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J Electr Bioimp, vol. 7, pp.

3554, 2016
Received: 14 June 2016, published: 4 Dec 2016
Tutorial Article

A LabVIEW-based electrical bioimpedance spectroscopic data interpreter

(LEBISDI) for biological tissue impedance analysis and equivalent circuit

Tushar Kanti Bera1, Nagaraju Jampana2 and Gilles Lubineau1

1. King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), COHMAS Laboratory, Thuwal 23955-6900, Saudi Arabia
2. Department of Instrumentation and Applied Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore-560012, INDIA
3. E-mail any correspondence to:,

Abstract called extracellular fluid (ECF). Cells contain intracellular

Under an alternating electrical signal, biological tissues produce a fluid (ICF), called protoplasm, which in an animal cell is
complex electrical bioimpedance that is a function of tissue enclosed by the cell membrane (CM) and in a plant cell is
composition and applied signal frequencies. By studying the
surrounded by both a CM and a cell wall (CW). When
bioimpedance spectra of biological tissues over a wide range of
subjected to an alternating current signal, animal and plant
frequencies, we can noninvasively probe the physiological
properties of these tissues to detect possible pathological cells differ in their electrical responses, indicating that both
conditions. Electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) can provide tissue composition and the frequency of an applied AC
the spectra that are needed to calculate impedance parameters signal affect their electrical responses [1-4]. The electrical
within a wide range of frequencies. Before impedance parameters behavior of the tissues is usually quantified by its complex
can be calculated and tissue information extracted, impedance bioelectrical impedance [1-4], which is the physical
spectra should be processed and analyzed by a dedicated software quantity that we reconstruct from the experimental
program. National Instruments (NI) Inc. offers LabVIEW, a fast, measurements. Because bioelectrical impedance depends
portable, robust, user-friendly platform for designing data-
on the physiological and physiochemical status of the
analyzing software. We developed a LabVIEW-based electrical
probed tissue and because it also varies from subject to
bioimpedance spectroscopic data interpreter (LEBISDI) to analyze
the electrical impedance spectra for tissue characterization in subject and with changes in the health status of the tissue
medical, biomedical and biological applications. Here, we test, [5-6], such as inflammation, infection and disease, studying
calibrate and evaluate the performance of LEBISDI on the how a tissue responds to frequency can provide valuable
impedance data obtained from simulation studies as well as the information about its anatomy and physiology. Many
practical EIS experimentations conducted on electronic circuit researchers [7-23] have investigated electrical bioimpe-
element combinations and the biological tissue samples. We dance as an effective, noninvasive method to probe the
analyze the Nyquist plots obtained from the EIS measurements pathological status of biological tissues.
and compare the equivalent circuit parameters calculated by
LEBISDI with the corresponding original circuit parameters to
For example, bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA)
assess the accuracy of the program developed. Calibration studies
show that LEBISDI not only interpreted the simulated and circuit- [7-10], electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) [11-21],
element data accurately, but also successfully interpreted tissues impedance plethysmography (IPG) [22-23] and impedance
impedance data and estimated the capacitive and resistive cardiography (ICG) [24-26] reveal the impedance response
components produced by the compositions biological cells. of biological tissues at one, two or more specified
Finally, LEBISDI efficiently calculated and analyzed variation in frequencies (f). EIS has been proven as an effective
bioimpedance parameters of different tissue compositions, health technique for noninvasive tissue characterization in
and temperatures. LEBISDI can also be used for human tissue medical, biomedical and biological applications [27-36].
impedance analysis for electrical impedance-based tissue
Because EIS is a more generalized method that provides
characterization, health analysis and disease diagnosis.
impedance variations over a wide range of frequencies, it
Keywords: Electrical Bioimpedance, Electrical Impedance can be used on its own to provide information that explains
Spectroscopy (EIS), LabVIEW-Based Electrical Bioimpedance other bioelectrical phenomena like dielectric polarization
Spectroscopic Data Interpreter (LEBISDI), Curve Fitting, Nyquist [37-41], dielectric relaxation [37-41] and dielectric
Plots, Equivalent Circuit Modelling. dispersion [37-41].

Impedance spectra obtained from EIS can be used to

Introduction study the overall anatomy and physiology of organic
tissues. Impedance parameter plots, such as Nyquist plots
Biological tissues are made of complex three-dimensional (Imaginary part of Z versus Real part of Z), impedance (Z)
arrangements of cells embedded in an extracellular matrix versus frequency (f) plots (Bode plots), conductivity ()


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