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empirical economics
2. those who transform
3. all inputs in the process
4. ceteris paribus
5. how to produce
6. for whom
7. dec. in equi quantity
8. prices
9. a decrease in equilibrium price
10. an increase in equi price
11. the price of both orange and apple will increase
12. shift cotton to left, price incr, qemand decr
13. the more price elastic the demand for the product is
14. the satisfaction yielded by the...
15. total utility
16. if a firm raises its price above the marketm dmeand is zero
17. both what to produce
18. quant. demand decreses
19. all
20. distribution of output
21. all
22. specs and trade will benefit all
23. using cap to produce
24. positiverel bet price and demand
25. quantity demand dec
26. quantity demand inc
27.positive bet price and quantity supplied
28. none
29. inc and inc
30. inc in complimentary goods
31. inc in demand
32. inc in demand
33. inc in worker productivity in marekt
34. inc price of sub
36. decrease, inc
37. inc, dec
38. an inc in worker productivy
39. dec, dec
41. inc, dec
42. value of best alt
43. the value of other thigs
44. cost of producing one more unit
45. poverty
46. the stricture
47. policy eco
48. compilation of data
49. desc
50. will always earn a profit

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