Recce For G Ps Cellar

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Production title: Doodler

Production team: Mysti Haynes, Georgia Payne, Adam Bastin, Jacob Bryant & Lorna Davey.

Producer: Mysti Haynes

Client: Weston College

Date of survey: 11.03.2017 Proposed filming date: 19.04.2017

Location: 38 Upper Bristol Road (Georgia Paynes cellar)

Permission needed: I will need to ask Georgia Paynes mum, Kerry Hall (the owner of the house) for
permission to film in this location.

Kerry Halls daytime telephone number: 07789690751, and evening telephone number: 01934 707337

Her email address is:

Traffic problems: As we are filming inside in a cellar that is situated on a quiet road, we will not
have any audio problems. Also, I am not filming audio for my music video therefore this will not be a
problem at any time.

Local conditions: Due to filming indoors, the weather will not be affecting our filming, the only thing
that the weather will affect is transporting to the location and this will only be if there is a possible
flooding. The predicted weather for April is around about 14 degrees Celsius, and in previous history
weather has never been worse than the odd rainfall. Lorna is going to be driving to and from the
location therefore the local conditions will not be applicable nor interfere with my filming. Georgias
cellar does occasionally flood, however this is only when people are using the bathroom directly
above the cellar, to prevent flooding I will make sure to inform all of Georgias household that I am
going to be filming downstairs and to not have a shower in that specific bathroom whilst I am filming.

Intrusions: As I am filming inside in a cellar that nobody in Georgias house enters anyway, I will
have no interferences throughout the period of time we will be filming.

Continuity: We are only filming one day at this location. Georgias cellar is in a bad condition and
everything is falling to pieces (slightly) so I will need to make sure that if anything does fall down or
change whilst we are filming for those few hours to put it back before we start the next shot.

Electricity/Lighting issues/Sound: I have access to electricity nearby, there are plug sockets within 3
ft around the whole room. I am not recording audio therefore I will not need any audio equipment.
However, my living room isnt very well lit therefore I have ordered 3 light boxed from the hatch
(college) to work with and make sure that the room is well lit.

Set dressing: Georgias cellar used to be a cinema however due to flooding from poor construction it
is now a storage room, I am going to be keeping it this way and possibly making it look more
abandoned than it already does to fit the kind of look that I am after.
Welfare: Georgias cellar is just below her kitchen, we will be able to access refreshments and food if
necessary. There is also a first aid kit in the kitchen if any accidents were to happen. We will have
time for a food break, and there will be no need for Lorna to stay overnight as we will not be filming
the next day.

Possible dates for filming: 19.04.2017

Photographs of location:

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