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Encircle the most CORRECT answer.

1. The unexamined life is not worth living.

a. Socrates
b. Plato
c. Aristotle
d. St. Augustine
2. Place that became the classroom of Socrates.
a. Greece
b. Middle East
c. Athens
d. Israel
3. Technique that he used as his method of inquiry.
a. Lecture
b. Discussion
c. Preaching
d. Dialectic
4. Through discussion, Socrates and his pupil would attempt to reach an understanding
of the of life.
a. Big concepts
b. Big forms
c. Big aspects
d. Big struggles
5. Socrates pretended that he knew no answers. His assumed ignorance or willingness
to learn from others was the background for continues questioning to reveal the truth
or expose the error of the answers he received.
a. Socrates Irony
b. Socratic Irony
c. Socrates Method
d. Socratic Method
6. The initial question usually required the of the concept or the
meaning of an idea.
a. Analysis
b. Generalizations
c. Knowledge
d. Definition
7. It may include an affirmation or negation of a certain idea or concept; even the
relation or the difference of one idea to another.
a. Generalizations
b. Analysis
c. Definition
d. Knowledge
8. Socrates reasoned or persuaded his students to reason, from particular to general.
a. Reasoning
b. Deductive Reasoning
c. Generalizing
d. Generalization
9. Knowledge is virtue.
a. To live the good life, one must question oneself and others as to what human
excellence really is.
b. In order to do this one must search for clear meanings and the justify these.
c. This involves the cultivation of self-knowledge by concepts since without self
knowledge one is a victim of self-deception.
d. All of the above.
10. Without_______, one cannot find what is common and essential to many particulars.
a. Forms
b. Knowledge
c. Understanding
d. Concepts
11. No man willingly suffers ________ to himself without good reason.
a. Emotionally evil
b. Physically good
c. Physically evil
d. Emotionally good
12. It is easy enough to recognize that it is foolish to deliberately harm the body, but it is
even more foolish to deliberately harm the _____.
a. Others
b. Family
c. Soul
d. None of the above.
13. If a man really saw things in their _____, he would want to be virtuous, and he would
avoid evil.
a. True path
b. True light
c. True dreams
d. Life
14. Socratic irony.
a. A man who thinks he already has all the answers is not likely to make much of a
search for the truth. The first step on the road of knowledge is the recognition of
our ignorance. The determination to make people realize their lack of knowledge
is at the origin of what is called the Socratic irony.
b. A man who thinks he already has all the answers is not likely to make much of a
search for the truth. The first step on the road of knowledge is the recognition of
our ignorance. The determination to make people realize their lack of knowledge
is at the origin of what is called the Socrates irony.
c. A man who thinks he already has all the answers is not likely to make much of a
search for the lies. The first step on the road of life is the recognition of our
ignorance. The determination to make people realize their lack of knowledge is at
the origin of what is called the Socratic irony.
d. None of the above.
15. The art of Good living.
I. In leading the life of human being are certain limits or laws, which must be
observed if we are to lead a good life.
II. The life of a being has many certain hindrances, which must be observed if we
are to lead a new life.
III. It is not easy to find out what these laws or limits are, but once we have found
these laws they will be binding on all men, just as the rules of good
workmanship will be binding on all workmen.
a. I and III
b. III only
c. II and III
d. I, II and III
16. According Socrates:
a. Knowledge = Virtue therefore Ignorance = Bad
b. Knowledge = Virtue therefore Virtue = GOD
c. Knowledge = Virtue therefore Ignorance = Evil
d. None
17. This is profoundly different from Christian Theology.
a. Rationality
b. Reasons
c. Teleology
d. Morality
18. Socrates is _____.
a. Moralist
b. Topologist
c. Rationalist
d. Scientist
19. Morality is _____ and _____ is insight.
a. Rational
b. Reason
c. True
d. Cause
20. When one achieves knowledge one achieves Arete.
a. If you comprehend bravery, you are courageous.
b. If you know justice, you are just.
c. If you understand beauty, you are beautiful.
d. All of the above.
21. In the process of dialectic, he irritates people and reveals weakness in their thinking.
a. Bees
b. Moth
c. fly
d. Gadfly
22. Real understanding comes from within. Socrates just helps give birth to it. The
pupil, or patient, needs to use his or her innate reason.
a. Wife
b. Baby
c. Midwife
d. Doctor
23. Death of Socrates and his age.
A. 299 BCE, 70 years old
B. 399 BCE, 70 years old
C. 299 BCE, 71 years old
D. 399 BCE, 76 years old
24. Charges to Socrates.
A. Introducing new Gods.
B. Corrupting the youth
C. Not believing in Athenss God.
D. All of the above.
25. Number of jurors finds him guilty.
A. 502
B. 501
C. 401
D. 301
26. He is sentenced to death by drinking _____.
a. Hemlock
b. Juice
c. Wine
d. Drugs
27. Parallels with jesus.
a. Disciples, Discussed, higher cause, challenged corruption and paid with their
b. Disciples, Preached, challenged corruption and paid with their lives.
c. Disciples, Preached, higher cause, and paid with their lives.
d. Disciples, Preached, higher cause, challenged corruption and paid with their

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