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1. Explain the reasons for reporting accidents at work.

The reasons for reporting accidents at work are:

Legal reasons: to fulfill legal requirements under RIDDOR.

Investigative reasons: accident reporting is the starting point for accident
Monitoring reasons: accident-reporting help in monitoring health &
safety performance.
Reporting provides information relevant to any subsequent civil claim.
Reporting demonstrates the need for the assist in reviews of risk

2. State FOUR objectives of an accident investigation.

Objectives of accident investigation:

To identify weaknesses in the system.

To help improve standards.
To determine economic losses due to accident (accident cost).
To determine extent of compliance with legal requirements.
To improve staff relations by demonstrating commitment to health &
safety and thus increasing the morale of a workforce

3. Outline the factors that should be considered before undertaking an

investigation of an accident.

The factors that should be considered before accident investigation.

Identification of the investigation term so that it will include all necessary

skills & expertise.
Ensuring that, where appropriate, the accident scene is left untouched,
so far as it is practicable to do so.
Collating relevant existing documents (e.g. previous incident reports,
maintenance reports. etc) e.g. previous incident reports
maintenances records, etc.)
Identifying the persons (e.g.: witness) who will need to be interviewed
during the investigation.
Checking that legal reporting requirements have been met.
Preparation of the equipment that will be needed (e.g. measuring tape,
camera, sample collection equipment, writing pad, etc.)
Deciding on the style that should be adopted by the investigation (e.g.:
formal or informal)
Deciding on the depth of the investigation required.
4. With reference to an accident involving the operator who has come into
contact with dangerous part of a machine, describe:

a). The possible immediate causes or an accident

b). The possible root (underlying) cause.

a). The possible immediate causes of an accident

Operator error (human failure): due to working in a hurry, lack of

concentration, use of loose clothes, lack of attention, etc.
Technical failure: including:
- No or inadequate safety devices (as guards).
- Machinery malfunction.

b). The possible root (underlying) causes:

Organizational failure: including:

- Lack of management commitment to safety.

- Improper section of workers.
- Purchasing equipment of bad quality.
- Poor housekeeping.
- Poor maintenance.
- Lack of training.
- Inadequate instruction & supervision
- Inadequate risk assessment

Human Failure: including Organizational failure: including:

- Stress
- Fatigue due to continuous work.
- Use of drugs & alcohol.

5. Enlist the main activities of accident prevention program.

Activities of accident prevention program:

Proper selection of the worker for the job.

Proper job training.
Provision of the required information & instruction.
Proper ergonomic design of the workplace.
Improving working environment
Engineering controls
- Safe design
- Substitution
- Isolation
- Ventilation
- Machine guarding
Supervision and guidance of workers.
Regular inspection to identify hazards
Immediate reporting of unsafe conditions
Workers motivation
Risk assessment and recommending safe system of work.
Enforcing safety rules and regulations.
Management commitment to safety
Proper maintenance
Good housekeeping

6. Describe using practical example, FOUR types of human error that can lead
to accidents in the workplace.

Types of human error that can lead to accidents in the workplace are:

Lapse of attention: due to overworking, insufficient sleeping hours,

domestic problems and demands, work stresses, etc.
Mistaken action due to lack of safe procedure, lack of training etc.
Misperception: due to sensory impairment, use of alcohol, lack of
knowledge, lack of experience, etc.
Willfulness: the workers is deliberately intending to do the error

7. Outline the immediate and long-term actions that should be taken following a
serious injury accident at work.

Actions to be taken following a serious injury accident

Immediate actions:
- Call for help (first aid & emergency services).
- Take victim away from the danger area
- Remove hazards with imminent danger

Long Term actions:

- Reporting the accident under RIDDOR.

- Undertake an investigation.
- On the basis of investigation findings, work procedures are to be

8. Replacement and retraining of staff is a cost that an organization may face

following an accident. List other eight costs.

Loss of Business
Loss reputation
Increased sick leaves.
Increased insurance claims.
Cost of replacement of repair of damaged equipment.
Legal costs.
Time spent in accident investigation, recording & reporting,
Increased employees stresses (due to concern about injury or illness).
9. Giving reason in EACH case, identify THREE categories of persons who may
be considered a useful member of an internal accident investigation team.

Any three of the following are:

A SENIOR MANAGER from another department: can be useful to chair

the investigation to help eliminate any bad feeling between the
interviewee and their department manager.

A SUPERVISOR: is familiar with:

- The working practices in the area.

- The character of the employees.

A DEPARTMENT MANAGER: is required if the scale of the incident

exceeds the experience or authority of the supervisor to deal with the
event & its outcomes.
SAFETY OFFICER OR ADVISOR: to offer advice on:
- Current safety systems & procedures in place,
- Legal implications.
SAFETY REPRESENTATIVE: who can provide assistance on:
- Results of inspection.
- Employees previous concerns.
TECHNICAL EXPERT: as health and hygiene professionals to provide
information on the technical issues.
An INDEPENDENT OBSERVER: to offer an unbiased view.

10. Outline the conditions that may cause slipping or tripping hazards and how to
control these hazards.

Conditions that may cause slipping are:

Smoothness of the floor.

Steepness of the floor.
Wet floor due to
- Spillage on floor.
- Passers rendering areas of floor wet by their wet shoes.
- Non-completely drying floor after cleaning.
Conditions that may cause tripping

Uneven flooring
Damage floor
Trailing cables, wires, etc.
Obstructions as pieces of furniture, etc.

Both slipping & tripping hazards are aggravated by factors as:

Poor lighting
Working in a hurry

Measures to control slipping & tripping hazards:

Anti slip finishes of floor.

Avoid design of steepy floor.
Availability and proper use of mat pieces at the entrance of work area to
dry shoes before entering the work area.
Immediate and careful drying of spillages, which accidentally occur on
the floor.
Safety system of work for floor cleaning including:
- Using cleaning materials that dry rapidly
- Cleaners to wear sensible shoes.
- Training & supervision of cleaners at work.
- Warning signs referring to cleaning area.
- Allowing enough time for the floor to dry after cleaning
Repair of damaged floor.
Removal of cables, wires, pieces of furniture and other sorts of
Improving lighting conditions.

11. Explain why young persons may be at greater risk from accident at work.

A young persons maybe at greater risk from accidents due to lack of

knowledge, lack of experiences, lack of training, the tendency of young
person to take risks, the tendency of young person to respond more readily
to peer pressure, the individuals stage of physical development, and over

12. Outline the measures that could be taken to minimize the risks to young

Proper induction training for young workers by an appropriate co-worker.

Supervision and monitoring of young workers by an appropriate co-
Risk assessment of the workplace putting young persons in mind.
Restrictions on the type of work and the number of hours worked by
young workers.
Specific health surveillance for young workers.

13. A worker is injured after being struck by a reversing vehicle on a loading bay,
a). Give FOUR Reasons why accident is to be investigated
b). Outline the information to be included in the investigation
c). Outline the immediate & underlying causes of accident.

a). Four reasons why accident is to be investigated:

Preventive measure: to prevent the occurrences of similar accident

in the future.
To look for evidence of liability (this is mainly required for claims
To look for evidence of blame (this is required for enforcement
To look for enough material for case study (this is required for

b). The information to be included in the investigation:

The place of the accident, the timing and date of occurrence of the
The immediate causes of injury of loss.
The underlying or contributing factors.
The details of those injured (regarding age, sex, occupation, etc)
The details of physical examination including.
The underlying or contributing factors.
The details of physical examination including.
- Simple diagram for the area of the accident.
- Photos for the area showing important accident features.
- Recording of events as odours, spillage, fires, etc.
- Results of sample examination are to be recorded if available.
Witnesses statements (including primary, secondary or tertiary
The corrective actions recommended.

c). The immediate causes of the accident:

Unsafe act the reversing vehicle driver (lack of attention, lack of

concentration and working in hurry due to job pressure.
Unsafe condition faulty vehicle (with no warning facilities audible
or visual

c) The underlying causes of the accident:

Lack of management commitment of safety.

Absence of safe system of work.
Lack of proper signs & warning system,
Lack of proper supervision for workers (example is the vehicle driver).
Improper design of workplace (so that no separate routes for

14. a). Explain why an organization should have a system for internal reporting

b). Identify the reasons why employees may fail to report accidents at work.

a. The reasons why an organization should have a system for internal

reporting of accidents are:
To meet the requirements of RIDDOR, 1995.
To allow accident investigation to be carried out
To prevent accident recurrence.
To identify weaknesses in the safety management system
To get materials for accident statistics
To help identification of trends, for use in civil law
To satisfy insurance requirements
To help in the identification and reduction of losses,
To trigger the review of risk assessment.

b). Identify the reasons why employees may fail to report accident at

Reasons why employees fail to report accident at work are:

To preserve departments or companys safety record free of

accident (especially when an incentive scheme is in operation.)
Due to the over complicated reporting procedures.
Lack of obvious management response to earlier reporting of
Ignorance of the reporting procedures
To avoid receiving first aid or medical treatment (for whatever
Peer pressure,
Possible punishment by management.

15. a). Give Four reasons why accidents may occur on staircases.
b). Outline ways in which accidents on staircases may be prevented.

a). Reasons why accidents may occur on staircases.

Unsafe conditions: as:
- Poor design of the staircase (very steeply narrow, etc.).
- Smoothness of the staircase leading to slipping.
- Damaged staircase forming a tripping hazards.
- Lack of handrail (leading to falling hazards).
- Poor lighting.
Unsafe acts: as:
- Lack of attention.
- Using the staircase in a hurry.
- Carrying heavy or awkward loads while using the staircase.
- Over crowding.

b). Outline ways in which accidents on staircases may be prevented.

The ways in which accident on staircase may be prevented are:

Proper design of the staircase:

- To be of suitable width.
- Not steepy.
- With anti-slip finish
- Protected with handrail
Good lighting in the area.
Immediate & careful drying of spillages that may occur in the staircase.
Provision of information related to risks.

** Important points are:

Avoid overcrowding & running on using the staircase.

Avoid carrying heavy or awkward loads while using the staircase.

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