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Problem Solving Is Our Superpower!

Invention Convention Materials:

1)Introduction to Invention Convention Letter

2) Student Acknowledgment-Intent to Invent Form / Parent

Acknowledgement Form (due Thursday, March 16th)

3)Congratulations for Accepting the Challenge & Timeline

4)Invention Questionnaire and Seek Out a Problem and

Find a Solution pages from the Invention Convention
Student Journal pgs. 5-13 - Due Friday, March 24th

5)Rules for Journal Keeping

6)Naming the Invention

7)Display Board Tips

8)Patent Search

9)Presentation Practice Questions

10) Sample Scoring Sheet

Introducing the 2017 Invention Convention
Problem Solving is our Super Power!

Get Excited!!! We are about to unmask our superpowers! Did you know that anyone of any age can be an
inventor and entrepreneur? We are so exciting about our next EXCITING ALPHA projectInvention
Convention! Mark your calendars because our students will be showcasing their super-hero engineering
skills on April 24, 2017 at 6:00 in the Southside auditorium. The top five prototypes will be awarded!

Why implement Invention Convention??? I am so excited to implement the Invention Convention

because this allows our little engineers to pursue their natural curiosities, invent innovative solutions to
real-life problems, and be inspired to achieve at their personal best! My goal is to provide our students an
opportunity to optimize their performance in Georgias Science Standards of Excellence which are now
infused with engineering practices, and to increase knowledge in STEM and STEAM careers. Invention
Convention will reinforce critical thinking and problem solving, build leadership, promote advanced
communication skills and most importantly self-confidence! I believe our students have the superpowers
to seek out problems that impact our world and engineer real solutions!

Throughout the Invention Convention process our students will:

Seek and identify real-world problems based on a topic of interest
Research and design solutions
Engineer a prototype and develop it into a marketable invention

Between now and Friday, March 24th, the students should be thinking about problems in their everyday
lives that a new invention could solve. They can choose ANY topic of interest! The students must return
the Parent Acknowledgement and Student Acknowledgement-Intent to Invent forms by
Thursday, March 16th. Student journal pages 6-13 are due on Friday, March 24th.

The Invention Convention is an at home project, so please help your child review the timeline and make a
plan for time-management. However, I will plan afterschool work sessions for any students who may need
additional help or access to school resources. This is a required project for ALPHA students, but is optional
and encouraged for all Southside students. Parents are encouraged to help their student with acquiring
materials, building prototypes, and prompting their students critical thinking about his/her ideas and
design, but all ideas must be original to the student. Remember, the students are competing for awards
and other prizes and the work needs to be the students own work. The students responsibilities are as

Choose a problem and brainstorm solutions

Determine if the idea is already invented (patent search)
If working in a team (partners from different grades-only one partner allowed), they will be judged
at the higher grade level
Document research conducted and data collected in the development of the invention
Build and modify a prototypeno larger than 2 x 3, use of electricity at the competition will not be
permitted (battery operated is acceptable)
Document all steps and tests of the prototype in the Student Journal and with a camera
Create an Invention display (this may be a tri-board or any other artistic display)
PRACTICE the presentation of the invention. Students should write and practice a 30 second
speech about their prototype.
Bring journal, display (tri-board), and prototype to the Southside Invention Convention on Monday,
April 24th. Judging will begin at 5:00. Students should be in place and ready for judging by 4:45!

This is sure to be an exciting and memorable learning experience for your child. Your support and
cooperation are greatly appreciated. Please contact me with ANY questions! I have planning time every
day from 12:05-12:50. You can also email me at or call 229.377.3723. I
cant wait to see what our engineers create! As always, thank you for your continued support!
Mrs. Michael Singletary
Student Acknowledgement and Intent to Invent Form
Due- Thursday, March 16th

After reviewing the information in this entire packet, I [student name]

__________________________________ acknowledge that I will be participating in the Invention Convention
at Southside School on Monday, April 24th at 6:00.

My Grade: _______

Will you be working with a partner (Only one partner allowed)? Yes No

If you are working with a partner, please indicate your partners information below:

Partners Name: ___________________________________

Partners Grade: _______

Invention Convention Parent Acknowledgement Form

Due Thursday, March 16th

After reviewing the information in this entire packet, I acknowledge that my child,
______________________________, will be participating in the 2017 Invention Convention on April 24 th at
6:00. I understand that he/she will need my support and assistance while completing this project.
Students are required to be in place for judging by 4:45. Judging will start promptly at 5:00.

Student Signature: _______________________________________Date:________________

Parent Signature: _______________________________________ Date:________________

Parent Email: _______________________________________

(Please update your email if I do not already have it on file)


You have accepted the challenge of participating in Southsides 2017 Invention Convention! All the
handouts and information you will need to complete your project are contained in this packet. Read
your timeline carefully so you know which handouts you should be reading as you work on your

Four Common Means (Ways) to Invent:

Improve upon a product. Change something and make it better.
Combine ideas. Put two or more inventions together to create something new.
Create a new use for an item.
Create an original inventiona totally new product or idea.

Invention Convention Suggested Timeline

Program Rollout - [03/13 through 04/24]:
Preliminary Activities:
o Research different inventions, who invented them, the problems they solve, how
the inventor found the problem and came up with the solution, etc.
o Use the Invention Questionnaire to identify a problem and an invention that may
solve it.
Complete and return the Student Acknowledgement-Intent to Invent and Parent
Acknowledgment formsdue Thursday, March 16th.
Student Journal Pages 6-13 Seek Out a Problem, Find A Solution and
Design a Prototype are Due Friday, March 24th.

Following the Student Journal: Suggested Timeline

[03/13] - [03/24] The Seek out a Problem, Find a Solution, and Design a Prototype
journal pages are due by Friday, March 24th. Research to make sure your invention idea
does not already exist. (Instructions included- See Invention Convention Journal Pages 6-
[03/25] - [4/9] Design, Create, and Test your prototype- Complete pages 14-20 in your
Invention Convention journal.
o Design a Prototype
o Build/Create your Prototype
o Test, Redesign and Summarize
o Create a catchy name for your invention. See the Naming Your Invention
o Create a display board for your invention. The Internet also has many websites
devoted to creating quality display boards. See the Tips for A Quality Display
handout for guidance. Also, do a google search for Invention Convention
Displays to help generate ideas.
[04/09-4/23] Create a display board for your invention. The Internet also has many
websites devoted to creating quality display boards. See the Tips for A Quality Display
handout for guidance. PRACTICE YOUR PRESENTATION. Write a 30 second speech about
your prototype. This speech will be presented as you are judged. Use the presentation
practice questions attached to help prepare for judging. Also, use the scoring rubric to
help you understand what the judges are looking for.
[04/24] Invention Convention-6:00 at Southsides auditorium!!! Your completed
Invention Convention Journal, Display, and Prototype should be set up by 4:45 at your
assigned space in the auditorium. Judging will begin at 5:00 and winners will be
announced when Southsides school wide STEM Showcase begins at 6:00. Please use the
folder I provided or put the journal in your own folder. The Invention Convention and STEM
Showcase will end at 7:00.
Practice, practice, practice your presentation. Have someone ask
you questions about your invention so you are comfortable talking
to the judges.
Invention Questionnaire

Use this form to ask family members and friends about problems that need to be solved. This may
help you brainstorm an idea for an invention.

What does not work as well as you would like it to work? Think of your favorite or least favorite toys
or games. Think about ANY topic you are most interested in.

What are your hobbies? Based on your hobbies, what problems would you like to have solved?

What problems around your home would you like to have solved?

What problems around your school would you like to have solved?

Other areas of your life (car, store, etc.)?

If you could invent something to make your life easier, what would you invent?
Rules for Journal Keeping

The journal should be completed in the STUDENTS HANDWRITING. The journal

should be written very neatly. A pen or a pencil should be used for the final copy. No markers
Make notes each day about the things you do and learn while working on your invention.
Record your idea and how you got it.
Write about problems you encounter and how you solve them.
Add sketches and drawings to make things clear.
List all parts, sources, and cost of materials although you dont have to purchase materials to
create your prototype.
Date all entries at the time they are made.
You may keep a rough draft journal during the process, but will need to transfer the
information to the official Invention Convention journal before the competition.
Use complete sentences in your journal.

Naming Your Invention

An invention can be named in one of the following ways:

Using the inventors name:
o Levi Strauss = Levi jeans
o Louis Braille = Braille alphabet system for the blind
Using the components or ingredients of the invention:
o Root beer, peanut butter
Using initials or acronyms:
Using word combinations (notice repeated consonant sounds/rhyming words):
o Hula Hoop, Pudding Pops, Kit Kat, Capn Crunch
Using the products function:
o Earmuffs, hairbrush, Swiffer

Tips for a Quality Display

Design your display board so that it represents your invention clearly and attractively.
Use a tri-fold board (or create your own display) so it is sturdy enough to stand by itself and
large enough to show pictures and drawings.
o A tri-fold display board can be purchased at office supply stores. Please let me know if
you will need the school to supply a tri-fold board for you.
Titles and subtitles should be large, clear, and neat!
If possible, all information for the board should be typed and printed from a computer. You
can handwrite the information for the board, but it must be spelled correctly and written in
your neatest handwriting.
Use colorful paper to make borders and frames for your titles and information.
Do not leave large empty spaces on the display board. Include photos and drawings.
Balance the arrangement of materials on the board.
Rubber cement or double-sided tape is neater than white school glue.
Sample Invention Display Layout

Hundreds of examples of display boards can be found online through a simple image search using
keywords like Invention Convention display board. Here is a sample layout to get you started:

Headings to be included on your display board (not limited to the

Name of Invention- Title
Engineered by: Your name
Research- Include a summary of your research. You should include
research about the problem you are trying to solve. You are showing
a need for your invention with your research. (Minimum page,
Maximum- 1 page)
Blueprint- a detailed drawing of your prototype with labels This
should be neat and colorful.
Engineering Design Process Summary- Explain how you used the
engineering design process to design, create, and improve your
prototype. Use page 4 as a guide. (Minimum page, Maximum 1
Materials/Supply list
Pictures- Ask someone to take pictures of you as you are working
through the steps of the Engineering Design Process. Post your
pictures on your display board.
Patent Search

You must complete a patent search of your invention to verify the originality of your invention. Here
are some online resources to help you get started:

Presentation Practice Questions

Prepare a short speech (about 30 seconds) to recite as you are

being judged. Your speech should provide basic information
about how you used the Engineering Design Process and what
problem your invention solves. The judges will ask you
questions about your invention, so make sure you are prepared!

Have someone ask you these and other questions to practice your
What problem does your invention solve?
How did you get your idea?
How do you know that this has not been invented before?
Are you interested in pursuing a patent?
What was the most difficult part of creating your invention?
Who would benefit from your invention? How would they benefit?
How could you market your product?
Explain your student journal. How was it helpful?
Where could you go next with your invention?

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