Palacios-Citius-Questionnairelabreport 1 1

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Project Nine is a student led project bytheExerciseScienceCoreatWindsor

High School. We formulated this project around our Athletic Issues unit curriculum;

Title Nine. The main objective was to explore gender equality within the Windsor

School District, based on our focus questions. We were curious to find out if our

school was in compliance with Title IX, and if young female students feel

empowered to follow their passions without roadblocks, physical and/or mental,

standing in their way. Our group decided to explore the gender equality from the

students perspectives at Windsor High School. We did this by creating a

questionnaire on google forms, and sending it out to our peers through our



1. Startdevelopingquestionsforquestionnaire

2. Putquestionsintogoogleformforquestionnaire

3. FinalizeQuestionnaire
4. Each group member creates a rough draft email to send to teachers of

Windsor High School asking if they would give the questionnaire to their


5. Revieweachemailandcollaboratetomakeonefinaldrafttosend

6. Sendstarteremailwithoutlink

7. Sendfollowupemailwithlinktoquestionnaire

8. Separatechartsintomaleandfemaleresponses

9. Analyzethedata

10. Demonstratedataintheformofalabreport(datareport)





There were some limitations in our data because wedidnotgiveoutenough

information to the survey takers.IfwehadinformedthestudentsaboutwhatTitleIX

is and how it affects the population, the data would have been changed so that

instead ofthemajorityofthepeoplesayingthattheydontknowaboutthequestion,

there would be more answers saying either yes or no.Whilelookingatthedata,we

they were an athlete or not. This is inconclusive because the questionswereaimed

towards athletes, yet wedidntwriteaquestionaskingiftheywereanathleteornot.

So for all ofthequestionsandresponses,wemighthavegottenbetterdatawiththe

input of if they were an athlete or not. What I also noticed about the data was that


male events, 92.2% of the females that responded said yes to attending an event.

For female events, 72.6% of the females that responded said yes to attending a

female event. On the other hand, 73.7% of males that responded said yes that they

attended a female sporting event. Looking at these percentages we can see that

just about thesameamountofpeopleattendfemalesportingevents.TitleIXtriesto

help raise this percentage by promotingmorefemaleeventsandtryingtogetmore

people to go. In our data, we had a separate set of graphs for people who labeled

their gender as other. In these graphs, the data for some questions including Is

gender equality important to you? reflected their gender selection. This might

mean that since they picked other, they might be defensive or might care a lot

about gender equality. 57.1% of this gender responded yes to the question Is

gender equality important to you?. Again, with the limitation we had with not

explaining to the survey takers what Title IX is, we got lots of inconclusive data


In the end, we couldnotfindthecorrectdataweneededtoanswerthefocus

question. This is due to the questions we wrote and how they were only aimed

towards a certain gender. While analyzing our data, I found out that many of the
participants that took our survey did not know what Title IX was. This messed with

our data and we did not get the correct data needed to answer the question

because of it. Also, when we wrote the questions, we did not think of possible

answers to them which then showed the limitations of our project. If we got the

chance to change our questionnaire, I would write the questions differently so that


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