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HESA Recent Graduate Survey

Q1 Name (First and Last) (optional)

Q2 WCU HESA Graduation Date

May 2016 (1)
December 2015 (2)
May 2015 (3)
December 2014 (4)

Q3 In which of the following activities are you currently engaged? (Check all that apply)
Paid employment, full-time (1)
Paid employment, part-time (2)
Searching for a job (3)
Graduate or professional school, full-time (4)
Graduate or professional school, part-time (5)
Full-time Military service (6)
Full-time Volunteer service (e.g., Peace Corps, Teach for America) (7)
Not currently working or enrolled in school (8)

Q4 Please provide the following information about your first professional position:
Job Title: (1)
Name of employer/military branch/service organization: (2)
Location of employer/military branch/service organization: (City, State/Country) (3)
Within how many months after graduation did you start working in your first
professional position? (Please enter 0 if you were working in your job prior to graduation,
otherwise, please enter a whole number only) (4)

Q5 What category does your organization/institution align?

Public 2-year institution (1)
Public 4-year institution (2)
Private Non-profit organization, institution, or school (3)
Private for-profit organization, institution, or school (4)
Self-employed, own business, or professional practice (non-group) (5)

Q6 What is your current annual salary?

$20,000 or less (1)
$20,001 to $40,000 (2)
$40,001 to $60,000 (3)
$60,001 to $80,000 (4)
$80,001 to $100,000 (5)
More than $100,000 (6)
Prefer not to answer (7)
Q7 How well did your graduate experience at WCU prepare you for your current position
or for additional graduate school programs?
Very well (1)
Adequate (2)
Less than adequate (3)
Not well at all (4)

Q13 Please rate your overall satisfaction with each of the following:
Excellent (1) Good (2) Fair (3) Poor (4)
Overall quality of
instruction (1)
Opportunity for
interaction with
faculty (2)
Quality of academic
advising (3)
opportunities (4)
Opportunities for
leadership and/or
development (5)
Career guidance and
preparation (6)

Q15 Why did you choose the WCU HESA program? (Check all that apply)
WCU prestige (1)
Department/Program Prestige (2)
Location (3)
Affordability/Cost (4)
Course Offerings (5)
Quality of faculty in my program (6)
Graduate Assistantship and Internship opportunities (7)
Job placement rating (8)
Other (9) ____________________

Q16 Will you be personally responsible for repaying any loans to finance your graduate
Yes (1)
No (2)
I am not sure (3)
Q17 Please choose the dollar amount that best estimates the total amount borrowed for
your graduate education (HESA):
Debt Free (1)
$10,000 or Less (2)
$10,001-$20,000 (3)
$20,001-$30,000 (4)
$30,001-$40,000 (5)
$40,000 + (6)

Q10 Since receiving your graduate degree from WCU, are you pursuing and/or have you
completed another graduate/professional degree?
Yes (1)
No (2)

Q18 If you answered yes to the above question, what graduate or professional degree
are you working towards?

Q9 What are your recommendations for improving the HESA Graduate Program at
WCU? And/or are there any additional comments you would like to share?

Q19 In what ways would you like to stay connected to the WCU HESA program? (Check
all that apply)
Social Media (Facebook, Instagram) (1)
Semester Newsletter (2)
Mentoring a current HESA student (3)
Alumni Social Event (4)
Help recruit prospective HESA students (5)
Other (6) ____________________

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