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Non-Greeks & Greek Life Engagement

Q1 Greetings!The purpose of this survey is to gain a deeper understanding of why WCU

students do not pursue involvement in Greek Life organizations. All of your responses
will remain random, so please be honest.If you have any questions regarding this
survey, you can email it's creator, Brandon Hepler - bwhepler@wcu.eduThank you for
your participation!

Q2 What is your academic year?

Freshman (1)
Sophomore (2)
Junior (3)
Senior (4)
5th Year Senior (5)
Non-degree seeking (6)
Other, please specify (7) ____________________

Q3 Do you reside on campus?

Yes (1)
No (2)

Q4 What is your major?

Undecided (1)
Non-degree seeking (2)
Other, please specify (3) ____________________

Q5 Are you of hispanic or latino/a origin?

Yes (1)
No (2)

Q6 What is your race?

African-American (1)
White (2)
Native American (3)
Asian/Pacific Islander (4)
Other (5) ____________________

Q7 Are you the first student in your family to go to college?

Yes (1)
No (2)
Q8 Are you currently employed?
Yes, on campus job (1)
Yes, campus food services (dining hall, Chili's, etc.) (2)
Yes, off campus job (3)
Seeking employment (4)
Not currently employed (5)

Q9 Are you a member of any other student organizations?

Yes, please specify (1) ____________________
No (2)

Q10 For the following question, consider how you spend your time outside of classes
and work. How important are the following factors to you, when considering how to
spend your free time.
______ Friendships (1)
______ Community Service (2)
______ Social Outings (3)
______ Support systems (4)
______ Financial Affordability (5)

Q11 How important do you think the following factors are to Greek Life organizations?
______ Friendship (1)
______ Community Service (2)
______ Social Outings (3)
______ Support system (4)
______ Financial Affordability (5)

Q12 Were you ever interested in Greek Life?

Yes (1)
No (2)

Q13 Have you been through Greek Life Recruitment?

Never attempted (1)
Attempted but unsuccessful/did not finish (2)
Yes, recruited (3)

Q14 What is your perception on Greek Life on a national level?

Q15 What is your perception of Greek Life at WCU?

Q16 Are their Greek Organizations on WCU's campus that you could theoretically
identity with?
Yes/ please specify (1) ____________________
No (2)
Q17 Is there anything you would like to share about your experiences with Greek Life at
WCU that has either encouraged or discouraged you about joining?

Q18 Did you know when recruitment was occurring on campus?

Yes (1)
No (2)

Q19 If you answered Yes to the previous question; How did you see or hear about
recruitment on campus?

Q20 Would you be interested in joining a frat or sorority in the future?

Q21 What hesitations do you have for joining Greek Life at WCU?

Q22 Utilizing the (anonymous) data that we gain from this survey, our team will conduct
focus groups to delve deeper into "Why do students not seek involvement in Greek Life
organizations?". If you are interested in being a part of these focus groups, please leave
your Catamount email address in the space provided below.
Yes, I would like to be a part of the focus group. Please write your email address: (1)
No, I do not want to be a part of the focus group. (2)

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