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WHEREAS, the 2012 Republican Platform states, We do not believe in a one size fits
all approach to education and support providing broad education choices to parents and
children at the state and local level, and President Donald J. Trump affirmed this in his
first address to a joint session of Congress, and

WHEREAS, the 2012 Republican Platform further states, School Choice-whether

through charter schools, open enrollment requests, college lab schools, virtual schools,
career and technical education programs, vouchers, or tax credits is important for all
children, especially for families with children trapped in failing schools, and

WHEREAS, the Republican voters of Georgia voted overwhelmingly in support of

School Choice on the 2016 GOP Ballot Question, and the Cobb GOP, the 6 th, 11th
Congressional, and the GAGOP State Convention all voted strongly in favor of School
Choice, and

WHEREAS, the Education Committee in the Georgia Senate refuses to listen to the
expressed will of the people and has consistently failed to allow advances in parental
choice in education public policy, and

WHEREAS, it is the parents who have the most important and best informed
perspective on the individual education needs of their children, and the parents should
have a say in where and how their money is used to fund the education of their children;

WHEREAS, a Parental Choice Education Savings Account program enables parents to

customize an education for their children by using the money that the State of Georgia
has already allocated for their childrens education to pay for private school tuition,
online learning, tutoring, and home school curriculum; and

WHEREAS, a Parental Choice Education Savings Account can also direct needed
resources towards important services, such as speech, occupational, and behavioral
therapies for students with special needs;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the delegates of the Cobb County Convention

encourage our Republican-led legislative bodies to create a Parental Choice Account
program for the State of Georgia; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the secretary of the Cobb County Republican Party
is authorized and directed to transmit an appropriate copy of this resolution to members
of the Senate Education Committee, and to the Georgia Republican Party.

Agreed to by the Delegation of the Cobb County Republican Party

Signed this 11th day of March 2017

Convention Chairman Convention Secretary

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