Argentine Customs: For To Knock The Door, If The Door Is Far, You Need To Clap. The Biggest Teams

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For to knock the door, if the The biggest teams

door is far, you need to clap.


You should not say:

People drink Mate Cajeta
And a lot others.

Argentine soccer The mens greetings

If you want to
go to is different
mainly Buenos
Aires you need
to know the
People in Argentina this outside their that you offend a person, so
homes drinking Mate, and many times you must be very careful with

To knock on the you can see them in the streets your words .

door. carrying their thermos.

If you are in
Argentina, and you Argentine soccer The mens greetings
want to knock on the
is different
door, but you see that
In Argentina's favorite sport is Greetings between men in
the door is far, you do
soccer, you can see wherever you go Argentina can be very weird
not need get a coin
and hit the door, you people playing futbool soccer, The for Mexicans, because in
only need to clap and futbool soccer plays is very different Mexico, is customary to
people will come out in Argentina than in Mexico, for greeting with the hand, but in
of his home. example they playing with all the rules Argentina the men are given a
that exist in soccer no matter if the little kiss on the cheek when
People drink Mate play is in the street, and also the game greeting each other, for them
In Argentina people drink
is more faster than in Mexico. is not rare do this because it
something called Mate, is a
hot drink like tea in Mexico, is very normal for them.
but with a different flavor to You should not say
other teas in Mexico, and is
made with Yerba Mate is a There are words that should not say in
herb native from Paraguay. Argentina than in Mexico are very
common, for example Cajeta, Concha,
Traste among others, if you say these
words in Argentina is very provable

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