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Strategic Teaching Guide

Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor

Book Level: 4.4

By: Brooke Carter

Table of Contents

Chapter 1.....3
Chapter 2.....4
Chapter 3 & 4.........5
Chapter 5..........6
Chapter 6.......7
Chapter 8.......8
Chapter 9.......9
Chapter 10.........10
Chapter 11......11
Chapter 12......12
Chapter 13 & 14......13
Chapter 15......14


Chapter 1 (Pictionary).....16
Chapter 2 (Entrance Ticket).....17
Chapter 3 & 4 (Frayer Model)....18
Chapter 5 (KWL Chart)....19
Chapter 6 (Tweet the Text).....21
Chapter 8 (Vocabulary Cluster).....22
Chapter 9 (Coding Text).....24
Chapter 10 (Foldable)28
Chapter 11 (RAFT)29
Chapter 12 (Vocabulary High Five)..34
Chapter 13 & 14 (Vobackulary)..35
Chapter 15 (Semantic Map)..36


Chapter 1

Target Vocabulary Words:
-Scolding (pg. 1)
-Detour (pg. 1)
-Slinking (pg. 3)
-Barreling (pg. 5)
Discussion Questions:
1. What would you recommend Marty do when he began to realize Shiloh was following him
home? (Evaluating)
2. What is the main idea of the first chapter? (Understanding)
Activity: Pictionary
After-reading strategy
1. Students will be placed into 4 heterogeneous groups.
2. Once students are in their groups they will select a person in their group that will
come up to the board to draw a picture representing a target word when it is their
groups turn.
3. When it is a groups turn, they will send up the person they selected. The student at
the board will be given a card with a target word from this chapter.
4. The team member at the board will have about 2 minutes to draw their picture
while their team tries to guess the word represented by the picture being drawn.
5. Once the two minutes is over, group members will need to make their final guess if
they had not already guessed it.
6. Groups MUST discuss and come to an agreement before saying any answers aloud.
7. If their guess is incorrect, other teams will have the opportunity to guess what they
think the word is based on the picture that was drawn.
8. If teams are unable to guess the word, the student at the board should tell all the
teams the target word.
9. This process will continue until all 4 teams have gone once.
The purpose of this activity is to serve as a way for students to enhance their knowledge of
the target words found in this chapter by providing them with the opportunity to use their prior
knowledge to make connections to the picture being drawn. This activity also includes Marzanos third,
fourth, and fifth steps by involving students in an activity that encourages students to discuss what
word they think their team members drawing is representing. Pictionary appeals to all three types of
learners but mainly visual and auditory.

*See Appendix, pg. 16*

Chapter 2

Target Vocabulary Words:

-Loping (pg. 10)
-Flustered (pg. 13)
-Trembling (pg. 14)
-Wanders (pg. 17)
Discussion Questions:
1. Based on what you know, what conclusions can you draw about the type of person Judd
Travers seems to be from Martys description of him? (Analyzing)
2. Do you agree with Martys fathers actions of choosing to return Shiloh to his owner, Judd
Travers? Explain. (Evaluating)
Activity: Entrance Ticket
After-reading strategy
1. Each student will receive an entrance ticket. They should flip the entrance ticket over and
answer the questions from chapters one and two by circling the correct answer to each
2. Students will have 3-5 minutes to complete the questions on the back of the entrance
ticket. Tickets should be collected after 5 minutes.
3. If students finish early they should flip over their entrance ticket and pull out the dog. On
the lines provided on the dog, students should write what they would do if a dog followed
them home and what kind of dog they would want to follow them home.
The purpose of this entrance ticket is to serve as a reading check on the first two chapters
in Shiloh. It is to see if students read and are able to remember what they read. This entrance ticket
also gets students actively thinking about what they would want and would do if they were in Martys
situation. Students are invited to be creative by coming up with alternatives.

*See Appendix, pg. 17*

Chapters 3 & 4

Target Vocabulary Words:
-Catalog (pg. 21)
-Warden (pg. 28)
-Scraps (pg. 29)
-Lapping (pg. 32)
-Planks (pg. 33)
Discussion Questions:
1. Based on what you know, what are some other things Marty could plan to do to help him
earn enough money to buy Shiloh from Judd Travers? (Creating)
2. Why did Marty decide to hide Shiloh on the hill in the woods instead of returning him to
Judd Travers like he had done before with his father? (Remembering)
Activity: Frayer Model
After-reading strategy
1. Split students into five heterogeneous groups.
2. Each group will receive a Frayer Model that holds a definition, characteristics, examples,
and non-examples of a target word from chapters 3 or 4.
3. Each group should receive a different Frayer Model but within each group, each group
member will receive a copy of the Frayer Model that is assigned to their group.
4. Students should read and discuss the parts of their Frayer Model with their group members
to try and figure out the target word.
5. This should take anywhere from 10-15 minutes. Groups should write three guesses about
what they think the target word could be on the back of their Frayer Model sheet.
6. After groups have written down their three words, the teacher will tell each group what
their target word was and they should write the correct target word in the diamond in the
center of the Frayer Model.
7. Groups should take turns sharing their Frayer Model with the rest of the class.
The purpose of this activity is to increase the students knowledge of target vocabulary words
found in chapters 3 or 4. Students are invited to deepen their understanding of the target word by
studying and discussing definitions, characteristics, examples and non-examples of the target words.
This activity also includes Marzanos first, fourth and fifth steps by involving students in an activity
where students must discuss the elements of the target word provided and reach a conclusion
together. The Frayer Model appeals to visual and auditory learners.

*See Appendix, pg. 18*

Chapter 5

Target Vocabulary Words:
-Nuzzling (pg. 37)
-Nourish (pg. 38)
-Commences (pg. 41)
-Pounding (pg. 42)
Discussion Questions:
1. Can you recall some of the challenges Marty was faced with during this chapter?
2. How would you justify Martys reasons for lying to his father and Judd Travers when Judd
came to Martys house looking for Shiloh? (Evaluating)
Activity: KWL Chart
Before, during and after reading strategy
1. Pass out blank KWL chart to students.
2. The teacher should fill out part of the KWL chart along with students.
3. Before reading the chapters following chapter 5, teacher and students will fill out the K
section of the KWL chart together. In this section students and teacher will use prior
knowledge to write what they already know.
4. Then, for the W part of the chart, the teacher and students will brainstorm questions about
things they want to know based off of what they know so far.
5. As students read or after they read they should fill out the L section of the chart, which
should answer the questions asked in the W section of the chart to show what they learned.
This part of the KWL chart should be done individually.
The purpose of this activity is to give students a purpose for reading by getting them actively
thinking while reading and to get to see how or if their goals that were set were achieved. This activity
also encourages students to use their prior knowledge from chapters 1-5 to fill out the K and W section
of the chart. For this activity the KWL chart appeals to visual and auditory learners.

*See Appendix, pg. 19*

Chapter 6
Target Vocabulary Words:
-Nibble (pg. 46)
-Tumble (pg. 48)
-Humble (pg. 48)
-Plunks (pg. 51)
Discussion Questions:
1. Can you propose an alternative to what would have happened if Marty had not told Dara
Lynn the lie about a snake on the hill in the woods to keep her from going there and
discovering Shiloh? (Creating)
2. Marty accepts Judd Travers offer to give him a ride while he is out walking so Judd does not
suspect that he is hiding Shiloh. How would you have reacted in this situation? (Applying)
Activity: Tweet the Text
After-reading strategy
1. Pass out the Tweet the Text worksheet to students.
2. Explain that when using twitter you can only type 140 characters, which is similar to what
they are going to be doing.
3. Students will summarize chapter 6 in about 140 characters in the space provided on the
Tweet the Text sheet that was handed to them.
4. This should take about five minutes.
5. If students finish early they should flip their sheet over and draw the things they wrote
about in their summary.
The purpose of this activity is to get students thinking about what they read in chapter 6.
Tweet the Text provides students with the opportunity to show their own understanding of the
chapter while also getting them to think about events that are important enough to include in the
summary so they do not surpass the character limit. Students are also invited to be creative by
illustrating their summary if they finish writing before the time is up.

*See Appendix, pg. 21*

Chapter 8
Target Vocabulary Words:
-Gripping (pg. 66)
-Tuckered (pg. 68)
-Nudging (pg. 70)
Discussion Questions:
1. Why did Marty get nervous when his mother and father were discussing about whether or
not to allow Judd Travers to hunt on their land? (Remembering)
2. What inference can you make about what is going to happen now that Martys mother has
discovered he has been hiding Shiloh? (Analyzing)
Activity: Vocabulary Cluster
After-reading strategy
1. Students will be placed into pairs.
2. Each pair will be given a sheet with the same vocabulary cluster, which holds six synonyms
that surround an unknown target word. The passage where the target word can be found in
the novel will also be provided for the students.
3. Students will work with their partner to discuss the synonyms and the passage to help them
figure out the target word.
4. Once students discuss and have come to a conclusion on what they think the target word is
they should write their guess, in pencil, in the space provided in the middle of the
vocabulary cluster and in the blank space located in the passage.
5. The teacher should reveal the correct target word for students to check their answers.
The purpose of this activity is to help students gain a deeper understanding of a target
vocabulary word found in chapter 8 by getting them to relate and learn other words, while also using
context clues in the passage given. The vocabulary cluster activity appeals to auditory learners and is
also a graphic tool, which makes it appeal to visual learners as well. This activity also includes
Marzanos fifth step because students are discussing with their partner.

*See Appendix, pg. 22*

Chapter 9

Target Vocabulary Words:
-Stroking (pg. 73)
-Blushes (pg. 77)
-Snarl (pg. 78)
Discussion Questions:
1. After Martys mother discovers he has been hiding Shiloh, Marty begins thinking of what he
should do with him before his father finds out and makes Marty return Shiloh to Judd
Travers. What approach would you use to keep Shiloh from being returned to Judd?
2. Can you explain what was happening to Shiloh at the end of the chapter that caused him to
yelp so loudly that Marty could hear Shiloh from his house? (Understanding)
Activity: Coding Text
During and after-reading strategy
1. While students are reading they will use a method of margin marking.
2. Students will use sticky notes as a method of color-coding for their markings.
3. Each color will represent something different students should be looking for while they
4. The key for color-coding will be on a bookmark that every student will receive.
5. The bookmark will serve as reference for students if they cannot remember what each color
represents or what they are supposed to be looking for while they read.
6. As students read they should use the different color sticky notes to mark particular things in
chapter 9 as they read.
7. After students have read the chapter and marked in the chapter using the sticky notes,
students should discuss with one another about what they marked and why they marked it
with the color that they did.
The purpose of this activity is to give students a purpose for reading because it gets them
thinking actively as they read by having them look for specific things to identify. Coding text is a good
strategy for visual and kinesthetic learners, and also allows students to practice metacognitive

*See Appendix, pg. 24*

Chapter 10
Target Vocabulary Words:
-Pestering (pg. 81)
-Obliged (pg. 82)
-Tremble (pg. 82)
-Sniffle (pg. 82)
-Stumped (pg. 85)
Discussion Questions:
1. When Marty and his father find Shiloh injured after being attacked by Bakers German
Shepherd why did Marty immediately beg his father to not take Shiloh back to Judd?
2. Do you think it was a good idea for Marty to keep Shiloh hidden instead of returning him to
Judd Travers? (Evaluating)
Activity: Foldable
After-reading strategy
1. The teacher and students should create and complete this entire foldable together.
2. Pass out sheets with four dog bones and dog bowl already labeled.
3. Tell students to cut out each piece.
4. Show and explain to students how to stack their dog bones on top of each other.
5. Then, show students how and where to staple their stack of dog bones onto the dog bowl.
6. Read the target word on the dog bowl aloud to students.
7. Flip up each dog bone to come up with and write a definition, synonyms, antonyms, and an
illustration representing the word together as a class.
The purpose of this foldable is to expand students vocabulary by getting them to work with
a target word found in chapter 10. This foldable helps students gain a deeper understanding of the
target word by having them think about how to define it, thinking of relatable and un-relatable words
and creating an illustration to make a connection. The foldable activity incorporates Marzanos
second, third, fourth and fifth steps because it is an activity that involves students discussing ways to
define and relate to the target word in their own words, while also constructing a picture to represent
the target word. This activity also appeals to visual, auditory and kinesthetic learners.

*See Appendix, pg. 28*


Chapter 11
Target Vocabulary Words:
-Stoop (pg. 89)
-Enthusiasm (pg. 91)
-Whipping (pg. 91)
-Chugging (pg. 94)
Discussion Questions:
1. What does Martys friend, David Howard, help him do to Shilohs pen after Marty explains
to him what happened there the night before? (Remembering)
2. After the doctor tells Marty that Shiloh should be fine, Marty decides he wont give Shiloh
up. What do you think Marty is going to do to make Shiloh his dog instead of Judd Travers
dog? (Analyzing)
Activity: RAFT
After-reading strategy
1. Present students with two RAFT options and explain each of them.
2. Have students pick the option they prefer.
3. Pass out the RAFT option each student chooses along with the directions sheet.
4. This should be done individually and should take 10-15 minutes.
The purpose of this activity is to get students actively involved in their own learning through
analysis and synthesis of information. Using a RAFT gives students an opportunity to think about things
from a characters point of view while also using their creativity and accessing their prior knowledge.

*See Appendix, pg. 29*


Chapter 12

Target Vocabulary Words:

-Sympathy (pg. 97)
-Willing (pg. 98)
-Mournful (pg. 101)
-Decency (pg. 102)
Discussion Questions:
1. What questions would you ask in an interview with Doc Murphy? (Applying)
2. Martys mother tells Judd Travers that Marty has become very attached to Shiloh and asks
Judd if she could buy him, but Judd tells her he is not for sale. What can you say about
Judds response to Martys mother? (Understanding)
Activity: Vocabulary High Five
After-reading strategy
1. Groups will be split into 4 heterogeneous groups. Teams will come up with five questions
together that they will want to ask to help them figure out a target word from this chapter.
2. Teams should write down their five questions so they do not forget them.
3. One at a time, each group will send up one designated team member that will be shown a
target word from this chapter. This team member will remain standing while the remaining
team members ask their five questions and until the word is guessed or revealed.
4. If the team guesses the word correctly then it will be the next teams turn to send up their
designated person, but if the team guesses incorrectly, the remaining teams will be able to
ask some of their questions to see if they can guess the word. Teams should discuss with
their team members before giving a final answer.
5. If all participating teams are unable to guess the word the player standing up should tell
them what the word is.
6. This process will repeat until each team has had the opportunity to send up their designated
team member.
7. The teacher should keep score during this game by giving teams tallies when they guess the
correct target word.
The purpose of vocabulary high five is to help students understand words on a deeper level by
having them formulate questions that encourage students to think about the meaning and
composition of words. This activity incorporates Marzanos fifth and sixth steps because students are
discussing with one another to come up with questions and are participating in a game that could have
a winner. Vocabulary high five appeals mainly to visual and auditory learners.

*See Appendix, pg. 34*


Chapter 13 & 14

Target Vocabulary Words:
-Quarrel (pg. 110)
-Fierce (pg. 111)
-Intention (pg. 113)
-Bargain (pg. 118)
-Spite (pg. 121)
Discussion Questions:
1. When Marty realizes there is no other option than to go talk to Judd Travers himself, what
does he decide he is going to tell Judd? (Remembering)
2. What do you predict is going to happen if Judd Travers does not hold up his end of the deal
of giving Shiloh to Marty once he has worked twenty hours for him? (Creating)
Activity: Vobackulary
After-reading strategy
1. Line students up with their backs to the teacher.
2. Tape one dog cut out with a target word on the backs of each student.
3. Students should NOT tell each other the word on each others backs.
4. Tell students to go to the center of the room to give one another clues to help each other
guess the word on their backs.
5. The student with the word on their back must be the one to say the word.
6. Remind students what good clues are such as defining the word, giving synonyms and
asking questions relating to the word.
7. This process will continue until all students have guessed the word on their back. Once all
students have guessed their word, students can take the target word off of their backs.
The purpose of this activity is to help students deepen and expand their knowledge of target
words found in the novel so far by using their background knowledge to relate the target words to
things they know or are familiar with. Vobackulary includes Marzanos fourth and fifth steps because
they are participating in an activity that helps add to their knowledge of the target words from the
novel as they discuss with one another by giving each other clues. This activity also encourages
teamwork and appeals to visual, auditory and kinesthetic learners.

*See Appendix, pg. 35*

Chapter 15
Target Vocabulary Words:
-Omission (pg. 123)
-Whirling (pg. 125)
-Jubilation (pg. 125)
-Witness (pg. 130)
-Puzzlement (pg. 133)
Discussion Questions:
1. How would you compare Marty and Judd Travers relationship from the beginning to the
end of the novel? (Understanding)
2. What choice would you have made if you were Marty and had to do hard work for Judd
even though getting to keep Shiloh was not guaranteed because Judd said the agreement
that was made did not have a witness? (Evaluating)
Activity: Semantic Map
After-reading strategy
1. Pass out blank semantic map to each student.
2. Individually, students will decide on what they believe were the six most important events
that happened from the beginning to the end of the novel. They should write their six
events in chronological order.
3. They should write each of these events in the semantic map.
4. Each event should only be one or two sentences long.
The purpose of the semantic map is to get students to think about and decide what the main
points from the novel were, while also practicing creating short sentences that are precise and to the
point. Filling out the semantic map is a way for students to practice writing a well-organized summary
of the novel. This activity appeals to visual learners.

*See Appendix, pg. 36*




Pictionary Cards


Entrance Ticket Key

1. Why does Marty decide to name the beagle Shiloh?
a) Shiloh is Martys favorite name
b) Marty first saw the beagle in Shiloh
c) Martys uncle was named Shiloh
d) Marty knew the beagle was already named Shiloh

2. What does Martys dad tell him they are going to do with Shiloh after Shiloh followed Marty home and
did not go back where he came from?
a) Tells Marty to feed Shiloh
b) Tells Marty he can keep Shiloh
c) Tells Marty they will return Shiloh to Judd Travers
d) Tells Marty to bring Shiloh inside

3. How does Marty feel about Judd Travers?
a) Marty thinks he is a nice man
b) Marty wants to be friends with Judd
c) Marty thinks he is an honest man
d) Marty does not like Judd

Possible response to extender:
If a dog followed me home I would have let it just like Marty did. I think the dog would be good
company while walking home and I really like dogs. If a dog followed me home I would want it to be a
Golden Retriever because I think they are really friendly dogs.


Frayer Model

Target Word: Warden


Tweet the Text


Vocabulary Cluster

Target Word: Nudging

Passage to go with vocabulary cluster:

Shiloh goes nuts trying to

uncover my face, _____________ at
my arms with his nose, tail going
ninety miles an hour.

Coding Text: Bookmark

Coding Text Passage
I cant move. Seems as if the skys swirling around above me, tree branches going every which
way. Mas face even looks different from down on the ground.
Shiloh, of course, goes right over, tail wagging, but all the steams gone out of me.
How long have you had this dog up here? she asks. Not one trace of a smile on her face.
I sit up real slow and swallow. Bout a week, I guess.
Youve had Judds dog up here a week, and you told him you didint know hwere it was?
Didnt say I didnt know. He asked had I seen him, and I said I hadnt seen him in our yard. That
much was true.
Ma comes around to the trunk of the pine tree, unfastens the wire that holds the fencing
closed, and lets herself in. She crouches down in the soft pine needles and Shiloh starts leaping up on
her with his front paws, licking at her face.
I cant tell at first how she feels about him, the way she leans back, away from his dripping
toungue. Then I see her hand reach out, with its short, smooth fingers, and stroke him.
So weve got ourselves a secret, she says at last, and when I hear her say we, I feel some
better. Not a lot, but some.
How come you to follow me up here tonight? I want to know.
Now I can tell for sure her eyes are smiling, but her lips are still set. Well, I had my suspicions
before, but it was the squash that did it.
The squash?
Marty, I never knew you to eat moren a couple bites of squash in your life, and when you put
away a spoonful of that to eat later, I knew for sure it wasnt you doing the eating. And then the way
youve been sneaking off every night She stops stroking Shiloh and turns on me. I wish youd told
Figured youd make me give him back.
This dog dont belong to you.
Mine more than Judds! I say hotly. He only paid money for him. Im the one who loves him.
That doesnt make him yours. Not in the eyes of the law, it doesnt.
Well, what kind of law is it, Ma, that lets a man mistreat his dog?
Ma just sighs then starts stroking Shilohs head. Shiloh wiggles a few inches closer to her on his
belly, rests his nose against her thigh, tail going which, whack, whick, whack. Finally Ma says, Your
dad dont know about him?
I shake my head. More silence. Then she says: I never kept a secret from your dad in the
fourteen years weve been married.
You aint going to tell him?
Marty, Ive got to. He ever finds out about this dog and knows I knew but didnt tell him, how
could he trust me? If I keep this one secret from him, hell think maybe there are more.
Hell make me give him back to Judd, Ma! I could hear my voice shaking now. You know he
What else can we do?

I can feel hot tears in my eyes now and try to keep them from spilling out. I turn my head till
they go away. Judd Travers ever comes here to get his dog, Hell have to fight me to get it.
Marty. . .
Listen, Ma, just for one night, promise you wont tell Dad so I can figure out something.
Can tell shes thinking on it. You arent fixing to run off with this dog, are you? Marty, dont
you ever run away from a problem.
I dont answer, because that very thing crossed my mind.
I cant promise not to tell your dad tonight if you cant promise not to run off.
I wont run off, I say.
Then I wont tell him tonight.
Or in the morning, neither, I add. I got to have at least one day to think. Dont know what
good it will do, though. Have already thought till my brains are dry.
Ma puts out both hands now and scratches behind Shiohs ears, and he licks her all up and
down her arms.
His names Shiloh, I tell her, pleased.
After a while Ma gets up. You coming back to the house now?
In a bit, I answer.
Its hard to say how I fell after she leaves. Glad, in a way that somebody knows: that I dont
have to carry this whole secret on my head alone. But more scared than glad. Have me just one day to
think of what to do, and not any closerto an answer that Id been before. Id spendt all my can money
on stuff to feed Shiloh. Onnly money I have not to my name is a nickel Id found out by the road. Judd
wont sell me Shilohs spit for a nickel.
My first thought is to give him to somebody else and not tell them whose dog it is, then tell Ma
that Shioh had run off. But that would be two more lies to add to the pack. Word would get out
somehow or other, and Judd would see David Howard or Mike Wells walking his dog, and then the
war would really start.
All I can thnk of is to take Shiloh down to Friendly the next day, draw me up a big sign that says
FREE: WORLDS BEST DOG or something, and hold it up along the road to Sistersville, hoping that
some stranger driving along will get a warm spot in his heart for Shiloh, stop his car, and take him
home. And I wont ask him where home is, neither, so when Ma asks me where the dog is, I can tell
her honest I dont know.
When I get back to the house, Dads just wsing up at the pump, using grease to get the oil off
his arms. Hes yelling at Dara Lynn and Becky, who are playing in the doorway, screen wide open,
letting in the moths.
I go inside and Mas putting the dishes away in the kitchen, lifting them out of the drain rack
and stacking the plates on the shelf. Shes got the radio on and is humming along with a country music
Its you I wanna come home to,
Its you to bake my bread,
Its you to light my fire,
Its you to share my bed.
She sort of blushes when she sees me there by the refigerator, listening to her sing.
I know Im not going to sleep much that night. I sit on the couch staring at the TV, but not really
watching, while Ma gives Becky her bath. Then I wait till Dara Lynn is out of the bathroom so I can
take my own bath. Dont kow if I soaped up or not. Dont even know if I washed my feet. I go back in
the living room, and Ma has my bed made up there on the sofa. The house gets dark, the doors close,
and then just the night sounds come from outside.

Know theres a piece of cardboard somewhere out in the shed I can print on. There wont be
any trouble getting Shiloh to Friendly, either. Ill put that rope on his collar, and hell follow along good
as anything. We wont take the main road, though, in case Judds out in his truck. Take every back
road I can find.
Then Ill plant myself on the road to Sistersville, holding that sign, Shiloh waiting beside me
wondering what it is were going to do next. What am I fixing to do anyway? Give him to the first car
that stops? Dont even know the person driving? Might even be Ill give Shiloh to somebody wholl
treat him worse than Judd Travers. Now that Shilohs come to trust me, here I am getting ready to
send him off again. I feel like theres a tank truck sitting on my chest; cant hardly breathe. Got one
day to decide what to do with Shiloh, and nothing I thnk on seems right.
I hear Shioh making an noise up on the far hill in his pen. Not now, Shiloh! I whisper. You bee
good as gold all this time. Dont start now. Can it be he knows what Im fixing to do?
Then I hear a yelp, a loud yelp, then a snarl and a growl, and suddenly the air is filled with yelps,
an dits the worst kind of noise you can think of. A dog being hurt.
I leap out of bed, thrust my feet in my sneakers, and with shoelaces flying, Im racing through
the kitchen toward the back door. A light comes on. I can hear Dads voice saying, Get a flashligh,
but Im already out on the back porch, then running up the hill.
There are footsteps behind me; Dads gaining on me. Can you hear Shioh howl like hes being
torn in two, and my breath comes shorter and shorter, trying to get there in time.
By the time I reach the pen, Dads caught up with me, and hes got the flashlight turned toward
the noise. The beam searches out the pine tree, the fencing. The lean-to. . . And then I see this big
German shepherd, mean as nails, hunched over Shiloh there on the ground. The shepherds got blood
on his mouth and jaws, and as Dad takes another step forward, it leaps over the fence, same way it
got in, and takes off through the woods.
I unfasten the wire next to the pine tree, legs like rubber, hardly holding me up . I kneel down
by Shiloh. Hes got blood on his side, his ear, a big open gash on one leg, and he dont move. Not an
I bend over, my forehead against him, my hand onhis head. Hes dead, I know it! Im screaming
inside. Then I feel his body sort of shiver, and his mouths moving just a little, like hes trying to get his
tongue out to lick my hand. And Im bent over there in the beam of Dads flashlight, bawling, and I
Dont even care.



RAFT Options & Directions Sheet

Option #1: Write a Letter

In chapter 11 Marty finally begins to realize the consequences of his lying. Write a letter from
Marty to his parents apologizing for lying about Shiloh. Be sure to include three reasons why you are
sorry for lying.

R: Marty

A: Martys Parents

F: Letter

T: Apologizing for lying

Option #2: Create a Pamphlet

In Chapter 11 Marty finally begins to realize the consequences of his lying. Create a pamphlet
from Marty to his friend David Howard about why lying is bad. Be sure to include three important
reasons why lying is bad.

R: Marty

A: David Howard

F: Pamphlet

T: Informing David about the consequences of lying

RAFT: Option One

Dear Mom and Dad,

















RAFT: Option Two

RAFT Rubric

4 3 2 1

Student uses all Student has few Student has Almost no proper
Use correct proper punctuation errors. several use of punctuation.
punctuation. punctuation. punctuation errors.

Student uses all Student writes Student writes Student writes

Write complete complete using almost all several incomplete using almost no
sentences. sentences. complete sentences. complete
sentences. sentences.

Include 3 Student includes 3 Student includes 1 Student includes 2 Student includes 1

reasons why specific reasons or 2 specific vague reasons why vague reason or no
lying is wrong why lying is wrong reasons why lying lying is wrong reasons why lying
based on whats based on Martys is wrong based on based on Martys is wrong based on
been read. experiences. Martys experiences. Martys
experiences. experiences.

___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

Vocabulary High Five

Cards that will be given to students for this activity:


Vobackulary Word List

Tape one card on the back of each student.

Scolding Barreling Flustered

Wanders Catalog Warden

Nourish Commences Tumble

Humble Tuckered Nudging

Stroking Pestering Obliged

Enthusiasm Sympathy Mournful

Quarrel Bargain

1. Dog bowl for foldable:
2. Dog bones on foldable:
3. Image of dog:
4. Twitter logo:
5. Tweet box:
6. School house:
7. Road arrows:
8. Image of criminal:
9. Image of warden:
10. Image of books on bookmark:
11. KWL chart blank template:
12. Definition of warden:
13. Synonyms for nudging:
14. Definition of oblige:
15. Synonyms and antonyms for oblige:


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