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. 21 217.5
Velocity Ratio = VR = .
= 2 = = = 20 (This is a
2 / 235/40

m prove another calculation only for 1st Experiment;

Mechanical Advantage = MA =
= = 12
= 1.25

. 1.25
Mechanical Efficiency = =
= .
= 20
= 0.0625

We cannot calculate Input work and output work because we did not measure the X and Y in
the Practical
ideal effort and friction effort because ideal effort can
calculate only for =1,
VR = 20;

Test 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Applied 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105
Load (F)

Actual 12 14 17 19 22 24 27 29 32 34
Effort (Ea)

Mechanical 1.25 1.7857 2.058 2.368 2.5 2.7083 2.777 2.931 2.9687 3.0882
Mechanical 0.0625 0.08928 0.1029 0.1184 0.125 0.13541 0.13885 0.14655 0.148435 0.15441

Actual Effort(N)

Actual Effort (N)


0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Applide Lode (N)
A. Objectives of the Experiments

Worm and Worm Gear

It . Worm and worm wheel consists of a square threaded screw (known
as worm) and a toothed wheel (known as worm wheel) geared with each other. A wheel is attached to
the worm, over which passes a rope a load is securely mounted on the worm wheel.

We use Lodes to compare both side. we input the lode in to worm wheel and compare with other side
and applied lode to worm gear. After that worm gear was shifted in some lode and we got that point
lord as an Actual effort. We use N lodes in 2N 20N range.

Vernier Caliper

We have to use that for get length correctly worm gear and worm wheel. But we didn
Vernier Caliper

We use the ruler for measure the length of worm gear and, diameter of worm wheel.
Worm Drive s Types
There are three different types of gears that can be used in a worm drive.
The first are non-throated worm gears. These don't have a throat, or groove, machined around the
circumference of either the worm or worm wheel. The second are single-throated worm gears, in which
the worm wheel is throated. The final type are double-throated worm gears, which have both gears
throated. This type of gearing can support the highest loading.
An enveloping (hourglass) worm has one or more teeth and increases in diameter from its middle
portion toward both ends.
Double-enveloping worm gearing comprises enveloping worms
mated with fully enveloping worm gears. It is also known as
globoidal worm gearing.

Left Hand side and Rite hand side Worm

A right hand helical gear or right hand worm is one in which
the teeth twist clockwise as they recede from an observer
looking along the axis. The designations, right hand and left
hand, are the same as in the long established practice for screw
threads, both external and internal. Two external helical gears
operating on parallel axes must be of opposite hand. An internal
helical gear and its pinion must be of the same hand.
A left hand helical gear or left hand worm is one in which the teeth twist anticlockwise as they recede
from an observer looking along the axis.

B. The Effects of 1 to 10 starts on the worm on VR, M, and the Low of the Machine

Mechanical Advantage
A machine is usually designed so that the load overcome is greater than the effort applied. The ratio of
load to effort is known as the mechanical advantage of the machine. Therefore

Load Mechanical Advantage = Lord/Effort

In an ideal machine there is no friction and the ratio load/ideal effort is then called the ideal mechanical
advantage. In practice the actual mechanical advantage is always less than the ideal and is obtained by
The Effort - Load graph the law of the machine
If an experiment is carried out on a machine to determine the effort (E) required to lift a load (F) for a
range of values of the load then a straight line is usually obtained. Since the graph is a straight line, the
relation between E and F may be represented by the equation

E = aF + b; where a and b are constants which are obtained from the graph.

This equation is known as the law of the machine

The Mechanical advantage - Load curve

A graph of mechanical advantage against load can be plotted from experimental values. From such a
graph the mechanical advantage at any load may be obtained. Usually the mechanical advantage
increases with load but there is no straight line relationship between these two quantities.

Friction effort
The effort required at any particular load to overcome friction alone is called the friction effort. The
actual effort E required at any load is made up of two parts:

1. The effort required to move the load if the machine was ideal

2. The effort to overcome friction

Therefore; friction effort = actual effort ideal effort

Usually the friction effort increases linearly with load, but the increase in friction effort is not as great as
the corresponding increase in load.

Velocity Ratio
To obtain a mechanical advantage greater than unity, the effort must move through a greater distance
than that through which the load moves. Since the distances moved by the load and effort take place at
the same time, the ratio of these distances is the same as the ratio of the velocities. The velocity ratio of
the machine is therefore defined as:

velocity ratio = Distance moved by effort/Distance moved by lode

The velocity ratio of a machine usually remains constant for all loads. Using the principle of work, it can
be shown that for an ideal machine the velocity ratio is equal to the ideal mechanical advantage. But note
that for a real machine the velocity ratio is not the same as the mechanical advantage since there is always
some friction present and the actual mechanical advantage is always less than the ideal.
The efficiency of a machine is defined as the ratio of the useful work done by the machine to the actual
work put into the machine. It can be shown that:

efficiency = = Mechanical advantage / Velocity ratio

For a simple machine, efficiency usually increases with load until it reaches a limiting value.

C. Experiment Result Compare with Calculated data

We get the readings as an Actual effort. And we draw a graph between applied lode and actual effort.
We have to get a graph like strait line but the case is that graph is not exactly linear. It
tangential shape because of worm wheels friction and our humility disappoints.

D. Discrepancies or unusual features

We Have discrepancies about our calculation data and measuring data. we have to calculate E1 (Ideal
Effort) but we enough details for calculate it. Because our Applied lode range is small. We can
calculate E1 only for =1; but our Velocity Ratio is 20, and we have to find MA (Mechanical Efficiency)
= 20 to applied lode and ideal effort. Then we have to apply large lode to our Machen. It is impossible
because our experiment Machen is small. And also we can t calculate friction effort.

We measure the X and Y lengths because it is difficult to measure. Then we can

work and output work.

Worm and Worm wheel is made in plastics, then our friction effort will be high. After the doing practical
we have to choose a point to start the practical.
E. Limiting efficiency for each gear set
Comparing efficiencies of different gear types across various reduction ratios will help us to make right
gearbox selection for our applications. These efficiency values are for general guideline and refer
manufacturers catalogue for more accurate values.

No Type Normal Ratio Range Efficiency Type

1 Supper 1:1 to 6:1 94% - 98%

2 Straight level 3:2 to 5:1 93% - 97%
3 Spiral Bevel 3:2 to 4:1 95% - 99%
4 Worm 5:1 to 75:1 50% - 90%
5 Hypoid 10:1 to 200:1 80% - 95%
6 Helical 3:2 to 10:1 94% - 98%
7 Cycloid 10:1 to 100:1 75% - 85%

Most important gear type is worm gear type, because it has a theoretical calculation. Worm gear
efficiency varies significantly when lead angle, friction factor and gear ratio changes.
Worm Gear Efficiency Calculation
Use the following gear efficiency equation to calculate efficiency of worm gears.

f - the coefficient of friction for worm

gears (normally ranges from 0.06 to
P - the pitch of the worm thread
r - the mean radius of the worm.
Worm and worm wheel is a simple Machin to use calculate the friction effort. It s made in plastics. After
all Instructor was giving rough idea for us about worm and worm wheel. Then we change the applied
lode (F) and get the readings named actual effort (Ea). Next we calculate the Mechanical advantage (MA),
Mechanical efficiency () and Velocity Ratio (VR). During the lab section we haven measure X and Y
because it little bit difficult. Then we have problem to calculate Input work and Output work. And also
we haven calculated Ideal effort (Ei) and Friction effort (Ef) because our Velocity ratio is higher than
Mechanical advantage then we can t get =1 and also we apply up to 105N lodes because our
Machen is small. Before these calculations we draw a graph using Ea = a.F+b equation. Last of the
practical we were made a lab report.

The theory & practice of worm gear drivesIn-text: (Dud s) Dud s, Ill s. The Theory & Practice Of Worm
Gear Drives. 1st ed. London: Kogan Page Science, 2004. Print.
Fundamentals of kinematics and dynamics of machines and mechanismsIn-
text: (Vinogradov) Vinogradov, Oleg. Fundamentals Of Kinematics And Dynamics Of Machines And
Mechanisms. 1st ed. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2000. Print.

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