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Martin Mitev

Professor Levchev

The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by T.S. Eliot is a long poem he wrote as a young

man, still a student, back in Harvard, but remained unpublished until 1915. The protagonist of

the poem has a monologue about his surroundings, as well as his place in the world. The city he

inhabits is an alien and unpleasant one. While Prufrock talks about women and love a lot, he is

most definitely feeling alone, rejected even. Prufrock is also as opposite as possible to

Michelangelos David, and the poem does mention how he strays from this ideal - an aging, old,

bald man. Another focal point of Prufrocks character is his indecisiveness. He is a person who

wants the company and love of a woman, yet does nothing to gain it, but stand by the sides and

observe. Taking all these things into account we can then see where his negative outlook on life

stems from.

The End of Something by Hemingway is a short story about a young couple in Hortons

Bay, Michigan and their break up. While their break up is one of the things that comes to an end,

the story and the dialogue between the two makes it apparent that the mill town is also changing.

The sawing industry at the place is coming to an end, and so are all the things that made the town

what it was. While the line it isnt fun anymore is taken by Marjorie to mean the end of their

romance, it also encompasses the changes happening in the town, as well as Nick. The town is no

longer a lively, fun place, and Nick is changing and fishing is no longer fun like it once was.

Nick is eventually sad that he couldnt keep his friendship with Marjorie.

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