1 48combat - v1.1

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Proudly presents:


Version 1.1 extended - July 2009

from an original concept by Stefano Cavan
2009 Baueda Wargames Ltd - All right reserved

These rules can be freely duplicated and distributed but

only in their complete unchanged original format!

Welcome to the most innovative and exciting WWII skirmish tabletop miniatures game in sight!
In 1-48COMBAT you command a small force based on a real world army of WWII and attempt to attain
victory over your opponents with your superior tactics and a little luck!
The whole game can be scaled up without bogging down thanks to 1-48COMBAT robust engine and unique
command and control system, but we would suggest to play your first battles with forces of no more than 5-6
figures each, which will already give you a very enjoyable game. You'll learn all the basic rules in a couple
of games and you can then begin to scale it up as you expand your collection. A player force don't need to
be composed of a single squad, you can grow your army to one or more full companies, and we are already
working on expanded rules for even larger forces, multiplayer games and armored support! This version of
the rules however sticks to the basic game in its most essential form, which produces fast and exciting games
that last less than an hour.

To play the game you need:

A board to play on; the figures with their stat cards, Action Tokens, Opportunity and Suppression fire and
wound markers, some scenic elements, a bunch of six-sided dices (D6) and of course at least one opponent!

Youll find exquistely crafted miniatures, scenic elements, stat cards, action tokens, fire and wound markers
in each blister of 1-48COMBAT, but you can try out the game immediately without parting with your
hard earned cash! Just print out the card and token pages at the end of these rules, glue them back to front
carefully aligning the register marks and cut them out. Thats it, you can now play the game using any
suitable miniature and scenic item you may already have around... simply mark the bases of each miniature
so you know which card refers to it. It may not look too good but dont worry about it, half way into your
first game youll get so hooked up that you wont be able to resist buying the whole range anyway!

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each miniature in 1-48COMBAT represent a real person called a character. Every single character has its
own stat card which shows its profile, abilities, equipment and permitted actions. Let's look at an example:
Character Name, unit and Point
Value (between brackets)

Movement Factor
Armed Force it belongs to
Target Factor Max number of Action
permitted per Round

Aim Factor

Attack Dice in Hand to Hand

Weapon(s) description
Weapon(s) Type
Max Number of Shooting
Actions per turn

Attack Dice at Long Range

Attack Dice at Short Range

{ Attack profile

1-48COMBAT is played by two people, with each in command of a single section or squad, on a board no
smaller than 60x60 cm (2x2) and no larger than 90x90 cm (3x3). All measurements are in units (u) with a
unit being either one inch or 2,5 cm throughout a game.
Set up the table by placing at least as many scenic elements as are the miniatures in play, the more you use
the more interesting will be your game!
Scenic elements are fundamental for the gameplay, they offer protection to your troops and could eventually
also represent a game objective. Place them in any way you like, but a realistic set-up makes for the best
games. As you place the scenic elements on the table you have to declare if they offer partial or total cover.
Each 1-48COMBAT original miniature already comes with a suitable 60mm round partial cover scenic
element and larger square-based scenic models for total cover are available separately, but if you are using
your own models (or books, mugs etc.) its best to use the tallest for total cover and lower ones for partial
cover, or even better use some convention to distinguish them, such as basing size or a distinctive element
on each.
Roll a dice each: the highest scoring player will set up the battlefield, but is his opponent who will choose on
which side to deploy his troops. The first player will have to deploy on the opposite side.
The total value of your force must be agreed on with your opponent before the game starts. Every figure in
the game has a point value shown on the stat card that it comes packaged with. Simply add together the total
points of all your figures to calculate the total value for your force, we suggest you to keep your first games
at 40-50 points per side to begin with.
In your first games its generally better to play balanced matches with forces of equal Point Value, but a
difference of a few Points its never a problem. The player with the highest total Point Value deploy first; if
the total is exactly the same roll a dice and the lowest scoring will have to deploy his first character. Players
then take turns deploying one character at a time until all forces are on the table.
All characters must be deployed within 6u from the table edge of a player own side.
Now put all corresponding cards and the 12 Action Tokens in front of you and let the battle begin!

2 1-48combat_v1.1
Play is by Rounds, each divided in alternate turns. Central to 1-48COMBAT is the concept of Actions. Each
player has a total budget of 12 Actions Tokens for a whole Round, of which he can spend up to a maximum
of 6 at a time in each turn. Action Tokens (AT) are used for basically everything you want your characters to
do, and learn to spend them wisely is the key to master the game!

Each Round starts with a initiative roll, one D6 each, the highest scorer goes first. Even before rolling for
initiative however its possible to try to improve your chances by spending ATs, each one increasing your
final score by +1. To do this you just announce you are spending one or more AT to boost your initiative
score; your opponent will have the chance to do the same, until you both decide its enough. There is no
limit to the number of AT you can spend in this way but the more initiative boost youll buy the less youll
have left to spend in that game Round. In theory you can spend all 12 of them to gain the initiative but there
would be no point in doing that, since you wont be able to do anything once the game starts! If the adjusted
initiative roll scores are even just keep rolling...

The player who wins the initiative goes first, he can spend up to 6 ATs in his turn, after which the other
player takes its turn and so on until all ATs have been spent. ATs can be spent as you like in your turn, only
subject to the following restrictions:
1) a character is permitted to perform only Actions that are listed on his stat card, except for Attack and Take
Cover action which are always permitted to all.
2) a character can not perform more Actions in a single Round than the max number of permitted Actions
indicated on his stat card.
Each time you get your character to perform an action put an Action Token on his card. You can spend ATs
on a character to do something, than spend some on another and then perform more Actions with the first
one even if it has already, provided it does keep within the max number of permitted Actions indicated
on his stat card. ATs spent in your opponent turn (for example to Take Cover) do not count against the
maximum of 6 ATs per turn. Spent ATs cannot be reused until the end of the Round. If a player runs out of
ATs at any point his adversary keeps going until he finishes all his, even if he has more than 6 left. Once all
Ats have been spent each player get back a full hand of 12 ATs and a new Round begins with a new initiative
Every character can perform the basic Attack and Take Cover actions plus any of the
following as indicated on its stat card.
Attack Actions are Fire (Shooting), Throwing Handgranade, Hand to Hand.
A character can attack only with the weapons that he is equipped with as detailed in the
Attack Profile on the stat card. Characters with more than one weapon can use only one in each turn.
When firing at a target in the open every 4, 5 or 6 is a hit, while in partial cover a target is hit only rolling a 5
or a 6.
Fire: to shoot at an enemy character first of all you need to declare which one of your miniatures is firing
and which one is the target. At this point if the target character is beyond 5u it can choose to Take Cover,
see below. Now you can fire: the maximum number of shots you can take in each turn is determined by your
weapon Shots value as indicated on the stat card. Each shot costs one AT and allow you to roll as many D6
as indicated on the stat card for the weapon used, the L value if the target is at Long distance (beyond 10u)
and the S value if the target is at Short distance (within or exactly at 10u). The number of hits when firing is
largely irrelevant, one or more always causing only one wound result. The only exception is in the case of a
double 6 which is a headshot and istantly eliminate the target.
Throwing Handgranade: it costs two ATs to throw a single handgranade; place a marker (anyone would do)
where you are throwing it, within Short distance (no more than 10u). Now roll a D6: on a 5-6 it will explode
where you placed the marker; on a 3-4 you ropponent will get to move the marker up to 1 u in the direction
he wants and on a 1-2 hell get to move it up to 2 u. The radius of the explosion is indicated in u by the R
value in the stat card, every character (friend or foe) within that distance is subject to the attack with as many
dice as indicated on the stat card (there is only the S value obviously since you cant throw them at Long
range!) Note that the explosion will not harm any character in cover (even only partial cover) relative to the
marker, but the granade can be thrown behind (or inside) a cover so that the target wont be in cover relative
to the explosion. Handgranades can also be thrown beyond total cover as long as the character throwing it is
within 5u from the cover itself. A handgranade makes a single attack roll against all the miniatures in range
and not in cover, all together at the same time: with one or more hits one character is wounded (Defenders
choice), with two 6 scores all characters are wounded and with three or more 6 all characters are eliminated.
When attacked with a handgranade characters can not choose to Take Cover.
Hand to Hand (H2H): happens as soon as two miniatures bases are in contact; the character that moved
into contact rolls first as many D6 as indicated on the stat card for H2H. Each 5 or 6 is a hit and each hit is a
wound. If the the character that has been attacked survives the first roll he will immediately fight back in the
very same way; the fight will continue until one of the two characters is eliminated. Note that while moving
into contact is a an Action that requires an AT to be spent (and placed on the card as usual) the Hand to Hand
combat at that point is automatic and does not require the
spending of any further AT.
Take Cover: as soon as a shooting is declared on a
character this can spend one AT to reduce the chances of
being hit. In the open it gets hit only with a 5 or a 6, in
partial cover only with a 6. This Action is effective
for all the shooting of a single
enemy character in that turn, but
not for further attacks from other
If a character is being fired upon
from within 5u it can not use Take

4 1-48combat_v1.1
Movement: its the max number of u the character can move by spending one AT. Climb up or down any
elevated position costs two ATs. Any change in direction or facing are free. Friendly characters dont prevent
movement across, but obviously the miniature cannot end the movement in the same place, so if it hasnt
enough movement allowance left to completely clear the base of a friendly character must stop short. No
character can ever spend more than 3 AT in movement in the same turn.
Target: is used for opportunity fire. The Target Action costs one AT and let you place one Target Marker
in any point of the battlefield provided that the character placing it has clear Line Of Sight (LOS) to it. As
soon as an enemy character comes in sight within the distance indicated in u by the Target Factor in the stat
card your opponent turn is halted and you get an immediate shot at it. This shoting cost ATs as a normal
attack, but happens in your opponent turn and the target character can not choose to Take Cover. Once this
attack is over your opponent will resume its turn. The Target Marker will remain active where it is placed
as long as its not used or the character who placed it does not make any other Action, in which cases its
immediately removed.
Aim: when shooting it increases the number of D6 thrown with the first shot by the Aim Factor value
indicated in the stat card. Each character can use it only once per turn. Cost 1 AT.
Move and Fire: it combines a movement action with a shooting action (1 shot) at the cost of only one
AT. The value indicated on the stat card is the max movement in u with a single Action. It allows to shoot at
a target that is in LOS either at the beginning, during or at the end of the movement. Shooting happens with
the values indicated on the stat card for the weapon used, typically a submachinegun.
Suppression Fire: denies all attacks to all characters within the range indicated in the stat card. Let you
place a Suppression Fire Marker in any point of the battlefield provided that the character placing it has clear
Line Of Sight (LOS) to it. Place also another Suppression Fire Marker on the card of the character that is
doing the Action until the end of the Round or until that character will do any other Action, at which point
all Markers will be removed. Every character (friend or foe) that at any moment find himself in LOS and
within range of the Suppression Fire Marker wont be able to do any Attack Actions for that turn except
throwing an handgranade at a reduced distance of 5u max. As long as the Marker is in place at the beginning
of all your turns roll a D6: each time you score a 6 a character of your choice within range of the marker is
Wound. This attack happens automatically and doesnt require to spend any more AT. Officers and NCOs
can use this Action to coordinate fire of all friendly characters within
their command radius (5u), spending one AT for each, and placing a
Suppression Fire Marker on their cards: in this case roll one D6 for every
character with a Suppression Fire Marker on its card. The Officer or NCO
himself is not forced to take part, but can if so chooses. A character cant
do Suppression Fire if it has already done any other attack Action in the
same turn. As soon as a character takes any other Action remove the
Marker from his card. Remember to remove all Suppression Fire Markers
including that on the table at the end of the Round.
These are characteristic of a character which have a permanent effect if
they appear on the stat card and dont require spending ATs to use.
Command: a character with this ability (an Officer or a NCO) may
allow a friendly character within its command radius (6u) to perform more Actions than those indicated on
its stat card. The maximum number of extra Actions that can be transferred is the value indicated next to the
Command symbol on the card, and each extra Action cost as normal one AT which is placed on the Officer
Camouflage: a character with this ability always counts as if having Take Cover whenever in partial
cover, it is therefore only hit on a roll of 6.
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All measurements are in units (u) with a unit being either one inch or 2,5 cm throughout a game. All
distances are measured from the closest possible point on the edge of a miniature base or a marker.
If a target character is hidden behind a scenic element that provide total cover (a house, a rock formation, a
tank etc.) so that no point of its base is visible from any point of the attacking character base without passing
through the base of the scenic element itself it is considered not in sight and can not be shot at. Otherwise
there is a Line Of Sight (LOS) to it, which could be clear or partially covered.
If any one point of the target base (but not all) is visible from any point of the attacking character base
without passing through the base of a scenic element providing total cover the target is in partial cover. Its
also in partial cover if there is an intervening scenic element providing partial cover (a low wall or rubble,
vegetation, smoke etc.) or another character. No such element or character offer partial cover if is within 2 u
from the shooting character. If the whole of a target base is visible than there is a clear Line Of Sight (LOS)
and the target is in the open.
1-48COMBAT 60mm round scenic bases are all partial cover. If a character arrives to touch it from any
direction it can choose the get into it for free, and the miniature is positioned in the apposite hole; it is then
always automatically considered in partial cover from any direction. Any eventual measuring is still taken as
normal from the miniature base edge.




When a character is wounded his card is immediately turned on the wounded side and the values indicated
there used from this moment onward. The wound marker is also immediately placed on the base of the
miniature until the end of the current Round. The character will not be able to take any further Action and
counts as if having Take Cover until the wound marker is removed.
If a wounded character is wound again, or if a character is fired upon with a double 6 result in a single shot,
or hit with three or more 6 by an explosion is eliminated. The miniature can be left face down on table but its
card is removed and count as lost.
There are two basic game types you can choose from: Mission or Skirmish.
In Skirmish mode the first player that eliminates at least half of the enemy characters wins the game.
In Mission at the start of the game each player choose a scenic element at least partly within its deployment
zone that will be used as his game objective; if his opponents gets at least one miniature in base contact with
it will win the game, regardless of losses incurred to do so. Note however that even in Mission, if a player
eliminates at least half of the enemy characters before any objective has been reached he will still win the
As with any rule there will always be some particular situation it is not been covered, in this case roll a
D6 for it and then report the case at http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/1-48COMBAT so that we can
incorporate it in the next version, and have a great time with 1-48COMBAT!
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