Student Code of Conduct On Tour

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Student Code of Conduct on Tour

1. I agree to follow all of my leaders directions the first time they are given to protect myself and the
other travelers.
2. I agree to be on time and prepared for each meal, departure and arrival at sites.
3. I agree to carry and am responsible for my own plane ticket, credit cards and spending money at all
times and I understand they are never to leave my body for any reason other than a shower.
4. I agree to be responsible for budgeting my money, tracking it each day in my tour journal, making sure
to have enough to last the entire trip.
5. I agree to not complain about things being different on touri.e. food, culture, clothes, time schedules
as this is the point of travel.
6. I agree to room with whomever I am assigned and will be mature and responsible about personal
7. I agree to enter only into my own room and never those of another student, nor to allow anyone access
to my room.
8. I agree to abide by the laws in country especially in regards to shoplifting, fire-setting, etc. I
understand that if I am caught for such a crime, I will be turned over the authorities and my parents will
have to fly in to come and get me. The tour will continue with out me.
9. I will be respectful of the noise level I create in public, on the bus and in the hotel, understanding that
the normal American volume is the equivalent of shouting in other countries.
10. I agree to get along with my tour mates, realizing we do not have the best of friends, but must be civil
and decent with one another at all times. Any person consistently causing extreme distress to the tour
can be sent home.
11. I will not make threats of harm to anyone or myself, with the understanding if such should occur, I
will be sent home.
12. I agree to have fun while treating this as the learning opportunity that it is, agreeing that I will listen
respectfully to guides at each site.
13. I agree to stay with the group at all times. If I wander off, or consistently become separated from the
group, I can be sent home for my own safety.
14. I agree to abide by the tour rules of no alcohol and understand I can be sent home if caught consuming
15. If I bring a cell phone on tour, I will use it only in my room at the hotel. Not during group times or on
group activities.
16. I agree to be in my hotel room at the assigned curfew time and will not try to sneak out. This would be
the equivalent of being asked to be sent home.
17. I agree to always stay in at least a group of three during free time for my own safety.

Signed (Student)__________________________________________________________

Signed (Parent)___________________________________________________________

Date _____________________________

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