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Subject + Verb + Complement:

The complement completes the meaning of the subject.

Subject complements are generally made from the
linking verbs, such as be (am, is are) become, remain,
seem, feel, look, grow, turn

e.g.: I am busy. Subject + Verb + Indirect Object +

They look sick. Direct Object:
Subject + Verb + Object:
the indirect object is found by asking To
Some verbs have an object which is whom? or To what? after the verb and the
generally always a noun or pronoun. direct object.
An object as a single complement
e.g.: I gave her a gift.
follows a verb immediately.
She teaches us English.
e.g.: Joe became a doctor.
Dogs chase cats. Subject + Verb + Object + Complement:

Subject + Verb:
I left the door open.
The subject tells who or what about the Sam and Jack play basketball every day.
verb (shows action or state of being). (Double Subjects)
Alice came and saw me. (Compound verbs)
e.g.: I swim. Alice saw Jack and John. (Double Objects)
Harry Potter is missing.

Simple Sentences with Extended Elements:

simple sentences with extended phrasal elements
A sentence composed of separate elements from the main clause
one clause they may precede, come in-mid sentence position,
A simple sentence has or follow the simple sentence structure.
one independent clause. e.g.: At peace at last, the old man died.
It has a single subject My wife, burning the roasted turkey,
and predicate. looked terribly embarrassed.
I lay awake, tossing and turning.

SOURCE: Prof. Dr. Mehmet Demirezen. (2012). An Analysis of the Problem-Causing
Structures of Simple Sentences for Turkish University Students.
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2(3), 136-146

Also call an independent clause

Contains a subject and a verb
Example: Some students like to study in the mornings.
Juan and Arturo play football every afternoon.
(compound subject)
Alicia goes to the library and studies every day.
(compound verb)


Contains two independent clauses joined by

A comma and a coordinating conjunction, FANBOYS (for, and,
nor, but, or, yet, so)
independent clause, coordinating conjunction independent clause.
I tried to speak Spanish, and my friend tried to speak English.
Alejandro played football, so Maria went shopping.
Alejandro played football, for Maria went shopping.


Has an independent clause joined by one or more

dependent clauses.
Always has a subordinator such as because, since, after, although,
or when or a relative pronoun such as that, who, or which.
When he handed in his homework, he forgot to give the
teacher the last page.
Sentences: Simple,
The book that Jonathan read is on the shelf.
Compound, and
Complex. Accessed at
# SOURCE (EBook):

Sentence Patterns.

Simple Sentences: Complex Sentences:

Compound Sentences: This kind of sentence
have an independent
clause A sentence that has two with a dependent clause
independent clauses joined and an independent
EXAMPLES: clause
together correctly
two main ways to write: The rule is:
I am learning 1. Independent clause
1. Use a semicolon
Chinese painting. dependent clause.
Last Friday I learned between the two
2. Dependent clause
to paint a sparrow. independent clauses.
- To use a semicolon, the COMMA independent
The supplies are clause.
sentences should be
inexpensive. The words that introduce
very closely related in
dependent clauses are
- e.g.: I am learning called subordinating
Chinese painting; last conjunctions.
Friday I learned to
paint a sparrow.
2. Use a comma and a Because I want a
coordinating conjunction creative hobby, I am
between the two learning Chinese
independent clauses painting.
e.g.: The supplies are Last Friday I learned to
inexpensive, so I think
paint a sparrow even
this is a good hobby for
though I'm just starting.

Compound-Complex Sentence:

is a combination of at least two

independent clauses with at least
one dependent clause.

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