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Mexican Revolution

Rebels fought between old govt regime because the disagreed

Began with the overthrow of Porfirio Diaz (1876-1911) who was
an army officer
Diaz appointed powerful families to hold political and economic
control of provinces within mexico
1910: 100th anniversary of mexicos independence colonialism
was a happy celebration.

6 months later: civil war overthrows Diaz

As international trade of goods spread, mexico prospered. This
prosperity led to the rise of a middle-class that was educated
Included lawyers, teachers, business owners and merchants
Benefitted from current system but questioned the military corruption.

Francisco Madero created a voice for this dissatisfaction

Political campaign for presidency that spread like crazy
1910: thrown in jail on the night before the election
Diaz won through corruption

What aspects of South American Culture do we see in the novel so far?

- People fighting
- Rape women
- Steal everything

Titas Farm Life

- Poverty
- Self-sustainability
- Hardship
- Ownership

Madero turned to the rural population of Mexico

Mexican Revolution Like water for chocolate
Diaz is the leader during the Mama E is the mother power of
Mexican Revolution, which he the family, which what Mama E
forces every soldier to follow and commands for her kids to do,
be dedicated to his law. everyone needs to follow her

Francisco Madero created a Tita is the youngest daughter in

voice for this dissatisfaction the family, she is treated
unequally and badly. She feels
like she isnt satisfied by anyone
she loves; by that means, Mama
Elena, Pedro, her sisters and
Workers in Mexicos population Tita works very hard since she
were mostly farmers. However, was a child in the kitchen, she is
they worked really hard, but still born in the kitchen to work in the
kitchen, but still people complain
get not much privilege and still
about her food being gross,
didnt get any ownership of the example when she made the
land they work to. cake and people puked. Mama
Elena always start blame at Tita,
Tita doesnt get ownership of
what she wants, and freedom of
doing what she wants too.

Majority of Mexicos population were marginalized farmers,
even though their economy was booming
Cities growing under Diaz, yet farmer working harder and
harder and still having no ownership
Mexican peasants began to form bands
New leaders take form (Pancho Villa)
Diazs government reacted out of fear
Madero elected in 1911; assassinated in 1913

His leadership failed
Political instability

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