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Step 1

Download & Install "Update" terlebih dahulu :

Link : (3MB)

Step 2
Run "Update" spt gambar di bawah :

Kat sini agak lama...anda boleh keluar dulu dgn tekan HOME dan masuk
balik.....tunggu punya tunggu tiba2 kuar error ke apa ker sila kembali ke menu,
Run update lagi sekali (atau leh clear cache & Data App Update tu mudian run
update lg) sampai la kuar gambar seperti di bawah :
Di sini anda " Close " siap.....
Tapi, jika tak kuar jugak, boleh terus cuba Step 3
Step 3
Download & Install "MyiTV7" pula :
Link : (3MB)

Step 4
Run App MyiTV7 dan tekan " ENGLISH" sehingga kuar gambar spt di bawah :

Di sini anda tekan " SETTING " terlebih dahulu.....

Step 5
Tukar 'Player Set" kepada " MX PLAYER ", saya pasti ramai yg telah Install MX PLAYER
kan, jika ada yg masih belum sila ke Playstore atau TEKAN SINI
Step 6
Kembali menu utama dan bleh la nonton TV di LIVE atau nonton Movie di VOD

Semua channel ni dr astrok, jadi pandai makan pandai simpan la yer... sebelom ni App ni
adalah berbayar tp tak tahu kenapa boleh telepas mcm ni....mukin bila2 masa owner boleh
matikan, jadi guna lah selagi boleh...huhu
Kita citer kt sini abis kat sini jer, jgn trlalu expose dan jgn sampai ke FB klu mahu pkai

How to install
1. Open Kodi > System > File Manager > Add Source > Select None
2. Enter this url :
3. Select Done
4. Give name AresProject and OK
5. Back to Home > System > Addons
6. Select Install from zip file > AresProject > repository.aresproject >
7. Please wait for addon enabled notification
8. Select Install from repository > AresProject > Video Addons > Citer
Kita > Install
9. Please wait for addon enabled notification
10. Select Install from repository > AresProject > Video Addons >
LayanOn9 > Install
11. Please wait for addon enabled notification
12. Now its done and you can enjoy your superb content anytime
How to Install Exodus Kodi Add-on Guide
Open Kodi and navigate to SYSTEM > File Manager > Add Source
> None
Type the following EXACTLY and
select Done
Highlight the box underneath and enter a name for this media
Source like Fusion. and then click OK
Go back to your Home Screen and then to SYSTEM > Add-Ons
> Install from Zip File > Fusion
Select xbmc-repos > english > and
wait for the Add-on enabled notification
Select Get Add-Ons or Install from Repository (on Isengard or
higher) > Exodus Add-on repository > Video Add-ons >
Exodus > Install
Wait for Add-on enabled notification

Kodi Phoenix v3 Installation Guide

Open Kodi and navigate to SYSTEM > File Manager > Add Source >
Type the following EXACTLY and select
Highlight the box underneath and enter a name for this media
Source like Fusion. and then click OK
Go back to your Home Screen and then to SYSTEM > Add-Ons
> Install from Zip File > Fusion
Select xbmc-repos > english > and wait
for the Add-on enabled notification
Select Get Add-Ons or Install from Repository (on Isengard) > XBMC
Hub > Video Add-ons > Phoenix > Install
Wait for Add-on enabled notification

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