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Damage Detection Using Optical Measurements

and Wavelets

S. Patsias* and W.J. Staszewskiy

Dynamics Research Group, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of

Sheffield, Sheffield, S1 3JD, United Kingdom

The paper presents an application of the wavelet transform for damage detection based on optical
measurements. A number of important issues that need to be considered when image sequences are
used for vibration analysis are discussed. These include: correspondence of image features from
image to image, image calibration and spatial resolution. The principles of image edge detection are
discussed and a comparison between the wavelet approach and the classical method is presented.
A novel damage detection method based on optically measured mode-shape data is proposed. The
method is illustrated using a simple cantilever beam experiment. The major advantage of the method
is the significantly increased number of discrete points used to describe mode shapes. This is in
contrast to classical techniques where in practice a small number of measurement points are obtained
from a limited number of sensors.

Keywords dynamic testing  damage detection  non-contact measurements  optical measure-

ments  image edge detection  wavelets

1 Introduction Image Sequences operating at elevated temperatures. Often

and Dynamic Measurements no interference with a structure is allowed.
This problem is particularly relevant to small-
Vibration tests are widely performed as part of scale structures, e.g., Micro-Electro-Mechanical
the design and development procedure of almost Systems (MEMS). One solution is to employ
all engineering systems. In practice, modal tests non-contact instruments such as eddy current
are employed to identify natural frequencies, probes or optical devices including laser displace-
damping ratios and modeshapes of structures ment probes and laser Doppler vibrometers.
[1,2]. This information can further be used to Unfortunately, like traditional accelerometers, all
validate Finite Element results [3]. these devices measure single point values. The
The traditional approach to vibration testing only exception is when a laser Doppler vibro-
uses transducers, such as accelerometers, force meter is used in scanning mode resulting in a
transducers and strain gauges, which need to be number of measurements (assuming a non-transi-
attached to a structure during experiments. ent event).
However, in many cases this is either not Different solutions can be proposed when
desirable or not possible, for example, when a optical measurements are used [4]. Recently,
structure is tested under hazardous conditions or high-speed video systems have become affordable
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Copyright 2002 Sage Publications,
E-mail: Vol 1(1): 000522
E-mail: [1475-9217 (200207) 1:1;522; 027110]

6 Structural Health Monitoring 1(1)

and powerful, making possible the use of optical were obtained. Additionally, the orthogonal
measurements in a number of applications. Such wavelet transform is applied to modeshapes for
systems often employ markers so that the process damage identification.
is more robust; in other words the so-called The structure of the paper is as follows:
correspondence problem is avoided. This ensures Section 2 briefly describes image-processing
that analysed image features (or markers) can be principles and introduces the wavelet approach
matched, i.e., their trajectories can be tracked used for image edge detection, and terminology
from image to image. However, in practice one and definitions are provided. Section 3 introduces
would like to avoid markers on structures. This the proposed damage detection, method based on
can be achieved using a single camera with the Orthogonal Wavelet Transform of mode-
motion constrained in a 2D plane and for a shapes. The method is illustrated using a simple
known geometry with clearly identified features. cantilever beam experiment in Section 4. This
It is common for the time step between image analysis includes a comprehensive discussion
sequences to be constant. The sequences are related to image sequence processing. Finally, the
further used to assemble trajectories of paper is concluded in Section 5.
the analysed features (or markers). This is
preceded by an identification routine that locates
the markers coordinates [5]. The trajectories
can then be assembled using a number of 2 Image Edge Detection:
techniques, for example, the differences between Classical Methods and the
consecutive frames [68]. The analysis using Wavelet Approach
image sequences is usually restricted to a
limited number of attached markers. Recent Image edge detection is well known in the image
application examples include markers used to processing community, although the analysis is
investigate flutter mode shapes in an aeroelastic still a marginal subject of research in engineering
wind-tunnel [9]. applications. Therefore, for the sake of complete-
This paper brings together recent develop- ness, this section briefly introduces the general
ments in image edge detection and proposes a concept and the wavelet-based approach to edge
novel approach by which wavelet coefficients are detection. The reader is referred to [11] for more
used to locate or detect damage in a structure. detailed analysis.
The main objective of the paper is to present a
damage detection procedure using image
sequences. Edge contours are obtained from
2.1 Image Edge Detection
image sequences using the classical wavelet-based
approach. This provides a number of measure- Research in image edge detection shows a wide
ment points that are significantly larger than diversity of proposed techniques. The theory of
in the case of classical accelerometer-based image detection can be traced back to Marr and
measurements. The novelty of the proposed Hildreth in 1980 [12,13]. In 1986 Canny proposed
method is that edge contours, which describe the the method that today is the de-facto technique
structures movement, are utilised for further used in image analysis [14]: the use of the wavelet
damage detection analysis. The orthogonal transform expanded to a wide range of areas and
wavelet transform is also applied to damage Mallat suggested a wavelet transformation that
identification. Preliminary results from this can be implemented in detecting edges both in
work were initially reported in [10] where one dimensional signals and images [15].
the presence of seeded damage in a beam was Edges in images often appear where large
detected. The work presented in this paper extends variations in the intensity exist. An edge can be
the previous results in that more sophisticated defined as a step discontinuity in a 2D signal
equipment has been used for optical measure- (e.g., an image). The edges can be located by
ments and hence higher quality modeshape data searching for these discontinuities: either as a
Patsias & Staszewski Optical Measurements and Wavelets 7

local maximum of the first derivative or as the through the use of a smoothing filter so that
zero-crossings of the second derivative of the robustness is ensured. It has been shown that the
image. Therefore, for a continuous image f(x, y), Gaussian distribution performs the task ade-
its derivative assumes a maximum in the direction quately [13] and is given below,
of the edge. It can be shown [16] that the
direction of the edge of the continuous image 2 2
=2 2
shown in Figure 1 is given by, gx, y ex y 3
1 fy
g tan 1 where (x, y) are the image coordinates and  is
fx the standard deviation of the probability distribu-
tion. The standard deviation is the variable that
and the magnitude of the edge is given by, controls the scale at which the Gaussian is
q operating. The Laplacian of a Gaussian (LoG),
M fx2 fy2 2 which is also called the MarrHildreth operator
is defined as,
where, fx @f =@x, fy @f =@y, @f =@x and @f =@y
are the rates of change of the image function f in r2 gx, y,  f x, y or r2 gx, y,  f x, y
the two perpendicular directions. Clearly with
digital images, the gradient has to be computed
using the difference approximations of either the
orthogonal gradients fx, fy or the directional Locating the zero-crossings of the second
gradient @f =@r. derivative is easier than locating the maxima of
Operators that rely on detecting the local the first derivative. The drawback is the fact that
maxima include those of Prewitt and of Roberts the influence of noise on the second derivative is
are discussed by Jain in [16]. It is important to more profound and hence false edge location is a
point out that the first derivative operators rely possibility. This naturally leads to the question of
on a single scale, that of the image, whereas Marr which is the best edge operator? Previous
and Hildreth [13] proposed a multiscale edge research that tackled this issue by comparing first
operator. The second derivative is computed and second derivative approaches concluded that,
No one single edge detector was best overall; for
any given image it is difficult to predict which
detector will be best [17]. There was, however, a
clear distinction between the better edge quality
of the second derivative operators over the first
derivative ones.
The classical Cannys operator is in fact a
second derivative multiscale method. Therefore,
the use of the wavelet transform in image edge
detection is closely related to Cannys operator
and for a particular class of wavelets it is
equivalent to detecting the wavelet transform
maxima [15,18]. The scale parameter in Cannys
method is controlled by the standard deviation of
the Gaussian, whereas in the wavelet method it is
controlled by the scale parameter. The multiscale
edges are extracted by locating the local maxima
Figure 1 The gradient of the image function along the of the second derivative of the smoothed image
direction of the edge [16]. at various scales [19,20].
8 Structural Health Monitoring 1(1)

2.2 Wavelet Image Edge Detection that they are almost identical and hence they are
both approximated by a unique smoothing func-
When a wavelet function (x) is the derivative of
tion (x,y) [18]. The smoothing and wavelet
a smoothing function (x),
functions used in the paper are defined as [11],
x x: 5 _ sin!=2 n
dx ! , n 2, 3, 4, 5, . . . 11
The wavelet transform of a signal at a scale
2 j is proportional to the derivative of the and
smoothed signal at the same scale [11],
 ! sin!=2n
! i , n 2, 3, 4, 5, . . .
j 2 !=2
W2 j f x 2 2 j f x: 6
dx 12

Let functions 1 and 2 be defined as the respectively. Figure 2 gives an example of graphi-
2D wavelets, such that 1 approximates the cal representation of both functions.
partial derivative of a smoothing function with The local maxima of M2 j f x, y along
respect to x and 2 approximates the partial the gradient direction given by A2 j f x, y are
derivative of a smoothing function with respect detected in the same way as in Cannys edge
to y, operator [14]. The image coordinates of the local
maxima as well as the values of the modulus
1 @x, y 2 @x, y M2 j f x, y and of the argument A2 j f x, y are
x, y and x, y : 7
@x @y stored. Hence, the local maxima at scale 2 j are a
set of quadruples:
From the above property these can also be
defined in a Multiresolution Analysis (MRA) x, y, M, A : 13
framework as [21,22],
 x y x The image of a bridge, shown in Figure 3
1 1 1 2 1 2 y
2j , and 2j , 8 was downloaded from [24] and is used here to
2j 2 j 2j 2j 2 j 2j demonstrate the edge operation for Canny and
the wavelet approach. The Discrete Wavelet
The Fast Wavelet Transform (FWT) as dis-
Transform was applied to this image using
cussed by Mallat [23] uses the same scaling and
Daubechies (with four vanishing moments [25]) as
wavelet functions to calculate the wavelet coeffi-
the wavelet function. The detail subimage (LH),
cients along the rows and the columns of the
which corresponds to the horizontally smoothed
image. These wavelets can then be defined as,
image and the detail subimage (HL vertically
1 2
smoothed image) as well as the diagonally
x, y x y and x, y x y 9 smoothed (HH) subimage is shown in Figure 4
along with the image approximation (LL) at the
where, (x) is a one dimensional smoothing 2nd decomposition level. This decomposition (in
function. The smoothing functions can then be Figure 4) is perhaps a more conventional way of
expressed as, displaying the DWT decomposition.
For image edge detection following Mallats
1 x, y xy and 2 x, y xy: 10 approach [26], the second decomposition level
was computed using the functions shown in
(x) is selected to be close to (x) but not equal, Figure 2. The horizontally smoothed and vertical
the same applies to 1(x, y) and 2(x, y). However, smoothed images are shown in Figure 5 (a and b
in practice they can be assumed to be so close respectively), whereas the magnitude and argument
Patsias & Staszewski Optical Measurements and Wavelets 9

images are shown in Figure 5 (c and d respectively).

The edge contour is then obtained by a procedure
that selects the pixel locations with the largest
wavelet coefficients in the direction indicated by
the corresponding argument value. The edge
representation at each scale can be selected
by either a simple thresholding operation, i.e.,
keeping those points with a magnitude values
higher than a set value, or by more advanced
thresholding approaches [27].
Figure 6(b) shows the edge representation of
the original image in Figure 3 using the wavelet
edge detection procedure described above. The
second level (or scale) of the wavelet decomposi-
tion was used with the threshold level at 2.8
units. Figure 6(a) also shows the corresponding
edge contour produced by Cannys method using
Matlabs Image Processing Toolbox [27]. The
image of this segment of the bridge is a compli-
cated scene: the clouds in the background for
instance, interfere with the depiction of the
bridge. Both methods produced a clear edge
representation, the wavelet representation, how-
ever is of higher quality in the sense that less of
the bridge information is lost, while reducing the
background information (i.e., the clouds or
the background shade at the right hand side
Figure 2 The smoothing function and scaling
function used for wavelet edge detection,
of the image). Both techniques employ a multi-
(a) Smoothing function: piecewise quadratic spline; scale edge detection operation, but the wavelets
(b) Wavelet function: corresponding to the derivative are by their nature localised functions. This
of the scaling function shown in (a). allows better feature localisation across the

Figure 3 The original image of a bridge, downloaded from [24].

10 Structural Health Monitoring 1(1)

Smoothed Image - LL Horizontally Smoothed - LH

Vertically Smoothed - HL Diagonally Smoothed - HH

Figure 4 Fast wavelet transform decomposition of image in Figure 3 2nd

decomposition level.

decomposition scales (e.g., from small to large damage: in other words the damage will create a
image features). Therefore, the wavelet-based weak spot. Under vibration testing the mode-
approach is used in the current studies for shapes of the damaged structure will contain
vibration analysis: extraction of modeshape data. information about the damage: since damage will
also affect the dynamic characteristics, for
instance reduction of the natural frequency or
3 Damage Detection Using Modal increase in modal damping, when compared to
Curvatures and Wavelets the undamaged case.
Pandey et al [29] proposed using curvature
A number of modal-based techniques have been functions of modeshapes to locate damage. The
developed over the years for identifying and curvature function
is approximately propor-
locating damage in structures as summarised in tional to the second derivative of the modeshape
[28]. This section introduces the modal curvature ^ with respect to the distance xc along the
approach and discusses the proposed DWT cantilever and is given as,
analysis of modeshape to identify damage. Both
algorithms are applied to image sequence data.
1 d 2

2 14
3.1 Modal Curvature Method R dxc

The principle employed in identifying damage is

based on the fact that damage in a structure will where R is the radius of the curvature. The
reduce the flexural rigidity in the vicinity of the curvature and bending strain for beams are
Patsias & Staszewski Optical Measurements and Wavelets 11




Figure 6 Edge contours of image in Figure 3 using

(a) Cannys operator and (b) the Wavelet Transform
approach (utilising the argument and magnitude images
in Figures 5(c) and (d) respectively).

directly related as,

y 15
(d) where " is the strain and y is the distance from
the neutral axis of the cantilever.
It has been shown that absolute changes in
modeshape curvatures indicate the presence of
damage in cantilevers [29]. One can obtain the
curvature by simply differentiating the modeshape
twice. In the work carried out here and [4,10] this
is computed from the displacement modeshapes
using the central difference approximation
defined as,

^ ^ ^
Figure 5 Decomposing the image in Figure 3 using the ^ 00 q1  2q q1
i 2
wavelet transform shown in Figure 2. The partial o
derivative in the horizontal and vertical directions are
shown in (a) and (b) respectively. The argument and where o is the distance between the two locations
magnitude images are shown in (c) and (d) respectively. (q  1) and (q 1) [28].
12 Structural Health Monitoring 1(1)

would expect the orthogonal wavelet transform

to be suitable for damage detection and localisa-
tion from vibration modeshapes. The multiscale
nature of the orthogonal wavelet transform
means that a number of signal representations,
corresponding to different decomposition wavelet
levels implemented, are possible. At each level the
so-called approximation and detail versions of
the input signal can be obtained through the use
of Low-Pass (LP) and High-Pass (HP) filters,
The modeshape corresponding to the
damaged curvature function shown in Figure 7(b)
is used to demonstrate the application of the
orthogonal wavelet transform for damage detec-
tion. Daubechies wavelets with 20 vanishing
moments [25] were employed to obtain the first
three high-frequency wavelet levels from this
modeshape. The algorithm supplied in Matlabs
wavelet toolbox was used for the analysis [25].
Figure 8 shows the approximation and detail
signals from the orthogonal wavelet decomposi-
tion. Here, the approximation signals given in the
left column clearly exhibit the displacement
modeshape. Additionally, the detail signals given
in the right column show the presence of the
seeded damage. This clearly indicates that
Figure 7 (a) Theoretical modeshape curvature of the the differentiation procedure associated with the
cantilever for the fundamental flexural mode; (b) the modal curvature method, presented in Section 3.1,
simulated damaged curvature function at 0.6 normal-
ised length from the clamped end (the length was also
is no longer required. If one recalls problems
normalised). related to signal differentiation [30], this is indeed
a significant result.

It is well-known that localised damage will

produce a discontinuity in its curvature [29]. 4 Experimental Results from a
Figure 7(a) shows an example of the intact Damaged Cantilever
curvature of the first flexural modeshape of a
cantilever. Similar curvature for a modeshape The damage detection procedure described in
with damage present is shown in Figure 7(b). The Section 3 is illustrated here using a simple canti-
damage here is clearly located at 0.6 normalised lever experiment. This section brings together the
distance from the clamped-end. optical measurement technique, the wavelet-based
edge detection and the orthogonal wavelet trans-
form for damage identification.
3.2 Wavelet Transform Method
The wavelet transform is well suited for detecting
4.1 Optical Measurements
localised events in signals, due to the localised
nature of wavelet basis functions. Discrete wave- The experimental set-up used in the paper is shown
lets are particularly useful for decomposition, in Figure 9. It comprises a steel cantilever beam
compression and feature selection. Therefore, one (0.6 0.025 0.001 m) and an electrodynamic
Patsias & Staszewski Optical Measurements and Wavelets 13

Figure 8 Discrete Wavelet Transform decomposition of the damaged mode-

shape (obtained from the curvature in Figure 7(b)). Daubechies wavelets with 20
vanishing moments were used.


Steel frame


Stinger rod

Free-end of cantilever

Figure 9 The cantilever under first bending mode excitation. Image captured by a
commercial camcorder (SONY) [31].

exciter connected to it via a stinger rod to One of the important issues associated with
minimise exciter/structure interaction. The beam optical measurements is the quality of the cap-
and the electrodynamic exciter are both sus- tured data. The image captured in Figure 9
pended from a very stiff steel frame. In Figure 9 clearly shows the problem the free-end of the
the cantilever is under excitation corresponding cantilever is very fuzzy. The reason for this is the
to the first mode of vibration and the image was rather low image sampling frequency of 25
captured by a commercial SONY camcorder [31]. frames per second (fps). This camera was used
14 Structural Health Monitoring 1(1)

with some success in the initial study presented Figure 10 shows a typical image captured by
in [10], although a Kodak high-speed camera the Kodak system. Note that the orientation of
system [32] was used to capture image sequences the camera has now been changed. The brightness
used for damage detection in order to overcome of the image is very low, and high reflectivity
this problem. Such systems are these days afford- points in the image are avoided by covering the
able due to the falling cost of computers cantilever with a thin non-reflective tape. The use
Random Access Memory (RAM) devices that of additional lighting was discarded since this
store captured images. The Kodak camera could create high reflectivity areas. The length of
system, used in the paper, supports a wide range the beam (0.6 m) was such that efforts to diffuse
of image sampling rates from 40 to 600 fps. the light proved to be very difficult.
Also, the image size is variable from 160 60 to Figure 11 summarises the procedure
640 240 pixels (picture elements). The camera employed in capturing an image sequence and
has a finite amount of RAM and hence the performing the subsequent image analysis.
image sampling frequency and image size deter- Having captured the image sequence, the wavelet-
mine the number of images that can be captured based edge detection procedure was carried out
at one time. for each image. Then the edge representations
were identified and correspondence between the

Figure 10 A typical captured frame by the KODAK system, depicting the cantilever under

Figure 11 The feature-based image sequence analysis employed in

this paper.
Patsias & Staszewski Optical Measurements and Wavelets 15

images was ensured [33]. This is indeed a very displacement device (LD 1605-20) measuring the
important part of the analysis: it can be described cantilevers vibration. This response and its PSD
from a dynamic testing viewpoint as ensuring are shown in Figure 14(a) and Figure 14(b),
that the transducers are measuring the correct respectively. In both cases the signals were
quantities. The free-end of the cantilever was obtained without disturbing the structure, the
used as a marker to ensure that all of the image only difference is that with the Epsilon laser
coordinates would be correctly estimated. The displacement device, a longer time signal was
final step was to correct for any image distortions recorded. The identified natural frequencies are
due to the equipment used [34,35] and convert shown in Table 1, where the maximum difference
the measurements from pixels into real world between the two tests is 1.36%, which is within
measurements (mm). The method employed was the expected experimental error. The natural
to use a grid of known dimensions, obtain the frequency of the fundamental flexural mode of
edges, identify the grid locations and then obtain vibration was found to be 2.45 Hz from the
the calibration factor. More information on this image sequence and 2.42 Hz from the Epsilon
can be found in [4]. laser displacement device test.
The first task before any modeshape measure-
ments can be performed and the seeded damage
4.2 Experimental Modeshapes
identified, is to validate the optical measurements.
This was achieved by carrying out an impulse test Having demonstrated that the optical measure-
on the cantilever (without the exciter) and identi- ments can provide reliable vibration results, the
fying the natural frequencies of the beam from the next task was to identify the fundamental flexural
captured image sequence and comparing against modeshape of the cantilever. In this case, the
another non-contact measurement method. electrodynamic exciter was attached as shown in
The impulse was initiated at 30 mm from the Figure 9 and an image sequence was captured
free end of the cantilever and an image sequence while the cantilever was under sinusoidal excita-
of approximately three seconds in length was tion at its first mode of vibration.
recorded by the Kodak system at the maximum The procedure described in Section 2.2 was
sampling frequency (600 Hz). The image sequence carried out and the modeshapes were extracted
was analysed with the procedure described above. using a line tracking algorithm that follows the
A frame from this image sequence is shown in vibrating beams outline. The quality of the edge
Figure 12(a). For the wavelet transform the contours is of such high quality that the origin of
partial derivatives in the horizontal and vertical the cantilever is always at the same image
directions (shown in Figures 12(b) and (c) respec- location and used as the starting point of this
tively), were used to calculate the argument and algorithm. More information about this algo-
magnitude images. These are shown in Figures 12(d) rithm can be found in [4]. The image sequence
and 12(e), respectively. The final edge representa- recorded the motion of the cantilever at the
tion is shown in Figure 12(f) after a threshold maximum deflection (in both directions). To
operation was performed. The same operation identify the modeshapes at the extreme deflec-
was repeated for all images and the required tions, only the relevant images were analysed.
vibration signal was obtained from a routine It is important to highlight the fact that the
developed in [4] that locates the coordinates of modeshape consists of a number of discrete
the free-end of the cantilever. The outcome is the values (the pixels). This can be compared to a
displacement of the cantilever as a function of the classical dynamic test, where transducers are
distance from the clamped end for each image. attached to the cantilever. In this case a max-
This is shown in Figure 13(a) with the corre- imum of 68 lightweight accelerometers can be
sponding Power Spectral Density (PSD) in Figure used (with the penalty of altering the dynamics of
13(b). The indicated frequencies corresponding the system), whereas the image contour that
to the first four modeshapes are clearly marked. describes the modeshapes has definitely more
The test was repeated with a Epsilon laser data points (in excess of 500 in this case).
16 Structural Health Monitoring 1(1)

(a) The first image from the impulse test image sequence.

(b) Partial derivative in the horizontal direction of image in (a).

(c) Partial derivative in the vertical direction in (a).

(d) Argument image of the horizontal and vertical derivatives in (b) and (c) respectively.

(e) Magnitude of the horizontal and vertical derivatives in (b) and (c) respectively.

(f) Final edge representation after thresholding removed small details from image in (d).

Figure 12 Wavelet edge detection images, (a) first image from the
impulse test; (b) partial derivative in the horizontal direction; (c) partial
derivative in the vertical direction; (d) argument; and (e) the
corresponding magnitude image. The final edge representation using
a threshold operation is shown in (f).

Clearly, one has to remember that these points modeshape into mm (as described in Section 4.1)
are discrete values. The smoothed modeshape is is performed prior to the curve fitting. The
obtained by curve fitting the discrete modeshape modeshape of the cantilever for the first vibra-
points, using Matlabs standard polynomial curve tional mode is shown in Figure 15, where the
fitting routine (finding the coefficients of a poly- fitted curve is also overlayed. The stepwise
nomial of a set order and fitting the data in a manner of the contour (i.e., discrete locations) is
least squares manner) [36,37]. The conversion of exaggerated by the use of approximately equal
Patsias & Staszewski Optical Measurements and Wavelets 17

Figure 13 (a) Decay signal from impulse test on the cantilever. The
displacement signal at the free-end was extracted from the image sequence;
(b) The corresponding PSD.

Figure 14 (a) Decay signal (free-end) from the impulse test on the cantilever
recorded by the Epsilon displacement device; (b) The corresponding PSD.

axes, used to display 600 mm and 48 mm for the modeshapes are overlayed in Figure 16, where the
length and the displacement of the cantilever displacements and length have been normalised.
respectively. It is clear that the two curves look very similar.
The next question is whether the extracted However, there are some differences. The reason
modeshape really corresponds to the first flexural for these differences can be traced back to the
mode. The theoretical and the experimental experimental set-up. The electro-dynamic exciter
18 Structural Health Monitoring 1(1)

Table 1 Comparison of natural frequencies identified attached through the stinger rod to the cantilever
from the image sequence and the signal recorded by the has indeed affected its dynamic characteristics:
laser displacement device.
when the cantilever is at its maximum and mini-
Frequencies Frequencies mum displacement positions the exciter affects its
Identified Identified motion the most. Such problems are common in
from from
dynamic testing; more information can be found
Image Laser Device Difference
Mode Sequence Signal (%) in [1]. Figure 16 shows the location of stinger rod
(50 mm in length) and at 40 mm from the
1 2.45 2.42 1.22
clamped end (0.0667 in normalised length).
2 14.74 14.54 1.36
3 40.82 40.79 0.07 To prove this conclusively the cantilever was
4 79.56 79.9 0.43 used to capture an image sequence with the
exciter removed: the cantilever was displaced by
approximately 10 cm and released so that the free
vibration of the fundamental flexural mode was
recorded. A procedure that adjusts modeshapes
biased by the effect of an attached exciter was
developed and described in [4]. This routine
was applied on the modeshape obtained and is
shown in Figure 16. Its effectiveness can be seen
in Figure 17, where the adjusted versus the
analytical modeshapes for the first mode are
overlayed: the MAC [3] was calculated as 1.00,
i.e., perfect correlation was achieved.

4.3 Damage Detection

All of the required test procedures up to this point
have been discussed and proved to be reliable.
Figure 15 Curve fitted on the extracted first flexural The final and most crucial part is to identify
modeshape from an image frame. a seeded damage condition on the cantilever.

Figure 16 A visual comparison between the theoretical Figure 17 The fundamental flexural vibration mode-
and experimental first flexural modeshape. The arrow shape of the cantilever adjusted for the exciter effect. Also
indicates the location of the stinger rod (excitation point). overlayed is the theoretical modeshape.
Patsias & Staszewski Optical Measurements and Wavelets 19

The damage was created by scoring a groove damage location can be readily obtained. The
across the cantilevers width at 252 mm (or 0.42 potential of the proposed method is twofold:
normalised length) from the clamped end of the
beam in order to simulate the local change in 1. Optical measurements do not affect the struc-
stiffness. This is a typical type of damage tures dynamic behaviour while providing a far
observed in practice and studied in the literature greater number of measurement points when
(e.g., cracked beams or opening and closing compared to classical measurements taken with
cracks [38,39]). The same procedure was followed accelerometer transducers;
as previously: i.e., the cantilever was excited at its
fundamental natural frequency (2.45 Hz); the
image sequence was wavelet edge detection
analysed and the modeshape was extracted. A
spline function was fitted to the modeshape and
the displacement curvature was computed using
Equation (16), and the modeshape was adjusted
for the exciter effect (as described above). The
normalised curvature for the damaged cantilever,
shown in Figure 18, clearly exhibits the damage
at the 0.42 normalised length.
Finally, the same modeshape was analysed
using the orthogonal wavelet transform with the
Daubechies wavelet (20 vanishing moments). The
wavelet decomposition is shown in Figure 19, where
the damage can also be identified at the expected
location in the first three detail signals. What this Figure 18 The curvature function of the damaged
demonstrates is the ability to identify damage from modeshape of the cantilever (fundamental flexural mode
the wavelet transformation on a modeshape: the of vibration).

Figure 19 Discrete wavelet transformation of the damaged cantilever mode-

shape (fundamental vibration mode). The Daubechies wavelet family with 20
vanishing moments were used. The first three decomposition levels are shown
(approximation and detail signals).
20 Structural Health Monitoring 1(1)

2. The wavelet transformation of measured transform to identify the presence and location of
modeshapes can be used to identify possible damage. It was shown that the damage in a
damage while avoiding all problems associated cantilever was successfully located using the
with curvatures. The former directly uses the above methods.
modeshapes for damage detection, whereas the One of the key advantages of the optical
later relies on curvature differentiation (see measurements is the number of discrete points
Equation 16); this is not an easy task as used to describe the modeshape. The number of
reported in [30]. measurement points is limited only by equipment
used, but is by far higher than the number of
It has been shown in [4] that the existing test transducers that could practically be attached to
set-up could successfully identify the first four a structure. Assuming one resolves the correspon-
flexural modeshapes of an undamaged cantilever dence and the spatial resolution issues, data
(with the same geometry as the one used in this collected from optical measurements would
paper). Tests on the damaged cantilever were almost certainly offer more measurement
limited to the fundamental vibrational mode. The points in vibration modeshapes. Clearly the
reason for this is due to an important feature of higher the number of the measurement points
optical measurements: that temporal resolution (or sensors) the better the approximation of the
alone does not suffice to establish the useful modeshape. Also, due to the fact that numerical
bandwidth of an optical system. The Kodak differentiation tends to amplify errors in the data,
system has a maximum image sampling frequency a spatially under-sampled modeshape would be
of 600 Hz, but this does not actually mean that prone to such errors and might even obscure the
vibration up to 300 Hz can be recorded (based on damage. Therefore, optical measurements offer
the Nyquist criterion). an advantage over the traditional transducer for
The image sequences form spatio-temporal damage detection.
data, so the spatial resolution must also be With the existing test arrangement (i.e., the
adequate. As discussed in [4], for the fourth cantilever), the work should be extended to cover
flexural vibration mode, the amplitude of vibra- higher modes than the fundamental flexural mode
tion will be much lower than the fundamental of vibration with the appropriate equipment. The
mode, but the spatial resolution used would be preliminary work presented in this paper is based
the same in both cases. This means that for the on a simple cantilever beam structure. Further
amplitude measurements of the modeshapes, one work is required with more complex structures to
would have the same number of pixels per mm. confirm the results. High-speed camera systems
At the limit of the spatial resolution this means with better specifications than the one used
that one pixel value would exist for amplitudes here (or even multiple camera systems) could
corresponding to smaller quantities. Therefore, be employed for real engineering structures.
modeshape measurements will be prone to However, the authors realise that significant
significant errors and damage detection from deflections are required for the proposed metho-
such data would not be possible. A possible dology. This in fact is the main limitation of
method to increase the spatial resolution (apart the proposed technique. Also, damage detection
from different equipment) would be to use procedures require significant changes in stiffness
sub-pixel interpolation methods described in [40]. (and/or in modal characteristics) due to damage;
clearly, local cracks will not be detected using
the proposed method. One possible area of
5 Conclusions application includes Micro-Electro-Mechanical-
Systems (MEMS), where vibration, predomi-
This paper introduced two new aspects into nantly constrained in the 2D plane, needs to
damage detection: the use of optical measure- be analysed using non-contact devices. The pro-
ments based on the wavelet edge detection posed methodology would be ideal for such a test
technique and the use of the orthogonal wavelet framework.
Patsias & Staszewski Optical Measurements and Wavelets 21

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