Gurwell 2000 ApJ 539 L143

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The Astrophysical Journal, 539:L143L146, 2000 August 20

q 2000. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.


M. A. Gurwell,1 E. A. Bergin,1 G. J. Melnick,1 M. L. N. Ashby,1 G. Chin,2 N. R. Erickson,3 P. F. Goldsmith,4
M. Harwit,5 J. E. Howe,3 S. C. Kleiner,1 D. G. Koch,6 D. A. Neufeld,7 B. M. Patten,1 R. Plume,1 R. Schieder,8
R. L. Snell,3 J. R. Stauffer,1 V. Tolls,1 Z. Wang,1 G. Winnewisser,8 and Y. F. Zhang1
Received 1999 December 10; accepted 2000 June 23; published 2000 August 16

We report the first detections of absorption features in the submillimeter spectrum of Mars that are due to the
H2O (110101) and 13CO (54) rotational transitions. Observations were obtained over several days near the planets
closest approach to Earth in 1999 April. These observations simultaneously provide us with an opportunity to
derive the atmospheric temperature structure and to measure directly the distribution of water vapor with altitude.
The Martian atmosphere is found to be relatively cool, consistent with results found from ground-based millimeter
observations of CO. The distribution of water in the Martian atmosphere matches a profile of constant, 100%
saturation from 10 to 45 km altitude.
Subject headings: planets and satellites: individual (Mars) radio lines: solar system submillimeter

1. INTRODUCTION to measure atmospheric water vapor absorption in the far-IR

from Mars (Encrenaz et al. 1999; Burgdorf et al. 1999).
Understanding the role of water vapor in the atmosphere of While these techniques are sensitive to the column abun-
Mars has received increasing emphasis during the last few dance of water, none are capable of measuring the vertical
years, stemming from a desire to know more about the past distribution, which is key to understanding the chemistry of
history of water as well as the direct dependence of atmospheric the middle atmosphere. The water vapor profile can be mea-
photochemistry on the water vapor abundance (e.g., Nair et al. sured through spectrally resolved observations of pressure-
1994; Clancy & Nair 1996). The vertical distribution of water broadened lines, most easily done at radio through submilli-
is governed by the atmospheric temperature structure, in which meter wavelengths. The vertical distribution of water vapor has
cold temperatures produce saturation conditions and can limit been measured from the ground using interferometric obser-
the abundance of water above 10 km. Our growing understand- vations of the 22 GHz transition (Clancy, Grossman, & Muhl-
ing of the complexity of the Martian annual and interannual eman 1992), a difficult detection of the strong 183 GHz tran-
variations in the temperature structure has been driven primarily sition (Encrenaz et al. 1995), and through inference from
by continued ground-based millimeter-wave spectroscopy (e.g., detection of the 226 GHz transition of HDO (Encrenaz et al.
Clancy, Muhleman, & Berge 1990) and new spacecraft obser- 1991; Clancy et al. 1996; Gurwell & Muhleman 1997). How-
vations by the Mars Global Surveyor (e.g., Conrath et al. 1998). ever, the large amount of water in the Earths atmosphere makes
The annual variations in water abundance and temperature may direct detections of water impossible in most cases, and the
be the key to understanding many important facets of the cli- broad weak emission features of HDO on Mars are difficult to
mate of Mars (Clancy et al. 1996). measure accurately.
The first detection of water vapor (Spinrad, Munch, & Kap- In this Letter, we present an analysis of recent observations
lan 1963) employed near-IR reflectance spectroscopy near obtained with the Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite
0.82 mm, and this spectral region has been widely used since (SWAS; see Melnick et al. 2000 for a description of the in-
then (e.g., Barker 1976, 1998; Sprague et al. 1999). The largest strument and mission) of both water and an isotope of carbon
set of observations of water in the Martian atmosphere comes monoxide from Mars. These observations provide the oppor-
from the Mars Atmospheric Water Detectors, flown on both tunity to measure simultaneously both the vertical temperature
Viking orbiter spacecraft (Farmer et al. 1977). These instru- structure and the distribution of water vapor in the atmosphere.
ments mapped the column abundance of water using 1.38 mm
reflectance spectroscopy, studying spatial and seasonal varia-
tions. In 1988, Phobos 2 measured water vapor using the in- 2. OBSERVATIONS
frared imaging spectrometer ISM (Rosenqvist et al. 1992).
More recently, the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) was used Observations of Mars were performed with SWAS from 1999
April 17 to May 3, when Mars was near opposition and at its
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden Street, Cam- largest extent (with an angular diameter ranging from 150. 6 to
bridge, MA 02138. 160. 2, compared with the SWAS beam of 39. 3 # 49. 5 FWHM).
The areocentric longitude of the Sun LS was 130, correspond-
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771.
Department of Astronomy, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA
ing to Martian midnorthern summer. Spectra were collected
National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center, Department of Astronomy, during SWAS orbit segments of about 30 minutes; the full data
Cornell University, Space Sciences Building, Ithaca, NY 14853-6801. set consists of more than 160 orbit segments over the observing

511 H Street SW, Washington, DC 20024-2725; also Cornell University. period. Spectra were taken of the H2O (110101) and 13CO (54)
NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA 94035. rotational transitions in the upper and lower sidebands of a
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Johns Hopkins University, 3400
North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218.
receiver tuned near 554 GHz (see Melnick et al. 2000). The
I. Physikalisches Institut, Universitat zu Koln, Zulpicher Strasse 77, receiver provides nearly equal sensitivity in the two sidebands.
D-50937 Koln, Germany. A second receiver measured the surface continuum flux near

Fig. 2.Mars 13CO (54) spectrum converted to a single-sideband LTC

ratio spectrum (histogram). The model spectra calculated by assuming the four
atmospheric temperature profiles shown in Fig. 4 are overlaid. The fractional
number abundance of CO for this model is 9 # 1024 (corrected for seasonal
pressure), and the 12CO/13CO ratio is 89.

acteristics of the surface and subsurface of Mars at centimeter

wavelengths (Rudy et al. 1987) has been used effectively to
calibrate observations at millimeter wavelengths (Clancy et al.
1996; Gurwell & Muhleman 1997). For this work, we have
extended the model into the submillimeter to calculate the
brightness temperature of Mars for the observing time and
geometry. The model results in a disk-average Planck bright-
ness temperature in the 450600 GHz range of 225 5 7 K
(with an average physical surface temperature and emissivity
of 245 K and 0.915, respectively). This emissivity is consistent
Fig. 1.Co-added submillimeter double-sideband spectra of Mars obtained with ISO measurements at shorter wavelengths (50180 mm;
by SWAS. (a) Velocity corrected for the H2 O (110101) line at 556.936 GHz in Burgdorf et al. 1999) as well as radio observations at longer
the USB; (b) velocity corrected for the 13 CO (54) line at 550.296 GHz in the wavelengths (26 cm; Rudy et al. 1987). We calculate the
LSB. The core of each line appears smeared when the velocity is corrected intensity for 225 K Planck blackbody emission at 554 GHz to
for the opposite line because of the large change in the line-of-sight velocity
during an orbit-observing segment of SWAS.
be 1.27 times that at 490 GHz. Next, we assume that the relative
efficiency of the instrument between 487 and 554 GHz is gov-
490 GHz. After correction for the changing velocity and ap- erned primarily by the surface accuracy of the primary mirror.
parent size of Mars relative to the spacecraft, the segment spec- Using the standard Ruze equation and taking 16 5 6 mm for
tra were co-added, yielding a total on-source integration time the surface rms (in agreement with Melnick et al. 2000), we
in each band of 1791 minutes. The spectral resolution was find the efficiency of the instrument at 554 GHz relative to
approximately 1.03 MHz. 490 GHz to be 97% 5 2%. Observations of the Moon obtained
The resulting spectra from the 554 GHz receiver, with ve- by SWAS show that the relative efficiency of the receivers is
locity corrections for the upper sideband (USB; H2 O line) and unity to within about 10%, so our estimate of the relative
the lower sideband (LSB; 13CO line), are shown in Figure 1. efficiency is consistent with this measurement. Using these two
Both lines are clearly detected, but the broad width of the water results and the measured continuum at 490 GHz gives a double-
line (due to the pressure broadening of this extremely optically sideband continuum level at 554 GHz of 1.22 5 0.06 K in
thick transition) exceeds the spectrometer bandwidth, forcing antenna temperature.
the 13CO (54) line to lie superposed on the wing of the H2O The 13CO line is relatively narrow, while the H2O line is
line. We therefore do not have a direct measurement of the broad. We separate the two spectral features by fitting for and
continuum level at this frequency. subtracting the broad wings of the water line in the opposite
sideband from the 13CO spectrum (Fig. 1b) and then adding
our estimated continuum level (0.61 5 0.05 K single side-
band). The resulting spectrum after conversion to the LTC ratio
In order to analyze the H2O/13CO spectrum, we place the is presented in Figure 2. For the water spectrum (Fig. 1a), we
observations onto a line-to-continuum (LTC) scale. Since the first subtract the continuum level that is due to surface emission
water line exceeds the bandpass, we have no direct SWAS mea- in the opposite sideband (near the 13 CO line), and then we fit
sure of the continuum at this wavelength. We therefore ex- for and subtract a series of narrow Gaussian profiles over a
trapolate the continuum measurement obtained at 490 GHz to restricted frequency range to the smeared 13 CO absorption fea-
554 GHz in the following manner. tures. The resulting spectrum after conversion to the LTC ratio
First, we determine a good estimate of the emission of Mars is presented in Figure 3. Note that due to the uncertainty in
in the submillimeter. A model of the thermal emission char- the continuum level, this LTC ratio spectrum of the water line
No. 2, 2000 GURWELL ET AL. L145

Fig. 3.Mars H2O (110101) spectrum converted to a single-sideband LTC

ratio spectrum (histogram). The model spectra calculated by assuming the four Fig. 4.Radiative transfer model atmospheric profiles of temperature and
water vapor profiles shown in Fig. 4 are overlaid. This water line is much water vapor fractional abundance. For temperature, the thick solid line labeled
broader than the spectrometer bandwidth, which prevents us from getting an T(z)KP represents a best fit to the millimeter spectra obtained on 1999 April
accurate retrieval of the water abundance below 8 km. 24 by R. T. Clancy (2000, private communication) and is verified to be a good
fit to the observed 13CO spectrum. The thin solid lines represent offset profiles
has an overall error beyond the channel-to-channel noise; e.g., of 510 K, and the dashed line is a canonical temperature profile from the
the whole spectrum has an estimated uncertainty of 3%6% Viking era. For water vapor, the thick solid line represents a profile with
200 ppm in the lower atmosphere and following 100% RH above the saturation
relative to the numerical values on the ordinate of Figure 3. altitude.
This effect is much less important for the 13CO line.9

resolution, are overlaid on the reduced SWAS spectrum in Fig-
ure 2. The profile determined from the KP observations is
The observed line shape from a planetary atmosphere is a consistent with the SWAS observations, producing both the
complex function of the vertical profiles of temperature and width and the depth of the line shape; the spectra obtained by
the absorber abundance. This information is encoded in the offsets of 10 K in temperature provide significantly worse fits,
line shape through pressure broadening and therefore can be and the Viking profile is slightly less satisfactory than the 110
retrieved within certain bounds through a suitable numerical K model. A simple least-squares analysis of these models shows
inversion or through a radiative transfer model comparison. that the KP-measured temperature profile is a very good fit to
the data. This atmospheric temperature profile is significantly
4.1. Temperature cooler than profiles measured during the Viking mission, by as
much as 20 K. This trend in colder, probably less dusty at-
On 1999 April 24, observations of CO (21) and (10) were mospheric conditions since the Viking era has been identified
obtained by R. T. Clancy at the NRAO 12 m radio telescope earlier (Clancy et al. 1990, 1996).
on Kitt Peak (KP), Arizona. These observations were used to
construct a global mean temperature profile of the atmosphere
4.2. Water Vapor
(Fig. 4). These observations occurred near the middle of the
SWAS observation time frame. The water vapor distribution is expected to be governed by
We performed radiative transfer modeling of the 13CO (54) saturation vapor pressure; therefore, knowledge of the vertical
transition using this temperature profile, profiles with 510 K temperature profile is important. Different water vapor distri-
added, and a canonical temperature profile from the Viking era. butions are shown in Figure 4: a constant 30 parts per million
Other important atmospheric parameters were taken from (ppm) profile, a profile of 200 ppm in the lower atmosphere
Viking spacecraft and ground-based measurements (Psurf p and following vapor pressure saturation above 7 km (based on
5.9 mbar for this season, fCO p 9 # 1024 after correction for the best-fit temperature from the previous section), and pro-
seasonal pressure change, and 12CO/13 CO p 89; see Owen files that are factors of 10 greater and lesser than this profile
1992). At the line center, these models calculate zenith and at 35 km. We performed radiative transfer modeling of the
limb opacities of 2.4 and 25, respectively. The disk average H2O (110101) transition in the Martian atmosphere using each
contribution function in the line center peaks near 45 km. of the four distributions of water vapor. The resulting spectra,
Therefore, this line is sensitive to the atmospheric temperature convolved to the instrumental resolution, are overlaid in Fig-
profile from the surface to about 45 km. ure 3 on the observed water vapor spectrum.
The resulting model spectra, convolved to the instrumental The model spectrum based on a constant profile is too narrow
in the far wings and too broad in the core to be considered a
More specifically, this error in the LTC ratio spectrum is a function of the good fit to the data. From this, we find that the surface abun-
LTC value. For a continuum value C with error jC, the 13CO spectrum error dance of water vapor is most likely close to 200 ppm, but it
is (1 2 LTC)CjC, but the H2O spectrum error is (1 1 LTC)CjC. The difference
arises from the different ways that the spectra were converted to LTC ratio
could be higher by a factor of 2. Since the bandwidth of the
spectrum and is allowed since we can define, in a relative sense, the continuum instrument is much narrower than the line, the water vapor
level for the narrow 13CO line. abundance at low altitudes (with higher pressure broadening)

is not well determined. The mixing ratio of water vapor below 5. CONCLUSION
10 km is better measured with a much broader spectrometer These SWAS observations provide an important opportunity
(11 GHz), in which differences in model spectra would be to measure simultaneously the global average vertical profiles
more evident. of temperature and water vapor. From the 13CO (54) spectrum,
The three profiles based on subsaturation, 100% saturation, we verify the cool atmospheric temperatures obtained through
and supersaturation all give more reasonable fits to the observed ground-based millimeter spectroscopy. The simultaneously
water line, with the spectrum produced from a profile of 100% measured H2O (110101) spectrum is well matched by an at-
saturation being the best fit. For the line center, the best-fit mospheric profile of water vapor that follows constant, near
profile has a calculated opacity of about 800, and the disk 100% RH with altitude. These observations are valuable for
average contribution function peaks near 40 km. The contri- demonstrating that the water vapor distribution in the atmo-
bution function calculated for Dn p 2400 MHz, at the ob- sphere of Mars does appear to be controlled by saturation vapor
served band edge, peaks near 9 km, confirming that these data pressure effects. Therefore, seasonal and interannual variations
are fairly insensitive to the water vapor abundance below the in the thermal profile of the atmosphere are also a measure of
the water vapor distribution in the middle atmosphere, and these
altitude of saturation. From the best-fit profile, we have cal-
effects must be taken into account when trying to understand
culated the total column abundance to be 8112 23
temporal variations in atmospheric photochemistry and the
microns. transport of water in the atmosphere.
A comparison of these models with the observed spectrum
shows that the water vapor distribution above about 10 km is We thank R. T. Clancy for providing the contemporaneously
well matched by a profile of 100% relative humidity (RH), measured temperature profile of the Martian atmosphere and
which is determined from the atmospheric temperature profile. referee E. Lellouch for his helpful comments. The SWAS team
We estimate that the atmospheric RH was 50%100% based gratefully acknowledges NASA contract NAS5-30702. R.
on our radiative transfer modeling, with 100% providing the Schieder and G. Winnewisser would like to acknowledge the
best fit, and that the spectrum is best fitted by a profile that is generous support provided by the DLR through grants 50 0090
constant with altitude to within a factor of 2. 090 and 50 0099 011.

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