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Jessica Lam

Throw and Catch Math Integration (Grade 2-3)

Math SOL 2.5 (2nd Grade)
Students are placed in groups of three in the general space, standing approximately 5-7 feet
apart. Two students will throw and catch, while the third student will record the total points
accumulated, by the team of three, during each trial.
Warm-up/practice with underhand and overhand throwing techniques.
The first throw to start can be an underhand toss with the emphasis being on catching with two
Once completed, students will take two steps back to begin the activity. If the group can throw
and catch the ball successfully, they will receive points. For example, if a throw is made and the
partner catches it inside the trunk area, they get two points and if the catch is made in any other
place, they get one point. If a student drops the ball, four points are deducted from the team
If and when the team gets to 21, students will step back once again two more steps. Students
continue the process of trying to get 21 additional points for a total of 42 points. During the
throwing and catching session, if the catcher has to move out of his standing position (more than
a pivot), students must deduct 10 points from their score.
The teacher should rotate the students every three minutes with the "new" thrower and catcher
taking a few practice throws before continuing the activity. (They should continue with the
previous score, with the goal of getting as many team points as possible. (There will be a
different recorder every three minutes.)

What time is it, Mr. Clock? (Grade K-2)

SOL 2.12 (2nd Grade)
Set 12 hula hoops in a large circle (approximately 30 foot diameter). Each hula hoop represents
one of the twelve number positions of a clock. Use the laminated numbers to represent the
numbers on the face of the clock.
Give red pennies to 15 students (or about 3/5 of your class). The students wearing the red
pennies construct the minute hand. The hour hand is made from the 10 students wearing yellow
Instruct the students to move about the playing area, in and out of the clock in a specific way (i.e.
skipping, galloping, animal movements, etc.) while music is playing. When the music stops, the
students stop and wait for a time of the day to be announced. The students quickly attempt to
position their bodies to represent the hands on a clock. Remind students that the two hands (or
lines of students) should meet in the center of the clock.
Starting with even hours is easier for young students and leads to quicker understanding of the
game. After each "time" has been constructed, have the students move around the playing area
again and repeat the process. After a few rounds, begin to use quarter and half-hours. If age-
Jessica Lam

appropriate, use more challenging times such as 11:55, 6:25 or even 12:01. Students really have
to cooperate and work together when the hour and minute hands are very close.
Have students switch places as the hour or minute hand, so all students can gain an
understanding of the use of time.
Construct smaller clocks with a smaller number of students in each group. Give practical
examples of time, i.e., "What time does school start each day?" or "What time do we eat dinner?"

Locomotor Lakes, Rivers, and Streams (Grade K-2)

Science SOL 2.7a (2nd Grade)
The children begin the lesson practicing a leap and a jump. Teacher demonstration should stress
the importance of the different take-offs and landings in each skill. Children usually need teacher
reinforcement when leaping to make sure they takeoff on one foot and land on the opposite foot.
The gym should be laid out with jump ropes lining off a big circle. This is the lake. The lake
breaks off into the river (2 ropes laid parallel, but far enough apart that children cannot jump or
leap across). The ropes can be slanted with one end narrower than the other. This could show
how a river looks at the beginning and the end. The river flows into the stream which is laid out
by two ropes which are narrow. The children will understand that they cannot jump across the
lake or river, therefore they must jump in. You can use a 2 feet to 2 feet or a one foot to two feet
jump and landing. Children will then understand the difference in a river and a stream because
they will be able to jump or leap across the stream. The children are encouraged to take off on
one foot and land on the opposite foot when leaping across the stream.
The following points can be stressed: 1.The differences of a pond, lake, river and stream. 2. The
way a river flows. 3. The effect the weather has on lakes, rivers and streams.
The distance of the ropes can be narrower for those who have difficulty.
Instead of the teacher telling the children the differences, use the jumping game as a starting
point for the students to investigate the differences on their own and report back to the class what
they find.
The size of the lake, river, and streams may be changed for various purposes.

Passing the Write Way (Grade 3-5)

Language Arts SOL 4.7 (4th Grade)
Place students into groups of 2-4 students - depending on class size. Tell the class that now that
they know how to perform a chest pass, you would like them to create clear instructions so that
they could teach someone how to do the skill, if needed. Explain that it must be in paragraph
form and that it must use transition words. Allow a few minutes for students to brainstorm ideas,
Jessica Lam

and even practice in their small groups. They can use one piece of the paper to brainstorm and
another for the paragraph. Upon completion of the writing task, students should present their
finished paper to the class. As one student reads it aloud, students from another group should
perform it just as it is said. This allows for the authors to see if their writing is out of sequence,
or if they left out an important step. After they have seen their paragraph in action," they may
go back and edit it, as needed.

Continent Adventure (Grade K-5)

Geography SOL 3.5 (3rd Grade)
Place the continents along the basketball boundaries of the gymnasium. Inside the basketball
court place more than enough poly spots for each one of the students. The students are given
directions to stay inside of the court moving safely away from the slippery pieces of paper on the
outside line. Also instruct them to move without bumping or pushing each other. Review the
continents on the world map. Instruct the students to move the way the teacher directs when the
music is playing. When the music stops find a poly spot. The teacher asks a question or states a
fact about one of the seven continents. (I.e. On which continent do we live?) After the Question,
students will walk to find the continent on the boundary line and point to it. They have a time
limit and no more than two people can point to the same continent at one time. The teacher
counts down from fifteen and students must be pointing at the continent at the end of this time.
Ask the students to identify the color continent to which they are pointing. Assess their
responses. If there are incorrect responses, discuss the correct answer and continue with another
locomotor movement to music.
Sample questions:
What continent is the farthest south and has really cold temperatures?
What continent is home to the Koala bear? The kangaroo? The Platapuss?
What continent has the largest land area?
What continent is home to the countries of Spain, France, and Italy?
Alter the questions in conjunction with what is taught at each grade level. Vary the music and the
type of skill to include walking, running, jumping, hopping, skipping, galloping, leaping, and

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