Cos Mere

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From The Coppermind

The cosmere[1] is a ctional universe where Brandon Sanderson's adult

epic fantasies (including Elantris, Mistborn, Warbreaker, and the The
Stormlight Archive) are all set.[2] It does not contain Earth.[3]

Brandon has said that you do not need any Cosmere knowledge to
understand the books, and that they can be enjoyed separately, but it will
be necessary eventually to have a certain understanding of Realmatic
Theory.[4][5] Elements of the cosmere are slowly being added into the
books, behind the scenes, until they come into the forefront with
Dragonsteel and the nal Mistborn trilogy.[6]

The underlying mythology of the cosmere revolves around Adonalsium, the

power of creation, which was broken into sixteen pieces called Shards. The
Shards are eectively gods, and magic is derived from their power.

This page or section contains spoilers!

This information has the ability to potentially
ruin elements of the plot for the reader.
Proceed with caution if you have not read
this book.

1 Properties and Forces
2 Planets
3 History
3.1 Before the Shattering
3.2 The Shattering
3.3 Early Shardic History
3.3.1 Scadrial
3.3.2 Odium's Quest and Roshar
3.4 Hoid and the Seventeenth Shard
3.5 The Ascension of Harmony
3.5.1 Ruin's Plan for Freedom
3.5.2 Vin and Preservation
3.5.3 The Catacendre
4 Development
5 Bibliography of the Cosmere
5.1 Forthcoming
5.2 Chronological Order
6 Trivia
6.1 Capitalization
7 See Also
8 Notes

Properties and Forces

The structure and
physics of the
cosmere are the same
as our own, but the
main story of the
cosmere occurs in a
compact dwarf
galaxy, meaning it has
many fewer stars and
systems than our
galaxy.[8] Time ows
the same in the
cosmere (except
under special magical A map of Shadesmar--a part of the Cognitive
eects, such as Realm [7]--from Roshar's perspective. Expanses on
Allomantic cadmium this map represent other planets in the cosmere.
and bendalloy).[9]

There are ten primary planets in the cosmere, sometimes called

Shardworlds, as the Shards of Adonalsium play major roles there.[10] There
are inhabited worlds with no Shards on them, and some planets may only
have Splinters of a Shard on them.[10] Planets without Shards are generally
referred to "minor Shardworlds". On all cosmere planets, magic is called
Investiture, a word that means something has gained a portion of
Adonalsium's magic.[11] All magic we've seen has been derived from the
Shard's--or Adonalsium's--power.[12] Specic magic systems, like
Allomancy or Surgebinding, are termed "manifestations of Investiture."[13]
On minor worlds, people don't utilize Investiture directly, and magic is more
something people interact with through nature.[14]

The physical universe of the cosmere only tells one part of the story. In
fact, there are three Realms of existence: the Physical Realm, the Cognitive
Realm, and the Spiritual Realm that all coexist simultaneously, and
everything has aspects in each of these Realms.[15] Even planets
themselves have souls.[16] Investiture transcends all three of these
Realms.[17] The Cognitive Realm and Shadesmar allows for travel between
cosmere planets.[18] Also, there is something beyond the Three Realms,
where people "pass on," which Shards can potentially touch, [19] but
Brandon does not wish to reveal anything about it.[20]

There are also other forces outside of things derived from Adonalsium. One
is a force that opposes Adonalsium, which still exists [21], and some say
there are "subtle forces" being manifest, separate from Adonalsium,
perhaps referring to the God Beyond.[22][23]

There are currently eleven known planets in the cosmere. Three of these
planets (Ashyn, Braize, and Roshar) are known to be in the same solar
system.[24] Two of these, Threnody and First of the Sun, are minor
Shardworlds.[25] Note that the following chart lists Shards currently on the
planet, and may have had other Shards there at other points in time.

World Shards Books

Ashyn None[26] The Silence Divine[27]

Braize Odium[28] The Stormlight Archive[24]

First of the Sun None Sixth of the Dusk[25]

Nalthis Endowment[29] Warbreaker, Nightblood[30]

Roshar Honor, Cultivation[31] The Stormlight Archive[30]

Preservation, Ruin;[32]
Scadrial Mistborn[30]

Devotion, Elantris & sequels,[30] The

Dominion[33] Emperor's Soul[34]

Taldain Autonomy[35] White Sand[30]

Shadows for Silence in the
Threnody None
Forests of Hell[25]
Unknown - Referenced in
Vax Unknown
Elantris, Mistborn: Secret History

Yolen Unknown Dragonsteel[30]

*Harmony is the combination of two Shards, Ruin and Preservation, that are
intermingled since they are under the control of one individual.[36]
Harmony is referred to as a Shard,[37] though it is not one of the original
sixteen Shards of Adonalsium.

For a more specic chronology of events and the books in which
they occur, see Chronology.

Before the Shattering

Even now, I can barely grasp the scope of all this. The
events surrounding the end of the world seem even
larger than the Final Empire and the people within it. I have
delved and searched, and have only been able to come up
with a single name: Adonalsium. Who, or what, it was, I do
not yet know.

Harmony in the Words of Founding[38]

Little is known of the extremely distant past of the cosmere: the time before
the Shattering of Adonalsium and the Shards. It is not even clear who or
what Adonalsium exactly is. Is it a god, the God? Is it a force, or person? It
isn't clear if it was self-aware or not. Regardless, it is sometimes described
as the power of creation,[39] possibly a thing with incredible amounts of
Investiture (since Investiture is a piece of Adonalsium [11]), and a power
which does not vanish.[40][41]

Humans existed on worlds before this time,[42] though how many is

unknown. At the very least, the rst humans were on Yolen.[43] Hoid in
particular is from Yolen.[44][45] All cosmere planets existed prior to the
Shattering, and their names existed before the Shards got there. [46][47]
Magic (Investiture) also existed prior to the Shattering, though its form was
dierent.[48] The technology level of this society prior to the Shattering
was less than present day Earth's.[49]

There was a force that opposes Adonalsium[21] which created a

weapon,[50] but important specics, such as if it is still around, or if it had
played a role in Adonalsium's Shattering, are unknown. There was once a
plot to destroy Adonalsium, which failed.[51]

The Shattering

Through unknown means, Adonalsium was broken, in an event called the

Shattering. Hoid was present,[52] and due to Hoid being from Yolen, it is
thought that this event occurred on Yolen. This Shattering happened
intentionally,[53] and occurred all at once.[54]

Adonalsium split into

sixteen pieces, referred to
Ati was once a kind and
generous man, and you
as Shards of Adonalsium,
each taking a particular
saw what became of him.
Hoid on Ruin[55]
facet, or intent, of the
greater power of
Adonalsium. Sixteen
people took up those
Shards, eectively ascending into godhood. Hoid and the Recipient knew
these sixteen people prior to their Ascension, as they were familiar with
their original names.[56][57][58] Some of these individuals and the Shard
they took up are: Aona (Devotion), Skai (Dominion), Ati (Ruin), Leras
(Preservation), Tanavast (Honor), and Rayse (Odium). Another individual
who took up a Shard was Bavadin, whose Shard's intent has been revealed
in interviews with Brandon to be Autonomy . There are two more known
Shards: Cultivation, whose holder is female but otherwise unknown, and
Endowment, whose holder is Edgli.

It was not random who took up the Shards,[59] and there was some sort of
design in the way Adonalsium was split.[60]

It turned out that, though the power of a Shard required a mind to control
it, the specic intent of the Shard would slowly warp the mind of those that
hold it.[55][61] It is not known whether the holders of the Shards knew this
would be the case initially. Eventually, the people who took up the Shards
would simply be referred to as their Shard's name, and referred to as

At some point, some Shards traveled to other worlds. The Shards were now
the primary source of magic in the cosmere,[12] and so they Invested some
planets with their power, and in some cases, created humans and other

Early Shardic History

The exact timeline of what the Shards did after the Shattering is not clear.
Shards settled on specic planets, but could have gone to other places
before residing upon the worlds they now stay.

Endowment was the only Shard who traveled to Nalthis.[29][63] At some

point during the history of Nalthis, Endowment began intentionally splitting
its power, creating what are called Splinters. These Splinters were the
divine Breath, which made the Returned.[29]

Bavadin was the single Shard to travel to Taldain.[35][64]

Devotion and Dominion went to Sel.[33] During this early Selish era, magic
was present on the planet, though dierent than the kinds seen later,
utilizing the Dor.[65]


Ruin and Preservation, having intents that opposed each other so

perfectly,[66] found themselves drawn to each other, which caused conict.
If Ruin tried to destroy, Preservation would stop him, and vice versa. At
some point they both ended up on Scadrial, but they could not act much
without the other.[67]

They came up with a deal: they

would work together to create
life, with the condition that Ruin
would eventually get to destroy
The only point in
creating something
them.[69] But Preservation
wanted to create life that they
is to watch it die.
Ruin to Vin[68]

had seen before--
humanity[62]--and creating
sapient life required more energy. Ruin was not willing to put in that extra
energy, so Preservation did. This led to Preservation being slightly weaker
than Ruin. Because of this, Preservation knew that Ruin would inevitably
triumph and destroy what they created.[69]

Preservation couldn't stand to let Ruin destroy their creations, so he felt

the need to do anything to stop this from happening. Preservation, then,
betrayed Ruin. Preservation could not destroy Ruin--doing that sort of
assault would result in both Ruin and Preservation's death, and the Shard
had inuenced Preservation's mind too much for him to do something so
destructive. In order to stop Ruin, he needed another plan.

Preservation attacked Ruin with his mental power--the distinct mind

controlling the Shard's power, rather than the power itself. This would trap
Ruin's mind, making him mostly impotent.[70] However, it cost almost all of
Preservation's mind. Preservation knew that the moment he did this attack,
he would not be able to help life on Scadrial. Preservation saw the future,
creating the Terris Prophecies, to give hope to humanity, and to let
humanity know that he had a plan in mind.[71] He also altered Allomancy so
that there would be atium (and malatium) Mistings,[72][73] and set up his
power--the mists--to Snap those Allomancers. [74] And with that,
Preservation gave up his mind, imprisoning Ruin in the newly created Well
of Ascension.

Odium's Quest and Roshar

One need only look at the aftermath of his brief visit to Sel
toblindseeeyeproofto that
of what I say. In case you have turned a
disaster, know that Aona and Skai are
both dead, and that which they held has been Splintered.
Presumably to prevent anyone from rising up to challenge

Hoid in the rst Letter[33][56]

Odium wanted to become the strongest being in the cosmere. [75][76] He

realized that if he ever took up another Shard, that Shard would change
him, and Odium preferred his own.[61] So, in his quest to become god of
the cosmere, instead of absorbing all the other fteen Shards, he decided
to destroy the other Shards.[75] He developed a way to Splinter a Shard's
power, and in the process, killing its holder.[33]

Odium traveled to
Sel for a short time
He bears the weight of God's own
divine hatred, separated from the
to attack Devotion
and Dominion, and
virtues that gave it context. He is what Odium Splintered
we made him to be, old friend. And them.[33] This left a
that is what he, unfortunately, wished lot of energy on Sel,
and, with no
to become.

The Second Letter on Odium[77]
release valve and
entity to control the
power, Shadesmar
became incredibly
hazardous on Sel.[78] Selish magic itself changed,[65] and perhaps the Dor
was created--a force that can be drawn upon but with no controlling entity.
Odium left Sel after this event, and did not Invest any of his power on the

At some point--perhaps before Odium's actions on Sel, or after--Honor and

Cultivation went to Roshar together.[31] Later, Odium went to the Greater
Roshar system.[79] Before this, Odium did not settle on a specic planet,
but on Roshar, he Invested his power, and his magics are felt there, [80] and
perhaps other worlds in the system. Devastating wars called the
Desolations were fought over Roshar, between Odium's Voidbringers and
Honor's Heralds and Knights Radiant.[81] Cultivation's exact role in the
Desolations is not clear, but Honor and Cultivation were a romantic

Odium eventually killed Honor, using the same method as he did with
Devotion and Dominion.[82] However, Honor was crafty, and even though
Honor perished, Odium was then trapped on the Greater Rosharan
System.[57] At some point, Odium ended up being on Braize, which he is
currently located, prior to the True Desolation.[28] Cultivation, on the other
hand, survived Odium, and is still alive.[83] Odium has not killed another
Shard after this point.[58]

Before Odium's connement on Greater Roshar, at an some unknown time,

he also killed another Shard in addition to Devotion, Dominion, and
Honor.[84] There is also a Shard who just wants to survive, presumably
against Odium's onslaught.[85]

Hoid and the Seventeenth Shard

For I have never been dedicated to a more important

purpose, and the very pillars of the sky will shake with
the results of our war here. I ask again. Support me. Do not
stand aside and let disaster consume more lives.
Hoid on Odium's war[86]

Hoid was deeply concerned about Odium's involvement on Sel, and thought
that his war would lead to devastate the whole cosmere. [86] He sent a
letter[56][61] to a person (possibly a dragon[87]) to call o his "friends of
the Seventeenth Shard" and help join Hoid.[88] The recipient of Hoid's
original letter did not see things as Hoid, and said that the reason these
events have occurred is because of their involvement. [89] As such, he
advocated nonintervention,[90] where Hoid meddled a great deal, on all
main worlds.

The Seventeenth Shard are a group of Worldhoppers moving between

planets using various magics, and are perhaps led by the Recipient. [88]
Their members are from many worlds,[91] including Scadrial, Taldain, and
Sel. They searched for Hoid on Roshar shortly before the Everstorm was
summoned.[92] They may also be nonintervenionists, due to their possible
relationship with the Recipient.[88]

There is also Khriss, a Worldhopper who is the most knowledgeable person

in the cosmere, by far.[93] She writes all the Ars Arcanums,[94][95] and as
such, is a member of the Seventeenth Shard.[96] She has an employee,
Nazh, who, among other things, draws and annotates maps, and collects
other things for Khriss.[97][95] Their motivations--and exact relationship
with the Seventeenth Shard--are not clear.

However, there is an end goal of the Seventeenth Shard. [98] In the

immediate future, they fear Hoid's purpose will not align with theirs, and so
they hunt him down.[99]

There is not a universal language for all cosmere worlds that these
worldhoppers speak.[100]
The Ascension of Harmony

Ruin's Plan for Freedom

On Scadrial, the Well of Ascension, that power that came from Preservation,
could be utilized by humanity. For much of Classical Scadrian history, a
person called the Hero of Ages by the Terris Prophecies would take up the
power and become a protector of mankind. They would live the rest of their
lives blessing people with the power of Preservation, renewing Ruin's
prison, and watch over the world.[101] The power did not vanish, instead
returning every 1024 years.[102]

Ruin was keenly interested in the Well of Ascension. If he could get a

person to hold the power there, but instead of utilize the power, release it,
then the prison on Ruin's mind would vanish, and he would then be free to
nally destroy the world.[103] To do this, Ruin manipulated the Terris
Prophecies over a long period of time. He made it so the Hero of Ages
would include the "sacred piercings," actually Hemalurgic piercings, so he
could inuence the Hero.[104] More importantly, Ruin changed the
Prophecies extensively so that the Well and the Hero's purpose was
obscured.[101] Now the Hero was supposed to take the Well's power and
release it.

Then, Ruin drove the world into desperate straits so that people would
believe in a hero of ancient prophecy. If he fought Preservation, the
mists--the Shard of Preservation's direct essence--which still protected the
land would oppose him. So, he used Preservation to his advantage: the
mists Snapped Allomancers, and people misinterpreted the mists as a
negative thing. Instead of ghting against the mists' action, Ruin enhanced
them, bringing the death of plants, and causing the threat that became the

Thus, when a Terris Worldbringer, Kwaan, claimed that Alendi was the Hero
of Ages,[105] Ruin saw an opportunity. He altered the Terris Prophecies to
t Alendi more perfectly.[106] Alendi came to persuade kings and all the
Worldbringers who denied him that he was the Hero, and under the threat
of the Deepness, Alendi was their leader.[107][108] So, to defeat the threat
of the Deepness, Alendi traveled to the mountains of Terris, where the Well
of Ascension lay, to take up the power, and release it to eliminate the

Kwaan, however, had a fabled

memory, and noticed that the
Alendi must not
reach the Well of
Prophecies had changed.
[112][113] But Kwaan was not
Ascension, for he must able to persuade Alendi that he
not be allowed to release was not, in fact, the Hero after
they had argued for so long to
the thing that is prove that he was the hero of
imprisoned there.
legend.[114] So Kwaan, knowing
something was awry with the
Well, tasked a nephew, Rashek,
who hated Alendi, to be Alendi's
guide through the mountains. [115][116] Since Rashek was a Feruchemist,
Rashek and his friends were easy picks for Alendi. If Rashek could not lead
Alendi astray, he was to kill him.[117]

And Rashek did murder Alendi. Rashek took the power of the Well himself,
and in those few moments of Ascension, he tried to stop the Deepness by
moving Scadrial itself closer to the sun, to burn the mists. To counteract
the heat, he created the Ashmounts.[118] He also altered humans on
Scadrial, creating skaa and nobles. He learned of the Metallic Arts,
developing Hemalurgic constructs, and with the discovery of Allomancy, he
gured out a way to combine Allomancy and his Feruchemy to become
immortal (through Compounding).[119] Rashek would be the Lord Ruler, the
Hero of Ages, and protect the world from Ruin.[120]

Ruin saw the Lord

Ruler's poor use of
the power and saw
that the Lord Ruler
One can see Ruin's craftiness in
the meticulousness of his
would be an agent planning. He managed to orchestrate
of spectacular the downfall of the Lord Ruler only a
destruction.[122] short time before Preservation's power
So, subtly, Ruin
returned to the Well of Ascension. And
manipulated him to
destroy. The Lord then, within a few years of that event,
Ruler did do things he had freed himself. On the time scale
to stymie Ruin, of gods and their power, this very
such as hiding
tricky timing was as precise as an
atium,[123] but
Ruin's subtle
expert cut performed by the most
manipulations took
a toll on the man,
talented of surgeons.

and led to him
subjugating his own
people, among other atrocities. But as destructive as the Lord Ruler was, a
thousand years later, the Well of Ascension was about to rell. The Lord
Ruler planned to retake the Well's power,[124] and Ruin would not have that

So, Ruin plotted the Lord Ruler's downfall. He subtly put in Kelsier's mind
the idea of an "eleventh metal" to the ten known Allomantic metals of the
time.[125][126] This, combined with Kelsier's desire to see his dead wife
avenged and her dreams of a world without ash be a reality, led Kelsier to
seek to kill the Lord Ruler. He formed his crew, consisting of many, but
including Vin, a skaa Mistborn who Ruin manipulated; Marsh, his brother;
and Sazed, a Terris Keeper, who studied the past before the Lord Ruler. In
the process of leading the skaa to revolt against the Final Empire, the Lord
Ruler killed Kelsier.[127] Vin confronted the Lord Ruler, and using the power
of the "Eleventh metal", discovered that the Lord Ruler was a
Feruchemist.[128] She somehow drew upon the mists and pushed the Lord
Ruler's metalminds away, leading to his death a mere two years before the
Well was replenished.[128]

Ruin now needed a person who could hold the Well's power. The servants
he could touch most easily through Hemalurgy, the Steel Inquisitors, could
not hold Preservation's power,[129] so Ruin chose Vin to do it. Ruin, early in
Vin's life, had caused her mother to go insane, killing her sister with an
earring. The earring turned out to be a Hemalurgic spike, so Ruin could
inuence Vin. The spike, through increased bronze Allomancy, allowed Vin
to hear the pulses of the Well of Ascension.[130] Ruin strengthened the
mists again to recreate the threat of the Deepness, and inuenced events
so that Vin seemed like the Hero of Ages.

With all this, Ruin led Vin and Sazed to the Well of Ascension for them to
"save" the world once again. However, Preservation had a shadow of his
mind left, and in the form of a mist spirit, tried to foil Ruin. [131]
Preservation even wounded Vin's husband, Elend, at the Well so Vin would
use the power to heal Elend instead of releasing it. But Vin did what the
prophecies supposedly asked, releasing the power.[132]

Ruin was free once again.

Vin and Preservation

Ruin could now directly aect the world, but the power of Preservation--in
the form of the mists--still protected the planet. [133] Ruin had been
weakened since the Lord Ruler hid his essence, atium, and so Ruin and
Preservation were balanced again. Ruin could not nd the atium personally,
as he could not see metal, and the Steel Inquisitors, had spikes in their
eyes, and so had this same aw. So, Ruin continued to use his pawn, Vin,
along with Elend, to nd the atium for him.[124]

Ruin did not know that Preservation had actually selected Vin to take up his
power,[130] which enabled Vin to draw upon the mists--Preservation--
directly.[134] Unfortunately, Vin could not use this power with her earring
being a Hemalurgic spike, as Hemalurgy, being of Ruin, pushed away

In those nal days, the shadow of Preservation's mind that remained

communicated with Elend, and then passed.[136] This had the potential to
be a catastrophic event: when a Shard lacks a mind controlling it, and the
power has no "release," it is incredibly dangerous, as happened on Sel
when Odium destroyed Devotion and Dominion.[78] Fortunately, Kelsier,
who had not passed on beyond the Three Realms, held onto Preservation's
power for just a little longer, until Vin could take it up. [137]

Vin eventually caught onto Ruin's ploys, and would not nd the atium for
him.[138] Because of this, Ruin sent his Inquisitors, along with Marsh, his
main Inquisitor, to kill Vin.[139] Marsh, though almost entirely under Ruin's
direct control, held a small bit of himself back, and he used that shred of
humanity to tear the Hemalurgic earring from her.[139] Vin could now
access the mists--Preservation's power--fully, and upon burning it, she
ascended, becoming Preservation.[140]

The Catacendre

Preservation could never destroy you! He could only

protect. That's why he needed to create humankind. All
along, Ruin, this was part of his plan!
Vin to Ruin[141]

Upon Vin's ascension, she tried to oppose Ruin, but learned that she could
not do much, for Ruin would oppose her.[62] On the ground, Elend and
Sazed discovered the atium, and Ruin immediately sent his forces to
destroy them.[142][143] Ruin, through Marsh, killed Elend, and Vin realized
Preservation's plan. Preservation needed someone who could preserve, but
also destroy, and Preservation was too touched by his Shard to destroy
Ruin. Vin knew she had little left to live for without Elend, and so, directly
attacked Ruin with her power. She pressed in, not shying back, and in the
assault, killed Ruin and herself in the process.[141]

Sazed, on the ground at the battle, saw the corpses of Ati and Vin, with the
power of their Shards leaking from their bodies, and Sazed took up both
Shards together. The power did not vanish as the Well of Ascension's power
did; these were the Shards themselves, which, under the control of one
mind, could both preserve and destroy, or create. Using the knowledge
from his metalminds, he began to remake the world, and undid the damage
the Lord Ruler did to Scadrial.[144] This event will later be known as the
Catacendre, meaning "the end of the ash".[145] He then created a paradise
for them to live in.[146][147] The conict on Scadrial had vanished, for now.

Now under the control of one mind, Ruin and Preservation's power began
to intermingle, and Sazed became known as Harmony.[36] It is considered a
single Shard, much like a king of two countries is still just one king. [37]

Odium became aware of Harmony, is scared of him,[148] and is making

plans regarding him.[149]

Brandon was
writing and
I wrote thirteen novels before I sold
one. I spent a lot of time practicing and
trying to get learning, and I love big epic grand series.
published, However, you know, you can't grow up
he loved
reading the Wheel of Time without loving big
gigantic epic
fantasy series, but advice I heard early on was,
series. He selling a big series is actually pretty hard
knew, from a new author and if you, for instance,
spend your life and you write like six books in
that starting
with a big the same series, and you send o the rst
series might book to someone and they don't buy it, you
not be the can't really send them the second book. ... I
best idea. If
wanted to expand my chances, and so I
he wrote
four books wrote thirteen novels in dierent worlds, all
in a series, with their own dierent magic systems and
and the rst own characters. But secretly I loved the
one didn't
grand epic, and so I started connecting all
published, these worlds during my unpublished era, and
he couldn't telling a hidden epic behind them all that I
submit his
sequels. [150]
was setting up for.

He decided
instead to
focus on standalones and trilogies. Not only would they be easier to market
to publishers, but Brandon also wanted people to trust his writing before
digging into something bigger.[151]

He still loved the idea of a huge epic series, so he decided to create a

"hidden" epic to link his novels together. His ideas for this connected
universe--the cosmere--came about when he wrote Elantris, Dragonsteel,
White Sand, and Mythwalker (which became Warbreaker).[150] Brandon
had seen other authors who made a single universe for all their books, like
Isaac Asimov, but Brandon didn't like how Asimov had to retcon and
shoehorn things together to connect their books. Brandon wanted to do
the cosmere from the ground-up, so it would always be consistent. [151]

Some ideas that came into the worldbuilding of the cosmere came from
Plato's theory of forms, which contributed to the idea of Realmatic Theory,
and the idea of the Physical, Cognitive, and Spiritual Realms. In this, the
distinction of what is perceived as "ideal" and what is the true ideal is
important: true ideals have much to do with the Spiritual Realm, while
people's perception of ideals deals with the Cognitive Realm. Another
inuences is Spinoza, with the idea that God is in everything. [152] Brandon
also incorporated the idea of a "unifying theory of everything" from physics
to the magic in the cosmere. All magics have underlying rules, and are
derived from a single unied theory of magic.[153]

There is a distinct beginning, middle, and end to the cosmere sequence,

and a clear sequence Brandon wants to tell.[154] There's about 36 main
cosmere books, and Brandon has three "core" cosmere series: Dragonsteel,
Mistborn, and the Stormlight Archive,[155][156] which are well-planned
out.[157] Dragonsteel is the start of the cosmere sequence that will tell
Hoid's backstory[158] and, presumably, the Shattering of Adonalsium.
Mistborn will have three big trilogies, its last one being science ction,
deals heavily with the cosmere[159] and has travel between the dierent
planets of the cosmere.[160] Stormlight Archive is set in the middle of the
cosmere sequence.[161] Generally, the cosmere will not come into the
forefront until Dragonsteel or the nal Mistborn trilogy, [6] and the nal
Mistborn trilogy is one of the last cosmere series, if not the last. Brandon
has said it will all t together, and thinks we'll be impressed. [162]

At the start of
Brandon's career,
I hope that people will stick with
me for all these books, because
he wrote cosmere
novels in
I'll do a lot of them. But they will t chronological order,
together in some really cool ways once but there are books
that are skipped,
they are all done. I think you'll be very
like Dragonsteel
very impressed, but that's a while o. and White
Brandon on the cosmere[162]
Sand,[161] some of
his earlier,
unpublished novels.
(Those unpublished
novels would need to be rewritten from scratch, much like Brandon rewrote
The Way of Kings.[163]) He wanted these cosmere novels to not require
knowledge of previous books in the hidden epic of the cosmere. Generally,
clues to the cosmere are currently easter eggs, and will not be in the
forefront. However, more hints to the greater universe are inevitable, and
eventually the worlds will cross over and interact, [164] perhaps in the last
Mistborn trilogy.

Hoid, a character who appears in each cosmere novel, is one such easter
egg. It is not random where he is; Brandon has said that if Hoid appears in
a place, that place is about to be very dangerous.[5] Hoid is doing things
behind the scenes, and at some point, we might have Hoid short stories
explaining what is doing and why.[165][44] There are also other people who
cross between worlds that eventually Brandon thinks will be much clearer
later, once we see those characters more.[166] But for now, they are easter
Brandon does not feel that the cosmere is restrictive to his writing. [162]
Though cosmere novels are intensive, as they require more planning and
specic rules[167] (Brandon has continuity editors, like Peter and Karen
Ahlstrom, on his internal wiki to keep it straight[168]), he feels that if he
needs to take a break, he can just write a non-cosmere novel. Those
"breather" novels are used to keep Brandon creatively engaged, and are
almost always non-cosmere.[169] If there is a concept he really wants to
write but doesn't t in the limitations of the cosmere, he moves it into a
non-cosmere book.[170]

The Rithmatist used to be a cosmere novel, and its magics take many
elements from cosmere magics,[171] but Brandon decided that Earth is not
in the cosmere, nor any alternate Earths.[172]

Eventually, there will be an ocial timeline for cosmere events. [173] There
will probably be a cosmere encyclopedia at some point, but not for a long
time.[174] It is more likely there will be Stormlight and Mistborn worldbooks
rst.[175] There will eventually be a Shadesmar map and star map for the
cosmere that is released.[176]

Brandon does generally plan out which cosmere hints to give to fans, but
sometimes he gives hints on the y. Usually, fans are able to pry much
more than he initially intended to tell.[177]

Bibliography of the Cosmere

Publication Title Series

2005 Elantris Elantris #1
The Hope of Elantris Elantris #1.5
Mistborn: The Final Empire Mistborn (Era 1) #1
2007 The Well of Ascension Mistborn (Era 1) #2
2008 The Hero of Ages Mistborn (Era 1) #3
2009 Warbreaker Standalone
The Stormlight
2010 The Way of Kings
Archive #1
2011 The Alloy of Law Mistborn (Era 2) #1
2012 The Emperor's Soul Short Work
Shadows for Silence in the Dangerous Women
Forests of Hell Anthology
The Stormlight
Words of Radiance
Archive #2
Shadows Beneath
Sixth of the Dusk
2015 Shadows of Self Mistborn (Era 2) #2
The Bands of Mourning Mistborn (Era 2) #3
Mistborn: Secret History Mistborn (Era 1) #3.5
White Sand Volume 1 White Sand #1
Arcanum Unbounded Anthology
The Stormlight
Archive #2.5
The Stormlight
Oathbringer (working title)
2017 (forthcoming) Archive #3
White Sand Volume 2 White Sand #2


The following are other conrmed upcoming cosmere stories.

The Lost Metal, the fourth and nal Era 2 Mistborn novel.[178]
The Silence Divine, a novella[178] that will take place on Ashyn,[179] a
planet on Greater Roshar.
Nightblood, the sequel to Warbreaker
Elantris sequel and Elantris nale, the sequels to Elantris. These will
be written in between the break of Stormlight 5 and Stormlight 6, and
needs to be written before the next Mistborn trilogy can be
Era 3 Mistborn trilogy, the trilogy with Allomancy in a modern, 1980s
technology level. This will be written in between the break of
Stormlight 5 and Stormlight 6.[178]
Dark One, a young adult "series" that is centered on the individual
destined to destroy the world, rather than save it. [178]
Skyward, a young adult cosmere novel[180]
Dragonsteel, the origin story of Hoid. This will not be written until
after the Stormlight Archive is nished.[178]
Era 4 Mistborn trilogy, the science ction trilogy. Hoid is a main
character of this.[158] This will be one of the last known cosmere
sequence, chronologically, and has much to do with the worlds
coming together.[6]
Chronological Order

The exact order of cosmere stories is dicult, as Brandon has typically not
canonized it, as he wants to remain exible for the behind-the-scenes
stories with Worldhoppers and other unpublished works. An uncanonical
timeline of the cosmere has the distance between the Shattering and the
breaking of the Oathpact is about 6000 years.[181] Do not take that for
exact fact, but it probably means that these time scales are in thousands of
years, not millions of years.

Generally, cosmere novels have been written chronologically, so Elantris is

before era 1 Mistborn books, which is before Warbreaker. However, Brandon
will go back and add other works into this scheme, like Dragonsteel and
White Sand.[161]

A rough chronological ordering of current cosmere works is:

Elantris and The Hope of Elantris

The Emperor's Soul[182]
Mistborn Era 1
The Stormlight Archive
Mistborn Era 2[161][183]
Sixth of the Dusk, which is in the age of Era 4 Mistborn books, the
science ction trilogy[184]

Dragonsteel will be the beginning, before Elantris. Mistborn Era 3--the

modern day trilogy--will be between the two halves of Stormlight Archive.
Mistborn Era 4, the sci trilogy is at the end.[156] Nightblood, the
Warbreaker sequel, will be set closer to Warbreaker than Stormlight


The capitalization of the word "cosmere" is inconsistent at best from ocial

sources. Generally, in the novels, like Stormlight Archive books, cosmere is
uncapitalized,[186][187] but exclusively in The Alloy of Law, its Ars Arcanum
refers to it with a capital C.[13] Adding to the confusion, these Ars
Arcanums are written by the same person,[94] and Words of Radiance's Ars
Arcanum uses lowercase.[188]

From interviews where Brandon types responses, Brandon sometimes

capitalizes cosmere,[169] and sometimes leaves it uncapitalized.[189] Peter
Ahlstrom, Brandon's assistant, has said that generally, cosmere is
uncapitalized in books, but capitalized outside of them.[190]

See Also
Realmatic Theory

1. Is this "character" a common link between your books for religion
or magical or maybe even both?
Theoryland - July 2009
2. I thought I saw somewhere that you said that all your books
(yours not WOT) are connected somehow
Theoryland - Jan 18th, 2010
3. Are you going to cameo in the cosmere? (
Twitter - Jan 4th, 2011
4. Do you have to know anything about the Cosmere to read your
books? (
5. What basic concepts regarding shards, magic systems and world
hopping do you think are most important?
Theoryland - Mar, 24th, 2014
6. Are you going to expand on the cosmere in its own book?
Theoryland - Mar 6th, 2014
7. Is Shadesmar just a name for the Cognitive Realm or is there a
Theoryland - Mar 4th, 2014
8. Physical structure of cosmere
17th Shard forums - Sep 28th, 2012
9. YA fantasy livestream (
Livestream - Nov 16th, 2013- min 55:33
10. Tell me something new about the cosmere
Theoryland - Nov 24, 2011
11. What you can tell me about Investiture?
Theoryland - Mar 4th, 2014
12. Are there any magic systems in the cosmere that aren't shard
Theoryland - Apr 15th 2013
13. The Alloy of Law Ars Arcanum
14. What dierentiates a minor shardworld like First of the Sun?
17th Shard forums - Dec 19th, 2014
15. The Emperor's Soul - Day 12
16. Do cosmere planets have a soul?
Theoryland - Apr 15th, 2013
17. What is the Realmatic composition of Investiture?
Theoryland - Mar 11th 2014
18. Shadesmar- you can WALK to the other planets
Theoryland - Dec 6th, 2014
19. Where Tindwyl exists is beyond space and time, in a place Sazed
hasn't learned to touch yet. He might yet
Theoryland - July 2009
20. Well... I don't want to speak too much about the great beyond in
the books, as in my opinion that level of cosmology is inuenced by
your own beliefs in the hereafter and in deity
Theoryland - Oct 19th, 2008
21. Before Adonalsium shattered, was it consciously opposed by
something, be it people or another cosmic force? Is whatever
opposed it still around?
Theoryland - Apr 15, 2013
22. There are those who would say there are other subtle forces
being manifest
Theoryland - Sep 22nd, 2012
23. There is belief in a God who is not one of the Shards
17th Shard forums - June 5th, 2015
24. Ashyn and Braize
17th Shard forums - Aug 9th, 2013
25. Names of minor shardworlds
17th Shard forums - April 12th, 2014
26. This is a world that does not currently have a shard.
Theoryland - Mar 22nd, 2014
27. Is that Shard on The Silence Divine?
17th Shard forums - Aug 8th, 2013
28. Odium's presence is felt on Roshar, but he is on Braize, the 3rd
planet in the system
Theoryland - Aug 8th, 2013
29. The Voice is, indeed, one of the Shards of Adonalsium
Theoryland - July 2009
30. One other question, what is the name of the planet that Elantris is
Theoryland - July 2009
31. Were Cultivation and Honor romantically involved?
Theoryland - May 22nd, 2013
32. Is Scadrial the name of the Mistborn world?
Theoryland - Oct 10th, 2008
33. The Way of Kings chapter 22 epigraph
34. On the second day he read from a new novel set in the Elantris
Theoryland - April 2012
35. Will we see Bavadin sometime?
Theoryland - Aug 31st, 2011
36. If Sazed were to die, would he drop the shards Ruin and
Preservation, or would he drop the shard Harmony?
Theoryland - Apr 15th, 2013
37. Were Ruin and Preservation two shards or one?
Theoryland - Nov 21st, 2011
38. The Hero of Ages chapter 39 epigraph
39. The powers of Ruin and Preservation are Shards of Adonalsium,
pieces of the power of creation itself.
Theoryland - Oct 16, 2008
40. Why does Preservation fueling Allomancy not weaken
Preservation compared to Ruin?
Theoryland - Sep 2012
41. Investiture can not be created or destroyed
Theoryland - Mar 25th, 2015
42. Were any of the central cosmere worlds inhabited by humans?
Theoryland - Jan 17th, 2015
43. Where did humanity originate in the cosmere?
Theoryland - Sep 2012
44. When will we see a book that basically revolves around the
concept of the Cosmere and the shard-travelers?
Theoryland - Aug 31st, 2011
45. Would that be Hoid?
Theoryland - Mar 4th, 2014
46. Who names the planets?
Theoryland - May 31, 2011
47. Roshar's name predates the Shards' arrival
Theoryland - Nov 24, 2011
48. Before Adonalsium was shattered, was there magic in the
Cosmere and what form did it take?
Theoryland - Sept 2012
49. What is the technology level of the singular society that existed
when Adonalsium Shattered?
Theoryland - Dec 6th, 2012
50. There was a weapon created by the opposition of Adonalsium
Theoryland - Mar 4th, 2014
51. Long ago there was a plot to destroy Adonalsium. It failed
Theoryland - Jan 6th, 2015
52. Hoid was at the Shattering of Adonalsium
Theoryland - Mar 17th, 2012
53. Was Adonalsium shattered intentionally?
Theoryland - Mar 5th, 2014
54. Was Adonalsium shattered all at once?
Theoryland - Jan 6th, 2015
55. The Way of Kings chapter 18 epigraph
56. The Way of Kings chapter 23 epigraph
57. Words of Radiance chapter 69 epigraph
58. Words of Radiance chapter 70 epigraph
59. It is not random who got which Shard
Theoryland - Mar 16th, 2012
60. Was there a force determining which way it shattered?
Theoryland - Nov 16th, 2013
61. Rayse knows this, and prefers to leave behind destroyed rivals as
opposed to taking their power and potentially being overwhelmed by
Theoryland - March 2013
62. The Hero of Ages chapter 76
63. There's just the one system in Warbreaker, and it's also a world
with only one Shard on it
Theoryland - Nov 8th, 2011
64. He is the only shard on the planet
Theoryland - Mar 6th, 2014
65. The things that they do in those books, couldn't have been done
17th Shard forums - Nov 29th, 2012
66. Because they're such perfect opposites
Theoryland - May 2010
67. The Hero of Ages chapter 53 epigraph
68. The Hero of Ages chapter 57
69. The Hero of Ages chapter 54 epigraph
70. The Hero of Ages chapter 55 epigraph
71. Annotation forThe Hero of Ages chapter 81
72. So he took out the most unlikely (dicult to make and use)
metals for his sign to his followers
Theoryland - July 2009
73. They were designed and created specically to do what they did
17th Shard forums - Jan 23, 2014
74. The Hero of Ages chapter 81 epigraph
75. Odium wants to be the only Shard
Theoryland - Mar 16th, 2012
76. His goal is to destroy them all and be the only one left at his
power level
Theoryland - Dec 15th, 2011
77. Words of Radiance chapter 71 epigraph
78. Does Roshar have a similar problem, with Honor being
Theoryland - March 2013
79. Is Odium native to Roshar?
Theoryland - Sep 22nd, 2012
80. Odium never really settled on a planet
17th Shard forums - June 10th, 2014
81. The Way of Kings chapter 42
82. The Way of Kings chapter 75
83. Is Cultivation's holder still alive?
Theoryland - May 22nd, 2013
84. Odium has killed at least one more Shard than the ones we know
Theoryland - Nov 29th, 2014
85. Give us the name of a Shard's intent we have not seen before
17th Shard forums - Dec 9th, 2012
86. The Way of Kings chapter 28 epigraph
87. The Way of Kings chapter 19 epigraph
88. The Way of Kings chapter 26 epigraph
89. Words of Radiance chapter 66 epigraph
90. Words of Radiance chapter 74 epigraph
91. I want to know if the Seventeenth Shard members come from all
of the planets, not just Sel
Theoryland - Nov 6th, 2012
92. The Way of Kings interlude I-1
93. Khriss is the most aware by a long shot
Theoryland - Mar 11th, 2014
94. Are they all written by the same person?
Theoryland - Dec 6th, 2012
95. He is kind of like a cosmere special agent, who gathers things for
the person who is writing the Ars Arcanum
17th Shard forums - Feb 7th, 2015
96. It's either Hoid or a member of the 17th Shard
Theoryland - Nov 11th, 2011
97. Khriss is Nazh's employer.
17th Shard forums - Aug 8th, 2014
98. The Seventeenth Shard has a specic purpose
Theoryland - Mar 5th, 2014
99. So they have a task, they have goals, and they are worried that
he is going to be at cross purposes to them, so they are trying to hunt
him down
Theoryland - Mar 21st, 2014
100. Is there one universal language?
Theoryland - Sep 2012
101. What was Vin supposed to do at the end of Well of Ascension?
Theoryland - Oct 2008
102. The well rells every 1024 years
Theoryland - May 2010
103. The Hero of Ages chapter 46 epigraph
104. Alendi's "Piercings of the Hero"?
Theoryland - Oct 16, 2008
105. The Well of Ascension chapter 13 epigraph
106. The Well of Ascension chapter 40 epigraph
107. The Well of Ascension chapter 23 epigraph
108. The Well of Ascension chapter 24 epigraph
109. The Well of Ascension chapter 50 epigraph
110. The Well of Ascension chapter 58 epigraph
111. The Well of Ascension chapter 59 epigraph
112. The Well of Ascension chapter 45 epigraph
113. The Well of Ascension chapter 46 epigraph
114. The Well of Ascension chapter 52 epigraph
115. The Well of Ascension chapter 53 epigraph
116. The Well of Ascension chapter 54 epigraph
117. The Well of Ascension chapter 56 epigraph
118. The Hero of Ages chapter 4 epigraph
119. The Hero of Ages chapter 9 epigraph
120. The Hero of Ages chapter 48
121. The Hero of Ages chapter 50 epigraph
122. The Hero of Ages chapter 63
123. The Hero of Ages chapter 71
124. Annotation forThe Hero of Ages chapter 63
125. The Hero of Ages chapter 24 epigraph
126. The Eleventh Metal
127. The Final Empire chapter 34
128. The Final Empire chapter 38
129. The Hero of Ages chapter 49 epigraph
130. The Hero of Ages chapter 74 epigraph
131. The Hero of Ages chapter 56 epigraph
132. The Well of Ascension chapter 58
133. The Hero of Ages chapter 58 epigraph
134. The Hero of Ages chapter 79 epigraph
135. The Hero of Ages chapter 77 epigraph
136. The Hero of Ages chapter 55
137. You may want to note that the moment Preservation dropped
out and let the last of his consciousness die, someone was waiting in
the Cognitive Realm to seize the power and hold on for a short period
until Vin could take it up more fully.
Theoryland - Oct 17th, 2008
138. The Hero of Ages chapter 67
139. The Hero of Ages chapter 72
140. The Hero of Ages chapter 44
141. The Hero of Ages chapter 81
142. The Hero of Ages chapter 79
143. The Hero of Ages chapter 80
144. The Hero of Ages chapter 82
145. (...)lately I've put the word Catacendre into the Alloy of Law era
to mean the end of the ash(...)
17th Shard forums - July 3rd 2015
146. Map of Elendel Basin
147. Where did Alloy come from?
Theoryland - Nov 7th, 2011
148. Is Odium mad about Sazed having two Shards?
Theoryland - Sept 4th, 2014
149. He has "plans" for Harmony, and he is very much aware of
Harmony's power
17th Shard forums - Jan 24th, 2014
150. I've read a bit online about how you have an overall storyline
covering all of your novels
Theoryland - Apr 14th, 2012
151. Where did your idea for the Cosmere originate?
Theoryland - Aug 31st, 2011
152. [Do] you think it is necessary to use philosophy to make a good
fantasy world?
Theoryland - Apr 15th, 2013
153. Do you have all the rules for them written down somewhere?
Theoryland - Aug 31st, 2011
154. there's a beginning, middle, and end to the shattering of
Adonalsium and the involvement there.
Theoryland - Mar 21st, 2014
155. How many series in the cosmere?
Theoryland - Mar 7th, 2014
156. Is it safe to say The Stormlight Archive will become the
backbone series of the story of the cosmere?
Theoryland - Apr 16th, 2014
157. How much of the Cosmere and its story would you say you
already have a plan for?
Theoryland - Aug 21st, 2011
158. When will we see a Hoid book?
Theoryland - Nov 8th, 2011
159. When will be see the whole Cosmere-concept (Shards, the plans
of Hoid) at the level of the books?
Theoryland - Sep 2012
160. Will you ever have characters use the dierent systems of magic
openly in front of each other?
Theoryland - Mar 6th, 2014
161. What time period do they all t in, do they all t in time- at the
same time?
Theoryland - Dec 6th, 2012
162. Do you ever feel stied?
Theoryland - Nov 14th, 2011
163. Are you planning to revise these books that havent been
published and to reinvent them, so to speak?
Theoryland - May 2012
164. When do you expect to have more crossover between worlds
Theoryland - Apr 15th, 2013
165. Will Hoid have a short story, novel or will we have to try and
piece it together?
Theoryland - Jan 18th, 2010
166. Are there going to be other characters other than Hoid that will
be crossing over between books?
Theoryland - Oct 14th, 2013
167. How do you address the dierent types of magic systems in
your dierent books?
Theoryland - May 13th, 2013
168. Lots of work in my internal wiki mixed with continuity editors.
Theoryland - Mar 18th, 2014
169. Is this book [Steelheart] part of the Cosmere?
Theoryland - Jan 2013
170. Have you ever felt constrained by this commitment to
consistency across the Cosmere?
Theoryland - Apr 15th, 2013
171. The Rithmatist is (mostly) consistent with the Cosmere rules
Theoryland - Jul 10th, 2013
172. For some part of its existence, the Rithmatist was in the
Theoryland - Mar 21st, 2014
173. is there a cross-book timeline available?
Theoryland - Apr 15th, 2013
174. Are you planning on putting together a Cosmere bible at any
Theoryland - Apr 15th, 2013
175. Do you think you'll eventually publish a "The World of Brandon
Sanderson's Cosmere"?
Theoryland - Nov 14th, 2011
176. Eventually, he'll come out with a Shadesmar map of the
cosmere, and a Starmap as well.
Theoryland - Dec 6th, 2014
177. Do you decide what cosmere hints you'll let out before going to
Theoryland - Nov 14th, 2011
178. State of the Sanderson: December 2014
Brandon's website - Dec 18th, 2014
179. Q&A at Spokane Barnes & Noble
17th Shard forums - 09 August 2013
180. State of the Sanderson
Brandon's website - Jul 24, 2013
181. Current timeline, which I have NOT canonized, is around 6,000
Theoryland - Nov 29th, 2014
182. When is The Emperors Soul set relative to Elantris specically
and the other cosmere books? (
Tumblr - Mar 7th, 2014
183. The Stormlight Archive is set before The Alloy of Law.
Theoryland - Dec 6th, 2014
184. Is it up into the third trilogy of Mistborn?
Theoryland - Jan 17th, 2015
185. If you write Nightblood, the Warbreaker sequel, chronologically,
will it come before or after Stormlight?
Theoryland - Mar 13th, 2014
186. The Way of Kings chapter 54
187. Words of Radiance chapter 75 epigraph
188. Words of Radiance Ars Arcanum
189. Hemalurgy really is an oddity in the cosmere
Theoryland - Sep 2012
190. How is cosmere supposed to be capitalised?
Twitter - June 6th, 2015

This page is probably complete!

This page contains most of the knowledge we
have on the subject at this time.
It has yet to be reviewed.

The Cosmere
Autonomy Cultivation Devotion Dominion Endowment
Honor Odium Preservation Ruin Survival Shard
Ashyn Braize First of the Sun Nalthis Roshar Scadrial
Sel Taldain Threnody Vax Yolen
Adonalsium Sliver Splinter Realmatic Theory Intent
Focus Investiture Shardpool Spiritweb
Hoid Seventeenth Shard Chronology Shattering
Worldhopping Letters

Retrieved from "


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This page was last modied on 24 August 2016, at 19:10.Content is

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