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DCIT 65 Web Development Lecture


The <script> tag

<script> </script> - used to assist the browser in recognizing lines of code in an HTML document
as belonging to a script.

<script> tag attribute

type - advises the browser to treat the code within the tag as JavaScript.
<script type=text/javascript>
one or more lines of JavaScript code here

- used to be the way to specify the scripting language for the enclosed code.
- allowed scripters to specify the language version.

For example, if the scripts included code that required JavaScript syntax available only in
version 4 browsers (which implemented JavaScript version 1.2), the script> tag used to be
written as follows.

<script language=JavaScript1.2> </script>

<script language=vbscript>

- works with more recent browsers to blend the content of an external script file into
the current document.
- points to the file containing the script code.
- such files must end with a .js extension.

<script type=text/javascript src=myscript.js> </script>
Tag positions

script in the head

<title>A document </title>
<script type=text/javascript>
// script statement(s) here


script in the body


1 Prepared by: Ms. Steffanie D. Maglasang

DCIT 65 Web Development Lecture

<title>A document </title>

<script type=text/javascript>
// script statement(s) here


scripts in the head and body

<title>A document </title>
<script type=text/javascript>
// script statement(s) here

<script type=text/javascript>
// script statement(s) here


two scripts in the head or in the body

<title>A document </title>
<script type=text/javascript src=js1.js> </script>
<script type=text/javascript>
// script statement(s) here


hiding scripts from most old browsers

<script type=text/javascript>
// script statement(s) here


document.write( )
2 Prepared by: Ms. Steffanie D. Maglasang
DCIT 65 Web Development Lecture

- a javascript function that is used to write output in your page.


<script type=text/javascript>
document.write(hello world);

Data Type Conversions

3+3 // result = 6

3 + 3 // result = 33

3 + 3 + 3 // result = 63

Converting strings to numbers

parseInt(42) // result = 42

parseInt(42.33) // result = 42

parseFloat(42) // result = 42

parseFloat(42.33) // result = 42.33

3 + 3 + parseInt(3) // result = 9

Converting numbers to strings

( + 2500) // result = 2500
( + 2500.length) // result = 4

3 Prepared by: Ms. Steffanie D. Maglasang

DCIT 65 Web Development Lecture

- container for information you want to store.

2 types of variables
local variables are variables defined inside functions with the var keyword
global variables are variables defined outside functions.

Global and Local Variable Scope Demonstration

<script type="text/javascript">
var aBoy="Pepito Manaloto"; // global
var hisDog="Snoopy"; // global
function jonjie()
var hisDog="Boski";
var ou=hisDog + " does not belong to a " + aBoy + ".<br>";
document.write(hisDog + " does not belong to a " + aBoy + ".<br>");
<script type="text/javascript">
document.write(hisDog + " belongs to " + aBoy + ".");

4 Prepared by: Ms. Steffanie D. Maglasang

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