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Unconstrained Melting

Properties (Interrupted using UDF)

solid_temp 329.
liquid_temp 331.00
900 in solid temp
773 in liquid temp
Thermal conductivity:
0.269 in solid temp
0.167 in liquid temp
0.03 in solid temp
0.029 in liquid temp
Specific Heat:
2950 in solid temp
2464 in liquid temp
Variable density relation with temp
Other properties is taken from fluent database
Container wall : aluminum)
All properties used as the fluent database.

Fluent setup
Solver Pressure Based, Time unsteady, Gravity checked (-9.81 in Y direction), 2D-space
Multiphase model (VOF) with 2 eulerian phase , Solidification & melting.
Air-primary, PCM- secondary.
Cell zone condition:
Zone (PCM) Phase(mixture) source terms(enabled) with UDF where Amush= 1.0e5
( )

( )
Thread *sec_th;
real source;
sec_th = THREAD_SUB_THREAD(t,1); /*To define the Phase 2 (PCM) liquid domain from Fluent*/
mimic= constant_source * (1.0-C_LIQF(c,sec_th))*(1.0-C_LIQF(c,sec_th))/(C_LIQF(c,sec_th)*C_LIQF(c,sec_th)*C_LIQF(c,sec_th)+0.001);
if (C_VOF(c,sec_th) > 0.0){
if (C_T(c,sec_th)>=liquid_temp){
source = -1.0*mimic*C_U(c,sec_th); /*C_U(c,t) used to collect cell X velocity from Fluent*/
return source;
The Y moment source is similar except the Y velocity of PCM zone in liquid phase.
Boundary condition:
Outer wall of container 365k (wall boundary)
Upper surface of PCM- (pressure outlet with 0 gauge pressure and 0 backflow of second phase)
Top of the container (solid wall) was adiabatic.
Mesh interface:
Inner wall of Container and outer wall of PCM wall were coupled to make the interface between
container wall (solid) and PCM (fluid)
Solution method:
Scheme: SIMPLE,
Discretization for pressure PRESTO, for Moment QUICK, for Energy QUICK, for volume
fraction Geo-Reconstruct.
Solution control: by default.
Solution initialization : Hybrid, Patch : 300k for PCM and solid, volume fraction 1 to second
phase PCM (by adopting surface of 70% PCM in the container, 30% air)

After run the simulation I have found the following pics of liquid fraction:

1. The PCM is not sinking on the bottom of the container. How could I make it to sink? Do I
have to add any momentum in the solid region of the PCM?

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