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Canada by Richard Ford

First, I'll tell about the robbery our parents committed. Then about the murders, which
happened later.

It was more bad instincts and bad luck that lead to Dell Parsons parents robbing a bank. They
werent reckless people, but in an instant, their actions alter fifteen-year-old Dells sense of
normal life forever. In the days that follow, he is saved before the authorities think to arrive.
Driving across Montana, his life hurtles towards the unknown; a hotel in a deserted town, the
violent and enigmatic Arthur Remlinger, and towards Canada itself. But, as Dell discovers, in
this new world of secrets and upheaval, he is not the only one whose past lies on the other
side of the border.
(From Bloomsbury)
Author details
Richard Ford was born in Jackson, Mississippi in 1944. He has published seven novels and three collections of
stories, including The Sportswriter, Independence Day, A Multitude of Sins, The Lay of the Land and, most recently,
Canada. Independence Day was awarded the Pulitzer Prize, and the PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction, the first time
the same book had won both prizes. Canada was awarded the Prix Femina du livre etranger in France in 2013.
Richard Ford lives in Maine with his wife, Kristina Ford.
(From Bloomsbury)
Other titles by author
Books by Richard Ford.
Discussion points

The author reveals the robbery in the first paragraph. Did this spoil the story for you?
Neeva made a poor choice participating in the robbery which ended in dramatic consequences for her
children. Could she have made a different choice?
Did Dells narration of the book help or hinder the storytelling?
How does Dell reconcile his feelings about his family history?
What did you prefer Part 1 in the U.S. or Part 2 in Canada?

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