ExpertPreneur Mag Issue 05

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Issue 5

Helping Expertpreneurs grow a lucrative business and influential Brand

What Do
You Stand
For and
Why It Can
Make or
Break Your

Everything You Need to Unlearn

About Writing
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Not e F rom t he Ed i tor Ex pertPreneur Magazine

Note From the Editor


xpertpreneur Magazine is committed to helping en-
trepreneurs who make their living sharing their knowl-
edge and expertise, build a lucrative business and an
influential brand. Until now, there hasnt been a maga-
zine publication tailor made to meet the needs of expertpre-

Ive created this digital magazine to bring together other ex-

perts, thought leaders and successful entrepreneurs to share
their wisdom, insights and advice to help you build your ex-
pert business. Youll also find reviews and recommendations
on great tools, templates, books, podcasts and other resources that will help
you grow your business and extend the reach of your brand.

In Expertpreneur Magazine youll find useful advice, tools, templates, ideas, tips and
strategies specifically designed to help expertpreneurs grow their business. In our
magcast youll get articles, audio podcasts, videos, free reports, expert interviews, and
useful strategies to help you take massive action to build the business youve always

In addition to providing great strategies, advice and tactics, we also provide you with
some inspirational and motivational content because building an expert business can
be hard work and everyone can use a little inspiration once in awhile.

Dedicated to your success

Sheryl Wolowyk
Sheryl Wolowyk
Editor, ExpertPreneur Magazine
and Founder of Expert Elevation
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Subscribe today and take advantage of this time-limited promotion to receive each
edition for only $1.99. Thats close to 70% off the cover price and less than a cup of
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CONTENTS E xp ertPreneur Magazine Is s ue 05

Editors Note Encouragers and Discouragers

What Do You Stand For? Everything You Need to

BY M AT THEW GO LDFARB Unlearn About Writing

Why Even a Mentor Needs a

Mentor Getting Organized

How to Increase Response to Building Rapport With Your

Your Social Media Updates Prospects

Mission Possible: The Starting Realise Your Business Is A

Point - Living Your Passion Reflection Of You

Creating Effective Landing

BY S HERYL WOLOW Y K | 4 | Powered by

What D o You S tand For? Ex pertPreneur Magazine

What Do You Stand For?

How to Define and Communicate Your
Purpose-Driven Brand
BY MATTHEW GOLDFARB | 5 | Powered by

What D o You S tand For? Ex pertPreneur Magazine

onsumers are presented with
seemingly limitless opportuni- Defining Your Companys
ties for spending their money: Purpose
brick-and-mortar, Amazon, Ap-
ple, Zappos, and more. How do you set
your company apart from the rest? How
do you convince potential customers to
choose your business over all the other
options? How do you differentiate in what
feels like an overwhelming sea of same-
ness? These are questions every success-
ful business leader asks at one time or an-
other. And the answer to these overarching
questions begins with one word: purpose.
Understanding your companys move-
As a company, what you do is important, ment is like peeling back the layers of an
but why you do it is truly the most signifi- onion you must go beyond the sur-
cant aspect of your brand. Your companys face to get clarity on what really matters.
purpose the reason you are in business Complete this work and you will open the
is what sets you apart from the masses. doors and inspire anyone who comes in
A concrete purpose allows customers to contact with your business. To determine
feel emotionally connected to your busi- what drives your company, contemplate
ness, which can improve the likelihood of these four elements:
them choosing you over a standard com-
petitor. A purpose gives you and your team 1. Find Your Personal Purpose
focus; without a clear, defined purpose, a
company is often pulled in so many differ- Personal purpose describes what you see
ent directions as it grows that it loses sight as important on a personal level, as well
of its original goals and intentions (um as the reasons behind the decisions you
Netflix?). make daily. What inspires or motivates you
to do the work you do? What change do
You get it, right? Having a purpose is pretty you want to create in the world? What
important. Now, the next challenge is de- gets you out of bed each morning? Evalu-
termining what your brand represents. To ating what you see as your purpose in life
do this, you must now define your com- allows you to recognize what you hope
panys purpose, or movement, and then to achieve through your business and the
shout it from the rooftops to the world. work you do every day.
Feel daunting? Fortunately, there are four
easy steps to achieving each of these. | 6 | Powered by

What D o You S tand For? Ex pertPreneur Magazine

of the previous questions. What stories

2. Define Your Core Values
emerge from these considerations? What
message do you have to send out into the
Core values are a set of principles that re-
world? When youre able to look at your
flect whats truly important to you. How
purpose, core values, and reference points
do you make decisions? How do you treat
and see the picture they create, youre able
people? What influences the way you see
to find a powerful way to share your story.
the world?

Once youve determined your companys

Once you answer these questions on a
movement, the next step is sharing this in-
personal level, translate those values into a
formation with customers and potential
business mindset. For example, if you hold
customers in a meaningful and effective
true to the dont follow the herd man-
tra, that could translate into Give yourself
permission to stand out in the business

3. Create a Reference Point

Your reference point speaks to the way

both you and your customers see the
world. This is crucial for helping you define
the language of your business and con-
nect with your customers. What are their
world views? What do they care about?
How do they speak about their lives, and
what types of words do they use to de-
scribe them?
Communicate Your
Many businesses do not put enough con- Purpose Online
sideration into these questions, which is
why they fall flat when trying to engage An online presence is now the fastest way
with their audience. Decide what you con- to promote your business, and when it is
sider important like success or integrity, done in a thoughtful manner, it can have
for example and determine whether you an enormously positive impact. Take ad-
and your customer would define those vantage of the countless opportunities to
things the same way. reach customers online through the fol-
lowing steps:
4. Consider the Big Picture

The big picture is about getting clarity on

what it all means by evaluating the results | 7 | Powered by

What D o You S tand For? Ex pertPreneur Magazine

1. Create a Manifesto 3. Ignite Interest through Social

A manifesto is a story that shares your com-
panys viewpoints with your customers. It Social media has become one of the easi-
not only highlights what your company est ways to connect with people online
does, but it also emphasizes the reasons and educate them on what you believe
you do the work you do. Put your mani- in. Use Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram
festo on your website in a manner that will to post stories, achievements, pictures,
grab your readers attention. If you dont or even thought-provoking comments or
think you can eloquently express what questions, and invite others to share their
needs to be said, seek the assistance of a opinions and comments with you.
contract company to help you reach your
customers in an effective way. 4. Expand Your Horizons

2. Reiterate Your Purpose in Broaden the tactics you use to connect

Communication with customers beyond traditional, com-
mercial-based methods. Speak at con-
From blog posts to newsletters, con- ventions. Write print or online articles.
stantly reiterate your companys purpose. Participate in online panels. Create an in-
Share stories of clients or information in structional video that can be posted on
the news that exemplify the motivation YouTube. Find creative ways to move be-
behind, or the impact of, your movement. yond the office and tell the world what you
Ultimately, this will result in customers as- stand for. Ideas that matter can spread, but
sociating your purpose with your prod- they wont if theyre stuck in your head.
uct, which adds validity and credibility to
your business, helps people better con-
nect, and moves you from being seen as a
commodity to becoming what is called a
category of one.

Matthew Goldf arb is a prof es s ional copy wr i te r wh o h as s pe n t
t h e pas t 12 years creating award w inning a d c am paig n s fo r s o m e
of the larges t companies in the w orld. Now, h e is br in g in g th o s e
same concepts to s mall bus ines s owne r s an d e n tre pre n e ur s
e ver ywhere through his company, Corporate R e n e g ad e . C o n n e c t
wit h Matthew on Twitter and Google+.

h t t p://w -go l d far b/ 0 / bb1 / 4a9

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Why E ve n a Me ntor Need s a Mentor Ex pertPreneur Magazine

Why Even A Mentor

Needs a Mentor
Myth: When you become successful, you no longer
require guidance.

o you agree with this? Do go away. In fact, it will probably only grow.
your plans include not hav-
ing to spend time and money You see, youll never be able to see your
on coaches anymore? Do you business from the outside. That means
think you are doing so well you can just theres a good chance youll miss small
coast from this point on? things here and there you could tweak to
dramatically improve your bottom line.
Well, as hard as it may be to hear, your
need for others to consult with will never Thats why athletes and entertainers have | 9 | Powered by

Why E ve n a Me ntor Need s a Mentor Ex pertPreneur Magazine

coaches. At the highest professional lev- business coach.

el, they are all at their peak. But they still
need someone to look at them from the But what do you think of when someone
outside and help improve the small things says coach?
that make a difference.
By definition, a business coach helps you
Especially their mental game. focus on your best talents. They work with
So, today Im going to share with you the you to define your goals and strategies,
importance of having a mentor, at any lev- while uncovering your strengths. So you
el, and what best fits your needs. can run your business optimally without
stress, maximizing productivity and profits.
Youll see how a difference in wording can
get you two completely different coach- Youll brainstorm ideas, create an action
ing experiences... plan, and they will hold you accountable.
This is especially useful when starting out,
The best cure for the number one ailment or when launching a new product or ser-
Expertpreneurs suffer from... vice.

And why many business owners happily There is also an element of personal de-
spend $10,000+ a year for access to a velopment. A business coach will dig deep
coach or mentor, even when they are al- with you to combat any self-limiting ideas
ready financially successful... you struggle with, as well as working on
focus and motivation.
A Coach or a Consultant? In effect, youre getting life coaching mixed
in with your business coaching. And it is
very effective.

In fact, even Eric Schmidt, former CEO of

Google, had a business coach. He worked
with Bill Campbell, the coach of Silicon
Valley, to help him see his business from
a different perspective.

And guess how well that went? Eric

Schmidt said, (Bills) contribution to Goog-
le - it is literally not possible to overstate.
He essentially architected the organiza-
tional structure. High praise, right? I think
we can agree if the CEO of Google finds
Perhaps the most obvious form of men-
value in a coach, you will too.
torship for an Expertpreneur would be a | 10 | Powered by

Why E ve n a Me ntor Need s a Mentor Ex pertPreneur Magazine

It goes on and on from other high-pow- Now, this is something that a Business
ered execs, such as Steve Jobs, Jack Coach can help a lot with. In fact, its a big
Welch from GE, and Jonathan Schwartz part of their mission statement.
from Sun Microsystems .
But if you find you suffer from idea ADD,
But what is the line between coach and you struggle with implementing action-
consultant? able plans, and are ultimately procrastinat-
ing to avoid these problems, you may be
A consultant is more focused on the me- in need of a productivity or time manage-
chanics of your business which market- ment coach.
ing strategy will get you the best results,
how to optimize your web presence, man- Simply put, a productivity coach helps you
agement systems. They will not only help be more productive. They work with you
you choose the best methods for your to create systems for getting things done.
business, but potentially even do them for Such as David Allens Getting Things
you, to help guide you along. Done (GTD) program.

To put it plainly, A business coach will help They work with you to define what your
you understand how and why you ride biggest challenges are, and slowly help
a bicycle, help you to determine whats you work to conquer them. Often, they
holding you back from riding properly, will help you break your ideas down into
and jog along next to you as YOU ride. A small, manageable pieces, so you can ac-
business consultant will explain why one tually take steps toward a greater goal.
bike is superior to another, teach you how
to ride the bike, and if necessary, ride the This reduces the risk of getting over-
bike for you. whelmed or distracted, because every-
thing is attainable.
So how do you know which is best for
you? You may remember, as I discussed pro-
ductivity in my December blog series; a
The Best Cure specialized coach would focus on these
areas of your business and help you get
the most out of your time. They would
Do you know the most common problem
help you reach the goal of the 4 hour
Expertpreneurs face?
work day.
Its Attention Deficit Disorder. Not in the
In fact, a colleague of mine, who runs a
clinical sense, in all cases, though some
very successful business, has a conver-
do actually suffer from that. But gener-
sation with a productivity coach every
ally speaking, they have too many ideas,
month. He relies on her to help focus his
and find it difficult to focus to make any of
thoughts, as he is constantly coming up
them a reality.
with new ideas for his business. | 11 | Powered by

Why E ve n a Me ntor Need s a Mentor Ex pertPreneur Magazine

If he neglects that phone call for even one will see that most successful people in ex-
month, his productivity and profits take a pert industries, no matter what their level,
huge hit. places value in this concept.

So, even as an Expertpreneur yourself In fact, Dan Kennedy charges over $10,000
(and you may very well coach within this to meet a few weekends a year with 10 or
field), its important to have a check in so high-level business owners who want
with an outside professional to see if there to keep growing. They apply for the privi-
are any improvements you can make. lege of spending that amount of money to
Chances are, they will find something that attend these meetings.
needs attention.
This is not unusual.
You Cant Go it Alone However, if you are starting out, you dont
need to go quite so far yet. What is most
important for you is to regularly meet with
like-minded people who are at your level
(or, ideally, above your level), and bounce
ideas off of each other.

They dont necessarily have to be in the

same field as you. They just need to have
similar goals.

The most ideal situation is business own-

ers with complementary skill sets who
arent in competition with each other. You
can share ideas, motivations, goals, etc...
selflessly, without any concern. And youll
learn quite a bit from each other.
In his very famous book Think and Grow
Rich, Napoleon Hill discusses the power
Reach out to people you know, profession-
of the mastermind.
al organizations, or on the web (through, Facebook, or LinkedIn for
A mastermind is simply, the coordination
example), to find people willing to meet
of knowledge and effort of two or more
regularly with you. You can also make
people, who work toward a definite pur-
great connections at business conferenc-
pose, in the spirit of harmony. That might
es and events.
sound a bit woo-woo, but the idea is ba-
sically two heads are better than one.
Once youve found a group, you can de-
cide how often youd like to meet. It could
And if you read anything on business, you
be once a week, bi-weekly, or even once | 12 | Powered by

Why E ve n a Me ntor Need s a Mentor Ex pertPreneur Magazine

a month. Getting into a mastermind group can real-

ly help you see what others are doing and
Also, your mastermind meetings dont how they are finding success. Once you
have to be in person they can be Skype have some ideas floating around, the next
calls or even Google Hangouts. best step would be to work with a busi-
ness coach theyll help you sort through
Whatever you choose, youll not only en- and flesh them out.
joy the wave of new ideas, but youll start
holding yourself accountable to the oth- Beyond that, you can work with a consult-
ers in the group. You will want to succeed, ant to get actionable plans you can imple-
so you can share your stories with them ment to move forward in your business.
and in return, your business will grow ex- This will focus on the nitty-gritty of it all.
Lastly, if you ever find yourself struggling
Whats Best For You? with too many ideas or extreme procras-
tination, talk to a productivity coach. They
will help you through it.
Sometimes deciding what you need can
be the hardest part.
As you can see, there are coaches for
any circumstance you may come across.
And the best part? Sometimes one trusted
person can perform multiple roles. I per-
sonally act as both a business coach and
consultant, as well as offer a mastermind
program for serious Expertpreneurs.

Decide what is best for you right now, and

dont hesitate to ask for help. It could be
the biggest breakthrough for your busi-
ness, yet.

S h er yl Wolow yk is Founder of E xpert E levati o n a bus i n e s s c o ac h in g
an d entrepreneur training company f or ex pe r tpre n e ur s wh o
m ake a living s haring their know ledge an d e x pe r tis e . Sh e r y l
sh ow s expertpreneurs how to grow a l uc r ati v e bus i n e s s
an d inf luential brand w ith her income ac c e l e r ati o n s y s te m &
e xpertpreneur roadmap. She provides o n l in e pro g r am s , l i v e
e vents , coaching and VIP days to help clients d e v e l o p an e ffe c tiv e
b u s ines s s trategy and utilize s imple but po we r ful m ar ke tin g an d
sales techniques to attract a s teady s trea m of i d e al c l ie n ts , s o
t h e y can live the lif e of their dreams while m ak in g a big d i ffe re n c e
in t he lives of their clients . ww w.expertele v ati o n . c o m | 13 | Powered by

Ex pertPreneur Magazine

You get what you settle for

-Thelma and Lousie | 14 | Powered by

How t o I ncre a s e Res p on s e To Your Social Med ia Upd ates Ex pertPreneur Magazine

tumped on how to increase response

How to to your social media updates?

If you want to increase response
from your online community when youre
posting updates you need to make sure that

Response you arent missing one of the fundamental

elements of effectively communicating with
your audience. Add one of these elements
in and youll instantly see an improvement.
To Yo ur S o c i al M e dia
Updates To start with, its important to understand
that people go online for two reasons: to
find solutions to their problems and to be
BY JEFF SCHNEIDER entertained. Armed with this knowledge, we
can now take a look at the kind of updates | 15 | Powered by

How t o I ncre a s e Res p on s e To Your Social Med ia Upd ates Ex pertPreneur Magazine

that youre posting.

To increase response from your social me-
dia updates make sure youre focusing the Entertainment needs to draw your audi-
content you create around helping peo- ence in. This comes more naturally for
ple solve their problems, eliminating their some than it does for others. The two ba-
pain, lightening their spirits and encourag- sic forms of entertainment are humor and
ing conversation with you. When you do story telling.
this youll see a major shift in how your
online community reacts to your content. Everyone enjoys a good laugh. If you look
at the most viral content on the Internet,
Heres a tip: If you can educate people the majority of the time its funny. One
and mix in some humor at the same time, thing to keep in mind here is that if you
youll make a much bigger impact. intend to use humor, a planned script or
joke rarely comes across as well as some-
Now lets look at the three key elements thing unscripted, on the fly or more natu-
that will help you to increase response to ral.
your social media updates in more detail.
It takes a true artist to plan and execute
great humor. Youll know youve done it
Educate right when your audience begins to share
your content and it goes viral.
This one is pretty straight forward, you
want to teach people or show people how Another great way to entertain your audi-
to do something. Focus this kind of con- ence is by telling stories. If you can share
tent on helping people do something eas- a story with your audience, not only will
ier, teaching them more about your topic you entertain them, but youll also share a
of expertise, or helping them to make a part of you on a more personal level. This
smarter buying decision. is important because people do business
with people that they know, like and trust.
This is a huge opportunity for you to high-
light your expertise in your subject area. Another idea for creating entertaining con-
Make sure you are providing valuable in- tent is to try weaving in current events or
formation and knowledge to your readers, comments from thought leaders in your
viewers and listeners. The more value you industry. If a news story is starting to go
add to peoples lives, the more theyll be viral and youre able to react fast enough
interested in your content. This is a great and produce a relevant piece of content
way to increase response. around it, you may be able to capitalize on
the trending story. Doing what you can to
make your content go viral is a great way
to increase response. | 16 | Powered by

How t o I ncre a s e Res p on s e To Your Social Med ia Upd ates Ex pertPreneur Magazine

to action, youve effectively moved them

Engage from being passive to engaged; yet anoth-
er great way to increase response.
Engagement is getting your audience to
comment on your posts and have a con- Engagement is essential because it brings
versation with you around the content your audience one step closer to becom-
you create. The important piece that most ing a client or customer of your business.
people miss when it comes to engage- The more engagement they have with us,
ment is telling your audience what to do. the more they will get to know, like and
trust us, and the more viewers, listeners
Your content needs to have a call to ac- and readers we will convert to customers.
tion (CTA). If you want people to share
your content, tell em. If you want them to So remember, if youre not getting the re-
click your link, tell em. If you want them to sponse from the updates and posts youre
answer your question, tell em. making, remember to incorporate one or
more of the elements above into your con-
Some ways to better engage your audience tent. When you start delivering what peo-
include asking people thought-provoking ple are looking for you will see response
questions, posting polls, and encourag- increase and they will naturally share your
ing people to comment on your content. content with others, which is one of the
When your audience performs your call results of effective social media marketing.

J e ff Schneider is a top-rated Internet mar ke tin g e x pe r t an d a
t ru s ted authority in s ocial media. Hes the fo un d e r an d pre s i d e n t
of MarketingNinjas .com, anE dmonton-bas e d I n bo un d m ar ke tin g
ag ency that s pecializes in helping their c l i e n ts in c re as e th e i r
flow of high-quality leads us ing the In te r n e t. J e ff i s al s o a
p rof es s ional s peaker who pres ents on top ic s in c l ud in g I n te r n e t
m arketing and s ocial media. | 17 | Powered by

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Miss ion Po ss i ble Ex pertPreneur Magazine

Mission Possible:
The S t ar t in g Po in t -

Living Your Passion


o, ask yourself...What are you abso- We are on the cutting edge of this change
lutely brilliant at? What would you in humanity and there is a new way of do-
love doing even if you were not ing business. This is directly related to mak-
paid? This will be your core genius, ing an impact with our purpose and trans-
your core brilliance and it will tie directly forming the lives of others. Through the
into your life purpose and the contribution means of entrepreneurship, leadership and
you want to bring out into the world. creating a thriving business, these change
agents, thought leaders and visionaries are
In Hinduism, dharma means higher pur- committed to getting this message out
pose. Fulfilling our unique talents and ex- and helping others world wide.
pressing our unique expression of our-
selves. When we express our unique, The platform has dramatically changed
authentic self we feel joy, love and abun- with social media, blog radio, on line tel-
dance. evision shows, self publishing our books,
e-books and we are able to create and
The world is changing and there is a ma- co-create at a bigger and more powerful
jor shift happening on the you level with our unique message. We can
know what it is? Purpose driven men and reach millions of people through the inter-
women are responding to an inner calling net and connect up with skype with oth-
to come forth and share their unique gifts er heart centered people who share our
with the world. unique message. | 19 | Powered by

Miss ion Po ss i ble Ex pertPreneur Magazine

Here are some core values examples:

Successful people take the time
to discover what it is theyre Love
here to do - and then they Meaning
pursue that with passion and Inspiration
enthusiasm. Family
-Jack Canfield, Author & Thought Leader Sharing
We all want to find meaning in our lives, Inner Peace
connect with other heart centered people Gratitude
who also have a greater purpose. How do
we do this? Where do we look? Where are
these hidden clues? Nature
First Spirituality

Identifying our core values are essential Second

to creating a successful life. Values are in-
fused in every day of our lives. They shape Accept your Mission. Remember the show
our lives, our relationships, our attitude, our on television Mission Impossible. Each
beliefs, our behaviors and the choices we show opened with a recording from the
make. Ask yourself, what do I care deeply super-secret Impossible Mission Force.
about? This will give you clarity, alignment, Jim Phelps (Graves) push the start but-
commitment and engagement when you ton and hear your mission, should you
discover your mission and vision in life. It choose to accept it, is... After the record-
is one of the foundations of Life Mastery. ing the message would say this tape will
self destruct in five seconds. Bottom line,
Create a list of your core values and rank Jim always accepted the mission and the
your values in order of importance. Focus team were always successful!
on 3 core values that brings you the most
joy and fulfillment. Here is a list to start you To create your Mission Statement, ask
on the path of defining your core values. yourself?
Have fun doing this exercise and add to
the list and remember to review this often. What do I want to do?
This will keep you on track with how you Who do I want to help and serve?
show up in life and who you want to play What are the results, goals and intentions
the bigger game with both professionally I have?
and personally. What value will I bring to others?

Many years ago I was at a crossroads in | 20 | Powered by

Miss ion Po ss i ble Ex pertPreneur Magazine

my business. I had so many ideas (you into alignment with my higher purpose.
know the entrepreneur creativity zone!) Another way to give you insight into your
and I needed focus big time! I was direct- purpose is to review your own life jour-
ed by my Coach to read Steven Coveys ney, experiences and where you faced
book First Things First which was about obstacles, fears and challenges and how
to turn my business around! I learned how you overcame these. By discovering your
to create a mission, vision and values for unique gifts, your innate talents, your story,
my life and business and discovered this your personal transformation, you will be
would be one of defining moments for my able to take a stand for others who are ex-
business and my life! periencing similar challenges and inspire
them to break through their personal chal-
My mission is to inspire and empower in- lenges and discover their lifes purpose.
dividuals world wide to live their passion
for greatness in every aspect of life. This
created total focus and clarity on the gifts I
had to share with the world and moved me
This takes us to Your BIG Why? Your Vision... | 21 | Powered by

Miss ion Po ss i ble Ex pertPreneur Magazine

Now that you have discovered your val- its that are stopping you from creating the
ues and mission, you are moving into your life you love.
purpose and your BIG Why.
Ask these questions: Shift into moving through your FEAR and
realizing this is where your true success
What inspires you? lies.
What do you absolutely love doing?
What brings you Happiness? Shift into sharing your voice, your unique
What makes you smile? message and talents in the world, so you
can serve more people and make a differ-
This is something much bigger than you ence in the world.
and ties into your bigger desire to contrib-
ute to the world in a bigger way. It is about Shift into taking a stand for others and
getting off the fence and deciding to get holding a space, so they can blast through
on the court and play full out! This can their limitations, live their passion, purpose
be scary and make you want to run away and embrace prosperity so they can be
and hide. You might ask yourself how can part of the movement to transform the
I make an impact in the world and help world and others lives.
transform others lives worldwide? This is
where you really want to go BIG and not This is your life journey and your commit-
play life small. ment to playing BIG. The ultimate Big Shift.
By living your life on purpose, with passion
When you are in alignment with your val- and aligned with your core values, a big-
ues, mission and your BIG Why - your lifes ger version of you shows up - present and
purpose - people, circumstances and un- energized! In the process of more growth,
limited possibilities show up! So, get ready expansion, more impact, fun, excitement,
to take the ride of your life! fulfillment and become
more and have more to bring your unique
Living your Purpose gifts out into the world!

You will experience: Mission Possible!

Shift in breaking through the subconscious
blocks, negative beliefs, attitudes and hab-

M oira is a champion f or w omen who w ant t o be c o m e c r y s tal c l e ar
on their pas s ions and purpos e and create a l i fe th e y l o v e ! Sh e
works with women who are at a cros s road s in th e i r l iv e s an d are
re ady to blas t through any s elf -impos ed li m itati o n s an d be l i e fs ,
so that they can s tart to boldly s hare their un i q ue g i fts with th e
world and attract more abundance, love, jo y an d ful fil l m e n t. | 22 | Powered by

Ex pertPreneur Magazine

Leap and
the net will
-Zen saying | 23 | Powered by

Creat i n g E f fe c tive L and i n g Pa g es Ex pertPreneur Magazine

Creating Effective Landing Pages

Par t 1

f you want your prospects to do tics youve learned along the way are put
something, you have to hold them by to the test. On top of that, the page must
the hand. be designed so the prospect knows exact-
ly who you are, where to go, and what is
And thats the purpose of a landing page expected of them.
to get them to take a specific action. The
entire page is dedicated to guiding them It should also speak to exactly who they
towards one goal, whether it be filling out are and how they feel in that moment.
a form, making a purchase, signing up for
a newsletter, and so on... Now, this might seem like a really tall or-
der from one little page, but the truth is, an
All of the valuable copywriting tips and tac- effective landing page can get you con- | 24 | Powered by

Creat i n g E f fe c tive L and i n g Pa g es Ex pertPreneur Magazine

versions far beyond anything else youve

created. The Why
The industry standard conversion rate is The internet has really changed how peo-
30%; optimize it well, and you could regu- ple shop.
larly get up to 50% and over per page.
Instead of walking into a store, flipping
Imagine if 50% of the people who went through a catalog, or even browsing casu-
to your page requested your lead magnet. ally for something, people go online with
Or registered for your automated webinar. the purpose of finding one particular thing.
That would be pretty great for your bot-
tom line, right? They type career coaching services in the
search engine, and click on one of the top
Well, today were going to jump into the few websites that come up. If that web-
big ideas of a landing page four main site doesnt let them know within seconds
concepts you must incorporate every how it can help them with what they are
time... looking for, they move on.

Youll learn why the research you do be- And that is your biggest hurdle as a mar-
fore creating your page will make or break keter.
When you create a landing page, it has to
How being aware of eye movement track- hook the prospect from the very start. And
ing is crucial to your success... the only way you can know how to do
that, is to understand their motivation for
And how you can overcome the most being there.
challenging objections of all.
Now, if youve been with me for a while, | 25 | Powered by

Creat in g E f fe c tive L and i n g Pa g es Ex pertPreneur Magazine

you already know the importance of pros- ing from home D) Quitting Your Job.
pect research. But landing pages go be-
yond even that. There are a lot of questions Based on what they check off (could be
you need to be able to answer before you one or all), you separate them into differ-
write even a single word of text. ent groups and send them through target-
ed marketing funnels leading to an offer. If
Where did the prospect come to your page you know their ultimate goal is doing what
from? Did they click on the link through they love, you can write a very targeted
an email? Facebook? A live event? Do they page selling your Follow Your Dreams
know who you are? Are they really your coaching program.
target prospect?
But how should your landing page look
This is all in addition, of course, to knowing when they get there?
their hopes, fears, wants, and problems.
You must know whats going through their
head at the very moment they arrive.
Understanding What You
Understanding this will help you put to-
gether a compelling headline, value prop- Your prospects may be coming to your
osition, and copy that will drive them to page interested in what you have to say,
an action. Whatever the goal of the page but if you arent abundantly clear about
may be. who you are and what you offer, they will
leave and never come back.
A great way to find out exactly what your
prospects want, is to create a survey So, its very important you put your Value
through your CRM or a survey service Proposition front and center.
like Survey Monkey. Ask the prospects al-
ready on your list to tick boxes based on Your value proposition is simply what you
what problems they have, or what they are do. How you can benefit the reader. It
looking for help with. For example, What doesnt have to be long or complicated.
is your biggest goal? A) Doing what you Just a few short sentences (3-4 words
love B) Financial independence C) Work- each) relaying the biggest benefit(s) you of-
fer, and what makes your offerings unique.

For example, in the previous example, you

may put Go for your dreams. Live happily
ever after. It gives the impression you are
helping people attain their fairy tale life.

Now, what may surprise you is where

you put this value proposition is as impor- | 26 | Powered by

Creat in g E f fe c tive L and i n g Pa g es Ex pertPreneur Magazine

tant as what it is. Back in my post about

creating the perfect webpage, I talked a bit
about using the golden triangle and heat
mapping data to determine how to lay out
the important elements of your page.

Basically, when someone comes to a page,

their eyes start at the top left, move to the
top right, and then slowly scan down the
page on a diagonal from right to left, end-
ing at the bottom left corner. The Golden

Knowing this, wouldnt you want to put

your most crucial information in a place
guaranteed to be seen?
The Path from A to B
Generally speaking, you always want to
put your value proposition in the top right Have you ever given up trying to find
corner. Make it clear and concise. That something when lost?
way the prospect knows right away what
they stand to gain by interacting with your I can remember family vacations before
page, and you. the GPS was invented, where we would
drive around endlessly trying to find a par-
Heat mapping refers to researching where ticular restaurant, only to get completely
people are clicking on your page. Is there frustrated and go somewhere else, instead.
a graphic they seem to like, and even try
to click? Perhaps they leave after a certain Well, that is exactly the same thing your
point? prospects will do if your landing page is at
all confusing and difficult to navigate.
When you find out how they are interact-
ing with your page, you can better opti- You see, that attention span problem is
mize it to give them what they want. You prevalent throughout the entire web ex-
could make that picture a hyperlink, for perience. From the moment they come
example, leading them to something re- to your page, they are ready to leave at the
lated to the image. Well talk more about slightest difficulty.
optimizing your landing pages in Part 3 of
this series. So, imagine if your page is incredibly con-
voluted with no clear direction for what to
This plays into another important element do or where to go?
of your page: making sure people dont
get confused... Knowing about the golden triangle, you | 27 | Powered by

Creat in g E f fe c tive L and i n g Pa g es Ex pertPreneur Magazine

can make sure your page makes getting Next, dont try to be fancy testing has
from point A, your headline and value proven what works best, so go with it.
proposition, to point B, whatever it is you
want them to do (request a quote, regis- Take them through your copy line by line
ter for a free ebook, etc), as smooth and straight down the middle of the page to
unobstructed as possible. Ideally, its just a your call-to-action. And make sure there
simple straight line. Which is referred to as are as FEW options as possible, ideally only
eye path. one most wanted response.

To start, keep the text in one column if If you want them to sign up for your news-
possible. If you make it newspaper style letter, have that be the ONLY option avail-
with multiple columns it can become very able. Dont have a read my blog here,
confusing. Remember, there is no com- sign up for newsletter here, or buy this
mon way people design sites, so users are product option all on the same page.
coming into a new experience each and They will become indecisive and not do
every time. anything at all. | 28 | Powered by

Creat in g E f fe c tive L and i n g Pa g es Ex pertPreneur Magazine

Now, if it is a landing page leading towards ticle really only scratches the surface.
something that requires a payment, you
can offer options but they should be for- But just taking these four elements into
matted in a very specific way. Something I consideration when creating your land-
will talk about in Part 2 of this series. ing pages will make a world of difference
in your conversion rates, and your results.
Addressing Their Anxiety Youll see more opt-ins, more action, and
less resistance.
The final thing to consider when putting
All resulting in more profits for your busi-
your landing page together is your pros-
pects potential barriers.

However, this is just the start. Once you

When you are about to buy something,
have your landing page up and running,
you may find yourself suddenly worrying
your responsibility shifts to addressing the
about the consequences: Is it too expen-
issues your visitors will have, which we
sive? Will I regret this later? What if I hate
talked about today, in addition to tweak-
ing it to optimize the results. Just putting
it up and leaving it alone wont do much
This is called anxiety, and it can range from
for you.
very low to extremely high based on what
you are asking your prospect to do. If its
So, because this is such an in-depth topic,
simply entering a name and email, then its
there will be two more articles in the se-
relatively low. If its a $2000 product, you
ries. Youll find them in the April and May
can be sure anxiety will be a lot higher.
editions of Expertpreneur Magazine. Be
sure to take a look, because those tips and
So what is the best way to counter this?
secrets could net you up to a 50% increase
Well get to that in Part 2, coming next
in your conversions, or more.

Start working on your landing page, and

Digesting Everything stay tuned for Part 2 next month.

Landing pages is a huge topic, and this ar-

S h er yl Wolow yk is Founder of E xpert E levati o n a bus i n e s s c o ac h in g
an d entrepreneur training company f or ex pe r tpre n e ur s wh o
m ake a living s haring their know ledge an d e x pe r tis e . Sh e r y l
sh ow s expertpreneurs how to grow a l uc r ati v e bus i n e s s
an d inf luential brand w ith her income ac c e l e r ati o n s y s te m &
e xpertpreneur roadmap. She provides o n l in e pro g r am s , l i v e
e vents , coaching and VIP days to help clients d e v e l o p an e ffe c tiv e
b u s ines s s trategy and utilize s imple but po we r ful m ar ke tin g an d
sales techniques to attract a s teady s trea m of i d e al c l ie n ts , s o
t h e y can live the lif e of their dreams while m ak in g a big d i ffe re n c e
in t he lives of their clients . ww w.expertele v ati o n . c o m | 29 | Powered by

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thought provoking videos that provide valuable business
strategies, entrepreneur training, business coaching,
and advice to help you make more money, and grow an
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episode so you dont have to worry about missing out. Just
click the Subscribe button below.
E ncou r a g e r s a nd D i s c ou r a g ers Ex pertPreneur Magazine

Encouragers and Discouragers


I believe that close association with one who

refuses to compromise with circumstances he
or she does not like is an asset that can never
be measured in terms of money.

-Napoleon Hill | 31 | Powered by

E ncou r a g e r s a nd D i s c ou r a g ers Ex pertPreneur Magazine

believe that close association with connection with, look for ways to be of
one who refuses to compromise service - with no expectation of return.
with circumstances he or she does No, Im not telling you to stalk them. May-
not like is an asset that can never be meas- be you can volunteer to help them at their
ured in terms of money. Napoleon Hill next event. Or run errands for them when
they are overloaded. Or simply send them
Think about the people that you hang thoughtful articles and reference materials
around with. Do they encourage you, up- that you feel they would be interested in
lift you, and see you in your highest good? having.
Or do they hold you back, fearful that you
will leave them behind if youre success- Look for ways that you can add value to
ful. (There are people in your life that want their lives, without asking anything from
you to do well, just not better than them.) them in return. It will be a refreshing
change for them, and you may find that
If you consider the income levels of the they are much more approachable than
five people that you hang around with you think.
most, youll probably find that your in-
come is right about the average of those Have fun
associates. What does that mean? If you
want to reach a higher level of success, Lisa
its important for you to be involved with
people that have already reached the pin-
nacles that you are pursuing. PS - Simply by giving Harvey
Mackay a copy of my book,
Oftentimes we are too intimidated to ap-
proach the people we admire, fearful that with no expectation of return, I
we wont be able to bring anything to the
was gifted with his featuring my
friendship. After all, What do I have to of-
fer them? is a question that you may be book in his syndicated column
asking yourself.
that went to over 10 million sub-
Relationships happen over time. If there is scribers. Kindness works!
someone you admire and want to build a

As Founder of Grategy, Lis a Ryan works with c o r po r ati o n s ,
assoc iations , and non-prof its to create s tro n g e r e m pl o y e e an d
c u st omer engagement, retention and s at i s fac ti o n , l e ad in g to
in c re ased prof its . She is the author of s ix boo k s , an d c o - s tar s in two
d oc u mentaries : the award-w inning: The Keepe r of th e Ke y s , an d
T h e Gratitude E xperiment. Bring Lis a to yo ur n e x t e v e n t:, lis a@, or 2 16-225 - 8 0 27. | 32 | Powered by

E ver y t h in g You Need to Unle a rn A bout Writing Ex pertPreneur Magazine

Everything You Need

To Unlearn About Writing

ou may have heard the old saying tion of their limited time here on Earth for
that everything you need to know the privilege of reading your bookwell,
about life, you learned in kinder- be boring and perish.
garten. I say everything you need
to unlearn about writing, you learned in To help you, Ive composed a list of sev-
high school. The strategies used to get an en habits that you must break to have any
A on a school term paper are contrary to hope of success in the marketplace.
the writing style you need to succeed in
the marketplace. So, yes, after 12, 16, per-
haps 20 or more years of formal educa-
7 Habits of Boring Writers
tion, I am asking you to set aside every-
thing you learned about writing and learn 1. Filler
how to write.
The first time a teacher assigns a 15-page
I can sum up academic writing in one paper is often the first time students em-
word: boring. The key difference between brace the idea of adding filler to meet the
writing for school and writing for the mass page count. Your book should be only as
market is that when you write for school, long as it needs to be, which means no
people are getting paid to read your stuff, excess words. Each word is work for your
and when you write to the mass market, reader. Say more with less to make the
we hope, people are paying you. If your reading enjoyable.
audience is a tenured professor whose
salary requires reading your term paper, 2. Passive Voice
you can be as boring as you like. But when
you are writing to a mass market of busy I can always tell an academic writer, be-
people who have paid money and a por- cause the language is littered with pas- | 33 | Powered by

E ver y t h in g You Need to Unle a rn A bout Writing Ex pertPreneur Magazine

sive verbs, adverbs, adjectives and labori- ing to anyone, because when we say we,
ous prepositional phrases. Example: The readers think, Oh, we, but not me. The
maestros conducting technique was same thing happens when one writes to
quite foreign to the many observers from one who might have an interest in the
Uganda who had arrived just the day be- matter but isnt willing to admit it. The we
fore. Despite their obvious fatigue, they and one strategy helps both the author
liked it and offered their applause to the and the audience remain a safe distance
conductor. (Zzzzzzz.oh, sorry. I must away from the content.
have dozed off.)
Writing to the mass market is personal
Keep the language crisp and snappy. Leave between you and me. In the world of self-
out insignificant details and punch up the help and how-to, which includes most of
ones that count. Use adjectives and verbs the books by ExpertPreneurs, your read-
that evoke an image, a texture, a feel- er is counting on you to be straight about
ing, anything but a snore. Observe: The your own experience and to help them
maestros furious baton waving wowed see their own situation and behaviors.
the crowd of travel-weary Ugandans, and
they leaped to their feet in uproarious ap-
4. Regurgitation
plause. Boom.
Academia depends upon the agreement
3. We and One principleif enough scholars agree, it
must be true. Better to make your own
In academia, we write as if we are writing bold statement and back it up with your
to everyone, when really, we arent writ- own experience (or your clients experi- | 34 | Powered by

E ver y t h in g You Need to Unle a rn A bout Writing Ex pertPreneur Magazine

ences). While you may utilize others infor- main point and spend the rest of the sec-
mation and source it, at least 90% of your tion explaining it.
books content should come straight from
the authors mouthmeaning you. 7. Repetition and overex-
5. P.C. and Playing it Safe
Some academic writers repeat themselves
Students learn early, the controversial term because they have so little confidence in
paper almost never gets the A. Especially the readers ability to comprehend, they
at the undergraduate level, the highest re- feel the need to say the same thing over
wards go to the least offensive, most cen- and over using different wording. The oth-
trist, politically correct papers. Students er reason traces back to the padding word
with unpopular opinions or unusual per- count motivation. Either way, its boring,
spectives learned not to share in class, but so stop it if you want people to recom-
save those nuggets for late-night conver- mend your book. One clue, if you find
sations with friends. When you write for yourself writing the words in other words
the marketplace, youre better off sharing ask yourself, Do I need to include this, or
the kinds of ideas you discussed at 1 AM am I just repeating myself?
in hushed whispers at the dorm. A well-
thought controversial stand will take you Use these guidelines to catch yourself any
much farther as an author than a wet- time you fall into academic writing mode.
noodle-like homage to the status quo.
One final point: anything you learned
6. Burying the point about writing in kindergarten, and even up
to the 5th gradegrammar, punctuation,
Aside from journalism majors, no one in sentence structure, you can keep.
academia learns that the first paragraph
should introduce the main point. Dont Let the unlearning begin
torture your readers. Delayed gratification
does not apply here. Disclose upfront the

Robin Colucci is the author of How to Wr i te a B o o k T h at Se l l s
You (December 2 013 ). She earned a BA i n j o ur n al is m fro m th e
Ge orge Was hington Univers ity and an MA i n s pir i tual ps y c h o l o g y
from the Univers ity of Santa Monica. Col uc c i h e l ps c o n s ul tan ts ,
c oaches , and other entrepreneurs w rite an d publ i s h bo o k s fo r
b u s ines s growth. She lives in Colorado w ith h e r two c h il d re n an d
a pug. Learn more at w ww.getpublis hedco ac h . c o m . | 35 | Powered by

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G etti n g Or ga n i zed Ex pertPreneur Magazine

Getting Organized

s a business owner, it is para- coming week. When Monday morning
mount to be on your a-game rolls around, its game time and I am ready
each and every day. to go. Then, at the end of each day, I sim-
ply review what I accomplished and what
Have you ever said to yourself, If only I I didnt and then re-prioritize for the fol-
could get organized? Well, you are not lowing day. By being disciplined with this
alone. Each day we are being pulled in approach each week, it increases my con-
many different directions. fidence and my productivity.

However, if you are not clear of your goals Over the years I have observed many en-
and what you want to accomplish by the trepreneurs prepare and plan at the begin-
end of the day, its very easy to get dis- ning of each day. In my opinion, its too
tracted. I love this quote from Les Brown, late. The game has already begun. If you
Most of us are more dedicated to our dis- plan and prepare very early, lets say at
tractions than our destination. Are you be- 5:00 am, that is a different story. But, dont
ing distracted each day from what you are leave it until you walk into work at 8 or 9
trying to accomplish? Many of us are! As am. That is the time you should be hitting
organized and disciplined as I am, I have the ground running!
those days where I end up at the end of
the day and ask myself, How did I end up Let me ask you this. What happens to your
over here? confidence when you are not prepared
for a situation? Do you lose it? People love
One strategy has helped me over the years doing business with people that are con-
(and especially now with the 24/7, always- fident.
on mentality). I block out more time each
week to prepare and plan. For me, this is What do I prepare and plan for? About
foundational to increased productivity. everything I can think of: prospecting calls,
I will typically set aside four to five solid follow-up calls, thank-you notes to send,
hours either Friday afternoon or Saturday proposals, presentations, workshops,
morning and prepare and plan for the up- coaching, appointments and emails I need | 37 | Powered by

G etti n g Or ga n i zed Ex pertPreneur Magazine

to follow-up with. I call this Self Organiza- you to prepare and plan your day in ad-
tion Time. During this special time I dont vance.
allow any interruptions. No phone calls,
no emails, nothing. I am amazed how I remember, years ago, I was facilitating a
much I get done when I set aside time sales workshop for a local company. I was
for planning. I am also amazed how little I talking about the importance of planning
get done when I dont. Another thing I do your activity in advance. David, one of the
during Self Organization Time is THINK. I sales people yelled out, I am one of the top
just sit and reflect and think. Nothing else. salespeople in this company and I am too
I think about where I have been and where busy to plan my day in advance. I listened
I want to go. to all the reasons why he couldnt plan his
day in advance and then I responded with,
I love this quote from George Harrison, If Lets look at this from a different perspec-
you dont know where you are going, any tive. You are too busy NOT to plan your
road will take you there. Its so true. day in advance. David sat there for a mo-
ment and pondered what I had said. I then
I can just about hear what you are think- challenged him and said, Try it for 30 days
ing, That wont work for me. I cant be that and lets see what happens. At the end of
organized. I cant live on a schedule like the day when David went home, it looked
that. Well, let me say this. You are already like he had been fired. There was only one
living on some type of schedule whether piece of paper on his desk with his plan for
you like it or not. If its not prepared and the following day. A year passed and David
planned, its probably a really poor one. I called and thanked me. He told me that
love this quote from one of my favorite one idea doubled his income.
books, The plans of the diligent lead to
profit as surely as haste leads to poverty. Whats your excuse for not planning your
Its your choice. No one is going to force day or week in advance? | 38 | Powered by

G etti n g Or ga n i zed Ex pertPreneur Magazine

Ive heard them all. The most successful portant I either respond at the end of the
people that I have met over the years are day or even wait until the end of the week.
ruthless with their time. They dont allow Yes, I sometime wait 3-4 days to respond
anything or anybody to interfere with their because its not important. Try it sometime.
schedule. Its amazing how much you can get done
when you are not being interrupted every
Now, having said that, there is always an 30 seconds by email. There is always an
exception to everything. Each week I allow exception. If I am corresponding back and
for the unexpected things which come up forth with a client or someone, that is a dif-
that were not planned. I have found that ferent story.
life goes a little better if I am more flexible.
I dont plan each minute of every day. That There are many tools that will help you get
is unrealistic. I do have a clear plan of what organized and be more productive. Some
I want to accomplish each day and stick to of my favorite tools are my iPhone, iCal,
it the best I can. Nozbe (projects and todos) and Evernote
(notes, clippings and all that stuff) to name
Lets talk about one of the biggest distrac- a few. Find something that works for you
tions of all time. Email. I am not saying that and stick to it. Life will be so much better.
email is not an important communication
tool because it is if utilized properly. What Another quote from my favorite book, He
happens when you are working away at who ignores discipline comes to poverty
your desk and your email chime goes off? and shame. Practice the discipline of pre-
You stop everything dont you? Well, of paring and planning in advance and watch
course you do. You cant resist looking can what happens. There are three types of
you? I cant. So this is what I have devel- people in the world. There are people that
oped and it works quite well. SHUT IT OFF! make things happen. People who watch
All kidding aside. I open my email first thing things happen and people who wondered
in the morning. I check whats important, what happened.
respond to what is needed and I then shut
it off for at least two hours. I then focus on
my tasks at hand. Couple hours goes by,
Which one are you?
the same process. Whatever was not im-

As F ounder of The Pros pecting E xpert , Ste v e K l o y d a h e l ps h is
c lients attract more pros pects , retain m o re c l ie n ts , an d d r iv e
m o re s ales . Be ins pired, encouraged, an d e m po we re d by h is
d aily, weekly, and monthly res ources to take y o ur s al e s to th e
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Topics topics
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Find out how to stand out through messaging, copywriting and design and learn
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Learn how relationship
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Issue 01
In this Issue:
Having a successful business requires differentiating
yourself so you stand out as the obvious choice to do
business with, well show you how.

Learn a 5 step process for creating a fool proof sales


Issue 02
In this Issue:
Learn techniques on how to grow your business with
LinkedIn, blogging, funnel marketing strategies, and a
new marketing model thats sure to increase your

Get tips on incorporating your story lines to help build

your business.
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Issue 03
In this Issue:
We show you how to craft a powerful elevator pitch that
draws people in and has them wanting to know more
about you and your business.

Discover effective networking techniques that will help

you grow your list of clients.

Learn 4 hot ways to market yourself that will have

clients knocking on your door.

Issue 04
In this Issue:
In this edition learn how to exponentially grow your
expert business with tips on doing joint venture

This edition will also give you advice on what you can do
to become a more confident speaker.

Get a free course worth $149, that uncovers social trends

that you absolutely must pay attention to if you are going
to have effective marketing.
Build in g R a pp or t W i th You r Prospects Ex pertPreneur Magazine

B uil d in g R a p po rt
With Your Prospects

ho are the people in your
life you actually take advice

You would probably say your friends, rela-

tives, and mentors people you respect
and have good relationships with. More
importantly, people you trust.

Well, doesnt the same reasoning apply

to companies you buy from? Arent you
more willing to purchase a product from
an expert or a brand you know and trust?

It takes time for a company to build that

kind of a relationship with prospects, Not only will it result in better sales, but
mostly due to how extreme competition you will enjoy your work a lot more. The
is. But also because the internet allows for deep satisfaction that comes from truly
highly impersonal relationships. connecting with those you are helping is
second to none.
Your job as an Expertpreneur is not only
to create products and services that truly But to get there, you have to step outside
help people, but also to become an advi- of the box. And you have to nurture your
sor and friend to them. You want to have relationships both online and off.
real relationships founded in trust and un-
derstanding. Today, youll learn why trying to get every
business card at an event will leave you
empty handed... | 43 | Powered by

Build in g R a pp or t W i th You r Prospects Ex pertPreneur Magazine

How to speak to guarantee a captivated soul you trap. Nor is it about collecting as
audience from beginning to end... many business cards as humanly possible
before the event is over.
And very specific words with the power to
bypass even the strongest barriers. If you focus on those things, you will fail.

Networking the Right Way Building rapport involves planning and re-
ally good listening skills. You need to know
what exactly it is you want to accomplish
Im going to get this out of the way right
at the event you are attending. Are you
away; to succeed at building rapport, you
looking for people who might be interest-
have to be genuine.
ed in your products? Are you looking for
potential business partners?
Theres a myth that networkers are all
wheeler-dealer types who are just trying
Deciding this before you get to the event
to work their way to the most important
allows you to prepare your elevator
person in the room. They dont care about
speech for when the subject shifts to you.
anyone else; they are on a mission.
You must be able to answer, What do you
And Id say, its half right.

But you cannot talk about that until youve

Smart networkers do have a mission with
gone through the more important part of
their networking. They know who they
the discussion first: asking about them.
want to meet and why, and they focus on
that goal at whatever event they are at-
Regardless of who you are talking to, you
need to take an honest and sincere inter-
est in them. Find out about who they are,
Where the myth may be wrong, is in be-
where they come from. Ask about their
lieving they dont care. Because those who
family and their work life. Ultimately, you
dont actually care sink very quickly. I think
want to find common ground.
its safe to say that most people can see
right through fakeness. It may take time,
Our society today is too cursory and in-
but it always comes to light.
sincere. We ask how are you?, but dont
really want to hear the answer. Were lucky
Good networkers care deeply about oth-
if we exchange two real sentences.
ers, and want to know all about them. And
that is how you can differentiate yourself
You need to step beyond that. You have to
from the pack.
be the person who actually cares. Theres
common ground everywhere; if you can
You see, there is a real art to networking.
find it and talk about it, they will remember
Its not about spouting all about your suc-
cesses and your business to whatever poor | 44 | Powered by

Build in g R a pp or t W i th You r Prospects Ex pertPreneur Magazine

And you never know how that will pay off a presentation where you felt you re-
in the long run. Because when you ulti- ally knew that person by the end of the
mately get to your elevator pitch, and the speech. Without exchanging a word!
person youre talking to already feels a
connection with you, then theyll be more Much like networking, there is an art to de-
interested in you and what you do. And livering a great presentation. Mastering it
even if what you provide isnt a fit for them, allows you to create a personal connec-
they may happily introduce you to some- tion with your audience, regardless of how
one else at the event that they feel could many people are there.
benefit from what you offer. This will only
happen though, if youve built a connec- For example, simply making eye contact
tion and shown a sincere interest in them. creates a connection. Look slowly and de-
liberately at small groups, anywhere from
Connecting Through four to ten people. You dont have to stare,
but take a moment with each one.
Each individual in the group will feel like
You can develop a strong rapport even if you are looking at them.
you arent speaking one-on-one.
Also, as Ive expressed in previous articles,
Im sure you can recall a time you saw telling a story works wonders for relating | 45 | Powered by

Build in g R a pp or t W i th You r Prospects Ex pertPreneur Magazine

to your audience. If theyve had a similar Whats great about it, though, is you can
experience, they will immediately be on very easily connect to others by just being
your wavelength and feel personally con- aware of how they view themselves. And
nected. being sure to address them that way.

And with storytelling comes the real mu- Basically, when you create marketing ma-
sic of your presentation rhythm, highs terials or talk to a crowd, you need to know
and lows, varying tempos all drawing who you are talking to. That certainly isnt
them in further. Its like putting on a one- anything new; weve talked about pros-
man show, except connecting your audi- pect research many times before.
ence with yourself and not a character.
However, what you call them or the
Do it well, and they will hang onto your egoic label can have an immediate ef-
every word. fect of connecting, completely bypassing
the barriers many prospects put up.
Speaking takes a lot of practice to perfect.
However, there is one small trick you can Think about it. Lets say someone was up
incorporate into not just presentations, in the front of a room giving a speech, and
but all of your materials, that will improve they said, people today have a lot of trou-
your ability to connect tenfold... ble building their businesses. Yes, thats
true, but people could be anyone. They
Appealing to Ego are not talking to anyone directly.

Your eyes glaze over.

Ego is quite the loaded word. It implies
how we view ourselves, for better or for
worse. | 46 | Powered by

Build in g R a pp or t W i th You r Prospects Ex pertPreneur Magazine

Now, if they said Experts today have a lot fidant when they transcend being a busi-
of trouble building their businesses, then ness owner and are a friend.
you may nod along and think yeah, we
sure do. And suddenly you are engaged People crave the personal care and atten-
in what they have to say. tion of others. It is integral to our happi-
ness and greatly affects our decision mak-
One of the reasons I created the term Ex- ing. And frankly, on our end, it makes our
pertpreneur was because I wanted a work more enjoyable.
word that encompassed everything you
are an expert and an entrepreneur. And Despite the world going largely digital, and
even though its not a real word, you know the ability to hide behind a website, social
exactly what it means and who it includes, media has really brought back the per-
right? sonal focus of communication. So even if
you hate going to live events, you can take
Well, you should find a word that fits the the extra time to talk with your customers
ideal prospects for your business, too. It and make sure they get to know you.
can be as simple as life coach or even
something made up, but it has to be clear Share stories, answer their questions in a
and direct. video, even chat on the phone your ef-
forts will pay you back in the long run.
By doing so, you will build an immediate
bridge to your prospect, creating a strong No matter what, think about how you can
rapport from the start. And you will find it implement these ideas into your business.
much easier to grab and maintain their at- They will make it a more fulfilling experi-
tention, no matter what the medium is. ence, and earn you a lot more money
down the road.
Becoming a Friend
An Expertpreneur becomes a true con-

S h er yl Wolowyk is Founder of E xpert E levatio n a bus i n e s s c o ac h in g
an d entrepreneur training company f or e x pe r tpre n e ur s wh o
m ake a living s haring their knowledge an d e x pe r tis e . Sh e r y l
sh ows expertpreneurs how to grow a l uc r ati v e bus i n e s s
an d inf luential brand with her income a c c e l e r atio n s y s te m &
e xpertpreneur roadmap. She provides o n l in e pro g r am s , l i v e
e ve nts , coaching and VIP days to help clien ts d e v e l o p an e ffe c ti v e
b u s ines s s trategy and utilize s imple but po we r ful m ar ke tin g an d
sales techniques to attract a s teady s tream of i d e al c l ie n ts , s o
t h e y can live the lif e of their dreams w hile mak in g a big d i ffe re n c e
in t he lives of their clients . w ww.expertelev ati o n . c o m | 47 | Powered by

Instead of one-way interruption, web
marketing is about delivering useful
content at just the precise moment that
a buyer needs it.
-David Meerman Scott
Real i se You r Bu s i ne s s i s a Reflection of You Ex pertPreneur Magazine

Realise Your Business Is A


If Yo u D o n t Ch ange The Way Yo u Wor k an d T h e Way

You T h i n k Abo ut Work , No thi ng Will Chang e

come in and advise or even DO the stuff

Come to the realisation for you, but after all the expense, when
that everything that they leave you will fairly quickly go back to
the way you used to do it. Because how
happens in the business you do work is a direct function of how
is a reflection of you. you think about work. Shift the way you

think about business and the changes will
f youve been following my series in not only be immediate, they will be pro-
ExpertPreneur magazine and are found. Your own development will lead to
still reading my articles then I have the development of your business. When
to believe you are doing so because we work with clients, we address the way
you want something to change. Its time they think about their business.
to pull your head out of the sand; look in
the mirror; get out of your own way. Any Change the way you think about business
or all of the preceding, and change your and the changes will not only be immedi-
thinking and thinking habits. Remember: if ate, they will be profound. Your own de-
nothing changes nothing changes. velopment will lead to the development
of your business. When you start to think
Think differently differently you start to find solutions in all
kinds of areas.
Our coaching program works because we
Aha! Moments will pop up all over the
address the way you think about your busi-
place. The reason is that you are starting
ness. Traditional consultants or experts can
to think differently and not settling for the | 49 | Powered by

Real i se You r Bu s i ne s s i s a Reflection of You Ex pertPreneur Magazine

normal response. You are starting to think,

Whats the opportunity? How can we do See your business as its
this differently for a better result? own entity
Become more conscious Look at your business as separate from you
not a part of you. How would I want this
of what you do to operate if I wasnt here? How would
another branch operate without me in
Do this every day and see how it impacts it? What would it have to look like? How
on the business. When you do the tech- would it have to behave?
nical work in the business, stop doing it
as a technician. Become a manager do- Our really successful clients become ob-
ing technical work. The nature of the work servant of what they do and get to a point
doesnt change, but the way you think where they realise theyre going off the
about it does. You begin observing what rails before the coach does, saying,
it is that you are doing and start thinking
about how someone else could do this This is what happened. This is what I did.
without you being there. This is the result.

Ask yourself Whats the opportunity?

How can we do this differently for a better
result? How can it be done to my stand-
ards? What would the instructions be if
1. Take a good honest look at your busi-
I wasnt there to personally direct every
ness. What is working and what isnt?
2. Where is it clearly reflecting your val-
And hello we have the beginnings of a
3. Where is it reflecting your bad habits?
4. What are three things you can do right
now to change the way you think about
your business?

Le s ley Ann Grimoldby is a s eas oned bus ine s s c o ac h an d m e n to r,
wh o w orks w ith bus ines s owners in th e s m al l an d m e d i um
e n t erpris e s pectrum. Believing that a bus in e s s s h o ul d s e r v e i ts
owner, not the other way around, s he s hows th e m h o w to pre pare
t h e ir bus ines s f or expans ion or s ale or b o th .

C ompany: Next Level Up | 50 | Powered by

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Ex pertPreneur Magazine
Matthew Goldfarb - Manifesto

Podcast with Matthew Goldfarb

Matthew Goldfarb is a pro-
fessional copywriter who
has spent the past 12 years
creating award winning ad
campaigns for some of the
largest companies in the
world. Join Radio Show Host Sheryl Wolowyk
with guest Matthew Goldfarb to learn about
how finding your movement can be instru-
mental to having you stand out and increase
your visibility. Matthew discusses how to in-

Click HERE to listen corporate your core values into your busi-
ness and explains how to use key reference
points to connect with your ideal clients.
http ://co rp o r at abou t /

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ExpertPreneur Radio

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D E S I G N & L AYO U T :
Lise-Mari Coetzee

ExpertPreneur Magazine 2014

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