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Stress and displacement analysis of aerial oil &

gas pipelines: A case study of Lantsang tunnel
crossing project

Article in Journal of Engineering Research September 2015

DOI: 10.7603/s40632-015-0028-1


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1 author:

Hongfang Lu
Louisiana Tech University


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Journal of Engg. Research Vol. 3 No. (3) September 2015 pp. 141-156

W U W WOzuN UG jHM VO U uD) W jGC qOK%

!U w oHM dA

tO O ** U u UO * uO u * m u u * uO !UH$u *
U 5 M
5B dG uM w d WF U d W bM WOK *
5B d K 5B WF U VOIM d UB* W b d _ uK WOK **

jHM U) jHM UG s W u VO U uD W vK qLA !U w oHM dA
WIDM w lI dA* WIOI oHMK U b hzUB oHMK bIF W U( dE dJ*
qOK% VKD t S p c UOKLF W ULC dO WOL dA* S dD e
- b; dUMF WD u qOK WD u W VO U _ uD vK W jGC
- oHM w VO U _ uD) wKOK UN u/ UA CAESAR II Z U d b
- WOFO D dE X% W VO U _ uD vK W jGC qOK%
Q b W VO U _ uD w jGC l u WK U W bF 1 WO U U U M
W _ b wG M 2 VO U _ w uD d _ e _ vK X U w U _ UM
W UBLK U H w W u; W _ 3 dA* s ULO w UF jGC VO U j)
oHM VO U uD b dA vK
DOI 10.7603/s40632-015-0028-1
Stress and displacement analysis of aerial oil & gas pipelines: A case study of Lantsang ... 142

Stress and displacement analysis of aerial oil & gas pipelines:

A case study of Lantsang tunnel crossing project

Hongfang Lu*, Kun Huang, Shijuan Wu, Xiaoyu Han, Lijie Zhao** and Zhenxing
* School of Petroleum Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, China
Corresponding author E-mail: (HONGFANG LU); (ZHENXING GAO)
** College of Geosciences, State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resources and Prospecting,
China University of Petroleum, China
*** Civil Engineering School, University of Science and Technology Liaoning, China
* ,*** These authors contributed equally to this work.

Lantsang tunnel crossing project involves three parallel pipelines of gas, crude oil and
refined oil. Due to the complex condition of lagging in the tunnel, the characteristics of
steep slope tunnel and the fact that the project is located at earthquake fault zone, it is of
great significance to ensure the safety of operation. Therefore, stress and displacement
analysis are required on the three pipelines. Based on beam element and finite element
analysis, CAESAR II software was used to establish stress analytical model for the
pipelines in Yanyingshan tunnel. Stress and displacement analysis of the three parallel
pipelines under normal condition were conducted. The following conclusions were
drawn: (1) after comprehensive consideration of the stress distribution of the three
pipelines, it was determined that Bend 1 and Bend 2 were the most risky sections in
Yanyingshan tunnel pipelines; (2) the displacement of high pressure pipeline should
be particularly monitored during engineering project; (3) axial displacement is the key
of displacement validation of pipelines penetrating the tunnel.
Keywords: Aerial; displacement; finite element method; oil & gas pipelines; stress;
tunnel crossing project.

Oil and gas pipelines fail in tunnels for a number of reasons. In addition to design
errors, the quality of construction, pipeline corrosion and fatigue, and insufficient
strength in bends of pipelines can all contribute to pipeline failure. Therefore, it is
vital to carry out stress analysis of pipelines in appropriate settings before construction
143 Hongfang Lu, Kun Huang, Shijuan Wu, Xiaoyu Han, Lijie Zhao and Zhenxing Gao

The study of pipe stress can be traced back to 1930s, when method of structural
mechanics was used (Watkins & Anderson, 1999). With decades of development,
elastic center method (Sokolnikoff & Specht, 1956; Yu & Lv, 2008), methods of
statically indeterminate structure as well as matrix method of structural analysis
were studied (Zhang, 1993; Peng, 1978). In recent years, with the fast development
of computational techniques, commercial software is mostly used to conduct stress
calculation and analysis in both research and engineering projects. Common software
includes ANSYS and CAESAR II.
In 2012, Wu et al. conducted stress analysis on gas pipeline in operating tunnel.
Analytical model of gas pipeline in inclined tunnel structure was proposed and stress
distribution of pipeline in normal condition was acquired (Wu et al., 2012). Huang
et al. established stress analytical model of gas pipeline in typical mountain region
(Huang et al., 2012). In 2013, Wu et al. proposed stress analytical model of gas
pipeline in shaft tunnel structure and stress distribution in pressure test condition was
acquired (Wu et al., 2013). Huang et al. conducted discussion on the support spacing
of gas pipeline penetrating inclined tunnel (Huang et al., 2013). In 2014, Wang et al.
conducted impact analysis of pipeline in tunnel under the effect of pipe cleaning using
ABAQUS software based on finite element method (Wang et al., 2014).
In recent two years, the analyzed objects of pipeline stress moved gradually to
special conditions or special regions, such as: earthquake, landslip and swamp. In
2014, Chen et al. proposed stress analytical method of gas pipeline under the effect of
transverse and vertical landslip (Chen et al., 2014a). In the same year, stress analytical
method of gas pipeline in swamp condition was proposed by the same researcher
(Chen et al., 2014b). In 2015, Wu et al. proposed stress analytical method of oil
pipeline in mountain region under the effect of earthquake (Wu et al., 2015). Lu et al.
conducted case study and analysis on the positive displacement pump pipeline system
in oil station (Lu et al., 2015).
The China-Burma natural gas pipeline is one of the key projects during the Eleventh
Five-year period. The total length of the main pipeline is 1726.8 km. There are 64
mountain tunnels along the China Burma gas pipeline in which gas and oil pipelines
share 55 mountain tunnels. As the tunnel structure of China-Burma pipeline is different
from typical tunnel structure, urgent repair is difficult when accident occurs. In order
to reduce safety hazards, it is necessary to conduct stress and displacement analysis
on the three pipelines in the tunnel. Although studies of stress analysis on gas pipeline
penetrating tunnel have been conducted worldwide, stress analysis on three pipelines
penetrating simultaneously is rare.
Lantsang bridge and tunnel crossing project is located at the boundary of Baoshan
City and Dali City, Yunan Province. Yanyingshan tunnel of Lantsang tunnel crossing
Stress and displacement analysis of aerial oil & gas pipelines: A case study of Lantsang ... 144

project was selected as an example in this study. Three-pipeline model was established
to analyze the stress and displacement distribution of the three pipelines during normal
operating condition. Relevant procedures were proposed accordingly.


Tunnel structure
The basic form of a tunnel-laid pipeline follows the inclined shaft-level-inclined
shaft structure, and can be divided into two parts: the pipeline in the tunnel and the
pipeline outside the tunnel. The pipe piers and lines in a typical tunnel are laid out as
shown in Figure 1, where fixed piers A and H are installed on both sides of the model.
The pipeline at the entrance (L1) and exit (L5) of a tunnel is generally laid horizontally
and covered by soil, and no buttresses are used. L2 is the length of the western inclined
shaft, with an angle of , and anchor block C is installed in the middle. L4 is the length
of the eastern inclined shaft, with an angle of , and anchor block F is installed at a
distance from bend G. If exceeds 20, the tunnel is categorized as steep slope tunnel.
Moreover, at section L2, multiple dip angles exist and each segment is connected by

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of tunnel structure.

For pipelines in Yanyingshan tunnel, in the direction of flow, crude oil pipeline
is located at the left part of the tunnel, gas pipeline at the right part and refined oil
pipeline d2 m above the crude oil pipeline. The clear spacing between gas pipeline
and crude oil pipeline was 1.2 m. According to the terrain of the tunnel portal and
elevation of pipeline in the tunnel, the connection of pipelines inside and outside the
tunnel was achieved by bend and the burial depth of the top of external pipeline was
larger than 1.2 m. With consideration of the fact that the slope of the tunnel is large and
the requirement of compensation of span section pipeline, the pipelines in the tunnel
were lagged as overhead on the piers (Figure 2).
145 Hongfang Lu, Kun Huang, Shijuan Wu, Xiaoyu Han, Lijie Zhao and Zhenxing Gao

Fig. 2. Vertical section of the pipelines in the tunnel.

Finite element model of the pipelines

For pipeline of long distance, beam model is often used for stress analysis. In beam
model, the specific assumptions are listed in (Wu et al., 2015). ANSYS and CAESAR
II are both based on finite element method. Different from ANSYS, meshing in
CAESAR II is achieved according to the nodes of the pipeline. The gravity force of
pipeline between the two nodes is sustained by the two nodes and calculation of stress
and displacement is achieved by the nodes (Wu et al., 2015; Jiang et al., 2013; Sreejith
et al., 2004). In order to ensure the accuracy and simplicity of calculation, the length
of a section of pipeline should be smaller than 20 times the pipe diameter, if the pipe
diameter is larger than 304.8 mm; and it should be smaller than 30 times the pipe
diameter if the pipe diameter is smaller than 304.8 mm.
Beam model is used for both bend pipe and straight pipe. For bend pipe, oblateness is
produced due to bending and thus stress strengthening coefficient is introduced, which
can be calculated as discussed in (ASME 2012a). Furthermore, when establishing finite
element model of bend pipe, hot-bended bend pipe and cold-bended bend pipe should
be distinguished. The degree of bending of cold-bended bend pipe is small and can
be achieved by the flexibility of the pipe. The radius of curvature is taken as R=40D.
For hot-bended bend pipe, the degree of bending is large and cannot be achieved by
gravity and flexibility of itself. The degree of curvature is taken as R=6D.

Boundary condition
In order to prevent bending caused by the weight of the entire pipeline system, fixed
piers are installed to eliminate the effects of the pipeline outside the tunnel on the
Stress and displacement analysis of aerial oil & gas pipelines: A case study of Lantsang ... 146

pipeline inside the tunnel. In practical applications, fixed piers are mitered, and deviate
from adjacent joints of the pipeline system. Therefore, fixed piers are constrained
from displacing and bearing axial forces, but they can bear bending moments and
shear forces.

Standards for stress and displacement of pipelines

CAESAR II is capable of choosing different stress validation standard according
to different conditions. ASME B31.8 Gas Transportation and Distribution Piping
Systems (ASME 2012c) is normally used for gas pipeline while ASME B31.4 Pipeline
Transportation Systems for Liquids and Slurries (ASME 2012b) is used for oil
pipeline. For the validation of displacement (GB 50251; GB 50316), GB 50251 Code
for design of gas transmission pipeline engineering is used for transverse displacement
validation and GB 50316-2008 Design code for industrial metallic piping is used for
axial displacement and angular displacement.
Checking stress
According to different load sustained by the pipeline, the stress of pipeline in
normal condition can be categorised as: primary stress, secondary stress, and peak
stress (Song, 2011). The primary stress represents the effect of internal pressure and
gravity on the stress, secondary stress represents the effect of difference in temperature
on the stress and peak stress is the combination of primary stress and secondary stress.
The general equation of stress validation is:

which represents stress; F is the design coefficient of which the values are listed in
Table 1; s is the minimum yield strength of the pipeline material.
Primary stress is calculated as follows:


where L is primary stress, MPa; Fax is additional axial force which is caused by
pressure, N; A is pipe cross-sectional area, mm2; P is pressure, MPa; D is pipeline
diameter, mm; S is pipeline thickness, mm; M is synthetic bending moment, Nmm; W
is bending section modulus, mm3.
Secondary stress is calculated as follows:


where E is secondary stress, MPa; ME is bending moment of thermal expansion,

Nmm; W is bending section modulus, mm3.
147 Hongfang Lu, Kun Huang, Shijuan Wu, Xiaoyu Han, Lijie Zhao and Zhenxing Gao

Table 1. Values of the design coefficient (F)

Stress type Gas pipeline Oil pipeline

Peak stress 0.90 0.90
Primary stress 0.75 0.72
Secondary stress 0.72 0.90

Checking displacement
Displacement validation focuses on transverse and axial displacement. GB 50251
Code for design of gas transmission pipeline engineering requires that transverse
displacement does not exceed 0.03 times of the diameter of the pipeline. GB 50316-
2008 Design code for industrial metallic piping requires that axial displacement does
not exceed 0.4 time of the length of pipeline support. The angular displacement of a
horizontal pipeline is generally required to be no greater than 4.

Pipeline project profile
The total length of Yanyingshan tunnel was 1.9 km. Three pipelines were lagged as
overhead on the piers with a spacing of piers of 10 m. The coefficient of friction
between the pier and pipeline was 0.6. The exit and entry of the tunnel were sealed
by cement and fixed pier 1 and fixed pier 2 were constructed to cut off the influence
of pipeline outside the tunnel. In the direction of flow, there was a horizontal pipeline
with a length of 15 m at the entry of the tunnel, followed by a steep slope pipeline in
the tunnel with a dip angle of 23. Finally, there was a pipeline with small dip angle
at both ends. The length of the pipeline was 540 m and 585 m and the dip angle was
7.43 and 6.17, respectively. The direction of pipelines are shown in Figure 3.
The piers of gas pipeline and crude oil pipeline were located and lagged at the same
surface with a clear spacing of 1.2 m. The refined oil pipeline was located 2 m above
the crude oil pipeline. X80 steel pipe was used for gas pipeline with a transportation
temperature of 38C and operating pressure of 10MPa; X70 steel pipe was used for
crude oil pipeline with a transportation temperature of 28 and operating pressure
of 15MPa, but no insulation was provided; X52 steel pipe was used for refined oil
pipeline with a transportation temperature of 15C and operating pressure of 12MPa.
Specific pipeline parameters are given in Table 2 and the parameters of bends are
given in Table 3.
Stress and displacement analysis of aerial oil & gas pipelines: A case study of Lantsang ... 148

Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of pipeline directions in the tunnel.

Table 2. Parameters of pipelines

Wall Fluid Minimum
Diameter thickness Temperature Pressure density yield
Pipeline Material of Pipe
(mm) of straight (C) (MPa) (kg/ stress
pipe (mm) m3) (MPa)
Gas X80 1016 22.9 26.4 38 10 0.784 551
Crude oil X70 813 28.6 31.8 28 15 866.6 482
X52 219.1 8.7 9.5 15 12 725 360

Table 3. Parameters of bends

Bend Type Remark

Bend 1 Hot-bending bend R=6D
Bend 2 Hot-bending bend R=6D
Bend 3 Cold-bending bend R=40D

Numerical simulation
Basic model
A pipeline model was established according to the actual strike of the pipeline, and
mainly consisted of straight pipes and bends.
Simplification of constraints
According to the actual conditions of the pipeline in a tunnel, constraints were
simplified and loaded to the pipelines. There were two constraint models in total:
(I) Fixed pier model: It was capable of bearing bending moments and shear forces,
but could not displace or bear axial forces;
149 Hongfang Lu, Kun Huang, Shijuan Wu, Xiaoyu Han, Lijie Zhao and Zhenxing Gao

(II) Buttress: Buttress constraint includes pipe pier and pipe strap locate at the bottom
of the pipeline, which constrain movement of pipeline other than axial movement.
In CAESAR II, two-directional vertical constraints (+Y and -Y) and two-directional
transverse constraints (+Z and -Z) are used for buttress. Besides, coefficient of friction
between the pipe strap and the pipeline needs to be defined.
Operating conditions
The loads applied to pipelines from production to operation differ. Therefore, on the
basis of analytical needs, different operating conditions were established. In order to
analyze whether the primary stress, secondary stress, and peak stress of the pipelines
met the standards, different operating conditions were established in CAESAR II
software according to the characteristics of the various types of stress, as shown in
Table 4.

Table 4. Load cases.

Representation in
Operating conditions Remark
Operating conditions for the A combination of primary
calculation of peak stress stress and secondary stress
Operating conditions for the A result of gravity and
calculation of primary stress pressure
Operating conditions for the A result of the difference in
calculation of secondary stress temperature

Stress checking
In normal conditions, the validation of peak stress, primary stress and secondary stress
of the three pipelines in Yanyingshan tunnel is listed in Table 5. It is evident that the
stress of the three pipelines in normal condition met the standard of validation of
ASME B31.8.
It is clear from Figure 4 that:
(I) For gas pipeline, the peak stress was the highest, followed by primary stress
and the secondary stress was the smallest, which demonstrates that difference
in temperature has the least effect on the stress of gas pipeline. The highest stress
occurred at Bend No.2 which shows that Bend No.2 was the most risky section of the
gas pipeline, being at the bottom of the steep slope tunnel.
(II) For crude oil pipeline, the primary stress was the highest, followed by peak
stress and the primary stress was very small, which demonstrates that crude oil pipeline
Stress and displacement analysis of aerial oil & gas pipelines: A case study of Lantsang ... 150

penetrating the tunnel is affected significantly by pipeline pressure. The maximum

stress occurred at Bend No.2 suggesting that Bend No.2 was the most risky section of
the crude oil pipeline.
(III) For refined oil pipeline, the peak stress was the highest, followed by primary
stress and the secondary stress was the smallest. The maximum stress occurred at
Bend No.1 suggesting that Bend No.1 was the most risky section of the refined oil
(IV) As the three pipelines were parallel lagged, the specific condition of the three
pipelines should be considered overall during pipeline design. According to the results
of stress validation, it is recommended that stress at Bend No.1 and No.2 be monitored
and controlled specifically.

Table 5. Condition of stress validation of the three pipeline in normal conditions.

Peak stress Primary stress Secondary stress

Pipeline Maximum Requirement Maximum Requirement Maximum Requirement
value (MPa) (MPa) value (MPa) (MPa) value (MPa) (MPa)
271.09 5510.9=495.9 232.26 5510.75=413.3 54.65 5510.72=396.7
Crude oil
209.22 4820.9=433.8 223.86 4820.72=347.0 11.34 4820.9=433.8
Refined oil
217.97 3600.9=324.0 167.80 3600.72=259.2 37.30 3600.9=324.0

151 Hongfang Lu, Kun Huang, Shijuan Wu, Xiaoyu Han, Lijie Zhao and Zhenxing Gao



Fig. 4. Stress distribution of (a) Gas pipeline; (b) Crude oil pipeline; (c) Refined oil pipeline.
Stress and displacement analysis of aerial oil & gas pipelines: A case study of Lantsang ... 152

Displacement validation

In normal condition, the axial displacement and vertical displacement of the three
pipelines are shown in Figure 5 and Table 6 (the lateral displacement was 0). It is clear

(I) When the length of pier was 1.5 m, according to GB 50316-2008 Design code
for industrial metallic piping, the axial displacement of the pipeline must not exceed
150 cm0.4=60 cm. The maximum angular displacement of the pipeline was 0.26,
which was smaller than 4, indicating that the section of parallel oil and gas pipelines
met displacement requirements

(II) The overall axial displacement of the pipelines was larger than vertical
displacement, suggesting that axial displacement was the key of displacement
validation of the pipeline.

(III) Judging from the axial and vertical displacement distribution of the pipelines,
the axial displacement of refined oil pipeline was the largest, followed by crude
oil pipeline and gas pipeline. The displacement of high pressure pipeline should be
particularly monitored during practical engineering.

(IV) Sudden change of axial and vertical displacement was witnessed at Bend 2
due to the lack of support at Bend 2 and the high flexibility and deformability of the

Table 6. Checking of the maximum displacement

Maximum axial Maximum longitudinal Maximum angular

displacement displacement displacement
Absolute Requirement Absolute Requirement Value Requirement
value (mm) (mm) value (mm) (mm) (degree) (degree)

Gas pipeline 24.56 600 9.97 - 0.03 4

Crude oil
46.56 600 18.68 - 0.06 4

Refined oil
51.83 600 20.36 - 0.26 4
153 Hongfang Lu, Kun Huang, Shijuan Wu, Xiaoyu Han, Lijie Zhao and Zhenxing Gao


Stress and displacement analysis of aerial oil & gas pipelines: A case study of Lantsang ... 154

Fig. 5. Displacement distribution of the pipelines (a) Axial displacement; (b) Longitudinal displacement;
(c) Angular displacement.

With respect to a project, where three pipelines parallel penetrated inclined tunnel, the
gas, crude oil and refined oil pipeline models were established based on beam model
using finite element analysis. The constraints of actual project were simplified and
stress and displacement analysis of the three pipelines under different conditions were
conducted. Based on the analysis of pipelines under normal conditions, the locations
of the critical sections and the main loads affecting stress of the gas, crude oil and
refined oil pipelines running through a tunnel were obtained. It is concluded that: (1)
after comprehensive consideration of the stress distribution of the three pipelines, it
was determined that Bend No.1 and No.2 were the most risky sections in Yanyingshan
tunnel pipelines; (2) axial displacement is the key of displacement validation of
pipelines penetrating the tunnel; (3) the displacement of high pressure pipeline should
be particularly monitored during engineering project.
This study fills the technological gap in stress analysis of parallel oil and gas
pipelines that run through tunnels, provides designers with a knowledge base, and
helps to ensure the safe operation of such pipelines.

This research was supported by Sichuan Provincial Key Disciplinary Development
Project Fund (SZD0416) and The Project of National Key Technology R&D Program
in the 12th Five Year Plan of China (2012BAJ11B02).
155 Hongfang Lu, Kun Huang, Shijuan Wu, Xiaoyu Han, Lijie Zhao and Zhenxing Gao

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Submitted: 07-10-2014
Revised: 04-02-2015
Accepted: 08-04-2015

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