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Brooke Smith.

Shot List.
Shot number. Description of scene, camera angle and location.
1 Scenery is shown.
Establishing shot of the park and Graveyard.
Graveyard. (Denholme Gate, Cragg Lane)
2 Florence and Grace are dancing and singing, this will
be presented in slow-motion.
Wide shot over grave to show Grace and Florence
walking in.
Graveyard. (Denholme Gate, Cragg Lane)
3 The swing is moving on its own, there is no one in
Wide shot to show the swing.
Park. (Denholme Gate, Cragg Lane)
4 We can see Florence and Graces feet skip and dance
in slow-motion.
Close up of Grace and Florences feet dancing.
Graveyard.( Denholme Gate, Cragg Lane)
5 Grace picks up a flower from the ground and
Florence copies her.
Wide shot to show Florence copy Grace by picking up
the flowers.
Graveyard. (Denholme Gate, Cragg Lane)
6 Florence and Grace begin to hum the tune of
rockabyebaby, and then Grace sings. They both lay
down, with Grace leading the action.
Mid shot to see Grace and Florence singing.
Graveyard. (Denholme Gate, Cragg Lane)
7 Florence looks excited and stands up to run to
camera left.
Medium close up that shows Florence run out of
Graveyard. (Denholme Gate, Cragg Lane)
8 Grace is now stood, Florence runs to a patch of grass
where she sees flowers.
Over Graces shoulder to show Florence running.
Graveyard. (Denholme Gate, Cragg Lane)
9 Florence asks Grace if she would like to collect some
flowers for their mother.
Close up of Florence to show her excitement.
Graveyard. (Denholme Gate, Cragg Lane)
10 Florence leans forward and picks up the flowers,
Wide shot to emphasise that Florence is alone.
Graveyard. (Denholme Gate, Cragg Lane)
11 Florence stands, she then turns and calls Grace.
Mid close up where we see Florence turn around.
Graveyard. (Denholme Gate, Cragg Lane)
12 Florence notices that grace is no longer behind her,
she calls Grace again.
Point of view to show that Grace cannot be seen.
Graveyard. (Denholme Gate, Cragg Lane)
13 Florence looks around hysterically, she begins to
Wide shot to emphasise loneliness and vulnerability.
Graveyard. (Denholme Gate, Cragg Lane)
14 Florence looks confused, she turns to the right as she
hears Graces voice.
Close up to show Florences expression.
Graveyard. (Denholme Gate, Cragg Lane)
15 Florence turns her head towards the camera, which
is now to her right.
Close up to show Florences expression.
Graveyard. (Denholme Gate, Cragg Lane)
16 We see the back of Florences head as she looks
between the trees.
Close up to give the impression that someone is
watching her.
Graveyard. (Denholme Gate, Cragg Lane)
17 Camera shows Grace between the trees, Florence
shouts her name.
Over Florences shoulder that shows Grace on the
Graveyard. (Denholme Gate, Cragg Lane)
18 Florence runs towards the camera.
Wide shot to show Florence running towards the
Graveyard. (Denholme Gate, Cragg Lane)
19 Florence runs out of the graveyard, from the left to
the right of the camera.
Mid shot that shows Florence run out of frame.
Pathway. (Denholme Gate, Cragg Lane)
20 We can see Florences hand unlatch the gate. Then
she runs out of the frame.
Close up to show Florences hand as she panics when
opening the gate.
Park entrance. (Denholme Gate, Cragg Lane)
21 Florence stops in the middle of the park, she looks
confused and scared.
Close up/pan shot to show Florences emotion.
Park. (Denholme Gate, Cragg Lane)
22 There is an empty swing set in the frame, with one
swing moving.
Wide shot so the viewer knows that there is no one
else in the park.
Park. (Denholme Gate, Cragg Lane)
23 Florence clutches the necklace around her neck and
looks around panicking.
Close up to show Florences expression.
Park. (Denholme Gate, Cragg Lane)
24 Florence runs to the swings.
Tracking shot to involve the viewer in the action.
Park. (Denholme Gate, Cragg Lane)
25 Camera shows a necklace that is the same as
Florences laying on the ground, Florence picks up
the necklace.
Point of view to show Florences connection with the
Park. (Denholme Gate, Cragg Lane)
26 Florence is still picking up the necklace, she looks
Close up to show Florences expression.
Park. (Denholme Gate, Cragg Lane)
27 Florence is holding the necklace.
Close up to show Florences expression.
Park. (Denholme Gate, Cragg Lane)
28 Florence walks to the other side of the swing.
Tracking shot to show Florence walking up to the
Park. (Denholme Gate, Cragg Lane)
29 Florence sits on the swing.
Wide shot from behind Florence to show her
Park. (Denholme Gate, Cragg Lane)
30 Florence drops the flowers out of her hand onto the
Close up of the necklace to show Florences grip and
how she lets go.
Park. (Denholme Gate, Cragg Lane)

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