Auuci"Iobilg'": Mode, No Kx-T1 000

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NoKX-T1 000



Location of the Controls, Preparation .........................."........'... 1

Howto Record an Outgoing Message ...........'."... 3
SettingPriorto Leaving .'..'............... 4
Listening to theRecorded Messages .................... 5
Howto Operatefroma RemotePhone .............". 6
O t h e rF e a t u r e.s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8. . . . .
GeneralInformation 10-12

La referenciar6pidaen espanolpuedeser encontradaen las p6ginas9.

(SpanishQuickReference can be foundon page9.)

Pleaseread beforeuse.
Locationof the Controls INITIAL SETI''VGS

Connectthe AC adaptor
OGM PLAY Button .The Call Counterwill show
"-" and the Answer
VOLUMEControl indicator
will flash.
ANSWER Indicator
RING Selector

Power Switch Micro Cassette Tape

Qalling Party Control (CPC)
Set to "A". (no call waiting
Call Counter (Calls) serviceline.) lf you have c-all
waitingServiceor Incoming
MEMO Button (REW)Button Messagesare interrupted, sEt
to B.
Number of Rings
o 5. . . . . . . . T
. . h. e u n i tw i l l
answera call on
Insert the cassette tape (MC-30). the fifth rino.
.AUTO ...See "TOLL'
this page.
eAfterinstallingthe tape,be sureto pushthe REWbuttonuntila beepis heard
to reset the tape.
I lf the tapeis not insertedbeforepluggingthe AC adaptor,pushthe POWER
switchto OFFto insertthe tape,andthenpushthe POWERswitchto ON.

The TOLL SAVERfeaturelets you avoida toll chargewhen you call your unit
Cord Holder DC Jack and no meessageshave been recorded.
To Power Outlet 1 Set the numberof ringsto AUTO.
Single-Line (AC120V,60Hz)
'lf the unit doesnot pick up on the forthring,hang up immediately. This
Modular Jack (RJ1lC) meansthat you have no messagesand you have saved a toll charge.
r The unit picksup on the third ring:
It means that at least one messaqehas been recorded.
Do not connect the AC adaptor to I Afteryou haveplayedbackall the riessagesfroma remotephone,the unit ;
the AC outlet belorc Inserting the will pick up the next call on the fifth ring. lf the unitpicks'upon the third ]
tape. ring, it means that at least one new messagehas been recorded.


.The unit must not be connectedto a coin operatedline.lf you are on a party
line,check with yourlocaltelephonecompany.
oWhileoperatingtheunit,the case of theACAdaptor
this is a normalcondition - - 2 -
How to Recordan OutgoingMessage(OGM) SettingPrior to Leaving
Beforeoperatingyour unit,you must recordan OutgoingMessage(OGM).
The OGM will informthe callingpartyof your absenceand your message.
NOTE: Qheckthe followingpoints prior to leaving.
(1) The OGM is recorded.
lf you pause for over 2 seconds while recording, you"E". ry!!!hear a seriesof
warningtones (6 beeps) and the Call Counterwill show If this happens, @ ffre Answerindicatoris lit and the Call
start with step 1 again after the unit stops rewinding. Countershows"0".
olt is recommended to placean announcement in the OGM as follows;"You INUSE

have 1 minutefor ICM recording." When the telephonerings,the unit will play
/ push OGM REC. backyourOGM,thenit will recordthe callers'
.A seriesof short beepswill messageson the tape.
sound followedby a long .lf voudo notwantthe unitto answerthecall,
beeD. pLishthe POWERswitch to OFF.
2 Afterthe long beep,speak
immediately, clearlyand
loudlyinto the microphone PBEPARINGTHE ICM TAPE
(MlC) approximately I
.The recordingtime is up To recordfuturemessages of the
from the beginning
to 30 seconds. ICM part of the
.The CallCounterwillshow
" 0 " ," 1" , " 2 " , " 3 " ," 4 " ," 5 " , Leave the unit as is.
"6", "7", "8", "9", each
1 A new incomingmessagewill be recordederasingthe previous '
flashingthreetimes. I messagesfrom the beginningof the ICM part of the tape. ]
3 Whenrecording is finished,
push OGM REC again. To recordfuturemessaqesafter the last
o10 secondslater,the unit
will rewindthe tape to the
beginningand be in the Push PLAYBACI(PAUSE and REW simultaneously. "0" and
answeringmode to be .2 secondslater,the unitcomesintooperationwiththe CallCounterat
readyfor IncomingCalls. with the AnswerIndicatorlighting.
lThe futureIncoming Messages willbe recordedafterthe messagesl
CHECKING YOUR OGM I you have saved. I


.The unitwill rewindthe taoe
to the beginningto playback The cassettecan be erasedeven if the record-
the OGM. Dreventiontabs have been removed.
.To stop the operationwhile
playingbackthe OGM,push
the OGM PLAY button

"Hello,this is the Smithresidence.We cannotcometo the phonerightnow.
ll you leaveyourname,phonenumberand message, we willreturnyourcall.
You will hear a serles ol short beeps and then a long beep will be heard.
Speak after the long beep. You have 1 minute lor recording."
- 3 -
Listeningto the RecordedMessages How to Operatefrom a RemotePhone
.WhenIncoming Messages havebeenrecorded, theAnswerIndicator willflash Youcan retrievethe recordedIncomingMessages
froma remotelocationwitha
and the numberof messagesrecordedwill be indicatedon the Call tonephoneby simplypushingyourown remotecodenumberduringthe OGM.
.The call counterremainsat "9" even with morethan g messagesrecorded.
Afterthe last messageis playedbackto the end,3 beepswill soundand the THE REMOTE CODE NUMBER
tape will automatically
rewindto the beginning of the ICM partof the tape.
the call counterwillshow "-" afterthe poweris
.ln caseof a powerinterruption, The remotecodenumberis a combination of threedigitsfoundat the bottomof
restored. the unit. A remotetone phonecan gain accessthroughany combinationor
repetitionof these three digits. '
fe.o.lf the numbers147 arc oiven.the combinalion will be as
, f o i l o w s1; 1 1 , 1 4 7 ,4 4 4 ,4 7 1 , i t c . . . . . e t C
LISTENING TO THE MESSAGES Refer to the remotecode label on the buttonof the unit.

oTheunitwillrewindthe You can listen to the recordedmessages.
messages. 1 Call your unit,and push firmlyany
combinationof vour remotecode number
(composedot i Oigits;during the OGM..
oTheunitwillrewindthe tape,andyouwill
hear all the messageson the taPe.
The playbackvolumeis .3 beeos will be heard after the last
adjustableusing the message.
VOLUMEcontrol(left side
on your unit).
2 Hanq uo.
F .Fut-ure'IncomingMessageswill be
-v - recordedafter the last message.
The oress of the PLAYBACT(PAUSE button
theoperationas follows:
Push the PLAYBACI(PAUSE Button.
@ Playingback the messages. Whenyou pressyourremotecodenumber,the secondandthirddigitsshouldbe
rv pressedwithin 6 secondsafter the first digit.
Rewindingthe tape.
@ Readyfor newmessagerecordingfromthe LISTENING TO THE SAME MESSAGES AGAIN DURING
beginningof the ICM part of the tape. THE PLAYBACK (BACK SPACE)
To save the messages,follow the procedureon the page 8.
.To stop the tape temporarily,push the PLAYBACK/PAUSE button. Push any one of the 3 digits in your code
The Answerindicatorwill flash.To restart,push it again. numberduringthe playback.
.lf you receivea callwhileplayingback,pushthe PLAYBACwPAUSE button oThetape will rewindfor approximately 15
and lift the handset. secondscorresponding to playbacktime.
.To listento the messageagainduringplayback, push the REW button.
The unit will startplayingback immediately,
when you releasethe button.

- 6 -
5 -
How to Operate trom a Remote Phone
Other Features
It is very handyto recorda messagein caseyou wantto leavewordwithyour
family membersbeforeyour going out.
lmmediately afler3 beepssoundingat the end 1 Push MEMOuntil a beep is heard.
of ICM playback, pushany one of the 3 MEMO .A seriesof shortbeepswillsound
dioitsof your remotecode number. followedby a long beep.
l(seeresEl .After thb beep, rewindingwill be started
of the unit resetting
2 Speak into the MlC.

lr "4#'
and the completion ltlJt EJ I i
be signaledby a heep. 3 When recordingis finished,push
.To lislen to the messagesagain afier
resetting,pressanyoneof the3 digitsin y_qur MEMO again.
-code .The ANSWERindicatorwill flashto showyourmessagehas been recorded,
remote after long beep sounding.The
unitwillrewindthetape,andyouwillhearall and the unit will then be readyto answerphonecalls.
messagesagain. rThe new messageswill be automaticallyrecordedafter your memo.


youcan leaveyourindexmessageon thetape
Afterreviewingallthe messages, You can save the desiredmessaoes.
to be heard by anyoneusing the unit.

1 Start to talk right after the last 2 beeps.

.The recording time is up to 1 minute.
REW PLAYBACIVPAUSE / Play backthe tape throughthe
2 When finished,hang up. messagesyou want to save.
''',,,., 2 Push PLAYBACIVPAUSEto pause.
( u pt o 1 m i n u t e ) 3 Push PLAYBACI(PAUSEand REW

.2 secondslater,the unitwill rewindthe tapeand be readyto answercalls.

Markef messqe (date, time, etc.) .The futureIncomingMessageswill be recordedafterthe messagesyou have
SETTINGTHE ANSWERMODE WHEN THE UNIT Whilean IncomingMessageis beingrecorded,you can hear it'
You can easily set the Answer mode from a remotephone. Adlustthe volume control.
1 Call your unit.
2 Wait for '15 rings.
.OGM will be heardand hand up.

S+[@ .The unit will be ready to answerthe

next phone call.
lf you want to talk to the callerduringthe ICM recording,lift the handsetand
sp'eak.The unit will stop recordingand will get readyto recordthe next call-

- 7 - - 8 -
Tarjeta de Referencia Raipida Maintenance
Because the head and capstan assembliesare in contacl with the tape, dirt and residue
trom the tape can easily adhere to these parts, causing distortion.These parts should be
cleaned periodicallyin the manner described below.
Bot6n OGM REC .Clean the head surface, pinch roller and capstan with a cotton swab.
lf these surfaces are extremelydirty, dampen the cotton swab with alcohol.
Control de volumen
.Do not bring magneticor metalobjects,such as
a screwdriver,nearthe headassemblies,and
such objects could magnetizethe heads.
.Do not oil any part of the unit.

Problem Cause & Remedy
Bot6n de reproducci6n/pausa
(PLAYBACIgPAUSE) The unit has been set to the Answer I oThe cassette tape is broken (cut,
Contadorde llamadas m o d e , b u l n o I n c o m i n gM e s s a g e sa r e I wornoutortwisted),notinsertedorfull
recorded. I recorded.Replace it with a new one
Bot6nde memorizaci6n(MEMO) Bot6n de rebobinado(REW) and re-recorda new OGM.
j t r , 'r, ; 1 . , I o T h e O G M i s r e c o r d e di m p r o p e r l y .
Record a new OGM.
. Make sure that you are using your
I push lhe button of a remole Phone,
1 Presioneel OGM REC hastaque se escuchela alarma. own code number.
Hablecon voz claray firme por el MlC. but the unit does not respond.
2 .Push the button firmly.
.El tiempo de grabaci6nmdximoes de 30 segundos.
3 Cuando ie hablar,presionel OGM REe. "8".
4 Presioneel OGM PLAYrapidamente paraconfirmarel mensaiede salida. Some lncoming Messageshave not I Change the CPC to
.Dospu6sde revisarel MS (OGM),la unidadrebobinarala cintahastael been fullv recorded.
comlenzopara grabarel MS (OGM) en la cinta en caso de talla de
La unidadcambiaraautomdticamente a la Modalidadde contestaci6n CassetteTape KX-TI000
despu6sde 10 segundosde la reproducci6n del MS. OUICKREFERENCECARD
.For optimum sound quality and performance,we
PARA ESCUCHAR LOS MENSAJES recommendyou lo use side two after six months
I To set the unit to the answer
mode from a remote location
and to replace the tape every year supposingthat
el mensajede salida(OGM)y
Cuandoel telEfonosuene,la unidadreproduci16 when the unit is in the otf position.
the unit answers about ten calls a day.
- grabar6el mensajede la personaque llamaen la cinta.
.Never place a cassettetape near a magneticsource,
1. Dial the telephonenumber and
1 Pr'esioneel PLAYBACKPAUSE(Repioducci6n/Pausa). wait fo|ls rings.
such as a magnetor a TV set, becauseit may erase oThe unit will sel to the answer
! Auto-L6gico(Funci6nde un solo toque) mode and will play the OGM.
the tape.
Un solo ioque del bot6n PLAYBACI(PAUSEhace posibleque la unidad 2. Hang up.
reproduzcalos mensaiesy suene 3 pitidosdespu6sdel 0ltimomensaje. oSlack in the tape can be tightenedby rotatingthe tape
la cinta.yestar6lista
Lriego,despu6sde diezsegundos,la unidadrebobinar6 with an obiect like a taperedpart of a pointedpencil.
para'grabainuevosmensalesdesdeel comienzode la secci6nICM de la
- 9 - 10-
Others lmportantInformation
It requestedby the TelephoneCompany, inform them as follows:
.FCC RegistrationNo. (loundon the bottomof the unit)
olf there is any trouble,disconnectthe unit from the telephone line and connect a known
.Ringer Equivalence 0.2B
working phone. lf the known working phone operates properly,have your Panasonic .The particulartelephone line to which the equipmentis connected.
phone repaired by one of the specified PanasonicFactory Service Centers. lf the
known working telephonedoes not operate properly,consult with a telephonecompany. In the event terminal equrpmenlcauses harm to the telephone network,the telephone
.Do not use benzine,thinner, or similar solvents. Do nol use abrasive powder to clean company should notify the customer, if possible,that service may be stopped.
the cabinet. Wipe it with a soft cloth. However,where prior notice is impractical,the company may temporarilycease service
.Keep the unit away from heating appliancesand electricalnoise generatingdevices providingthat they:
such as fluorescentlamps, motors and television.These noise sources can interfere
with the performanceof the unit. (a) Promptly notify the cuslomer.
oThe unit and the cassettetape should be kept free of dust, moisture high temperature (b) Give the customer an opportunityto correct the problem with their equipment.
and vibration,and should not be exposed to direct sunlighl. (c) Inform the customer of the right to bring a complaintto the Federal Communication
.Never atlempt to insert wires, pins, etc. into the vents or other holes of this unit. commission pursuantto proceduresset out in F.c.c.
Rules and RegulationsSubpart E of Part 68.

The Telephone Company may make changes in its communicationsfacilities,equipment,

operalionsor procedures,where such action is reasonablyrequired in the operationor
AccessoryOrder Information its business and is not inconsistentwith the rules and regulationsin F.C.C. Part 68.

lf such changes can be reasonablyexpectedto render any customer terminal equipment

.Replacement parts and accessoriesare availablethrough your local authorizedparts incompatiblewith telephonecompany communicationsfacilities,or require modification
distributor. or alterationol such terminal equipment,or oterhwisemaleriallyaffect ils use or
oFor the authorizeddistributorsin your area, call toll free: 1-8o0-447-47oo performance,lhe customer shall be given adequate notice in writing, to allow the
customer an opportunityto maintainuninterruptedservice.
Parl No. Description Comment
"This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B

RT.MC3O Micro Cassette TaPe computingdevice in accordancewith the specificationsset forth in Subpart J of Part 15
o f t h e F . C . C .R u l e s .
lf this equipmentdoes cause interferenceto radio or televisionreceptionwhich can be
determinedby turning the equipmenton and off, use the equipmentin another location
F F - F \
and/or utilize an electricaloutlet differentfrom that use by the receiver."
CASSETTE PANEL Ringer Equivalence No. (REN):
Dial the telephonenumber
with a tone telphone only lf the panel comes off, The REN is useful in determiningthe quantity of devices you may connenct to your
replace it by pushing in parallel telephone line and still have all of those devices ring when your telephone line and still
Pushyourcodenumberr The unfi ! as shown. have all of those devices ring when your telephone number is called. In mosl, but not all
OGM. oacK
areas, the sum of the REN's of all devices connectedto one line should not exceed tive
. To Back Space, push any one (5.0). To be certain ol the number of devices you may connect to your llne, as
of the 3 digits in your code determinedby the REN, you should contact your local telephonecompany to determine
number during the playback. the maximum REN tor your calling area.
. To record lhe ICM from the
beginning of lhe tape, Push
any one of the 3 digits in your WARNING:
code number after 3 beeps. T O P R E V E N TF I R E O R S H O C K H A Z A R D ,D O N O T E X P O S ET H I S P R O D U C TT O
r To save the lcM, hang up RAIN OR ANY TYPE OF MOISTURE.
after playback.
r To record a marker message,
Y o u rC o d e N o . - - 11

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