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PSL/ CS I B'E / REG - 33 | 1 6- 17

11th February, 2017

The BSE Limited

Corporate Retationship Department
1st Ftoor, P.J. Towers,
Datat Street, Fort,
Mumbai-400 001

COMPANY CODE NO:4166 (scrip Code : 51351'l)

Dear Sir,

Sub : Unaudited Financial Results for the Quarter period ended 31't December,2016.
Ref: Regulation 33(3) of SEBI (Listing Obligations & Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations, 20'15.

With reference to above, this is to inform you that the Board of Directors of the Company at
their meeting hetd on 11th February, 2017 have inter-alia considered and approved the
Unaudited Financial Resutts of the Company for the quarter period ended 31" December,

The copy of the Unaudited Financial Results along with Auditors' Limited Review Report
thereon are attached herewith.

Kindly take note of the same in your records and acknowtedge,

Thanking You,

Yours faithfutty

D gar
GM (Legal) & Company Secretary

Enc[ : as above

Corporate office. Phon : + 9L2653A51777 Reg Olf c &Works: CIN : L271O4GJI972PLCOO2153

LandmarL 7th Flooi, Fax :+ 912653O5t705 EsraLe, phone - +9tz6763}4:'t:'
ctDC Industriat
Ra@ Coue Ctclq Katot - 389 330
vadodara - 390 oo7 Disr: panctrmahak,
Fax :+912676304889
Gujahl India. Grjarar, India M.panchnaha steelco in
Panch tTla hal
Stl L irni tGd
R6glslorcd olllce: Gloc lndu0trlal E5t!t, Ka1o1.389330, Dlst Panchmahats, Gulat
CIN L271sGJ1s72PLCo02rs3. Phone No:02676-304777
E mail sharcs@panchmdha stl in, Webetei w panchmaha sber 6 n


Sr 31.122016 30 09 2016 31 12 2015 31.12.2011 31 12 2015 31.032016

Un6udiled Una!dlted Unaudted lUnaudiiedl {Unaudiledl Audited

(a) Income from opel ons ( Net 0r Exc se ouv) 7,984 93 8,21661 6,2463r 23,366.5t 23,UE7t 2E,?J7.1
(b) Olher Operaling ncome 65.30 59 53 14501 213.11 233M 279.35
rotll Income nln Op.lations 8,070 23 8,27614 6,391 32 23,579.1i 23,581 E1 a fl5.83
a C6tol I'rareri s Consumed 6,559 72 624205 4,73238 17,890.&l 18,9v81 21,41.49
b Changs n lnvniorie olFinished Goods 0,397.27) 0,04941) (325 80) (2,1s9 06) (2,41997) (993.r9)
c ETrp oy Eenelits Expns 393 4 431 13 36199 r,188.3t 1,14883 t,479 45
d Deprciarion & Amodisation Expense m5 E0 205 54 21980 616.71 65714 610 40
1,126.76 1,19256 908 02 3,319.59 3 26257 3,979.26
I luanuhcturing Eipenss 609.E1 63561 53526 1,1r79 1,859 56 2,2t40d
215.E1 13898 19691 626_99 820 55 1,01526
7,tu.1l 7,1964t 6,6285( 23,N1.11 24,2U 0( 30,020.71
Porit / (La6s) fom Opmtions before Olher lncome,
Finance Cost and Excpiiona llems ( 1 -2 ) 286.12 479 6E 1237 24) 575.55 (682 28) (1,003 t)
r78.15 1295 12138 21919 19159 263.13
Prcrit / (Lost ftom Od nary Aclivities betde F nance C6l & Excepliona
le'ns ( 3-4 ) &.27 492 63 (10986) 795.34 (4909) (740.?5)
6 343.12 36 Ei 29113 1,035.56 85013 1131.41
7 Prclit I (Lco from Ordhary Acl vilis afler Financ Cost but belore
121.15 12376 (40399) Q10.21 0,34082) 0,87216)
9 Prolit / (LGs) Odinary AclMlig bel@ Id (7 8 ) 121_15 12376 (403 99) 1210.21 (1,34082) (1,872161
a ProMs on for Curst Td
372 (277) 14.12)
38.14 60 24 (13395) (6r.32) (428 99) (009.11)
11 Net Prcllt / (L6s) lrom Ord nary Acliv is afler Td ( 9 10) 82 31 63 52 i'27376) (178.90) (909 06) (r,2s8 93)

t3 Nel P.olit / (L6s) r0. Ure period ( r 1 12) 4731 63 52 {'27376) {17E.90) (909 06) (1,2s8.93)
Paid up Equ ly Share Cap lal ( Face value persha@ Rs 101) 1,908.3r 1,90E31 1,90E31 1,90831 1,90831 1,9083r
15 Ceserves (exc ud ng Revalualioo Reseryes e pq Balance Sheel oI prMous 10,208tl

16 i Eam ns Per Share (belore En6ordinary llems)

Basic&DiuldEarningPerShare(olRs10f ach notannualsed) 0.131 0 333 0 435) (0 93E) (4 765) (6.599)
i Eaming Per Share (after Exlraodinary lems)
Basic & Diluted Eamino Per Share (oI Rs 10f each notannualised) 0.131 0 333 (1435) (0 936) 14 765) t6.599)

1 The above F nancial Re6u ls hve been viev'ed by the Audil Conrl'lite and app@ed by lhe Eoard ol Dileclors al its meering held on 1 1rh February, 2017
2 The L m led R*is ol lhe Bults has ben n ed oul by lhe Slaluio,'y Ardito6 ol lhe Conpany
3 P.evious quarleG figures haw ben @sl / reg.oupd *heevel necsary
. By odor of Oe Boaft
Achol Ualhoui
Date : 11 02.2017 Chaiman & Manaaino Directol

\ z

Nilin P Potni TNw Business Cenhe, 3rd Fl@r, Above McDonold.

Old Podro Rood, Vododoro.390 007
Chilos Soni Phone: 0265'2333698, 2304800
E-roil <


We have reviewed the accompanying statement of unaudited financial results of

PANCHMHAL STEEL LII\4ITED For the quarter ended 31st December, 2016. This
is the responsibility of the Company,s management and has been approveo Dy the
of Directors / Committee oF Board of Directors at its meetjng held on 11.02.2017. Our
responsability is to issue a report on these financial statements based
on our revtew.

We conducted our review in accordance with the Standard on Review Engagement (SRE)
2410, Review of lnte m Financial Information peftormed by the Independent
Auditor of
the Enttty issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. This standard
that we plan and perform the review to obtain moderate assurance as lo wnether the
linancial statements are free oF material misstatement, A review is limited primarily
inquiries of company personner and anarytical procedures appried to fanancral
data and
lhLrs provide less assurance than an audit. We have not performed an audit and
accordinqly/ we do not express an audit opinjon.

Based on our review conducted as above, nothing has come to our

attenlion that causes
us to believe that the accompanyjng statement of unaudited financral results prepared
accordance wtth applicable accounLing standards and other recognized
practrces and policies has not disclosed the inFormation required
to be disclosed In terms
oF Regulation 33 of SEBI (Listing Obtigations and Disclosure Requirements)
2015 including lhe manner in which it is to be disclosed, or that it contaans any

For J.R,S. Patel & Co.

Chartered Accountants
Firm Registration No.t077O9V,l

Pla.c: VADODARA (Nitin Patni)
Date i 11.02.2017 Partner
Membership No. 15612

Aidydeep 4th Foor,240, P Ndrimon Skeer, Fo.l, MUMBAI{00 001 'Phon6,22611001,2262124A'Fat:1022] 2353a10
206,Shilolvorsho,Shiv,onionC,o$Rood,soieile,Ahmedobd.3s00l5.Phone (0791481010294

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