Karen Magalne, December 1940.
106:--"<1) 10'I Buddhist Praye u Pp. 31'. Publi1hec;t by Nlhola S11aw Karen Hl&h. 1.
School. Basaeln. 1940 [20ih Novemlx:r 1"40). Royal 8110.
Pr. 60. Pultlished by.S. P. K. Kader M hideen Brothen. '
138-140, Surall Bazaar, Ra goon. 1940 (l8th December lit edition. 4 anr.a5.
19-1.0J Demy 8vo, lat oll ition.. 3 ann:u. NiciJ.a Sgaw Karen High Shool, Ba11eln . 1,075.copiee. i

\l:'p1941. /

Myanma Yebliw PrC:aa, Rangocin. 3,000 copies.

;rhea Po Tun - Karen M:t.!::uine. February 1941,

-'. '...!. ..o_,11__......s::.

l.-U Kawwida. .,.,... ..,,.... '47. Pnbll>lhed by . Karen Mgazine Pra1, Bas1ein.
neyaw1g-;. Buddhist Phllosc.phy. Pp. 458. l'ublisbed by [27th January 1941 ]. Demy 8vo, lat edition .
ll'y anma wa ddy Prest, llth Street, .Y andoon, 1940 [31at 4 aru111'. .
December 1940]. tooo11eap quarto. lit editieo. 3 fu peea ' Karen Magazine Rress. Rangoon. J ,075 copies.
8 .

Myanmawaddy Press, Yandoon. 600 eopies. . . 1. Thra p(j Tun.-Karen M lne, Ja ua ry 1941. al
.I Pp. 37. Publi1hed .hy Karen' Magazine- Press , Rasaein.
. Thetkawth&ra.-'lll
108. Ledl-U [Bud 1940 [ l 7th. December 194<1.]. Demy 8vo, ht edlion,
dhawin Thankel.k Kyan]. An accounl of Lord Buddha In 4 annaa.
\'.erse, Pp. 31. Publlalled by Sunbeams Presa, ll611ywa.
1941 [ lSth Febulary 1941). Cu>wn 8vo, ,t edllloa. 1 Karen\I
Pre11, Ba1Sci11. t,075 copie'a.
S1111beam,1 Ptesa,_M&.1,v.:L 1,i>OO coplee. SGAW.KAUN- BIOGRAPHY .

Ketuma. xpoilti of

- ,..i
109 . u 'he 811.Ctch Uht of Dr. Francia
121. Thra Pan.-'l . '
Buddhiat Paramat and Pyilnyat. Pp. 114. Publbbed .. by K. Clark. Pp. 8. Published by R3ngoon Karen . !

U .l'etumala. 1941 [Uth Janiwy 1941). Crown 8vo, 1at 1
Rangooa. 94 1 [l3th January 1941). Crow 8vo. tat
edlUon. Free. edltioo. Free.

AUii& Pr-. IWl&ooa SOO copjea, Rangooo KarCn Preas, Rangoon. 11000-coptea.


"/. I-
t l! i
. ..

- t ' )
133. Rn. lltclaao.-llakho Adclbt.-tlpt al tbe Hint
February 1941 . Pp. 24. Publllbtd by .c II. Pr-.
122-Gclulel of Pp. 56. Pa
llarll. Toungoo. 1941 [3ht January 191). Royll 8-
Brltilh and IPoret p Bible oclety, Ran
Ilardi 1941]. Poolll:ap llvo. 2 pJGe. R.C.Y. Presa, T0tmaoo. 775 coplea.
A.B.11. l'Nel, RaalOCMl. 10.000 cop!.
in. ReY. D . A. W . Smlth .-fb e Heart Rook. Pp. 67,
Publlabed by Americ:aa Baptist Minion Pr-, Ranaoon. 1 . Nyun.-1 A CollecUoa ol 01'
1941 (2lat Jaaary 194 1 ]. Dcmy 16 mo, Ith ed.lttoa. RcllP>ua mi. 1p. 3 ! . Publbhed by Ramaa yathlrt
2 aaau. Wuttana Pr Tawllana Vllllae, Chaunpon Towmhlp.
A.B.11. P-. R anaOOQ . 2,000 coplea. 1941 [9th Jan J941]. Dcmy 16mo, lit edition.
S annaa.
124. Thra School IMaoaa, January,
Paul.-8abbath Ramanyatblrl Prcu, Tawkana VU laae, a.aunpcm
Pebnaarv aad llarch 194 1 . Pp. 64. Published by Town.hip. 1,()00 copiea.
8. D. A. Mlalon. lldUila. 1941 [27th December 1941}.
Crown lvv. lit edlUoa. 4 aanaa . 135. U -Nalaairi.SOmV&? A Buddhllt
lrJmalllll Pit., lleWlla. 200 capla. Meditation. Pp. 12. Publlabed by Ramaaya Tbirl
Wuttana Presa. Tawkana Village, Cbaun&&on Township.
125. Thra Pd Ton.-Tounlfoo Christian Endeavour 1941 [2-'th Pc:burary J94ti Foolacar 8vo, ts1 tdilion. Free.
Allcx:iation Jubilee Meeting. Pp. 96. Pubiahecl by Ramanya 11lirl Wuttana Prns, Tawbaa Vlllaae,
Sapcriatcndeat. Nlc:hola SpwKaren ,Hl11h School, HasKia. Ch.1 un111on Townabip, l ,000 copies.
194o [ 4th DecembcT 1940]. Dcmy Iv lit edition. Pree.
Kana Ma&uine Presa. Baalcl n. SOOcosiles. 136. U Hmu.--t&&n'JCOQCIOI Reli&ious CUsloma
Reeardlng A Funeral. f'p. 14. Publiahed by Raman:y;alhirl
126. 11 Charity C. Carman.-Womaoa' Prayer
Wuttana Presa, Tawkana, Chaunl(ZOn. 19.. l [Sth February
Mcctial Topk:I. P p 88. Publilhod by Rev. L. A. Crain,
1941]. l'oolscap ICKno, tat edition. Free.
Rana-. 1941 [30th January 1941). Fooi.cap 8vo, 1 1t
edltioa. 1 anna 6 pia. Ramanyathlri Prea. T.twkana. Chauapo_n. 500 c:oplca.
A.BJI. Presa, Ran&- 2,000 copies.
137. U Kandawuntha. -W9' A Trca
127-WhaUlade You Croll I l'p. 15 Published by . ti1e 011 Huddhlat Meditation. 7. Publlabed by
Rav. L. A. Cru. 1941 [27th Jaauar.Y 1941]. Ji'oolacap. Ramanyathirl Wutraaa Preas, tawkana, Chauapon.
8vo, lit edltioa. 1 anna 6 pies 1940 (25th December 19'!0]. Cr<wn 8vo, l it edition. Free.
.US.II. Pre, Ranaooo . 2,000 copiea. Raman\athlri W1.ttana Preas, Tawkana, Cbauilpon
SOO copic:.

128. Rev. C. L. Conrad.--Dlscasea Common to Molt of
our Pwo-Karen Roral \"Ulaaes And How lo Tttat them. 138. C. Nagaiah.-Gcnnan Woman Spy-Madame
Pp. & Publlabcd by Rev. C.L. Conrad. 1940 [27th N:u:i-e. Pp. 121. Published by Vedam a: Co., Boot.
DeceDller 1 !)40) . Crown 8vo, ht edition, . Sel len, Mogul Street, .Rangoon. 1940 (6tb December.
1940]. Crown H\o, ht edition. 6 annaa.
A.B.11. Prca', Ranaoon. 1,000 copica.
Chcttiara Preas, Ran&oon. 1,000 copia.
Pwo- KARBN- RB Ll (ij ON .
129. Miss C . . C. C.rman.-Woman's , Prayer Meeting
Topia. Pp. 52. Published. by American Bapliat Miuion 139. A. M. A. Kareem Gani.-lalamlc Life: Pp. 16.
Preas, Ranl(oon. l941 L27th Febnary 194 1 ) . Foobap P11blisbed by La Zat Preas, 97. 39lh Street, Rangoon. 1940
- o. tat edition, 3 annaa. (t31h December .190]. Demy 8vo, lat edition. t ;inna
A. B. U. Presa, Rao&ooi;i HO copies. 6 pie.
. . ' La Zan Pre.a, Rangoun. l ,OOO coplcs.
. 130, Rev. Cecil .Hobba.-AllBurma -::hrfltian F. deav our n
Topic &olt 19H. Pp. 110. Publl&hed by 1'br San Stt wc. 140. Kalvi Theva.-ThirnrruJ!3l.-A C ollection of Tamil
Pwo-Kann Hi&h School, aaein. 1941 (27th January Religious Sun;:a. l'v. 123. l'ubliahcd bv Navcena JCatba
1941]. Foollcap 8vo, ht edition. 6 annas. Book Dcp0t, Hangoon. 190 [Sth December 19-IOJ. Demy
Rangbon JCareu Pl'Cll, Rangoon. SOO copies. 16mo., 1st edilion. 4

Naveena Kalha P,:eu, Ranl[oon. 1,000 coplet.

131, Rev. Stefano.-M'akho Adelhi.-Li,iht n{ the Hilla.
N.B-Worka, the titles of which are shown in italic are
Pp. 24. Publlabed by RC.M. Press, 1'oungoo
t94o (30th November 190J. Royal .8vo, December intended for tducational purpo1ea.
R.C.11. Prda, Toungoo, n5 coplca.
. . .
By order,
132. Rev.
Stefano.-llakbo Adelbi . - Light of the Hilla.
NOTcmbcr 1940. Pp. 24. Publiahe d by R.C.M. Presa H. G'. W1LKIEr'
Toaqoo. 1940 [Btlt November 1940]. Royal 8vo. Joi11t Secy, to !lie God. of Bra,
R.C:ll. Prcu.. ifoungoo. 775 copies. Il""'e De#t.

I .

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