Hasil MRI Ditemukan Massa Kistik Pada Episentrum Serebellar Hemisfer Kanan

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Hasil MRI ditemukan massa kistik pada episentrum serebellar hemisfer kanan, mendorong ventrikel IV,

menyebabkan hidrosefalus. Massa memiliki komponen solid, yang nodular. Gambar T1 lebih hipointens
jika dibandingkan dengan cerebellum. Gambar T2 lebih hiperintens. Pada pemberian kontras pada T1
ditemukan adanya penyengatan.

Case courtesy of A.Prof Frank Gaillard, Radiopaedia.org, rID: 8474

Shah S, Hagopian T, Klinglesmith R, Bonfante E. Diagnostic Neuroradiology. In Elsayes KM,

Oldham SAA. Introduction to Diagnostic Radiology. Chicago: McGraw-Hill Education; 2014. p.

An intra-axial mixed cystic solid tumour centred in the right frontal pole measuring 7.7 cm in maximum diameter
is demonstrated. A macrocystic component extends into the right frontal horn and abuts the septum pellucidum.
Multiple smaller cysts embeded in a solid component involves the right rectus gyrus cortex.

Multiple septae and a thick cord of enhancement are detected. The mass causes subfalcine herniation with
midline shift to the left of 1.6 cm. The anterior cerebral arteries abut the lesion and are displaced to the left. Left
temporal horn dilatation keeping with obstruction at the level of the foramen of Munro. The third ventricle is

There is surrounding oedema.No diffusion restriction detected within the mass lesion. No remodelling of the
overlying skull.No susceptibility artefact to suggest calcification or blood products.

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