Miss Sandozequis Rules Consequences and Rewards System

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Miss Sandozequis 1st Grade Classroom Rules, Consequences, and Rewards

Alexis Sandozequi

Grand Canyon University: ELM 250

February 20th, 2017


Rules Minor Consequence Major Consequence

1. When the teacher is 1. The first offense will receive a 1. The first offense will result
talking, you are listening. verbal warning. in a written reflection on
2. The second time will result in why you werent paying
written reflection on why you attention due by the end of
werent paying attention due class.
by the end of class. 2. The second offense will
result in a note sent home.
2. Treat others the way you 1. The first offense will receive a 1. The first offense will be a
would like to be treated. verbal warning. one-on-one conversation
2. The second offense will lead with teacher after class.
to a one-on-one conversation 2. The second time will be a
after the class. note/call home to parents.
3. Always raise your hand 1. The first offense will be the 1. The first offense will be a
quietly and wait for the teacher ignoring you until you verbal warning.
teacher to call on you. properly raise your hand. 2. The second offense will be
2. Second offense will be a a written reflection on why
verbal warning. you misbehaved in class
due by the end of class.
4. Keep your hands, feet, 1. The first offense will be a 1. The first offense will be a
and bodies to yourself. verbal warning. one-on-one conversation
2. The second offense will be a with the teacher.
one-on-one conversation with 2. The second offense will be
the teacher. a call/not home to the
5. Have good manners 1. The first offense will be to 1. The first offense will be a
towards your classmates repeat the action or verbal warning.
and your teacher. conversation and then using 2. The second offense will be
manners where you didnt the a written apology to the
last time. Ex. Didnt say thank person you didnt use
you. Please go back and say manners towards.
thank you to your classmate.
2. The second offense will be a
verbal warning.

Rewards System Pros Cons

1. Gets the students 1. Its an extrinsic reward.
Treasure Box motivated enough to 2. Will only finish an
pay attention assignment for a prize.
2. Teaches saving and
Classroom Coupons 1. Gets the students 1. Rewards are more
motivated. extrinsic than intrinsic.
2. Students work towards 2. Students start to expect
a specific goal in mind. rewards rather than
earning them.
Marbles in Jar 1. Gets the class as one to 1. Marbles only
behave. encourage desired
2. Helps the class learn to behaviors instead of
work together to earn a teaching them.
reward. 2. Work for a reward
instead of a goal.
Tally System 1. Lets the teacher see 1. This can single out the
who is on task and students who
who isnt at all times. misbehave and make
2. Gives the students the them feel embarrassed.
responsibility to 2. Makes teacher look for
behave well when it is more misbehaviors
on the board for all to than good behaviors.

My Reward System:

For my reward system in my own class, I would like to mix the classroom coupons and

the marbles in the jar concepts together. They both have really great pros and their cons can be

fixed with simple ideas. The marbles in the jar concept gets them to work as a classroom to reach

a goal. The classroom coupons could be an everyday reward where the marble in the jar would

take longer. These give more intrinsic rewards rather than extrinsic. Many rewards systems used

in classrooms today revolve around extrinsic motivation which is where a student behaves well

or completes an assignment for a piece of candy or a small toy in the treasure box. This doesnt

give the students any intrinsic motivation like behaving in class because they want but because if

they do, they will get candy. That teaches our students how to be greedy and I do not want that

for my students.


I chose these rules, consequences, and rewards because these will help build character in

my students. That is the whole point on why I am becoming a teacher. Teachers shape who we

become and many teachers out there forget that when they set up their rules and rewards system.

Making rules is a huge part of classroom management because without them, the students will

not have any discipline, which they need in their life. Discipline has such a nasty stigma attached

to it when it is so necessary in a classroom. Consequences are what they learn the lesson from.

School is all about learning lessons and I mean that literally and figuratively. Literally, the

students are learning lessons every day in the classroom and figuratively, they are learning life

lessons in the classroom, the playground, and everywhere else on campus. When I was in school,

if I ever got in trouble, which was very rare, I would only remember that bad thing for the rest of

the day. Whatever good happened that day was automatically erased because I got in trouble. I

never wanted to experience that ever again and I learned from that consequence. Consequences

can be intrinsic and extrinsic as well. If the students receive consequences that have no effect on

them like a detention slip, then how are they learning from it? The answer is that they are not.

Also, with new teachers, we dont really know how to punish our students properly. We wont

know until we learn their backgrounds and their personalities. From what I have learned in class,

A new teacher may be over punishing students when they take their recess away,

(Conversation with Professor Juarez, 2017). I also learned that, background must be considered

when punishing students because there is always a need behind the deed, (Conversation with

Professor Juarez, 2017). As a soon-to-be teacher, I know that these concepts need to be like

second hand nature to me because the students in my classroom depend on it. As for the reward

system I chose, I feel that it will give my students a better outlook on what to expect for their

future classes. As they get older, their teachers wont be the happy female teachers they are used

to seeing but the more serious looking teachers. Some teachers might not even use a reward

system in their class and I want my students prepared for anything. Thats my main goal for

teaching. To prepare my students as much as I can and to get them to be their best self. With

these rules, consequences, and rewards, I think I can pull it off.



Juarez, B., Professor. (2017, February). Topic Three- Rules, Consequences, and Rewards.


How to Create Your Family Treasure Box Reward System. (2015, March 27). Retrieved

February 20, 2017, from http://www.mamawise.org/positive-reinforcement/treasure-


Longfellow New Tech Elementary. (n.d.). Retrieved February 20, 2017, from


Marble Jar Reward System. (n.d.). Retrieved February 20, 2017, from


Pros and Cons of Reward Systems for Primary Schools Infographic. (2015, November 16).

Retrieved February 20, 2017, from http://elearninginfographics.com/pros-cons-


Wellington, R. (n.d.). First Grade Classroom Management Plan. Retrieved February 20,

2017, from



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