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“Learn, Love, Lead & Leave a Legacy” 100 West Farmland Avenue ~ Merced, CA 95340 EL CAPITAN PO Box 2247 - Merced, CA 95344 Ss Phone: (209)384-5500 Fax: (209)384-5517 GAUGH January 30th, 2017 ‘To Whom it May Concern, 1am writing to recommend Ruth Ibarra for scholarship opportunites. I have known Ruth for four years, as a stdent in my courses. Ruth demonstrates a strong work ethic and the abilty to Jeam quickly. I believe she would represent our community well in the college setting. She is positive and fun to have in class. Ruth isa special young lady who is excited about learning, Ruth wil iterally get excited when I teach a rnew concept that she has never considered before. Her face wil light up and she will say I am so excited to learn this. This curiosity and desire to learn is unique and special. It is my belief that Ruth will excel in the college setting because she truly loves leaming. Ruth is a disciplined young lady who knows how to sactfice to reach a goal She has participated in many clubs and donated eighty four hours of community service while maintaining a 3.6 GPA demonstrates that she can manage her time well. Ruth want t study within the STEM majors. Ruth is a fist generation college student that willbe an asset to any campus because she will bring different perspectives to discussions in class. She has an open mind and often sees issues from perspectives others do not consider. Ruth wil need the support of scholarships to reach her goal and I believe she is worth investing in. Please contact me with any questions about Ruth at Sincerely, Kristie Dunham ElCapitan High School A toon tox ‘Teacher/Coach

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