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Becca Wilson

Assessment Plan #3 Daily Grammar Edit

Common Core Standards:

Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English
grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

Concept Students Will Master:

Students will master the eight parts of speech and be able to identify
them in a given sentence.

This assessment was created for students in a 9th grade English I class
at RS Central High School. There are 15 girls and 15 boys in the class.
The class demographics reflect the demographics of the high school as
a whole.

Reading Focus:
Students coming into high school often lack what we may think of as
common grammatical knowledge, such as discerning and being able to
identify the parts of speech. This assignment is designed to implement
grammar into the daily lives of students. At the beginning of the
semester, the whole class as a group will review the parts of speech
and their uses and contributions to sentence structure. Everyday when
students come into class, they will be asked to complete a sentence
diagram of the sentence that is projected or written onto the board.
Doing a daily grammar edit will familiarize students with the
terminology and the repetition will allow students to become proficient.

Instructional Strategies (What I will do/What students will do):

In the days before:
I will conduct a lesson in which the parts of speech are addressed
and explained. This should be a review for students, but I plan to
go quite in depth for students who may not have had formal
grammar instruction in several years or who did not grasp the
concept when he or she was first taught.
Definitions and examples will be provided to students, and they
will have the opportunity to take notes and use them during the
first few grammar edits.
Daily Grammar Edit:
A sentence or sentences will be projected or written onto the
board for students to diagram. Students will diagram
aforementioned sentences on their own, and then confer as a
whole class group to review the sentence in depth.
Assignment Sheet or Materials Needed:
Teacher: Whiteboard or SmartBoard
Students: Pencil and a journal in which to collect daily grammar edits

Assessment Tools (Rubric):

Students will be graded on the completeness of their grammar
journals, which I will take up every six weeks. Students are to make
any corrections to their edits in a colored pen or pencil so that they can
see what they missed in order to correctly review material for any tests
and for future grammar edits.

Supporting Research:
The research base for this assessment plan comes from the belief that
teaching grammar is of importance to the literacy of students. In an
article published in English Journal, Rebecca Sipes states that,
by teaching grammar and usage within the context of real reading
and writing, teachers are able to open up conversations that anchor
language study in authentic contexts. By implementing grammar into
the daily lives of students, they will become better prepared to learn
more in depth information about grammar and the repetition will allow
for continuous practice thus producing grammatically literate students.

Sipe, Rebecca Bowers. "Grammar Matters." English Journal, vol. 95, no.
5, 01 May 2006, pp. 15-17. EBSCOhost,

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