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Lit Unit: Day 2

-Define terms
Loyalists were American colonists who remained loyal to the Britain during the
American Revolutionary War. At the time they were often called Tories.
Hessians refers to the approximately 30,000 German troops hired by the British to
help fight during the American Revolution. They were principally drawn from the German state
of Hesse-Cassel.
Redcoats: Another word for the British because of what they wore.
Turncoat: is a person who shifts allegiance from one loyalty or ideal to another,
betraying or deserting an original cause by switching to the opposing side.
-Most famous: General Benedict Arnold
-Ask: What side do you think was switching here that he was referring to?

-Show imagery to paint a picture in their minds.

Recap the first couple chapters. What happened? Who does he want to fight? Why was his
family worried?

-Before reading, start off with a bell.

-Read (a lot!)
Begin at 10:25
- Stop on page 9 Hows he feeling? (O lord paragraph)
-Stop on page 10, He could go home.. Or to the tavern Its a DILEMMA.
-Mention militia (military created by civilians to aid in emergency) while reading (p. 10)
-Mention Corporal (low ranking officer) while reading (p. 13)
-Bottom of 15, Should he stay or should he go?
-Height of the gun (p. 17)
-End at 12:05 (page 19)

At the end

Based on what we have learned about the character, what do you think they will do next? Cite
using text evidence.

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