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Psych 133A, Adolescent Development, Winter 2017 J.


1. Define adolescence. When does it start and end? What are the pros and cons of prolonged
2. Why is it problematic if teen behaviors are over-attributed to hormones?
3. What type of evidence questions the biological basis of the storm & stress notion of adolescence?

4. Describe the physical maturation process (sequence) in females and males.

5. What do we know about the effects early and late maturation on boys and girls?
6. Which type of hypotheses might help account for why early pubertal timing is associated with
increased risk of psychopathology?
7. What types of factors are associated with (earlier) pubertal onset?
8. Why are so many teens unsatisfied with their bodies? Who is most at risk?
9. Describe consequences of body image dissatisfaction.

10. What is sexual health? How can sexual health be promoted among youth?
11. What counts as risk sexual behavior among teens, and what factors can protect youth from engaging
in risky sex?
12. Why is abstinence-only approach limited in its effectiveness?

13. How do thinking and reasoning change between childhood and adolescence? Describe two different
theoretical positions that can account for these changes. Why might these theories be limited?
14. Why do adolescents engage in risky behaviors even when they seem to understand the consequences
of their actions?
15. What is the maturation of the pre-frontal cortex (PFC) related to? Why might the focus on PFC be
insufficient when trying to understand teens decision making?
16. Present three common assumptions about teens relations with their parents in light of research
evidence that questions the assumptions.
17. What types of parenting behaviors are generally associated with healthy adolescent development?
Does parenting cause better adjustment?
18. Define: a. accentuation; b. asynchrony; c. contextual amplification; d. off-time hypothesis; e.
stressful change hypothesis, f. ecological perspective*
19. Explain the following terms and use examples of: a. a confound, b. a.P x E interaction, c. a selection
effect, d. operationalization of constructs, e. replication
20. Give examples of a distal variable , e. a proximal variable , f. an indirect/mediated effect, g. a direct
effect. *
21. Give examples of how a. a macrosystems and b. exosystem affect parenting. *
22. Which type of family structures place youth at most disadvantage and why? *
23. Why are psychologists so eager to identify and test mediational models? *
24. Make sure you also recall the authors of your readings and authors of studies discussed in class. In
addition, briefly describe the contributions of the following scholars: Bronfenbrenner; Caspi &
Moffitt; Dahl; A. Freud; Hall; Mead; Piaget; Kerr & Stattin; and all authors of your readings

To be covered by Tuesdays lecture.

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