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SPE 106642

Relative Permeability and Wettability of Rocks Obtained From Their Capillary Pressure
and Electrical Resistivity Measurements
A.M. Attia, SPE, Suez Canal U., Egypt

Copyright 2007, Society of Petroleum Engineers Effective Permabilities for each phase are obtained by using Darcy
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2007 SPE Production and Operations law. Conventionally, changing the ratio of the injection rates and
Symposium held in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, U.S.A., 31 March3 April 2007. repeating the measurements as equilibrium is attained , hence, the
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of relative permeability saturation curves would be obtained. The
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as disadvantage of this method is, in fact, time consuming, because the
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any equilibrium attainment may require several hours or days to reach
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at saturation level.
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper The mechanism of unsteady-state technique is one of the fluids will
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is displace another one at constant rate. The equilibrium saturation at
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than
300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous this technique is also not realized. The production data are
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. investigated and a set of relative permeability curves is achieved
Box 833836, Richardson, Texas 75083-3836 U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
using different mathematical method. The disadvantages of this
method are capillary end effect, viscous, fingering and scaling
Abstract effects. Several techniques have been proposed to reduce or eliminate
Relative permeability and Capillary pressure characteristics of end effect (Hassleres technique, similar approach used in Penn state
reservoir rocks are usually determined using core analysis. In the method, Haflord and dispersed feed). Recently many techniques 2 are
absence of representative core sample, resistivity log-derived water used for determining multiphase relative permeability from unsteady-
saturation in the transition zone may be used to depict capillary state method. Improvement and empirical relationships for
pressure curve and, in turn to determine relative permeability calculations of multiphase relative permeability have been published.
characteristics from petrophysical correlations. Most of reported The high-speed centrifuge for relative permeability measurements is
research works have investigated the relative permeability from a also a relative new development. Centrifuge method is faster than
steady state and unsteady-state techniques. The technique of steady state technique. There are several papers which are related to
measuring relative permeability using resistivity measurements techniques for the calculation of relative permeabilities from capillary
almost absent from the reported works. Hence, the main objective of pressure. Most of them calculate relative permeability from
this work is to determine the relative permeability from the resistivity centrifuge method under reservoir condition35. Heavlside Jehn and
measurements and compare it with those obtained from capillary Black, C.J.J. 6 have reported that the function of relative permeability
pressure data using the same cores. Also, it is intended to find out would be influenced by numerous factors such as; rock composition,
which models could be used for calculating the relative permeability fluid ptoperties, wettability and saturation history (Drainage and
from capillary pressure realizing a best fit matches with the relative imbibitions processes). Okasha, al have 7 reported how to
permeability obtained from resistivity measurements. In addition, to obtain the relative permeability and they discussed its importance.
determine the types of wettability from resistivity measurements. They have also mentioned that the relative permeability is a rock
Results and analysis indicate that the capillary pressure and resistivity characteristic which describes quantitatively the simultaneously flow
measurements result in significant different irreducible water of two or more immiscible fluid through porous media. This property
saturation values. This, in turn, results in substantially different is very important for predicting fluid movement in a reservoir during
relative permeability characteristic curve. Also by analogy, a semi various recovery processes. The relative permeability can also be
analytical method was to be developed to infer relative permeability obtained from the following: i) reservoir production data; ii)
from resistivity index and free water saturation . In most cases, the published data on general rock types; and iii) laboratory
Brook-Corey and Corey models, may be the best fit match to the displacement tests using representative rock and fluid.
relative permeabilities of wetting and nonwetting phases respectively There are also several papers which were published 3,4 on techniques
obtained from resistivity measurements. Therefore, wettability was which could estimate directly the relative permeability from capillary
determined using the values of water saturation exponents, water pressure. Purcell 8 modified a method to determine the permeability
saturation at crossover point. The results indicate that, the wettability from pore size distribution resulting from mercury-injection capillary
of Berea cores was neutral-mixed wet . However the wettability of pressure curves. This relationship was extended to multiphase flow
the synthetic cores compacted at 3000 psi, was strongly water wet. through porous media. Then it was used to calculate the relative
permeabilities as reported by Gates and Leits 9. Burdine 10 has
Introduction established a tortuosity factor in the model. Corey11 and Brook and
There are two common techniques being used for determining Corey12 evaluated the previous work of Purcell, Burdine and Gates
relative permeability. These techniques are steady state1 and and Leits , and have created a new method by representing capillary
unsteady-state 1 , 2 methods (dynamic displacement). In steady state pressure curves as a power law function of wetting phase saturation
method, both immiscible fluids are simultaneous injected into the (Sw). All these pervious models will discussed below a mathematical
core at constant flow rate or pressure, for extended durations to reach background . Kewen Li, and Roland, N. 13 have studied and
equilibrium. Pressure gradient, flow rate and saturation are measured. compared the relative permeability obtained from the experimental
2 SPE 106642

work. Most of the models were used to calculate the relative
permeability from capillary pressure too . They concluded that the dSw /( Pc ) 2 [5]
Purcell model is the most excellent one to fit the experimental data of K rnw = ( rnw ) 2 sw

wetting phase relative permeability for both drainage and imbibitions

dSw /( Pc ) 2
processes. However, it gives lower accuracy for nonwetting phase.
is the tortuosity ratio of the non wetting phase, which is
Therefore, by using Brook-Corey model they have suggested to rnw

calculate the nonwetting phase relative permeability. For nonwetting defined as follows:
phase relative permeability, all models are used except Purcell model n w (1.0) 1 S w S m
for drainage case. The given results are almost the same and very rnw = = [6]
close to the experimental values. But, those for imbibitions cases n w ( S w ) 1 S m Se
were different from the measured data. These previous constructed Where Sm, minimum non wetting phase saturation from capillary
pressure curve w ( 1 . 0 )
models could not determine, however, the relative permeability from
and Sw are the tortuosity of the
the resistivity measurements.
wetting phase when the wetting phase saturation is equal to 100 %
In the present paper we are seeking an improvements that could
and Sw respectively
enhance our ability to estimate the relative permeability of a small
cores samples using the resistivity measurements. We try also to a
void the disadvantage of different methods used to measure the C-Corey Model 11
capillary pressure in order to estimate a significant irreducible water It is expressed as:
saturation which will be, in turn, used for the relative permeability Krw = (Sw*)4 [7]
calculations . Kmw = (1-Sw*)2[1-(Sw*)2] [8]
Where Sw* is the normalized wetting phase saturation, which could
Mathematical background be expressed as follows for drainage process.
Relative permeability is defined as the ability of one phase to stream
S w S wr
through a porous media in the existence of another phase . S * = [9]
1 S wr
Consequently , the accurate determination of end-point saturation ,
such as initial wetting phase saturation and residual non wetting Swr is the residual saturation of wetting phase .
phase saturation, is a must. The ratio of the effective permeability to For imbibitions processes:
the absolute permeability is a function of the fluid saturation only.
S wr
All models use water saturation and lithology factor obtained from S * = w
1 S wr S
capillary pressure except Corey which assumes lithologhy factor
index is equal to 2. In this section Purcell, Burdine, Corey , Brook-
Snwr the residual saturation of nonwetting phase saturation
Corey and Resistivity models are demonstrated.
A-Purcell model 8 D-Brooks-Corey Model 12
Purcell model was given as: It was given for both conditions ( wetting and nonwetting phases) as:
(i) The relative permeability for the wetting phase can be calculated 2+ 3

as follows: K = ( Sw *) [11]
Sw rw
dSw /( Pc ) 2
K rw = 0
1 2+
dSw /( Pc ) 2 K mw = (1 Sw *) 2 [1 ( Sw *)] [12]
0 [1]
(ii)Similarly,the relative permeability for the nonwetting phase can Where is the pore size distribution index ( Equals 2 for Corey
be calculated as follows: Model).
[2] Inspection of all previous equations, it is clear that for all models

dSw /( Pc )
K = sw used to estimate the relative permeability from capillary pressure, it
rnw 1
will be dependant on two variables; the first, is the water saturation

dSw /( Pc )
0 and the second is the lithology factor index (i.e., inverse of
Where Krw, relative permeability of wetting phase, Sw Saturation of tortuosity). Also from most of these models; it can be seen that the
wetting phase; PC Capillary pressure as a function of saturation and sum of wetting and nonwetting phases relative permeabilites at
Krnw relative permeability of the nonwetting phase certain saturation is equal to one for instance, Purcell model. This
may not be accurate in most of porous media. Burdine has developed
B-Burdine Model 10 Purcell equations by introducing tortuosity as a function of wetting
It is given as: and nonwetting phases saturations. Corey has then built-up his model
which depends on Burdine and Purcell models, where relative
dSw /( Pc ) 2 [3] permabilities can be obtained if capillary pressure curves can be
K = ( rw ) 2 0
rw 1 represented by a simple numerical function using linear relation
/( Pc ) 2 between reciprocal square of capillary pressure versus normalized
water saturation. which is this latter is a function of irreducible water
Where rw is the tortuosity ratio of the wetting phase. Which saturation. Brooks-Corey have modified the illustration of capillary
is defined as follows: pressure function to more general with introducing pore size
w (1 .0 ) S w S m distribution index. Obtaining relative permeability from resistivity
rw = = [4]
w (Sw ) 1 Sm measurements using the following equations , from resistivity data
will depend on water saturation Sw, true resistivity (Rt) and
formation resistivity factor when fully saturated with water (Ro).
Therefore , relative permeability determination from these
SPE 106642 3

measurements would be more accurate than that obtained from

capillary pressure. I eh = he w
F h
Calculation of Relative permeability from Electrical
(ii) For the nonwetting phase
Resistivity Measurements:
According to the assumption of similarity between the fluid and the F
electric flow, the relative permeability can be determined by the
I eh = he nw [24]
F h
following equations 14 . By analogy with formation resistivity factor,
hydraulic formation factor may be written as: By definition, the analogy of the relative permeability to wetting
phase will be as follows:
K ( R 2 ) P / LX 10 8
Fh = F hew
R 4P [13] K = I = [25]
rw eh
8L F h
And for the nonwetting phase will be as:
Then F henw
8 K 8
K = Ie = [26]
rnw hnw
F h X 10 Fh
R 2 [14]
The relative permeability of the wetting phase can be then calculated
as follows:
2 ( S w S wr ) nt 3
Where R is the radius of tested core. K rw = X [27]
The movable water volume through the n capillaries is then newt ew
2 (1 S wr ) 2
considered as: where new and is the number of capillaries occupied by the
wetting phase and tew is their tortuosity .
R 2 (1 S wr ) L = n ( r ' 2 ) L [15] Equation (27) may be written as follows:
n t 3
= (
Equation (15) can be expressed as: 2
K rw )( ) S wf [28]
R 2
(1 S ) n ew te
r ' 2
= wr
nt And, Similarly, for non wetting phase.
But n t
8 Kt 2 K rnw = ( )( ) 3 (1 S wf ) 2 [29]
r '2 = X 10 [17] n nw t nw
(1 S wr ) where nnw and is the number of capillaries occupied by the
Equating Equations (16 and 17) and solve for Fh gives: non wetting phase and tnw is their tortuosity.
From the concept of effective tortuosity te takes in another
R 2 (1 S wr ) 8 Kt 2 aspect when partial brine saturation.
=[ ] X 10 8 [18]
(1 S wr ) = F e ( S S
nt 2
.te w wr ) [30]
2 (1 S wr ) 2 8K 8
= X 10 = Fh [19] Where te is the effective tortuosity at partial saturation with
nt 3 R2 wetting phase.
From which
t 2
= F (1 S ) [31]
(1 S ) 2 wr
F h = wr
[20] Where t is the tortuosity at fully saturated with wetting
nt 3 phase.
1 Sw
Where n is the total No. of capillaries occupied with wetting phase
t 2 F
only and t is the tortuosity factor. So, in partial saturation the
( ) = ( ) [32]
hydraulic formation factor for wetting and non wetting phases will be
expressed as follows;
te F e S w S wr
(S S wr ) 2 At partial saturation ,the following relationship can be written
F he = w
[21] :
n ew t ew
F Ro Rt Ro 1
And, Similarly, for non wetting phase. = / = = [33]
(1 S ) 2 Fe Rw Rw Rt Ir
F = w
= F e ( S S
henw 3 2
n nw t nw te w wr ) [34]

= F (1 S
Effective hydraulic index for wetting ( Ieh ) and nonwetting phases 2
(Iehnw )are : t wr ) [35]
t 2
1 1 S wr [36]
= ( )
(i) For the Wetting Phase te
I r S w S wr
4 SPE 106642

Where Swf is defined as the free water saturation as follows: saturation . This equation at water saturation of 100 % where Rt= Ro
Sw Swr (i.e. Ir = 1) and Swf at 100 % = 1, So the values of wetting phase
S = ( ) [37] relative permeability obtained by this equation would be equal to 1,
1 Swr
which is true.
Substituting for Swf from Equation (36) yields: At residual water saturation (Ir) is very high since Rt is high, too,
t 2
1 where as the increases in nonwetting phase ( insulator ) and Swf are
= S wf
[38] equal to zero. Hence the values of wetting relative permeabilities
te I r being calculated by this equation would be equal to zero as well.
0 .5 Equation (44) would be used to calculate the nonwetting phase
S [39]
= relative permeabilities which corresponding to the physical concept
K rw 1 .5
I r
of nonwetting phase relative permeapilities. Where at 100 % water
Also, the relative permeability of nonwetting phase can be then saturation , it is known that resistivity index = 1, since Rt =Ro, and
calculated as follows: the free water saturation Swf = 1. hence the values of nonwetting
The total pore space volume not occupied irreducible water is phase relative permeability krnw which are calculated from this
reciporical of the reciporical of the specific surface area of the equation would be equal to zero, which is true.
porous media with irreducible wetting phase present and is the sum At residual water saturation Swf equals 0 and very high Ir , the value
of the two preceding volumes. of relative permeability of non wetting phase from this equation is
But specific surface area is defined as S= 2/r hence the mean pore equal to 1, which is true, too.
radius In the next section, the results of the relative permabilities are
rwi = rw' +rnw' calculated from capillary pressure using the previous models and
Where rw' and rnw' are the mean capillary radii of the wetting and visual basic program are compared with those obtained from
nonwetting phase respectively. resistivity measurements.
Dividing both sides by rwi results in : Comparison between relative permeabilities
r 'w r ' nw obtained from electrical resistivity measurements
1 = + [40] and those obtained from capillary pressure
r ' wi r wi In the drainage process , relative permeabilities determined from the
The mean pore radius is expressed as: capillary pressure data and comparison to those obtained from
electrical resistivity measurements at the same condition are shown
r 'w = 8 K ewt 2 ew / (Sw S wr ) X 10 4 [41] in Figs. 1 to 8. These figures show the experimental data of the
relative permeabilities obtained from capillary pressure data using
r 'nw = 8 K nw t 2 nw / (1 S wr ) X 10 4 [42] different models and those obtained from experimental electrical
resistivity measurements using the same cores and conditions. The
r ' wi = 8 K t 2 / (1 S wr ) X 10 4 [43] resistivity measurements data were represented in all calculations by
equations (39 and 44). These calculated results were compared with
Substituting Equations (41,42 and 43) into Equation ( 40) yields: these relative permeabilities were calculated from capillary pressure
models. For all these figures , it is apparent that the wetting and non
1/4 wetting phases relative permeabilities being calculated from the
= (1 ) 2 ( 1 s wf )
wf resistivity measurements are to be found between those of Brook-
K rnw
Ir Corey and of Corey models.
In wetting phase relative permeabilities, Brook- Corey model are of
Results and discussion high-quality estimation to those obtain from resistivity
Both the experimental data of resistivity measurements and of measurements. However, in nonwetting phase relative permeabilities
capillary pressure were used in this paper15. Different models used to of Corey models are the nearest one is to the relative permeabilities
estimate the relative permeability from capillary pressure and from obtained from resistivity measurements.
resistivity are presented and discussed in order to compare between The calculated results of relative permeabilities from capillary
their validity. The petrophysical properties of eight Berea sandstone pressure data are compared with the relative permeabilities from the
and twelve fine grained sandstone cores aretabulated in Table 1 and resistivity measurements and shown as plottes in Figs. 1 to 8. The
2. The data of both capillary pressure and resistivity measurements greatest fit to the wetting phase relative permeabilities is also seem
during drainage process were used to calculate the matching relative to be from the Brook- Corey model. The relative permeabilities
permeability obtained from capillary pressure with relative obtained using other models are not markedly different from each
permeability from resistivity measurements . Using capillary pressure other but all gave much less values than the relative permeabilities
data relative permeabilities were represented using Purcell, Burdine, from resistivity measurements data. For non wetting phase , all the
Corey and Brook-Corey models. The calculated results were models except Corey model are far from the relative permeabilities
compared with the results obtained from resistivity measurements obtained from resistivity measurements. However, in this case, the
using Equations (39 and 44). relative permeability obtained using the other models are not
In all methods, porous plate and an impedance analyzer Hewlett markedly different from each other but are much greater than the
Packard 4279A LCZ meter were used to measure capillary pressure relative permeability obtained from resistivity measurements. This
and resistivity. The water saturation in the core sample was first behavior is different than that shown by Kewen 14. Because , Kewen
decreased from 100% to the residual water saturation to represent the has used equation (12 ) for capillary pressure data. While Core
drainage process 15. model is closer to that obtained for nonwetting phase relative
permeability from the resistivity measurements.
Validation of relative permeability from electrical In this study also, all models used to calculate relative permeabilities
resistivity measurements from capillary pressure have the assumption that they have a
Equation (39) being used for the calculations of wetting phase lithology factor and taken irreducible water saturation obtained from
relative permeabilities equation from resistivity index and free water capillary pressure saturation curves with porous plate method.
SPE 106642 5

However, there are no assumptions used to calculate relative With correlation coefficient, R2 = 0.9986
permeabilities from resistivity measurements. So, lithology factor
and irreducible water saturation were determined from resistivity ii) For Berea core samples
data. It could be seen from the all previous demonstrated results in
all Figures that the water relative permeabilities calculated using Krw = -2E-07 S3wf + 0.0002 S2wf - 0.0039 Swf + 0.0126
Brook- Corey model and Corey model for non wetting are [47]
approximately nearly those obtained from resistivity measurements. 2
It may need to correct the calculated wetting and nonwetting phase With correlation coefficient, R = 0.9892
relative permeabilities by introducing the concept of lithology factor Krnw = -2E-06 S3wf + 0.0005 S2wf - 0.0387 Swf+ 0.917
and an accurate values for irreducible water saturation. [48]
The calculation in this present research showed for practical use that With correlation coefficient, R2 = 0.9801
the Brook- Corey and Corey models are most appropriate which Also, Figs. 9 and 10 show the correlations between relative
were the best fit to wetting and nonwetting relative permeability. permeabilities and normalized water saturation for Berea and
This seems surprising because the concept of tortuosity factor , by
synthetic core samples, respectively.
Corey assumed lithology factor equals 2.Also , Corey has built -up
his model on the basis of Burdine and Purcell models. Brook-Corey, Wettability and relative permeability saturation
for wetting and nonwetting relative permeability however, used curves from resistivity measurements
lithology factor which is calculated from tortuosity. This result
indicates that it may not be necessary to adjust the determination of Wettability is defined as the preference of a solid material to be
the wetting phase relative permeabilities from capillary pressure.. wetted by one fluid over another one. The wettability of a material
The wetting phase relative permeabilities determined by all the other would control the distribution of fluid in the pore space with in this
methods ( Purden , Corey , Purcell) are less than those relative
material ; therefore, it could influence several petrochemical
permeabilities obtained from the electrical resistivity measurements .
Also, in all Figures it is shown that, the non wetting phase relative parameters of rocks . In water -wet porous systems, the water
permeabilities determined by Corey model are close to those occupies the small pores and forms a continuous film on the grain
obtained from resistivity measurements. surface throughout the de-saturation process. In contrast , in oil wet
This suggested method was compared to the recent calculations of porous systems, water tends to be located in the center of the large
relative permeability in the literature which are partially
pores, with an oil film contacting the grain surface. For these reasons,
accomplished by graphical methods. It is appear that the relative
permeability obtained from resistivity measurements gives accurate wettability is a major factor controlling the location , flow and
value. Therefore, irreducible water saturation obtained from distribution of fluids in the pore spaces. It would affect almost all
capillary pressure is different from one method to another This may types of rock properties and electrical properties such as capillary
due to the pressure is not sufficient for displacing wetting phase pressure relative permeability, water saturation exponent and
using nonwetting phase. So the relative permeability obtained from
electrical resistivity measurements.
capillary pressure using different models such as; Purcell, Burdine,
Corey and Brook-Corey models may will not give accurate values . There are different methods employed to measure wettability such as;
Since, these models strongly affected by the irreducible water contact angle and contact angle under reservoir condition, Amott cell
saturation and assumption lithology factor index . While, relative method, USBM method, relative permeability saturation relationship,
permeability from electrical resistivity is more accurate than relative capillary pressure curves for drainage and imbibitions process.
permeability obtained from capillary pressure, because the resistivity
In the present study, the effect of wettability on relative permeability
indicates the electrolyte concentrations. This is of causes logic
because the resistivity is a function of salt in formation water and is typically discussed qualitatively . The location of the crossover
rock properties . It can be seen from the analysis that the irreducible point and the value of the end point relative permeability for the
water saturation from resistivity measurements would behave wetting and nonwetting are function of wettability.
differently as irreducible water saturation from capillary pressure . The results of the relative permeability and saturation at Crossover
Relative permeability correlation from resistivity point for each core tested are listed in Tables 3 and 4, for Berea and
measurements synthetic cores, respectively . For a strongly wetted rock, the
An empirical correlation to illustrate relative permeability is actually crossover point of the relative permeability curves will occur at a
useful in the absence of laboratory data, or when a general wetting phase saturation greeter than 0.5. For a neutral or mixed wet
representative fluid flow is needed. To predict a correlation which rocks, the endpoint relative permeabilities are approximately equal
would represent the relation between the relative permeabilities and and the crossover point will therefore be at a saturation around 0.5.
water saturation, the laboratory measurements of the electrical Tables 3 and 4 show some information obtained from relative
resistivity for Berea and synthetic core samples are used by using the permeability saturation curves using Berea and Synthetic cores.
best fit method, the best fit correlations between relative These information's are relative permeabilities and saturation at the
permeabilities for wetting and nonwetting phases versus normalized crossover point. It is clear from these tables that, the wettability of
water saturation could be obtained as follows: Berea sandstone cores at the experimental conditions are neutral or
mixed wet. While the wettability for Synthetic cores, especially cores
i) For Synthetic core samples.
compacted at 3000 psi is very strong water wet.
Krw = 2E-06 S3wf - 8E-05 S2wf + 0.00 15 Swf - 0.0043 [45] Tables 5 and 6 show the results of the calculated area under each of
With correlation coefficient, R2 = 0.9915 the wetting and nonwetting phases relative permeability- saturation
Krnw =-1 E-07 S3wf + 9E-05 S2wf - 0.018 Swf + 0.9857 curves, Aw and Anw, respectively, using the visual basic program.
6 SPE 106642

The calculated ratio Aw to Anw for each tested core is obtained from 6. From resistivity measurement, the Capillary pressure of a rock
the resistivity and capillary pressure measurements. could be easily determined.
Also, Tables 7 and 8 contain the values of water saturation exponent , Acknowledgments
a and b. where a is the intercept of the straight line in the relation The author acknowledges the support of the Department of
between the relative permeability ratio with water saturation and b is Petroleum Engineering at the Louisiana State University and A&M
the slope of this straight line. It is clear from these tables that the College. Also, I would like to thanks Dr.Amen AbdElraheem for
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