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BSP Group vs Sally Go (2010) the prosecution moved for the issuance of subpoena duces tecum /ad

testificandum against the respective managers or records custodians of Security

The basic antecedents are no longer disputed. Banks Divisoria Branch, as well as of the Asian Savings Bank (now
Metropolitan Bank & Trust Co. [Metrobank]), in Jose Abad Santos, Tondo,
Petitioner, the BSB Group, Inc., is a duly organized domestic corporation presided by its Manila Branch.[11]
herein representative, Ricardo Bangayan (Bangayan). o The trial court granted the motion and issued the corresponding subpoena. [12]
o Respondent Sally Go, alternatively referred to as Sally Sia Go and Sally Go-
Bangayan, is Bangayans wife, who was employed in the company as a cashier, Respondent filed a motion to quash the subpoena dated November 4, 2003, addressed to
and was engaged, among others, to receive and account for the payments made Metrobank, noting to the court that in the complaint-affidavit filed with the prosecutor,
by the various customers of the company. o there was no mention made of the said bank account, to which respondent, in
addition to the Security Bank account identified as Account No. 01-14-006,
In 2002, Bangayan filed with the Manila Prosecutors Office a complaint for estafa and/or allegedly deposited the proceeds of the supposed checks.
qualified theft[5] against respondent, alleging that several checks [6] representing the o Interestingly, while respondent characterized the Metrobank account as
aggregate amount of P1,534,135.50 issued by the companys customers in payment of irrelevant to the case, she, in the same motion,
their obligation were, instead of being turned over to the companys coffers, indorsed by nevertheless waived her objection to the irrelevancy of the SecurityBank accou
respondent who deposited the same to her personal banking account maintained at nt mentioned in the same complaint-affidavit, inasmuch as she was admittedly
Security Bank and Trust Company (Security Bank) in Divisoria, Manila Branch. [7] willing to address the allegations with respect thereto. [13]
o Upon a finding that the evidence adduced was uncontroverted, the assistant city
prosecutor recommended the filing of the Information for qualified theft against Petitioner, opposing respondents move, argued for the relevancy of the Metrobank
respondent.[8] account on the ground that the complaint-affidavit showed that there were two checks
which respondent allegedly deposited in an account with the said bank. [14]
Accordingly, respondent was charged before the Regional Trial Court of Manila, Branch o To this, respondent filed a supplemental motion to quash, invoking the
36, in an Information, the inculpatory portion of which reads: absolutely confidential nature of the Metrobank account under the provisions of
Republic Act (R.A.) No. 1405.[15]
That in or about or sometime during the period comprised (sic) o The trial court did not sustain respondent; hence, it denied the motion to quash
between January 1988 [and] October 1989, inclusive, in the City of for lack of merit.[16]
Manila, Philippines, the said accused did then and there willfully,
unlawfully and feloniously with intent [to] gain and without the Meanwhile, the prosecution was able to present in court the testimony of Elenita
knowledge and consent of the owner thereof, take, steal and carry away Marasigan (Marasigan), the representative of Security Bank.
cash money in the total amount of P1,534,135.50 belonging to BSB o In a nutshell, Marasigans testimony sought to prove that between 1988 and
GROUP OF COMPANIES represented by RICARDO BANGAYAN, to 1989, respondent, while engaged as cashier at the BSB Group, Inc., was able to
the damage and prejudice of said owner in the aforesaid amount run away with the checks issued to the company by its customers, endorse the
of P1,534,135.50, Philippine currency. same, and credit the corresponding amounts to her personal deposit account
with Security Bank.
o In the course of the testimony, the subject checks were presented to Marasigan
That in the commission of the said offense, said accused acted
with grave abuse of confidence, being then employed as cashier by said for identification and marking as the same checks received by respondent,
complainant at the time of the commission of the said offense and as such endorsed, and then deposited in her personal account with Security Bank. [17]
o But before the testimony could be completed, respondent filed a Motion to
she was entrusted with the said amount of money.
Suppress,[18] seeking the exclusion of Marasigans testimony and accompanying
documents thus far received, bearing on the subject Security Bank account.
Contrary to law.[9]
o This time respondent invokes, in addition to irrelevancy, the privilege of
confidentiality under R.A. No. 1405.

Respondent entered a negative plea when arraigned. [10] The trial ensued.
The trial court, nevertheless, denied the motion in its September 13, 2004 Order.[19]
o On the premise that respondent had allegedly encashed the subject checks and
deposited the corresponding amounts thereof to her personal banking account,
o A motion for reconsideration was subsequently filed, but it was also denied in purported to have stolen from petitioner and deposited in her personal banking
the Order dated November 5, 2004.[20] account.
o These two orders are the subject of the instant case. o Thus, the checks which the prosecution had Marasigan identify, as well as the
testimony itself of Marasigan, should be suppressed by the trial court at least
Aggrieved, and believing that the trial court gravely abused its discretion in acting the for violating respondents right to due process.[28]
way it did, respondent elevated the matter to the Court of Appeals via a petition o More in point, respondent opined that admitting the testimony of Marasigan, as
for certiorari under Rule 65. well as the evidence pertaining to the Security Bank account, would violate the
o Finding merit in the petition, the Court of Appeals reversed and set aside the secrecy rule under R.A. No. 1405.[29]
assailed orders of the trial court in its April 20, 2005 Decision. [21] The decision
reads: In its reply, petitioner asserted the sufficiency of the allegations in the criminal
Information for qualified theft, as the same has sufficiently alleged the elements of the
WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby GRANTED. The assailed offense charged.
orders dated September 13, 2004 and November 5, 2004 are REVERSED o It posits that through Marasigans testimony, the Court would be able to
and SET ASIDE. The testimony of the SBTC representative is ordered establish that the checks involved, copies of which were attached to the
stricken from the records. complaint-affidavit filed with the prosecutor, had indeed been received by
respondent as cashier, but were, thereafter, deposited by the latter to her
SO ORDERED.[22] personal account with Security Bank.
o Petitioner held that the checks represented the cash money stolen by respondent
With the denial of its motion for reconsideration, [23] petitioner is now before the Court and, hence, the subject matter in this case is not only the cash amount
pleading the same issues as those raised before the lower courts. represented by the checks supposedly stolen by respondent, but also the checks
In this Petition[24] under Rule 45,
o petitioner averred in the main that the Court of Appeals had seriously erred in We derive from the conflicting advocacies of the parties that the issue for resolution is
reversing the assailed orders of the trial court, and in effect striking out whether the testimony of Marasigan and the accompanying documents are irrelevant to
Marasigans testimony dealing with respondents deposit account with Security the case, and whether they are also violative of the absolutely confidential nature of bank
Bank.[25] deposits and, hence, excluded by operation of R.A. No. 1405.
o It asserted that apart from the fact that the said evidence had a direct relation to o The question of admissibility of the evidence thus comes to the fore. And the
the subject matter of the case for qualified theft and, hence, brings the case Court, after deliberative estimation, finds the subject evidence to be indeed
under one of the exceptions to the coverage of confidentiality under R.A. 1405. inadmissible.

o Petitioner believed that what constituted the subject matter in litigation was to Prefatorily, fundamental is the precept in all criminal prosecutions, that the constitutive
be determined by the allegations in the information and, in this respect, it acts of the offense must be established with unwavering exactitude and moral certainty
alluded to the assailed November 5, 2004 Order of the trial court, which because this is the critical and only requisite to a finding of guilt. [31]
declared to be erroneous the limitation of the present inquiry merely to what o Theft is present when a person, with intent to gain but without violence against
was contained in the information.[27] or intimidation of persons or force upon things, takes the personal property of
another without the latters consent. It is qualified when, among others, and as
For her part, respondent claimed that the money represented by the Security Bank alleged in the instant case, it is committed with abuse of confidence. [32]
o The prosecution of this offense necessarily focuses on the existence of the
account was neither relevant nor material to the case, because nothing in the criminal
information suggested that the money therein deposited was the subject matter of the following elements:
(a) there was taking of personal property belonging to another;
(b) the taking was done with intent to gain;
o She invited particular attention to that portion of the criminal Information
(c) the taking was done without the consent of the owner;
which averred that she has stolen and carried away cash money in the total (d) the taking was done without violence against or intimidation of persons or
amount of P1,534,135.50. She advanced the notion that the term cash money force upon things; and
stated in the Information was not synonymous with the checks she was (e) it was done with abuse of confidence.[33]
o In turn, whether these elements concur in a way that overcomes the tender, is normally accepted under commercial usage as a substitute for
presumption of guiltlessness, is a question that must pass the test of relevancy cash, and the credit it represents in stated monetary value is properly
and competency in accordance with Section 3 [34] Rule 128 of the Rules of capable of appropriation.
Court. o And it is in this respect that what the offender does with the check
subsequent to the act of unlawfully taking it becomes material inasmuch as
Thus, whether these pieces of evidence sought to be suppressed in this case the this offense is a continuing one.[37]
testimony of Marasigan, as well as the checks purported to have been stolen and o In other words, in pursuing a case for this offense, the prosecution may
deposited in respondents Security Bank account are relevant, is to be addressed by establish its cause by the presentation of the checks involved.
considering whether they have such direct relation to the fact in issue as to induce o These checks would then constitute the best evidence to establish their
belief in its existence or non-existence; or whether they relate collaterally to a fact contents and to prove the elemental act of conversion in support of the
from which, by process of logic, an inference may be made as to the existence or proposition that the offender has indeed indorsed the same in his own
non-existence of the fact in issue.[35] name.[38]

The fact in issue appears to be that respondent has taken away cash in the amount Theft, however, is not of such character.
of P1,534,135.50 from the coffers of petitioner. o Thus, for our purposes, as the Information in this case accuses respondent
o In support of this allegation, petitioner seeks to establish the existence of of having stolen cash, proof tending to establish that respondent has
the elemental act of taking by adducing evidence that respondent, at actualized her criminal intent by indorsing the checks and depositing the
several times between 1988 and 1989, deposited some of its checks to her proceeds thereof in her personal account, becomes not only irrelevant but
personal account with Security Bank. also immaterial and, on that score, inadmissible in evidence.
o Petitioner addresses the incongruence between the allegation of theft of
cash in the Information, on the one hand, and the evidence that respondent We now address the issue of whether the admission of Marasigans testimony on the
had first stolen the checks and deposited the same in her banking account, particulars of respondents account with Security Bank, as well as of the
on the other hand, by impressing upon the Court that there obtains no corresponding evidence of the checks allegedly deposited in said account,
difference between cash and check for purposes of prosecuting respondent constitutes an unallowable inquiry under R.A. 1405.
for theft of cash. Petitioner is mistaken.
o It is conceded that while the fundamental law has not bothered with the triviality of
In theft, the act of unlawful taking connotes deprivation of personal property of one
specifically addressing privacy rights relative to banking accounts, there,
by another with intent to gain, and it is immaterial that the offender is able or unable
nevertheless, exists in our jurisdiction a legitimate expectation of privacy governing
to freely dispose of the property stolen because the deprivation relative to the
such accounts. The source of this right of expectation is statutory, and it is found in
offended party has already ensued from such act of execution. [36]
R.A. No. 1405,[39] otherwise known as the Bank Secrecy Act of 1955. [40]
The allegation of theft of money, hence, necessitates that evidence presented must
have a tendency to prove that the offender has unlawfully taken money belonging to
o R.A. No. 1405 has two allied purposes.
o It hopes to discourage private hoarding and at the same time encourage the
o Interestingly, petitioner has taken pains in attempting to draw a connection
people to deposit their money in banking institutions, so that it may be
between the evidence subject of the instant review, and the allegation of
utilized by way of authorized loans and thereby assist in economic
theft in the Information by claiming that respondent had fraudulently
deposited the checks in her own name.
o Owing to this piece of legislation, the confidentiality of bank deposits
o But this line of argument works more prejudice than favor, because it in
remains to be a basic state policy in the Philippines. [42] Section 2 of the law
effect, seeks to establish the commission, not of theft, but rather of some
institutionalized this policy by characterizing as absolutely confidential in
other crime probably estafa.
general all deposits of whatever nature with banks and other financial
Moreover, that there is no difference between cash and check is true in other institutions in the country. It declares:
o In estafa by conversion, for instance, whether the thing converted is cash Section 2. All deposits of whatever nature with banks or banking
or check, is immaterial in relation to the formal allegation in an institutions in the Philippines including investments in bonds issued by the
information for that offense; a check, after all, while not regarded as legal Government of the Philippines, its political subdivisions and its
instrumentalities, are hereby considered as of an absolutely confidential individual has a tax case. He is being held liable by the
nature and may not be examined, inquired or looked into by any person, Bureau of Internal Revenue [(BIR)] or, say, P1,000.00
government official, bureau or office, except upon written permission of worth of tax liability, and because of this the deposit of
the depositor, or in cases of impeachment, or upon order of a competent this individual [has been] attached by the [BIR].
court in cases of bribery or dereliction of duty of public officials, or in
cases where the money deposited or invested is the subject matter of the Mr. Ramos: The attachment will only apply
litigation. after the court has pronounced sentence declaring the
liability of such person. But where the primary aim
is to determine whether he has a bank deposit in
o Subsequent statutory enactments[43] have expanded the list of exceptions to this policy yet order to bring about a proper assessment by the
the secrecy of bank deposits still lies as the general rule, falling as it does within the [BIR], such inquiry is not allowed by this proposed
legally recognized zones of privacy.[44] law.
o There is, in fact, much disfavor to construing these primary and supplemental
exceptions in a manner that would authorize unbridled discretion, whether Mr. Marcos: But under our rules of
governmental or otherwise, in utilizing these exceptions as authority for procedure and under the Civil Code, the attachment or
unwarranted inquiry into bank accounts. garnishment of money deposited is allowed. Let us
o It is then perceivable that the present legal order is obliged to conserve the assume for instance that there is a preliminary
absolutely confidential nature of bank deposits. [45] attachment which is for garnishment or for holding
liable all moneys deposited belonging to a certain
o The measure of protection afforded by the law has been explained in China Banking individual, but such attachment or garnishment will
Corporation v. Ortega.[46] bring out into the open the value of such deposit. Is
o That case principally addressed the issue of whether the prohibition against an that prohibited by... the law?
examination of bank deposits precludes garnishment in satisfaction of a judgment. Ruling
on that issue in the negative, the Court found guidance in the relevant portions of the Mr. Ramos: It is only prohibited to the
legislative deliberations on Senate Bill No. 351 and House Bill No. 3977, which later extent that the inquiry... is made only for the purpose
became the Bank Secrecy Act, and it held that the absolute confidentiality rule in R.A. of satisfying a tax liability already declared for the
No. 1405 actually aims at protection from unwarranted inquiry or investigation if the protection of the right in favor of the government; but
purpose of such inquiry or investigation is merely to determine the existence and nature, when the object is merely to inquire whether he has
as well as the amount of the deposit in any given bank account. Thus, a deposit or not for purposes of taxation, then this
is fully covered by the law. x x x
x x x The lower court did not order an examination of or inquiry into the
deposit of B&B Forest Development Corporation, as contemplated in the Mr. Marcos: The law prohibits a mere
law. It merely required Tan Kim Liong to inform the court whether or not investigation into the existence and the amount of
the defendant B&B Forest Development Corporation had a deposit in the the deposit.
China Banking Corporation only for purposes of the garnishment issued
by it, so that the bank would hold the same intact and not allow any Mr. Ramos: Into the very nature of such
withdrawal until further order. It will be noted from the discussion of the deposit. x x x[47]
conference committee report on Senate Bill No. 351 and House Bill No.
3977which later became Republic Act No. 1405, that it was not the
intention of the lawmakers to place banks deposits beyond the reach of o In taking exclusion from the coverage of the confidentiality rule, petitioner in the instant
execution to satisfy a final judgment. Thus: case posits that the account maintained by respondent with Security Bank contains the
proceeds of the checks that she has fraudulently appropriated to herself and, thus, falls
x x x Mr. Marcos: Now, for purposes of the record, I under one of the exceptions in Section 2 of R.A. No. 1405 that the money kept in said
should like the Chairman of the Committee on Ways account is the subject matter in litigation.
and Means to clarify this further. Suppose an
o To highlight this thesis, petitioner avers, citing Mathay v. Consolidated Bank On this score alone, the objection posed by respondent in her motion to suppress
and Trust Co.,[48] that the subject matter of the action refers to the physical should have indeed put an end to the controversy at the very first instance it was
facts; the things real or personal; the money, lands, chattels and the like, in raised before the trial court.
relation to which the suit is prosecuted, which in the instant case should refer to
the money deposited in the Security Bank account.[49] In sum, we hold that the testimony of Marasigan on the particulars of respondents
o On the surface, however, it seems that petitioners theory is valid to a point, yet supposed bank account with Security Bank and the documentary evidence represented by
a deeper treatment tends to show that it has argued quite off-tangentially. the checks adduced in support thereof, are not only incompetent for being excluded by
o This, because, while Mathay did explain what the subject matter of an action is, operation of R.A. No. 1405.
it nevertheless did so only to determine whether the class suit in that case was They are likewise irrelevant to the case, inasmuch as they do not appear to have any
properly brought to the court. logical and reasonable connection to the prosecution of respondent for qualified
o What indeed constitutes the subject matter in litigation in relation to Section 2 of R.A. We find full merit in and affirm respondents objection to the evidence of the
No. 1405 has been pointedly and amply addressed in Union Bank of the Philippines v. prosecution. The Court of Appeals was, therefore, correct in reversing the assailed
Court of Appeals,[50] in which the Court noted that the inquiry into bank deposits orders of the trial court.
allowable under R.A. No. 1405 must be premised on the fact that the money deposited in
the account is itself the subject of the action.[51] A final note. In any given jurisdiction where the right of privacy extends its scope to
o Given this perspective, we deduce that the subject matter of the action in the include an individuals financial privacy rights and personal financial matters, there is an
case at bar is to be determined from the indictment that charges respondent with intermediate or heightened scrutiny given by courts and legislators to laws infringing
the offense, and not from the evidence sought by the prosecution to be admitted such rights.[52]
into the records. Should there be doubts in upholding the absolutely confidential nature of bank
o In the criminal Information filed with the trial court, respondent, unqualifiedly deposits against affirming the authority to inquire into such accounts, then such
and in plain language, is charged with qualified theft by abusing petitioners doubts must be resolved in favor of the former.
trust and confidence and stealing cash in the amount of P1,534,135.50. This attitude persists unless congress lifts its finger to reverse the general state
o The said Information makes no factual allegation that in some material way policy respecting the absolutely confidential nature of bank deposits. [53]
involves the checks subject of the testimonial and documentary evidence
sought to be suppressed. WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The Decision of the Court of Appeals in
o Neither do the allegations in said Information make mention of the supposed CA-G.R. SP No. 87600 dated April 20, 2005, reversing the September 13, 2004 and November
bank account in which the funds represented by the checks have allegedly been 5, 2004 Orders of the Regional Trial Court of Manila, Branch 36 in Criminal Case No. 02-
kept. 202158, is AFFIRMED.

In other words, it can hardly be inferred from the indictment itself that the Security Bank
account is the ostensible subject of the prosecutions inquiry.
Without needlessly expanding the scope of what is plainly alleged in the
Information, the subject matter of the action in this case is the money amounting
to P1,534,135.50 alleged to have been stolen by respondent, and not the money
equivalent of the checks which are sought to be admitted in evidence.
Thus, it is that, which the prosecution is bound to prove with its evidence, and no

It comes clear that the admission of testimonial and documentary evidence relative to
respondents Security Bank account serves no other purpose than to establish the existence
of such account, its nature and the amount kept in it.
It constitutes an attempt by the prosecution at an impermissible inquiry into a bank
deposit account the privacy and confidentiality of which is protected by law.
Ejercito vs SB (2006) III. Urban Bank Managers Check and their corresponding Urban Bank Managers Check
CARPIO MORALES, J.: Application Forms, as follows:

The present petition for certiorari under Rule 65 assails the Sandiganbayan Resolutions dated 1. MC # 039975 dated January 18, 2000 in the amount of P70,000,000.00;
February 7 and 12, 2003 denying petitioner Joseph Victor G. Ejercitos Motions to Quash 2. MC # 039976 dated January 18, 2000 in the amount of P2,000,000.00;
Subpoenas Duces Tecum/Ad Testificandum, and Resolution dated March 11, 2003 denying his 3. MC # 039977 dated January 18, 2000 in the amount of P2,000,000.00;
Motion for Reconsideration of the first two resolutions. 4. MC # 039978 dated January 18, 2000 in the amount of P1,000,000.00;

The three resolutions were issued in Criminal Case No. 26558, People of The Special Prosecution Panel also filed on January 20, 2003, a Request for Issuance
the Philippines v. Joseph Ejercito Estrada, et al., for plunder, defined and penalized in R.A. of Subpoena Duces Tecum/Ad Testificandum directed to the authorized representative of
7080, AN ACT DEFINING AND PENALIZING THE CRIME OF PLUNDER. Equitable-PCI Bank to produce statements of account pertaining to certain accounts in the
name of Jose Velarde and to testify thereon.
In above-stated case of People v. Estrada, et al., the Special Prosecution
Panel[1] filed on January 20, 2003 before the Sandiganbayan a Request for Issuance of The Sandiganbayan granted both requests by Resolution of January 21, 2003 and
Subpoena Duces Tecum for the issuance of a subpoena directing the President of Export and subpoenas were accordingly issued.
Industry Bank (EIB, formerly Urban Bank) or his/her authorized representative to produce the
following documents during the hearings scheduled on January 22 and 27, 2003: The Special Prosecution Panel filed still another Request for Issuance of Subpoena
Duces Tecum/Ad Testificandum dated January 23, 2003 for the President of EIB or his/her
I. For Trust Account No. 858; authorized representative to produce the same documents subject of the Subpoena Duces
1. Account Opening Documents; Tecum dated January 21, 2003 and to testify thereon on the hearings scheduled on January 27
2. Trading Order No. 020385 dated January 29, 1999; and 29, 2003 and subsequent dates until completion of the testimony. The request was likewise
3. Confirmation Advice TA 858; granted by the Sandiganbayan. A Subpoena Duces Tecum/Ad Testificandum was accordingly
4. Original/Microfilm copies, including the dorsal side, of the following: issued on January 24, 2003.

a. Bank of Commerce MC # 0256254 in the amount Petitioner, claiming to have learned from the media that the Special Prosecution
of P2,000,000.00; Panel had requested for the issuance of subpoenas for the examination of bank accounts
b. Urban bank Corp. MC # 34181 dated November 8, 1999 in belonging to him, attended the hearing of the case on January 27, 2003 and filed before the
the amount of P10,875,749.43; Sandiganbayan a letter of even date expressing his concerns as follows, quoted verbatim:
c. Urban Bank MC # 34182 dated November 8, 1999 in the
amount of P42,716,554.22; Your Honors:
d. Urban Bank Corp. MC # 37661 dated November 23, 1999 in
the amount of P54,161,496.52; It is with much respect that I write this court relative to the concern of
subpoenaing the undersigneds bank account which I have learned
5. Trust Agreement dated January 1999: through the media.
Trustee: Joseph Victor C. Ejercito
Nominee: URBAN BANK-TRUST DEPARTMENT I am sure the prosecution is aware of our banking secrecy laws everyone
Special Private Account No. (SPAN) 858; and supposed to observe. But, instead of prosecuting those who may have
6. Ledger of the SPAN # 858. breached such laws, it seems it is even going to use supposed evidence
which I have reason to believe could only have been illegally obtained.
II. For Savings Account No. 0116-17345-9
SPAN No. 858 The prosecution was not content with a general request. It even lists and
identifies specific documents meaning someone else in the bank illegally
1. Signature Cards; and released confidential information.
2. Statement of Account/Ledger
If this can be done to me, it can happen to anyone. Not that anything can Before the Motion to Quash was resolved by the Sandiganbayan, the prosecution
still shock our family. Nor that I have anything to hide. Your Honors. filed another Request for the Issuance of Subpoena Duces Tecum/Ad Testificandum dated
January 31, 2003, again to direct the President of the EIB to produce, on the hearings
But, I am not a lawyer and need time to consult one on a situation that scheduled on February 3 and 5, 2003, the same documents subject of the January 21 and 24,
affects every bank depositor in the country and should interest the bank 2003 subpoenas with the exception of the Bank of Commerce MC #0256254 in the amount
itself, the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, and maybe the Ombudsman of P2,000,000 as Bank of Commerce MC #0256256 in the amount of P200,000,000 was
himself, who may want to investigate, not exploit, the serious breach that instead requested. Moreover, the request covered the following additional documents:
can only harm the economy, a consequence that may have been
overlooked. There appears to have been deplorable connivance. IV. For Savings Account No. 1701-00646-1:
1. Account Opening Forms;
xxxx 2. Specimen Signature Card/s; and
3. Statements of Account.
I hope and pray, Your Honors, that I will be given time to retain the
services of a lawyer to help me protect my rights and those of every
banking depositor. But the one I have in mind is out of the country right The prosecution also filed a Request for the Issuance of Subpoena Duces Tecum/Ad
now. Testificandum bearing the same date, January 31, 2003, directed to Aurora C. Baldoz, Vice
President-CR-II of the PDIC for her to produce the following documents on the scheduled
May I, therefore, ask your Honors, that in the meantime, the issuance of hearings on February 3 and 5, 2003:
the subpoena be held in abeyance for at least ten (10) days to enable me to
take appropriate legal steps in connection with the prosecutions request for 1. Letter of authority dated November 23, 1999 re: SPAN [Special Private
the issuance of subpoena concerning my accounts. (Emphasis supplied) Account Number] 858;

2. Letter of authority dated January 29, 2000 re: SPAN 858;

From the present petition, it is gathered that the accounts referred to by petitioner in
his above-quoted letter are Trust Account No. 858 and Savings Account No. 0116-17345-9.[2] 3. Letter of authority dated April 24, 2000 re: SPAN 858;

In open court, the Special Division of the Sandiganbayan, through Associate Justice 4. Urban Bank check no. 052092 dated April 24, 2000 for the amount of
Edilberto Sandoval, advised petitioner that his remedy was to file a motion to quash, for which P36, 572, 315.43;
he was given up to 12:00 noon the following day, January 28, 2003.
5. Urban Bank check no. 052093 dated April 24, 2000 for the amount of
Petitioner, unassisted by counsel, thus filed on January 28, 2003 a Motion to Quash P107,191,780.85; and
Subpoena Duces Tecum/Ad Testificandum praying that the subpoenas previously issued to the
President of the EIB dated January 21 and January 24, 2003 be quashed.[3] 6. Signature Card Savings Account No. 0116-17345-9. (Underscoring
In his Motion to Quash, petitioner claimed that his bank accounts are covered by
R.A. No. 1405 (The Secrecy of Bank Deposits Law) and do not fall under any of the
exceptions stated therein. He further claimed that the specific identification of documents in The subpoenas prayed for in both requests were issued by the Sandiganbayan
the questioned subpoenas, including details on dates and amounts, could only have been made on January 31, 2003.
possible by an earlier illegal disclosure thereof by the EIB and the Philippine Deposit
Insurance Corporation (PDIC) in its capacity as receiver of the then Urban Bank. On February 7, 2003, petitioner, this time assisted by counsel, filed an Urgent
Motion to Quash Subpoenae Duces Tecum/Ad Testificandum praying that the subpoena
The disclosure being illegal, petitioner concluded, the prosecution in the case may dated January 31, 2003 directed to Aurora Baldoz be quashed for the same reasons which he
not be allowed to make use of the information. cited in the Motion to Quash[4] he had earlier filed.
On the same day, February 7, 2003, the Sandiganbayan issued a Resolution denying deposit their money in banking institutions and to
petitioners Motion to Quash Subpoenae Duces Tecum/Ad Testificandum dated January 28, discourage private hoarding so that the same may be
2003. properly utilized by banks in authorized loans to assist in
the economic development of the country. (Underscoring
Subsequently or on February 12, 2003, the Sandiganbayan issued a Resolution supplied)
denying petitioners Urgent Motion to Quash Subpoena Duces Tecum/Ad Testificandum
dated February 7, 2003.

Petitioners Motion for Reconsideration dated February 24, 2003seeking a

reconsideration of the Resolutions of February 7 and 12, 2003 having been denied by
If the money deposited under an account may be used by banks for authorized loans to
Resolution of March 11, 2003, petitioner filed the present petition.
third persons, then such account, regardless of whether it creates a creditor-debtor
relationship between the depositor and the bank, falls under the category of accounts
Raised as issues are:
which the law precisely seeks to protect for the purpose of boosting the economic
development of the country.
1. Whether petitioners Trust Account No. 858 is covered by the term deposit
as used in R.A. 1405;
Trust Account No. 858 is, without doubt, one such account.
The Trust Agreement between petitioner and Urban Bank provides that the
2. Whether petitioners Trust Account No. 858 and Savings Account No. 0116-
trust account covers deposit, placement or investment of funds by Urban
17345-9 are excepted from the protection of R.A. 1405;and
Bank for and in behalf of petitioner.[6]
The money deposited under Trust Account No. 858, was, therefore,
3. Whether the extremely-detailed information contained in the Special
intended not merely to remain with the bank but to be invested by it
Prosecution Panels requests for subpoena was obtained through a prior
illegal disclosure of petitioners bank accounts, in violation of the fruit of the
To hold that this type of account is not protected by R.A. 1405 would
poisonous tree doctrine.
encourage private hoarding of funds that could otherwise be invested by
banks in other ventures, contrary to the policy behind the law.

Respondent People posits that Trust Account No. 858 [5] may be inquired into, not
Section 2 of the same law in fact even more clearly shows that the term deposits was
merely because it falls under the exceptions to the coverage of R.A. 1405, but
intended to be understood broadly:
because it is not even contemplated therein.
For, to respondent People, the law applies only to deposits which strictly
SECTION 2. All deposits of whatever nature with banks or banking
means the money delivered to the bank by which a creditor-debtor
institutions in the Philippines including investments in bonds issued by the
relationship is created between the depositor and the bank.
Government of the Philippines, its political subdivisions and its
instrumentalities, are hereby considered as of an absolutely confidential
The contention that trust accounts are not covered by the term deposits, as used in
nature and may not be examined, inquired or looked into by any person,
R.A. 1405, by the mere fact that they do not entail a creditor-debtor relationship government official, bureau or office, except upon written permission of
between the trustor and the bank, does not lie. the depositor, or in cases of impeachment, or upon order of a competent
An examination of the law shows that the term deposits used therein is to
court in cases of bribery or dereliction of duty of public officials, or in
be understood broadly and not limited only to accounts which give rise to
cases where the money deposited or invested is the subject matter of the
a creditor-debtor relationship between the depositor and the bank.
litigation. (Emphasis and underscoring supplied)

The policy behind the law is laid down in Section 1:

The phrase of whatever nature proscribes any restrictive interpretation of
deposits. Moreover, it is clear from the immediately quoted provision that, generally, the
SECTION 1. It is hereby declared to be the policy of the law applies not only to money which is deposited but also to those which are invested.
Government to give encouragement to the people to
This further shows that the law was not intended to apply only to deposits in the circumstances shall be considered by the court. The court shall declare any
strict sense of the word. Otherwise, there would have been no need to add the phrase and all ill-gotten wealth and their interests and other incomes and assets
or invested. including the properties and shares of stock derived from the deposit or
investment thereof forfeited in favor of the State. (Emphasis and
Clearly, therefore, R.A. 1405 is broad enough to cover Trust Account No. 858. underscoring supplied)

The protection afforded by the law is, however, not absolute, there An examination of the overt or criminal acts as described in Section 1(d) of R.A.
being recognized exceptions thereto, as above-quoted Section 2 No. 7080 would make the similarity between plunder and bribery even more pronounced since
provides. In the present case, two exceptions apply, to wit: (1) the bribery is essentially included among these criminal acts. Thus Section 1(d) states:
examination of bank accounts is upon order of a competent court in cases
of bribery or dereliction of duty of public officials, and (2) the money d) Ill-gotten wealth means any asset, property, business
deposited or invested is the subject matter of the litigation. enterprise or material possession of any person within the purview of
Section Two (2) hereof, acquired by him directly or indirectly through
dummies, nominees, agents, subordinates and or business associates by
any combination or series of the following means or similar schemes.

Petitioner contends that since plunder is neither bribery nor dereliction of duty, his 1) Through misappropriation, conversion, misuse, or malversation of
accounts are not excepted from the protection of R.A. 1405. Philippine National Bank v. public funds or raids on the public treasury;
Gancayco[7] holds otherwise:
2) By receiving, directly or indirectly, any commission, gift, share,
Cases of unexplained wealth are similar to cases of bribery or dereliction percentage, kickbacks or any other form of pecuniary benefit
of duty and no reason is seen why these two classes of cases cannot be from any person and/or entity in connection with any
excepted from the rule making bank deposits confidential. The policy as to government contract or project or by reason of the office or
one cannot be different from the policy as to the other. This policy position of the public officer concerned;
expresses the notion that a public office is a public trust and any person
who enters upon its discharge does so with the full knowledge that his life, 3) By the illegal or fraudulent conveyance or disposition of assets
so far as relevant to his duty, is open to public scrutiny. belonging to the National Government or any of its subdivisions,
agencies or instrumentalities or government-owned or -controlled
corporations and their subsidiaries;
Undoubtedly, cases for plunder involve unexplained wealth. Section 2 of R.A. No.
7080 states so. 4) By obtaining, receiving or accepting directly or indirectly any shares of
stock, equity or any other form of interest or participation
SECTION 2. Definition of the Crime of Plunder; Penalties. Any public including promise of future employment in any business enterprise
officer who, by himself or in connivance with members of his family, or undertaking;
relatives by affinity or consanguinity, business associates, subordinates or
other persons, amasses, accumulates or acquires ill-gotten 5) By establishing agricultural, industrial or commercial monopolies or
wealththrough a combination or series of overt or criminal acts as other combinations and/or implementation of decrees and orders
described in Section 1(d) hereof, in the aggregate amount or total value of intended to benefit particular persons or special interests; or
at least Seventy-five million pesos (P75,000,000.00), shall be guilty of the
crime of plunder and shall be punished by life imprisonment with 6) By taking undue advantage of official position, authority, relationship,
perpetual absolute disqualification from holding any public office. Any connection or influence to unjustly enrich himself or themselves at
person who participated with said public officer in the commission of the expense and to the damage and prejudice of the Filipino people
plunder shall likewise be punished. In the imposition of penalties, the and the Republic of the Philippines. (Emphasis supplied)
degree of participation and the attendance of mitigating and extenuating
the bank accounts where part of the money was subsequently caused
Indeed, all the above-enumerated overt acts are similar to bribery such that, in each to be deposited:
case, it may be said that no reason is seen why these two classes of cases cannot be excepted
from the rule making bank deposits confidential.[8] x x x Section 2 of [Republic Act No. 1405]
allows the disclosure of bank deposits in cases where
The crime of bribery and the overt acts constitutive of plunder are crimes committed the money deposited is the subject matter of the
by public officers, and in either case the noble idea that a public office is a public trust and any litigation. Inasmuch as Civil Case No. 26899 is
person who enters upon its discharge does so with the full knowledge that his life, so far as aimed at recovering the amount converted by the
relevant to his duty, is open to public scrutiny applies with equal force. Javiers for their own benefit, necessarily, an
inquiry into the whereabouts of the illegally
Plunder being thus analogous to bribery, the exception to R.A. 1405 applicable in acquired amount extends to whatever is concealed
cases of bribery must also apply to cases of plunder. by being held or recorded in the name of persons
other than the one responsible for the illegal
Respecting petitioners claim that the money in his bank accounts is not the subject acquisition.
matter of the litigation, the meaning of the phrase subject matter of the litigation as used in
R.A. 1405 is explained in Union Bank of the Philippines v. Court of Appeals,[9] thus: Clearly, Mellon Bank involved a case where the money
deposited was the subject matter of the litigation since the money
Petitioner contends that the Court of Appeals confuses the cause deposited was the very thing in dispute. x x x (Emphasis and underscoring
of action with the subject of the action. In Yusingco v. Ong Hing Lian, supplied)
petitioner points out, this Court distinguished the two concepts.
The plunder case now pending with the Sandiganbayan necessarily involves an
inquiry into the whereabouts of the amount purportedly acquired illegally by former President
x x x The cause of action is the legal wrong Joseph Estrada.
threatened or committed, while the object of the action
is to prevent or redress the wrong by obtaining some In light then of this Courts pronouncement in Union Bank, the subject matter of the
legal relief; but the subject of the action is neither of litigation cannot be limited to bank accounts under the name of President Estrada alone, but
these since it is not the wrong or the relief must include those accounts to which the money purportedly acquired illegally or a portion
demanded, the subject of the action is the matter or thereof was alleged to have been transferred. Trust Account No. 858 and Savings Account No.
thing with respect to which the controversy has arisen, 0116-17345-9 in the name of petitioner fall under this description and must thus be part of the
concerning which the wrong has been done, and this subject matter of the litigation.
ordinarily is the property or the contract and its subject
matter, or the thing in dispute. In a further attempt to show that the subpoenas issued by the Sandiganbayan are
invalid and may not be enforced, petitioner contends, as earlier stated, that the information
found therein, given their extremely detailed character, could only have been obtained by the
The argument is well-taken. We note with approval the Special Prosecution Panel through an illegal disclosure by the bank officials
difference between the subject of the action from the cause of action. We concerned. Petitioner thus claims that, following the fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine, the
also find petitioners definition of the phrase subject matter of the action is subpoenas must be quashed.
consistent with the term subject matter of the litigation, as the latter is used
in the Bank Deposits Secrecy Act. Petitioner further contends that even if, as claimed by respondent People, the
extremely-detailed information was obtained by the Ombudsman from the bank officials
In Mellon Bank, N.A. v. Magsino, where the petitioner bank concerned during a previous investigation of the charges against President Estrada, such
inadvertently caused the transfer of the amount of US$1,000,000.00 inquiry into his bank accounts would itself be illegal.
instead of only US$1,000.00, the Court sanctioned the examination of
Petitioner relies on Marquez v. Desierto[10] where the Court held:
We rule that before an in camera inspection may be allowed there must be
a pending case before a court of competent jurisdiction. Further, the Clearly, the fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine [13] presupposes a violation of law. If
account must be clearly identified, the inspection limited to the subject there was no violation of R.A. 1405 in the instant case, then there would be no poisonous tree
matter of the pending case before the court of competent jurisdiction. The to begin with, and, thus, no reason to apply the doctrine.
bank personnel and the account holder must be notified to be present
during the inspection, and such inspection may cover only the account How the Ombudsman conducted his inquiry into the bank accounts of petitioner is
identified in the pending case. (Underscoring supplied) recounted by respondent People of the Philippines, viz:

x x x [A]s early as February 8, 2001, long before the issuance of

As no plunder case against then President Estrada had yet been filed before a court the Marquezruling, the Office of the Ombudsman, acting under the
of competent jurisdiction at the time the Ombudsman conducted an investigation, petitioner powers granted to it by the Constitution and R.A. No. 6770, and acting on
concludes that the information about his bank accounts were acquired illegally, hence, it may information obtained from various sources, including impeachment (of
not be lawfully used to facilitate a subsequent inquiry into the same bank accounts. then Pres. Joseph Estrada) related reports, articles and investigative
journals, issued a Subpoena Duces Tecum addressed to Urban
Petitioners attempt to make the exclusionary rule applicable to the instant case Bank. (Attachment 1-b) It should be noted that the description of the
fails. R.A. 1405, it bears noting, nowhere provides that an unlawful examination of bank documents sought to be produced at that time included that of numbered
accounts shall render the evidence obtained therefrom inadmissible in evidence. Section 5 of accounts 727, 737, 747, 757, 777 and 858 and included such names as Jose
R.A. 1405 only states that [a]ny violation of this law will subject the offender upon conviction, Velarde, Joseph E. Estrada, Laarni Enriquez, Guia Gomez, Joy Melendrez,
to an imprisonment of not more than five years or a fine of not more than twenty thousand Peachy Osorio, Rowena Lopez, Kevin or Kelvin Garcia. The subpoena did
pesos or both, in the discretion of the court. not single out account 858.

The case of U.S. v. Frazin,[11] involving the Right to Financial Privacy Act of 1978 xxxx
(RFPA) of the United States, is instructive.
Because the statute, when properly construed, excludes a Thus, on February 13, 2001, PDIC, as receiver of Urban Bank, issued a
suppression remedy, it would not be appropriate for us to provide one in certification as to the availability of bank documents relating to A/C 858
the exercise of our supervisory powers over the administration of justice. and T/A 858 and the non-availability of bank records as to the other
Where Congress has both established a right and provided exclusive accounts named in the subpoena. (Attachments 2, 2-1 and 2-b)
remedies for its violation, we would encroach upon the prerogatives of
Congress were we to authorize a remedy not provided for by Based on the certification issued by PDIC, the Office of the Ombudsman
statute. United States v. Chanen, 549 F.2d 1306, 1313 (9th Cir.) , cert. on February 16, 2001 again issued a Subpoena Duces Tecum directed to
denied, 434 U.S. 825, 98 S.Ct. 72, 54 L.Ed.2d 83 (1977). Ms. Corazon dela Paz, as Interim Receiver, directing the production of
documents pertinent to account A/C 858 and T/C 858. (Attachment 3)

The same principle was reiterated in U.S. v. Thompson:[12] In compliance with the said subpoena dated February 16, 2001, Ms. Dela Paz, as
interim receiver, furnished the Office of the Ombudsman certified copies
x x x When Congress specifically designates a remedy for one of of documents under cover latter dated February 21, 2001:
its acts, courts generally presume that it engaged in the necessary
balancing of interests in determining what the appropriate penalty should 1. Transaction registers dated 7-02-99, 8-16-99, 9-17-99, 10-
be. SeeMichaelian, 803 F.2d at 1049 (citing cases); Frazin, 780 F.2d 18-99, 11-22-99, 1-07-00, 04-03-00 and 04-24-00;
at 1466. Absent a specific reference to an exclusionary rule, it is not 2. Report of Unregularized TAFs & TDs for UR COIN A & B
appropriate for the courts to read such a provision into the act. Placements of Various Branches as of February 29, 2000
and as of December 16, 1999; and
3. Trading Orders Nos. A No. 78102 and A No. 078125.
Even assuming arguendo, however, that the exclusionary rule applies in principle to
cases involving R.A. 1405, the Court finds no reason to apply the same in this particular case.
Trading Order A No. 07125 is filed in two copies a white copy applied prospectively and should not apply to parties who relied on the
which showed set up information; and a yellow copy which old doctrine and acted in good faith. (Emphasis and underscoring
showed reversal information. Both copies have been reproduced supplied)
and are enclosed with this letter.

We are continuing our search for other records and documents When this Court construed the Ombudsman Act of 1989, in light of the Secrecy of Bank
pertinent to your request and we will forward to you on Friday, Deposits Law in Marquez, that before an in camera inspection may be allowed there must be a
23 February 2001, such additional records and documents as we pending case before a court of competent jurisdiction, it was, in fact, reversing an earlier
might find until then. (Attachment 4) doctrine found in Banco Filipino Savings and Mortgage Bank v. Purisima[17].

The Office of the Ombudsman then requested for the mangers checks, Banco Filipino involved subpoenas duces tecum issued by the Office of the
detailed in the Subpoena Duces Tecum dated March 7, 2001. (Attachment Ombudsman, then known as the Tanodbayan, [18] in the course of its preliminary
5) investigation of a charge of violation of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act.

PDIC again complied with the said Subpoena Duces Tecum dated March While the main issue in Banco Filipino was whether R.A. 1405 precluded the
7, 2001 and provided copies of the managers checks thus requested under Tanodbayans issuance of subpoena duces tecum of bank records in the name of persons other
cover letter dated March 16, 2001. (Attachment 6)[14] (Emphasis in the than the one who was charged, this Court, citing P.D. 1630,[19] Section 10, the relevant part of
original) which states:

The Sandiganbayan credited the foregoing account of respondent People. [15] The (d) He may issue a subpoena to compel any person to appear,
Court finds no reason to disturb this finding of fact by the Sandiganbayan. give sworn testimony, or produce documentary or other evidence the
Tanodbayan deems relevant to a matter under his inquiry,

The Marquez ruling notwithstanding, the above-described examination by

the Ombudsman of petitioners bank accounts, conducted before a case
was filed with a court of competent jurisdiction, was lawful.

For the Ombudsman issued the subpoenas bearing on the bank accounts of petitioner held that The power of the Tanodbayan to issue subpoenae ad testificandum and
about four months before Marquez was promulgated on June 27, 2001. subpoenae duces tecum at the time in question is not disputed, and at any rate does not
admit of doubt.[20]
While judicial interpretations of statutes, such as that made in Marquezwith respect
to R.A. No. 6770 or the Ombudsman Act of 1989, are deemed part of the statute as of the date As the subpoenas subject of Banco Filipino were issued during a preliminary
it was originally passed, the rule is not absolute. investigation, in effect this Court upheld the power of the Tandobayan under P.D. 1630 to issue
subpoenas duces tecum for bank documents prior to the filing of a case before a court of
Columbia Pictures, Inc. v. Court of Appeals[16] teaches: competent jurisdiction.

It is consequently clear that a judicial interpretation becomes a part of the Marquez, on the other hand, practically reversed this ruling in Banco
law as of the date that law was originally passed, subject only to the Filipino despite the fact that the subpoena power of the Ombudsman under R.A. 6770 was
qualification that when a doctrine of this Court is overruled and a essentially the same as that under P.D. 1630. Thus Section 15 of R.A. 6770 empowers the
different view is adopted, and more so when there is Office of the Ombudsman to
a reversal thereof, the new doctrine should be
(8) Administer oaths, issue subpoena and subpoena duces tecum, and take
testimony in any investigation or inquiry, including the power to examine
and have access to bank accounts and records; In fine, the subpoenas issued by the Ombudsman in this case were legal, hence,
invocation of the fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine is misplaced.

AT ALL EVENTS, even if the challenged subpoenas are quashed, the Ombudsman
A comparison of this provision with its counterpart in Sec. 10(d) of P.D. is not barred from requiring the production of the same documents based solely on information
1630 clearly shows that it is only more explicit in stating that the power of obtained by it from sources independent of its previous inquiry.
the Ombudsman includes the power to examine and have access to bank
accounts and records which power was recognized with respect to the In particular, the Ombudsman, even before its inquiry, had already possessed information
giving him grounds to believe that (1) there are bank accounts bearing the number 858, (2) that
Tanodbayan through Banco Filipino.
such accounts are in the custody of Urban Bank, and (3) that the same are linked with the bank
accounts of former President Joseph Estrada who was then under investigation for plunder.
Only with such prior independent information could it have been possible for the Ombudsman
to issue the February 8, 2001 subpoena duces tecumaddressed to the President and/or Chief
The Marquez ruling that there must be a pending case in order for the Executive Officer of Urban Bank, which described the documents subject thereof as follows:
Ombudsman to validly inspect bank records in camera thus reversed a
prevailing doctrine.[21] Hence, it may not be retroactively applied. (a) bank records and all documents relative thereto pertaining to all
bank accounts (Savings, Current, Time Deposit, Trust, Foreign Currency
Deposits, etc) under the account names of Jose Velarde, Joseph E.
Estrada, Laarni Enriquez, Guia Gomez, Joy Melendrez, Peach Osorio,
The Ombudsmans inquiry into the subject bank accounts prior to the filing Rowena Lopez, Kevin or Kelvin Garcia, 727, 737, 747, 757, 777 and 858.
of any case before a court of competent jurisdiction was therefore valid at (Emphasis and underscoring supplied)
the time it was conducted.

The information on the existence of Bank Accounts bearing number 858 was, according to
respondent People of the Philippines, obtained from various sources including the proceedings
during the impeachment of President Estrada, related reports, articles and investigative
Likewise, the Marquez ruling that the account holder must be notified to be present during the
journals.[23] In the absence of proof to the contrary, this explanation proffered by respondent
inspection may not be applied retroactively to the inquiry of the Ombudsman subject of this
must be upheld. To presume that the information was obtained in violation of R.A. 1405
case. This ruling is not a judicial interpretation either of R.A. 6770 or R.A. 1405, but a judge-
would infringe the presumption of regularity in the performance of official functions.
made law which, as People v. Luvendino[22] instructs, can only be given prospective
Thus, with the filing of the plunder case against former President Estrada before the
Sandiganbayan, the Ombudsman, using the above independent information, may now proceed
x x x The doctrine that an uncounselled waiver of the right to counsel
to conduct the same investigation it earlier conducted, through which it can eventually obtain
is not to be given legal effect was initially a judge-made one and was
the same information previously disclosed to it by the PDIC, for it is an inescapable fact
first announced on 26 April 1983 in Morales v. Enrile and reiterated
that the bank records of petitioner are no longer protected by R.A. 1405 for the reasons already
on 20 March 1985 in People v. Galit. x x x
explained above.
While the Morales-Galit doctrine eventually became part of Section 12(1)
Since conducting such an inquiry would, however, only result in the disclosure of
of the 1987 Constitution, that doctrine affords no comfort to appellant
the same documents to the Ombudsman, this Court, in avoidance of what would be a time-
Luvendino for the requirements and restrictions outlined
wasteful and circuitous way of administering justice,[24] upholds the challenged subpoenas.
in Morales and Galit have no retroactive effect and do not reach
waivers made prior to 26 April 1983 the date of promulgation
Respecting petitioners claim that the Sandiganbayan violated his right to due process
of Morales. (Emphasis supplied)
as he was neither notified of the requests for the issuance of the subpoenas nor of the grant
thereof, suffice it to state that the defects were cured when petitioner ventilated his arguments WHEREFORE, the petition is DISMISSED. The Sandiganbayan Resolutions dated
against the issuance thereof through his earlier quoted letter addressed to the Sandiganbayan February 7 and 12, 2003 and March 11, 2003 are upheld. The Sandiganbayan is hereby
and when he filed his motions to quash before the Sandiganbayan. directed, consistent with this Courts ruling in Marquez v. Desierto, to notify petitioner as to the
date the subject bank documents shall be presented in court by the persons subpoenaed.
IN SUM, the Court finds that the Sandiganbayan did not commit grave abuse of discretion in
issuing the challenged subpoenas for documents pertaining to petitioners Trust Account No. [G.R. No. 135882. June 27, 2001]
858 and Savings Account No. 0116-17345-9 for the following reasons:

1. These accounts are no longer protected by the Secrecy of Bank LOURDES T. MARQUEZ, in her capacity as Branch Manager, Union Bank of the
Deposits Law, there being two exceptions to the said law applicable in this Philippines, petitioners, vs. HON. ANIANO A. DESIERTO, (in his capacity as
case, namely: (1) the examination of bank accounts is upon order of a OMBUDSMAN, Evaluation and Preliminary Investigation Bureau, Office of the
competent court in cases of bribery or dereliction of duty of public officials, Ombudsman, ANGEL C. MAYOR-ALGO, JR., MARY ANN CORPUZ-MANALAC and
and (2) the money deposited or invested is the subject matter of the JOSE T. DE JESUS, JR., in their capacities as Chairman and Members of the Panel,
litigation.Exception (1) applies since the plunder case pending against respectively, respondents.
former President Estrada is analogous to bribery or dereliction of duty,
while exception (2) applies because the money deposited in petitioners DECISION
bank accounts is said to form part of the subject matter of the same
plunder case. PARDO, J.:

In the petition at bar, petitioner seeks to--

2. The fruit of the poisonous tree principle, which states that once a. Annul and set aside, for having been issued without or in excess of jurisdiction or with
the primary source (the tree) is shown to have been unlawfully obtained, grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack of jurisdiction, respondents order dated
any secondary or derivative evidence (the fruit) derived from it is also September 7, 1998 in OMB-0-97-0411, In Re: Motion to Cite Lourdes T. Marquez for
inadmissible, does not apply in this case. In the first place, R.A. 1405 does indirect contempt, received by counsel of September 9, 1998, and their order dated
not provide for the application of this rule. Moreover, there is no basis for October 14, 1998, denying Marquezs motion for reconsideration dated September 10,
applying the same in this case since the primary source for the detailed 1998, received by counsel on October 20, 1998.
information regarding petitioners bank accounts the investigation
previously conducted by the Ombudsman was lawful. b. Prohibit respondents from implementing their order dated October 14, 1998, in
proceeding with the hearing of the motion to cite Marquez for indirect contempt,
through the issuance by this Court of a temporary restraining order and/or preliminary
3. At all events, even if the subpoenas issued by the
Sandiganbayan were quashed, the Ombudsman may conduct on its own The antecedent facts are as follows:
the same inquiry into the subject bank accounts that it earlier conducted
last February-March 2001, there being a plunder case already pending Sometime in May 1998, petitioner Marquez received an Order from the Ombudsman
against former President Estrada.To quash the challenged subpoenas Aniano A. Desierto dated April 29, 1998, to produce several bank documents for purposes of
would, therefore, be pointless since the Ombudsman may obtain the same inspection in camera relative to various accounts maintained at Union Bank of the
documents by another route. Upholding the subpoenas avoids an Philippines, Julia Vargas Branch, where petitioner is the branch manager.
unnecessary delay in the administration of justice.
The accounts to be inspected are Account Nos. 011-37270, 240-020718, 245-
30317-3 and 245-30318-1, involved in a case pending with the Ombudsman
entitled, Fact-Finding and Intelligence Bureau (FFIB) v. Amado Lagdameo, et. After convincing themselves of the veracity of the checks, Atty. Macalino
al. advised Ms. Marquez to comply with the order of the Ombudsman.

The order further states: Petitioner agreed to an in camera inspection set on June 3, 1998.[4]

It is worth mentioning that the power of the Ombudsman to investigate However, on June 4, 1998, petitioner wrote the Ombudsman explaining to him that the
and to require the production and inspection of records and documents is accounts in question cannot readily be identified and asked for time to respond to the order.
sanctioned by the 1987 Philippine Constitution, Republic Act No. 6770,
otherwise known as the Ombudsman Act of 1989 and under existing The reason forwarded by petitioner was that despite diligent efforts and from
jurisprudence on the matter. It must be noted that R. A. 6770 especially
the account numbers presented, we can not identify these accounts since the
Section 15 thereof provides, among others, the following powers, functions
checks are issued in cash or bearer.
and duties of the Ombudsman, to wit:

We surmised that these accounts have long been dormant, hence are not
covered by the new account number generated by the Union Bank system. We
therefore have to verify from the Interbank records archives for the
(8) Administer oaths, issue subpoena and subpoena duces tecum and take whereabouts of these accounts.[5]
testimony in any investigation or inquiry, including the power to examine
and have access to bank accounts and records;
The Ombudsman, responding to the request of the petitioner for time to comply with the
order, stated: firstly, it must be emphasized that Union Bank, Julia Vargas Branch was the
(9) Punish for contempt in accordance with the Rules of Court and under depositary bank of the subject Traders Royal Bank Managers Checks (MCs), as shown at its
the same procedure and with the same penalties provided therein. dorsal portion and as cleared by the Philippine Clearing House, not the International Corporate
Clearly, the specific provision of R.A. 6770, a later legislation, modifies
the law on the Secrecy of Bank Deposits (R.A. 1405) and places the office Notwithstanding the fact that the checks were payable to cash or bearer, nonetheless, the
of the Ombudsman in the same footing as the courts of law in this regard. name of the depositor(s) could easily be identified since the account numbers x x x where said
checks were deposited are identified in the order.

The basis of the Ombudsman in ordering an in camera inspection of the accounts is a trail of Even assuming that the accounts xxx were already classified as dormant accounts, the
managers checks purchased by one George Trivinio, a respondent in OMB-0-97-0411, pending bank is still required to preserve the records pertaining to the accounts within a certain period
with the office of the Ombudsman. of time as required by existing banking rules and regulations.

It would appear that Mr. George Trivinio, purchased fifty one (51) Managers Checks (MCs) And finally, the in camera inspection was already extended twice
for a total amount of P272.1 Million at Traders Royal Bank, United Nations Avenue branch, on from May 13, 1998to June 3, 1998, thereby giving the bank enough time within which to
May 2 and 3, 1995. Out of the 51 MCs, eleven (11) MCs sufficiently comply with the order.[6]

in the amount of P70.6 million, were deposited and credited to an account maintained at Thus, on June 16, 1998, the Ombudsman issued an order directing petitioner to produce
the Union Bank, Julia Vargas Branch.[3] the bank documents relative to the accounts in issue. The order states:

On May 26, 1998, the FFIB panel met in conference with petitioner Lourdes T. Marquez Viewed from the foregoing, your persistent refusal to comply with Ombudsmans order is
and Atty. Fe B. Macalino at the banks main office, Ayala Avenue, Makati City. unjustified, and is merely intended to delay the investigation of the case. Your act constitutes
disobedience of or resistance to a lawful order issued by this office and is punishable as
The meeting was for the purpose of allowing petitioner and Atty. Macalino to Indirect Contempt under Section 3(b) of R.A. 6770.
view the checks furnished by Traders Royal Bank.
The same may also constitute obstruction in the lawful exercise of the functions of It is in these proceedings where petitioners may question the propriety of
the Ombudsman which is punishable under Section 36 of R.A. 6770. [7] respondents exercise of his contempt powers.

On July 10, 1998, petitioner together with Union Bank of the Philippines, filed a petition Petitioners are not therefore left without any adequate remedy.
for declaratory relief, prohibition and injunction [8] with the Regional Trial Court, Makati City,
against the Ombudsman. The questioned orders were issued with the investigation of the case of Fact-Finding and
Intelligence Bureau vs. Amado Lagdameo, et. el., OMB-0-97-0411, for violation of R.A.

The petition was intended to clear the rights and duties of petitioner. Since petitioner failed to show prima facie evidence that the subject matter of the
investigation is outside the jurisdiction of the Office of the Ombudsman, no writ of
Thus, petitioner sought a declaration of her rights from the court due to the clear injunction may be issued by this Court to delay this investigation pursuant to Section
conflict between R. A. No. 6770, Section 15 and R. A. No. 1405, Sections 2 and 3. 14 of the Ombudsman Act of 1989.[10]

Petitioner prayed for a temporary restraining order (TRO) because the Ombudsman and On July 20, 1998, petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration based on the following
other persons acting under his authority were continuously harassing her to produce the bank grounds:
documents relative to the accounts in question.
a. Petitioners application for Temporary Restraining Order is not only to restrain
Moreover, on June 16, 1998, the Ombudsman issued another order stating that the Ombudsman from exercising his contempt powers, but to stop him from
unless petitioner appeared before the FFIB with the documents requested, petitioner implementing his Orders dated April 29,1998 and June 16,1998; and
manager would be charged with indirect contempt and obstruction of justice.
b. The subject matter of the investigation being conducted by the Ombudsman at
In the meantime,[9] on July 14, 1998, the lower court denied petitioners prayer for a petitioners premises is outside his jurisdiction.[11]
temporary restraining order and stated thus:
On July 23, 1998, the Ombudsman filed a motion to dismiss the petition for declaratory
After hearing the arguments of the parties, the court finds the application for a Temporary relief[12] on the ground that the Regional Trial Court has no jurisdiction to hear a petition for
Restraining Order to be without merit. relief from the findings and orders of the Ombudsman, citing R. A. No. 6770, Sections 14 and
27. On August 7, 1998, the Ombudsman filed an opposition to petitioners motion for
Since the application prays for the restraint of the respondent, in the exercise of his contempt reconsideration dated July 20, 1998.[13]
powers under Section 15 (9) in relation to paragraph (8) of R.A. 6770, known as The
Ombudsman Act of 1989, there is no great or irreparable injury from which petitioners may On August 19, 1998, the lower court denied petitioners motion for reconsideration, [14]and
suffer, if respondent is not so restrained. also the Ombudsmans motion to dismiss.[15]

Respondent should he decide to exercise his contempt powers would still have to On August 21, 1998, petitioner received a copy of the motion to cite her for contempt,
apply with the court. x x x Anyone who, without lawful excuse x x x refuses to filed with the Office of the Ombudsman by Agapito B. Rosales, Director, Fact Finding and
produce documents for inspection, when thereunto lawfully required shall be subject Intelligence Bureau (FFIB).[16]
to discipline as in case of contempt of Court and upon application of the individual
or body exercising the power in question shall be dealt with by the Judge of the First On August 31, 1998, petitioner filed with the Ombudsman an opposition to the motion to
Instance (now RTC) having jurisdiction of the case in a manner provided by law cite her in contempt on the ground that the filing thereof was premature due to the petition
(section 580 of the Revised Administrative Code). Under the present Constitution pending in the lower court.[17]
only judges may issue warrants, hence, respondent should apply with the Court for
the issuance of the warrant needed for the enforcement of his contempt orders.
Petitioner likewise reiterated that she had no intention to disobey the orders of the 5. Sec. 8, R. A. No. 3019, in cases of unexplained wealth as held in the case of
Ombudsman. PNB vs. Gancayco[26]

However, she wanted to be clarified as to how she would comply with the orders The order of the Ombudsman to produce for in camera inspection the subject accounts
without her breaking any law, particularly R. A. No. 1405. [18] with the Union Bank of the Philippines, Julia Vargas Branch, is based on a pending
investigation at the Office of the Ombudsman against Amado Lagdameo, et. al. for violation of
R. A. No. 3019, Sec. 3 (e) and (g) relative to the Joint Venture Agreement between the Public
Respondent Ombudsman panel set the incident for hearing on September 7, 1998.
[19] Estates Authority and AMARI.
After hearing, the panel issued an order dated September 7, 1998, ordering petitioner and
counsel to appear for a continuation of the hearing of the contempt charges against her. [20]
We rule that before an in camera inspection may be allowed, there must be a pending
case before a court of competent jurisdiction.
On September 10, 1998, petitioner filed with the Ombudsman a motion for
reconsideration of the above order.[21] Her motion was premised on the fact that there was a
pending case with the Regional Trial Court, Makati City, [22] which would determine whether Further, the account must be clearly identified, the inspection limited to the
obeying the orders of the Ombudsman to produce bank documents would not violate any law. subject matter of the pending case before the court of competent jurisdiction.

The FFIB opposed the motion,[23] and on October 14, 1998, the Ombudsman denied the The bank personnel and the account holder must be notified to be present
motion by order the dispositive portion of which reads: during the inspection, and such inspection may cover only the account
identified in the pending case.
Wherefore, respondent Lourdes T. Marquezs motion for reconsideration is hereby DENIED,
for lack of merit. Let the hearing of the motion of the Fact Finding Intelligence Bureau (FFIB) In Union Bank of the Philippines v. Court of Appeals, we held that Section 2 of
to cite her for indirect contempt be intransferrably set to 29 October 1998 at 2:00 oclock p.m. the Law on Secrecy of Bank Deposits, as amended, declares bank deposits
at which date and time she should appear personally to submit her additional evidence. Failure to be absolutely confidential except:
to do so shall be deemed a waiver thereof.[24]
(1) In an examination made in the course of a special or general
Hence, the present petition.[25] examination of a bank that is specifically authorized by the
Monetary Board after being satisfied that there is reasonable ground
The issue is whether petitioner may be cited for indirect contempt for her failure to to believe that a bank fraud or serious irregularity has been or is
produce the documents requested by the Ombudsman. And whether the order of the being committed and that it is necessary to look into the deposit to
Ombudsman to have an in camera inspection of the questioned account is allowed as an establish such fraud or irregularity,
exception to the law on secrecy of bank deposits (R. A. No. 1405).
(2) In an examination made by an independent auditor hired by the bank
An examination of the secrecy of bank deposits law (R. A. No. 1405) would reveal the to conduct its regular audit provided that the examination is for audit
following exceptions: purposes only and the results thereof shall be for the exclusive use of
the bank,
1. Where the depositor consents in writing;
(3) Upon written permission of the depositor,
2. Impeachment case;
(4) In cases of impeachment,
3. By court order in bribery or dereliction of duty cases against public officials;
(5) Upon order of a competent court in cases of bribery or dereliction of
4. Deposit is subject of litigation; duty of public officials, or
(6) In cases where the money deposited or invested is the subject matter
of the litigation[27]

In the case at bar, there is yet no pending litigation before any court of competent
authority. What is existing is an investigation by the office of the Ombudsman.

In short, what the Office of the Ombudsman would wish to do is to fish for
additional evidence to formally charge Amado Lagdameo, et. al., with the
Sandiganbayan. Clearly, there was no pending case in court which would
warrant the opening of the bank account for inspection.

Zones of privacy are recognized and protected in our laws.

The Civil Code provides that "[e]very person shall respect the dignity,
personality, privacy and peace of mind of his neighbors and other persons" and
punishes as actionable torts several acts for meddling and prying into the
privacy of another.

It also holds a public officer or employee or any private individual liable for
damages for any violation of the rights and liberties of another person, and
recognizes the privacy of letters and other private communications.

The Revised Penal Code makes a crime of the violation of secrets by an

officer, the revelation of trade and industrial secrets, and trespass to dwelling.
Invasion of privacy is an offense in special laws like the Anti-Wiretapping
Law, the Secrecy of Bank Deposits Act, and the Intellectual Property Code.

IN VIEW WHEREOF, we GRANT the petition. We order the Ombudsman to cease

and desist from requiring Union Bank Manager Lourdes T. Marquez, or anyone in her place to
comply with the order dated October 14, 1998, and similar orders. No costs.

CHINABANK v CA (2006) 5) CITIBANK CHECK NO. 69003194405297 dated October 01 1997 in
the amount of US$766,011.97 payable to GOTIANUY: JOSE
6) CITIBANK CHECK NO. 69003194405339 dated October 09 1997 in
the amount of US$83,053.10 payable to GOTIANUY: JOSE

A Complaint for recovery of sums of money and annulment of sales of real Upon motion of Elizabeth Gotianuy Lo, the trial court[3] issued a subpoena to Cristota
properties and shares of stock docketed as CEB-21445 was filed by Jose Labios and Isabel Yap, employees of China Bank, to testify on the case.
Joseph Gotianuy against his son-in-law, George Dee, and his daughter, The Order of the trial court dated 23 February 1999, states:
Mary Margaret Dee, before the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Cebu City,
Issue a subpoena ad testificandum requiring MS. ISABEL YAP and
Branch 58.
CRISTOTA LABIOS of China Banking Corporation, Cebu Main Branch,
corner Magallanes and D. Jakosalem Sts., Cebu City, to appear in person
and to testify in the hearing of the above entitled case on March 1,
Jose Gotianuy accused his daughter Mary Margaret Dee of stealing, among his other 1999 at 8:30 in the morning, with regards to Citibank Checks (Exhs. AAA
properties, US dollar deposits with Citibank N.A. amounting to not less to AAA-5) and other matters material and relevant to the issues of this
than P35,000,000.00 and US$864,000.00. Mary Margaret Dee received these amounts case.[4]
from Citibank N.A. through checks which she allegedly deposited at China Banking
Corporation (China Bank).
He likewise accused his son-in-law, George Dee, husband of his daughter, Mary China Bank moved for a reconsideration. Resolving the motion, the trial court issued an
Margaret, of transferring his real properties and shares of stock in George Dees Order dated 16 April 1999 and held:
name without any consideration. Jose Gotianuy, died during the pendency of the
case before the trial court.[1] The Court is of the view that as the foreign currency fund (Exhs.
He was substituted by his daughter, ElizabethGotianuy Lo. AAA to AAA-5) is deposited with the movant China Banking
The latter presented the US Dollar checks withdrawn by Mary Margaret Dee from Corporation, Cebu Main Branch, Cebu City, the disclosure only
his US dollar placement with Citibank. as to the name or in whose name the said fund is deposited is not
The details of the said checks are: violative of the law.
o Justice will be better served if the name or names of
1) CITIBANK CHECK NO. 69003194405412 dated September 29 the depositor of said fund shall be disclosed because
1997 in the amount of US$5,937.52 payable to such a disclosure is material and important to the
GOTIANUY: JOSE AND/OR DEE: MARY MARGARET; issues between the parties in the case at bar.

2) CITIBANK CHECK NO. 69003194405296 dated September 29 Premises considered, the motion for reconsideration is denied
1997 in the amount of US$7,197.59 payable to partly and granted partly, in the sense that Isabel Yap and/or
GOTIANUY: JOSE AND/OR DEE: MARY MARGARET; Cristuta Labios are directed to appear before this Court and to
testify at the trial of this case on April 20, 1999, May 6 & 7,
3) CITIBANK CHECK NO. 69003194405414 dated September 29 1999 at 10:00 oclock in the morning and only for the purpose of
1997 in the amount of US$1,198.94 payable to disclosing in whose name or names is the foreign currency fund
GOTIANUY: JOSE AND/OR DEE: MARY MARGARET; (Exhs. AAA to AAA-5) deposited with the movant Bank and not
to other matters material and relevant to the issues in the case at
4) CITIBANK CHECK NO. 69003194405413 dated September 29 bar.[5]
1997 in the amount of US$989.04 payable to
From this Order, China Bank filed a Petition for Certiorari[6] with the Court of
Appeals. In a Decision[7] dated 29 October 1999, the Court of Appeals denied the petition
of China Bank and affirmed the Order of the RTC.
In justifying its conclusion, the Court of Appeals ratiocinated: CURRENCY DEPOSIT.

From the foregoing, it is pristinely clear the law specifically II

encompasses only the money or funds in foreign currency
o Thus, the coverage of the law extends only to the QUESTIONED FOREIGN CURRENCY DEPOSIT. THUS, HE
foreign currency deposit in the CBC account where CANNOT INVOKE THE AID OF THE COURT IN COMPELLING THE
Mary Margaret Dee deposited the Citibank checks in DISCLOSURE OF SOMEONE ELSES FOREIGN
It has to be pointed out that the April 16, 1999 Order of the court ENDED UP THEREIN.
of origin modified its previous February 23, 1999 Order such
that the CBC representatives are directed solely to divulge in III
whose name or names is the foreign currency fund (Exhs. AAA
to AAA-5) deposited with the movant bank. PETITIONER CAN RIGHTLY INVOKE THE PROVISION OF SEC. 8,
o It precluded inquiry on other materials and relevant to R.A. 6426, IN BEHALF OF THE FOREIGN CURRENCY DEPOSITOR,
the issues in the case at bar. We find that the directive OWING TO ITS SOLEMN OBLIGATION TO ITS CLIENT TO
of the court below does not contravene the plain EXERCISE EXTRAORDINARY DILIGENCE IN THE HANDLING OF
language of RA 6426 as amended by P.D. No. 1246. THE ACCOUNT.[9]

The contention of petitioner that the [prescription] on absolute

confidentiality under the law in question covers even the name
As amended by Presidential Decree No. 1246, the law reads:
of the depositor and is beyond the compulsive process of the
courts is palpably untenable as the law protects only the deposits
SEC. 8. Secrecy of Foreign Currency Deposits. All foreign currency
itself but not the name of the depositor.
deposits authorized under this Act, as amended by Presidential Decree No.
o To uphold the theory of petitioner CBC is reading into
1035, as well as foreign currency deposits authorized under Presidential
the statute something that is not within the manifest
Decree No. 1034, are hereby declared as and considered of an absolutely
intention of the legislature as gathered from the statute
confidential nature and, except upon the written permission of the
itself, for to depart from the meaning expressed by the
depositor, in no instance shall such foreign currency deposits be
words, is to alter the statute, to legislate and not to
examined, inquired or looked into by any person, government official,
interpret, and judicial legislation should be avoided.
bureau or office whether judicial or administrative or legislative or any
o Maledicta expositio quae corrumpit textum It is a
other entity whether public or private: Provided, however, that said foreign
dangerous construction which is against the words. currency deposits shall be exempt from attachment, garnishment, or any
o Expressing the same principle is the maxim: Ubi lex other order or process of any court, legislative body, government agency
non distinguit nec nos distinguere debemos, which or any administrative body whatsoever. (As amended by PD No. 1035, and
simply means that where the law does not distinguish, further amended by PD No. 1246, prom. Nov. 21, 1977) (Emphasis
we should not make any distinction. (Gonzaga, supplied.)
Statutes and their Construction, p. 75.)[8]

From the Decision of the Court of Appeals, China Bank elevated the case to this Under the above provision, the law provides that all foreign currency deposits authorized
Court based on the following issues: under Republic Act No. 6426, as amended by Sec. 8, Presidential Decree No. 1246,
Presidential Decree No. 1035, as well as foreign currency deposits authorized under
I Presidential Decree No. 1034 are considered absolutely confidential in nature and may
not be inquired into.
THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS HAS INTERPRETED THE o There is only one exception to the secrecy of foreign currency deposits, that is,
disclosure is allowed upon the written permission of the depositor.
This much was pronounced in the case of Intengan v. Court of Appeals,[10]where it was whatsoever would be used as a device by an accused x x x for
held that the only exception to the secrecy of foreign currency deposits is in the case of a wrongdoing, and in so doing, acquitting the guilty at the expense
written permission of the depositor. of the innocent.[14]

It must be remembered that under the whereas clause of Presidential Decree No. 1246 With the foregoing, we are now tasked to determine the single material issue of
which amended Sec. 8 of Republic Act No. 6426, the Foreign Currency Deposit System whether or not petitioner China Bank is correct in its submission that the Citibank
including the Offshore Banking System under Presidential Decree 1034 were intended to dollar checks with both Jose Gotianuy and/or Mary Margaret Dee as payees,
draw deposits from foreign lenders and investors, and we quote: deposited with China Bank, may not be looked into under the law on secrecy of
foreign currency deposits.
Whereas, in order to assure the development and speedy growth of the o As a corollary issue, sought to be resolved is whether Jose Gotianuy may
Foreign Currency Deposit System and the Offshore Banking System in the be considered a depositor who is entitled to seek an inquiry over the said
Philippines, certain incentives were provided for under the two Systems deposits.
such as confidentiality of deposits subject to certain exceptions and tax
exemptions on the interest income of depositors who are nonresidents and The Court of Appeals, in allowing the inquiry, considered Jose Gotianuy, a co-
are not engaged in trade or business in the Philippines; depositor of Mary Margaret Dee.
o It reasoned that since Jose Gotianuy is the named co-payee of the latter in
Whereas, making absolute the protective cloak of confidentiality over such the subject checks, which checks were deposited in China Bank, then, Jose
foreign currency deposits, exempting such deposits from tax, and Gotianuy is likewise a depositor thereof. On that basis, no written consent
guaranteeing the vested rights of depositors would better encourage the from Mary Margaret Dee is necessitated.
inflow of foreign currency deposits into the banking institutions authorized
to accept such deposits in the Philippines thereby placing such institutions
more in a position to properly channel the same to loans and investments
We agree in the conclusion arrived at by the Court of Appeals.
in the Philippines, thus directly contributing to the economic development
of the country.

As to the deposit in foreign currencies entitled to be protected under the

The following facts are established:
confidentiality rule, Presidential Decree No. 1034, [11] defines deposits to mean funds
(1) Jose Gotianuy and Mary Margaret Dee are co-payees of various Citibank checks; [15]
in foreign currencies which are accepted and held by an offshore banking unit in the
(2) Mary Margaret Dee withdrew these checks from Citibank; [16]
regular course of business, with the obligation to return an equivalent amount to the
(3) Mary Margaret Dee admitted in her Answer to the Request for Admissions by the
owner thereof, with or without interest.[12]
Adverse Party sent to her by Jose Gotianuy[17] that she withdrew the funds from
Citibank upon the instruction of her father Jose Gotianuy and that the funds
It is in this light that the court in the case of Salvacion v. Central Bank of the belonged exclusively to the latter;
Philippines,[13] allowed the inquiry of the foreign currency deposit in question (4) these checks were endorsed by Mary Margaret Dee at the dorsal portion; and
mainly due to the peculiar circumstances of the case such that a strict interpretation (5) Jose Gotianuy discovered that these checks were deposited with China Bank as
of the letter of the law would result to rank injustice. shown by the stamp of China Bank at the dorsal side of the checks.
o Therein, Greg Bartelli y Northcott, an American tourist, was charged with
criminal cases for serious illegal detention and rape committed against o Thus, with this, there is no issue as to the source of the funds. Mary Margaret Dee
then 12 year-old Karen Salvacion. declared the source to be Jose Gotianuy. There is likewise no dispute that these funds in
o A separate civil case for damages with preliminary attachment was filed the form of Citibank US dollar Checks are now deposited with China Bank.
against Greg Bartelli.
o The trial court issued an Order granting the Salvacions application for the
issuance of a writ of preliminary attachment.
o A notice of garnishment was then served on China Bank
where Bartelli held a dollar account. China Bank refused, invoking the As the owner of the funds unlawfully taken and which
secrecy of bank deposits. The Supreme Court ruled: are undisputably now deposited with China Bank, Jose Gotianuy has
In fine, the application of the law depends on the extent of its
the right to inquire into the said deposits.
justice x x x It would be unthinkable, that the questioned law
exempting foreign currency deposits from attachment,
garnishment, or any other order or process of any court,
legislative body, government agency or any administrative body
A depositor, in cases of bank deposits, is one who pays money into the
bank in the usual course of business, to be placed to his credit and
subject to his check or the beneficiary of the funds held by the bank as All things considered and in view of the distinctive circumstances
trustee.[18] attendant to the present case, we are constrained to render a
limited pro hac vice ruling.[21] Clearly it was not the intent of the
legislature when it enacted the law on secrecy on foreign currency
deposits to perpetuate injustice.
On this score, the observations of the Court of Appeals are worth
reiterating: o This Court is of the view that the allowance of the inquiry would
be in accord with the rudiments of fair play, [22] the upholding of
fairness in our judicial system and would be an avoidance of
delay and time-wasteful and circuitous way of administering
Furthermore, it is indubitable that the Citibank checks were drawn against justice.[23]
the foreign currency account with Citibank, NA. The monies subject of
said checks originally came from the late Jose Gotianuy, the owner of the
account. Thus, he also has legal rights and interests in the CBC account
where said monies were deposited. More importantly, the Citibank
checks (Exhibits AAA to AAA-5) readily demonstrate (sic) that the late WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Petition is DENIED. The Decision
JoseGotianuy is one of the payees of said checks. Being a co-payee of the Court of Appeals dated 29 October 1999 affirming the Order of the
thereof, then he or his estate can be considered as a co-depositor of said RTC, Branch 58, Cebu City dated 16 April 1999 is AFFIRMED and this case
checks.Ergo, since the late Jose Gotianuy is a co-depositor of the CBC
is ordered REMANDED to the trial court for continuation of hearing with
account, then his request for the assailed subpoena is tantamount to an
express permission of a depositor for the disclosure of the name of the utmost dispatch consistent with the above disquisition. No costs.
account holder. The April 16, 1999 Order perforce must be sustained. [19]
(Emphasis supplied.)

One more point. It must be remembered that in the complaint

of Jose Gotianuy, he alleged that his US dollar deposits with Citibank
were illegally taken from him.

o On the other hand, China Bank

employee Cristuta Labiostestified that Mary Margaret Dee
came to China Bank and deposited the money of
Jose Gotianuy in Citibank US dollar checks to the dollar account
of her sister Adrienne Chu.[20]

o This fortifies our conclusion that an inquiry into the said deposit
at China Bank is justified.

o At the very least, Jose Gotianuy as the owner of these funds is

entitled to a hearing on the whereabouts of these funds.
G.R. No. L-34964 January 31, 1973 However, Tan Kim Liong was ordered "to inform the Court within five days from
receipt of this order whether or not there is a deposit in the China Banking
CHINA BANKING CORPORATION and TAN KIM LIONG, petitioners-appellants, Corporation of defendant B & B Forest Development Corporation, and if there is
vs. any deposit, to hold the same intact and not allow any withdrawal until further order
HON. WENCESLAO ORTEGA, as Presiding Judge of the Court of First Instance of from this Court.
Manila, Branch VIII, and VICENTE G. ACABAN, respondents-appellees.
" Tan Kim Liong moved to reconsider but was turned down by order of March 27,
MAKALINTAL, J.: 1972. In the same order he was directed "to comply with the order of this Court
dated March 4, 1972 within ten (10) days from the receipt of copy of this order,
The only issue in this petition for certiorari to review the orders dated March 4, 1972 and otherwise his arrest and confinement will be ordered by the Court." Resisting the
March 27, 1972, respectively, of the Court of First Instance of Manila in its Civil Case No. two orders, the China Banking Corporation and Tan Kim Liong instituted the instant
75138, is whether or not a banking institution may validly refuse to comply with a court petition.
process garnishing the bank deposit of a judgment debtor, by invoking the provisions of
Republic Act No. 1405. * The pertinent provisions of Republic Act No. 1405 relied upon by the petitioners reads:

On December 17, 1968 Vicente Acaban filed a complaint in the court a quo against Sec. 2. All deposits of whatever nature with banks or banking institutions
Bautista Logging Co., Inc., B & B Forest Development Corporation and Marino Bautista in the Philippines including investments in bonds issued by the
for the collection of a sum of money. Government of the Philippines, its political subdivisions and its
instrumentalities, are hereby considered as of absolutely confidential
Upon motion of the plaintiff the trial court declared the defendants in default for nature and may not be examined, inquired or looked into by any person,
failure to answer within the reglementary period, and authorized the Branch Clerk of government official, bureau or office, except upon written permission of
Court and/or Deputy Clerk to receive the plaintiff's evidence. On January 20, 1970 the depositor, or in cases of impeachment, or upon order of a competent
judgment by default was rendered against the defendants. court in cases of bribery or dereliction of duty of public officials, or in
cases where the money deposited or invested is the subject matter of the

Sec 3. It shall be unlawful for any official or employee of a banking

To satisfy the judgment, the plaintiff sought the garnishment of the bank deposit of the
institution to disclose to any person other than those mentioned in Section
defendant B & B Forest Development Corporation with the China Banking Corporation.
two hereof any information concerning said deposits.

Accordingly, a notice of garnishment was issued by the Deputy Sheriff of the trial
Sec. 5. Any violation of this law will subject offender upon conviction, to
court and served on said bank through its cashier, Tan Kim Liong. an imprisonment of not more than five years or a fine of not more than
twenty thousand pesos or both, in the discretion of the court.
In reply, the bank' cashier invited the attention of the Deputy Sheriff to the
provisions of Republic Act No. 1405 which, it was alleged, prohibit the disclosure of The petitioners argue that the disclosure of the information required by the court does not
any information relative to bank deposits. fall within any of the four (4) exceptions enumerated in Section 2, and that if the
questioned orders are complied with Tan Kim Liong may be criminally liable under
Thereupon the plaintiff filed a motion to cite Tan Kim Liong for contempt of court. Section 5 and the bank exposed to a possible damage suit by B & B Forest Development

Specifically referring to this case, the position of the petitioners is that the bank
In an order dated March 4, 1972 the trial court denied the plaintiff's motion. deposit of judgment debtor B & B Forest Development Corporation cannot be
subject to garnishment to satisfy a final judgment against it in view of the liability already declared for the protection of the right in favor of the
aforequoted provisions of law. government; but when the object is merely to inquire whether he has a
deposit or not for purposes of taxation, then this is fully covered by the

We do not view the situation in that light. Mr. MARCOS. And it protects the depositor, does it not?

The lower court did not order an examination of or inquiry into the deposit of B & B Mr. RAMOS. Yes, it protects the depositor.
Forest Development Corporation, as contemplated in the law.
Mr. MARCOS. The law prohibits a mere investigation into the existence
It merely required Tan Kim Liong to inform the court whether or not the defendant and the amount of the deposit.
B & B Forest Development Corporation had a deposit in the China Banking
Corporation only for purposes of the garnishment issued by it, so that the bank Mr. RAMOS. Into the very nature of such deposit.
would hold the same intact and not allow any withdrawal until further order.
Mr. MARCOS. So I come to my original question. Therefore, preliminary
It will be noted from the discussion of the conference committee report on Senate garnishment or attachment of the deposit is not allowed?
Bill No. 351 and House Bill No. 3977, which later became Republic Act 1405, that it
was not the intention of the lawmakers to place bank deposits beyond the reach of Mr. RAMOS. No, without judicial authorization.
execution to satisfy a final judgment. Thus:
Mr. MARCOS. I am glad that is clarified. So that the established rule of
Mr. MARCOS. Now, for purposes of the record, I should like the procedure as well as the substantive law on the matter is amended?
Chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means to clarify this further.
Suppose an individual has a tax case. He is being held liable by the Bureau Mr. RAMOS. Yes. That is the effect.
of Internal Revenue for, say, P1,000.00 worth of tax liability, and because
of this the deposit of this individual is attached by the Bureau of Internal Mr. MARCOS. I see. Suppose there has been a decision, definitely
Revenue. establishing the liability of an individual for taxation purposes and this
judgment is sought to be executed ... in the execution of that judgment,
Mr. RAMOS. The attachment will only apply after the court has does this bill, or this proposed law, if approved, allow the investigation or
pronounced sentence declaring the liability of such person. But where the scrutiny of the bank deposit in order to execute the judgment?
primary aim is to determine whether he has a bank deposit in order to
bring about a proper assessment by the Bureau of Internal Revenue, such Mr. RAMOS. To satisfy a judgment which has become executory.
inquiry is not authorized by this proposed law.
Mr. MARCOS. Yes, but, as I said before, suppose the tax liability is
Mr. MARCOS. But under our rules of procedure and under the Civil Code, P1,000,000 and the deposit is half a million, will this bill allow scrutiny
the attachment or garnishment of money deposited is allowed. Let us into the deposit in order that the judgment may be executed?
assume, for instance, that there is a preliminary attachment which is for
garnishment or for holding liable all moneys deposited belonging to a Mr. RAMOS. Merely to determine the amount of such money to satisfy
certain individual, but such attachment or garnishment will bring out into that obligation to the Government, but not to determine whether a deposit
the open the value of such deposit. Is that prohibited by this amendment or has been made in evasion of taxes.
by this law?

xxx xxx xxx

Mr. RAMOS. It is only prohibited to the extent that the inquiry is limited,
or rather, the inquiry is made only for the purpose of satisfying a tax
Mr. MACAPAGAL. But let us suppose that in an ordinary civil action for
the recovery of a sum of money the plaintiff wishes to attach the properties
of the defendant to insure the satisfaction of the judgment. Once the
judgment is rendered, does the gentleman mean that the plaintiff cannot
attach the bank deposit of the defendant?

Mr. RAMOS. That was the question raised by the gentleman from
Pangasinan to which I replied that outside the very purpose of this law it
could be reached by attachment.

Mr. MACAPAGAL. Therefore, in such ordinary civil cases it can be


Mr. RAMOS. That is so.

(Vol. II, Congressional Record, House of Representatives, No. 12, pp.

3839-3840, July 27, 1955).

It is sufficiently clear from the foregoing discussion of the conference committee report
of the two houses of Congress that the prohibition against examination of or inquiry into
a bank deposit under Republic Act 1405 does not preclude its being garnished to insure
satisfaction of a judgment. Indeed there is no real inquiry in such a case, and if the
existence of the deposit is disclosed the disclosure is purely incidental to the execution

It is hard to conceive that it was ever within the intention of Congress to enable
debtors to evade payment of their just debts, even if ordered by the Court, through
the expedient of converting their assets into cash and depositing the same in a bank.

WHEREFORE, the orders of the lower court dated March 4 and 27, 1972, respectively, are
hereby affirmed, with costs against the petitioners-appellants.
[G.R. NO. 138967 : April 24, 2007] WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered in favor of the complainants
[petitioners] and against the respondent. The respondent is hereby ordered:
P. TOMONGHA, ELEONOR A. QUIANOLA, ASTEMA C. CAMPO, FLORIDA 1. To reinstate the complainants to their respective position at the Agencia Cebuana
VILLACERAN, FLORIDA B. TALLEDO AND BRENDA with full back wages without qualifications; if reinstatement is not feasible, for one
GADIANO, Petitioners, v.NICASIO C. ANION, the Labor Arbiter of the Regional reason or another, to pay to the complainants their respective separation pay, service
Arbitration Branch VII-Cebu City; MARGUERITE LHUILLIER; and ALVAREZ incentive leave pay with full back wages without qualification computed hereunder
2. To pay to all the complainants the amount of P100,000.00 for moral damages and
GARCIA, J.: the amount of another P100,000.00 for exemplary damages, plus the amount of
P98,018.25 as attorney's fees representing 10% of the total award and the amount of
The instant petition is a proceeding for contempt in connection with the execution of a P30,000.00 for litigation expenses.
final and executory Decision1 of this Court in G.R. No. 105892, entitled Leiden E.
Fernandez, et al., v. National Labor Relations Commission, et al., a labor case involving o Claiming denial of due process, respondent Marguerite Lhuillier appealed to the National
the illegal dismissal of herein petitioners by respondent Marguerite Lhuillier from their Labor Relations Commission (NLRC), in connection with which she filed a cash bond
employment at Agencia Cebuana-H. Lhuillier Pawnshop (Agencia Cebuana, hereafter), of P748,411.34. In a decision dated March 11, 1992, the NLRC vacated the decision of
of which the latter is the sole proprietor. Labor Arbiter Velasquez, Jr. and remanded the case to the Regional Arbitration Branch
VII, Cebu City, for further proceedings.
o Via the present recourse, petitioners pray the Court to hold the respondents
guilty of civil and criminal contempts for failure to comply with and implement
the Decision of the Court in G.R. No. 105892.
o Following the NLRC's denial of their motion for reconsideration, petitioners went to this
o They also seek the inhibition of respondent Labor Arbiter Nicasio C. Anion Court on a petition for certiorari in G.R. 105892.rbl rl l lbrr
from taking part in further execution proceedings relative to the same case, and
request that a final computation be made by the Court of the exact amount of
the monetary awards due them under the same Decision.
o In a Decision3 promulgated on January 28, 1998, the Court granted the certiorari petition,
reversed and set aside the assailed decision and resolution of the NLRC and reinstated
with modifications the decision of Labor Arbiter Velasquez, Jr., thus:
Stripped to the bare essentials, the material facts briefly stated as follows:

WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby GRANTED and the assailed Decision and
In 1990, petitioners filed their respective complaints against respondent Marguerite Resolution are REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The labor arbiter's decision is
Lhuillier and/or Agencia Cebuana with the Regional Arbitration Branch VII, Cebu City, REINSTATED with MODIFICATIONS, such that the award of separation pay is
for illegal dismissal, service incentive pay, reinstatement with full back wages, and deleted and the service incentive leave pay is computed from December 16, 1975 up
damages. Their complaints were consolidated and assigned to then Labor Arbiter Gavino to the petitioners' actual reinstatement. Full back wages, including the accrued
Velasquez, Jr. who, in a decision2 dated August 30, 1991, found for the petitioners, to wit: thirteenth month pay, are also awarded to the nine petitioners - - Leiden Fernandez,
Brenda Gadiano, Gloria Adriano, Emelia Negapatan, Jesus Tomongha, Eleonor
Quianola, Asteria Campo, Florida Villaceran and Florida Talledo - - from the date
****of their illegal dismissal to the time of their actual reinstatement. Petitioners Marguerite Lhuillier alone but were joint accounts with Christopher Darza and Claudine
Lim and Canonigo, whom we find to have voluntarily resigned, are not entitled to Darza.
any benefit.
o The motion further claims that the writ of execution was directed only against
SO ORDERED. Agencia Cebuana, hence, not even Marguerite Lhuillier can be made personally
liable thereunder.
o On April 28, 1998, the Decision became final and executory and an Entry of Judgment
was made thereon in the Book of Entries of Judgment. o Petitioners vigorously opposed the motion to lift, arguing that respondents Alvarez
Caete Lopez Pangandoyon Ahat & Paredes Law Offices have no legal personality to
o represent Margruerite Lhuillier as they are not her counsels on record. Petitioners point
out that the counsels on record for Marguerite Lhuillier are Atty. Amadeo D. Seno and
o What transpired next lies at the core of the instant petition for contempt. Atty. Luis V. Diores and that there had been no proper substitution of counsel made.

o Moreover, petitioners claim in the same opposition that the garnished bank
o On April 8, 1999, herein public respondent Labor Arbiter Nicasio C. Anion, by way
accounts are not joint accounts but are accounts only in the name of Marguerite
enforcing this Court's Decision in G.R. No. 105892, issued a writ of
Lhuillier, who, contrary to the allegations in the motion, is just as liable under
execution4commanding the Deputy Sheriff to:
the writ as Agencia Cebuana.

x x x REINSTATE the complainants [petitioners] at the respondent Agencia Cebuana and

o In a resolution dated June 10, 1999, respondent Labor Arbiter Nicasio C. Anion granted
to proceed to the premises of the respondent located at Calderon St., Cebu City or
wherever the same could be found and collect from the respondent the sum of the motion to lift or set aside the writ of garnishment and directed the Deputy Sheriff to
P3,505,092.33 representing complainants award plus execution fee of P34,550.92 and the enforce this Court's Decision in G.R. No. 105892 only on the properties of Agencia
deposit fee of P17,535.46 or a total sum of P3,556,178.71 and thereafter turn over the Cebuana.
said sum to this Office for appropriate disposition. Should you fail to collect said sum in
cash, you are hereby authorized to cause the satisfaction of the same on the movable or o On June 21, 1999, petitioners appealed the aforementioned resolution of Labor Arbiter
immovable properties of the respondent not exempt from execution. Ainon to the NLRC.

o On April 15 and 16, 1999, the Deputy Sheriff, garnished the Citibank and Metrobank o Subsequently, they also filed with this Court the instant petition for "civil and
accounts of respondent Marguerite Lhuillier and levied on a parcel of land belonging to criminal contempt and other disciplinary sanctions; inhibition of the respondent
her located in Mandaue City. labor arbiter; final computation of the exact figure of petitioners' monetary
awards including separation pay; with request to consolidate petitioners' recent
o On April 20, 1999, petitioners filed with the same Regional Arbitration Branch VII, Cebu appeal filed with the [NLRC] to this instant petition."
City, a motion for the release to them of respondent's cash bond earlier posted by her in
connection with her appeal to the NLRC from the adverse decision of Labor Arbiter o In sum, petitioners' submit that the collective acts of the public and private
Velasquez, Jr. respondents constitute contempt of this Court in that they thwarted the
implementation of the final and executory Decision of the Court in G.R. No.
o On the very same day, respondent Labor Arbiter Anion issued an Order 105892.
directing the release of the cash bond to the petitioners. Petitioners received the
amount of P748,411.34. o First off, it greatly saddens the Court that petitioner employees, who were illegally
dismissed way back in 1990 - - seventeen (17) years before this date - - have yet to be
o Then, on May 14, 1999, respondents Alvarez Caete Lopez Pangandoyon Ahat & Paredes fully compensated for the injustice that had befallen them almost two decades ago despite
Law Offices, through respondent Atty. Wilfredo S. Pangandoyon, Jr., filed with Labor the final and executory judgment of this very Court in their favor.
Arbiter Nicasio C. Anion, on behalf of Marguerite Lhuillier, a motion 5 to lift or set aside
the writ of garnishment alleging that the garnished accounts were not in the name of
o It is in the interests of justice, therefore, that the Court must make conclusive o We reiterate for the purpose of clarity that private respondent Marguerite Lhuillier is
clarifications as to the execution of its final Decision against respondent personally liable under this Court's Decision in dispute.
Marguerite Lhuillier.
o Her co-respondent Agencia Cebuana is a sole proprietorship without a juridical
o In an individual proprietorship, the owner has unlimited personal liability for all the debts personality of its own.
and obligations of the business.6
o But while the position taken by the public and private respondents that the
o As sole proprietor of Agencia Cebuana, from whose employment the petitioners judgment in question is not enforceable against respondent Marguerite
were unlawfully removed, Marguerite Lhuillier is the party against whom the Lhuillier, but solely against Agencia Cebuana is wrong, they are not liable for
Court's final and executory Decision in G.R. No. 105892 is enforceable. contempt.

o Put differently, Marguerite Lhuillier is personally liable under the same

Decision. Garnishment and levy over her property are proper in the
dispensation of justice. o For one, the filing of the respondent law firm of Alvarez Caete Lopez Pangandoyon
Ahat & Paredes Law Offices of its motion to lift the order of garnishment cannot be
o Be that as it may, we do not find, however, any contumacious act to have been committed adjudged contumacious simply because they do not appear as counsel of record of
by both the public and private respondents, either individually or collectively. respondent Marguerite Lhuillier/Agencia Cebuana.

o As it were, there was never an attempt on their part to subvert or hold at bay the o Their engagement to file that particular motion does not appear to be a
final implementation of the executory Decision of the Court in the main case. replacement or substitution of counsel where the withdrawal or consent of
former counsel is required.
o Quite the contrary, recognizing the executory character of this Court's Decision
in question, respondent Labor Arbiter Nicasio Anion issued a writ of o There was no intention on their part to replace or substitute the counsels on
execution for its implementation. record of Marguerite Lhuillier and/or Agencia Cebuana.

o For their part, the private respondents did not actually or maliciously resist the o For sure, the services of the counsels on record were never terminated. In this
writ thus issued. light, we are inclined to believe that the engagement of the law firm of Alvarez
Caete Lopez Pangandoyon & Paredes Law Offices appears to have been on
o What they opposed was the garnishment of the bank accounts allegedly jointly collaborative effort basis.
owned by respondent Marguerite Lhuillier and two others, not the writ of
execution itself. o Besides, it is settled rule in our jurisdiction that a lawyer is presumed to be
properly authorized to represent any cause in which he appears. 7
o We hold, however, that such accounts, even if joint as claimed by the private
respondents, are subject to garnishment. o It is hard to imagine that the respondent law firm who has no personal interest
in the case would fight for and defend a case with persistence and vigor if it had
o It is in the nature of joint accounts that anyone of the depositors has access to not been authorized or employed by the party concerned. 8
the entire funds therein.
o Besides, it must be stressed that the respondent law firm merely filed a motion
o If, afterwards, there should be squabbling amongst the supposed joint to lift the order of garnishment, an appearance which is basically limited in
depositors as to the share of each, they can sort it out amongst themselves. character.
o On the part of the respondent Labor Arbiter, it appears clear to us that it was never his o He is, however, directed with all dispatch to satisfy the final and executory
intent to defy the final and executory Decision of this Court in the main case, much less Decision of this Court in G.R. No. 105892.
to delay its enforcement.
o The petitioners have waited long enough for the justly deserved fruits of their
o He did, after all, issue a writ of execution on April 8, 1999. Not only that. labor.

o When the petitioners filed their motion for the release to them of respondent's o As regards the companion request of the petitioners for a final computation by
cash bond in connection with her appeal to the NLRC from the earlier adverse the Court of the exact amounts of monetary awards due them under the same
decision of Labor Arbiter Velasquez Jr., respondent Labor Arbiter Nicasio C. Decision, the Court is not inclined to venture thereon considering that said
Anion issued an order directing such release that very same day and computation had already been done by Labor Arbiter Velasquez, Jr., in his
petitioners did receive the amount of P748,411.34. decision of March 11, 1992, as affirmed with modifications by the Court in its
Decision in G.R. No. 105892.
o Hence, the Decision of this Court in question had, in fact, already been partially
executed. IN VIEW WHEREOF, and finding no contumacious act on the part of the herein respondents,
the instant petition is DISMISSED but the respondent Labor Arbiter Nicasio C. Ainon is
o For this reason, we do not see the need for the inhibition of Labor Arbiter DIRECTED to IMMEDIATELY IMPLEMENT this Court's Decision in G.R. No. 105892.
Nicasio Anion in the enforcement process of the same Decision.

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