1-11-17 Lesson Plan Bonding Review

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Bridgewater College Teacher Education Program Lesson Plan

Name: Josh Bollinger Plan for 60 minutes

Subject/Grade Level: Lesson Title: Unit: Date or Lesson #:

8th Grade Science Identifying and Practicing Bonding Chemistry Unit 1/11/17

Virginia SOL/National Standard:

PS.4 The student will investigate and understand the organization and use of the periodic table of elements to obtain
information. Key concepts include
b) classification of elements as metals, metalloids, and nonmetals; and
formation of compounds through ionic and covalent bonding.

Measurable Lesson Objective(s):

After this lesson, students will be able to identify whether a compound is Ionic, Covalent, or Impossible.

Students will be able to identify the various parts of a chemical formula and a chemical bond.

Materials/Technologies/Resources Needed:

Entrance Ticket/warmup: vocabulary

Kahoot quiz, and laptops for the students to take it on

Fly swatters for white board slap activity

Exit ticket

Magnet compounds

Assessment (Formative and/or Summative):

Formative assessments in the form of entrance and exit tickets

Anticipatory Set, and Review Prior Knowledge: Entrance Ticket

Teacher will: Students will: Accommodations/ Anticipated

Differentiation: Time:
Hand out the warm-up review half sheets
Spend more time 10 minutes
Explain how to match the letter with the Listen to instructions and work on the helping those
vocabulary phrases. warm-up. When finished, signal for the
students who are
teacher to come and check it. more confused, or
While students are working, take
attendance and circulate the classroom let them consult a
assisting where needed. Check the neighbor for help.
completed warm-ups as the students
Teaching Process & Modeling (Content is presented, accessed or built)

Guided Practice & Checking for Understanding

Independent Practice

Teacher will: Students will: Accommodations/ Anticipated

Differentiation: Time:
Do a verbal review of what part of the Participate in practicing identifying
periodic table is nonmetal (right of the where nonmetals and metals are. Go (The waiting to About
stair step) and which are metals (left of over the 3 types of bonding, showing answer until 20 minutes
the stair step). Review the 3 types of the little motions for each (ionic: giving instructed is an
bonds; Ionic (nonmetal + metal), and taking motion, covalent: holding accommodation
Covalent (nonmetals), and Metallic hands together, metallic: arm waving for students who
(metals). around). cant read very
Give instructions for each table to get Get up one table at a time as the
laptops from the cart and to sign in. Have teacher releases them to get laptops.
the quiz pulled up on the teacher Boot up the computers and log in with
computer, and set up the Kahoot game. their student IDs.

Lead kids in the Kahoot game; make Pull up the Kahoot website, enter their
students read question completely, and actual names, and wait to start. Listen
only after I say Go can students answer and follow teachers instructions to wait
the question. This tests their until instructed to answer.
comprehension instead of speed. Keep
track of students who answer
beforehand, and make note to subtract
500 points

Give the top 2 or 3 students candy for a

prize after the quiz is over.

When finished, have students return the

laptops and return to their seats. Once
finished, separate class into two teams.
Give instructions and then have them
stand inside the square of tables.
Next Activity:
The next activity: write different
compounds on a white board. Show two Listen to instructions; line up in two As long as
students at the front of the line who have teams in front of the whiteboard. When needed
a flyswatter each. Once shown, have the teacher shows a compound on their
(~20 min.)
students run to board and swat the board, run the board and slap the
correct option written there (Ionic, correct answer.
covalent, metallic). Award a point to the
team of the person who swats the
correct answer first.
Closure: Exit Ticket

Teacher will: Students will: Accommodations/ Anticipated

Differentiation: Time:
Hand out the exit ticket to students Fill out the exit ticket, answering the
before the end of class. Have them questions and turning into the 5-10
answer the review questions about teacher on the way out of the minutes
ionic, covalent, and metallic bonds. classroom.
Have students hand them in as they

Scan over the quizzes as they turn

them in, separating those tickets
where students seemed to struggle.

Declarative Summary Statement:

Good review today everyone. Make sure you start feeling comfortable with knowing the types of bonding. We will review
further tomorrow for the test.

Activity If Extra Time Remains or Technology Fails:

Compound magnet sorting

Teacher will: Students will: Accommodations/ Anticipated

Differentiation: Time:
Remind students about how this Decide what type of bond each of their
previously worked; compounds are and place them under As the teacher ~10 minutes
the corresponding categories. passes the
Hand out compound magnets to
compounds out,
students, either 1, 2, or 3 each After all are up, find which may be give some students
depending on class size. Have written on incorrect and let teacher know how easier or harder
the white board Ionic, Covalent, and many they see by holding up how many compounds
Impossible. using their fingers. depending on their
Give students a minute or two to figure Once called on, they may go to the need.
out what each of their compounds are, board and change one, waiting for the
then dismiss them to put their magnets teacher/class to confirm or correct the
under the proper category. switch.

Once all are up, give students time to

correct any that may be wrong

Note: Attach or provide hyperlink to all handouts, external documents, resources, etc.

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