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Hidden Health Secrets Library

PAGE 3 - Aspartame The hidden dangers of artificial sweeteners

PAGE 6 - Brain Potential A.D.D and A.D.H.D. Warning. Dont do anything for your
problem child until you read this first!

PAGE 16 - Breath of Life Breathing exercises to increase oxygen in your body with
all its benefits

PAGE 20 - Cellulite Report - Revolutionary New Treatment Melts Ugly Cellulite Fat
Away for Almost Anybody Who Uses It.

PAGE 24 - Colloidal Silver Natures powerful antibiotic and anti-viral remedy

PAGE 28 - Eye Exercises - The natural Alternative to improving eyesight

PAGE 31 FEET: Do I Need Orthotics? Dont spend any money until you read this.
Why your feet may be the hidden cause of your lower back, hip, or knee pain

PAGE 35 G.E.R.D. and Hiatus Hernia Reflux? Bloating? Gas? Hiatus Hernia?
Suffer no more.

PAGE 38 - Health Risk Profile What are your chances of getting a stroke or heart
attack? Find out with this comprehensive lifestyle questionnaire.

PAGE 51 - Heavy Metal Toxicity Aluminium, Lead, Mercury etc. are the large
molecules that cause havoc in the body. They can contribute to such debilitating
diseases such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue etc. Know their source and how to
eliminate them.

PAGE 53 - Infant in Pain? Colic? Reflux? Vomiting? Unsettled? Your baby nor you,
need not suffer any more.

PAGE 59 - Meridians The energy pathways of the body. How they influence you and
how you can influence them.

PAGE 60 - Osteoporosis and the Calcium Connection Prevention and treatment.

Why do people with osteoporosis also suffer with Arthritis and Calcium build up?
Explore the mystery.

PAGE 63 - Parasites Whats eating you? The shocking truth about parasites.

PAGE 66 - Phosphorus The latest hidden killer revealed. An excess of this common
fertilizer could kill or maim you.

PAGE 70 - Prostate Problem? - Conventional tests and treatments. Do they work?

What you are not being told! Natural Alternatives

PAGE 74 - Rehydrate and Rejuvenate You need more than just water to re-hydrate
your body. Find out why.

PAGE 75 - Spinal Strengthening Exercises Increase your core power

PAGE 77 - Sugar Control and Diet Improve energy, weight control, allergies,
candida etc by controlling blood sugar levels

PAGE 84 - Symptoms of a Malfunctioning Liver How do you know if you have a

liver problem?

PAGE 89 - Thyroid Report - How Do I Really Tell If I Have a Thyroid Problem?

PAGE 94 - Toxic List The everyday common substances that contain dangerous
harmful chemicals

PAGE 96 - Wart Removal The natural painless way

PAGE 97 - The Magic of Water Water is the most common deficiency in your body.
Find out why.

PAGE 101 - Weight Management The unknown secrets about losing weight and fat.

PAGE 105 - Yeast and Candida Report + Questionnaire - This problem underlies
many other health issues. Discover if you have it and how to deal with it.


PAGE 108 - Exposing the Hidden Truth about Cholesterol - What is not commonly
known or discussed about cholesterol is that the total cholesterol circulating in the
blood is not the complete picture.

PAGE 114 - The Shocking Truth About Breast Cancer Risk Mammographythe
hidden dangers

PAGE 120 The Immune System How would you like your own Highly Trained,
Special Ops, Take No Prisoners, Kick Butt Personal Body Guard to protect you against
all attacks on your Health and Wellness?

PAGE 132 Silica Natures Surgeon How to know you are doing everything
possible to ensure you are supplying all the other things your body needs to metabolize
calcium correctly.

Another Deadly Killer Revealed
The following article is taken from an address given at a world conference on
ASPARTAME marketed as NutraSweet, Equal, and Spoonful. You may draw
your own conclusions. You should refer to Betty Martinis website for
more hard evidence and a list of foods that contain aspartame.

In the keynote address by the EPA, they announced that there was an epidemic of
multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus, and they did not understand what toxin was
causing this to be rampant across the United States. I explained that I was there to
lecture on exactly that subject. When the temperature of Aspartame exceeds 86 degrees
F, the wood alcohol in ASPARTAME coverts to formaldehyde and then to formic acid,
which in turn causes metabolic acidosis. (Formic acid is the poison found in the sting of
fire ants). The methanol toxicity mimics multiple sclerosis; thus people were being
diagnosed with having multiple sclerosis in error, the difference is multiple sclerosis is
not a death sentence, where methanol toxicity is. In the case of systemic lupus, we are
finding it has become almost as rampant as multiple sclerosis, especially in Diet Coke
and Diet Pepsi drinkers. Also, with methanol toxicity, the victims usually drink three to
four 12 oz. Cans of them per day, some even more. In the cases of systemic lupus,
which is triggered by ASPARTAME, the victim usually does not know that the
aspartame is the culprit. The victim continues its use aggravating the lupus to such a
degree, that sometimes it becomes life threatening. When we get people off the
aspartame, those with systemic lupus usually become asymptomatic. Unfortunately, we
cannot reverse this disease.

On the other hand, in the case of those diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (when in
reality, the disease is methanol toxicity), most of the symptoms disappear. We have
seen cases where their vision has returned and even their hearing has returned. This also
applies to cases of tinnitus. During a lecture I said If you are using ASPARTAME
(NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, etc.) And you suffer from Fibromyalgia symptoms,
spasms, shooting pains, numbness in your legs, cramps, vertigo, dizziness, headaches,
tinnitus, joint pain, depression, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, blurred vision, or
memory loss-you probably have ASPARTAME DISEASE. People were jumping up
during the lecture saying, Ive got this, is it reversible? It is rampant. Some of the
speakers at my lecture even were suffering from these symptoms. In one lecture
attended by the Ambassador of Uganda, he told us that their sugar industry is adding
aspartame. He continued by saying that one of the industry leaders sons could no
longer walk - due in part by product usage.

We have a very serious problem. Even a stranger came up to Dr. Espisto (one of my
speakers) and myself and said, Could you tell me why so many people seem to be
coming down with MS? During a visit to a hospice, a nurse said that six of her friends, who
were heavy Diet Coke addicts, had all been diagnosed with MS. This is beyond
coincidence. Here is the problem. There were Congressional Hearings when aspartame
was included in 100 different products. Since this initial hearing, there have been two
subsequent hearings, but to no avail. Nothing has been done. The drug and chemical
lobbies have very deep pockets Now there are over 5,000 products containing this

chemical, and the PATENT HAS EXPIRED!!!! At the time of this first hearing, people
were going blind. The Formaldehyde is grouped in the same class of things as cyanide
and arsenic- DEADLY POISONS!! Unfortunately, it just takes longer to quietly kill,
but it is killing people and causing all kinds of neurological problems. Aspartame
changes the brains chemistry. It is the reason for severe seizures. This drug changes
the dopamine level in the brain. Imagine what this drug does to patients suffering from
Parkinsons disease. This drug also causes birth defects. There is absolutely no reason to
take this product it is NOT A DIET PRODUCT!!! The Congressional record said, It
makes you crave carbohydrates and will make you FAT. Dr. Roberts stated that when
he got his patients off aspartame, their average weight loss was 19 pounds per person.
The formaldehyde stores in the fat cells, particularly in the hips and thighs.

Aspartame is especially deadly for diabetics. All physicians know what wood alcohol
will do to a diabetic. We find that physicians believe that they have patients with
retinopathy, when in fact, it is caused by the Aspartame, The aspartame keeps the blood
sugar level out of control, causing many patients to go into a coma. Unfortunately,
many have died. People were telling us at the conference of the American College of
Physicians, that they had relatives that switched from saccharin to an aspartame product
and how that relatives had eventually gone into a coma. Their physicians could not get
the blood sugar levels under control. Thus, the patients suffered acute memory loss and
eventually coma and death.

Memory loss is due to the fact that aspartic acid and phenylalanine are neurotoxic
without the other amino acids found in protein. Thus it goes past the blood brain barrier
and deteriorates the neurons of the brain. Dr. Russell Blaylock, neurosurgeon, said,
The ingredients stimulate the neurons of the brain to death, causing brain damage of
varying degrees. Dr. Blaylock has written a book entitled EXCITOTOXINS: THE
TASTE THAT KILLS (Health Press 1-800-643-2665). Dr. H.J. Roberts, diabetic
specialist and world expert on aspartame poisoning, has also written a book entitled
tells how aspartame poisoning is escalating Alzheimers disease, and indeed it is. As
the hospice nurse told me, women are being admitted at 30 years of age with
Alzheimers disease. Dr. Blaylock and Dr. Roberts will be writing a position paper with
some case histories and will post it on the Internet. According to the Conference of the
American College of Physicians, we are talking about a plague of neurological
diseases caused by this deadly poison.

Dr. Roberts realized what was happening when aspartame was first marketed. He said
his diabetic patients presented Memory loss, confusion, and severe vision loss. At the
Conference of the American College of Physicians, doctors admitted that they did not
know why. They had wondered why seizures were rampant (the phenylalanine in
aspartame breaks down the seizure threshold and depletes serotonin, which causes
manic depression, panic attacks, rage and violence). Just before the Conference, I
received a FAX from Norway, asking for a possible antidote for this poison because
they are experiencing so many problems in their country. This poison is now
available in 90 PLUS countries worldwide. Fortunately, we had speakers and
ambassadors at the Conference from different nations who have pledged their help. We
ask that you help too. Print this article out and warn everyone you know. Take anything
that contains aspartame back to the store. Take the NO ASPARTAME TEST and
send us your case history.

I assure you that MONSANTO, the creator of aspartame, knows how deadly it is. They
fund the American Diabetes Association, American Dietetic Association, Congress, and
the Conference of the American College of Physicians. The New York Times, on
November 15, 1996, ran an article on how the American Dietetic Association takes
money from the food industry to endorse their products. Therefore, they can not
criticize any additives or tell about their link to MONSANTO. How bad is this? We
told a mother who had a child on NutraSweet to get off the product. The child was
having grand mal seizures every day. The mother called her physician, who called the
ADA, who told the mother not to take the child off the NutraSweet. We are still trying
to convince the mother that the aspartame is causing the seizures. Every time we get
someone off of aspartame, the seizures stop. If the baby dies, you know whose fault it
is, and what we are up against. There are 92 documented symptoms of aspartame, from
coma to death. The majority of them are all neurological, because the aspartame
destroys the nervous system.

Aspartame Disease is partially the cause to what is behind some of the mystery of the
Desert Storm health problems. The burning tongue and other problems discussed in
over 60 cases can be directly related to the consumption of an aspartame product.
Several thousand pallets of diet drinks were shipped to the Desert Storm troops
(remember heat can liberate the methanol from the aspartame at 86 degrees F). Diet
drinks sat in the 120 degree F. Arabian sun for weeks at a time on pallets. The service
men and women drank them all day long. All of their symptoms are identical to
aspartame poisoning. Dr. Roberts says consuming aspartame at the time of conception
can cause birth defects. The phenylalanine concentrates in the placenta, causing
mental retardation, according to Dr. Louis Elsas, Pediatrician Professor - Genetics, at
Emory University in his testimony before Congress. In the original lab tests, animals
developed brain tumors (Phenylalanine breaks down into DXP, a brain tumor agent).
When Dr. Espisto was lecturing on aspartame, one physician in the audience, a
neurosurgeon, said, When they remove brain tumors, they have found high levels of
aspartame in them. Stevia, a sweet food, NOT AN ADDITIVE, which helps in the
metabolism of sugar, which would be ideal for diabetics, has now been approved as a
dietary supplement by the F.D.A. For years, the F.D.A. has outlawed this sweet food
because of their loyalty to MONSANTO. A lot of people out there think if it says
SUGAR FREE on the label it must be good - DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT
IT!!!!!! Senator Howard Hetzenbaum wrote a bill that would have warned all infants,
pregnant mothers and children of the dangers of aspartame. The bill would have also
instituted independent studies on the problems existing in the population (seizures,
changes in brain chemistry, changes in Neurological and behavioral symptoms). It was
killed by the powerful drug and diet lobbies, letting loose the hounds of disease and
death on an unsuspecting public. Since the Conference of the American College of
Physicians, we hope to have the help of some world leaders.

Note. The Vega test can detect sensitivity to aspartame or we can do a quick muscle test
next time you are in the clinic to see if its a problem for you.

The Greatest Computer of All
How to help Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), ADHD, Dyslexia, Learning Difficulties,
Brain Function

Have you ever been in a position of knowing and appreciating the value and importance
of something very special but feeling inadequate to convey your knowledge and
understanding to, and for the benefit of others. Such is the case with the brain and
nervous system and its optimum function and organisation.

When working properly it truly is a miracle and a wonder to behold. Whilst researching
this article I came across a quote that captures in part what I'm trying to convey, it

"Throughout history the complexities of the human body have stimulated the
imagination. Each mystery solved merely reveals the multiple avenues of complex
organisational patterns intimately involved in the function of the living, thinking human
being. Perhaps even more fascinating than molecular biology itself, is the knowledge of
man's ability to comprehend, learn, and act as an individual organism - not only to
grasp the wonder of the world, but to question and study it. Man's awareness of his
environment is made possible by the integrated functioning of the nervous system, a
group of tissues composed of highly specialised cells possessing the characteristics of
excitability and conductivity. The nervous system, in association with the endocrine
system, creates not only an awareness of the environment, but makes it possible for the
human body to respond to environmental changes with the necessary precision". (From
"Structure and Function in Man")

The basic unit of the body is the human cell. Every part of your body consists of cells.
Groups of cells can be called tissue, specialised cells grouped together form organs.
Organs or tissue performing a similar function are called systems. All the systems
together comprise the human body and what a wonder that is. This whole miracle of
creation is governed and harmonised by the brain and nervous system. It's difficult to
fully appreciate the body's complexity without a complete study of it.

There are trillions of cells in the body and each cell has a number of nerve endings that
link it with the brain and nervous system. If the brain and nervous system control the
organisation and proper function of the entire body what controls the organisation of
the brain and nervous system?

Answer: It must control itself. That's like having a computer that repairs itself when
something goes wrong. Despite the wonder of technology I can't foresee that ever

At the risk of losing some of my readers I believe that we have a spirit within us that
operates through and has influence over our brain. This has to be taken into account.
Does thought originate in the brain? I don't believe it does, people that have had "out of
the body" or "near death experiences" can still think and feel - whilst apart from their

brain. But apart from the afore-mentioned, the brain and nervous system operate on a
neurochemical basis.

A message is sent via or along a nerve from one end to another to either increase or
decrease the function of the target cell (or organ). Messages travel away from the brain
and nervous system to control function and towards the brain and nervous system to
convey information about the situation or condition of a function of an organ or tissue.
So the brain knows what is going on and can respond accordingly. Even so called
higher functions of the brain involve learning from perceived experiences through the
senses. The brain is like a computer and can be programmed to do incredible things.)
See Biocybernetics (included in module 1) for a full discussion on programming and

Belief is a very powerful factor in influencing function or should we say performance.

"If you believe you can or you can't, you are right!" What is important to realise also is
that the brain is programmed to some degree at least in a predetermined systematic
way. Some functions must be learned first before higher functions can be mastered.

There is usually a reason for everything. Why is birth such a "traumatic" experience for
the child. Some believe passage through the birth canal helps switch on the skin's nerve
endings through stimulation. Where does that leave caesarean born children? I'm sure
the body has a back up system of stroking, touching and hugging. Experiments done
with apes found that baby apes separated from contact with their mothers developed
extremely antisocial behaviors. The child sucks its thumb in the uterus in preparation
for the sucking reflex in feeding. Why do babies crawl before they walk? Why do they
crawl homolateral (same side leg and arm move at the sane time) at first then switch to
cross crawl (opposite leg and arm) later.

Answer: To programme the brain and nervous system in preparation for higher function
programming later. Homolateral crawl develops each side of the brain separately whilst
cross crawl helps integrate the function of both sides of the brain.

A big cause of neurological confusion or dis-organisation is when children don't spend

enough time doing these activities or even worse when they don't do them at all
"Walkers" may relieve the stress on mothers but they may not help the development of
the infant.

There are many factors that assist the developing infant and child and many that don't.
We have just mentioned a few. Studies were also done on children that stuttered and it
was found that in some cases when they changed dominance from right hand use to left
hand the stuttering improved. It was found that some children were "naturally" left
handed as a child but were forced to change to the right thus interfering with their
normal neurological development.

Terminology - ADD etc versus Neurological Disorganisation

The reason I have gone into so much detail on the nervous system is to help you
understand the nature of the problem which incidentally is not straightforward or
simple. Even if it is now popular and well known.

Many years ago (about twenty) we were treating this condition somewhat successfully.
I can still recall mother's of children crying in the treatment room when I was able to
identify a problem that was causing the behavioral or learning problem.

The mother intuitively sensed that the child was not really "dumb" or "naughty" but that
there was a reason for the child being that way. But no one could tell them what or
why! So they received a negative label which is really quite devastating for the child (as
well as the parent). A label tends to become a self fulfilling reality, it can literally
programme or condition the child to become stupid or anti social or whatever label they
receive or perceive themselves to have received.

We then and now refer to the term NEUROLOGICAL CONFUSION or

NEUROLOGICAL DISORGANISATION as being the most correct description of
disorders of the brain and nervous system.

ADD, learning difficulties, dyslexia etc are different ways that Neurological
Disorganisation manifests itself. In my opinion and experience there is no one simple
cause or cure. It is a very complex issue involving many factors.

Almost anything can influence the organisation of the nervous system for better or
worse. The nervous system is not something that is either on or off. It never fully rests.
It is working all the time. Its degree of organisation or fine tuning can vary.

It is something similar to a car engine that can function efficiently or not. Or even a TV
Channel or radio channel reception that can vary in its quality.

That is why it is more correct to describe the condition we are discussing as

Neurological Disorganisation and not by some of its other names like ADD and using
that term alone. Sure its catchy and impresses the public, but in reality it is only
describing the symptoms and not the condition.

Causes of Neurological Disorganisation

There are two basic categories that comprise the causes of Neurological

1. Developmental and 2. Interference (this term is by no means complete)

1) Developmental

As mentioned earlier, the brain and nervous system must graduate through different
levels of development, learning and programming. Disruption of any of these stages
may result in impaired performance and / or difficulty in progressing to the next level
of development. This becomes obvious at school but can be present in many adults.

2) Interference

Anything at all that affects the neurochemical functioning of the brain and nervous
system we put into this category. This can include problems that are current or that

have happened previously which are not now present but which are still affecting the
brain and nervous system.

For ease of explanation we divide these causes of interference into three groups:

I. Structural

II. Biochemical

III. Emotional

I. Structural

Examples of structural interferences include:

Spinal misalignment, which can affect the central nervous system. Cranial faults,
restriction of the movement of the cranial bones of the skull, which can also affect the
central nervous system. Temporo mandibular joint - misalignment of the jaw.

a) Posture

b) Physical injury or trauma

c) Joint problems especially the feet

d) Meridian imbalance - the acupuncture system.

II. Biochemical

Imbalance or disharmony in the body's chemical balance can easily affect the central
nervous system. Area's include:

a) Allergies - this is a very common cause of neurological disorder. The brain as well
as the body can react to different substances including certain foods.

b) Heavy metal build up - heavy metals such as lead, mercury, aluminium nickel etc
are rampant in our society today. They contaminate our bodies through our food, air,
water, and other aspects of our environment.

Lead is in our paint, car exhaust fumes etc. Mercury is often in sea food and can leak
from our fillings in our teeth. Aluminium can come from our cookware, deodorant etc.

Of course there are many other contaminants in our environment other than heavy
metals that affect us negatively. The chlorine and fluoride in our water are two good
examples. Artificial colourings, flavourings and preservatives in our foods. Chemicals
used to grow our crops and raise livestock.

"Profit certainly has its costs" - usually our health and performance.

c) Nutritional deficiencies - trace minerals are a common deficiency in neurological

disorder and are needed for proper brain function. They are often deficient in our
modern life style and are usually found in dark leafy green vegetables.

How many children eat enough veggies let alone dark leafy green ones?

Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and are needed to produce many things
in the body including brain neurotransmitters. A neurotransmitter is a molecule that
carries the messages from one neuron to the other. Like a postage stamp on a letter. No
stamp - no delivery of message!

Any nutritional deficiency or imbalance can affect neurological disorder.

d) Blood sugar handling - the fuel supply to the central nervous system is the glucose or
sugar in the blood. Like the fuel in a car's carburetor, the mix or level must be right
otherwise the engine will not operate efficiently. Too much or too little can be a

Sugar or sweet foods cause abnormal swings in blood sugar which create havoc for the
central nervous system. What is the most liked food by our children? Sweet things!

Many times sweet "foods" are also those "foods" (if we can call them that) which also
contain food chemicals. Examples: lollies/candy, ice blocks, snack foods, cordial, etc.
Many a parent will attest to the fact that their children are much harder to handle after
eating junk foods particularly after parties.

Allergies can also trigger a swing in blood sugar levels. Fruit does not seem to have the
same effect as sugar foods although in certain cases, sugar fruits and fruit juices may be
detrimental. Examples of sugar fruits are grapes, bananas etc.

e) Any health problem can trigger off neurological disorders. Sometimes the body and
nervous system recuperates, sometimes it does not.

f) Parasites - this is a fairly new area of discovery for me but with promising results.
Parasites can migrate to any part of the body including the brain, with obvious
detrimental effects on Neurological organisation.

III. Emotional / Mental

Obviously there is a direct link between the brain and the emotions. Mental or
emotional imbalance can also influence the central nervous system.

But lesser more subtle problems can do likewise. Worry, fear, low self esteem, low self
belief, negative experience, etc can exert a slow insidious negative influence upon us

The effects of shock or emotional trauma may appear to pass quickly but its effects on
the organisation of the central nervous system may persist for a lifetime. Especially if
that negative experience is embedded strongly in the subconscious (see

What is even more important to realise is that either of the three main causes can affect
the other two for the worse. So we get a compounding effect. A descending spiral so to
speak that the human organism finds difficult to reverse.

Hopefully you can now see why neurological disorder is a complex issue and these are
only the main criteria we have discussed here. This is not a complete picture by any
means. So is there hope? Yes there is, read on ............

Some Solutions

Virtually all of the factors discussed can be treated, usually successfully. It should be
obvious by now that by discussing some causes of neurological disorder we have
alerted you to solutions.

Diet is one for instance. But lets look at them in order. In almost all these situations the
individual can be assessed both for neurological disorder and for contributing factors.

We do not know for sure when a problem is found if that problem is contributing to
neurological disorder and if it was, how much or to what degree. We can only diagnose
a problem, correct it and wait and see what happens. An individual may have say four
problems out of the list given but only one (or more) may be the main culprit.

As we work with an individual we often get a pretty good idea what the main culprits
are, which gives us a "handle" on the problem.


This is obviously the domain of a specialised Chiropractor or Osteopath who can detect
and remove structural interference to the central nervous system. Any level of
correction is helpful but sometimes an individual requires very specific diagnosis and
correction even to the degree of fine tuning.

Some peoples nervous systems are very sensitive and the least "insult" throws them off
balance. The discovery and proper use of muscle testing has enabled us to make great
progress with neurological disorder as it facilitates accurate diagnosis and fine tuning
assessment to a degree unobtainable by most other methods.


The same parameters apply here as in the structural area which is, proper assessment
and correction of the problems. General rules are also helpful such as proper diet, low
in sugars and food chemicals, high in fruit and vegetables.

Supplements containing trace minerals, amino acids and a broad range of vitamins and
minerals are recommended such as alfalfa, chlorophyll, spirulina, kelp, multivitamin
and mineral supplement etc. I recommend the The Zeta8 Starter pack which I use for
this reason in my clinic.

Grapeseed extract has shown remarkable results in some cases as it is a very powerful
anti-oxidant which helps protect the central nervous system (and the body) form the
effects of free radicals.

Free radicals are molecules that are harmful or damaging to the body. Heavy metals,
allergies, food chemicals, environmental chemicals etc. can act as or cause free radical
damage. Grapeseed extract also aids in body repair and regeneration including the
nervous system. A very handy "Mothers little helper".


Another area for the professional, but the child will do much better in an atmosphere of
love, acceptance, and encouragement. Easy to say I know, but when you feel like...well
I won't say it, you know what I mean.

Whatever self-discipline and control you exert on yourself, will pay great dividends not
only for the one affected but also for yourself. Negative behaviour on your part will
only compound negative behaviour on theirs, another vicious cycle.

Read more about Biocybernetics in module 1 for a startling discovery on how you
inadvertently programme your child to do negative things and how to create the
opposite. Remember childhood is to be enjoyed.

Performance does not necessarily bring happiness. Watch the movie "JACK" with
Robin Williams, it has a great message. Not about neurological disorder but about
childhood and being different. Remember the purpose of life is happiness and it is
achieved in different ways for different people.

There are some good substances for dealing with the mind and the emotions. Bach
flower remedies and St John Wort are just two natural alternatives I should mention
here. Passion flower is a particularly good herb for children and relaxing the nervous
system especially if used in conjunction with St Johns Wort.

Developmental Neurological Disorganisation

We give the individual some basic exercises to perform usually involving cross crawl
and turning the head to one specific side (determined clinically). This helps take the
person back to their baby stage to get the basic programming completed so the high
programming can then be completed.

Sometimes more remedial work is needed to which the relevant therapist must be
consulted that specialises in such things. Some even specialise in the use of eye
movement to help improve neurological organisation. Exercises on a rebounder are also
very helpful - see the book "Exercise Your Potential " (available to clinic).

Music Therapy

This doesn't really fit into either of the categories but will be discussed at a later date
more fully. Basically it is the application of sound in the form of filtered classical music
to the brain to improve its function.

There is no doubt in my mind that neurological disorganisation can affect human

potential, which if not reached can be a great tragedy not only for the individual but for
society as a whole. The ramifications of this, and this topic arc enormous, in fact more
than I dare to consider.

I'm glad that I believe in a loving wise God that takes all things into consideration and
that we are only accountable for what we either know or have the opportunity to know.
I'm trying to do my part, by amongst other things, sharing this information. I encourage
you to do yours whatever that may be.

We can all make the world a better place, by striving for our true potential and helping
others do the same - particularly our children.



I. Colloidal minerals: 1/2 -1 teasp 2 x daily in juice or other liquid (I recommend a

Zeta8 product called Fulmin8).

2. Green Powder: 1/2 -1 teasp 2 x daily in juice or other liquid (I recommend a Zeta8
product called RegenR8).

3. O.P.C. (Grape seed/pine bark): 1/2 caps once daily with meals. (can be mixed in a drink)

4. Herbal Formula containing: Ginko, Gotu Kola, Brahmi etc 1/2 caps once daily with

5. E.F.A. (Essential Fatty acids): 1/2 caps once daily with meals (can be added to food.
I recommend Krill Oil).

6. Multi Vitamin mineral supplement Children's formula: 1 cap twice a day with meals

The above supplements are in a general sequence of what usually works best for the
average person. But remember everyone is different so don't hesitate to try different

We recommend that items 1 and 2 form the basis of your programme and add the others
either one at a time to assess their benefit or just use the whole six at once.

The dosages will vary depending upon age and individuality so some experimentation
may be necessary. The dosages are relatively low so a higher dose is okay and safe if
the low dose is less effective. On rare occasions a reaction can occur especially if the
individual goes into detoxification too quickly. This is not harmful, just unpleasant.
Simply stop the supplement for a few days and resume on half dosage.

The dosages given are for 8-I2 years olds. Under eight- dosage can be halved. Over
twelve- dosage can be nudged up towards double.



Possibly the most powerful of all the supplements in this programme. Trace minerals in
their colloidal form are easily assimilated by the body. They are called "trace" because
they are only found in small amounts in our soil. Chromium, Vanadium, Molybdenum
are just a few examples; the first two are needed for correct sugar metabolism. The
brain needs trace minerals in order to function properly. It is perhaps our most common
deficiency because either the soil does not contain them anymore or because we do not
eat the right food.


Barley, wheat, alfalfa, spirulina, kelp when grown organically, harvested and prepared
correctly literally become NATURE'S SUPER FOODS containing many of the amino
acids, enzymes, trace minerals, vitamins and other minerals that we need for optimum
function especially in the brain.

Amino acids are required to manufacture neurotransmitters. These are chemical

messengers in the brain. If we are deficient in a specific neurotransmitter it can result in
impaired brain function and impaired emotional function.

Wheat grass powder is often an antidote for wheat allergies. The formula is made from
the young grass shoots not the grains. Enzymes are not easily obtained from the modern
diet due to growing, preserving, preparation and eating habits.


Grape seed and Pine bark extract arc powerful antioxidants that protect the body (and
brain) from the damaging effect of free radicals. Free radicals are chemical molecules
that damage the body.

Free radicals come from the pollution of our environment. Our air, water, food and
living environment all contain free radicals. Many of our household conveniences may
contain harmful chemicals that effect brain function. Even such "innocent" things as
toothpaste, shampoo and detergent can do damage.

Pesticides, insecticides, sprays, deodorants etc the list goes on and on. Obviously some
are more sensitive than others to these contaminants.


Also contains antioxidants that work in harmony with O.P.C. to provide a similar


Certain herbs have shown to have a beneficial effect on brain function but we do not
always know why. We do know that some of them like Ginkgo acts as an antioxidant as
well as improving circulation to the brain.


Fish oils and flaxseed oil are two common sources of E.F.A. There are a number of
EFAs; the two most often discussed are Omega 3 and Omega 6 although there are
others. Omega 3 is usually the most important of the two because we usually get
Omega 6 more easily in our diet. We call them essential because the body can't
manufacture them - they must be in the diet or we will suffer a deficiency. One such
deficiency can be in brain function because we need E.F.A for normal nerve
transmission as well as other things.

NOTE: Please keep in mind that normal brain function is dependent on many, many functions. There is
no substitute for specific diagnosis and correction, however this programme with it's accompanying
information and a sensible diet will go a long way to help those seeking solutions to a heartbreaking
problem. It's the next best thing to getting proficient professional advice.


Attention Asthma, Chronic Pain and Low Energy Sufferers

If you suffer from any of the above including Fibrositis, Fibro myalgia or Rheumatism,
it may be the result of OXYGEN DEBT, which is a lack of oxygen available to the body
or certain muscles.

Im sure you know how it feels to go without eating or drinking for a period of time.
Food or drink then becomes your most dominant need. Nothing else matters as much as
satisfying the craving of hunger or thirst. We can live without food for weeks, water
even less but then we die because the body needs both for life and health.

Try going without air for a couple of minutes or less. You cant go for very long
without oxygen. You will either suffer brain damage or death. Yet we take our
breathing for granted - unless its cut off.

What we may not realise is that the quality of our breathing or our ability to get oxygen
into our bodies is crucial to our health, well being and energy.

Its well known medically that harmful microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, fungi
and parasites prefer anaerobic conditions to flourish. They dont like an oxygen
environment! Nor do cancer cells. We need oxygen for energy and many other
functions of the body.

According to scientists, the oxygen levels of the planet are decreasing. Pollution,
exhaust fumes, smoking etc all compete for the oxygen carrying sites in the body. We
have used an oxygen supplement in our clinic for many years to help correct a number
of different problems. We have also treated the main breathing muscle, the diaphragm
to assist many health problems.

One of our newsletters/reports deals with GERD (gastro esophageal reflux disease),
which also implicates loss of diaphragm function associated with this common
condition. Hiatus Hernia also interferes with the ability of the diaphragm to get air and
oxygen into the body.

Recent research has found that stubborn chronic pain in the muscles and/or the spine
can be caused by oxygen deprivation. Which is probably why massage, heat, ultrasound
etc can help in some cases as they help to increase blood flow through the area.

Fibromyalgia, fibrositis and rheumatic conditions, which are generally difficult to treat,
have shown a favourable response to increasing the oxygen delivery to the muscles
especially if an oxygen debt is present.

Dr John E Sarno, M.D., author of Healing Back Pain The Mind Body Connection
believes that a lot of muscular and back pain comes from repressed emotional stress. He
maintains that tension and anxiety can cause a restriction of blood flow to muscles
resulting in oxygen deprivation to those muscles thereby causing pain and stiffness.

The spine and other muscles interplay with diaphragm function and therefore correct

The following exercises are a very effective and powerful way of improving spinal and
diaphragm function and thereby increasing the oxygen uptake by the body. They can be
done by anyone (including asthmatics) whether you have an obvious problem or not.

To test the value of these exercises, see how long you can hold your breath for
normally. Then retest after you have done the exercises. You may see a difference
straight away or you may need to do them for a few weeks before noticing a change.


These exercises were developed to maintain and augment the vital force within. Done
daily, these exercises will assure that the beneficial effects brought about by your
treatments are maintained. Though these exercises are straightforward and simple, they
have a profound effect. Doing these daily and properly will assure you of better health
and increased vitality.


Sitting up straight and comfortably, place the tongue just above the two front teeth
on the ridge on the roof of the palate. Close mouth and inhale through your nostrils,
fully expanding your lungs and hold for the count of seven. Exhale through the
mouth, at your own rate, keeping the tongue touching the palate.

Do this for 7 breaths twice a day.

** This is considered the most important exercise**


a. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, with arms extended out to the
sides shoulder height.
b. Left palm should face upward and the right palm should face downward.
c. Hold this position for long as possible, breathing full deep breaths. The ideal
length of time is 5-10 minutes.
d. At the end of the exercise, keeping the arms straight, slowly raise them up
and out to the sides of the body and above the head, not letting the arms
come forward. Then lower the arms.


a. Lie on your back with your arms stretched out to your side at shoulder height
with the left palm facing up and the right palm facing down.
b. Bring the feet together with knees straight.
c. Lift the left leg off the floor, keeping the leg straight and roll the left hip and left
leg over the right leg.
d. Keep both shoulders on the floor and breathe fully while holding the position
for up to 5 minutes or until you feel pain. Do until you are able to hold for 5
minutes without pain.
e. Bring the leg back to its original position and do the same for the right leg

f. Hold the positions for 5 minutes or until pain, on each side once a day. Ideally
the exercise should be done without experiencing pain.


e. Sit in an upright chair so that your thighs are parallel with the floor and the
lower part of the leg is perpendicular to the floor.
f. Bending over, place your elbows on the inside of your knees.
g. Turn your palms away from each other and tuck your fingers under each
arch of the foot while placing your thumb over the top of the foot. Let your
spine fully stretch in this position.
h. Breathe slowly and fully for up to 5 minutes.

Do one at a time per day.

(Editors note: - palms touching the floor as best you can. 10 reps x 3 is still very

a. Stand against a wall so that your heels, lower back, the spine between your
shoulder blades and the back of your head touch the wall.
b. Raise your arms straight out in front of you with your thumbs touching.
Then as slowly as you can, raise them straight above your head, finally
touching the wall.
c. Then lower the arms out and down to your sides.
d. Again, remember to breathe slowly and fully.

Do this 2 times, once a day.

a. Sit in a chair with your back straight and both feet placed on the floor.
b. Bend your elbows in front of you and let your fingertips rest on the tops of
your shoulders.
c. Breathing slowly and fully, on the inhalation lift your elbows up towards the
ceiling and lower your head down.
d. On the exhalation, roll the elbows out to the side and back to the starting
position (b.) while lifting the head back up.

Do 5 times, 2-3 times a day

a. Four to five feet from the wall and facing it with your feet shoulder width
apart, place your palms on the wall at shoulder height.
b. Bend your knees as much as possible while still keeping your heels on the
c. While knees are bent, breathe slowly and fully for one minute.

Repeat 5 times, once a day

a. Lie on your back on a bed or bench, with your head lying off the end.

b. Using a light weight of 3-10 pounds (eg. 2 cans of tomato soup), slowly
lower the weight over your head, keeping your elbows bent and your upper
arms roughly parallel.
c. Letting your arms flop out to the side, bending the elbows will lessen the
d. Now with the weight hanging down, stretch your ribs and stomach by
inhaling as much as you can but dont hold your breath.
e. While you inhale, raise your buttocks up.
f. Then exhale and lower your buttocks back down. Do this 10 times.

Rest for 30 seconds with head level. Repeat this routine 3 times

(Editors note: - knees bent)


Rubbing the reflex point in the centre of your breastbone between the third and
fourth ribs will improve your diaphragm function and your breathing.

Editors Note

This may seem like a lot of time to devote to these exercises so we recommend you do
what you can when you can. Any level of these exercises will be beneficial.

I have been doing exercises no 4 and 8, 10 15 repetitions, 2 or 3 times once daily, 3

4 times per week, with good noticeable results. My energy has improved and my back
is stronger. Of cause, more would be better, but even a little is better than nothing.

Give them a try, I highly recommend them.

Revolutionary New Treatment Melts Ugly
Cellulite Fat Away for Almost Anybody Who
Uses It.
Are you self-conscious about undressing in front of your partner?
Embarrassed by wearing a swimming costume at the beach? Does
your cellulite cause you to feel bad about yourself? Perhaps it affects
your self-esteem? Have you tried the usual methods and failed?

Look no further!!

The answer to your predicament may be provided by the revolutionary new method just
developed to treat not just the appearance of ugly cellulite but also its cause.

Most, if not all the methods available treat the effect but not the cause of cellulite.

There are countless creams, machines and massage techniques all designed to improve
the appearance of cellulite but none to treat the cause of cellulite. Now, all of these
methods have their place BUT guess what happens when you stop using them. If you
dont treat the cause, the effect will return! Its obvious when you think about it.

What causes the cellulite to form in the first place? Thats a very important question
to ask, and I believe I have found the answers. I say answers because there is more
than one.

It may be the clue why other cellulite treatments have not worked for you. All the
different methods have varying degrees of success. Before we reveal the hidden secrets
of cellulite removal lets look at what is already generally known about cellulite.


Cellulite is a dimpled or honeycombed appearance of the skin, these are irregular fat
cells and toxins trapped under the skin which the body has failed to eliminate. 90% of
women around the world experience cellulite during their life. The most common areas
for cellulite to accumulate are the thighs, buttocks and abdomen. Cellulite often appears
in women and is rarely seen in men. Cellulite is not related to cellulitis, which is a
spreading bacterial infection of the skin. Cellulite has nothing to do with being
overweight, slim women as well as overweight ones can be affected. In fact, many slim
women have cellulite.

Causes of Cellulite

1. Poor Circulation - Cold fingers and toes are often symptoms of poor circulation.
Poor circulation means that toxins are stored in the body more readily thus causing
cellulite. Cellulite lymphatic massage and specific herbs can assist in boosting
circulation and thus cellulite reduction.

2. Hormones - Female hormones, particularly oestrogen increase fat storage and thus,
the likelihood of cellulite. That is why cellulite only occurs after puberty and is often
worsened with pregnancies. Being on the oral contraceptive pill or HRT as well as
certain diseases such as endometriosis, fibroids, etc. can also contribute to Cellulite.

3. Toxins - Smoking; lack of exercise; tight clothes; high heeled shoes; an inactive
lifestyle; medication; diet pills; oral contraceptives; birth control pills; high stress
lifestyle; anxiety and depression increases toxin storage in the body. The same toxins
which cause the free-radical damage known to weaken skin leading to wrinkles, also
allows fat cells to push up where they don't belong causing cellulite.

4. Diet - Processed foods, alcohol, caffeine; crash dieting; and lack of water
(dehydration) all contribute to toxins in the body which may contribute to cellulite.

5. Genetics - Through your genes you can inherit weaknesses, which make cellulite
more likely eg. more fat cells, weak veins, fragile lymphatic vessels, poor circulation or
hormonal sensitivity.

6. Sluggish Liver - Your livers job is to break down toxins and fats. When the liver is
sluggish, fats and toxins are not fully broken down and are more likely to accumulate in
the body, increasing the possibility of cellulite formation. Symptoms of a sluggish liver
include tiredness, feeling down or depressed, difficulty shifting weight, the whites of
your eyes are less bright, and so on.

Excess fat is stored by the body in areas that can best structurally handle it, and where it
will cause the least restriction to movement. Hence it is deposited mainly around the
pelvic area of the hip, buttocks and upper legs, and sometimes in the backs of the arms
and stomach. Toxins that cannot be eliminated are also stored in the most convenient
areas. Where do you think that would be? You guessed it! The same area as the fat
storage. This storage area can also be where circulation and lymphatic drainage is
poor thus complicating the issue further. Hormonal imbalance and metabolic body type
also influences where you store your fat. All this gives us important clues to help us
solve the mystery of cellulite.

The following is a list of all areas that need to be either assessed and/or treated to obtain
long lasting success in cellulite control.

The Most Often Used and Well Known Methods of Cellulite Treatment:



Physical Therapy



There is disagreement as to whether diet influences cellulite. However we use diet to

influence the items on the list so for us diet is a must. But it must be the right kind. Not

just a weight loss diet. Depending upon which area of the body is not functioning
optimally, that is the area we target with the appropriate diet and nutrition. Each area
depends upon specific foods and nutrients for ideal function.


Again this is another area of controversy but it forms part of our programme.

Physical Therapy

There are a number of massage techniques, draining methods and machines that claim
to get results. We use the regular ones plus a specific one we have discovered improves
circulation through the affected area.


Creams do get results, it's the question of "which ones are the best?" We are still
researching this area but one in particular looks promising.

The 7 Unknown Secrets to Reduce Cellulite

Secret #1 Physical Therapy

We use a specific technique that we discovered improves circulation through the

affected area.

Secret #2 Eliminative System

The Lymphatic system is the garbage disposal system of the body. It mobilises fat and
toxins as well as other unused material from the tissues. Apart from the regular
drainage methods, we use other less known techniques of physical therapy, diet and
natural nutrients to improve lymphatic drainage.

The liver and gall bladder are the fat metabolising organs of the body. If they are not
functioning 100% especially the gall bladder you may be depositing fat in your body.
We get excellent results in reducing Cholesterol (a fat) by improving gall bladder
function. Natural nutrients and foods are used to achieve this.

The bowel is the main sewerage area of the body. How often do you have a bowel
movement? How often is ideal? Although we are all different, 2-3 times a day is ideal.
If your bowel gets sluggish so does your lymphatics and your liver.

Secret #3 The Circulatory System

Helps to heat the affected area plus move stored materials back to the liver for
detoxification and elimination. If the liver is sluggish this can also impede circulation.
As already mentioned we have discovered and use a specific technique to increase and

improve blood flow through cellulite areas. Diet and nutrients are also used when

Secret #4 Hormonal Balance

Excess or out of balance Oestrogen can contribute to cellulite deposits. It's probably
why men rarely get cellulite. They carry less fat and less Oestrogen. We balance
hormonal levels with specific herb formulas. In the clinic we find EstR8 (from the
Zeta8 range) works in most cases, so I recommend starting there. The thyroid gland can
also be a major player especially as it influences metabolism. There are two key
nutrients that we use to balance Thyroid Function.

Secret #5 Blood Sugar Levels

Blood Sugar Levels influence insulin which in turn influences cellulite. Also once the
sugar levels in the blood get too high the body stores the excess as fat. A double
whammie for your cellulite. Diet and nutrients again to the rescue.

Secret #6 Stress Management

Excess stress raises the stress hormone called cortisol which can also contribute to
cellulite deposits. Solution - reduce the stress. Easy? No. But we have systems that we
teach to others that help in this area. The main system we use is called

Secret#7 Chemical Toxins Removal

This involves both the avoidance and elimination of harmful chemicals. We have a
treatment in the clinic where we identify specific harmful chemicals either stored in the
body; or sensitivity to them. Using a specific technique, we detoxify and desensitize
the body to those specific substances. We also have a list that we supply to help the
patient identify which foods and products contain the harmful chemicals so they can be
avoided where possible. (See our separate report The Toxic List).

The whole idea is to find out what areas of your body need attention and fix them.

Is everyone going to respond the same to this approach? Of course not. We are all
different. Plus the more advanced the cellulite, the harder it is to influence. But I can
guarantee you one thing, the least that will happen is you will lose fat and reduce in
size. You will also get healthy and feel fantastic.

Actually thats four things. What if you can't attend a clinic? You can follow the
advice given in this article. You can treat each area of your body yourself with the diet
and nutrients we recommend. You can also self administer the physical treatment and
use any creams we may suggest.

So what are you waiting for? Get started now to look the way you want to look and
get rid of that ugly demoralizing cellulite.

Colloidal Silver
Natures Antibiotic
I have been using Colloidal Silver in our clinic for many years and have witnessed its
remarkable qualities. Because of this we thought it timely to share its wonderful
benefits with you. Many of our patients have made very favourable comments about
their experience with Colloidal Silver. One interesting case was that of a girl suffering
with impetigo. Impetigo is a stubborn, contagious, serious infection of the skin which
requires antibiotics to clear. Sometimes conventional medicine doesnt always work
very well in this condition, as was the case with this young girl. She took the Colloidal
Silver internally and applied it topically within days improvement was noticed. With
further treatment the condition cleared up completely. Its excellent as a gargle for sore
throats used preferably straight. It has also given relief and help to ear infections. One
drop in the ear at night usually does the trick. We have used it at home for years and we
wouldnt be without it. It should be part of every home medicine kit because it has such
a wide variety of uses.

The following article was taken mostly from the book The Colloidal Silver

What Is Colloid Silver?

Colloidal Silver is a pure, all-natural substance consisting of sub-microscopic clusters

of silver, held in suspension in pure water by the tiny electric charge placed on each

What Is A Colloid?

A Colloid is a substance composed of particles that are extremely small but larger than
most molecules. These particles in a colloid do not actually dissolve but remain
suspended in a suitable liquid. All living things exist in the colloidal state. Most over-
the-counter medications are in a crystalline state. Before any medication can be used,
the body must convert it from a crystalline state to a colloidal state. The body can more
readily use medications already in the colloidal form, as opposed to the crystalline
form. Dr. Harry Margraf of St. Louis says, Silver is the best all round germ-fighter we
have. In recent years the alarm bells have been ringing about our unrestricted
antibiotics and the increasing resistance of bacteria to antibiotics. Much interest has
shifted to non-drug forms of beating infection such as colloidal silver. Although
colloidal silver is used universally throughout Europe to treat infection, in Australia
there is much confusion about its efficiency. How does it work? What are its benefits?
Are there any side-effects? What dosages do you take?

The History of Colloidal Silver

Silver is a powerful, natural antibiotic that has been used for thousands of years, with
no harmful side effects ever having been observed. Great Grandma put a silver dollar in
the milk to keep it from spoiling as it sat on the back porch in the summertime. Also it
is well known that the ancient Greeks knew the medicinal value of silver. It was
observed that those ancient families who ate from silver utensils rarely were sick and

had fewer infections. This knowledge was passed onto kings, emperors, sultans and
their families and members of their royal courts. They ate from silver plates, drank
from silver cups, used silver utensils and stored their food in silver containers. As a
result of this use, silver was ever so slightly rubbed off and mixed in their foods. And
after a generation or two, they received the full benefit from the silver particles which
found their way into the body of these people; hence they had little chance of getting
any infectious illness. These royals were called Blue Bloods because their skin had a
blue tint due to the accumulation of minute traces of pure metallic silver. The common
red-blooded folk, however ate from earthenware dishes with iron utensils and
frequently were sick, whilst the royals enjoyed the freedom from infectious disease as
early as from birth. There are many historical references on Colloidal Silver. One of the
most complete is published in The Lancet dated Dec. 12, 1914.

Common in America Prior To 1938

Colloidal Silver was in common use in America from the late 1800s until 1938. It was
prescribed for a great variety of diseases and infections. There were none of todays
antibiotics available, and Colloidal Silver was used for just about everything. But
Colloidal Silver was relatively expensive back then, just as todays antibiotics are

An Exceptional Antibiotic

Colloidal Silver is the only antibiotic known reportedly to kill all types of viruses, fungi
and bacteria. Colloidal Silver is the only antibiotic known to be perfectly harmless to all
parts of the body. Whilst the liver and kidneys can be harmed by other antibiotics,
Colloidal silver actually promotes healing.

Compare With other Antibiotics

Colloidal Silver is non-toxic to mammals, reptiles, plants and all living things that are
not of a one celled structure. One-celled life uses a different method of Oxygen
metabolism. Herein lies their weakness. Colloidal Silver acts only as a catalyst,
meaning it influences a change in the rate, or occurrence of a reaction of one-celled
organisms; but does not enter into any chemical reaction with the body tissues. The
mere presence of Colloidal Silver near any virus, fungi or bacterium (one-celled disease
causing pathogens) will immediately cripple their oxygen-metabolizing enzyme (or
chemical lung) which causes suffocation and death usually within six minutes. The
dead organism is subsequently cleared out of the body by the immune and lymphatic
system. Each of the other man made antibiotics will kill only five or six types of germs.
Increasingly, bacteria are becoming immune to these antibiotics. These bacterium are
commonly referred to as Super Bugs, however they are unable to form a resistance to
colloidal Silver which will kill not only the bacteria but also all forms of viruses; a feat
no man made antibiotic has managed to date! A further draw-back of all antibiotics is
that they will destroy a variety of the bodys essential enzymes, but Colloidal Silver
doesnt disable or harm in any way the many different human body enzymes, as these
enzymes are particularly different to the enzymes of single-celled life. Colloidal Silver
actually promotes healing with less resulting scar tissue. No other antibiotic will do

What Is The Optimum Level Of Silver In The Body?

Sufficient daily Colloidal Silver is to have greater than five parts per million.
Recommended is a high dose titration, as determined by kinesiology, to an indication
toward protection of all infection. To charge tissues with large amounts of Colloidal
Silver is to be ready for any attack of germ and even the inevitable biotoxins resulting
from severe burn injury! When obtaining Colloidal Silver preparation, the strength of
the product must be taken into consideration. Advances in the manufacturing
technology of Colloidal Silver allow the manufacture of Colloidal Silver with 30 and
50+ mg of Silver per litre.

Kills Resistant Pathogenic Strains

Disease organisms can become resistant to regular antibiotics, triggering dangerous

super-infections. Conventional antibiotics are industrially developed from toxins
manufactured by other bacteria for their own defences Penicillin is a prime example.
Disease organisms in the body respond to this cultivated toxin of the conventional
antibiotic at about the same rate as they do the original organism. This is a long enough
time that a mutation can, and often does, occur which will make the organism immune
to the particular antibiotic. Colloidal Silver is claimed to work relatively fast mostly
within six minutes or less, upon contact with the body these disease causing
pathogens have no time to mutate into a resistant strain, as such a mutation requires far
longer than the time silver needs to kill the pathogen. In fact to date no pathogen or
strain thereof has ever been known to mutate and develop resistance to silver in several
thousand years of the use of this remarkable substance. To sum up: no one celled
organism or plant will ever be able to develop immunity to silver.

How Does Colloidal Silver Work?

Body parts having five parts per million (5ppm) of colloidal silver will be free of virus,
fungi and bacterium. Silver particles are long lived in the body because they do not
enter into a reaction, but act catalytically. A catalyst is best described as a substance
that brings about, or causes a reaction or occurrence without itself participating or being
consumed. The Colloidal Silver acts a catalyst in disabling a particular enzyme and can
be best described as a chemical lung, as it transfers oxygen and nutrients through the
cell walls of the disease causing organism. The organism suffocates! The mere
proximity of silver will cripple the activity of the particular enzyme common to all
viruses, fungi and bacteria whilst not affecting the enzymes of tissue type cells.

Non Allergenic

There have been no allergenic reactions to silver reported in recorded history in the
medical use of Colloidal Silver, because Colloidal Silver only affects the rate and
occurrence of a pathogens oxygen metabolism activity as described in the foregoing
section. However Colloidal Silver does not react chemically within the body.

How Healing Is Accelerated

Mitosis the usual cell division in body tissue is when two new, identical cells are
formed. When Colloidal Silver is present in the body tissue, some of the divisions will
be different. One duplicate cell and one differentiated cell are formed. The
differentiated cell is like a baby cell that can change into any kind of cell in the body. It

will naturally migrate to a part of the body where there is tissue damage, where the cell
changes to a local tissue type cell, adding to the normal cell repair in the injured area
and greatly lessening scar tissue formation. This accelerated healing benefit of
Colloidal Silver was discovered by Robert Becker MD., and was reported in his book,
The Body Electric. He and his research colleagues observed a variety of cells, which
are primitive in appearance, looking just like the active cells in bone marrow of
children. These cells grew fast, reproducing a diverse and surprising assortment of
primitive cell forms, including fully differentiated cells and rounded fibroblasts.
Positive Silver Becker states, produces large numbers of differentiated cells,
overcoming the main problem of mammalian regeneration. Positive Silver regenerates
the healing process by over 50 percent. It is obvious that in the aggregate they
profoundly stimulate soft tissue in a way unlike any known natural. He further stated
in his book: Positive Silver kills all types of bacteria existing, because no other single
antibiotic worked uniformly against all types of bacteria. Positive Silver he says:
..offers several advantages over previous antibiotic substances. There are no ions
beside silver to burden the tissues. It works against all kinds of bacteria simultaneously
and even kills antibiotic resistant strains and fungus infections.

How Silver Works Against Viruses

A single virus will invade a living cell of body tissue, and then this insidious pathogen
will take over the nucleus of the cell and alter its re-productive mechanism to replicate
the virus, instead of the enzyme, hormone or other chemical the cell would normally
have produced for the body within that cell. Later, the newly produced virus will be
released from that cell into the bloodstream. However another interesting process
happens. As the virus affects the cell for its own purpose, part of the response of that
living cell is that it reverts back to a more primitive cell structure and chemistry. The
Oxygen metabolizing enzyme in the cell wall reverts to a more primitive form also.
This more primitive form of enzyme is vulnerable to the effect of Colloidal Silver. The
catalytic effect of the Colloidal Silver simply by being near the enzyme of this cell
results in that enzyme becoming permanently disabled. It cannot function to bring
oxygen into the cell and that virus host cell now dies. The process will take no more
than six minutes and the body will dispose of it as it would any other of the millions of
cells that end their usefulness each day. When we test our patients to see if they need
Colloidal Silver to assist in the treatment of a particular condition, not everyone shows
a beneficial response at that time. What this means is that Colloidal Silver may not
work every time and in every case, but that is the case with most things. It does test
beneficial most of the time however, so its still worth trying anytime you feel the need.
Always keep a bottle handy in case the need arises. You will be glad you did.

Colloidal Silver Dosages

For throat, head, and lung infections:
- Gargle straight for 1 minute
Adult Dosage 1 teaspoon 3 times a day for 4 days
(minimum) then swallow
Then 1 teaspoon 2 times a day for 4 days
Then 1 teaspoon once a day for 4 days For stomach, small or large intestine, or
kidney infections:
Child dosage is of adults dosage - Use in glass of water to drink
Infants of adults dosage

Eye Exercises

Improve Your Eyesight Naturally, and Save Hundreds of

Dollars on Your Next Prescription.
I am already unpopular perhaps with Podiatrists I suppose now I will become unpopular
with Opticians and Ophthalmologists. Never mind, this newsletter is written for you
and not for them and if I can save you money on your next prescription then I will be
happy. Yes, I too had to go and get prescription glasses for my eyes which were
weakening. I needed them for reading.

I spent a few hundred dollars to get glasses. I knew that if I did eye exercises then I
could probably put off getting these glasses and I could strengthen my eyes. But I am
ashamed to say just like you, I could not find the time to do my eye exercises. Now I
have had patients that have followed these eye exercises and improved their eyes, and
their eyesight dramatically. Just doing the exercises only! However what I want to
share with you is a number of things that you can do to improve your eyesight.
Ranging from the simple to the more time consuming such as the eye exercises.

I have been using Pin-Hole glasses now for many years. I now use them instead of my
ordinary glasses for reading. I still use my ordinary glasses if I dont want to attract too
much attention, because invariably when I wear my Louis the Fly glasses people
invariably sayAre you trying to be cool?, What are you wearing those for?,
What are those things youre wearing? and so onHowever it provides a great
opportunity for me to share my experiences with others and what I usually do is ask
them Do you need glasses to read? If they do I say Just read that for me without
your glasses They struggle of course and I say Try these Pin-hole glasses Then to
their amazement they find they can read the fine print with the Pin-Hole glasses. Now
these Pin-Hole glasses may not enable you to read as well as your ordinary glasses, or
they may, but they will still enable you to see better, especially to read.

The problem with ordinary glasses as everyone knows and everyone will tell you is that
they assist the eyes thus over the long term, wearing ordinary glasses will gradually
weaken your eyes and you will need stronger and stronger glasses usually, not in every
case but usually. The reason is that the function of eyesight is partly a muscular
function. When we use our eyes we must use muscles, even the Iris (the blue or the
brown part of your eye) contracts and dilates by the action of muscle. So many of the
functions of the eyes are a function of muscular activity and as you well know with
muscles when you use them they get stronger and they improve and when you dont
they weaken and atrophy.

So the key factor in improving your eye sight is to work those muscles. You can do that
by using the eye exercises here provided. But also when you wear the Pin-Hole glasses
it makes you focus through the tiny holes. You not only get a focus of light but you get
a muscular action that makes you concentrate through the Pin-Holes. This not only
enables you to see better but it also exercises the eyes at the same time. So the lazy
mans way, if I could call it that of strengthening the eyes, is to wear the Pin-Hole
glasses particularly when you read. We do not recommend you use them when driving
because it does affect peripheral and total vision. But for focusing as in reading I would

strongly recommend the Pin-Hole glasses. Moreover the Pin-Hole glasses will cost you
between $40-$50 whereas your ordinary prescription glasses will cost you $200-$300
upwards. So the first thing to do in improving your eyesight is to get your pair of Pin-
Hole glasses. The second thing you can do and this is optional is to perform the
exercises that weve provided here.

The third thing you should do is look at Nutrition. The eyes are often affected by
improper nutrition before other parts of the body. All nutrients are required for normal
eye function, but some of the more specific ones are Zinc, Vitamin A and B2. We have
ways of testing for these deficiencies, but you can easily supplement Zinc and Vitamin
A or Beta Carodine. Beta Carodine is the precursor for Vitamin A in the body. Vitamin
A you cannot buy over the counter, you need a prescription and so we encourage you
instead of the Vitamin A to use the Beta Carodine. When taking an individual B
Vitamin such as B2 you should also use the other B Complex so you dont create an
imbalance and a deficiency in one of the other B complex vitamins. So it is probably
safer to use a multi-vitamin and mineral. Whenever taking any vitamins or minerals we
suggest taking a multivitamin and mineral to maintain the correct balance. You may or
may not have a Nutritional deficiency affecting your eyes, however as we said before
this can be a factor, so either experiment or have it tested.

Another important factor in eyesight is the circulation to the eye and we would
recommend a nutritional product that improves circulation to the eyes. An oral collation
formula would be ideal for this and some of the herbs for the eyes are Eye-Bright and
Ginkgo Boloba for improving the circulation to the eyes. Eye-bright, especially in
connection with other herbs in a herb formula is an excellent way to treat eye problems
other than eyesight. Eye infections, eye problems etc can be helped by taking these
herbs internally or by making using these herbs as an eye wash. Simply make a tea with
a number of the capsules, empty the contents of the capsules into some boiling water,
let it cool strain it, store it in the fridge and use an eye wash taking the liquid from your
main store to wash your eyes with every night, or simply use a cloth and bathe the eyes
with the tea that you have made.

This is very good for infants that have blocked tear ducts. To bathe simply bathe the
eyes with the Eye-bright tea this can often unblock the tear ducts. The Nursing mother
may also take the herbs so that the baby receives that through the milk. Weve had
excellent results, sometimes quickly, or sometimes it takes a period of time for these
herbs to work through to the eyes.

Antioxidants are also very important, weve already mentioned Vitamin A, Zinc and
Beta Carodine and some of the B Vitamins. Other Antioxidants are Selenium, Vitamin
C and Vitamin E. Thats why the multi vitamin is recommended. The eyes or the eye
tissue ages just like any other tissue in the body, so as the eye begins to age
antioxidants help to prevent the aging process in any tissue but particularly the eye

So the Nutrients weve already mentioned will help slow down the aging process by
stopping the effect of free radical damage by using the antioxidants. The most powerful
antioxidant we know of at this stage is Proanthciadids as found in Pine bark. Grape tree,
Grape seed extract. Therefore we recommend as part of your nutritional programme the
use of Pine Bark or Grape Tree, Grape Seed Extract to assist your eyes. I have
personally found; both for myself and in my clinic, that Grapeseed Extract is an

excellent product for strengthening the eyes. The Grape seed extract together with the
other nutrients I find works very very well for me.

As mention earlier there are other factors that will help in improving your eyesight, and
there are a number of books on the subject and in fact there is an institution that is
dedicated to natural eye sight without glasses. Should you require further information
on these books or the other help available, please feel free to contact us and well give
you that information. What I have tried to do in this article is give you the basic, simple
most powerful things that you can do which will have the greatest effect. So please
dont neglect this most important organ of the body and if youll excuse the pun See
Ya Later!

PS: If you have to sit in front of a screen, a computer screen all day I would strongly recommend you get
the Pin-Hole glasses, both to help protect you from the glare but also to help prevent the incredible eye
strain that can result from sitting in front of a terminal booth day in and day out.

The Feet
The basis of your strength, energy and support

How to Save Hundreds of Dollars on your Podiatrist Bill!

The Feet may not seem like a very exciting proposition to talk about. But as
mentioned in the heading, the feet are the foundation for everything and yet we often
ignore or overlook the importance of correctly functioning feet.

The feet basically, apart from providing a stable foundation on which to maintain your
balance and your stance, also provide a shock absorbing mechanism for your whole
system, something similar to the shock absorption mechanism in your car or otherwise
known as shock absorbers. When the Feet (and this is very common) do not perform
this function correctly your whole system is compromised. You use far more energy
than you need to. There is shock transmitted through the feet, the knees, the hips,
Sacroiliac joints, and the spinal joints. This can all compromise not only your body
mechanically but also the body electrically; because the structural system, especially
the spinal column protects the electrical or nervous system, and when there is
inefficiency in the mechanical structural system of the body often there is a
corresponding weakness, or lack of normal function in the nervous or electrical system
of the body. This will then transpose itself into less than ideal energy and less than ideal

We can begin to see how important, the shock absorption mechanism of the feet are.
You may have a problem in your feet and not even be aware of it, so your whole bodily
function can be compromised without you being aware of it. There are of course times
when you are aware of problems in the feet because the feet complain, they ache or you
may get spurs on the back of your heels or on the underside of your heels, you may get
joint strain in your knees or in your hips, your feet may distort when you walk. You
may have flat arches. There can be a number of different obvious signs of foot
problems. Foot problems can occur at any stage of life, they are particularly common in
athletes, in pregnant women or in women that have had a number of children.

Of course, as old age progresses, the feet weaken and problems can occur then too.
Bunions can be avoided; many times the unsightly effect of a bunion is a result of poor
shock absorbing mechanism in the feet.

How to Save Hundreds of Dollars on your Podiatrist Bill!

Yes it is possible to save hundreds of dollars when you have foot problems if you
usually consult a podiatrist. A Podiatrist will usually manufacture an insert for your
shoe, which helps to correct a foot problem, or helps to absorb the shock that takes
place in a normal foot working situation.

Now let me say here right from the beginning. I am not against podiatrists or what they
do. I think they perform an excellent service when needed.

What I do believe though, is that many times you can do without these expensive

inserts, which can cost you anywhere from $200 to $300 upwards. Sometimes you do
need them and when you do they are well worth the expense. They provide a major
service and a major benefit. But there are many people who go to the expense of having
these inserts, when they dont really need them, when some simple remedies would do
just as well.

Now obviously with some podiatrists reading this I may not be too popular, but I hope
they will read what I have said very carefully. I have consulted with many patients over
many years with foot problems both with and without the insert and we have ways that
we test using applied kinesiology to determine the value of these inserts.

My experience over many years working with patients foot problems have shown me
that many times a podiatrist insert is not necessary. In fact sometimes they can make
things worse! The most common fault that I have found, the most common error that I
have found with the insert is that it is too high. Usually an insert is manufactured to
support the arch of the foot. Or I should say, when an insert is manufactured to support
the arch of the foot, the insert is usually too high. It supports the arch, but the arch
needs to have some flexibility it needs room to be able to move so that it can maintain
the strength of the ligaments and the tendons on the under side of the foot.

So if an arch or insert is made too high it does all the work for the arch. Therefore the
arch of the foot progressively gets weaker. It may help the problem initially but over
the long haul it will gradually weaken the arch of the foot. So if an insert is to be made,
my experience has shown it should be made smaller or less high than the arch would
seem applicable.

What you can do simply and easily to treat most foot problems that occur.

Most foot problems can be treated with a golf ball. What you may say do you do with a
golf ball? Very very simple; place the golf ball on the ground and either standing or
sitting, you place your foot on the golf ball and you massage the foot over the golf ball.

There are two arches on the feet, the longitudinal arch, which runs along the length of
the foot, that is longways. The transverse arch, which runs across the width of the foot.
The transverse arch is just back from the ball of the foot. Depending on which arch is
weak and usually it is the longitudinal arch, that is the arch that you massage with the
golf ball. You massage in the direction across the line of the arch, so with the
longitudinal arch, massage the foot sideways over the golf ball. With the transverse
arch you massage the foot backwards and forwards over the golf ball.

The structure of the arch is such that the arch is maintained by the shape of the bones
and the tension of the tendons underneath the foot. Something like the string of a ball.
The string helps to maintain the tension in the ball just as the tension in the tendons that
fasten on the underside of the foot help to maintain the arch of the foot. Thats why
using an arch support or shoe insert only, while it may relieve the symptoms and
support the foot initially, would eventually lead to greater problems, because it does not
do anything about the weakness either in the arch or in the tendons.

What the golf ball does is helps to strengthen or stimulate the tendons by working
across, or transversing over the tendons. Used in conjunction with an arch support of
the right height (not too high) this provides an excellent therapy for the feet and in most

cases will work very well indeed. What we also do in our clinic is to manually adjust
the arches of the feet. This adds a third dimension to successful treatment. But even
without manual adjustments on the feet, the arch and the golf ball exercise will work
very well and are to be encouraged.

There is another added benefit from massaging the foot with the golf ball, and that is
that there are many nerve endings and reflexes on the sole of the foot and when
massaged, helps to stimulate and invigorate the rest of the body.

You all know the feeling of tired and aching feet and how it can reflect into your whole
body. Yes the feet really do effect the entire body.


What we use in our clinic is a small, almost a half moon shape insert into the shoe. It is
probably about 2.5 to 3 inches long to about inch across. As you can see it is not very
big and the thickness is not very high either.

By simply having the patient insert this into the shoe, and then standing in the shoe, we
muscle test the patient. If the arch support is not suitable the patient will weaken.

How to determine whether the arch needs to be higher or lower, we simply have the
patient raise their arch by going on to the outside of the foot or lower the arch by going
onto the inside of their feet.

If the arch needs to be higher going on to the outside of the feet will make them
stronger and on to the inside will make them weaker. Conversely if the arch is too high
they will either weaken immediately or they will weaken when going on to the outside
of their feet, and strengthen going on to the inside of their feet.

Now you can perform this test yourself in selecting an arch support for your shoe.


Just as you can muscle test which arch support is right for you, you can also muscle test
which shoe is right for you. There are very many different types of shoes on the market
particularly joggers, and sports shoes. Many of the sports shoes and joggers have a very
generous arch support in them, sometimes too high and sometimes too low.

I can remember the time, when I went with my wife to select joggers for her. There we
were in the shop putting on different shoes and I was muscle testing her. Needless to
say we tried to find some dark corner to do this in, so we didnt attract too much
attention and look too foolish. But never the less we found a shoe that suited her ideally
and also interestingly to note it wasnt the most expensive shoe in the store. It was
probably the shoe in the mid price range.


Stress and mineral deficiency or nutritional deficiency can also be a common factor in
foot weakness. When a person is under stress for prolonged periods of time the body
undergoes certain hormonal changes. These hormonal changes can cause a weakening

or a loosening of the ligaments particularly in the feet, because they support or maintain
the strength of the joint when the ligament or joint weakens. This is often felt more in
the feet because the feet carry more of the bodys weight than any other part of the

A good way to remedy this problem is to take a nutritional supplement to support the
body during times of stress. A good supplement should contain stress herbs of ginseng,
gocukola, licorice, etc. also the vitamins B & C. Simply providing this nutritional
support can go a long way to help strengthening the feet if stress is a contributing

Another cause of weak ligaments in the body is a mineral deficiency. Mineral

deficiency can be one or many, the common one is Zinc, and Zinc is a prime nutritional
requirement for strong ligaments. So if your body is deficient in zinc then your
ligaments will be weak, therefore your joints will be weak, therefore the feet can cause
problems simply from the lack of Zinc in your diet.

Another common mineral deficiency is Traceminerals, Traceminerals are those

minerals in small amounts in food and in the soil. And in fact, because the way the soil
has been treated and the way our food has been treated their are many Traceminerals
missing. A good source of Traceminerals would be Kelp, Spirulina, Barley Green,
Dandelion, Alphapha, in fact there are herbal formulas that contain a number of these
elements together which help supply the body with its much needed Traceminerals. In
the clinic we have great success using Fulmin8 (from the Zeta8 range) Of course a
deficiency in any of these minerals can result in other health problems as well.

A good practitioner can actually identify these causes and be very specific in what you
need for what particular problem you suffer from, but if you dont have the benefit of a
good practitioner to be able to determine these things, then experiment yourself.

There are other nutritional deficiencies as well which can contribute to foot problems. I
have mentioned the main ones. So my advice to you is to take good care of your feet
because you will need them for a long time and for many different functions.

Do you suffer from a pain in the gut? Or even something not
quite so severe? Like abdominal discomfort, swelling, gas,
nausea, indigestion, heartburn, reflux? Do some foods
disagree with you?

None of these conditions are very pleasant, but you dont have to suffer, this can be
helped. Lets take a closer look at some of these ailments, what causes them and what to
do about them.


Medicine has now officially recognised reflux as a major medical condition, probably
because it affects so many of us. G.E.R.D. stands for gastroesophageal reflux disease; a
condition which occurs when the acid in the stomach moves backward and upward into
the oesophagus.

Studies have shown that from 20% - 40% of the population have some form of
gastric reflux.

The sphincter at the top of the stomach, which is a circular ring of muscle acts as a
valve which opens to allow food into the stomach and closes to prevent the acid
contents of the stomach from moving back into the oesophagus. In fact there are four
such sphincters or valves through the digestive and eliminative system, which open and
close at appropriate times to allow proper movement and timing of the digestive and
eliminative functions. Problems with any of these four sphincters are very common
which can lead to various malfunctions and symptoms of distress.

Infants and babies are not spared this distress either.

We have seen hundreds of babies with colic, reflux, pain, discomfort etc. All respond
very well to the gentle natural treatment of these sphincters. If these sphincters are not
corrected in these early stages they inevitably lead to more serious problems later such
as eczema, asthma and sinusitis. The digestive system is the first stage of every other
function in the body. If that is not working properly, it then can affect so many other

What Causes G.E.R.D?

In adults G.E.R.D. and other digestive complaints can be caused by stress, food
allergies, wrong food combining (i.e. starch with protein), eating too fast, incorrect
posture, drinking with meals, hot or fizzy drinks, yeast and candida overgrowth,
bacteria, viruses, parasites, incorrect breathing, wrong posture during exercise, spinal
misalignment, diaphragm problems, hiatus hernia, lack of digestive enzymes and poor
liver function. Quite a list! Obviously to fix the problem you have to identify and
correct the culprit, which can be done with any of these causes mentioned. What we
will do here is just discuss a couple of these areas in more detail. If you have any

further questions or want more information on the others please feel free to ask. Some
of them are self explanatory of course.

Your Antacids May Be Making You Worse!

We realise this is a controversial area and one which may surprise you but we are
telling you what we have found works clinically over many years. Dr Jonathon Wright
a world famous author and Medical Doctor, believes as we do, and even wrote about
this in one of his widely read newsletters. As we get older the amount of acidity
produced by our stomach reduces. It has the effect of not digesting our foods correctly,
especially protein. This results in the food remaining too long in the stomach and
fermentation occurs. Fermentation as with wine and other alcoholic beverages causes
gas to build up. Gas can cause belching and reflux of the contents of the stomach into
the oesophagus. Even though the acidity in the stomach may be too low to digest food
correctly it is still acidic and more than enough to burn the oesophagus. So what do you
do? REACH FOR THE ANTACIDS. And they work by reducing acid in the
stomach, BUT they only give temporary relief, AND they will probably make your
condition worse long term. WHY? Because they are reducing the acidity of the
stomach even further.

More Acid - Not Less Is The Answer

Supplementing with a hydrochloric acid (HCL) tablet with meals can give lasting relief.
If that doesnt appeal to you use the herb meadowsweet which has the interesting effect
of balancing the stomach enzymes. Meadowsweet is an each way bet, you cant lose.
Although its often not as powerful as HCL. I remember a patient that had to drink HCL
over many years because he wasnt producing stomach HCL. His teeth were a mess!
After going on tablets he couldnt believe the difference. His teeth probably appreciated
it too. The Polynesians drink Noni or Merinda, which can activate not only stomach
enzyme activity but also the whole digestive system and even the whole body enzyme
system. For symptomatic relief use aloe vera juice or gel, fresh or bought. It soothes
inflamed or burnt tissues and wont interfere with stomach digestion. NOTE: All of
the causes mentioned for G.E.R.D. can all interfere with normal stomach function but
especially stress, posture, microorganisms and faulty eating.

Hiatus Hernia and Hiatus Hernia Syndrome

One of the most common causes of G.E.R.D. in my clinic is Hiatus Hernia. This occurs
when the stomach pushes up into the diaphragm. The diaphragm is a large dome of
muscle that acts like a bellows to assist the lungs in breathing. It descends and contracts
when breathing in and rises and relaxes when breathing out. It is positioned below the
lungs and heart but above the stomach. The oesophagus is a tube running from the
mouth to the stomach and must pass through an opening in the diaphragm. If the
stomach pushes up too hard for too long it can cause a split or an enlarged weakened
opening in the diaphragm hole. Hiatus means simply an opening and hernia means
rupture. This can impair the function of the diaphragm. It cant descend properly
(because this will aggravate the stomach) which results in poor oxygen uptake and
reduced lymphatic movement (another story). It will also impair the function of the
cardiac sphincter which sits on the top of the stomach and is now jammed into the
opening or the hiatus of the diaphragm. Stomach function is obviously affected too. A
sorry situation indeed. Reflux is just one of the unpleasant symptoms experienced. Any

or all of the symptoms mentioned at the beginning of this article can be felt as well as
shortness of breath, dizziness, low energy and even palpitations of the heart. The reason
for the problem with the heart is that the stomach is pushing on the heart interfering
with its ability to pump or contract. We have eliminated heart symptoms on hundreds
of patients simply by correcting their hiatus hernia. Hiatus Hernia Syndrome (H.H.S.) is
simply the same symptoms as hiatus hernia without the damage to the opening in the
diaphragm. H.H.S. can be just as severe but easier to correct and the correction lasts

How Do We Treat Hiatus Hernia?

We use a very effective technique of pulling the stomach down out of the diaphragm.
Its only a slightly uncomfortable technique for most people but gives comfortable and
quick relief. Obviously treating the cause of the problem is part of the approach. Some
of the causes are the same as those previously listed for G.E.R.D. Herbs such as
slippery elm and meadowsweet help heal and restore function to the sphincter and the
stomach. Stress control, correct eating habits, posture, microorganism balance and
enzyme levels are all important in achieving a satisfactory and lasting correction. So
hopefully the information provided will help you or someone you care about (even an
infant) to avoid unnecessary suffering. The solution is usually quite simple, quick and
effective you dont have to be a pain in the gut!

Case History

I can remember getting a phone call in the middle of the night (the worst kind) from my
sister who was with my mother. Our mother is having a heart attack! my sister said,
who was a trained nurse. What are the symptoms? I asked. Pain in the chest,
difficulty breathing, palpitations, pain in the left arm, she replied. And she wont go
to hospital or let me call an ambulance until you get here, she added, obviously
worried and anxious. I was at her side in 10 mins, checked her out and was confident it
was a hiatus hernia, knowing her case history as I did. After pulling the stomach down
and spreading the ribs she was much improved. Knowing my mother if she had gone to
hospital she might have died of a heart attack from fright! She hates hospitals.
Obviously it could have been a heart attack and normally you shouldnt wait to get
medical attention. At least if its not a heart attack there is no harm done just a scare
and some inconvenience. But it shows just how severe hiatus hernia can be.

Another time I got a phone call from a Service Station owner. Your mother is at our
Service Station having a heart attack and insisted I call you, her Doctor instead of an
ambulance. Its okay I replied, Ill be right there. I picked her up and fixed her up!
Same story as before. Fortunately it doesnt happen anymore, well at least not for the
hiatus hernia! Many of our patients could relate a similar story although perhaps not as

What are your chances of getting a stroke or heart attack?
Find out with this comprehensive lifestyle questionnaire.
This is only a guide and a means of diagnosis. It will assist you in determining your
chances of getting cardio-vascular disease or coronary heart disease (CHD) which
could result in a stroke or heart attack. "Prevention is better than cure".

Depending upon how you score would determine the action you should take now. If
your score shows you are at risk then you are strongly advised to follow the dietary and
nutritional advice given in the LSS particularly the information on Oral Chelation


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SCORE: ____

SCORE: ____

(HEALTH PROFILE is on the next page)

Does your infant suffer from colic? Reflux? Projectile Vomiting?
Restless Sleep? Not Settling? Are you stressed? Worried? Worn
out? At your wits end? Not getting enough sleep? Desperate for
help? Well - help is available!
We have been treating babies for those and other conditions for many years with
excellent results. Resulting in happy babies and therefore, happy mums and dads.

What causes these symptoms? There are a number of possibilities. Here are some of
-Underdeveloped, immature or irritated digestive sphincters
-Food allergies (consumed by the mother)
-Yeast or fungal infestation
-Viruses or bacteria in the gut
-Spinal misalignment
-Cranial Bone Movement Restriction

What help is available generally?

You can often get good advice from baby clinics but it is limited. You could also use
drugs as prescribed by your medical doctor which may be useful as a last result. BUT,
who wants to give their baby drugs? As you know, drugs often have unpleasant and
even dangerous side effects. Why not try a strictly natural, safe, painless approach?
This is a quick, easy and reliable approach. Lets look at each possibility one at a

Sphincters are circular valves made of muscle that open and close to allow movement
of food and food wastes to pass through the digestive and bowel systems at the correct
speed. They also help to prevent backward movement of the food and food wastes.
Backward movement is called REFLUX. In the infant, these valves may not be working
properly due to various reasons.

2. FOOD ALLERGIES (consumed by mother or child)

Strange as it may seem, certain foods in the mothers diet can upset the digestive system
(and other parts of the body) of the infant. We have all heard of certain foods that do
this. However, common things like cows milk, bread, sugar and yeast can upset the
infant. Sometimes the bottle formula can be a problem too.

These are very common. Either large or small parasites i.e. worm or microbes. Parasites
like sugar and milk. We use a homeopathic remedy for treating babies parasites. Often
you have to treat the breast-feeding mother too.


This is also very common. Babies can actually be born with thrush in the mouth
contracted from the mothers birth canal. It is also found in the babies digestive and
bowel track. Avoidance of sugar and yeast plus a homeopathic remedy usually resolves
this unpleasant condition. In addition, CitR8 (from the Zeta8 range) is another powerful
product for thrush.


This is treated with a homeopathic remedy also.

Because the spinal column protects the nerves coming from the spinal cord any
misalignment of the spine can interfere with the nerve flow or expression to those
specific organs. The nerves in the neck and the middle of the spine influence digestive
function. There has been a lot of research done to validate (prove) that correction of the
spinal misalignments in infants improves colic in about 80% of infants treated. Before
you freak out, imagining your little baby having spinal misalignments Relax. We use
a little hand held adjusting instrument which is gentle and totally painless BUT highly
effective. It stimulates muscles to correct the bones that are out of alignment. You can
even try it yourself first. We also use it on any patient that doesnt like manual

The Proof Of The Pudding RESEARCH

The following statements and documented research were taken from Well Adjusted
Babies by Jennifer Barham-Floreani. A copy is available in our clinic library.
1000 infants were examined in a trial conducted by G. Gutmann 1 to determine the
effects of trauma from the birth process. He states that, The Trauma from the birth
process remains an under-publicised and therefore a significantly under treated
problem. It was concluded that approximately 80% of all newborn babies had some
form of nerve dysfunction.

Gutmann commented that many health problems arise from subluxation of the first
vertebra in the neck, including a lowered resistance to infections with the ears, nose and
throat. He noted how, even with the lightest pressure of the index finger (adjustment),
the infants clinical picture normalised. His colleague, Fryman, 2 examined 1250 babies
five days after birth and found that 95% of this group were not only subluxated but also
had cervical strain. He too noted that the infants responded with immediate muscular
relaxation and sleepiness after specific spinal treatment.

Nerve dysfunction associated with birth trauma may result in breathing weakness,
irritability, colic, difficulty with feeding and attachment, sleeping problems and
neurological defects. 3 Undetected, these problems may develop into learning
difficulties, asthma, ear infections, hyperactivity and other health problems. 4

Gutmann G. Blocked Atlantal Nerve Syndrome in Babies and Infants. Manuelle Medizin. 1987;25:5-10
Fryman VM. Springall P. Effect if Osteopathic Medical Management on Neurologic Development in
Children. JAOA. 1992;92:729.
i. Hewitt EG. Chiropractic Care and the Irritable infant. J Clin Chiro Paed. 2004;6(33):387
ii. Nyiendo J. Olsen E. Characteristics of 217 Children Attending a Chiropractic College. JMPT.
iii. Van Breda WM. Van breda JM. A Comparative Study of the Health Status of Children Raised Under
the Health Models of Chiropractic and Allopathic Medicine. J Chiro Research. 1989:101-103
i. Beidermann H. Kinematic Imbalances Due to Suboccipital Strain in Newborns. J Manuel Med.

Clinical experience and an increasing amount of scientific research have shown that
removal of vertebral subluxation associated with birth trauma and childhood accidents
can dramatically affect the health of your child.

It is important to note that 65% of neurological development (i.e. development of the

brain and nervous system) occurs in your childs first year. 5 Another study compared
the level of health of children raised under chiropractic care and mainstream medicine. 6
The results revealed that: Nearly 43% of the medical children suffered from tonsillitis,
compared to less than 27% of the chiropractic children. The chiropractic children
showed a lower antibiotic use and a lower incidence of disease, especially ear infection.
If this group of children became sick it was reported that the illness was mild compared
to those exhibited by their classmates.

A pilot study 7 was undertaken to determine if a relationship existed between the

incidence of childhood diseases and the intensity of chiropractic care. The intensity of
chiropractic care was divided into three categories: light, moderate and intensive. The
results suggest that intensive chiropractic care (i.e. more than seven visits per year, for
more than one year) increased resistance to common childhood diseases.

In her book, Molecules of Emotion, 8 Dr Candice Pert (a recognised leader in the field
of psychoneuroimmunology) credits chiropractic as having a significant effect on
maximising immunity via maintenance of a healthy nervous system. In the book
Psycho-Immunity and the Healing Process 9- Nathaniel Altman states that,
Chiropractic alignment of the body, specifically to alleviate stress and tensions placed
on the medulla oblongata (lower portion of brain stem) and the coccyx, is important in
the cases of immune dysfunction. Spinal misalignments and the resulting nervous
system interference are a hindrance to normal immune system function. Chiropractic
adjustments restore proper functioning of the nervous system and endocrine systems.

In studies dating back more than 25 years, Ronald Pero PhD, Chief of Cancer
Prevention Research at New Yorks Preventative Medicine Institute, examined the
theory of disease susceptibility. In 1986 he began a joint study with the Chiropractic
Science Research Foundation measuring disease susceptibility in individuals who had
received long-term chiropractic care. The results showed that the chiropractic patients
had a 200% greater immune-competence than people who had no chiropractic care, and
a 400% greater immune competence than people with cancer or other serious diseases.
In addition, this immune competence did not show any decline with age and was
uniform for the entire group.

ii. Mills MV. Henley CE. Barnes LB. Carreiro JE. Deganhardt BF. The Use if Osteopathic Manipulative
Treatment as Adjuvant Therapy in Children with Recurrent Acute Otitis Media. Arch Pediat Adolesc
Med. 2003;157:861-866
iii. Giesen JM. Et al. An Evaluation of Chiropractic Manipulation as a Treatment of Hyperactivity in
Children. JMPT.1989;12:353-63
iv. Walton EV. Chiropractic Effectiveness with Emotional, Learning and Behavioural Impairments.
Intern Review of Chiro. 1975;29:2-5,21-22.
Chestnut J DC. The 14 Foundational Premises for the Scientific and Philosophical Validation of the
Chiropractic Wellness Paradigm. Canada: Chestnut Wellness and Chiropractic Corporation; 2003.
Van Breda WM. Van Breda JM. A Comparative Study of the Health Status of Children Raised Under
the Health Models of Chiropractic and Allopathic Medicine. J Chiro research. 1998:101-103
Aymon M. Moss R. Rebne R. Neilson K. The Relationship between Intensity of Chiropractic care and
the Incidence of Childhood Diseases. J Chiro research. 1989;70-77
Pert C PhD. Molecules Of Emotion. New York: Schribner: 1997.
Serinus J. Psycho-Immunity and the Healing Process. California: Celestial Arts; 1989.

Pero, who has published more than 160 papers in peer-reviewed journals, firmly
believes that, Chiropractic care optimises whatever genetic abilities an individual has
to resist disease.

In February 2005, together with a group of researchers, Pero investigated the benefits of
long term chiropractic care on repairing DNA (the bodys building blocks). This study
showed that DNA repair was highest or most effective in the group of individuals who
had no symptoms and who had been receiving chiropractic care for the longest period
of time.

A kind of super intelligence exists in each of us, infinitely smarter and possessed of
technical know-how far beyond our present understanding. Lewis Thomas, MD

Scientists are still discovering exactly how the immune and nerve systems interrelate.
The following studies discuss some of the findings to date: A 2001 review of a
collection of studies found that the brain, the endocrine system (the glands of the body)
and the immune system (the defence mechanisms of the body) all speak a common
language by sharing common chemical messengers.

The researchers found that the optimal functioning of the immune system is critically
dependant on the balance of the endocrine and nervous systems. Loss of this balance
can lead to immune defects and can significantly contribute to the occurrence of allergy
and auto-immune disease.

Another study in 2001 confirmed that there is two-way communication network

between the immune and nerve systems. Other studies discuss these same channels of
communication, including the direct contact between nerve endings and immune
defence cells in the spleen and thymus.

Animal studies found that altered joint motion associated with vertebral subluxation
may interfere with the bodys neural image, thus altering the response of the
individual to infectious agents or resulting in auto-immune reactions.

The capacity for chiropractic to affect neurological function has been demonstrated by
many authors and numerous studies which document how correct spinal function may
improve immune function. When vertebral subluxations occur, nerve irritation causes
an altered communication between the bodily systems. This lack of harmony promotes
sickness and a lesser quality of life.

Look well to the spine for the cause of disease. Hippocrates


Sounds very threatening, doesnt it? The skull is not a solid dome especially in
infants. It has joint lines in it. Look at any skull, even old ones, and you can see them.
You can look at one at our clinic. Joints are designed to allow movement anywhere
you find them not just in the cranium. The problem is that sometimes there is a
restriction of movement in these joints, which can interfere with normal nerve or brain
function. Childbirth and the delivery process can sometimes be traumatic for your child
resulting in cranial joint restriction and/or spinal misalignment. Your child may even
have inherited some of these problems from its parents. Because these faults are often

subtle or minor they can be missed or overlooked by your paediatrician or Doctor. We
can detect them and correct them by using very gentle pressure points on the head. This
not only frees your infant from suffering but removes obstacles to his or her full
development and potential. What a wonderful gift to give to your child!

Generally, an infant with digestive disturbances or similar problems will manifest at
least one of these causes just listed. Usually more than one, sometimes all of them, so
the best approach is a Total Wholistic Natural System that can access and treat all of
the contributing factors. Thats what we are offering you and your most precious
possession. I understand your hesitancy, your concern, and your fear of the unknown. I
understand. But remember, your little boy or girl is suffering uncomfortable at best
in pain at worst.

The digestive system is the first stage of every other system in the body. It is the
beginning of every other function. When it goes wrong, it can cause a domino effect on
the other systems. Every part of your body needs optimum nutrition vitamins,
minerals, amino acids & enzymes.
You may be eating everything your body needs. Your diet may be perfect (highly
glands, systems etc will be adversely affected. If not immediately, then certainly at
some stage in the future. The digestive system can even influence blood sugar levels
thus affecting brain function (A.D.D, A.D.H.D, etc)

In my experience in treating hundreds of children, I have found that undetected,

untreated digestive complaints can lead to more severe or chronic complaints such as
eczema, asthma, compromised immune system, behavioural disturbances, learning
difficulties etc. AND remember you could be preventing a lot of future health problems
for your child AND a lot of extra stress in your life.

Colic/Reflux Baby
James had bad wind problems. He had low muscle tone and sometimes had a dazed
look on his face.
How long have you suffered? In what way was your life affected? and how did it affect
James has suffered since birth. It has meant that he hasnt reached his milestones on
time. It was keeping him awake at night and he was unsettled during the day. He wasnt
feeding properly as he was in pain.
How have you felt about the treatment?
Bill was great! He pin pointed the problem and diagnosed him quickly and showed us
how to do the exercise at home. He was fantastic! He told us about the problems it
could have caused if we hadnt found it and reassured us he would be fine with

What have been the benefits or results from the treatment?
James started sleeping through the night. He is more settled during the day and is
feeding much better. He is a different baby, his eyes sparkle and he has personality. He
is gaining strength in his body with exercises and is full of life.
How has it impacted your life for the better?
James is a happy settled baby and he no longer suffers from wind. He feeds and sleeps
well and it has helped with introducing solids. Having the problem found early enough,
has meant that James wont have any long-term development delays and now we have
got a happy full of life/energetic baby.
(Melinda Matthews Mother of James Matthews, 5 months old).

Reflux Baby
He was suffering from reflux and wasn't sleeping. Common to vomit after a breast-feed
for the duration of his time awake and in substantial amounts.
How long have you suffered? In what way was your life affected and how did it affect
More or less from around one month old, seemed to be in extreme discomfort during
feeds and for around ten minutes after a feed. Very distressing for both baby and parent.
How did you feel about the treatment?
Although he complained a little (He was just being a sook!) Brings great results
What have been the benefits or results from the treatment?
Vomiting after a feed is now minimal, if at all. He is no longer distressed. Sleeps better
at night after treatments and I can tell when he is due again!! No longer required to
take medication for Reflux!!
How it has impacted your life for the better?
Both baby and mum are more settled, less distressed and get more sleep!! A load off the
parents mind knowing their baby is no longer in pain!
(Danielle Simpson for Ashton Simpson, Age 6 months old).

A Suffering Baby
Molly was unsettled and had a lot of trouble sleeping; she was also vomiting after
How long have you suffered? In what way was your life affected and how did it affect
She has suffered since birth. It has affected both mum and babys sleep.
How have you felt about the treatment?
The treatment helped a lot and Molly is now settled. As we continued treatment the
vomiting decreased and her sleeping patterns became a lot better.
What have been the benefits or results from the treatment?
It has helped me relax a lot and I am now able to get into a routine with Molly.
How has it impacted your life for the better?
It has helped me get into a routine and I am able to sleep through the whole night. I am
also able to relax a lot more.
(Belinda Wilkes Mother of Molly, 9 months old).

Meridians are channels or pathways on the surface of the body through which a form of
energy (the Chinese call Chi) flows around the body. It seems to be electro magnetic
in nature and communicates with the other organs and systems of the body. It is also
believed that the Meridians interconnect with the Nervous System and the Energy Field
around the body. The Energy Field then connects with other Energy Fields such as
nature, the world and the universe. The Aura is considered part of the universe. Russian
Kirkan Photography has demonstrated an energy field around all living substances. It
has also shown that a white hazy mist leaves the body from the navel within 2-3
seconds after clinical death. The nerves, meridians and energy field of the body can be
considered an information highway The means by which the body communicates
within itself and with its outside world. Disrupt the highway and you disrupt the
information transfer and thereby create dysfunction in the body. Restore information
transfer and the body can heal and correct itself.

If all this seems bizarre and far fetched first think of radio, T.V. and cellular phones.
Its all transfer of information through energy waves. Can you think of another example
that is now part of everyday life? A literal information highway? Can you explain
how any of these work? I doubt it. But you accept them as real because you have
evidence that they work.

In the 1950s a Japanese Doctor named Nakatani developed a way of measuring the
amount of energy in a meridian. This system is called RYODORAKU and is used by
over 50,000 Doctors in JAPAN. Using this method helps us compare the energy in the
various meridians; either too much or too little, or an imbalance. This information is
extremely valuable not only diagnostically but also therapeutically. Whats more, it can
also be helpful in solving difficult or hidden health problems. Its also a great
preventative tool by picking up problems in their early stages.

When a problem occurs in the meridian system it usually involves an excess of energy
in one or more meridians and also a deficiency of energy in one or more other
meridians. Acupuncture and acupressure seek by stimulation of certain points on the
meridians to balance the energy thus providing a normal flow around the body. If you
have a phobia of needles dont worry other methods are available such as laser and
acu-aids a tiny ball on a small piece of adhesive material which is placed on the
specific acupuncture part to stimulate it.

The Chinese have been practicing traditional acupuncture for thousands of years and
have proved its effectiveness over a long period. Although the meridians cannot be seen
(just like other forms of energy such as radio waves) they can be demonstrated by
various means. Apart from RYODORAKU one such method is the strength of muscles.
If a meridian is deficient its corresponding muscle (organ) will be weak. Using this
phenomenon it has been discovered that a number of things such as music, colour,
gems, emotions and nutrients (herbs, vitamins and minerals) will have a strengthening
or weakening effect on meridians.

Osteoporosis and the Calcium Connection

Osteoporosis Programme
Option 1- Basic
Calcium, Magnesium Supplement
Colloidal Minerals (Fulmin8)
Hormonal Formula (EstR8 for Females & TestostR8 for males)

Option 2- Intermediate
All of option 1 plus
MSM and Vit C
Green powder (InvigR8)

Option 3- Advanced
All from option 1 and 2 plus
Completion of Dr Bills 12 Week Wholistic Health Program
Essential Fatty Acids (Krill Oil)

The Hidden Monster Lurking Within You
The reason for presenting this article is to help make you more aware of the very
common presence of parasites within our bodies. The problem with parasites is that
many times they can mimic other problems, or can cause problems that are difficult to
resolve. Parasites are overlooked many times, but can often be contributing to, or a
main causative factor in many illnesses or diseases. Dr Hulda Clark wrote two books,
which go into this in much greater detail. I will simply present some basic information
for you which will be invaluable, should you need to use it.

One of the difficulties with parasites is that they are difficult to detect. There are tests
that we use in the clinic which are not very scientific, but we have found to be reliable
in detecting parasites. History of the complaint can also suggest parasite involvement.

By using one of the electro-dermal methods of testing, we can also reveal the presence
of parasites. Some examples are Vega and Listen methods of testing through
vibrations. Even if you have no way of knowing or testing for Parasites it is always a
good procedure to give yourself a parasite treatment at least a couple of times a year
and if you have a sudden problem then doing a parasite treatment will not hurt you. It
may make you feel uncomfortable as many times when there are parasites present,
treating those parasites can cause discomfort as they are eliminated from the body.
Parasites come in many forms, they can be worms, they can be fluke, they can be
microbial. I suppose in one way we can say bacteria and fungus are parasites. But for
our discussion here we limit them to the classical or should I say normal classification

Some common symptoms especially in children are itching anus, picking of the nose,
grinding of the teeth and general irritability or fidgeting. Some less common symptoms
are stomach distension, or swelling, stomach pain, gas, wind and as Dr Hulda Clark
points out in her books it can be a complication of many things from diabetes to cancer
to aids. Parasites generally feed on sugar and sometimes dairy foods especially milk. In
the clinic generally we do not restrict these items, although we always encourage a
reduction of sugar in the diet in most of our patients. It would not hurt in your parasite
treatment to look at this area. The simplest and most fundamental way to treat parasites
is the use of herbs.

Many pharmaceutical products are designed at one or a small group of parasites. So if

you do not have that parasite, that the drug is designed for then the drug will not work.
Drugs are effective if you can hit the nail on the head. The benefit and value of using
certain herbs is that they tend to have a wide ranging effect on parasites. Some
examples are Black Walnut, Wormwood, Tumeric, Ginger, and Elecampane. In fact
your best approach is a herbal formula that contains a number of these herbs in the one
formula. What we use in the clinic is Black Walnut by itself and where we feel it
appropriate we support that with an herbal combination.

An important point here is that parasites will lay eggs in the body, you may be able to
get rid of the parasite, but further down the track the eggs may hatch and give you
further parasites. So the problem can be difficult to eradicate if you dont get rid of the
eggs as well. The best herb that I know of getting rid of the parasitic eggs is Cloves.

Therefore the formula for parasitic treatment should also contain cloves. The Black
Walnut herb often comes either in the liquid or capsule form. I have found benefit in
both. There is an argument or should I say discussion that says the Black Walnut Hull
picked when it is green and prepared from the green hull has a better effect than
waiting until the Black Walnut hull has ripened when fallen off the tree. This may or
may not be the case. Through muscle testing and treatments in my clinic I have found
that both test strong and both work well in the body. I would suggest whatever form
you can get, to try that first. If you are not successful with the initial attempt, then try a
different form either powder or liquid or vice versa. There is also some research that is
being done, which indicates whether liquid or powder should be used, depending on
where the parasite is in the body. Powder being delivered in the capsule form of course.

Weve had numerous patients that weve treated for regular problems that either did not
respond fully, or their problem later returned. On doing a parasite treatment we found
the problem to be fully resolved. One case comes to mind of a 16 year old female who
had had a history of stomach pain, nausea, weakness, fatigue etc over a number of
years. The pain was in the right lower abdomen; so sometime previous the doctors had
removed her appendix. This made no difference to her symptoms and she suffered for
quite some time. After two treatments (or should I say two consultations) following
which we placed this patient on two lots of different herbs, one lot on the first
consultation, the second lot on the second consultation. On the third consultation after
approximately 6 weeks this patient reported being totally symptom free, although she
still has some chronic fatigue and suspected glandular fever. All of the other symptoms
had disappeared and we consider with further correct management, these other
problems will also be fully resolved. This is just one case of many that we have found
success with in treating parasites.

A common occurrence that I have noticed with some patients is a stubborn cough that
defies most conventional treatment, even naturopathic treatment. When we use
Elecampane, which is a herb both for parasites and the lungs, we find the problem
resolves quite satisfactory. I would point out however that sometimes stubborn
infection anywhere in the body including the lungs can be fungal, but as mention
already it can also be parasitic. I should also point out that in many cases it is not
simply fungal or parasite or virus or bacteria. Many times it is a combination of all of
these things.

When the internal environment of the body becomes imbalanced or becomes unhealthy,
it becomes a prime breeding ground for many organisms that would otherwise be
eliminated from the body, or would find it difficult to exist and multiply in the body.
So bacteria, fungus, parasites, and even viruses will find it easier to exist in an
unhealthy body. Look at the plant kingdom, look at an unhealthy plant, look what
happens to an unhealthy plant. Very soon it becomes attacked by bacteria and fungus,
which then break that plant down and take it back to mother earth. One could argue
that these fungi and bacteria and even parasites can form a usual function in nature, by
culling the unhealthy plants and taking them back to mother earth. So with an
unhealthy body these organisms as I like to call them often find an unhealthy host and
can live in that unhealthy host. What we must do is create a healthier body and apply
those herbs that will knock out, or even kill the unwanted organism in the body.

As for the prolonged presence of either one of these (bacteria or fungus), the unhealthy
organisms can actually make the body more prone to other unhealthy organisms, and so

after a long illness or a long problem it is difficult to fix or correct because you must
treat all of the factors, all of those unhealthy organisms within that individual using the
appropriate measures, both by correct diet and correct naturopathic medicine. In some
cases we have found that stubborn bacteria or stubborn viruses that are coexisting in the
body or living inside the body are best treated with the use of a specific homoeopathic
formula which is required to generate the vibration or energy sufficient for the body to
be able to deal with virus or bacteria.

How do you know which virus or which bacteria you have in your body? There are
various ways that this can be tested. By muscle testing or through a Vega or a
Listen diagnosis. Chronic Fatigue and Chronic fatigue syndrome often reflect these
issues. Although in my opinion Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Chronic Fatigue are a
lifestyle problem and can involve many factors, including stress. The internal
biochemical environment of the body is an important factor to consider in this and in
many other conditions.

So if you have a difficult health problem or if you just want to have maximum health,
always remember to look after those nasty creepy crawlies, that are living inside you
and which are aptly called Parasites.

The Latest Hidden Killer Revealed
Read On To Discover The Shocking Truth About A Commonly Occurring Substance
That Could Be Damaging Your Body, Ruining Your Life And Even Causing Cancer Or

Every so often but not very often something new comes along that really makes you sit
up and pay attention. It hits you right between the eyes so to speak. Thats what
happened to me when I read a book by Percy Weston called Cancer: Cause and Cure.
It made so much sense to me and answered so many questions. It also correlated with a
lot of other theories and results obtained by others. Percy Westons book and his
experiences are not just about cancer. They are about a totally unknown but extremely
important factor in many health problems. Phosphorus!

Percy Weston wrote his book when he was about 96 years of age after a lifetime of
experimentation on his farm with his crops and his livestock. He cured himself and his
wife of cancer. Many others have also used his method to cure their cancers and other
health problems including arthritis. His story makes fascinating reading. At the time of
me writing this, he is 99 and still going strong. The concept basically is this: although
phosphorus is an important mineral in the body, too much, or an imbalance compared
to the other minerals creates major problems.

Phosphorus is a major component of bones, important for nerve function and part of our
energy production, but it must be kept in balance with the other minerals. Phosphorus is
high in flesh, dairy foods and grains but low in fruit and vegetables. Most of the health
regimes I know of including alternative cancer therapies emphasize a diet of more fruit
and vegetables and less flesh and dairy foods. The more severe the condition, the
greater the percentage of fruit and veggies to the other food groups. But theres a catch!
Most of our foods (and livestock) are grown using fertilizers. Fertilizers give a much
higher yield and a greater profit! Until the soil gets depleted that is.

Guess what most fertilizers contain? Phosphorus! Hence the term Super Phosphates.
So the phosphorus content of all our food including fruit and veggies may be too high.
Quite a predicament! Whats the answer? Organically grown foods are part of the

Burn Baby Burn

Phosphorus is a highly combustible material. It is used to make flares and was used to
make matches. Under control, it is a powerful substance out of control it is dangerous.
Excess phosphorus in the blood may be the reason why you burn easily in the sun or
even worse-get skin cancer. The sun hits the phosphorus and BAM! The skin cells are
damaged, probably the D.N.A inside the cells. Its only a theory but it makes sense.
Phosphorus in the form of phosphoric acid. Thats part of the reason why it is a
powerful solvent. It can eat away rust and other hardy substances. Its PH is 2.8 (very
acid). It will dissolve a nail in about 4 days. You can clean your engine with it as it

helps to dissolve grease. At least my information confirms thats the case of the big one
(Coca-Cola). A sugar, caffeine and phosphorus cocktail what a hit!

One Medical Doctors Experience

Doctor Max Gerson had a natural method of curing cancer, which he documents in his
book A Cancer Therapy. He developed his method by observing the tumours of his
patients. If he did something that caused the tumour to shrink he included it in his
programme. If it didnt or caused the tumour to grow he excluded it. His diet was
organic fruit and veggies. If he didnt use organic food the tumours did not shrink. Pure
and simple. End of discussion! Obviously there is a lot more happening with fruit and
veggies than just low phosphorus. Detoxification, improved nutrition etc.

Getting to the Nitty Gritty

The really exciting interesting fact is that Percy Weston developed a mineral powder
that you can take to help restore your normal phosphorus levels. Whats In This Secret
Powder? Some of its contents are sodium magnesium, potassium and iron in the form
of sulphates and bicarbonates: It also contains some trace minerals. Its interesting to
note that Epson Salts which have been an old stand by for generations is magnesium
sulphate. Sutherland Shires MagicWater is composed of Magnesium Bicarbonate.

The Calcium Connection

Everyones interested in Calcium. Why because of the role it plays in osteoporosis,

amongst other things. In the Arthritis report we discussed the importance of calcium
metabolism in arthritis and osteoporosis. Calcium metabolism is a complicated issue.
Calcium can be helpful or harmful in the body depending upon other factors such as the
need for other minerals like Boron. Phosphorus and Calcium are both required to build
bones, but they must be in the correct ratio otherwise problems with calcium
metabolism will occur. If phosphorus is in excess as it often is compared to calcium -
then problems are inevitable.

Alkalise or Die

Many Practitioners believe in alkalizing the body to improve health. Some of these
substances mentioned including Percys Powder will certainly assist that process. A
company has also introduced a tablet similar to the powder. So your program basically
has these aspects:

1. Reduce your flesh dairy and grains and increase your fruit and vegetables.
2. Take Percys Powder, the tablet called Rhomanga or other mineral formulae.

3. Use a homeopathic remedy that helps to neutralize the excess phosphorus and
any other nutritional substances that show up on testing such as calcium, silica,
trace minerals etc.

4. We have the phosphorus detoxification treatment available at the clinic.

How Do I know if I have A Phosphorus Excess?

Obviously not everyone has phosphorus excess and all health problems do not
necessarily involve phosphorus but it is an important factor that should be considered.
We can test you for phosphorus excess at the clinic. We can also test for the correct
remedy. So far, about 1 in 3 or 1 in 2 patients have tested positive to phosphorus
excess. We have other nutritional substances that we are testing as a remedy for

Which Foods Are High Or Low In Phosphorus?

We have a chart that lists the phosphorus content in foods. You will notice that some
foods fall into different categories. That is because the phosphorus content may vary
from one batch of food to another probably from the way it is grown. Pineapple and
paw paw are highly recommended as well as carrot juice by itself or mixed with a little


The chart only lists the phosphorus content and doesnt evaluate other factors. Factors
such as the Glycemic Index, which is the rate at which a particular food is absorbed into
the bloodstream as sugar. You will notice that some foods are low in phosphorus but
are high on the Glycemic Index. Sweet foods for instance. So be wary of these fast
carbohydrates even though they are low in phosphorus, especially if you have blood
sugar problems. There are also foods that are high in phosphorus yet have other
benefits. Obviously the idea is to maintain the right balance.

Results So Far

The practitioners in our clinic meet weekly for training purposes and we use each other
for demonstration purposes. Because of a weakness in my lower back we try different
things to improve it rather than just doing the same treatment each time. It shows the
same weakness almost every week and it tested weak or susceptible to excess
phosphorus. We did the detox treatment and I went on the powder. Four weeks later no
weakness showed on examination at all even after heavy work. Thats the first time
ever that I can remember nothing showing at all. I can tell you Im impressed.

One of our patients, who is very healthy, eats organic food, takes supplements etc,
noticed a reaction in her thumb and neck immediately upon taking the powder. She had
some Arthritis in those areas but thought it was under control. This patient is extremely
sensitive which is probably why she got such a quick result.

A lady in her fifties who also takes good care of herself, noticed a signification increase
in her strength during her light weight lifting routine. Another of our patients has
suffered with an unpleasant redness of the face for some time. She responded to our
best efforts only partially but since doing the phosphorus programme, improvement has
been much greater.

A gentleman with a stubborn lung problem that resulted in difficulty breathing and
severe weakness has responded surprisingly well when all other attempts provided only
temporary relief. We have another patient who is very enthusiastic about her health and
who goes to great length to maintain it. After doing the programme she noticed a
distinct improvement in mental clarity her brain worked better. This is very
significant as this person was at a very good level of health already. She was delighted
to get to an even higher level. At the other end of the health spectrum a male in his
sixties was suffering severe pain, burning and aches through his entire body due to a
number of major health problems particularly arthritis. He found the pain extremely
debilitating and had great difficulty moving around. His maximum sleep was four hours
with heavy pain killers. He had been on the powder a number of days without any
noticeable effect. However immediately after the detoxification treatment he noticed a
huge difference.70% improvement in pain and mobility and can sleep comfortably.
Now thats impressive! As you can see the phosphorus problem can manifest itself in
many different ways. Whats also important is that many of these cases mentioned
above were last resort situations. That is to say that everything else had been tried
previously. You always know you are on to something big when it does more for your
patients than your previous best efforts.

Prostate Problem?
Conventional Tests and Treatment Do They Work?

What I am about to reveal to you is probably going to concern and confuse you. If you
have had your prostate removed or treated you may even get angry at me or at the
medical establishment. I hesitated for some time about sharing this information with
you for obvious and not so obvious reasons. Wherever I point out a deficiency of
something I like to offer some positive alternatives. In this case I can only do that
partially. I also emphasize strongly that what I am about to share with you is the
information I have at my disposal NOT necessarily my own clinical experience. Be that
as it may it is still information that you need to be aware of so you can make your own
informed decisions. I have so many friends and patients that suffer from prostate
problems or who worry about the possibility that I thought it timely to write this article.

The Controversy

According to Rueters Health Men who receive prostate cancer screening and treatment
do not appear to gain a survival benefit compared to men who do not undergo screening
and treatment, study findings show.

From medical doctor William Campbell Douglas. For years, many of my colleagues
and I have informed our patients that the widely accepted PSA screening test is a
dangerous waste of time. A positive test often leads to biopsy, then a compromised
immune system. And then the REAL fun begins: After the prostatectomy, you will be
impotent, incontinent, and in real danger of infections of all sorts. But in spite of our
frequent (and loud) warnings a recent survey by the British Medical Journal revealed
that a majority of men think the PSA test is beneficial and recommended - the blind
leading the blind. And since most doctors also recommend it, you might as well take
your advice from your local UPS driver or your barber. At least their input will be

Doctors from the University of Connecticut Health Center did a massive study of over
200,000 men in the states of Washington and Connecticut. The rate of PSA testing (and
biopsy) between 1987 and 1990 was five and a half times higher among the
Washington men. The rate of prostate surgery in Washington was also five times as
high. The two groups were followed for 11 years, and the conclusion was not a happy
one. Despite the more intensive screening and treatment that took place among the
Washington group, the number of men who died from prostate cancer in the two groups
over the 11-year study period was essentially identical.

Studies have shown that once diagnosed with prostate cancer, men who did nothing had
a 91.5% 10 year survival compared with those who had a radical prostatectomy (90%)
and those who underwent radiation (77%). (Lancet 346, 1177-1178, 1995) Dr Ian
Tannock writes in the April 13 Lancet Treatments for localised prostate cancer,
including radical prostatectomy and radical radiotherapy have yet to be shown to
improve overall survival for patients with this disease. There are, however, a large
number of men who develop symptoms from their treatment and there is a low but
definite treatment-related mortality. Tannock believes that knowledge of PSA levels
has actually led to a great deal of anxiety and an immediate loss of quality of life.

(Lancet 359, 1341-1342, 2002). This has also been my clinical experience. Men really
would prefer not to have a digital rectum examination or a PSA test. Many only resort
to such intervention when the symptoms of BPH become severe. My clinical approach
to men who have mild symptoms and have decided not to have tests has been to
incorporate lifestyle changes and specific nutritional and herbal supplementation.

What Are The Best Tests For The Prostate?

This is the main controversial part of this article. In the USA there is the A.M.A.S.
(Anti Malignin Antibody Screen) test which is supposedly the best test for cancer
anywhere in the body. It may or may not be available in Australia. I havent been able
to track it down here yet. The cPSA (complexed PSA) test is supposedly more reliable
than the regular PSA test. Again I dont know of this being used here in Australia.
Obviously a biopsy will reveal cancer but its a painful experience. At this stage I
suppose we will just have to make do with what we have but remember the jury is still
out on some of these tests. At least according to some medical doctors. So use the
results as a guide not as the last word especially if the condition is BPH and not cancer.
Even cancer of the prostate need not be a death sentence if the research is anything to
go by. Its really up to you.

The Prostate

Lets look at the function of the prostate and what sometimes goes wrong in order to
better understand the whole mess and be in a better position to make successful

The prostate gland is about the size and shape of a horse chestnut and is located under
and around the neck of the bladder where the urethra connects. Its secretion adds to the
fluid of the semen and increases the motility of the sperm. The urethra transports the
urine from the bladder to the penis for elimination. This is why enlargement of the
prostate may result in an interference to the flow of urine from the bladder. This
enlargement is called benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH). Prostate cancer may also
cause enlargement but this is different to BPH.

Is Testosterone Good or Bad For the Prostate?

This starts to get complicated here as well as controversial but we will do the best we
can to simplify matters. One study done with 207 men aged between 40-83 showed that
by increasing their existing low levels of testosterone the prostate size decreased in all
of them. If cancer already exists in the prostate, testosterone may actually increase the
growth rate. Why would it help those with BHP but not those with cancer? The answer
may be in the fact that DHT (dihydrotestosterone) which is a product of testosterone (or
metabolite) has been linked with prostate problems. P.S.A. (prostate specific antigen)
levels are used to indicate the condition of the prostate. Certain nutritional substances
such as Saw Palmetto help prevent the conversion of testosterone into D.H.T. and the
negative effect of the D.H.T. on prostate cells. Putting it another way D.H.T. may only
increase when certain other biochermical or nutritional factors are absent, rather then
when testosterone levels are raised. Testosterone is higher in young men rather than old
men and prostate problems generally occur as men get older.

Whats To Be Done?

We do know some things that are helpful and some that are detrimental. The decision
regarding treatment must be yours! I know what I would do but only you can decide
what is best for you. Prevention is always better than cure. Here are some things you
can do to prevent and/or treat prostate problems. As in many other conditions that we
treat we usually test the body to see which substances are best for the individual at that
time and what amounts. The list we provide is what has helped others. What works for
one may not work for another. If you are unable to get someone to test you, try trial and
error. Use a few things on the list for a few months and then try others. You can take all
the supplements at once should you choose.

Several studies have linked cows milk, high protein, high calories and fat intake with
prostate cancer. High levels of oestrogens are linked with prostate hyperplasia
(swelling), which come from body fat. Therefore weight or fat control is important.
Vitamin D from sunshine has also shown to be helpful in preventing progression of
prostate cancer. Tomatoes although not good for some people with conditions such as
arthritis has shown to reduce the risk of cancer .Lycopene is the constituent of tomatoes
that is credited with this benefit.

Decompress the Prostate

Because the prostate is situated at the bottom of all the abdominal organs it is under a
great deal of pressure or compression. To relive this pressure spend 5-10 mins relaxing
on a slant/incline board with the feet anchored at the top and the head towards the
bottom. This can be done at the end of the day to reverse the effects of gravity and
abdominal pressure.

Reflex Points

As with all organs and glands there are reflex and acupuncture points which when
stimulated can improve the function of that organ including the prostate.

Parasites In The Prostate

Dr Hulda Clark has convincingly linked parasites with cancer. The diagnosis and
treatment of parasites in the prostate is an important protocol that should not be
overlooked. Pumpkin seeds are a well known treatment for both parasites and prostate

In Closing

I realise this article raises certain questions but hopefully these questions can be
answered as we learn more. I also hope we have given you some answers that will be
useful to you and help you prevent and/or treat this common widespread affliction.

Prostate Programme
Saw Palmetto
Stinging Nettle
Pumpkin seeds (for parasites)
Black Walnut (for parasites)

Herbs that increase testosterone - under clinical supervision.

- TestostR8 (Zeta8)
- Zinc
- Selenium
- Vit. E
- Vit. D
- Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) from fish oils and/ or flaxseed oil.
- Low fat, low protein, low calorie diet.
- Reduce weight or fat in the body.
- Increase fresh fruit and vegetables especially tomatoes.
- Incline or slant board.

Rehydrate and Rejuvenate
Your Most Important Medicine


To be incorporated with your treatment program

LOWER BACK First Level

Pull knee towards chest as you exhale, flatten spine and pull in stomach. Hold as long
as you can then relax a little and breathe in to prepare for next exhalation and exertion.
Flatten your cervical spine at the same time. Do not lift your head. Do other knee then
both knees together. Do 5-10 breathing reps.

Lying on stomach lift opposite leg and arm. Pull in stomach as limbs are raised and
exhale. Hold the raised limbs position for a few seconds if possible. Alternate sides. Do
10-20 reps.


Lie on back, hands behind head. Bring opposite elbow to knee. Hold position as you
exhale, pull in the stomach and flatten your spine as hard as you can against the floor.
Alternate sides. Do 10-20 reps.

Lie on back, hands behind head. Bringknee to chest as in exercise 3 (usually the
other knee) but do not use elbows, simply raise you head. Hold and exhale etc. Do 10-
20 reps.

Place a small tightly rolled towel under the side of your short leg. If you dont know
which leg is short dont do this exercise with the towel. Place the towel just at the level
of the knob at the top and front of your pelvis for all exercises performed with your
back flat, i.e. Exercises 3 5.


Tilt the pelvis so that the pubes move forward and upward thus pulling in the stomach
and buttocks.


Spending ten minutes at the end of each day reversing the compression effects of
gravity and work on the spine is an ideal way to prevent and/or assist in spinal
problems. This can be achieved by either using a back swing at 45 degrees or an incline
board. The head is positioned at the lower end with the feet anchored at the top.

a. Lie on back, knees bent, feet anchored, hands behind neck. Sit up slightly to clear
scapula off floor, hold until fatigue occurs. Rest and repeat. 5-10 reps.

b. Same position as rectus abdominal in 8a except move the spine from side to side
twisting opposite shoulder to knee very slightly. Pull the stomach in as you breath out.
Do 5-10 reps.

Sit with knees bent, feet anchored, hands behind neck, sit back halfway and hold, then
rotate trunk halfway from side to side until fatigue occurs. Rest and repeat. Do 5-10

10. CAT
Resting on hands and feet, relax torso to allow it to get as close to the ground as
possible. Push spine up as far as possible in an arch, stretching spine in both positions.
Repeat. Do 10-20 reps.


Standing with feet shoulder width apart hands behind head. Lean to one side and then
the other. Hold stretched position for 10 secs. Do not twist or turn. Do 3 reps.

12. NECK
Rotate neck in a relaxed manner but not backwards. Take ear from shoulder to
shoulder. Do both directions. Do 5 reps.


Lying on back on a firm surface, draw the neck backwards against the surface and hold
until fatigue occurs. Repeat. Do 5 reps.


Hold with both hands onto an immovable object i.e. door handles, fence post, clothes
hoist etc. feet close to object. Elbows straight, lean back with chin on chest and curving
mid back. Hold for ten secs then move ear towards same side shoulder keeping head
forward. Hold for 10 secs then do the other side. Do 3 reps.



Rotate shoulders upwards and backwards, keep chest elevated, then relax shoulders
downwards (not forwards) stretch neck upwards by relaxation. Do 3 reps.


Bend the head, shoulders and upper back forward and push the middle of the spine
backwards using the hands and forearms as a brace.



The Liver - Centre of the Universe
For All Your Biochemical Functions!
How Do You Know If You Have A Liver Problem?
Symptoms of a Malfunctioning Liver

Appendicitis When the liver produces insufficient quantities of bile the appendix
may become inflamed and infected.

Anal Itching Partially digested food may start to ferment in the intestines causing
toxins to be released into the blood. The fermentation may create a sensation of heat
when going through the rectum and anus. When the toxins enter the blood there may be
eruptions on the skin, some appearing around the anus causing an unpleasant itching.
When toxins reach this area the condition is an advanced stage. Worms may also cause
anal itching see Worms.

Anemia A malfunction of the liver may lead to the destruction of red cells, old and

Bad digestion In liver disorders the lack of bile may cause digestive difficulties.

Body Weight The liver produces, retains or destroys fats according to the bodys
needs. A disorder in this function may cause either retention of too much fat or an
inability to produce the fats the body requires.

Bronchitis Congestion of the liver may have repercussions on the bronchial tract. It
may cause inflamed condition of the mucous membranes in the lungs. A deficiency in
the liver may create excess secretion of mucous in the bronchia. The need to expel this
mucous provokes coughing.

Chills An overworked liver often has difficulty performing all of its functions. Blood
circulation may slow down and oxidation, dissolution, coagulation, reduction and
hydration can all be impaired. Because of this slowing down, a chilly feeling or a
sensation of cold inside the body sometimes results.

Constipation An imbalance of bile function will cause constipation due to a lack of

biliary salts, which normally stimulate the peristalsis of the intestines. Often there may
be constipation alternating with diarrhea.

Demineralization Insufficient secretion of certain substances (biliary salts, enzymes

etc) by the liver impairs transformation of various elements in food. This may cause

Female Reproductive System The liver has an influence on the female reproductive
system. Dysfunctions of the liver may cause malfunctioning in the ovaries; nausea;
migraines and dizziness.

Gas Putrid gases form and accumulate causing painful swelling of the abdomen.
These gases can expand and settle in pockets. This is due to an insufficient secretion of

bile. Upon reaching the duodenum, food deprived of bile, spoils. There will be a release
of putrid gas and swelling in the intestines.

Glandular Imbalance The liver secretes some hormones and neutralizes some others
such as estrogen. During cirrhosis liver function slows down, estrogen accumulates and
may cause hormonal imbalances. Breasts may form on males and in women the
destruction of folliculin may create masculine effects.

Hands A coarse flapping tremor of the outstretched hands is often seen at an early
stage of liver failure. There may be thickening palmar fascia and there may also be
redness around the periphery of the palms; the nails are sometimes clubbed and there
may be pallor of the nail beds.

Headaches Where there is constipation caused by liver malfunction there will also be
headaches. There may be a feeling of forming a circle around the upper part of the head
and there is also a feeling of pressing at the level of the temples. Liver disorders can
also cause dizziness; blind spells; mental fatigue and nervous depression.

Hearing Liver failure can cause deposits of toxic substances; poorly nourished cells
or nervous system dysfunction in the ear. Liver congestion can cause an accumulation
of blood in the ear causing buzzing and whistling in the ear.

Inflammation, Infection, Fermentations Where food has not been sufficiently

digested there can be an irritation of the mucous membranes of the intestine. Partially
digested food may start to ferment. All this may cause inflammation and infection.

Insect Bites Overactivity of the hepatic and thyroid gland may cause proneness to
mosquito bites, while liver underactivity correspondence with hypothyroidism, which
may lead to a proneness to being attacked by fleas.

Intestinal Spasms Lack of biliary salts in the intestines may cause overheating in the
intestinal walls. This irritation has a repercussion on the nerve ends of the intestine
walls, which may cause spasmodic contractions of the viscera.

Mouth The mouth is often sticky especially on waking. There may also be a bitter
taste. The breath may smell very bad. The tongue is thick, with a whitish, yellowish or
even greenish coat. There could be excess salivation caused by an inflamed gall

Painful Points Acute pain below the ribs on the right may be due to evacuation of
gallstones. Left side pain may be due to biliary deficiency.

Red Nose Deficiency in biliary function during digestion may cause a red nose.

Skin If the liver is not functioning correctly, toxins may be eliminated through the
skin possibly causing skin disorders such as eczema, sties, hives, carbuncles, abscesses
and acne.

Rheumatism It is believed that to successfully treat rheumatism, the liver must also
be treated.

Sinus Trouble and Head Colds When the liver is overworked it doesnt filter toxins
properly. This may cause substitute discharges to take place in the nose and back of
throat. Head colds may follow a period of excessive indulgence.

Sleep Congestion of the liver often causes problems with falling asleep.

Speech Slurred speech can be one of the first signs of liver failure.

Spots Dark spots may form on the face and on the back of the hands. The presence of
excess cholesterol may be exhibited by small protuberances in the eyelids. These little
bulbs are a different colour to the surrounding tissue. Spots may also appear on the
forehead and around the nose. The skin may appear dirty.

Swollen Legs Liver or kidney dysfunction may cause the heart to be overworked
causing oedema. Biliary salts from the liver should stimulate the kidneys to eliminate

Urine Hepatic disorders cause people to urinate more during the night than during the
daytime. They may not urinate enough in general, as the kidneys may not be receiving
the necessary stimulants.

Vision Pigments produced by the liver assist the retina to absorb luminous rays. A
lack of these pigments may cause vision problems. Malnutrition caused by liver failure
may cause atrophy of the eye cells reducing ocular function. Myopia hypermetropia,
astigmatism and diplopia may be caused by liver malfunction.

Worms When everything is functioning normally worms and larvae are neutralized
and evacuated rapidly. When there is insufficient bile in the intestines, the PH of the
gastro-intestinal tract is the ideal environment for parasites to flourish.

Yellow Complexion the skin is yellow, the white of the eye is also yellow.

What May Happen as a Result of A Liver Problem?

The Effects of a Malfunctioning Liver

Abscesses may slowly develop on the malfunctioning liver. There will be a rise in
temperature and pain.

Cirrhosis is characterized by a proliferation of cells, causing an expansion of the liver.

In atrophic cirrhosis, there is decrease in the size of the liver accompanied by hardening
and premature aging of the tissues. Alcoholic cirrhosis is distinguished by liquid in the
abdomen. The legs are swollen with oedema; there will be a dry mouth; a bright red
tongue and dry, scaly skin. Urination is decreased. Biliary cirrhosis is where the liver
has increased in size and there is oedema.

Jaundice The yellow colouration of the skin and the mucous membranes indicate an
impregnation of tissues by excess biliary pigments in the blood. The jaundice can be of
an acute form or me be chronic. There are many types of jaundice, each with their own

symptoms of disorder and complications. Haemolytic jaundice indicates that the
excessive destruction of the red blood cells is accompanied by anaemia and by an
increase in the size of the spleen. Obstructive jaundice may arise when the bile does not
flow normally into the intestines due to the obstruction of the biliary channels. Jaundice
is distinguished by a dark colouration of the faeces, whereby a great abundance of
pigments thicken the bile and hampers its flow.

Classical jaundice is where the passage of bile in the blood causes the discolouration of
the skin and mucous membranes. The urine is also darkened due to the discharge of
biliary pigments. Gastric intolerance is very marked, nausea and vomiting often occur
and there can be a loss of appetite. The urine might be dark and the faeces will be a
lighter colour than is normal. There may be accompanying headaches, pains in the joint
or hives.

When stones have formed in the gallbladder, it is the elimination of these stones that
may cause hepatic colitis. There may be great pain in the gallbladder, under the right
costal edge. Also pain is sensed acutely at the level of the right breast, with irradiations
towards the shoulder and the point of the right shoulder blade. This pain is most acute
at 3 am. It can be difficult to breath; nausea and vomiting may occur and there may be a
bitter taste in the mouth.

Liver Insufficiency can be due to the partial obstruction of biliary channels by


What Can You Do About It?

The Effects of Lifestyle on the Liver

Excess Fatigue Whether it is physical or intellectual fatigue, overwork leads to the

production of toxins. The liver makes a huge effort trying to neutralize these toxins. If it
is only temporary, the trouble will not be very pronounced but in long term cases the
toxins in muscles and nerves may impregnate the tissues if they are not neutralized and

Overcooking Overcooking meats can destroy some enzymes, which may overtax the
liver. High temperature cooking, such as in a pressure-cooker, may nullify the value of
some amino acids some of which may be indispensable for liver function.

Lack of exercise When there is a lack of exercise the lungs are not stimulated to
eliminate properly. Whatever is not eliminated in the lungs is channelled to the liver,
which is forced to compensate. Lack of exercise may be detrimental to people who are
easily constipated, again putting stress on the liver. Regular exercise facilitates and
accelerates elimination. Alcohol weakens the ability of the liver to clean the blood, and
increases cholesterol levels in the blood contributing to a general toxic state.

Margarine and Processed Oils The hydrogenation process of fatty oils causes
destruction of some acids, which are indispensable to the formation of tissues.
Chemical solvents and high temperatures used in the process of extraction destroy most
of the living elements in the oils. The oils become more acid. The liver is partly

responsible for the preservation of the acid-basic balance, and may become further

Coffee and milk- Even alone coffee and milk are troublesome to the liver. In
combination they are twice as destructive. Coffee and milk enter into the intestines
undigested and start serious purifications that bile cannot always neutralize. This
corruption of the intestines reaches the liver; the bile has been so adversely affected that
it is helpless against the putrid fermentation, which reaches the neighbouring organs.

White Sugar Sugar is an imbalanced product with no real food value. Oxalic acid is
produced as a result of acidification in the intestines demanded by the presence of
sugar. Oxalic acid must be neutralized by the liver. Whatever escapes the liver enters
the circulation, invades the tissues and is then discharged by the kidneys. However, this
often causes pain in the kidneys and blood in the urine. Crystals of oxalic acid are
present as is uric acid in rheumatism, migraines, nervous troubles and fatigue.

White bread is composed mostly of starch and is saturated with chemical yeast. It
contributes to the formation of gases. White bread has had the bran eliminated. This
removes the B vitamins and over 80% of the phosphorus and calcium in the wheat.
These deficiencies put a major stress on the liver possibly causing injury.

Tobacco has a toxic effect on the liver and the blood vessels. It causes the blood
vessels to harden, loose flexibility, become excessively fragile and decreases the
diameter of the vessel. All this means the liver works harder to compensate to clear the

Chemical substances may contribute to a general imbalance and disease. The

disturbance of digestive flora resulting from the use of unnatural products may
stimulate the proliferation of bacilli and render them virulent. If the production of bile
is not sufficient, these bacilli are not neutralized in the intestines. They then enter the
blood and eventually reach the kidneys or the liver ducts. New production of bile is
corrupted which can lead to inflammation, which in turn may provoke the formation of
gallstones. Bile secretion then slackens so the purification of the intestines is further

And More!

Heavy Metals, microorganisms (such as parasites, fungi, bacteria, viruses), allergies,

pollution, toxicity and stress are just a few of the things that can combine to add more
overload on the liver. Your practitioner can help you identify these areas and prescribe
appropriate treatment.

Adapted From: - Our Earth, Our Cure, Dextriet R., 1993, Carol Publishing Group., New York
The Basis Of Clinical Diagnosis Parkins, R.A and Pegrum, G.D., 1874, Arco Publishing Co., New

Do I Have a Thyroid Problem?
What Do These All Have In Common?
Weight Problems
Energy Levels
Hair Loss
Cold Hands & Feet
Brittle Nails

There are more than seventy signs of thyroid imbalance (see list), which may impair a
persons health. As the normal thyroid regulates metabolism, imbalances in the thyroid
may first come to your attention as decreasing levels of energy - tiredness, lethargy,
muscle aches and the like. With just a few drops of water-soluble non toxic ammonium
iodide, the metabolism can be dramatically changed to improve these energy levels and
relieve symptoms.

The most common complaints in addition to the above list are depression, irregular
nails, redness and chafing behind the heels.

How Do I Really Tell If I Have a Thyroid Problem?



According to Broda Barnes, M.D., the blood test criterion for thyroid disease should
never be the be-all or end-all in the diagnosis. This is just one parameter and often an
inadequate one! The best test for hypothyroidism is the basal metabolic rate: (BMR)
1. Place a thermometer by your bed. Shake the thermometer down to below 96.
2. Immediately upon waking, place the thermometer under your armpit and leave it
there for 10 minutes before getting up.
3. The reading should be between 98.2 and 97.8 (36.8 to 36.4). Outside that reading
generally indicates a thyroid imbalance.

Other ways to check the thyroid are TBM, muscle testing (Applied Kinesiology), or
iodine skin test.

Jeffrey Bland, Ph.D. says "there are certain other blood test criteria to corroborate the
hypothyroid diagnosis with the Barnes basal metabolic rate. Some of these are above
normal levels of Cholesterol or Triglycerides and LDL to HDI greater than a 5 to 1

Iodine raises the metabolism, increases the blood flow and the energy cycle, lowers the
blood pressure, thins the blood and lowers cholesterol. Ammonium iodide is like an
electric mineral because it restores the metabolism so you can assimilate nutrients and
eliminate deficiencies or indicate which deficiencies exist. Iodine is diagnostic as well
as prognostic.

After ingesting Iodine you may have the following diagnostic indicators:
A headache in the frontal lobe: indicates a B-1 deficiency.
A headache in the base of the skull: indicates a multi mineral or calcium/magnesium
Irritability or sensitivity to light, coldness or heat: indicates Vitamin K deficiency.
Metallic taste in the mouth: indicates a greater need for Iodine.
Stinging areas in the mouth and throat: indicates throat inflammation. Iodine is
antibacterial and in the effort to "clean up the problem" adheres to a problem area.
Treat with more water if too uncomfortable. (Iodine is often used as a gargle).
Feeling good with energy level restored or improved: indicates that thyroid is
functioning. Lower Iodine dose, tapering off to assure levels remain constant. If
energy level does not remain high or if other symptoms reappear, maintain the level
of Iodine prior to reappearance of symptoms.

Signs of Possible Iodine Deficiency

Allergic manifestation, hives
Bronchial asthma
Bronchial cough
Cartilage tenderness, intercostals rib tenderness
Cellular exhaustion
Children: inhibited development
Cold hands and feet
Digestion disturbances
Enlargement of glands, other than thyroid
Eye dryness
Fungi infections
Goiter: simple
Incomplete functioning of glands, especially thyroid
Infection vulnerability
Low basal metabolic rate
Low blood and saliva iodine levels
Low energy
Malignancy tendency
Nerve trunk pressure
Overabundance of mucous secretions
Radiation exposure - thyroid gland symptoms resulting from accidental or wartime
exposure to radiation
Reduced flow of endo-secretions
Respiration difficulties
Serous accumulation

Do not use sodium or a potassium iodide in the above protocol. Those iodides are not
water-soluble. These iodides can cause allergic reactions, heart palpations and depress
the thyroid.

Dosage: We only recommend using iodine supplement when correct dosage can be
measured and monitored by your practitioner. Correct dosage can mean the difference
between success and failure. Iodine often needs other nutrients to help it work - in
particular, Selenium. Again dosage is critical. If you choose to self-treat, we suggest
you use kelp as a source of iodine. Kelp has other minerals which can help the iodine to
work better. Use the temperature test to regulate your dosage, plus your symptoms.

Fulvic Acid

Fulvic is a natural water soluble substance of plant origin. It contains many healing
phytochemicals and enzymes which readily disperse throughout the body, even to the
interior of cells. Clinical medical school and hospital studies show that specially
prepared Fulvic extracts regulate abnormal thyroid hormone secretion as a result of
their ability to regulate RNA and DNA (cycleic nucleotides) at the cellular level.
Similar studies also show that Fulvic acts as an immunomodulator, regulating immune
system function.

Fulvic is one of the safest and most powerful antiviral substances known.

Outpatient medical hospital studies on overactive thyroid had a 90% cure rate within a
six month period when patients were treated with a Fulvic medication.

Outpatient medical hospital studies on thyroid tumours, using Fulvic, had a 90%
success rate, with 80% having complete cures. The under active thyroid gland requires
sufficient organic iodine to function properly. Organic means that it must come from a
plant source as part of a carbon molecule. High quality, safe and readily available
iodine is found in Fulvic. Another safe and effective supplemental source of iodine
comes from kelp. A dose even as high as 2,000 to 3,000mg of kelp daily is safe and

What Causes Thyroid Problems?

A prime objective for anyone with a thyroid problem is to eliminate intake of all toxins,
while removing toxic build-up within the body. Thyroid malfunction, both overactive
and under-active, is generally due to autoimmune response by the body. Normal
hormone production is upset. Generally, the cause is due to build up of dangerous
toxins, chlorinated substances, viruses, pathogens, infections, pesticides, altered
enzymes or hormones, etc., in the tissues of the thyroid gland. Such conditions can also
causes lumps, tumours and cancer.

Avoid chlorine and flouride like the plague, including flouride found in toothpaste and
added to drinking water.

Dioxine, a dangerous chlorine related compound found throughout the food chain, is
one cause of low thyroid function. Another is likely related to a toxic substance which
is produced when drinking water which is chlorinated, and later when chlorinated
drinking water mixes with plant phytochemicals in food. Rather than feeding the
body's endocrine glands as nature intended, the many hormone-like plant
micronutrients found in food are altered by chlorine and turned into mutagens that do
permanent damage to the glands. Also, serious deficiency of valuable phytochemicals
in modern-day diets may be responsible for undernourished hormonal functions in

those with otherwise healthy glands.

The phosphoric acid used in soft drinks can also contain flourine, which is equally
implicated. Chlorine, flourine and flouride are chemically related to iodine and compete
with it, blocking iodine receptors in the thyroid gland.

A high amount of copper in the body is a common cause of reduced thyroid function.
Too much copper can inhibit the function of zinc, which is essential to the thyroid
conversion process along with manganese, iodine, iron and selenium.

What about Thyroid Medication

Our philosophy is to always try a natural approach first. If that doesn't produce the
desired result, then by all means medicate. But it should be a last resort. We also
recommend using natural methods in conjunction with medication to reduce the amount
of medication needed.

Doctors are not usually happy about this because it may make it more difficult for them
to find the right dosage and balance. Our motto is:- the less medication the better it is.
Interestingly, the thyroid releases eight different forms of the thyroxin hormone.
Medication usually only supplies one of these (T4). Thyroid extract from animals is
another option and is still more natural than synthetic drugs.

You need a prescription for Thyroid Extract in Australia but not in the USA. So you
have to either find a Doctor who will prescribe it and a Pharmacist who will supply it or
buy it from the USA for personal use.

The Hidden Menace

Because it is sometimes difficult to detect, you could go for years with physical and
mental sub levels of health and energy. The Thyroid is also like an instrument in an
orchestra. When it is out of tune or balance it can disrupt the balance of the whole
orchestra - YOU. The Thyroid can also be adversely affected by other organs or glands
being out of balance. This makes it even more difficult to get to the bottom of your
problems.The immune system and the adrenals (stress glands) are two main
companions to the thyroid. Generally it is better management to correct the immune
system first; then the adrenal gland; then the thyroid - in that order. Getting the order
wrong can further disrupt the balance of any of the three.

Fibromyalgia Mystery

Chronic widespread pain and tenderness in muscles and connective tissues is often
diagnosed as Fibromyalgia. It may coincide with other symptoms of a weakened
immune system such as tiredness, headaches, allergies, re-occurring infections and
mood swings. Now fibromyalgia traditionally is a mysterious condition difficult to
diagnose and treat. My personal view is that the body is manifesting its weakened
immune system and its biochemical imbalance by inflammation and reaction in the
muscles and connective tissues of the body. Hence the cause may be many factors thus
making it difficult to diagnose and treat.

Dr John C Lowe had conducted research which supports the connection between

thyroid dysfunction and fibromyalgia. So his research gives us another piece of the
jigsaw puzzle. Sounds complicated? Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't! You wont
know until you try, but it could make a huge difference to the quality of your life. So
get checked out as soon as you can. Especially if you want to improve your weight
control, your energy or any other symptoms on the list.

PROPYL ALCOHOL (solvent) - Together with parasites may contribute to cancer in
any organ.
Sources: Shampoo (even health brands), hairspray and mousse, cold cereals (even
natural muesli/granola), cosmetics (we can recommend chemical free brands),
mouthwash, decaffeinated coffee (postum, herb tea blends single herb teas are OK),
vitamins, minerals and supplements (unless you test them), bottled water (distilled
water or spring water), rubbing alcohol, white sugar (brown is Ok if detoxified), all
shaving supplies (including aftershave), carbonated beverages, store bought fruit juice
(including health food brands).

BENZENE (solvent) Together with parasites can affect the Thymus and Bone
Marrow and therefore the Immune System.
Sources: Flavoured food (yogurt, jelly, lollies, throat lozenges, store-bought cookies,
cakes), cooking oil and shortening (use olive oil, butter and coconut oil), bottled water
(distilled water or spring water and bottled fruit juice), cold cereals (even natural
muesli/granola), toothpaste (including health brands), chewing gum and ice.

METHANOL (Wood Alcohol Solvent) Together with parasites can affect the
pancreas and therefore diabetes.
Sources: Processed food, bottled water, artificial sweeteners, carbonated drinks, baby
formulas, powdered drinks.

XYLENE AND TOLUENE (Solvent) Together with parasites can affect the brain
and therefore Alzheimers.
Sources: Some popular beverages; powdered drinks, including decaffeinated powders.

ASBESTOS - Hair dryers, radiator paint, clothes dryer belts

ALUMINUM - Natural deodorant advertised as aluminum-free, salt, cans, walkers
for the elderly, lotions, cookware, antacids, kitchen utensils, paints, dental composites.
ANTIMONY - Eye liner.
ARSENIC Ant or roach hives/traps, carpet & furniture treated for stain resistance,
wallpaper, poisons, pigments, dyes, wood preservative, wine, well water, coal burning,
seafood (shellfish), treated lumber.
BARIUM Lipstick, bus exhaust, explosives, filler in paper, paints and plastics,
radiography (contrast studies), dental composites.
BENZALKONIUM & ZIRCONIUM - Tea bags, deodorant, toothpaste, mouthwash,
BERYLLIUM - Hurricane lamps, lawn mowers, kerosene.
BISMUTH - Cologne and stomach aids.
CADMIUM- Water running through old metal pipes, evaporated milk, shellfish,
cigarette smoke, sewege sludge, paint, pigments, air pollution.
COPPER - Water running through old metal pipes, sewage sludge, beer, swimming
pools, copper cookware, inorganic mineral supplements, dental crowns.
CESIUM - Clear-as-glass plastic, after running through long plastic hose (e.g. water
CFC (FREON) - Refrigerators, air conditioners, spray cans.

CHROMIUM - Eyebrow pencil, water softener salts, dyes, pigments, air pollution,
dental crowns.
COBALT- Laundry detergent (especially blue and green coloured), dishwashing
detergent, skin bracer, mouthwash.
DYSPROSIUM & LUTETIUM - Paint, varnish and shellac.
FIBREGLASS - From insulation behind holes in ceiling or uncovered outlets, water
heater jackets, stuffed around fans and air conditioners, insulation.
FORMALDEHYDE - Foam mattresses, new clothing, in Panelling, Foam chairs.
HAFNIUM - Nail polish & hair spray.
HOLMIUM - Hand cleaners.
LANTHANUM - Duplicator and copier ink.
LEAD - Mens hair colour restorer, solder at joints of copper pipes, car exhuast, paint,
canned food, newsprint, tap water.
MERCURY- Tooth fillings, sanitary napkins, cotton balls, dental floss, toothpicks,
cotton swabs, mercury vapor lamps, seafood, polluted water, skin lightening creams,
sewage sludge.
THALLIUM - Tooth fillings, sanitary napkins, cotton balls, dental floss, toothpicks,
cotton swabs.
NICKEL - Metal jewellery worn on the skin, metal glasses frames, metal watchbands,
metal tooth fillings and retainers, cigarettes.
PCB - Regular & health store detergents.
drugs, prescription drugs.
RADON, URANIUM, THORIUM - Crawlspace (under houses) without open vents,
holes and cracks in basement.
RHENIUM - Spray starch.
THULIUM - Most brands of Vitamin C tested.
TIN - Toothpaste, canned foods.
STRONTIUM Toothpaste.
TITANIUM - Face powder & other powders, metal dental ware, pigments in paint,
preservatives in medications, tap/well water, implants.
TUNGSTEN - Corroded rod in electric water heaters, electric frying pans, hair curlers,
toasters, tea kettles.
VANADIUM - Leaks in pipes to gas stove, furnace & water heater, in candles (even
not lit), diesel fuel.
YTTERBIUM, ERBIUM, TERBIUM - Plastic tooth fillings, vitamins &
supplements, foil packaging.

Taken from the book The Cure for all Diseases by Hulda Clark.

It is always best to have the suspect substance tested, as the sources listed may or
may not contain the harmful chemical.

Warts are strange creatures, no-one really knows the full story about why we get them.
There are various theories; I suspect that as in other things there may be more than one
cause or a combination of causes. That's why what works for one person may not work
for another.

Our clinical experience has shown that certain deficiencies contribute to wart

Iodine, trace minerals and zinc being the most common. Many times supplementing
with these mineral has proved successful - but not always.

Zeolite, which is a chemical compound formed when volcanic lava mixes with sea
water, has also been helpful but it is expensive.

Another product called Zeoactive8 which contains Zeolite, trace minerals and oxygen
can be used. It is less expensive than Zeolite.

So you should either get tested for deficiencies or take Zeoactive8 and see what
happens. The following procedure will also help.

STEP 1 Cover the wart with some duct tape (electrician's tape) or any masking tape that
cuts off the air supply to the wart.

STEP 2 May need to allow the surrounding skin to recover every 2-3 days for half a
day or more because the wart and flesh will start to rot and smell. Use the tape a few
times until the wart top disintegrates.

STEP 3 Apply a drop of iodine or Zeolite to the wart at every opportunity but
especially twice daily once the wart top has gone. This is important to continue long
enough to kill the root. It may take a number of weeks.

STEP 4 If the wart starts to grow back, simply repeat the process.

One practitioner, Hulda Clark states that the wart is a cluster of four to five viruses.
Zeolite has anti viral properties, which is probably why it works. Iodine is a natural
antiseptic (kills germs) and can be used internally (only 1 drop in water daily) and
topically. Only use the Iodine internally under supervision.




Yeast and Candida Questionnaire
The Following questionnaire is a guide only and not a substitute for a proper test. Score
your answers using the following key. Never = 0 ; Sometimes = 1 ; Often = 2.

1. Have you ever taken antibiotics prior to your health problems?

2. Likewise cortisone type drugs?
3. Have you ever had vaginal or prostate problems? ie thrush, cystitis etc?
4. Have you ever been pregnant?
5. Have you ever taken birth control pills?
6. Are you sensitive to air borne substances perfumes, insecticides, household
chemicals, dust etc?
7. Do you feel worse in warm humid conditions?
8. Have you ever had any fungal infections?
9. Do you crave sugar?
10. Do you crave bread?
11. Do you crave alcohol?
12. Do you feel tired, drained or fatigued?

Do you get :-

13. Mental fatigue?

14. Mental confusion or vagueness?
15. Depressed?
16. Bowel disturbance?
17. Bloating disturbances?
18. Visual disturbances or giddy?
19. An energy drop mid morning or mid afternoon?
20. Heartburn, belching or indigestion?
21. Itchy skin?
22. Skin rashes?
23. Dizziness or fuzzy heads?
24. Mood swings?
25. Headaches?
26. Discharge of any kind, anywhere?
27. A bad taste in your mouth?
28. Have you suffered from stubborn cough?
29. Have you suffered from recurring eye or ear infections or irritations?
30. Have you suffered nasal itching or irritation?

If you score between 40 to 60 your chances of having a yeast/candida problem are high.

20 to 40 moderate.

Below 20 unlikely.

I recommend using CitR8 from the Zeta8 range for the treatment of Yeast and Candida
problems. (available at

Exposing the Hidden Truth about Cholesterol
What is not commonly known or discussed about cholesterol
is that the total cholesterol circulating in the blood is not the
complete picture.
What is more important is the ratio of good to bad cholesterol.

You need only one part of HDL good cholesterol to four parts LDL bad cholesterol.

In fact there are other types of cholesterol, which make up the total but we wont go
into that now in an effort to keep things simple.

Suppose your total cholesterol reading was 7.0, which would cause your G.P. to be
concerned, probably prompting them to recommend drugs to lower it.

But if the HDL was 2.0 and the LDL 5.0 this is a ratio of 2.5 i.e. 1 part HDL to 2.5
parts LDL. If its 1 to 4 or less its okay. So this reading is excellent not bad!

Improving or Lowering your Cholesterol Naturally

Its well documented that cholesterol lowering drugs can have nasty side effects. So
what do you do if you need help?

Wouldnt it be nice to lower your cholesterol the natural way, with natural remedies
rather than drugs??

For some people this can be a great option. Statin drugs or beta blockers are typically
used by doctors to lower high cholesterol. These drugs can make you feel pretty flat
and horrible; (not to mention the effect these pharmaceutical chemicals have on your
body long term).

We have had good success in lowering cholesterol using natural methods.

The key to your cholesterol is your gall bladder. The gall bladder stores and
concentrates the bile from your liver. When you consume fat or oil the contents of the
gall bladder are released to break down the fat.

Bile is like soap it dissolves fat.

Impaired gall bladder function causes excess fat to circulate in your blood and deposit it
in your body parts including the liver and blood vessels.

We use herbal formulas that improve gall bladder function. One particular herb that has
proven useful is globe artichoke. We advise avoiding fats for a time and using lemons
and pears, which also improves gall bladder function.

We also recommend avoiding fat and sugar. Cheese, chocolate, fatty and fried foods are
the worst offenders. So avoid them completely until your gall bladder improves. Then
use them minimally.

Gall Stones

It is interesting to note that gallstones are made from cholesterol. So if you have
gallstones it indicates your gall bladder is not producing enough bile to take care of its
own fat problems never mind the bodys. We have also successfully gotten rid of
gallstones naturally. When treating the gall bladder, the liver and pancreas should not
be overlooked as they also play a part.

Vitamin B3

Nicotinic acid is a water-soluble B3/niacin vitamin. When given in high doses, this
vitamin reduces bad LDL-cholesterol and triglyceride levels, while raising the good
HDL cholesterol.

Natural sources of niacin include meat, poultry, liver, fish, nuts, green vegetables,
whole grains and potatoes. Please note that consuming more of these food groups is not
an effective replacement for the supplement, you need high strength concentrated forms
of the vitamin to have any beneficial effect on cholesterol.

Niacin is a very important vitamin; a severe deficiency of this vitamin can cause a
condition called pellagra in which individuals develop diarrhoea, dermatitis and

It is not clear how nicotinic acid causes its effects on cholesterol and triglyceride levels,
but it is thought to be by reducing the production of proteins that transport cholesterol
and triglycerides in the blood.

We have a slow release version available at the clinic or you can purchase it over the
counter as Niaspan (fast release), and Slo-Niacin (Slow Release). It is essential that
high strength nicotinic acid such as these mentioned are used, and used GRADUALLY.
Patients should start off on low doses and gradually increase to an average daily dose of
1.5 to 3 grams per day (usually 1-2 grams 2-3 times a day). This gradual increase up to
this level should take several weeks. It is important to take the supplement with food to
avoid stomach upsets. Ensure that you do not purchase Nicotinamide (this is also
another form of vitamin B3, but does not lower cholesterol levels).

How much will this vitamin reduce my cholesterol?

Nicotinic acid reduces LDL-cholesterol (bad cholesterol) levels by 10 to 20 percent,

and raises HDL-cholesterol (good cholesterol) by 15 to 35 percent.

Its worth remembering for every 1 percent you lower your blood cholesterol
level; you reduce your risk for heart disease by 2 percent.

Remember also that overall cholesterol readings are only part of the picture. You can
have a high overall cholesterol reading but low LDLs (bad cholesterol) and high
HDLs (good cholesterol), which would mean your cholesterol is actually excellent. It is
the breakdown that is important. Because nicotinic acid increases HDLs (good
cholesterol) and reduces LDLs (bad cholesterol) your overall cholesterol reading may
go up! But as long as your LDLs are reduced you are doing the right thing.

Nicotinic Acid is a relatively cheap vitamin that is widely available without

prescription. It is essential however, that if you do have high cholesterol, you discuss
this treatment with your doctor first. There are people who this is useful for and people
who its not useful for.

Nicotinic acid can be particularly beneficial for people who have few signs or
symptoms associated with their high cholesterol; people whove never had a heart
attack or any damage to the heart; people whose blood pressure is quite good (or high
just when tested with the exercise ECG test).

Who should avoid this product?

People with any LIVER problems such as high liver readings or liver disease.

People with GOUT.


Pregnant/Breast-Feeding Mothers.

Never go off any cholesterol medication without thorough monitoring and

consultation with your doctor first!

Are there any side effects?

The most common side effects of niacin are stomach upset, flushing, headache, itching
and tingling sensations of the extremities. That is why the gradual increase in dosage is
required and is recommended you take niacin with food. These symptoms usually
subside as your body adjusts to the medication. Drinking hot liquids or alcohol shortly
before or after niacin may increase the occurrence of flushing. Extended release
formulations of niacin may cause flushing less frequently than immediate release
formulations, but can be slower to act on cholesterol levels.

Rare cases of liver failure or muscle injury have occurred from the use of niacin,
generally to people who have prior liver/muscle disease. Tests to monitor for liver
injury should be performed before niacin therapy begins; every 6-12 weeks for the first
year and then occasionally thereafter. Niacin should be discontinued if liver tests are
greater than three times the upper limit of normal, are persistently elevated, or
accompanied by nausea, vomiting or weakness. The effects on the liver are minimal in
a subject with a healthy liver, but (as previously mentioned) it is not recommended on
subjects with poor liver function/liver disease.

Research has also shown psyllium, which is a bulking substance for the bowel to also
lower cholesterol. Bowel function affects liver and gall bladder and vice versa.

What else can I do to naturally reduce my cholesterol?

A liver DETOX may be necessary as the liver removes excess cholesterol. This is
why its so important to reduce alcohol consumption. Ask one of the practitioners
at Shire Chiropractic to guide you through a liver detox; a liver detox involves
dietary plans, adjustments to the vertebral segments, which go to the liver
(ensuring this pathway is clear so the liver functions optimally), administration of
herbs and supplements which can cleanse and nourish the liver.
Lose weight
Cholesterol comes from animal fats, so keep meats lean, cutting off excess fats.
Try and eat more fish and vegetable based meals rather than meat based.
Avoid full fat milk, fried foods, hydrogenated fats (biscuits, crackers, peanut
butter, butter margarine). Throw out anything in your pantry that can live there
for months (or let others eat it not you!)
Eat more fresh fruit and vegetables. Consider taking psyllium husks. High fibre
foods help in removing excess cholesterol.
Stop smoking. Smoking significantly reduces the HDLs (good fats) which get
rid of the LDLs (bad fats). Smoking doubles your risk of a heart attack at any
cholesterol level.
Reduce stress levels. Not being able to sleep is also an indicator of increased risk
of heart disease.
Increase your aerobic exercise! A vital factor in reducing cholesterol levels. Aim
for 30 minutes a day walk, run, dance, swim, tennis, soccer, etc are all forms of
aerobic exercise.
Floss teeth daily, the bacteria in the gums can go into the blood stream
contributing to blood clotting.

By following some simple dietary changes, taking some natural medication, exercising
more and controlling stress you can have a major impact on your cholesterol and the
health of your body.

A Word of Warning

If you are taking drugs for cholesterol be aware that the body makes its hormones from
cholesterol. If you drop your cholesterol too low you may suffer from hormone
deficiency, male or female and all that that entails!

Australia No 1

Did you know that Australia is now the No.1 country for the number of overweight
people, yes even beating the U.S How embarrassing! But its not all bad- America
still has the highest number of obese (grossly overweight) people so far!

Let us know if you need help with weight management. We are trialing something new
at present Acupuncture patches to control craving.

Breakthrough for Stubborn Pain

We have been trialing in the clinic a new innovation using a special patch to relieve
pain that does not respond to regular treatment. The results so far have been excellent.
One of our patients had severe ligament damage in his neck due to being placed in a
painful headlock. Despite our best efforts we could not provide any lasting benefits.
The patches provided the pain relief immediately and now he rarely needs them.

There are patches for other conditions also such as;





Results on these applications are still being assessed so we will keep you informed.


Michael is the kind of guy you love to hate. He is always in a good mood and always
has something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he
would reply, "If I were any better, I would be twins!"

He was a natural motivator. If an employee was having a bad day, Michael was there
telling the employee how to look on the positive side of the situation. Seeing his style
really made me curious, so one day I went up to Michael and asked him, "I don't get it!
You can't be a positive person all of the time. How do you do it?"

Michael replied, "Each morning I wake up and say to myself, you have two choices
today. You can choose to be in a good mood or you can choose to be in a bad mood - I
choose to be in a good mood. Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a
victim or I can choose to learn from it. I choose to learn from it.

Every time someone comes to me complaining, I can choose to accept their

complaining or I can point out the positive side of life. I choose the positive side of
life." "Yeah, right, it's not that easy," I protested. "Yes, it is," Michael said. "Life is all
about choices. When you cut away all the junk, every situation is a choice.

You choose how you react to situations. You choose how people affect your mood.
You choose to be in a good mood or bad mood. The bottom line: It's your choice how
you live life."

I reflected on what Michael said. Soon thereafter, I left to start my own business. We
lost touch, but I often thought about him when I made a choice about life instead of
reacting to it. Several years later, I heard that Michael was involved in a serious
accident, falling some 60 feet from a communication tower. After 18 hours of surgery
and weeks of intensive care, Michael was released from the hospital with rods placed in
his back.

I saw Michael about six months after the accident. When I asked him how he was, he
replied. "If I were any better, I'd be twins. Wanna see my scars?" I declined to see his
wounds, but I did ask him what had gone through his mind as the accident took place.

"The first thing that went through my mind was the well being of my soon to be born
daughter," Michael replied. "Then, as I lay on the ground, I remembered that I had two
choices: I could choose to live or I could choose to die. I chose to live." "Weren't you
scared? Did you lose consciousness?" I asked. Michael continued, "...the paramedics
were great. They kept telling me I was going to be fine. But when they wheeled me into
the ER and I saw the expressions on the faces of the doctors and nurses, I got really
scared. In their eyes, I read "he's a dead man". I knew I needed to take action.

"What did you do?" I asked. "Well there was a big burly nurse shouting questions at
me," said Michael. "She asked if I was allergic to anything. "Yes, I replied." The
doctors and nurses stopped working as they waited for my reply. I took a deep breath
and yelled, "Gravity." Over their laughter, I told them, "I am choosing to live. Operate
on me as if I am alive, not dead." Michael lived, thanks to the skill of his doctors, but
also because of his amazing attitude. I learned from him that every day we have the
choice to live fully. Attitude, after all, is everything. "Therefore do not worry about
tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its

'After all, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday' Author Unknown

Editors comment

We dont wish to detract from a great story only to add to it.

The comment attitude is every thing is true but often our perspective or how we see
things is part of or influences our attitude. To put it another way we can choose how
we see things to a large degree. Dont forget though that our subconscious
programming also influence how we see things and we may not be even aware that our
ability to choose is being influenced by our past conditioning.

Using BIOCYBERNETICS can help identify and eliminate these limiting self-beliefs.

Exposed - the Shocking Truth About
Breast Cancer Risk
Mammographythe hidden dangers

Throughout the Western world including Australia, breast cancer is a highly publicized
condition. There are many products sold with the 'pink ribbon supports breast cancer'
logo. Everything from bottled water to deodorants and cosmetics. There's the pink
ribbon day, Ralph Lauren's famous pink horse shirts, breast cancer month, designer
water bottles and t-shirts supporting the cause. Australian celebrities Kylie Minogue,
Belinda Emmett and Jane McGrath all battled the horrible disease.

The disease sadly claimed the lives of both Belinda and Jane. Their struggle with the
disease was the topic of conversation for women's magazines and news bulletins on a
regular basis. This raised the profile of the disease and GP's were flooded with more
women detecting lumps in their breasts and requiring mammograms due to this
heightened awareness.

Australian women have a 1 in 8 chance of developing breast cancer in their

lifetime. A figure which has increased significantly since the introduction of
widespread screening.

We are fortunate enough nowadays to have more options available to help detect breast
cancer to give you the best chance of survival. However, the downside of this
technology is that the effectiveness in detecting the breast cancers is woeful and the
frightening degree of radiation exposure to sensitive breast tissue is not widely
understood by the general public. Furthermore, there is no solid evidence that
mammograms save lives. Mammogram interpretation is often wrong.

Researching Mammograms
In 1996, the Journal Archives of Internal Medicine published results of a test of 108
radiologists throughout the United States. The test used a set of 79 mammograms where
the diagnosis had been verified by subsequent biopsies, surgeries or other follow-up.

The radiologists:- missed cancer in 21% of the films, thought 10% of the women with
no breast disease had cancer, thought 42% of benign lesions were cancerous.

It is very much dependent on the skill of the operator. Furthermore, mammograms are
not fully diagnostic. This can frequently lead to unnecessary breast biopsies, which are
an expensive, invasive surgical procedure that causes extreme anxiety, pain and often
physical harm to many women who do not have cancer.

Have you noticed that when something is found on the mammogram (radiation), they
then send you off for an ultrasound (no radiation) to locate and diagnose it properly
According to the 1998 edition of the Merck Manual, for every case of breast cancer
diagnosed each year, between 5 and 10 women will needlessly undergo a painful breast

We've all heard that mammograms reduce breast cancer deaths by 30%. This sounds
impressive and yes it's true, but this statistic is what's called a 'relative risk' rather than
'absolute risk'. Absolute risk is a statistical concept that expresses the number of people
who can be expected to succumb to a disease over a certain period of time.

Women generally perceive that their risk of developing breast cancer is very high. But
in reality the absolute risk of dying from breast cancer depends on your age. That is for
women aged 60; they have a 9 in 1,000 chance that they will die of breast cancer in the
next 10 years. Mammograms reduce around 30% of these deaths, again in relative risk
this sounds impressive but that equates to having a 6 in 1,000 chance of dying from
breast cancer in the next 10 years. Absolute risk is less impressive than relative risk.

Breast Cancer Risk and Radiation

Breast tissue is very sensitive. Radiation to a healthy breast can be damaging. Radiation
is cumulative. That means that your risks of getting cancer are likely to increase the
more mammograms you have.

Unnecessary radiations are carcinogenic. The routine practice in a mammogram of

taking 4 films of each breast- results in approximately 1 RAD (radiation absorbed dose)
exposure, which is about 1,000 times greater than that from a chest x-ray!! If youre
pre-menopausal your breast is more sensitive to radiation, and each one RAD exposure
can increase your breast cancer risk by about one percent. In 10 years of screening, you
can accumulate a 10 percent increased risk for each breast!

Do you have lumpy, cysty, dense or large breasts? Often these types of breasts
are more difficult to screen and your doctor may suggest you get annual mammograms
or have extra films taken to be extra surethis is because mammograms dont detect
tumours as easily in these types of breasts and the chance of an inaccurate reading is
much then does having more scans and upping your radiation dose really
make sense??

A recent (Nov 24, 2008) very large, and comprehensive population study just published
in the Journal of the American Medical Association's Archives of Internal
Medicine (Arch Intern Med. 2008; 168[21]:2302-2303) reached a startling
conclusion... Breast cancer rates increased significantly in the four Norwegian
countries studied after women there began getting mammograms every two years!

Breast cancer rates were higher in the screened population than in the control group.
Yes they were being checked more regularly, but even when this factor was taken into
account it was still showing an increased risk of breast cancer with the mammograms.
What they did was study two large population groups over six years; one was screened
as per government health recommendations every 2 years and the other group, the
control group wasn't screened. To get their results, at the end of the six year study
they screened both groups and compared results

They found the number of cancer diagnoses in the control (non-screened) group was
lower than those in the screened group, so the group having regular mammograms had
a higher rate of cancers.

"Even after prevalence screening in controls, however, the cumulative incidence of

invasive breast cancer remained 22% higher in the screened group" write the

authors. Over the course of six years, 1,909 of the screened women in every 100,000
had breast cancer. In contrast, 1,564 of every 100,000 women in the control group (non
screened group) had breast cancer. This was true for every stratified age!

The fact is, ionizing radiation mutates cells, and the mechanical pressure can spread
cells that are already malignant (as can biopsies).

More Damning Evidence

Another study in 1995 by British medical journal The Lancet reported that, since
mammographic screening was introduced in 1983, the incidence of ductal carcinoma in
situ (DCIS) (a type of breast cancer which often sits out near the lymph nodes, which
normally represents 12% of all breast cancer cases), has increased by 328%! 200% of
this increase is due to the use of mammography.

This increase is for all ages. Since the inception of widespread mammographic
screening, the increase for women under the age of 40 for this type of cancer has gone
up over 3,000%. Radiation risks are four times greater for the 1-2% of women who are
silent carriers of the A-T (ataxia-telangiectasia) gene, which by some estimates
accounts for up to 20% of all breast cancers diagnosed annually.

Opponents of breast cancer screening- which can produce false positives and subject
women to harmful, unnecessary treatments -- argue that women are not being informed
of the possible negative effects of screening. It is very common to feel angry when you
find out the activity/food/drug/mammogram you thought was doing you good could be
harming you. It is frustrating to start questioning the balance between benefits and

Where does that get you, you might ask? Your Right to Make an Informed Choice

We believe that you should have the information to make an informed decision. I am
'pro-choice' so that you are aware of the positives and negatives of everything you do.
It is wrong not to be informed!

It is well known that mammograms are damaging to healthy tissue yet the general
population isn't aware of this. Why? We are not children and this is certainly not about
Santa Clause. Why are these facts not common knowledge? Hiding the issue from us is
Is your doctor aware of the risks? Are you?
Your doctor will usually recommend mammograms. This is partly because if you do
get breast cancer and a mammogram was not recommended your doctor could then be
liable for negligence.

People were angry when smoking was discovered to be harmful to health. X-raying feet
to get your shoe size right in the shoe-shop was once common practice. Years later this
was banned and rightly so. Because we know unnecessary radiation is harmful.
Thalidomide was used for morning sickness in pregnant women resulting in birth
abnormalities just 50 years ago...

Long time mammogram critic Professor Michael Baum said politics were to blame for
breast cancer screening not being held to the same scrutiny as breast cancer drugs.

Baum also said the breast cancer treatment industry would "lose a hell of a lot of face if
[the government] began questioning the value of screening."

Consumer advocate Mike Adams called breast cancer screening "a recruiting tool to
ensnare new revenue-generating patients," and criticized the "fear-based" marketing
used to attract women to screenings. "The evidence is now quite clear that breast cancer
screening is harming 10 times as many women as it helps," Adams said. "It's time to
start questioning the corporatization of the breast cancer industry, and whether we
should be shifting our priorities to breast cancer prevention rather than treatment with
harmful chemicals.

Are There Alternatives?

There are instances where mammography may be warranted. But the fact remains that
there are other technologies that are proven to be more effective, less expensive, and
completely harmless and that can save far more lives.

Although mammography remains the most widely used tool for the early detection of
breast cancers and evaluation of palpable abnormalities, a number of other imaging
tools are being developed and used. Ultrasonography (Ultrasound) is an excellent
adjunct. In addition to identifying solid and cystic abnormalities, Ultrasound can often
distinguish benign and malignant solid nodules.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) also is useful in assessing the extent of disease
within the breast, particularly in women with dense breasts. MRI may be a more
sensitive screening tool in women at elevated breast cancer risk.

Newer techniques based on the metabolic activity of breast tumors have also been
developed. One such technique is scintimammography, which uses radiolabeled tracers
to detect breast malignancies. Positron emission tomography (PET), which relies on the
high metabolic rate of tumors, also has been described as a method to evaluate breast
disease. Other techniques, such as optical tomography and thermography, rely on
angiogenesis and generated heat to identify cancers. These and other tools may help to
improve both the sensitivity and specificity of cancer detection. Ideally, this improved
detection results in improved outcomes in those who have breast cancer and avoidance
of unnecessary procedures in those who do not.

Thermography: Is digital breast thermography, or Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging
(DITI), which is a non-invasive screening procedure that detects and records infrared
heat emissions from the breast. The visual image, or thermogram, maps variations in
skin temperature that may indicate underlying vascular, muscular and neural disease.
DITI is especially useful for detecting early lesions before they otherwise become
clinically evident.

No radiation is used by thermography, and there is no discomfort during the

examination. Thermography is the earliest method of breast pathology detection
known. It can identify changes in local physiology and blood flow before other clinical
examinations or screening tests are able to detect a problem. Unlike mammography,
accuracy of the test is not compromised by the denser breast tissue in women under 50
years old.

How does breast thermography compare to a mammogram?
Both are screening tests that do not specifically diagnose breast cancer, but screen for
changes in local tissues due to various causes. Both are superior to clinical or self-
examination for detecting early pathological changes. Mammography detects
anatomical changes and is more precise than thermography in identifying the exact
location of a lesion, while thermography detects physiological changes that occur much
earlier than anatomical changes.

Thermography has been shown to detect the precancerous state of breast tissue up
to 10 years before breast cancer is identified by other methods.

A positive thermographic image represents the highest known risk factor for the future
development of breast cancer, 10 times more significant than any family history of the
disease. Compared with mammography, 7 out of 10 times - infrared imaging is the first
alarm that something is happening.

Thermography Australia gives the following reasons why thermography may be better
for you than mammography.

7 Compelling Reasons to invest in Thermography screening

1. Risk factors of mammograms more than 6 mammograms in a lifetime can result in cancer
(Epstein 1992).
2. Breast cancer is increasing with statistics showing that 1 in 8 women will develop cancer.
3. An average breast tumour takes eight years to reach the stage of being seen on a
4. Thermograms can show cellular changes years ahead of any other screening method making
it extremely useful for early detection of cellular change. (Breast cancer can only be diagnosed
by tissue biopsy).
5. Thermography shows a wider area than other methods, including lymph node regions and is
very suitable for younger women.
6. Thermography is safe, risk- free, painless, non invasive and takes 15 minutes.
7. Mammography uses a low energy form of ionizing radiation which causes greater biologic
damage than the high energy X-ray (Barnes 200).

Thermograms are ideal for all women and particularly those who
cannot tolerate radiation
are under age 40
have dense, fibrocystic, or large breasts
have had implants or reduction surgery
are on hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
are premenopausal, pregnant or breastfeeding

Thermograms can be especially useful for younger women, since 23% of all breast
cancers occur in women under the age of 49. Breast cancer in younger women is more
aggressive and has lower survival rates, so an annual thermogram, breast self-checks
and breast health checks are a very good idea.

Where is there a clinic in Sydney for breast thermography?

Level One 425 Pacific Highway
Crows Nest 2065
Ph 9436 2992
$165 initial, follow-ups $140. No referral necessary.

In Conclusion
You need to make up your own mind and be aware of the risks and benefits of both.
Prevention is much better than cure.

I believe that reducing your risks of breast cancer can be helped by ensuring the
- Your lymphatic system is working well
- The liver is clearing by-products and medications efficiently
- Your bowel is functioning optimally (at least 2xdaily)
- Your hormones are properly balanced
- You are exercising regularly
- Not smoking
- Limiting alcohol consumption and fatty foods
- Dont wear underwire bras a lot (as these sit right on your lymph chain)
- You are not consuming too many phyto-oestogenic foods
- Addressing your levels of nutrients and antioxidants
Recent studies strongly suggest a link between low levels of Vit D and Calcium and an
increased risk of breast cancer.
Please note: Bill Davison has studied radiology and diagnoses X-Rays, thus has a good understanding of ionizing radiation and its
effects. I encourage you to seek out your own information on this highly controversial subject.

References More on the dangers of mammography
Thermal Detection of Embedded Tumours Using Infrared Imaging; Mital M, Scott EP.;J
Biomech Eng. 2007 Feb;129(1):33-9.;PMID: 17227096 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Thermography Australia.
Effectiveness of a noninvasive digital infrared thermal imaging system in the detection of
breast cancer; Arora N, Martins D, Ruggerio D, Tousimis E, Swistel AJ, Osborne MP,
Simmons RM.Am J Surg. 2008 Oct;196(4):523-6.PMID: 18809055 [PubMed - indexed for
MEDLINE] Who is a candidate for thermal imaging?
Alternative Breast Imaging Approaches; Brenner RJ, Parisky Y.;Radiol Clin North Am. 2007
Sep;45(5):907-23, viii. Review.; PMID: 17888777 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE], sensitive non-invasive screening for young women
Agnese DM, Department of Surgery and Internal Medicine, The Ohio State University,
Columbus, Ohio, USA.
BMJ 2006;332:538-541 (4 March), doi:10.1136/bmj.332.7540.538 Content for invitations for
publicly funded screening mammography; Karsten Juhl Jorgensen, Peter C Gotzsche
Dynamic Thermal Modelling of the normal and tumerous breast under elastic deformation;
Jiang L, Zhan W, Loew MH; .Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv Int Conf Med Image
Comput Comput Assist Interv. 2008;11(Pt 2):798-805.PMID: 18982678 [PubMed - indexed for
Advanced Integrated Technique in Breast Cancer Thermography; Ng EY, Kee EC.; J Med Eng
Technol. 2008 Mar-Apr;32(2):103-14.; PMID: 17852648 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Calcium plus Vitamin D supplementation and the risk of breast cancer; Chlebowski RT,
Johnson KC, Kooperberg C, Pettinger M, Wactawski-Wende J, Rohan T, Rossouw J, Lane D,
O'Sullivan MJ, Yasmeen S, Hiatt RA, Shikany JM, Vitolins M, Khandekar J, Hubbell FA;
Women's Health Initiative Investigators.;J Natl Cancer Inst. 2008 Nov 19;100(22):1581-91.
Epub 2008 Nov 11. ;PMID: 19001601 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Estrogen plus progestin and risk of benign proliferative breast disease; Rohan TE, Negassa A,
Chlebowski RT, Lasser NL, McTiernan A, Schenken RS, Ginsberg M, Wassertheil-Smoller S,
Page DL.;Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2008 Sep;17(9):2337-43. Epub 2008 Aug
25.;PMID: 18725513 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

How would you like your own Highly Trained, Special Ops,
Take No Prisoners, Kick Butt Personal Body Guard to
Protect you against all attacks on your Health and Wellness?

What is the Immune System and why is it so important?

So, what is it that allows one person to get sick while the next stays well? Its the
complex subject of immunity. An unhealthy immune system can result in anything
from the common cold to cancer, and is responsible for our recovery should we fall ill.
Your body is continually required to fight against disease producing chemicals and
organisms called pathogens, as well as your own bodys malfunctioning cells, to
maintain good health or homeostasis. The immune system is so complex because it
relies on many body systems to be well orchestrated, and of course we all know that the
more complex a system, the more things can go wrong. The immune system is made
up of special cells, proteins, tissues and organs. It is capable of being inside your cells,
outside your cells, in your blood stream, lymphatic system, bones and organs, all at the
same time, constantly scouring, detecting and fighting. All this is under the control of
your nervous system; hence its complexity.

How do I know if my Immune System is down?

Some of the mild symptoms that might indicate your immune system is not functioning
properly include; fatigue, chronic pain, inflammation, allergic reactions, food or
chemical sensitivities, slow wound healing, chronic diarrhoea, constipation, or a swing
between both. Also hay fever, thrush, skin rashes and getting colds or sick more often
are other common symptoms and signs. The more severe conditions manifest as
autoimmune diseases, allergies, cancers and immunodeficiency disorders. Lets have a
look at what it does for you and what you can do for it, so you dont get sick.

How do I prevent getting sick?

Resistance to illness can be divided into two broad areas, specific and non specific.
Non-specific defences offer protection against a variety of pathogens.

Mechanical Protection
Your skin is composed of tightly packed cells, which form a physical barrier to the
entrance of pathogens. When the skin is broken an infection can develop, most
commonly staphylococci, which normally lives on the surface of your skin.

The mucous membranes are like a continuation of the skin that lines the body cavities.
It includes the digestive, respiratory, urinary and reproductive tracts. They all produce
mucous to prevent drying out and to trap pathogens and foreign substances. For
example, coughing and sneezing move mucous to the throat, where it can be expelled.
Glands in the eye produce tears to wash away eye irritation and microbes. Saliva
washes away organisms from the teeth and mouth. The flow of urine prevents

pathogens from inhabiting the urinary tract. Diarrhoea and vomiting rapidly expels
pathogens from the digestive tract. Get the idea?

Chemical Protection
Your skin should be slightly acid, between pH3 and pH5. Sebum produced by the skin
accounts for its acidity and discourages growth of pathogens. Perspiration contains
chemicals called Lysozymes, also contained in tears, saliva, nasal secretions and tissue
fluids and is responsible for its anti-microbial qualities. Stomach acid destroys most
bacteria and environmental toxins.

Your blood and the fluid between your cells (lymph) contain chemicals, natural killer
cells and phagocytes (white blood cells) which have the ability to kill a wide variety of
infectious microbes and certain tumour cells. This provides a second line of defence
should pathogens invade the skin and mucous membranes.

Inflammation and fever are examples of non specific defences employed by your body
to restore homeostasis/good health. Injury is a form of stress and the body responds
with inflammation characterised by redness, pain, heat and sometimes loss of function
depending on the extent of damage. The job of inflammation is to dispose of pathogens,
foreign material or toxins at the site of the injury. It prevents the spread to other organs
and prepares the site for tissue repair.

Fever is characterised by an abnormally high body temperature which serves to inhibit

the growth of pathogens and speeds up the body reactions that aid repair. Therefore, up
to a point, fever is beneficial. It increases the heart rate so infection fighting white
blood cells are delivered to the site of infection more rapidly and perform more
efficiently. Heat also speeds up body cell reactions so they can repair themselves more
quickly during a disease.

Specific Defences
Immunity is the ability of the body to defend itself against specific invading pathogens
including bacteria, viruses, parasites, tumour cells, toxins and foreign tissues. In order
to function properly, it has to be able to identify the difference between these
pathogens and the healthy tissues of the body. Sometimes detection can be tricky as
these pathogens can change rapidly in order to avoid immune detection and survive.
Substances that provoke the immune system to respond are called antigens.

As mentioned earlier the human immune system is very complex, consisting of

proteins, cells, organs and tissues. This system is so unique that, if functioning well, it
can develop a memory to protect you against a second exposure to a previously fought
antigen or pathogen. This is the theory behind immunisation.


Adenoids Tonsils

The Immune System Spleen

Lymph Nodes
(Taken from University of Virginia Health
System Website)

Bone Marrow
Lymphatic Vessels

Appendix Patches

The Cells and Organs

The cells that carry out immune responses are white blood cells or leukocytes. There
are many different types of white blood cells each having their own particular function
and name. They are produced or stored in the thymus, spleen and bone marrow.
Lymph nodes and vessels that make up the lymphatic system house and circulate white
blood cells. They can also travel in the blood stream. B, T, and antigen presenting cells,
are all lymphocytes. Lymphocytes allow the body to remember and recognise previous
invaders and helps the body destroy them.

The Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system functions to:
Drain the fluid from around every single cell in your body.
Carry fats and fat soluble vitamins, absorbed from your digestion into the blood
Host an immune response.

This is a really simple overview of the immune system to not only help you understand
where things can go wrong and how many other systems it can effect, but more
importantly, to know how to keep yours healthy.

What can go wrong in the Immune System?

Apart from having sufficient biological defences as described above to avoid infection,
disease or otherwise, very basically, disorders can be broken down into 4 types.

Immunodeficiency Disorders
Sometimes a person can be born with primary immunodeficiency or it can be acquired
as a result of exposure to a disease, malnutrition, burns and some medicines. It affects
B cells, T cells and phagocytes. The body cannot produce enough immunoglobulins
(antibodies, good guys) so people tend to have allergies, more colds and infections.
These can range from mild to severe like the boy in the bubble. HIV is a virus which
wipes out T helper cells so the body cant defend itself against normally harmless
organisms hence the term AIDS or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.

Allergies result from hypersensitivity to weak antigens that do not cause an immune
response in most people. Allergens (substances that cause allergies) may include dust,
moulds, pollens, cat dander, certain food and some medicines. After exposure to an
allergen some immune systems make IgE antibodies, B and T-memory cells. Another
exposure to the same allergen causes a massive secondary immune response, releasing
large amounts of IgE antibodies, which bind to mast cells usually found in connective
tissue surrounding blood vessels. The mast cells release histamine, the chemical
responsible for starting inflammation. In some people the inflammation can be life

Autoimmune Disorders
This occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys its own body
tissues. In other words the body thinks that its own cells are bad guys and destroys
them. No one really knows why this happens. Some explanations include genetics,
bacteria, viruses and certain drugs. It can result in destruction of the bodies own tissues,
enlargement of an organ or changes in organ function. Common examples include
rheumatoid arthritis, chronic thyroiditis and multiple sclerosis to name a few.

Immunological Surviellance is an immune response carried out by cytotoxic T cells,
macrophages and natural killer cells. When a normal cell turns cancerous it may display
a sign on its surface which is not present on your healthy cells. If the immune system
is functioning well it will recognise these signs and destroy the cancerous cells.
Immunological surveillance is effective in destroying cancerous cells that arise due to
cancer causing viruses.

Chemotherapy, a medical treatment for cancer, has its drawbacks because as well as
knocking out cancer cells it also attacks other healthy fast growing cells like those in
the bone marrow where infection and tumour fighting white blood cells are produced.

What can I do to keep it functioning optimally?

Everybody knows to eat a well balanced diet, a variety of foods, minimal bad fats and
sugars. Wash your hands. Drink plenty of clean filtered water. Avoid sugar, saturated
and hydrogenated fats, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, environmental toxins including
heavy metals, environmental chemicals, pesticide residues on your fresh food and
grains, fake sugar, food additives and preservatives, and different types of radiation.



The book Hidden Dangers by Lillian Reekie is an informative read for anyone
wishing to avoid these common immune weakening agents in your everyday life. What
the majority of people dont realise, is that unless you look for them carefully, we are
exposed to huge amounts of these very toxic substances in large quantities without

A long list of dos and donts for a healthy body, can get even more complex depending
on what you are trying to achieve. Suitable body weight, endurance, brain function,

correcting blood sugar levels, slow metabolism, cholesterol management and boosting
immunity all require particular eating habits.


So what can you eat I hear you ask? First of all eat 3- 4 meals a day and eat a
VARIETY of REAL, FRESH FOOD. Packaged and processed food will not build your
health due to high levels of sugar, salt, bad fats and toxic additives. When it comes to
food, organic produce is the best, otherwise make sure the product is as fresh as
possible and WELL WASHED to remove pesticides and residues. Be sure to buy
hormone and antibiotic free. Youve seen the advertisement, and this one has some
merit, 2 fruit and 5 veg - every day! Fruit and vegies, particularly coloured and dark
green ones, contain high levels of antioxidants and well as nutrients which will protect
your bodies cells from damage including your infection fighting white blood cells.
Two serves of red meat each week helps to provide essential minerals and protein.
Small oily fish such as sardines provide essential fatty acids, as does cold pressed nut
and seed oils. A VARIETY of whole grain products, which means the whole grain has
been ground so it is available to your body for digestion, provides many essential
nutrients and fibre. Raw ground nuts are a good source of minerals and healthy fats as
well as protein. Avoid white, bleached, processed grains such as wheat and rice, they
have little nutritional value compared to the wholegrain option. Follow this basic rule
and its a good base to build on or modify to suit your particular needs. Consult your
practitioner to achieve specific objectives.

Powdered whey protein isolate and the clear fluid in properly cultured yoghurt contains
amino acid cysteine, responsible for strengthening white blood cell activity and the
mutagenic aspects of cancer. Under the right conditions it will convert to Glutathione, a
potent antioxidant that strengthens cells against viral and bacterial infection.

Oats contains good levels of betaglucans that can activate macrophage (white blood
cell) activity.

Chamomile, black and green tea contains polyphenols associated with increased
antibacterial activity, they can also clean up free radical damage that can damage your
cells DNA (think cancers) and accelerate ageing. Black tea increases interferons,
proteins that protects against infection and slows the growth of tumour cells3. Calendula
tea is touted as possessing anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and immuno-stimulating

Good fats such as cold pressed oils, raw nuts, avocadoes will help you absorb
carotenoids (Vit A precursors) and antioxidants in your salads and vegetables where-as
fat free salad dressings will reduce your ability to do so.

Yellow vegetables such as carrot and sweet potato contain beta-carotene which will
convert to Vitamin A, essential for good immune function.

Green vegetables such as spinach, cruciferous vegetables broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower

are all great sources of Vit A, vitamin C and calcium and other essential minerals and

Garlic is antibacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal and increases immune function. It is also a
great source of selenium, an essential trace element and antioxidant. Ginger, tumeric,
horseradish and onions are all excellent immune boosters to flavour your dishes.

Yoghurt, properly cultured, contains probiotics, the guts healthy bacteria required for
proper digestion. It also helps protect the intestinal tract from disease causing germs.
Different strains of probiotics do different jobs in the body therefore it is good to get a
broad range. Lactobacillus reuteri will stimulate white blood cells, L. casei will inhibit
growth of pathogenic bacteria in the small intestine, L. rhamnosus will reduce lactose
intolerance, improve eczema and food allergies, and is very important for infants and
the elderly.

Zinc in your diet is very important for the development of white blood cells. Oysters,
then lean beef and turkey (dark meat) are the best sources and more bioavailable (the
amount retained and used by the body). Non flesh sources include beans, milk, yoghurt,
cashews, chickpeas and almonds but are less bioavailable.

Food and Chemical Sensitivities

Many people who eat, drink or are exposed to damaging quantities of certain
substances, can overload their systems and the body reaches a point where it cannot
process that substance effectively any more. This can damage organs or cause
inflammation in various tissues, the digestive tract, mucous membranes, skin or blood
vessels for example. Wheat, dairy products, yeast and sugar are common irritants that
can become damaging to the digestive tract in large quantities.

Sugar damages the pancrease leading to diabetes. Alcohol damages the liver leading to
cirrhosis. Chemical sensitivities are also very common. I could write about this subject
for days but for now I will just touch on the subject as it influences immune function
dramatically. Many people will often make a connection between a substance they
consume or are exposed to and the way they feel. If you consume or are exposed to
something that makes you feel terrible then listen to your body and stay away from it!
If you are unsure we have a large number of substances in the clinic that you can be
tested for.


With nutritional supplementation it is always best to get advice from a trained

professional. Too little of a substance can be just as harmful as too much. Not
everyones body will need to supplement with all of these things. Depending on your
lifestyle and diet, most people will need to supplement with some things.

Two most powerful antioxidants are grape seed extract and pine bark extract as they
both contain OPCs (proanthocyanindins) many times stronger than vitamin E and C.
They are easily taken up and used by the bodies cells to prevent damage by free
radicals and oxidative stress (think degeneration and cancer) and prevent the release of
compounds that promote unregulated inflammation. OPCs are also very effective for

excessive blood cholesterol, vascular disorders, support collagen, prevent rheumatoid
arthritis and bone fragility of aging. Pine bark seed extract has also been shown to
protect brain cells from damage and enhance brain function by ensuring adequate
supply of oxygen and nutrients to the brain cells8. Add antioxidant green powder to
these two to really boost your immune system. I recommend using InvigR8 (Zeta8).

Probiotics are the beneficial bacteria that live in the gut and are essential for good
health. The Immune system is aided by probiotics in the case of invasion by bacterial,
parasitic and fungal infections. Normal friendly bacteria must inhabit the gut for
vitamin synthesis, good digestion, absorption and immune system stimulation.
Antibiotics, poor diet, stress and ageing will destroy it and predispose you to infection,
sensitivities and digestive system diseases. I recommend RegenR8 (Zeta8 range) as a
good probiotic.

CoEnzyme Q10
Promotes immunity by supporting cellular functions of macrophages that eat
infectious microbes.

Can be obtained in a concentrated form and is antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal.

Chlorophyll or Green Powder

Anything green, particularly food supplements rich in alfalfa, barley or wheat grass,
spirulina, kelp and chlorella aids the manufacture and cleansing of blood and the
formation of tissues in the body as well as containing essential enzymes and nutrients to
drive metabolic reactions. They have anti-inflammatory actions. Regular and prolonged
doses achieve the best results. I recommend InvigR8 (Zeta8 range).

Along with food, oxygen is the primary nutrient needed for maintenance, growth and
repair of all cells and tissues. Diatomic oxygen molecules such as those found in
Oxyboost destroys bacteria and pathogens, improves peripheral circulation and
supports immunity.


Vitamin A
Vitamin A has beta-carotene as well as anti-cancer properties, antioxidant qualities and
helps to stimulate immune system. Especially useful on the mucous membranes and
respiratory conditions.

Vitamin B
Particularly pyridoxine (B6) and pantothenic acid (B5) is utilized for the production of
antibodies and manufacture of white blood cells. B12 governs cell division and growth,
therefore white blood cells need it to mature and multiply. Folic acid (B9) plays a key
role in immune system development and maintenance.

Vitamin C

Enhances immune function, retards the multiplication of virus and bacteria. Best
combined with bioflavinoids. This helps to enhance vitamin E function.

Vitamin D
Normally associated with healthy bones, research has found a link between low
Vitamin D levels and lung disease and respiratory infections7.

Vitamin E
Possesses strong antioxidant effects. Enhances T-cell function10. Can protect against the
effects of selenium deficiency immunocompromise and overcome adverse effects of
polyunsaturated fatty acids on immune function9.

Vitamin F
(Essential fatty acids, omegas 3 and 6)
These are good fats that cannot be synthesised by the body therefore must be obtained
in the diet. EFAs support immune function by regulating inflammation and
encouraging the body to fight infection. As current research grows the topic becomes
more controversial. Again another detailed topic but for simplicities sake: an ideal ratio
of omega 6 to omega 3 is between 1:1 and 4:1. We can test you in clinic and let you
know your ideal ratio. Minimum healthy intake for an adult is 1.5 grams of each. Get
your ratios wrong and you could have the opposite effect on immune function.
Research shows excellent results in autoimmune disorders.


Usually used to regulate blood sugar levels. It can also enhance the ability of white
blood cells to respond to infection.

Deficiency paralyses the immune system. If you are iron deficient your tetanus
injection may not even work! Take too much and you can have the opposite effect on
immunity. The immune system actually works by depriving infectious microbes of iron
using lactoferrin that is made in your intestine and found in breast milk.

Enhances killer cell and macrophage activity.

Deficiency allows viruses to mutate into more dangerous pathogens. It is also a strong
antioxidant and a partner for glutathione. Too much can lead to toxity.

Dont get enough and suffer weakened immunity and slow to heal skin. While taking
too much it can lead to toxicity and copper deficiency.



When you have the common cold virus this herb will reduce symptoms of sore throat,
tiredness, muscular aches and pains4. Taken long term, for more than two months it will
significantly reduce your chance of contracting the virus5. A pilot study using
andrographis on HIV-positive individuals showed improvement in lymphocyte
numbers (CD4+ cells), which is an important part of immune function6.

Olive Leaf
Due to its levels of oleuropeins has found to be anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral.
It is also able to maintain healthy capillaries and improve circulation particularly to the
hands and feet and lower LDL (bad cholesterol).

A well known herb to support the immune system, particularly through respiratory
illness11. It stimulates the immune system by activating white blood cells, providing
protection from infection by bacteria, virus and fungus.

NOTE: With any herbal supplementation efficacy is related to the quality and species of plant and its
correct cultivation and proper extraction. Consult your health care practitioner for an effective product.

Amino Acids

Helps T-cell response, can compete with lysine detrimentally. Increases the size and
activity of the thymus gland. Best foods for argenine are carob, chocolate, coconut,
dairy, gelatin, meat, oats, nuts, raw cereals, peanuts, soybeans, walnuts, wheat and

Aspartic Acid
Enhances production of immunoglobulins and antibodies. Best food source is sprouts.

Cysteine and Cystine

Converts to powerful antioxidant Glutathione that strengthens cells against viral and
bacterial infection.

Used by white blood sells for immune activity. Has anti-inflammatory effects. Useful
for radiation damage produced by cancer treatments. Foods high in this amino acid
include parsley, spinach, fish, meat, beans and dairy, cooking destroys this nutrient.

Boosts T-cell function. Required for white blood cell production. Protects the body
from irradiation. Food sources include rice, wheat and rye products.

Keeps certain viruses in check. Inhibits herpes virus (while minimising argenine). Used
to produce antibodies. Food sources include fish, eggs, dairy, lima beans, meat, yeast,

CAUTION: Taking these supplements in single form without consulting a health practitioner is
contraindicated in pregnancy, diabetes, liver or kidney disease, schizophrenia, mood disorders, and in


Through spinal adjustments you can have a beneficial effect on the immune system.
Your brain and immune system communicate through the nerves that chiropractic
adjustments regulate to improve or restore health. Research1 has shown an increase in
white blood cells (neutrophils) in as little as 15 minutes following a chiropractic spinal
adjustment! Another large study2 showed a 15% decrease in incidence of cold and flu
when under chiropractic care. The chiropractic care group also reported a decrease in
symptoms such as spinal stiffness, pain, fatigue, headaches, menstrual discomfort,
gastrointestinal disorders, dizziness and falls.

Lifestyle and Stress

Stress can come in many forms including environmental, physical or emotional.

Whichever way you are affected, or perceive you are affected, the bodys
physiological response is to go into fight or flight mode and produce cortisone and
adrenaline from the adrenal glands. Adrenaline works short term while cortisol works
long term and takes a long time to return to normal levels. Corticotropin is also released
from the pituitary gland which mediates the release of cortisol from the adrenals. If the
stress is not alleviated, increased stress hormones result in deleterious health and
immune system consequences.

We recommend the BIOCYBERNETICS information included in module 1 of the Dr

Bill Wholistic Health Coaching Course for further study and help. Relaxation is also a
must as a treatment strategy to release stress.


Switch off and relax before retiring to bed. Use whatever techniques you find work best
for you. Reading, music, relaxation even TV sometimes works. Dont take your
problems to bed.


Exercise can improve your mental wellness and has been shown to help relieve
depression, anxiety and anger, and also allows better control over ones own destiny. It
is still not clear if it is the exercise itself or the effects on the brain and nervous system
that are responsible for the stress reducing benefits.

Exercise has the ability to protect and enhance the immune response. The intensity
required is less than that required for cardiovascular strengthening. Twenty to thirty
minutes of brisk walking or rebound exercise five days per week is ideal. Whereas
exercise is an excellent immune strengthener, you can overdo it and actually weaken
your immune system instead of supporting it. Building up gradually is paramount as
well as allowing time to recuperate in between. Many athletes get sick as a result of

overtraining especially if they are carrying an infection. So dont exercise vigorously if
you think you have a virus or are run-down. Rebound exercise is particularly effective
as it also flushes the lymphatics. Try to keep a relaxed frame of mind when exercising
so you can de-stress at the same time. Stress, infection and over exercise do not mix


Immersing yourself in nature has a very powerful rejuvenating effect on the human
body and mind, not just the immune system. It helps if you can relax and let yourself go
at the same time. Switch off as best you can from all worries and concerns and let
nature do its work. You need to discover which aspect of nature does it best for you:
mountains, beach, countryside, lakes, oceans, etc.

Environmental Toxins and Pollutants

Pollutants can invade your body via the air you breathe, the things you eat, and what
you put and use on your body, and the environment you live and work in.



Again, this is another complex subject but we will just touch on a few areas that are
deleterious to the immune system. Hulda Clarks The Cure for All Diseases expands
well on some of these issues and is well worth a read.

Solvents like benzene are particularly harmful as it goes to the thymus and ruins the
immune system. Propyl alcohol adversely affects the liver. Other nasties include
xylene, toluene, methanol, methylene chloride and trichloroethane. Clean your home
without chemicals and use products on your body without benzenes and
petrochemicals. Many plastics are unsafe for food preparations, especially when heated.
Plastic packaging, including bottled water, contains many harmful solvents.

Elemental heavy metals are very difficult for the body to eliminate and severely destroy
or weaken immune function. Mercury, thallium, lead, cadmium, aluminium, and
arsenic are some examples. A Vega test is excellent to determine if these substances are
weakening your organs leading to poor immune function and can be organised through
the clinic. A full list of sources of these nasties can also be obtained through the clinic.

Final Comment

This may seem like an overload of information for you but just keep in mind that the
immune system can be weakened by many things and they may manifest in different
ways for different people. Excema, Osteo and Rheumatoid Arthritis, Irritable Bowel
Syndrome, Allergies, Chronic Fatigue are just a few of the possibilities depending on
where your personal vulnerabilities lie. Also remember the link between cause and

effect may not always be obvious because the Immune System can be affected by many
things and it can affect many things.

Fortunately a good health practitioner should be able to guide you through all the dos
and donts of this complex subject and design a specific tailor made program for your
ultimate body-guard: The Immune System.

1. Brennan P.C. et. al. Enhanced neutrophil respiratory burst as a biological marker for
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10. Meydani, S.N., et al. Vitamin E supplementation and in vivo immune response in healthy
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11. Brinkeborn, R.M., Shah, D.V., Degenring, F.H.. Echinaforce and other Echinacea fresh
plant preparations in the treatment of the common cold. A randomized, placebo controlled,
double-blind clinical trial. Phytomedicine. 1999 Mar;6(1):1-6.

Silica, Natures Surgeon

We all want to be beautiful, live longer, be healthier and feel better, but how do you
know what to do to achieve this? How often have you heard that if you want strong
bones and better health you should be taking Calcium supplements? Calcium is a well-
known mineral which builds strong teeth and bones, however what is not commonly
known about Calcium is that it is chalk and thereby a hardening agent. If it is not
utilized properly by the body it can contribute to hardening of the arteries and other
structures in the body. It may worsen arthritis and contribute to kidney stones. What do
you think arterial plaque and bony spurs are made from?

Despite being a controversial issue, there is some evidence to support this claim. A
study by Dr. Mark Bolland and colleagues from the University of Auckland published
in the British Medical Journal (Online, July 31 2010), about calcium supplements and a
possible increased risk of heart disease. It was found that calcium supplements were
associated with about a 30 percent jump in heart attack risk. The chances of stroke and
mortality also increased to a lesser extent. The Sydney Morning Herald reported, The
link was consistent across trials and was independent of age, sex, and type of
supplement. While the added risk is modest for any individual, the widespread use of
calcium supplements could translate into a significantly larger disease burden across an
entire population, the authors warn. Previous studies have found that upping calcium
intake through changes in diet does not increase cardiovascular problems, suggesting
that the risks are restricted to supplements. However Osteoporosis Australia believes,
The results of this study, while being an important alert to possible harm, does not
provide sufficient evidence to recommend that older men & women with osteoporosis
should stop taking calcium supplements because of an increased risk of heart attack.
There is good evidence that calcium plays an important role in helping to prevent

Experts believe higher blood serum levels lead to hardening of the arteries, which can
cause heart attacks. The authors of the study called for a rethink on giving people
calcium supplements for bone health. "Serum calcium levels have been positively
associated with an increased incidence of heart attack in large observational studies.
Ingestion of equivalent doses of calcium from dairy products has a much smaller effect
than calcium supplements on serum calcium levels."

The important thing is to make sure you are doing everything possible to ensure you are
supplying all the other things your body needs to metabolize calcium correctly.

As calcium in our body depletes, parts of our body, including bones, become brittle and
weak. Taking only a calcium supplement may not correct or stop these threatening and
crippling diseases because the body may not absorb and make use of the calcium
without the presence of the other factors.

One of these important factors is Silica. In fact using Silica helps to solve this calcium
Dilemma. 1950s bio-physicist Dr C L Kervran found what the body was really lacking,

was not calcium, it was silica and that your body can make its own calcium from silica,
through the bodys own processes!

Understanding Silica

Silica is a remarkable mineral. The reason why silica is able to supply calcium to the
body when needed is quite simple when we study the atomic numbers of each mineral.
Each mineral has a number according to its molecular structure and it is through the
interchange of molecular protons and electrons between each other that new minerals
are created. The most basic substance is an element, silica is an element, gold is an
element, Magnesium is an element and so on. Elements are made up of atoms, an atom
is composed of a nucleus, which has a proton with a positive charge and a neutron with
a negative charge, with the nucleus at the centre of the atom. The atom also has an
electron, or electrons circulating around the central body. The only difference between
one element or one substance and another is the amount of protons existing in the
nucleus of the atom.

Usually there is an equal amount of electrons and protons. For example, the element of
hydrogen has one proton in the centre and one electron rotating around that nucleus. So
each element will have a different atomic number, this can be seen on the periodic
table, which has all the elements and their periodic numbers. They all have different
numbers which relate to the number of protons and electrons. Silica has fourteen
protons and approximately fourteen electrons.

Alchemy... Fact or Fiction?

Hundreds of years ago, the old chemists, perhaps like our present day physicists and
pharmacists were trying to create gold form other substances based on this principle of
the difference between one element and another. Gold has an atomic number of 64,
which theoretically if you could combine a number of different elements that would
give you the total of 64 that would give you gold. Kervran theorised that the body can
actually convert one element into another. He maintains that by ingesting too much
calcium it actually creates a hardening of our body tissues.

Interestingly when I test my patients for nutritional deficiencies in the clinic I very,
very rarely find calcium to be a deficiency. We find vitamin E, shows up a lot, we find
magnesium shows up a lot, and silica shows up a lot but rarely calcium. Kervran, who
was also nominated for a Nobel prize, maintains that the body can create calcium from
silica, when you put carbon and silica together you get an atomic number of 20 which
means the body can make calcium from the silica and carbon, he calls this

On the other hand, this transmutation is strongly believed not to occur according to
mainstream physics, chemistry and biology on the basis that evidence is flawed and
minute. However there is evidence to suggest that silica, coupled with carbon in the
body, can be transformed into calcium. Many health experts including myself have seen
the benefits of Silica in patients over the years. As a practitioner Ive utilized silica as a
supplement in my practice for many, many years, with excellent results. It wasnt until I
recently became introduced to the Diatomaceous Earth flour form of silica that I
became more interested and excited about its possibilities.

One of Shire Chiropractics patients, Gabriel says, I take 1 heaped teaspoon in juice in
the morning and afternoon. I have suffered from insomnia for many years and this has
completely disappeared. My hair and nails are growing, my memory is better, Im more
alert and my blood pressure has come down, so no more blood pressure tablets. As an
ex professional dancer I love to go dancing, now I find after my teaspoon before going
out I can dance from 6:30pm til 2:30am nonstop, my friends have definitely noticed a
change! I am so grateful for the Silica Fossil Flour. Oh by the way I am 64 years old.

A natural phenomenon...

The transformation of silica into calcium is a natural phenomena made possible through
ingestion of organic silica-rich fresh plant foods. The extracts can come from oat straw,
horsetail, cleavers, comfrey and other siliceous herbs and foods. Bone is created from
silicon-structured cartilage tissues, which eventually hardens into limey calcium-
phosphate salts. This metamorphosis of silica derived bone tissues into hard limey
material is the way bones naturally grow.

According to Dr Kervran, X-rays have shown that bone fractures are healed quicker
after patients are given organic silica than after giving prepared or dietary calcium
directly. Missing out on Silica is what causes bones to become brittle, hair to crinkle
and fall out, arteries to harden, joints and muscles to stiffen and the skin to dry, wrinkle
and age. Silica is well known for its ability to provide structural support and strength to
all of the structural tissues such as bones, muscles, ligaments tendons, skin hair and
nails, it could even be termed one of the beauty minerals because it helps maintain
elasticity of the skin which helps to keep us younger.

Another of Shire Chiropractics patients, Barbara, a beauty/natural Therapist says, My

first impression [of silica fossil Flour] was increased energy each time I took 1 heaped
teaspoon in water twice a day. I decided to put some Silica Flour into the beauty creams
I create, such as my cleanser and moisturiser, with surprising results, my skin texture
seems thicker, with a clearer overall evenness and lightness in shade. This is pleasing
to me as I am in my sixties, so I plan to use the Silica continually. I am looking forward
to healthier bones too. There have been great results in other areas also. Silica is found
where there are calcium spurs in the body, (in the heels or underside surface of the foot)
It actually helps the body to redistribute these abnormal deposits of calcium.

Where does it come from?

In nature silica exists in many forms. Sand, quartz and crystals are all forms of silica.
Glass is also made from sand, so glass and ceramics are also forms of silica. Silica has
the feature of being sharp like glass or like cut ceramics can be. In the body its also
been termed natures scalpel because the body can use the silica to re-sculpture the
body, to remove inappropriate calcium deposits and redistribute them to where theyre
needed. To be able to use silica as a supplement we need to get it from a food source.
We could try eating sand or glass for that matter, you could imagine what would
happen if we did that! Its a bit like trying to suck on an iron bar to get your iron
supplements. You have to get your minerals and your other nutrients from a food

Plants have the ability to take minerals from the ground or the soil and convert it into a
different form that we can then digest and utilise for the health and maintenance of our

bodies, and its the same with silica. We have to get it into a form that is useful by our
bodies. After seeing my patients use the powdered form of Silica I was able to fully
realise the potential of Silica. When my patients get onto the silica I find that when they
come back they test much better, and upon examination they report improvement in
their chronic complaints.

Silica does come in different forms when being used as a supplement or as a medicine.
You can have capsules, liquid, gel and powder. Fortunately silica is also not very
expensive and this is also another point in its favour!

How do you take it?

The average starting dose is about a teaspoon of fairly tasteless powder, dissolved into
liquid, twice a day, sometimes less, sometimes more. After a number of weeks the
dosage may be increased. Youd expect to wait 2-4 weeks before you see a result, in
extreme cases perhaps 2 months maximum, but it can also be used as a preventative

Arthritis and heel spurs can take many years to develop and as these conditions are
degenerative the reversal or limitation of these conditions is a very powerful thing

We see this in the clinic time and time again, so its not impossible to reverse these
conditions to a point and then restrict the further degeneration. For me silica is one of
the nutritional ingredients I take regularity, to maintain my health. I highly recommend
you take it as a preventative of degenerative conditions, as an anti aging nutritional
substance and to treat conditions that involve structural systems, in particular arthritis.

For more information please visit


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