RC - Meet The Restaurant Staff

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1 Write K next to
those people who
work as part of the
kitchen brigade, F
next to those who
m Meet the restaurant staff
work front-of- Apart from the food and beverage manager who runs the restaurant, other members
house and B next of staff work either in the kitchen, where food preparation takes place, or front-of-house,
to those who work where food service occurs. Each team vares according to a restaurant's size, type of
in both. cuisine and service.
1 \F\r Key roles in the kitchen brigade are: the head chef or chef de cuisine, literally head of
2 [_ busboy/ the kitchen, assisted by a sous chef; then come the different chef de partie, usually
busgirl responsible for specifc food reas or courses, and fnally the jnior chefs, called
3 chef de rang commis. In addition to these skilled kitchen workers there can also be apprentices and
4 chef de unskilled staff such as dishwashers.
cuisine Front-of-house there is a similar hierarchy. In important restaurants or hotels there is a
5 commis maitre d'hotel or maitre d', who manages the front-of-house rea. Next is the
6 ] food and head waiter, who supervises the serving staff and can substitute the maitre d'hotel.
beverage The captain, also called the chef de rang, is responsible for one rea of the restaurant
manager and supervising the work of two or three waiting staff. Finally, there are the waiters and
7 i head waiter waitresses and unskilled busboys or busgirls, who clear up or bring bread and water
8 host/hostess to tables. Front-of-house
9 maitre d'hotel staff with specialist roles
10 sous chef include hosts or hostesses,
dealing with bookings and
meeting and greeting
customers, bartenders who
work behind the bar,
preparing drinks for
customers, and wine
waiters, also called
sommelier, responsible for
choosing, recommending
and serving wine to
customers directly.

2 Read the text and complete the organigram of restaurant staff.


kitchen brigade front-of-house
(1) (5)
(6) (9) (10) 01)
captain/chef de rang
commis (7)

In the Kitchen

> Read the text again and match the beginnings and the endings of these sentences.
1 The busboy/busgirl a [ ] coordinates all the activities n the restaurant.
2 The chef de rang/captain b [ ] supervises the waiting staff.
3 The commis ] is a person who washes dishes.
4 The dishwasher ] manages wine service.
5 The food and beverage manager j receives the guests and is in charge of the tables.
6 The head chef/chef de cuisine ] is in charge of all activities related to the kitchen.
7 The sous chef ] is in charge of other waiters.
8 The head waiter ] is the direct assistant of the head chef.
9 The host/hostess ] is an apprentice chef.
10 The wine waiter T] clears tables in a restaurant or caf.

4 ^1.09 ;: [JH Listen to different restaurant staff talking about their roles. Fill in the missing Information.

ame i Role Responsibilities Reporting to

food and Manaqinq the restaurant; planninq the men; creating the right restaurant
Clarissa beverage atmosphere; hirinq staff and overseeinq custc >mer care. owner
For the kitchen ; giving on dish ;
decidinq on portion and
planninq tasks and anc buying raw
and equipment.
Substituting the when he's absent checking
Cario and hygiene and supervising the between
the different sectors.
-house: coordinatinq the of the hosting
Lisa j and staff; suoervisinq a nd seating; dealing
with anv complaints.

5 Write a short job description. Remember to write what the responsibilities are and who the person reports
to, but do not write the job title so that your classmates have to guess which job you are describing. Write
the description in the third person singular and use the expressions below to help you.

he/she is responsible for/is the person in charge of...

he/she takes care of/manages/supervises/checks/reports to...
planning the men, staff tasks and hours/taking bookings/preparing food or drinks/
welcoming customers/giving directions/substituting/coordinating/dealing with...

This person is responsible for preparing drinks for customers. HelShe works front-of-house and reports to the
maitre d'hotel or the food and beverage manager.

6 Work in small groups and take it in turns to read out your short job descriptions. When you finish reading,
the other people in your group guess which role you are describing. They can ask questions to help find
the solution.
A Does this person work behind the bar? A Is it a bartender?
B Yes., he/she does. B Yes, it is.

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