Day 4

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Do Now (5 m)

Discuss with your Group then write on your group

What are some things that may be important to know
before analyzing an artwork?
Finish Group Presentation
Put it in the Google Folder
Things to Consider to Analyze
Background information:
When - What was happening when it was made
Where its from
Artists Background: from? personal life? race?
Title : How does the title affect the message
Content Objective
SWBAT complete a group presentation that analyzes
an artwork about conflict.
Presentation & Questions (10 m)
iPad (10 m)
Work (55 m)
Share with Me (5 -10 m)
Practice (10 m)
Clean Up (10 m)
1. 5 -7 minute presentation
2. 10 - 15 minute discussion
1. Questions 1 - 4 build on each other.
2. Work together, discuss, and share
information or thoughts
3. Research: try looking at some videos about
the artwork
Questions 2
1. Claim (the message; you answered in Q1)
2. Evidence 1: from the art
a. Reasoning
3. Evidence 2 : from the research
a. think of the history, artists life, or
feelings etc.
Slides Finished?
1. Include the artwork in each slide
2. Title, Artist Name, Artwork, Year
1. Share your presentation with
3. Q1: Conflict (Historical and Personal) me :
4. Q2: Message with Justification 2. Create some questions to ask
a. Evidence from research and art the classroom and facilitate
5. Q3: Artistic Choices & Analysis the discussion.
a. how does the color, title, etc. send a
message 3. Practice & time presentation
6. Q4: How might the message change if 7 minute presentation
you change the color, objects, title etc.?
7. Questions for the class discussion
Put it in the shared folder
1. Add your presentation to the shared Student
Presentation folder on view only
2. Make sure it is in the correct period
3. Make sure your names are on it
Practice Presentations
1. Practice and time your group
a. 5 - 7 minutes
b. Who will say what?
c. one person per slide? two people per slide?
2. Is there any other information you need to add or
change on your slide?

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