Ill Lesson Plan

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Bridgewater College Teacher Education Program Lesson Plan

Name: Jessica Lam

Subject/Grade Lesson Title: Unit: Date or Lesson

Level: #:
Communicable Diseases Communicable &
6 Grade Health Noncommunicable Day 2 (90
Diseases Minute Block)

Virginia SOL/National Standard:

6.1 The student will apply critical-thinking skills and personal-management strategies to address
issue and concerns related to personal health and wellness.

c) The effects of environmental influences on personal health

e) Prevention of communicable and noncommunicable diseases

6.2 the student will use knowledge of the bodys structures and function to make sound decision
related to personal health.

c) The effects of disease on the functions of the body.

6.6 The student will access and analyze information for the purpose of improving personal and
family health.

a) Assessment of personal and family wellness

b) Analysis of the reliability of health information

Measurable Lesson Objective(s): (Measured in Exit Slip)

Students will be able to identify the 7 most common communicable diseases.

Students will be able to define the terms communicable disease and contagious period

Students will be able to list at least two ways these diseases are spread.

Materials/Technologies/Resources Needed:

Lotion, glitter

Paper, Pencils,

Paper copy of reading, paper copy of crossword, exit slips

Whiteboard, Projector, Smartboard, Computer


Assessment (Formative and/or Summative):

Crossword puzzle to be completed after hook and agenda

RAFT to be completed in class or finished for homework

Exit Slip to be complete at the end of class

Anticipatory Set (Hook & Agenda):

Glitter Germ Spread- As students enter the class, shake only a few students hand (spreading the
germs). Once the class is all seated, the students with the germs will raise their hand. I have
passed my sick germs onto each of you, so you all will need to go to the doctor. Today the lesson
focus is on communicable diseases.

Teacher will: Students will: Accommodatio Anticipated

ns/Differentiati Time:
Hook: on:
-5 minutes
-Shaking hands with certain -Begin to get engaged and
students with glitter to symbolize excited to learn about
the spread of germs communicable diseases.

-3 minutes
1. Crossword puzzle to review
background knowledge

2. SmartBoard quick review

lesson reviewing
crossword content

3. Reading, text coding, &


4. Remainder of SmartBoard
lesson reviewing reading

5. I Have, Who Has to

review important
vocabulary words

6. RAFT to apply knowledge

about topics presented in
this lesson

7. Exit Slip
Access /Review Prior Knowledge:

Crossword puzzle to review the topics from day one and get students thinking about what they
already know about communicable diseases (Before strategy).

Teacher will: Students will: Accommodatio Anticipate

ns/Differentiati d Time:
Provide students with the Fill out the crossword and hand on:
crossword puzzle & collect the it in when finished 10
puzzle when everyone is finished minutes

Teaching Process & Modeling (Content is presented, accessed or built)

Guided Practice & Checking for Understanding

Independent Practice

There is no prescribed order to this section; you must tailor the order to the students and the content. This should be the
longest portion of your lesson plan.

Teacher will: Students will: Accommodatio Anticipate

ns/Differentiati d Time:
SmartBoard Review Lesson
-Review through the first 5 slides -Raise their hands to volunteer minutes
of the SmartBoard Lesson to to interact with the SmartBoard,
briefly go over prior concepts, listen attentively and take notes
call on students to interact with if necessary
the SmartBoard
-Remember previous vocabulary
and concepts that relate to this

In class reading (During

strategy): -20
Model how to use the text coding - Read article and utilize the text minutes
symbols (*, ?, R) coding strategy

*= Strikes you as very important -Being to learn concepts for

todays lesson
?=Puzzles you

R=Reminds you of something

-Volunteer to talk about their
-Lead discussion after everyone
is finished reading opinion, or what they text
coded, ask questions

SmartBoard Lesson

Review lesson, concepts of the -10

reading, and the text coding minutes

-Listen attentively and takes

notes on lesson, ask questions

I Have, Who Has?(After


-Provide students with cards and -Actively participate in guessing

guide them in answering each the words/definitions -15
definition to the target word minutes


Explain guidelines and

requirements, and provide -Choose RAFT, write about
students with two scenarios and it/draw it out, and finish any
allow them to choose unfinished writing/drawing for -10
homework minutes
Scenario 1:

R: Billboard designer

A: Everyone on the highway/the


F: Billboard

T: Communicable Diseases

Scenario 2:

R: Them self

A: Friend from another country

F: Letter

T: Communicable Diseases


7. Exit Slip to review the topics of the lesson

Teacher will: Students will: Accommodatio Anticipate
ns/Differentiati d Time:
Provide students with the exit Work on the exit slips on:
slip and collect it when independently to be turned in 3 minutes
students are finished at the end of class

Declarative Summary Statement: Communicable diseases are diseases that can be passed to a
person from another person, animal, or object; and there are 7 most common types.

Technology Fails:

Present lesson as planned, but review content (originally on Smartboard) on the whiteboard.

Activity If Extra Time Remains:

Students will continue working on their RAFT assignment

Teacher will: Students will: Accommodatio Anticipate

ns/Differentiati d Time:
Provide students with time to Work alone on their RAFT on:
finish and monitor the classroom -
of class

Note: Attach or provide hyperlink to all handouts, external documents, resources, etc.

Key pic in manipulative:

Germ Exit Slip Pic:

APA citation of text:

Bronson, M. H., Cleary, M. J., & Hubbard, B. M. (2007). Teen Health (Vol. 3). New York: Glencoe/McGraw-


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