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Candidates Name________________________ Interviewer______________

1.Tell us a little about yourself, including your interest in this position and your
career goals after graduation.

2. List three adjectives that describe you.

a._________________ b.________________ c._________________

3. What experiences have you had in working with at-risk students?

4. Tell us about a time when you helped an at-risk adolescent through a

difficult situation

5. How do you build respectful relationships with at-risk students?

6. How would you keep track of interactions that you will have with students?
7. What agencies do you think would be important to collaborate with to
provide necessary supports for our at-risk students?

8. Scenarios
a. You are working with a student and they tell you that they were
kicked out of their house last night. What would you do?

b. One of the students you are coaching is struggling with attending

school. What would you do?

c. A student is struggling with mental health issues, and has been on and
off medications. What supports would you provide this student?

9. In order to provide support and be an advocate for the students you need to
communicate effectively with parents and guardians. How would you
involve parents?

10. What are you hoping to learn from this experience?

11. What do you think you would need to most support with from us during this

12. Why you are the best candidate for this internship?

13. What questions do you have for us?

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