Note To Parents 15 03 17

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Vicarstown National School, S. N.

Bhaile an Bhiocire,
Vicarstown, Bhaile an Bhiocire,
Co. Cork. Co. Chorca.
P32 DX40 P32 DX40
Telephone: 021-7332179 Guthn: 021-7332179
Email: Romhphost:office@vicarstownn
Roll No: 06342L
Uimhir Rolla: 06342L

Dear Parents and Guardians, 15th March 2017

Do This in Memory Mass

2nd Class Communion children will have their next Do This In Memory Mass on Sunday 19 th of
March in St. Josephs Church Matehy. Please bring Thumb and Candle.
First Confession
All of the Communion Class made their First Confession at a lovely ceremony last Thursday
night. It was evident that a lot of preparation had gone into the singing and prayers, great
credit is due to Ms. Walshe and Fr. Tom and a big Well Done to all of the children!
Internet Safety Presentation for Parents Monday 27th of March at 7.30pm in the
We are holding an Internet Safety presentation in the school on Monday 27 th of March. There
will be three presentations held over the school day covering 1 st & 2nd class, 3rd & 4th class and
5th & 6th class. The Parents Presentation will be on that evening at 7.30pm in the school.
Everyone is welcome to attend so please spread the word. This activity will be covered by the
Parents Association. .
School Book Fair
The School Book Fair was a resounding success again this year and thank you all who came to
support it. We raised the value of 600 in free books for the school which will add more great
resources to our school library.
Next months theme for Aistear will be The Shop. If parents have any toys or shop related
items that they could donate for the children to use please give them to Mrs. Looney. Thank
Sciath na Scol
The Sciath na Scol Team will travel to Stuake next Tuesday, 21 st of March for a match at 1pm.
Could each player remit 5 for the bus. The bus cost is also being subsidised by the Board of
Seachtain na Gaeilge
Congratulations to all of the pupils for their wonderful efforts in speaking Irish and getting
involved in Irish culture this year. r dtanga fein. Mol an ige agus tiocfaidh s.
St. Patricks Day Parade
Well done on everyone with their efforts to recycle and reuse items for the St. Patricks Day
parade that was held today. We have some super pictures up on our website.
Active Schools
The children are responding very positively to the Active Schools initiative. 3 rd & 4th Class
were nominated as the active classes of the week, while Adam Breen from Junior Infants, was
elected Active Person of the Week.
Sciath Na Scol Camogie Final
Our 3rd & 4th Class Camogie Final will take place on 16 th of March in Na Piarsiagh the match
starts at 11am. The girls may be dropped to school at normal time of 10am as the rest of the
class will be swimming.
Bingo Night at An Sibin Parents Association
The Parents Association Bingo Night was another great success, 842 was raised. Many
thanks to all who supported this event and the An Sibin who hosted the evening.
Homework Club
There will be no Homework Club tomorrow Thursday, as we are closed on Friday.

The Confirmation Enrolment Mass will be held on Thursday the 23 rd of March at 7.30pm.
Save the date: Wednesday 5th of April 7- 8pm
Inniscarra Parish Pastoral Council invites all our Confirmation children from Vicarstown,
Dripsey and Berrings, together with their parents to an hour of prayer and conversation in
preparation for Confirmation. This will take placed in Berrings Church and school. We will
begin in Saint Marys Church at 7pm.

Yours sincerely,

Peter Mulcahy,

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